riveraction.org eddy magazine 201502

VMumeS,bumI|Ifbmaw/Mamh/AWHZOI5 A PUBLICATION OF RIVER ACTION,IN(. www.riveraction.org ' A ;' V w \ u e a - 339 lIDIU Exxoinaxxxxxxxxx Design ofa reconstructed span of the First Bridge. II“I‘IH'“I'HHIHI'I'II'I'II'IIH‘HHIIWII‘Ih’lz'l'“:“

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This is the eddy magazine Vol 5, Issue 1 for February/March/April 2015. The magazine is filled with news and information about community-inclusive development from the Quad Cities and surrounding area.


Page 1: RiverAction.org Eddy Magazine 201502


w w w r i v e r a c t i o n o r g

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3 3 9 l I D I U ‐E x x o i n a x x x x x x x x xDesign ofa reconstructed span of the First Bridge


FebruaryMarchApril 2015Volume 5 Issue 1

KATHYWINE Publisher Executive DirectorBETHCLARKManaging EditorMilepostVentures Inc

JEFF VANECHAUTEpi design inc DesignEILEEN SIPESCalendar EditorContributingWritersTIM CHAMBERS River Action StaffJESSICA FLONDRORiverAction StaffTIM GILLMAN River Action StaffEILEENSIPES River Action StaffKATHYWINE River Action Staff


copyeddy Magazineand RiverAction Incall rightsreserved2015 Reproduction in any form in wholeor in partwithout expresswritten permission isprohibitedThe views expressed hereinwhetherexpressed asfact fiction opinion advice or otherwiseare those of the author and do not necessarilyreflect those of the ownership or managementofthis magazineThis magazine issold with theunderstanding that neither it nor River Action Incits owners or managers are engaged in renderinglegalaccounting tax medical technical or any otheradvice professional or otherwiseThe publication ofany advertisement does not reflect the endorsementof any products or services by the ownership ormanagement ofthis magazine unless it isspecificallystated in such advertisement and there iswrittenapproval for such endorsementThose submittingmanuscripts photographsartwork or other materialto eddyMagazine for consideration should not sendoriginals Unsolicitedmanuscripts photographs andother submitted materials must beaccompanied bya self addressed postage paid envelope in returnof materials is requestedReturn of materials is notguaranteed eddyMagazine is published quarterly byRiver Action lnc822 ERiver DriveDavenport IA52803 and isdirect mailed to approximately 6000area homes and businesses

eddy MagazinePublished by RiverAction Inc822 ERiver Drive -Davenport IA52803 lsquo563-322-2969wwwriveractionorg

To Advertise Contact BethClark 309‐269-3455 orcontact DebGirard at debgirardhotmailcom Forratesaddimensions and deadline information emailBethCmilepostventurescom

To Subscribe or become a member of RiverActioncall 563-322‐2969 or visit wwwriveractionorg


sustainableGood public design can improveIivabii unit

r transportationVaried building types and land uses create vibrant anddiverSe cities

7existing streets services and buildingswhile avoiding urban sprawl

RedeemEastMolineDowntown Davenport Partnershipall are hivesof expertise that have taken plans to the street Likewisemaster plans for ecosystems such


other iirsquovinlsquog rooms It is the samewither 7 _evils surrounding lisjlsquoandrarchitecture once J

In this issLiewe asky0u to really

professionals and the conmunity to find goodSolution_lsquobut easweli ascultural andCcmmeroalOnesWhile avoidinrsquoglsquocookieacuttmust be reSpectedAlso lookto see if developments arejau_hentidesigniiooks through the historyof thepastand takes in lsquo

it isno t justhow it looksbothday and nightbutaiso

pedestrian friendly and influence the quality of lifeall the timedesigning Ionahuman scale providing choices in housingshoppingrecreationand

Preserving urban centers by restoring revitalizingandinfilling takes advantageof

Plansshould not relegatedto ashelfRenewMolineRenaissancelsquoROCklsquoisland

asNahantMarshDuckCreek and Rock RiverRavineswere implementedwith acommunity

INSIDETHIS ISSUEplanning process that defined buffer zonesinterconnected trails viewing stations for 4 Design Issuelimited public access and at Nahantan 4 First BridgeAdopts Original Design

byKathyWineeducation center 5 D B dF th c t e5ign yan o r e omm u n i yIn 1996area planners and RiverAction byTimChambers

wanted to preserve and protect our most 6 ASpace for Storytelling and Healingvital common thread the riverTo accomplish byTimGilmanthis the RiverWay Design Principlesrdquowere 7 RevitalizeThroughDesign

by TimChambersdevelopedwithThe Lakota GroupChicagoand adopted in 1999to providestandards to 8 Rivewatlsquoh PlaceI lsquo I byKathyWineprotect the senSitive balance betweenour 9 Re_DesignMonneis Downtowneconomic engine and ecological resource byTimGilmanThe four components were respect for the _7river river access rivericonidotr designand river interpretationTheycan beviewed at

10 Erniersquos Paver Layerby Tim Chambers

10 Design Plan ‐ GreenValleyWetland I I k R I 7 I byJessicaFondrorwwvvriveractionorgmic on iverwayDesign 11 LakeOdessa

Principles A lsquo_ byTimChambersin this issuewetake stockiofpastefforts _ _s 12 Designwith Nature

and lookatparksand recreationneighborhood r byWeerdquoSPesrevitalizationurban infillfloodplainsecological 12 DesertPlan- HenneplnCanal _ 7- r _ r byJessrcaFondrorestorationandtnnovattonr desrg We laquo_ V_ _ _ eddyCalendarconcludeWith a lessonsfromSteveJobstyou v FebruaryMarchApril

‐ byEileenSipesbulsquoildlsquoitwelipeoplewillpayyfor itThis message lsquo V 2lsquousdesignerswantin ktolcreate L

O u r M i s s i o n RiverActionstrives to foster theenvironmentaleconomic andculturalvitality of theMississippiRiverandits riverfront in the QuadCity region


First BridgeAdopts Original Design‐- ByKathyWineRiverActionStaff

iverActionrsquos project First Bridgedesigned to link usto the MississippiRiverour heritageand our future has over a iSO‐year connection

to the community and the nationOnthe corner of River Drive andFederal StreetDavenporthidden for years behind trees lies the originalembankment for the first railroad bridgeacross the riverOne rail stillstretches out toward the bridgersquos other end along the shore of Rock lslandBythe i850rsquosthe crossing from Rock Islandto Davenport had been

identifiedasthe best place to design this important bridge Itwas directlywest of Chicagoand the island acted asastepping stone across thissection ofthe riverwith its limestone riverbed Inaddition the rapidsandnavigation channel here had been mapped byRobert ELee in 1837After design and two years of construction the bridgeopened to great

fanfare April 21 1856Theachievement ofspanning the river had resultedin an impressivewooden Howe truss bridge over 1500feet longandpaintedwhiteThere were five spans distinguished byBurr truss archesand a286‐foot swing span which allowed passage through the drawImaginewhat it must have looked like to apilot coming around the bend‐ each span between the piers was 250 feet

