rlwe. chapterrlwe. chapter decemb er 1984 number 268 alan viewig editcr 812 sw washington '910,...

ar DECEMB ER 1984 Number 268 ALAN VIEWIG Editcr 812 SW Washington '910, Portland OR 97205 phone : 503-228-8655 PA CIFIC NORTHWES T CHAPTER NATIONAL RA ILWAY HISTORICAL SOC IETY, INC. Room I, Union Station, Portl,nd OR 97209 p h o ne : 503-226-6747 CHA P TER TIMET ABLE OF EVENTS 13 Dec Thursday 7:30pm 21 Dec Friday 7:30pm 10 Jan Thursday 7:30pm 18 Jan Friday 7: 30pm 26 Jan Saturday 7:00pm each SAT URDAY noon December Board Meeting @ Columbia Gorge del RR Clubhouse. All welcome. December Busir.ess Meeting @ UPRR Clubhouse @ N Russell & N Interstate in Portland. Program involves TRANSSIBERIAN RR. Newsreel invites you to bring six recent 3 slides for show. January Board Meeting @ Columbia Gorge Model RR Clubhouse.. All welcome. January Business Meeting @ UPRR Clubhouse @ N Russell 8 N Interstate in Portland. Last chanc� to try & b�y BANQUET tickets at $10. PNgt-a Newsreel. ANNUAL BANQUET. Must reserve seats early due to limited supply. Send $10 per to JIM WHALEY as soon as possibie. If any unpaid seats re- main after 18 Jan they go for $13. No host lunch at Yaw's Restaurant in Hollood. About 30 people order off menu in private ro.' Good for socializing & me�ting members. Contents do not reflect offical or u�official position of Chapter and only reflect thoughts of editor & authors. Written responses gladly considered always. .

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  • rlwe. chapter

    DECEMB ER 1984 Num b e r 268

    ALAN VIEWIG Editcr 812 SW Was h i n gton '910, Portland OR 97205

    phone : 503-228-8655 PA CIFIC NORTHWES T CHAPTER

    NATIONAL RA ILWAY HISTORICAL SOC IETY, INC. R o o m I, Union S t a tion, Portl,nd OR 97209

    p h o ne : 503-226-6747


    13 Dec Thursday 7:30pm

    21 Dec Friday 7:30pm

    10 Jan Thursday 7:30pm

    18 Jan Friday 7: 30pm

    26 Jan Saturday 7:00pm

    each SAT URDAY noon

    December Board Meeting @ Columbia Gorge Model RR Clubhouse. All welcome.

    December Busir.ess Meeting @ UPRR Clubhouse @ N Russell & N Interstate in Portland. Program involves TRANSSIBERIAN RR. Newsreel invites you to bring six recent 35rrm sl ides for show.

    January Board Meeting @ Columbia Gorge Model RR Clubhouse .. All welcome.

    January Business Meeting @ UPRR Clubhouse @ N Russell 8. N Interstate in Portland. Last chanc� to try & b�y BANQUET tickets at $10. PNgt-ar:1 t, Newsreel.

    ANNUAL BANQUET. Must reserve seats early due to limited supply. Send $10 per to JIM WHALEY as soon as possibie. If any unpaid seats remain after 18 Jan they go for $13.

    No host lunch at Yaw's Restaurant in Hollywood. About 30 people order off menu in private room.' Good for socializing & me�ting members.

    Contents do not reflect offical or u�official position of Chapter and only reflect thoughts of editor & authors. Written responses gladly considered always.



    The meet ing was called to order by Pres ident Rich Carl s on at 7:42 PM.

    paqe 2

    Rolling Stock Committee: B ob koffman and Dave Duncan reported t o the membership on negotiations t o obtain pas s enger cars from se veral sources . Bob Hoffman advis e d that the committee is in favor of' pursuing s ome of the cars available and needs authorization from tne membership to buy several cars . Dave Duncan advised that the owners of thl'ee light weight cars are receptive to the idea of donat ing the cars to the ··Chapt e r . T.he membership approvec the beginning o f negotiations with the S eattle and North Coast for one F-unit and one coach.

    E xcucsions: Mary Lou Weaver reported that the Vancouver, B . C . trip l ost a small amount . Tha excursion committee will propose charging less for tickets purchased early and will encouraga the purchas e of ticket cC111cellat ion insurance . A refund policy will be printed on tic kets in the future . E d I mmel advised that the Chapter has asked Amtrak for two one-day trips to Madras on May 11 and 12 , 1985 and has reques t ed a repeat of the S pokane trip on an early October weekend via B . N . all the way.

    Dues Increase: President Rich Carlson reported that the Chapter board has recommended a .pt

  • 3


    ·.!�lCn til::: roil construction creT.!S oi the Jrc30n l:C1ili:Jay Dnd i�':lVi��tion CC:(1)cny (nou Union ?ncific) }�eaC;lCu Le Granr}� on Jun� l�\, 18C;l:., tile tm"u �lad quite liter:)llj' b�nt over b�\c:��lOrus to JC Ioenteu Oi1 the roil line. ',L'be ori8-inCll 'counsite had 012'Jr: locc.tcQ :'-Jndrcds or yaTGS auny fran uher8 'i:i.1C rail line i'lUS to l)3SS.

    �:eali�in3 ti!is ovcrsiJht t til.:! �oo:l to"n8�cOi)1� decided to nove thcii- to'.-1O to thB railroad. �Jo s;"-;811 accodpli311:Jent, t�)C �lO�.lGG cmu busin08s2S Here loaded ont:) s�:id8 Q)1(� slicl, �1l!S!lC(�, and :JullC!

  • I,


    ConuGnsed frou n i:1Clnuscri!1t �r3po.rcc! by U. p. ?ublic ='�21ationn 0cpartl:1Cnt

    iIo history of rnil trc.nG�)ort2.'i:ion in L3. ,Jrnnde UQuid be cO:::l)lcte Uit:l0Ut a history of the Union Pacific and hO':1 it 0CgGTI in Ore30n. It in a story of persannl sacrifice, speculation, rivalry 1 an:' D:lc2r clcter:"1i:13tion. ".!c :.1ay often thin:( o� t112 railroad3 8.3 busiP..0SDCD stortetl �)y u001 tllY olu i.ten si"i.:tin:,: in Victorian !.lDIlSions. 01" by t::3 stroke of a �)�n by the CIdc2 �-�::'3cuti-"e of t�le DuiLed Statr3G. ('lhe Union Pnci�ic 1-'00 o££ici:::.lly �K!:3Ull in lJG2 nfter Presiuent LincoL1 si8n�d the !luc.ifie l!ail Act.) Such is not tIle ca,:;e :(01- one or the oldest predecessors of the Jnion Pncific.

    On j�U3ust 291 1:;57, a tlocu:.lGnt UQS si2,ned crentiu2 the Or�son Fortu3c �1.oilroad. This docuuent uan ['or the le30e of i) ri;::ilt of Hay nenr ":l�l.:.:t is nOll Cascnllo Loc1�3. iictual construction of this line bC30n mOi1t�ls latGr nllll uy 185) t severel uuleo 1-!ere busy hauli:10 cu'}ll :i:latcars 12.dcd Hith c2.r�o nround :".'hat nt the tide uas one of tl1c BOSt u.3il88rOUs ra�)i(�s on the Colu!Jbio �ivt2r. Tili;:; rnilroc.-:: stretched I:. and 1/2 lJlilen on .fir :,..ai10 around this b0ttlenec�{ to river COi]-1.1crcc cnd saved considerable tine over the )raViOU8 netrlod 0:( ;]uls drcl1n '-laS0:18 on rut \'1orn dirt trsils. (".I.'llis ori:-.;Ll01 lin'2 h38 110">1 b2en covereu cp by the L)Qc!�"nters of j�onneville ik1:].) 'i'he )Ortc.�2 rr-.ilroaus, crwle 3S t:ley ·.Tere t '.Jere vital linl(s in rivcr COIJI.1CrCG. �elore Ions thel-� \Jcre cev(!i-;J.l )ort0.se j:nilrooc1s operating on both sides of the Colu!:l0ia at strai:.03ic locatio"an. 7heir value tIns nou provent their potsi1tic.l still lA.rS€!ly un!-::noun.