Using these historical specifications RiverAction proposes toreconstruct one complete span identical to the first It would rest onthe original embankmentwith limestone to replicate the piersWhencompletedthe recreation bridgewill link the new FamilyYwith RiverHeritage Park and riverfront trails

eddyMagazine | wwwriveractionorg

Two weeks after the first crossing the steamboat ldquoEffieAftonrdquostruck apier and caught fireThe subsequent lawsuit became adefining chapterin the nationrsquos development Steamboat interests argued the bridgewasanobstruction to navigationwhile the railroadsand one oftheir lawyers‐ ayoung Abraham Lincoln ‐ argued that one person has asmuch rightto cross the river asanother had to sail upand down itThe Supreme )Court ultimately agreed the bridge remainedand the transcontinental irailroad becameareality ildquolfl was asked to pickthe symbol to put mythumb onamap of if

where that connection between East andWest began it was not at the arch in St Louis ‐ thatrsquos for Lewis and Clark historyThe real beginning lsquoof connecting east andwest was the bridgethat connected Rock islandlllinoiswith Davenport lowardquoDouglas BrinkleyAuthor Historian

Ten years after the fire the first bridgewas replacedon the sameembankment and piers in 1872 it was replacedbyanew bridgedownstreamwhere the current government bridge nowstands I HNotedauthor and plannerKevin LynchwroteAdesirabletmag

one that celebrates and enlarges the presentwhile makinlsquo Connectwith past and futurefrsquoWhatTime isThis Place 1972Wise mmFirst Bridgewill serve asagateway todowntownandadtourists interested in heritagetravelitsdesignbrings-hembracing modern urban redevelopmentand-givemore reason to be proudof this unique tilsquochhdf

DesignByand For the Community‐‐ byfirmChambers

hroughout this issue ofthe Eddyweareintroduced to amyriad of design concepts

from environmental to architectural designincludinga reconstructive pedestrian bridgelinking people to the riverfront and theircultural historyand design to revitalize oururban centers

Letrsquos not forget those grass root designsthat continue to change the appearance andfunctionality ofour landscapeon shoe stringbudgetsCommunity gardens and rain gardensare two examples that have profound effects onour communities and the urban environmentCommunityGardens

Neighborhoodcommunal orcommunitygardens call them what you will all aredesignations of gardens designed for and byacommunity Asa result each garden isdifferentfrom the other Design isdictated bytheneeds and wants of each community culturalbackground ofthe gardeners and physicallocationThesegardens might bespacesstrictly dedicated to the production of freshvegetables and herbs or simply to the practiceof horticultureGarden layouts may reflect acommunal approach to garden managementwhereas others may bedivided into plotseachworked byan individual or household

Whether located onavacant city lot downthe block from your home inyour neighborrsquosbackyardor in acity parkcommunity gardensoffer opportunities for physical activity urbanbeautificationcultural expressionand socialinteractionThey provide access to healthyfoods and habitat for urbanwildlifewhile at thesame time capture and filter stormwater andreduce air pollutionCommunity gardens makegreat outdoor

classroomswhere knowledge is shared andexperimentation isthe normTheproliferationofthese gardens inthe Quad Cities isthe resultof the dedication and hardwork of grass rootorganizations such asthe Rock IslandUrbanGarden ConsortiumTheGardenGrowersandthe pioneering successes of various communityeffortsAsLaura Klavitter from theTremontGarden Project put itWhatever you put inyouget outrdquoThe Possibilitiesareendless __RainGardens

Raingardensrsquohave becomin the home landSca lsquo lsquopopularitywith _ ia

A Rock IslandCommunity GardenPhotoRock IslandUrbanGardenConsortium

waterways due to urban pollutants Inmanycases these issues lead to costly improvementsto municipal stormwater treatment structures

Bydesign rain gardens take advantage ofrainfall and stormwaterTypically small in sizethese gardens are depressions in the landscapeplanted ideallywith native perennialsand shrubs located strategically to capturerunofffrom roofs and imperious surfacesSuperficially a rain garden might look like anyother attractive garden but aswater enters thegarden it isboth infiltrated and cleaned

Both the City of Rock island and thePartnershipfor Scott CountyWatershedsmanage programs that subsidize the cost ofinstalling rain gardens onprivate propertyRock Islandwill reimburse homeowners $4per square foot up to $3000 and since theprograms inception in 2005 the City has seenthe installation of 246 rain gardensWhile anindividual rain garden mayseem insignificantanetworkof gardenswill providesubstantialenvironmental benefits

Birds-eyeviewTremont Garden ProjectPhotoLaura Kavtter



FebruaryixlarcngAprii20iS l eddyrilagazme 5



emulator theparkandmemorialCreditSmithGroupJJR

pace for Storytellingamp HealingVeteransMemorial Park

heCity of Davenport not only wants tomake public parkland apriority but they

served our country One of Davenportrsquos newestplanned parks isVeterans Memorial ParkLying

want it to bededicated to the heroes that have just west of Centennial Park along the banks

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6 eddyMagaZrie I Wwvvriveractiorrorg

ofthe Mississippi the land isset to beshapedintoawell-designed memorial to those whohave servedThe memorialwill bedesigned notsimply asalocal park but adestination drawingveterans and civilians from across the midwestThe eastern portion ofthe park isslated to becompleted within the next five years

Insteadofa normal park with asinglemonument the entire site will bededicatedasamemorial to veterans It will be centeredaround adramatic monumentwithpaths radiating outward for meditationcontemplation and healing Insteadof straightlinesthe pathswill follow organic curves ‑imitating naturersquos own designAswith many public spaces in the Quad

Cities the entire park will connect with theriverdrawing inspiration from itWalking pathswill connect with Centennial Park and LeClairePark in the east while the RiverWay blcyclepedestrian pathwill link the Parkwith CreditIsland to the west

Because the parkwill be built in thefloodplain special consideration isgiven tothe power of the river Instead of attemptingto make the park accessible during floodevents the designers want to make the spaceeasily maintainableand resilientafter aflood‐ a testament to its mission of healingandregrowth _Veterans Memorial Parkwill beaplaceof

remembrance and optimism telling the storyofournationrsquos greatest heroeswithasymbolicrsquo 7 eternal flame

7 As anewcomer to the Quad Cities myintrigue isrenewed every time lwalk

through urban Rock IslandWith its historicaldistricts and position on the mighty Mississippiit seems asthough i can almost re‐live the Cityrsquosrich history ‐ Saukenuk Fort Armstrong thefirst railroad bridge Looneyand prohibition eraspeakeasiesAlthough urban Rock Island hasexperienced decline since its peak in the 1960rsquosits future potential isundeniable

Recognizing its own potential the Cityembarked on apublic planning process in2012building onprevious planning effortsto reverse long‐term trends in urban declineto develop arevitalization plan for the ArsenalGatewayThe area of focus incorporatessections of several urban neighborhoods ‐ theBroadway Historic District Downtown districtand the Greenbush neighborhood ‐ locatedproximally to one ofthe Quad Citiesrsquomajoremployers the Arsenal Adopted byRock IslandinJuly 20l 3the plan considers the complexityofthe urban community and the interactionof social economic and environmental forcesRecommendations include designs to increaseaccess to the riverfront expand greenspaceand improve pedestrian and bicycle accessand safetyThey also include the redesign of

‐ B y fi mChambersstreetscapes and the inclusion of public artto enhance aesthetic infill of vacant lots andopportunities and strategies to direct bothpublic and private investmentWhile planning and design documents

are essential in informing effective long‐termredevelopment and revitalization they arealso great at collecting dust onmunicipalbookshelves it isultimately the community7 residents development non‐profits transitdistricts government and local businesses‐ acting together that drive change in 2014Arsenal Gateway saw the opening ofthe Locks‐ atransit oriented housing developmentand anew transit transfer station that fulfillstransit system needs and improves rider safetyBoth are examples ofsuccessful collaborationsbetween the growth MetroLlNK and the CityMeanwhile local businesses like Rozzetox on3rd Ave and 21st Street are changing the socialand economic landscapelhrough its originalsocial design Rozzrtox has created adynamicspace welcoming of expression that attracts adiversity of artists to the Arsenal GatewayTosee the Arsenal Gateway Revitalization

Planvisit httpwwwrigovorgdocumentcenterviewSoii


Photo Tim GilmanRozz-Tox 2108 3rd Ave Rock Island

innardsApril70i5 l eddyMagazine 7


and redeveiOpmentof the former Howardjohnson hotel site at 227 LeCiaire Street a keyeastern gateway to downtown DavenportlowaThe$25M proposed developmentknownasRiverwatchPlace isasix-storymixed-useoffice buildingthat includesfirstfloor commercialretail use and restaurantspacewith Mississippi RiverviewsThe buildingis60000 SF(10000 SFper floor) will featureoutdoor vista points oneach floor and alarge

BLDDArchitects a member of the development team is the building designer

dining area onthe top floorimproving this site has long been agoal of

the selected developers itbffers extraordinaryriver views Our mission isto deliver atrophyproperty worthy of the siterdquosaid John GRuhlPresidentof NAl RuhlCommercial Co adeveloper alongwith BushConstruction

The urban infill project on apropertythat has sat empty since 2009will add tothe Davenport skyline both day and nightand provide awelcoming entrance to the


8 eddyMagazne I vvvvvvriveractionorg

downtown KyleCarter Executive Director DDPreports that demolition ofthe existing buildingisplanned to begin the first ofthe year withconstruction ofthe new building to followBuildingdesign isbyBLDDArchitectsit will bebuilt knowing full‐well that flooding isanissuethat must bemitigated via designrdquohe addsProperty owner Demolition Davenport throughthe Downtown Davenport Partnershipwillcontinue to bethe steward otthe propertyuntil afinal closing


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A birds‐eye illustration of the long-termvision for downtown Molinelookingsouthwest CreditLakotaGroup

An artistrsquos concept for a pedestrianized street on 4th Ave at 7th Stlooking east Credit LakotaGroup

Re-designingMolinersquos DowntownLikemany towns in the midwestMolineand the rest ofthe Quad Cities fall into

what isknown asThe Rust BeltWith decliningpopulations and loss of manufacturingjobstowns likeMoline have had to think outside theboxwhen it comes to planning and economicdevelopment ‐ to bring in newjobs andrevenuewhile making the area anenjoyableplace to liveMolinersquos latest comprehensiveplan updates provide strategies to fill itsdowntown area with well-thought‐out designsThese updates focus onthree downtownneighborhoods Floreciente to the west MolineCentre and Edgewater in the eastWhile the further-out areas ofMoline are

boomingespecially along the John Deerecorridor the city recognizes the importance of astrong and diverse downtown asanalternativeto urban sprawlThe city has distinguished itselfbymixing completely new infill developmentswith reuse projects showcasing historicalarchitecture without being averse to modernbuilding projectsThis gives Molinersquos downtownvariety and depthAcity block acts astimelinewith both older and contemporary designsThiscan beseen with the historical redevelopmentof theWashington Square apartments originally rowhouses for John Deereexecutivesin the i9th century now just down the blockfrom the very modern KoneCenterThe newtransit development ‐ dubbedTheQrdquowillrefurbish anexistingwarehousewith newlyconstructed additions housing the newAmtrakstationa hoteland possible retail space

Creative usesare being plannedforexisting and historicalbuildings in both theFlorecienteandEdgewater neighborhood _New-infilldevelOpmentswould i r yantagrdquoof relatively inexpensive ndlsquoandiopelots ‐ providing c



street ‐ similar to traditional Latin‐AmericanplazasEdgewaterwill benefit from itsproximity to the newWestern IllinoisUniversitycampus making it aperfect fit for college towncafes and shopsThese developments wouldcouplewith re‐designed streets to inject vitalityinto neighborhoodswhere it ismost needed

Moline has recognized that well‐designedstreets not only manage traffic but also leadto more pedestrian and bicycle traffic Since2005 the city has outlined specific designs forimproving streets ‐ including benches plantersuniquecrosswalksand stylish lightingThebest example ofthis streetscapingrdquois on5thAvenue in MolineCentreOnany given day thestreet isfilled with buzzing storefrontscafesand restaurants Businesses and peoplealikeare enjoying the slowed-downMain Street feelThe benefits are bothaesthetic and economicThe city plans to expand its streetscapingplans into Florecienteand Edgewatercalmingtraffic along busy one‐wayswhile makingtheneighborhoodsmorewalkable and livableAfter demolition of the existing l‐74 bridge

there will bemanyopportunities to open upand redevelop the riverfront areaMultipleplans have beenoutlinedall ofwhich featureanew riverfrontparkMixed‐use residential 7orcommercial buildingswill complimentthe _critical publicparklandconnectingmoreofthdowntownto the riverThis publics beseenasMatineCent srfffront attheMississippiproyid activitiesconcertsandmealtime


Campus and RiverbendCommons drawinspiration from one another ‐ incorporatingriver themes complimentary architecture andenvironmentally‐conscious features

The planned improvements are greatexamples of revitalization through design ‑giving agenuine sense-of‐place and pridetodowntown MolineTosee Molinersquos comprehensive planvisit



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ErnieWest and hisbrick layingmachineI PhotoCreditBradKeene Cit ofDaven ort De artmentofPublicWorks7thdescnbing brick laying y y p p

_ Y UPEWISOVSICETI YOU bUIIdone do the samejob manually saving tax payers money and city em ployeesrsquobeSSibleErniewas given three weeks tocomplete their backsCW33ldquo ldquo the ldquoECESSalrsquoy partsandmaterlaIS- Learning of this new machine from Brian StinemanNatural Resource

_ 0rdquo ldquoadlsquosOffOfa 10hrdquoDeereSkId Steeri powered by a20 Managerwith the City PublicWorks RiverAction had to meet its creatorjhO EPOWEVHonda enginerW5 Strange IOOklngContraption ISboth Erniersquos paver layer means anew day for stormwater management and ingeniousandversatile Hydraulicallyoperated with anauto leveling water quality in DavenportCompleted onOctober 15tthismachineSYSEem Ernies maChIne Can lay brICIltS InWidths ranging from fiVe to iscapable of efficiently installing permeable pavers important toolseighteen feet allowing the City to resurface alleys streets and sidewalks to manage stormwater in cities Because of Erniersquos original design theInlsquoh0U5euro~TW0people C3ldquo do theW0rk Inhalfthe time it WOUId take four to proliferation of permeable streets issure to beinDavenportrsquos future


GreenValleyWetland Creation and Prairie Restoration Design Plan

~‐ ByJessica Fondro

reenValley NaturePreserveat 60th St

Molineadjacent to theRock River iscomprisedof more than 250acres of bottom‐landforest meslc prairieand wet meadowThe2015 design planwillresult in the creation ofapproximately five acresof potholewetlands andseven acres of nativeprairie restoration WetlandCreation 51AcresPotholewetlands Pmmlsquoc Planfing-69Acrcs

will beexcavated to 7 I E WalkingPath-510 Nadepth of 12rsquol‐i8rdquo i l v o 230 i s o n AL _L___L__ I__IDisplaced soil will bespread and seededto create ameslc prairie ecosystemwith The prairie potholes will be restored to In addition to wetland creation andattention to both infiltration potential and native wet prairie dominated byamixture of prairie restorationa5100 foot mowedaestheticsihe seed mixwill generate a grasses sedges and forbs including prairie walking pathwill becreated betweenseasonal color palate ranging from white cordgrass Canada bluejoint grass lake sedge the river and the wetlands to showcaseand yellow to blue and magenta and hop sedge fox sedge mountain mint New the restoration provide access for thewill likely include big blue stem Indian England aster angelica marsh marigold general public and students and promotegrass prairie dropseed black eyed susan swamp thistle swamp milkweedand blue connectivity within the preserve and thecompass plant rattle snakemaster and flag iris larger Rock RiverTrail blazing star