    lJ..ne proved ti1at the rnpiC:s \;;Jrc :lot i:he only hottlenec�cs to river CQ',lnorce. At t:lil·,' tiU2 there exist:.;d Q fi�rcc rivnlry Q:;tu8ca the Ch-e30n :)ortn::;c .�ailroQt't, controllGcl l>y j088pb �uckel) cr..�l n port·:l3G lirr3 ccllcci '�h8 �rcJfort: :�.nilroacl �'Tilich l/3D Juili: several ycai�s pr:?vio·.1sly direct.ly across the river '.Jy j)aniel �-:raclford. T.ihcse tuo ;.icn [OF:;:lt vi�OrOi..181�1 to )rot8ct t�1cir inter�stSt and in ti.le ?roce:Js ncnrly c;lo:�et. i-iv01" traffic. In :lJ..ic.itioi1 to o'.min8 t:H�� l-especti Ve porta3G l"nilroa�G Qt Cascoc:2 ��n)i(lG t tI18Y �Te!",·3 circctorc of the � c " . � . " (v�C:�." '. ) , . . e . ' 1 t ' lfr030n 0teabl L8V18L1l.10il vOla:.i8.ny � t:1l11.C:.� 11(:1:3 one 0:C ·Cil2 2;r::SCG ctcDnuoat lineo on tll\;! Colu! loin at t:'Q� tiDc •

    . CCl:)t. JObl; Ain�\'lOrth 9 n . Portland oU8ineGSL��i1 �).�J, t:.lC Pr8si;.:;ent of the CSll t reCl1Zau. t:1nt 1.i1 oreier for rlv3:( i.:l-S110P01--::' to :Limn-l.s ..... lE� ; lUG:': 'ur�8.�-: the atran

    :;1e �1old on t�1e river by =-\uc.b�l c;J.d ::Jr.:.�:Zorci.. T�1l-0USh :J. 82ric8 of ;.1nneuvers pitting �ortn::!e opGrators 2:3niust eac:l ot�ler, /dnD�·lOrt;l . mr�:':.�ou. to !join control of t�1e aSH. =�uc:�cl 2i.Hl :In)�for.: \ler 2: bot!JI\t out and �"lith t:-!cir departure the Coluubia 0ccar.le 0 free flouin3 riV2r 0:( CO .. };;i(?l-CC.

    Durin:3 this period , ldm:ruort�l 0rou,�ht th� firct stean 10CO::l0ti ve to Ore30n uno the i!orthu8st. '1:1C locol:1ot� ve, called the Or:;)�oi1 i?ony, 08sun stenrJin:: OV3r the 4 1/2 mile Ore:;on l"Jort3::'C }Dilroncl in lC:J2. 'illo loco::1oti VB H2S lL� feet Ions·, ".lcishetl nearly 5 tons, and iluL. 0. troc�( :;au;:;e of 5 fC8t . (Jy conparison, union Pacific's last ste2i.l lOCOJ.lotiv0, t.:1e i1�.:Ji: ��oy.n H

  • --- -- ----;0--5

    U P Ii: OJ.JGOil cant.

    \-lould COLlpetc uith stc:oDuoats. As th2se tables turned, so Hould the fortunes of the river o:)erctors.

    Despite the efforts und roresiJ,ilt of Ains':lOrth and the OSi! f he alone liaS unable to l)rosr':"�ss j]\.lch rurt:le:r uith the porta8e rnilroDcls. It toci� the financial expertise and creativity of !:enry VillanI to cor.tplete t;1e JOD started by j\insuorth.

    Ucnry Villard Has a GerDBil neuspapcr con.-espondent durinc the Civil �lar and durin!:;: t11is th'1e ;:lGd2 cOEtacts "hie:l Inter cna�led hiu to purchase the Ore30n and California J.ailroacl in 1876. 'i'�1{= Q t C Has �lis -first venture into railroads amI appar�ntly intreste

    One oE �=.2:1ry Vil13r(� is ; .lost f�nred c.oupcti tors �'JaS tbe i!orthc�cn Pacific. Vill"rd realize'; tilClt tlw ;',�rt:lCrD ;>r:ciiic 8i:;i1t try to build a rail line dOI-Jn the nort;! side of ttlZ COllll:1bia in C08;,J8ti'cion \lith his OHn lin03. In 1;:}31 throu;;l1 f} serics of fLlOllcial 1)yr

  • U P Iii OREGOij cont.

    IHentions OIJR:',ij or 'OSH, pause a ),Iinute and look closely. You are' looking back into Ore30n' s l�ailroad past - .3 tine of stru�3218 betueen iilen and bet"leen men and then r,lighty Coluobia - and at Ore30n lwrself u11en she lias 11 pristine land full of 0flPortunity for those Hitil ti,e courage uno convictions to settle and become a part of her. I I'/Ould li!

  • , ..., ., ' :.... ' --' l,.. --, • . .J ..... ,, '. 1 '" , '.) v Ii 7


    If you 112'/:2 ilOt Qlr-0Q�J done SO� r>12


    , -(Tile follOl-line plug came from V . Allan Vaughn in the ir:mS ilBUS)

    n U

    "As many of you ' ltnOl{. the 4449 excursion to the fair in 'iJe," Orleans Has an operatiil:; ureau but suffered financial problel.ls . They have come up Hith a fantastic colour ca lendar of the :;ronnd and high viGUS of ,·,hat has been called the " 'lOrld ' s 1Il0st beautiful train ' in a 14,,22 format [ tHO I.lonths , tHO photographs per sheet l , uith t:le photos 3::10 and identHiecl as to location a fe\l Hords about each . He \"fere most �rntGftll for a mockup version uith nct-unl copies of the colour photos supplieu by �obert C . Leach!i\an t t!le calendar I s des icncr . This is truly an outstandinn viece of uor!�


    'TEi·r l�UC��S BACII .

    Jepartin;; Vice Pr2sicient ;)nd hC8U o r the l\ctivities COl;luittce JIi i ; !i!,\L2Y is tryinc to collect jOilr doll:2rs [or t�liG r8�2;]t oi t:1e :;rc8.t clirmer s . iq�;ai n at t�le L �PZ��IAL iIO'1'2L in sp.:\r!-�liilJ dmmtoHl1 ?ortland . Only rOOlil for 130 boui0S .

    You have to 8,ct your check to J1: ; �J:lilL2Y at 3106 SH LJeaverton-liillsdnle , Portland Ul� �)7201 . If you ', .'nnt to 3

  • 1 0


    1 1 i !ovC!!.!uer 1 9GL�

    '.l'11e nnnuDl :]�ctin3 of the �!ntioncl ?ail�lD.Y :;isto:cicnl Soc iGty UClS held at the Philatlcll)hin CGntr;e IIote1 on Sundny li.lorning , j;ov . 1 1 , l ')J!;. . 1he firrnncial statcd2nt of t11C· fisc21 yeox 1004 s1101:led inc.O:!lG oi iJor2 t�l8.n ..,; 1 60 , 000 , eXi)cnses of ::lor2 thCll1 :; 1 39 , CJOQ , uit�l �:;71 , 000 on !lnnu nt the en(1. of t:lC! yecn- .

    "f�10 cOi.llJittee t;w.t ;lau o22n 211!)oint0c1 to study the !'ocsibility of l enclin3 ]]Oiley to CilC1:Jters re ported unoniE!ollsly that not onl y could the I:etional not afford theDe loans , Jut the d2'ceE.!i112tion or uhic1t C�Hlpter HOHld 2tii1J ..

    All ilntional Off icers Bnd 811 �c:3ional Of:eic2rs U2rc r�elcct2d , e��cept for the I iountain .?loins 'Jeeion .o 'i'il� c:1spters or ti12.t rC3ion ;12U fon'mrcied t�lree prm'des each for tuo candidates , w:lU the Choir bud 1:0 hr22�( the tie . "i'on ! .oes U3S cV�ctcd hG:3iol1:l1 'lice Prasi{:eat of thot re3ion .o '1'he: l)resi cient reported that a l l presidentia l oppoint:,l(?nts HOldd rel:min unchD.n:3�d f o r t:Ie prescni: .

    'l!1c :'::;incinnati Chn;>ter re:)ortcd ConventiOi� i)rofits O( 6.:�out ::) l '� , OOO ::mclt pcnuin� some loose ends 9 :jave the dZl t io!lal G chcc:� .co:.: :::7 , SOU as t;18 first paY:ilcnt of the iIntional ' s share of the �)TOceo?�8 . '1.':12 1 ';:J5 COilvention ,·,ill be �lcld :lt L�mcas ter ?1\ , on Aucust 22-25 . r.l�his Convention -"i l l CCL�Jrc1te t:1C 50til knniversory of tile £ountiiu,3 of the ;::, .. :;:.: . l)lQnn ,..:..r0 S;1D:JLr·, '�t� ·.lel1 for t:1C 1 )86 Convention in Joston. 'fhe .�oc:moi(G Cwpt::!l" 3i�ii1j.i:icd its intention to bid .cor the 1 907 COi1vention , £1;1(1 u :?,rou�) of f:8stcri1 i lC'·:1 ·f�l";: I..";� mpters also i'lny EIS!(C [t bid . lIo uecisioll \Ins ::10,00 at tilis t.iL!;'; 18r L.��C l()c�ti'::>Q .