10 eddyMagazine I wwwriveractionorg

LakeOdessa UpperMississippiRiverRestoration‐ By77m Chambers

U nbeknownto manythe Mississippi Riveristhe only river in the United States to

berecognized byCongressrdquo asanationallysignificant ecosystem and anationallysignificant commercial navigation systemTo ensure that Congressrsquovision remains arealitythe Army Corps of Engineers and its partnershave been working through their UpperMississippi River Restoration Program (UMRR)to implement innovative and effective habitatrestoration projects by combining cuttingedge monitoring and research with pioneeringenvironmental design For over 25years Corpsdesigners have been refining constructiontechniques to improve habitats in ways neverbefore imaginedio date atotal ofSS projectsbenefiting more than i02000 acres have beencompleted through the UMRR programwithanother 35projects in either the constructionor design phase

A prime example of UMRR programs workisthe Lake Odessa Complex located 15milesouth of Muscatine in Louisa County Iowa


LakeOdessa 3

Lake Odessa Restoration Map lmage courtesy ofArmy Corps ofEngineers

This 6788 acre backwater complex has beenactively managed for wildlife since the i950rsquosWith its L800 acres of open water i7OO acresof non‐fOrested wetlands and 2900 acres ofbottomland hardwood forests Lake Odessa haslong provided critical habitat for amulsquoitudeofwildlife species However along hist roffloods and levee breeches has resultedin a reduction ofquality habitat especiallyimportant for fish and migratory waterfowl

In response to habitat degradation theCorps set out in 2006 to restore and protectwetland terrestrial and aquatic habitat throughthe restoration ofthe existing perimeter leveesystem spillway construction dredging theconstruction of new water control structures


seeding of sand prairie and the plantingof nut bearing hardwood tree species Thisproject has gone along way in reducingforest fragmentation increasing hardwoodtree diversity and native grassland expandingand enhancing wildlife habitatandprotecting archeological features within thecomplex Lake Odessa open to visitors ismanaged jointly bythe USFish and WildlifeService and the lowa DNR and supports 240species of birds and 96species of mammalsreptiles and amphibians and fishThe designofappropriate restoration and managementof lands such asLake Odessa is imperativeto the ecological sustainability ofthe UpperMississippi River System


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Magazine 1 1


_ wabieenergy 7 lsquo fit an Eastern iowa

eacutefiege w benefit the new Space NahantMarshEducationCenter (Photo byAmy7 LovingNahantVlarshEducationCoordinator)

raquolsquo qoivalenttothe present lot plus 50 ecosystemswater quality and biodiversityadditional feetThe projectdesigned inan Fromthe 19605 to 1996the land was usedenvironmentally responsibleway with the least for skeet and trap shooting leaving Nahantamount of impacton the wetlands isexpected contaminated with lead shotToday the 513 acreto be completed in spring 2015 area encompasses different wetland community

The Ecological Importance ‐ Nahant types including bottomland forest open‐waterMarsh isone ofthe last remaining urban habitatand marshland it provides habitat to

p _- dingGroundbreaking wetlands of its size onthe upper Mississippi more than 150 species of birds plantsfishpound30k placersquoNovember 202014on a 1600 River It offers awide variety of environmental insects mammalsand rare species such asthesguarefeet addition to the current building that education for people of all ages on wetland Leopard Frog and BlandingrsquosTurtle

HennepinCanalEnvironmentalPark RestorationDesign Plan

Cl Walking Path- 201 linear ft__ JeSSICG Flondro I Debris Removal v5490 sq ft

3 Prairie Restoration - 15 acresheHennepin Canal Environmental Park atthe Steel lsquo o 50 100 200 Foot xDam and Lock 30 in Milan iscomprised of mesic rsquo rsquo J rsquo rsquo Ll‐L‐L‐ l‐ i‐L-l‐ l

prairie and woodland edgeThe 2015 restoration anddesign plan includes improvements to the walking path and removal of prairie in the wildlife area along the canalThe seed mix will likely includevegetation at the portage which will connect visitors to the portage site little blue stem wild rye milk weed mountain mint pale coneflowersand the Rock River and Culverrsquos root Prairie restoration will increase biodiversity onsite and

Restoration plans also include the removal of invasive and encroaching provide anaesthetic backdrop for the canal and Rock River sitevegetation from historic Lock 30infrastructure and the installation of new Toshowcase restoration efforts at the Hennepin Canal Riverinterpretive signage bythe lL DNR to showcase historic canal features at Action with assistance from the Doris and Victor Day Foundationthe siteThe DNR will also dredge the canal above and below Lock 30and will offer environmental education programs for 180 students fromstock native fish species to promote kidrsquos fishing days Thomas Jefferson Elementary School in the spring of 2015Education

Additionally the design plan includes the repair of two existing park programming and restoration efforts will make the park asafe andbenches the trimming ofa large silver maple which will provide shade accessible place for families to enjoy nature and experience the historicfor visitors and a picnic table and the restoration of 15acres of mesic aspects ofthe Hennepin Canal that have been hidden

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y Uif]deddy CALENDAR


FebruaryInauguralFrozenFat FondoFestSaturdayFebruary7 Ham‐2pmCredit IslandParkDavenportJoin FORC in afat biking challenge ride along thebanks of the mighty Mississippi on Credit IslandRidesolo or asa3-person relay team See who can crankout the most laps in 3 hours around achallenge filledcourse Stick around after the main event for ahealthydose of shenanigans wwwqcforcorg

EarthExplorersFeb5-Oct29 everyotherWednesday 4-5pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportOur Earth Explorers after-school program allowschildren ages I H4 years‐old to explore innovativetechnologies and scientific concepts through creativeoutdoor activities and experiments For more informa‑tion and to register please visit wwwnahantmarshorg

Breakfastwith the BirdsFirstFridayof eachmonth8-9am NahantMarshEducationCenter DavenportJoin usfor aninformative breakfast about our featheredfriendsThe class will meet in the first Friday of everymonth beginning in October and continuing untilspring Each session will cover agroup of birds fromdabbling ducks to raptors to songbirds Depending onweather there may also be ashort hike to ourbird blindThe trail to the bird blind isADA accessible

Cost $5 (includes presentation amp continental breakfastcoffee and juice) To register please call 5633235196or bygoing to wwwnahantmarshprg

Toddler TalesSecondTuesdayof eachmonth 70‐1lam2‐3pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportEven if we cannot see animals that doesnrsquot mean thatthey arenrsquot thereWewill learn about ways to identifyanimals without seeing them Ages 3‐5 Cost $5peryouth Register online at wwwnahantmarshorg

MuddyBootsEveryotherWednesday4-5pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportThe purpose of Muddy Boots Nature Club isto provideyouth with the opportunities to learn while exploringnatureMuddy Boots engages children with hands‐onactivities like monarch butterfly tagging gardeningbike riding hikingeco‐crafts and more Ages 6-IOFor more information and to register please visit wwwnahantmarshorg