    :!ailtours of A;.lerica . Inc . 1�cpor t211 G very )roli L.c.JL� Y32r , l :llR:3cly due to insul-in8 the Cincinnati Convention end t:1C i?nc ific i:or';::HJ8Dt C�lo.�tcr o�crotiol1 of their train to ik� �! OrlGans. 'l'lt;: or��()ni;'::Rtiol1 is '.lor::in8 0.\ t.1l� possi iJ ility 0f 9rovihia uy tile end of this year . 'l;:�e .,I�t(;:rinl frol,} tile old dl�:�S of fice in Philodel pI1i3 alr88.dy bE'S been t�r2nBferrG�1 to the n0�r location .

    une neil chapter HDS admitted to th2 Society , t�l� Pontcilartl'"nin Chapter of �:cnner U; .

    Discussions .. " ere helc! on the possi bil i ty of ,JrOVlC,l l11J SOl.le sor t or junior ::leEIi>erDhill in tlte iiutiol1o.1 t a.nd : ;iGtoricm : �U�11 GLJlJ 2nDonnCCtl tiwt ;) 50-year index of the i!ationol ��Dil\13y �ull Gtin Houid be pU01is;led ne:�t year .

    -- .: :8rol(� J . /lIllstroL1, n1 tcrnnta (jirector li::i�S ��uf£alo Chapter Inc .


    :)PErrATL IG Rent Telephone SUI'plies Dues I tisccllaneouG InsurancC! , ,2:cneral Insurance. rol1ina stoele

    ;,OLLIiIG S'!'OC.( � �t :'Iooe 3300


    Jt:lcr rollin8 stoc�: 1.�IV:·9

    ; ic(1rns tri}l Spokane trip ��ink12 trip i:entnl cont o[ ; it �:ooG


    /\CTrJnES SHOP J,leet �3nquet


    DU�S Ii !'l'�}�ST S�JtlP 1 i2ET

    :�ailfD.ns Guiue lrailll:1nster

    i IT :100D �XCU�SIG:!S i iAD�J�S TEl? S?O:(Ai rE '(l�IP :ni r�LZ T:�Ii' Df,II 3 , 540

    1 , 200 2 , 000 2 , 500 3 , 000

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    ;}5 , OOO ':::5 , 000 1,0 , 000 l�� , 000

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    : E�T Ii!COi :;� :)25 , 100

    1 1

  • DBCEi iD:;ZJ.�1·9 8 L� 1 2

    TIlE PRESIDEHT' S PAGE by Rich Carlson

    The chapter electioIls Gre nO\'l behind us , and I knoH GVcryoil8 in l ookinS for 19J5 to brins pro21'CSS in any nULlber of areas . I personully 'dish to thank the oe1:1-bership for its support , and I believG HG havG GlectGd a slatG of officers and board ,.1Gmbers \"l110 \Jill \"lor!' imrcl to buil d on and preSGrve all that the chapter hus acconpli:Jhctl in the thirty years of its e;cistence . lJith tIle help and support of the mCDlJ2rship , hlUCh can 08 done ,

    The Excursions Co�,lOi ttee hopes to i-un excursions next yenr to l·�£!dras in the spring , and a tri-Ieg run to Spokane in the fall , plus a special \"lith Union Pacific to celebrate the 50th .hnniversnry of the nCity of ?ortlandll streanliner . He have formally approached Union Pacific on the latter , and if the equiplilent loeistics can be "lor!:ad out Elnd the scheduline arranged , that could be n very special historic occasion in and of itself .

    Our :lOp an lIouseil on irovember 30 ::tboard the 11dount HoodH and the ii,Iiln J . Gillespi8 t \ ; uhich cars l;fere parked at Union Station , track one , \ l lo11nGe-to-lot1n�en sty l e , "as u very ;':Jleasoi1t nffnir . The first IJortion, durine uhich 1:1e entertaineu railroad uano28i,lent and Ore30n �;�po 8() cor'10i ttee 8embers provided a fine oT)!)ortunit·' to soc.ial ize 9 and the l.1cobershi� h2.G the chance to enjoy our r o 11inn st�cl� c:mL JbecorIe oetter acquainted uitlt other . Ue all can be 9roucl of the uay the event C8!'i2 off � and I eSIJec.iall y ":1ish to thD.n:� nel.1oers Jon , ! .lsrilyn Dnd I-iark J.ehm , Dave 0tlllC211 , Connie l �cCreacl�r , R08er Phi llips , Dnli Jill D2Vis , plus all tile others uho tended to t�-!2 lletailn tllat :.1Gde it GO successful . ! �arlc ,-�e�1Iil Gu)plicd the iood and the table 8rranSGD2nts \-Jere very cr--:=ative:Iy and professional ly displeyed . !�l l parties should h2 so coo d !