HuntingFishingandOutdoor Show2015Thursday throughSundayFebruary 12‐75QCCA ExpoCenterFrom boats and tackle to decoys and gear itrsquos anOutdoors Show with seminars and presentations frombig name fishing professionals Bring the family toKids Kampwith a real trout pond minnow racesandarcheryAdults $7Children 6yrs-16 yrs Si under6yrs Free

Sierra ClubTreehugger TriviaFriFebruary 136‐ 9pmFreightHouseFarmersMarket421WRiverDrDavenportReceptionHall at Freight House Doors open at 6pmtrivia starts at 7pmTeams of8 should register byemailing Jodi at loon585mchsicom Not on ateamSeats will beavailable for walk‐ins httpsierraclubevgwordpresscom

Valentine IndoorMusicandMoonlightWalkSat Feb 74 630-830pm Watch Tower LodgeBlackHawkStateHistoricSiteRock IslandFeaturingastroll outside onaluminaw‐Iit trail Too coldoutside for the walk come into the Lodge and keepwarm by the firewith fresh donuts and cider or hot

cocoa Music will be provided by Just4Fun Drew Naglewill call the contra‐dancing FREESingles couples ampfamily friendly (309‐788-9536) or wwwblackhawkparkorgThis event issponsored by Black Hawk StateHistoric Site in cooperation with Citizens to PreserveBlack Hawk Park Foundation‐education outreach forBlack Hawk State Historic Site since i972

MardiGras RajunCajun FestTuesday February 17530‐8pm $25perperson inadvance $30at the doorThe taste of NewOrleans iscoming back to the QuadCities on FatTuesday Local chefs will be set up in thelobby of the FiggeArt Museumwhere guests cansample each chefs Cajun creation All proceeds benlsquoefit the outreach programs of the Figge Art MuseumTickets purchased in advance online or over the phone(5633267804 x2046) will reserve your spot Name andidentification required for entry Doors open at 5 pm

Skatingat RiversidePark LagoonSkating at Riverside Park Lagoon Ice skating is permit‑ted asweather allows at Riverside Park Lagoon locatedat 2750 5th AvenueThe lagoon has awarming houseand public restrooms that are open seasonally whenconditions are favorable for ice skating Ice conditionsvary based on changing weather conditions sopleaseobey posted signs that indicate ifice conditions areappropriate for skating Hours of Operation are 6am‑i 1pmdaily Public session admission is$5 skate rental$3 all sessions are 25 hours For more informationcall 309-524-2424

RiverActionrsquos EnvironmentalBookClubTuesday February24 7pmRiverActionofficeDavenportDiscussThe Big Year by MarkObmascik Meetings areopen to the public and meet at the River Action office822 ERiver Dr betweenTremont and Federal StreetsFor more info please call 5633222969

Friendsof NahantMarshMeetingLastWedof eachmonth6pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportAre you looking to get more involved at NahantThen join usat our monthly FriendsMeetingFor more informationcall 563-323‐5196




l l l l lsquo l I I raquo lildquolsquoillllsquo


QuidCityAudubon Society FieldTripSaturdayFebruary28 7am Wildcat DennearMuscatine IATrip will travel from Buffalo Shores birding aswe go toWildcat Den and Fairport Fish Hatchery Bepreparedto hike the beautifulWildcat Den State Park in winterThere isanoptional stop for lunch in Buffalo Meet atBuffalo Shores (one mile past Buffalo IA Hwy 22)langleyartmchsicom for more information

MarchAPhotographerrsquosFeastSaturdayMarch79am‐2pm Western ILUniversityQuadCities 55 feepayableat the doorWhether you are an amateur or a seasoned photoenthusiast come out and hear a talented experiencedgroup of photographers offertheir tips River Actionand Western lLUniversity are coesponsoring the workshopVisit wwwriveractionorg for more informationand to register

Mississippi RiverGeotourismQCmeetingMondayampTuesdayMarch 9amp 10watch for detailsThis isa series of four Project Planning and Orientationmeetings to inform partners about this project goalsprocess and benefitsand to highlight the roles ofstakeholders and determine next steps towards implementing the Mississippi River Geotourism

StPatrickrsquosSocietyGrandParadeSaturdayMarch 14 7730‐7pm ILampIAQuadCitiesparaderouteStarts in Rock Island crosses the Centennial Bridge andends up in downtown Davenport For more informa‑tion on the parade visit wwwstpatsqccom

CanoecopiaMarch 73‐15AlliantEnergyCenter 7979AliantEnergyWayMadisonWICanoecopia isthe largest paddlesports consumerevent in the world with over 250000 square feetof kayaks canoes Stand Up Paddleboards outdoorequipment and clothing canoecopiacom

Sierra Club ProgramMeeting- Bald EaglesandLeadShotMonMarch 76 7‐ 830pmMolinePublicLibrary32104IstStMoline ILEdBritton USFish andWildlife Service will discuss newresearch on the impacts of lead shot on bald eaglepopulations Meet in the Bronze Roomofthe librarysierraclubevgwordpresscom


1802West LocustStreet Davenport IA52804


(By appointment)

DyeingEggsthe NaturalWaySatMarch2I 70am to noonand 100pm to 300pm NahantMarsh4220WapelloAve Davenport IAThe Nahant Marsh EducationCenter will present aclasson the basics of natural dyes and using them to cre‑ate colored eggsThere also will be a presentation onthe history of natural dyes and tips for creating naturaldyes at home Participants should bring adozenhard‐boiled eggs and an apron orTeshirt that can getstained There isa cost to participate and registration isrequired (Ages 8 and up) Call 563732375i 96 to register

RiverActionrsquos EnvironmentalBookClubTuesdayMarch24 7pmRiverAction officeDavenportDiscuss DirtThe Erosion of Civilizations byDavid RMontgomeryMeetings are open to the public andmeet at the River Action office 822 ERiver Dr betweenTremont and Federal Streets For more info call563-322-2969

Henry FarnamDinner 12thAnnualQuadCitiesFridayMarch27Jumerrsquos HotelampCasinoRockIslandILCocktails (cash bar) and displays 5pm Dinner 630pmand Program 730pmTickets are $40 per personreserved table of 10 is$375 Invitationswill be mailed inearly March to those who received invitations last yearFor reservations go to wwwriveractionorg or for moreinformation call River Action at 56332272969

Environmental FilmFest 10thAnnual EddyAwardWinningSaturdayMarch28 Olin CenterAugustana College733 35thStRock IslandILAdmission isFREE although donations are acceptedDoors open at i iam For film information and directions check out wwwaugustanaeduenvironmental‑filmfest For more info about EagleView Group SierraClub check out httpillinoissierracluborgeagleviewor contact Kathryn Allen at kasavelieaolcomThepublic iswelcome to attend any or all ofthe filmsbeing screened at the festival Refreshmentswillbe available

QuadCityAudubon Society FieldTripSaturdayMarch 28 7am Lock and Dam 13There will be many stops along the way searching forwaterfowl and early spring migrantsThis isagreat tripto look for signs ofspring This trip will stop at Fultonfor lunch some may choose to continue birding afterlunchMeet at Brothers Restaurant in Hampton IL at7am langleyartmchsicom for more information

Pickupa Retainthe RainrsquoRainBarrel for AprilshowersRain Barrels hold 60gallons and come with adivertermosquito nettingand spigot all for S75 River Action822 ERiver Dr Davenport or riveractionorg

Ap r i lQuadCitiesAudubon Society FieldTripSaturdayApril I I 7amConesMarsh IAThis trip isto many the best of the year with stunningviews of many species of shorebirds waterfowl andother early spring migrants Sandhill Cranes SnowGeese and many more maybe a nesting Great HornedOwl will be the highlightsMeet at Buffalo Shores (onemile past Buffalo IA Hwy 22) at 7am langleyartmchsicom for more information

RiverActionrsquos EnvironmentalBookClubTuesdayApril28 7pmRiverActionofficeDavenportDiscussThe Forest Unseen AYearrsquos Watch in Nature byDavidGeorge Haskell Meetings are open to the publicand meet at the River Action office 822 ERiver DrbetweenTremont and Federal Streets For more infoplease call 563822-2969

RiverActionrsquos Fish8FireFundraiserandFriendraiserFridayApril24 Watch Tower Lodgein BlackHawkStateParkRock IslandThis annual catfish fry combines fundraising andfriends Bid on dozens of silent auction items enjoy thedinner and entertainment and be a part ofthe 16thAnnual Eddy Awards Presentation 7 awards given tothose in our community who go against the currentto get things done For more information or to registergo to riveractionorg

The 40th Stroll through SpringtimeSatApril25 7am‐I2noon Watch Tower LodgeBlackHawkStateHistoricSite 15I046thAve (BlackhawkRd)Rock Island779am trail walks to identify both migrating amp resi‑dent birds (binoculars suggested) 9am refreshmentsincluding wild violetjelly and ashort programandiO-l 2trail walks to identify wildflowersFREE (309) 78879536wwwblackhawkparkorg

108 E2nd Street Davenport IA 5280rsquo563-424-2012

Gpen MorlsquoiMFri i0~eacute Scat l0cent$www5isshopscom

Unique internationalregionoi and iocol

gifts opporei artworka n d gourmet food

Connect With Us

For over 30 years RiverAction has been dedicated toconnecting people to theriver Our supporters helpus to improve the quality ofwater that flows down theriver They help us to instilla love of the river throughencouraging participation inmany activities that involvethe river Plus River Actionencourages educationalprograms that help ourresidents better understandriver related issues andconcerns

JOIN TODAY ATwwwriveractionorg

or send check to822 E River Drive

Davenport lA 52803


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$30 for 30yearsl Please consider joining River Action as a member With your help we cancontinue to achieve great things in the coming years


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Page 2: RiverAction.org Eddy Magazine 201502

FebruaryMarchApril 2015Volume 5 Issue 1

KATHYWINE Publisher Executive DirectorBETHCLARKManaging EditorMilepostVentures Inc

JEFF VANECHAUTEpi design inc DesignEILEEN SIPESCalendar EditorContributingWritersTIM CHAMBERS River Action StaffJESSICA FLONDRORiverAction StaffTIM GILLMAN River Action StaffEILEENSIPES River Action StaffKATHYWINE River Action Staff


copyeddy Magazineand RiverAction Incall rightsreserved2015 Reproduction in any form in wholeor in partwithout expresswritten permission isprohibitedThe views expressed hereinwhetherexpressed asfact fiction opinion advice or otherwiseare those of the author and do not necessarilyreflect those of the ownership or managementofthis magazineThis magazine issold with theunderstanding that neither it nor River Action Incits owners or managers are engaged in renderinglegalaccounting tax medical technical or any otheradvice professional or otherwiseThe publication ofany advertisement does not reflect the endorsementof any products or services by the ownership ormanagement ofthis magazine unless it isspecificallystated in such advertisement and there iswrittenapproval for such endorsementThose submittingmanuscripts photographsartwork or other materialto eddyMagazine for consideration should not sendoriginals Unsolicitedmanuscripts photographs andother submitted materials must beaccompanied bya self addressed postage paid envelope in returnof materials is requestedReturn of materials is notguaranteed eddyMagazine is published quarterly byRiver Action lnc822 ERiver DriveDavenport IA52803 and isdirect mailed to approximately 6000area homes and businesses

eddy MagazinePublished by RiverAction Inc822 ERiver Drive -Davenport IA52803 lsquo563-322-2969wwwriveractionorg

To Advertise Contact BethClark 309‐269-3455 orcontact DebGirard at debgirardhotmailcom Forratesaddimensions and deadline information emailBethCmilepostventurescom

To Subscribe or become a member of RiverActioncall 563-322‐2969 or visit wwwriveractionorg


sustainableGood public design can improveIivabii unit

r transportationVaried building types and land uses create vibrant anddiverSe cities

7existing streets services and buildingswhile avoiding urban sprawl

RedeemEastMolineDowntown Davenport Partnershipall are hivesof expertise that have taken plans to the street Likewisemaster plans for ecosystems such


other iirsquovinlsquog rooms It is the samewither 7 _evils surrounding lisjlsquoandrarchitecture once J

In this issLiewe asky0u to really

professionals and the conmunity to find goodSolution_lsquobut easweli ascultural andCcmmeroalOnesWhile avoidinrsquoglsquocookieacuttmust be reSpectedAlso lookto see if developments arejau_hentidesigniiooks through the historyof thepastand takes in lsquo

it isno t justhow it looksbothday and nightbutaiso

pedestrian friendly and influence the quality of lifeall the timedesigning Ionahuman scale providing choices in housingshoppingrecreationand

Preserving urban centers by restoring revitalizingandinfilling takes advantageof

Plansshould not relegatedto ashelfRenewMolineRenaissancelsquoROCklsquoisland

asNahantMarshDuckCreek and Rock RiverRavineswere implementedwith acommunity

INSIDETHIS ISSUEplanning process that defined buffer zonesinterconnected trails viewing stations for 4 Design Issuelimited public access and at Nahantan 4 First BridgeAdopts Original Design

byKathyWineeducation center 5 D B dF th c t e5ign yan o r e omm u n i yIn 1996area planners and RiverAction byTimChambers

wanted to preserve and protect our most 6 ASpace for Storytelling and Healingvital common thread the riverTo accomplish byTimGilmanthis the RiverWay Design Principlesrdquowere 7 RevitalizeThroughDesign

by TimChambersdevelopedwithThe Lakota GroupChicagoand adopted in 1999to providestandards to 8 Rivewatlsquoh PlaceI lsquo I byKathyWineprotect the senSitive balance betweenour 9 Re_DesignMonneis Downtowneconomic engine and ecological resource byTimGilmanThe four components were respect for the _7river river access rivericonidotr designand river interpretationTheycan beviewed at

10 Erniersquos Paver Layerby Tim Chambers

10 Design Plan ‐ GreenValleyWetland I I k R I 7 I byJessicaFondrorwwvvriveractionorgmic on iverwayDesign 11 LakeOdessa

Principles A lsquo_ byTimChambersin this issuewetake stockiofpastefforts _ _s 12 Designwith Nature

and lookatparksand recreationneighborhood r byWeerdquoSPesrevitalizationurban infillfloodplainsecological 12 DesertPlan- HenneplnCanal _ 7- r _ r byJessrcaFondrorestorationandtnnovattonr desrg We laquo_ V_ _ _ eddyCalendarconcludeWith a lessonsfromSteveJobstyou v FebruaryMarchApril

‐ byEileenSipesbulsquoildlsquoitwelipeoplewillpayyfor itThis message lsquo V 2lsquousdesignerswantin ktolcreate L

O u r M i s s i o n RiverActionstrives to foster theenvironmentaleconomic andculturalvitality of theMississippiRiverandits riverfront in the QuadCity region