    He ui11 not �et '.lOrd re th'2: ride o n the Portlsi1cl-Gres�lam Lr�':.." until aiter January 1 . I t c102D loo!: l1C�.J li;(e the event cen be run on a Seturdnj' � 2ad 8.S soon as '.:12 learn o f the date , you 'Jil l �11 'ue notified . �re0clless to say , rllai1inE the trip tal:es second �riority to construction and testinG , so the IJu:)lic relations people nt Tri �10t have aslced us to be patient, but have assured us the trip "'ill occur as soon as possiol e .

    �le hau close t o 1 5 0 people COlIC t o °L}/�/..,') Day;1 o n the day after 'i'lu1i1!':s�i1Jii13 . I i: \'lElS cut doun to a 1 to 5[11:1 '2vent and ,,,e apologize if any of you did not :;et Hard of that change in !JlanD. �!e sold over $L:·OO in concession itens ( special thanks to Dou'! llUI)Urn , :.'red Dorsett anu Sonlon ZLlc:1CrHflll an] aaY0112 else l.1ho :1elDGd sell , pius Jirl1 l!haley unci �l�Cl�r)' P3.rl:er ) , and everyone seeMed to 2njoy t;1e video tape s , hlovies anu slides :;houn .

    There i38.S D. time 'u�len vii'tually '2very self-respectin3 city in Anerica had a rail road station bui1din3 uitll a 'cDl 1 tOHer . Unfortunately 9 fnr too Dany JIave been leveled over the ye�n:· .s , lmt :;;ortland t Oreson, still possesses

  • ". ' .- ' . - - . _ .

    .; . ...

    CLASS :crSSllil 1":12 :·:;UiiP� POSTS

    0tc:1i.lin�·, 0:-\ ·1'::j,:::c.J:: i: ti.:"�:C·:8 i::1 , . . . . Jr12�_.:8 Jaion 2t: ... i:ioi1. '/2r2 Y"ounJ :!:'1C �u8? �' ;JIl,.:;' J :.'..'.nl� �'�.,: c. i:.ri:.i .lc :! .1:.1:i.: i:.:-.. �': C�:T 00:..::r :.ui: 'i:.O: 1 , 8ibJ0:"" r0,)� .... . 1 " Gilv'�'" ::',,;ti:�i�i�1"; . 1:1 li�u 0:: 8:''-l'i vi::1 .... :;::..-0_ • . :a:1S�3 Cit:' 20 i t .12':' ::v.�e 2,:.),1." y'�;;'-"' C p i ::. r:...'. . . . � '::::-:';Ji: .).:' 'Ll''':; r � .. :r :;)i ;:� • ..! �t!i.lCC-;: .:...::': .i·i:.--= � , ' ,0.:':·2 ::1.11 8'10:'" :1i:';:lt t;,::,r:1a:.:O:E1 :': O�l 1.: .. 1':'; � �. ] �·::,· 18c.�"!c:-.�ojil·� ;cli "'�:j�;:,� 'i.,L iii:�( 5 :)o.::o�c :} rctur:1i:1:; ::'0 _OLlC';::'Q:1 . '!.1�1'::: eel.- �)2iOI1�:J ;:'0 t:�..:1 :�:.::i.Z ":C:.-':'['. l: C.�..:' . CJ.C , � :_._.,.) . . . GJ'l'.li.::JI.; vi' it�

    or=='.:1J-':': '. .tit:! ;0.-.:::1.10".: 8\:}:i )0:: , ;":�t rCi.::.:'.inin:.; it:::; clQUGic

    L:,::.tOl1 O�-l ti1C L' :�

  • John fmd8rson j r Susan J\ndcrson Bduord G . ,tustin ;Cobert �a11ou �:oilnld ��an:lyn Clj'ti8 ���obert

    �. :G:trtels


    Sandy �inr�s Jay Jir!lls . � 1 • , uarunra .... l.snop Gr23 Jonn Imita ;;ol"/lby 'fon s . Dr�c.e ;.(uth Jroc� ':Chouas :8reH0r Inn2r Drouillard Fran!.:lin Jro\'Jn � iicl1a21 Jryans Leah ::Jryans Stanley Cart",r j r A1Bx Cl1arbonneau jr Jan Charbonn2C1u i iichael Clayton Robert ZU�0i1e Coo:;:: John Corno 1? Gordon Ual'lSOfl Janet Dal"/son Paul Diulliddie �ri�itti Duncan 21rller Ecicns �tntI1 :8dens �.'1.1 JaEles �ci.:ar j r S11a1"on Ed30r :\niln Jlliott Jor!. �.1. TIl;l�erlin Carl !.i'ouler \Jill ion Guno

    '1\12 T x A l i J i rJ\ S T � J.�


    Capt Sa::c P . Gantz Jeverly TIalcx-Gantz iloil Gi;'son i �yrn[\ Gibson �IQ1..'ard Goodson ; :ary Jo Grazinno l1rthur �Ian3cn Jay .lites Dorothy �1ites Dem ;Iornber3el� Larry !iulsey Diane Ignatiuk Geor�� 13natiuk ::obcrt C . Jac!


    Tri-i·�e t Y :3 Portland to Gr�Dhaf.1 li :.;llt n;dl line is Eiakin3, .3ood progress tOHcrcl COml)letion . Ti.E! trne::: rroLl Gres;"13u to l�uoy Junc.tion is cor.lplGte and in D8rvice for the tes tin0 or i.:hc li;]�lt i-nil C8r s . Procee�i!13 Hest , trncl:: is conplete , ballasted zmu lev,;1.�(.� to 1 4�t;1 ,ivenuc Hit;} tile over�aad being installed on this sec.tion . iUL'ther \"Test th2 truel:: is lElid ailrl tlsitin3 for ballast to about lO::Jth Avenue and the roadbed is fini::hed to l02nd Avcnu0 . The roaubzd from 102ncl to 0Gtll livenue is still ui1dcr COi1utruction . :;'ror·l 96th 1\V0nue "here the rinht o f Hay turns nort.il paral l:.:!l to I-205 t o the GateH3Y ' stO-tion , tile line i s ready for laying trnc!< . Th� contract for trnc:, parcllel to I -QI, froi.l Gateuny to tile Lloyc; Center is due to be: let in Jec0n�)er .

    Closer to the center of Port land �1l1 oZ the tracl� iz bcin3 laid in existinG streets \lith lanes reserved fOi� l i ::;ht rai l only iil ��oll()dny Street fro:] the Lloyd Center to the Steel :'rid3 e . T�lis section is substantially c01:l:)lete except 'ior 18yi:1: 02 rai l . In tiOtmtOl"Jil Portl::!il

  • DECEr�BER 1984 THE TRAI NMASTER page .�


    The meeting was called to order by President Rich Carlson at 7 : 4 5 PM in the Union Pacific Clubhous e .

    Rolling Stock Committee : Bob Hoffman reported that a budget amounting to $1 7 , 0 0 0 has been drawn up for the preservation and impI'ovement of the Chapter ' s equipment collection . The committee has formulated an equipment acquisition policy , namely that the Chapter will accept all equipment offered to it gratis .

    Museum Committe e : Bill Gano asked about the status o f the baggage car tentatively to be donated by the S . P . Rich Carlson advised that he has not received a reply from the S . P . about a possible donation . Bill suggested the possible use of the baggage car as a rninj -museum .

    Vancouve r , B . C . Trip : the weather was good . trip to determine what that as of today there

    Rich Carlson reported that the trip came off well and that The passengers were polled as to where they heard about the type of advertising is most effective . Larry Miller reported is a loss of $1184 . 1 5 on the trip .

    Nominations for 1 9 8 5 Chapter Officers and Directors : President Rich Carlson reviewed the parts of the Chapter by laws covering elections . The nominating committee has made the following nominations : President : Rich Carlson and Doyle McCormack ; Vice President : Mary Lou Weaver and Jim Whaley ; Treasurer : Vija Keeler and Roger Phillips ; Secretary : Irving Ewen and Chuck Storz ; National Director : John Holloway and Terry Parker ; Chapter Director 1 year term : Pete Dorland , Ed Immel , Randy Nelson and Bob '

    �" - Slover ; Chapter Director 2 year term : Fred Dorsett, Ray Myer , Carl Rodabaugh and Alan Viewig ; Chapter Director 3 year term : Doug Auburg , Jack Pfeifer , Dale Hammarsley and Al McCready . From the floor terry Parker nominated Pat Tracy for Chapter Director, 1 year term .