First BridgeAdopts Original Design‐- ByKathyWineRiverActionStaff

iverActionrsquos project First Bridgedesigned to link usto the MississippiRiverour heritageand our future has over a iSO‐year connection

to the community and the nationOnthe corner of River Drive andFederal StreetDavenporthidden for years behind trees lies the originalembankment for the first railroad bridgeacross the riverOne rail stillstretches out toward the bridgersquos other end along the shore of Rock lslandBythe i850rsquosthe crossing from Rock Islandto Davenport had been

identifiedasthe best place to design this important bridge Itwas directlywest of Chicagoand the island acted asastepping stone across thissection ofthe riverwith its limestone riverbed Inaddition the rapidsandnavigation channel here had been mapped byRobert ELee in 1837After design and two years of construction the bridgeopened to great

fanfare April 21 1856Theachievement ofspanning the river had resultedin an impressivewooden Howe truss bridge over 1500feet longandpaintedwhiteThere were five spans distinguished byBurr truss archesand a286‐foot swing span which allowed passage through the drawImaginewhat it must have looked like to apilot coming around the bend‐ each span between the piers was 250 feet

Using these historical specifications RiverAction proposes toreconstruct one complete span identical to the first It would rest onthe original embankmentwith limestone to replicate the piersWhencompletedthe recreation bridgewill link the new FamilyYwith RiverHeritage Park and riverfront trails

eddyMagazine | wwwriveractionorg

Two weeks after the first crossing the steamboat ldquoEffieAftonrdquostruck apier and caught fireThe subsequent lawsuit became adefining chapterin the nationrsquos development Steamboat interests argued the bridgewasanobstruction to navigationwhile the railroadsand one oftheir lawyers‐ ayoung Abraham Lincoln ‐ argued that one person has asmuch rightto cross the river asanother had to sail upand down itThe Supreme )Court ultimately agreed the bridge remainedand the transcontinental irailroad becameareality ildquolfl was asked to pickthe symbol to put mythumb onamap of if

where that connection between East andWest began it was not at the arch in St Louis ‐ thatrsquos for Lewis and Clark historyThe real beginning lsquoof connecting east andwest was the bridgethat connected Rock islandlllinoiswith Davenport lowardquoDouglas BrinkleyAuthor Historian

Ten years after the fire the first bridgewas replacedon the sameembankment and piers in 1872 it was replacedbyanew bridgedownstreamwhere the current government bridge nowstands I HNotedauthor and plannerKevin LynchwroteAdesirabletmag

one that celebrates and enlarges the presentwhile makinlsquo Connectwith past and futurefrsquoWhatTime isThis Place 1972Wise mmFirst Bridgewill serve asagateway todowntownandadtourists interested in heritagetravelitsdesignbrings-hembracing modern urban redevelopmentand-givemore reason to be proudof this unique tilsquochhdf

DesignByand For the Community‐‐ byfirmChambers

hroughout this issue ofthe Eddyweareintroduced to amyriad of design concepts

from environmental to architectural designincludinga reconstructive pedestrian bridgelinking people to the riverfront and theircultural historyand design to revitalize oururban centers

Letrsquos not forget those grass root designsthat continue to change the appearance andfunctionality ofour landscapeon shoe stringbudgetsCommunity gardens and rain gardensare two examples that have profound effects onour communities and the urban environmentCommunityGardens

Neighborhoodcommunal orcommunitygardens call them what you will all aredesignations of gardens designed for and byacommunity Asa result each garden isdifferentfrom the other Design isdictated bytheneeds and wants of each community culturalbackground ofthe gardeners and physicallocationThesegardens might bespacesstrictly dedicated to the production of freshvegetables and herbs or simply to the practiceof horticultureGarden layouts may reflect acommunal approach to garden managementwhereas others may bedivided into plotseachworked byan individual or household

Whether located onavacant city lot downthe block from your home inyour neighborrsquosbackyardor in acity parkcommunity gardensoffer opportunities for physical activity urbanbeautificationcultural expressionand socialinteractionThey provide access to healthyfoods and habitat for urbanwildlifewhile at thesame time capture and filter stormwater andreduce air pollutionCommunity gardens makegreat outdoor

classroomswhere knowledge is shared andexperimentation isthe normTheproliferationofthese gardens inthe Quad Cities isthe resultof the dedication and hardwork of grass rootorganizations such asthe Rock IslandUrbanGarden ConsortiumTheGardenGrowersandthe pioneering successes of various communityeffortsAsLaura Klavitter from theTremontGarden Project put itWhatever you put inyouget outrdquoThe Possibilitiesareendless __RainGardens

Raingardensrsquohave becomin the home landSca lsquo lsquopopularitywith _ ia

A Rock IslandCommunity GardenPhotoRock IslandUrbanGardenConsortium

waterways due to urban pollutants Inmanycases these issues lead to costly improvementsto municipal stormwater treatment structures

Bydesign rain gardens take advantage ofrainfall and stormwaterTypically small in sizethese gardens are depressions in the landscapeplanted ideallywith native perennialsand shrubs located strategically to capturerunofffrom roofs and imperious surfacesSuperficially a rain garden might look like anyother attractive garden but aswater enters thegarden it isboth infiltrated and cleaned

Both the City of Rock island and thePartnershipfor Scott CountyWatershedsmanage programs that subsidize the cost ofinstalling rain gardens onprivate propertyRock Islandwill reimburse homeowners $4per square foot up to $3000 and since theprograms inception in 2005 the City has seenthe installation of 246 rain gardensWhile anindividual rain garden mayseem insignificantanetworkof gardenswill providesubstantialenvironmental benefits

Birds-eyeviewTremont Garden ProjectPhotoLaura Kavtter



FebruaryixlarcngAprii20iS l eddyrilagazme 5



emulator theparkandmemorialCreditSmithGroupJJR

pace for Storytellingamp HealingVeteransMemorial Park

heCity of Davenport not only wants tomake public parkland apriority but they

served our country One of Davenportrsquos newestplanned parks isVeterans Memorial ParkLying

want it to bededicated to the heroes that have just west of Centennial Park along the banks

Fall in love with yourga in

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6 eddyMagaZrie I Wwvvriveractiorrorg

ofthe Mississippi the land isset to beshapedintoawell-designed memorial to those whohave servedThe memorialwill bedesigned notsimply asalocal park but adestination drawingveterans and civilians from across the midwestThe eastern portion ofthe park isslated to becompleted within the next five years

Insteadofa normal park with asinglemonument the entire site will bededicatedasamemorial to veterans It will be centeredaround adramatic monumentwithpaths radiating outward for meditationcontemplation and healing Insteadof straightlinesthe pathswill follow organic curves ‑imitating naturersquos own designAswith many public spaces in the Quad

Cities the entire park will connect with theriverdrawing inspiration from itWalking pathswill connect with Centennial Park and LeClairePark in the east while the RiverWay blcyclepedestrian pathwill link the Parkwith CreditIsland to the west

Because the parkwill be built in thefloodplain special consideration isgiven tothe power of the river Instead of attemptingto make the park accessible during floodevents the designers want to make the spaceeasily maintainableand resilientafter aflood‐ a testament to its mission of healingandregrowth _Veterans Memorial Parkwill beaplaceof

remembrance and optimism telling the storyofournationrsquos greatest heroeswithasymbolicrsquo 7 eternal flame