    Training Program : Bill Gano proposed that the Chapter have a p rogram to train members in the operation and maintenance of the Chapter ' s equipment . Mary Lou Weaver stated that the excursion and rOlling stock committees are planning to get together to work on and maintain the Mount Hood . Rolling stock committee Chairman Bob Hoffman endorsed the idea of a training program .

    4449 Day : Rich Carlson relayed informatian from Jim Whaley that 4449 Day will be on Nov. 23rd, the day after Thanksgiving, in the afternoon and evening and will b e at the National Guard armory on N . E . 33rd Ave . Kerrigan Gray volunteered to handle the program instead of Jim Whaley .

    Light Rail Ride : Rich Carlson announced that a ride on a Tri-Met l ight rail car for Chapter members will be set up for about 3 0 days from now . Due to operating limitations it will have to be on a vleekday .

    1 9 8 5 Swap Meet : Terry Parker stated that ads need to be placed in the magazines as soon as possible . Moved by Randy Nelson, s econded by Doug Aubur g , to authorize an expenditure of up to $ 2 5 . 00 for swap meet ads . Motion passed .

    Respectfully submitted ,

    Chuck Storz , Secretary

  • • P N W C -- N RH S

    1, 9 8 5 Kemb,e r s h i p Q u e s t 10 n n e i r e

    NAME (last) ( f lrst)

    I Please ::lsil or r.:turl! this cO!Jplett.J I form to "PNWC-NRHS Queationnaire" , Room 1 , Uldon Ststion, PortlallC:: , OR 97209 , or bring to tne Dec . 21 , 198� regular business meettng.

    (middle i . )�---------'-----------I

    S tanding Committees : L i s t i n o r d e r o f l' r e f e r e n c e .( 1 , 2 , 3 , e t c . ) , y o u r c ho i c e e f o r s e rv i n g a s a memb e r o n t h e f o l l o w i n g c ommi t t e e s :

    o A c t i v i t i e s o E x c u r s i Cl n

    [] Memb e r s h i p a n d H o s p i t a l i t y [] H u s e u m

    o F i n a n c e [J H i s t o r i c a l F o u n d s t i o n [J L i b r a r y

    [] P u b l i c s t i o n s [] R o l l i n g S t o c k

    Spe c i a l C o mm i t t e e s : C h e c k i f y o u a r e i n t e r e a t e d i n s e r v i n g o n t h e f o l l o w i u g o r any s p e c i a l t y p e o f c o mmi t t e e s :

    1=1 C o n c e s s i o n s 1=I O t h e r ( p l e a s e d e s c r i b e ) _________________ _

    C h e c k i f y o u a r e i n t e r e s t e d i n p l a n n i n g o r w o c k i n a on t h e f o l l ow i n g :

    1=1 Ann u a l B a n q u e t [J P i c n i c 0 P . u t i e s ( I f you check any o f the abov e ; please list what aspect of the event in which you would like to serve : ) _________________ ___________ ___

    o T l: a i nm a s t .: r ( I f y o u. check this bo" , pleese list your field of interest ( i . e , uriting, prod-uctio::l, P.tc . ) ,

    List t h e p e r s o n a l , p r o f e s s i o n a l , t r a d e o r o t h e r 8 � i l 1 G y o u p o s s e s s ( d e g r e e s , m e c h a n i c a l , e l e c t r i c a l , e n g i n e e r i n g , a r � i s t i c , a c c o u n t i n g , f i nar c i n g , t y p i c 3 , g r a p h i c a r t s , s o c i a l , e t c . ) w h i c h w o u l d b e h e l p f u l t o c h a p � e r p u r p o n e � :

    Wh a t s p e c i f i c a r e & A o r t y p e s o f r a i lwa y s / r a i l r o a d s a r e y o u i n t e r D s t e d i n ?

    Do you participate in the hobby of mocel railroading? 0 '188 0 Nu (If you cl�2clted "Yes" what gauge ( s ) ? : ) ______________ _

    lOhat is the' major interest that you have in railways / railroad:> that relates to the purpose and obj ectives of th� eociety? : _______________________ ____________________________________ _

    Other comments : ________________________________________________________________________ ___

    6lIGHATUR"::) (DATE)


    Home phone office p� ______ ____________ ___