7 As anewcomer to the Quad Cities myintrigue isrenewed every time lwalk

through urban Rock IslandWith its historicaldistricts and position on the mighty Mississippiit seems asthough i can almost re‐live the Cityrsquosrich history ‐ Saukenuk Fort Armstrong thefirst railroad bridge Looneyand prohibition eraspeakeasiesAlthough urban Rock Island hasexperienced decline since its peak in the 1960rsquosits future potential isundeniable

Recognizing its own potential the Cityembarked on apublic planning process in2012building onprevious planning effortsto reverse long‐term trends in urban declineto develop arevitalization plan for the ArsenalGatewayThe area of focus incorporatessections of several urban neighborhoods ‐ theBroadway Historic District Downtown districtand the Greenbush neighborhood ‐ locatedproximally to one ofthe Quad Citiesrsquomajoremployers the Arsenal Adopted byRock IslandinJuly 20l 3the plan considers the complexityofthe urban community and the interactionof social economic and environmental forcesRecommendations include designs to increaseaccess to the riverfront expand greenspaceand improve pedestrian and bicycle accessand safetyThey also include the redesign of

‐ B y fi mChambersstreetscapes and the inclusion of public artto enhance aesthetic infill of vacant lots andopportunities and strategies to direct bothpublic and private investmentWhile planning and design documents

are essential in informing effective long‐termredevelopment and revitalization they arealso great at collecting dust onmunicipalbookshelves it isultimately the community7 residents development non‐profits transitdistricts government and local businesses‐ acting together that drive change in 2014Arsenal Gateway saw the opening ofthe Locks‐ atransit oriented housing developmentand anew transit transfer station that fulfillstransit system needs and improves rider safetyBoth are examples ofsuccessful collaborationsbetween the growth MetroLlNK and the CityMeanwhile local businesses like Rozzetox on3rd Ave and 21st Street are changing the socialand economic landscapelhrough its originalsocial design Rozzrtox has created adynamicspace welcoming of expression that attracts adiversity of artists to the Arsenal GatewayTosee the Arsenal Gateway Revitalization

Planvisit httpwwwrigovorgdocumentcenterviewSoii


Photo Tim GilmanRozz-Tox 2108 3rd Ave Rock Island

innardsApril70i5 l eddyMagazine 7


and redeveiOpmentof the former Howardjohnson hotel site at 227 LeCiaire Street a keyeastern gateway to downtown DavenportlowaThe$25M proposed developmentknownasRiverwatchPlace isasix-storymixed-useoffice buildingthat includesfirstfloor commercialretail use and restaurantspacewith Mississippi RiverviewsThe buildingis60000 SF(10000 SFper floor) will featureoutdoor vista points oneach floor and alarge

BLDDArchitects a member of the development team is the building designer

dining area onthe top floorimproving this site has long been agoal of

the selected developers itbffers extraordinaryriver views Our mission isto deliver atrophyproperty worthy of the siterdquosaid John GRuhlPresidentof NAl RuhlCommercial Co adeveloper alongwith BushConstruction

The urban infill project on apropertythat has sat empty since 2009will add tothe Davenport skyline both day and nightand provide awelcoming entrance to the


8 eddyMagazne I vvvvvvriveractionorg

downtown KyleCarter Executive Director DDPreports that demolition ofthe existing buildingisplanned to begin the first ofthe year withconstruction ofthe new building to followBuildingdesign isbyBLDDArchitectsit will bebuilt knowing full‐well that flooding isanissuethat must bemitigated via designrdquohe addsProperty owner Demolition Davenport throughthe Downtown Davenport Partnershipwillcontinue to bethe steward otthe propertyuntil afinal closing


Not valid onany specialorders or sale items Notvalid with any other offerCoupon void if alteredExpires 11302014ACTIVEENDEAVOPS

A birds‐eye illustration of the long-termvision for downtown Molinelookingsouthwest CreditLakotaGroup

An artistrsquos concept for a pedestrianized street on 4th Ave at 7th Stlooking east Credit LakotaGroup

Re-designingMolinersquos DowntownLikemany towns in the midwestMolineand the rest ofthe Quad Cities fall into

what isknown asThe Rust BeltWith decliningpopulations and loss of manufacturingjobstowns likeMoline have had to think outside theboxwhen it comes to planning and economicdevelopment ‐ to bring in newjobs andrevenuewhile making the area anenjoyableplace to liveMolinersquos latest comprehensiveplan updates provide strategies to fill itsdowntown area with well-thought‐out designsThese updates focus onthree downtownneighborhoods Floreciente to the west MolineCentre and Edgewater in the eastWhile the further-out areas ofMoline are

boomingespecially along the John Deerecorridor the city recognizes the importance of astrong and diverse downtown asanalternativeto urban sprawlThe city has distinguished itselfbymixing completely new infill developmentswith reuse projects showcasing historicalarchitecture without being averse to modernbuilding projectsThis gives Molinersquos downtownvariety and depthAcity block acts astimelinewith both older and contemporary designsThiscan beseen with the historical redevelopmentof theWashington Square apartments originally rowhouses for John Deereexecutivesin the i9th century now just down the blockfrom the very modern KoneCenterThe newtransit development ‐ dubbedTheQrdquowillrefurbish anexistingwarehousewith newlyconstructed additions housing the newAmtrakstationa hoteland possible retail space

Creative usesare being plannedforexisting and historicalbuildings in both theFlorecienteandEdgewater neighborhood _New-infilldevelOpmentswould i r yantagrdquoof relatively inexpensive ndlsquoandiopelots ‐ providing c



street ‐ similar to traditional Latin‐AmericanplazasEdgewaterwill benefit from itsproximity to the newWestern IllinoisUniversitycampus making it aperfect fit for college towncafes and shopsThese developments wouldcouplewith re‐designed streets to inject vitalityinto neighborhoodswhere it ismost needed

Moline has recognized that well‐designedstreets not only manage traffic but also leadto more pedestrian and bicycle traffic Since2005 the city has outlined specific designs forimproving streets ‐ including benches plantersuniquecrosswalksand stylish lightingThebest example ofthis streetscapingrdquois on5thAvenue in MolineCentreOnany given day thestreet isfilled with buzzing storefrontscafesand restaurants Businesses and peoplealikeare enjoying the slowed-downMain Street feelThe benefits are bothaesthetic and economicThe city plans to expand its streetscapingplans into Florecienteand Edgewatercalmingtraffic along busy one‐wayswhile makingtheneighborhoodsmorewalkable and livableAfter demolition of the existing l‐74 bridge

there will bemanyopportunities to open upand redevelop the riverfront areaMultipleplans have beenoutlinedall ofwhich featureanew riverfrontparkMixed‐use residential 7orcommercial buildingswill complimentthe _critical publicparklandconnectingmoreofthdowntownto the riverThis publics beseenasMatineCent srfffront attheMississippiproyid activitiesconcertsandmealtime


Campus and RiverbendCommons drawinspiration from one another ‐ incorporatingriver themes complimentary architecture andenvironmentally‐conscious features

The planned improvements are greatexamples of revitalization through design ‑giving agenuine sense-of‐place and pridetodowntown MolineTosee Molinersquos comprehensive planvisit



30 groups in Scott Countyare making a difference

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FebrtiaryllsquoylarcliApril Lilli 5 rliaguzme 9


ErnieWest and hisbrick layingmachineI PhotoCreditBradKeene Cit ofDaven ort De artmentofPublicWorks7thdescnbing brick laying y y p p

_ Y UPEWISOVSICETI YOU bUIIdone do the samejob manually saving tax payers money and city em ployeesrsquobeSSibleErniewas given three weeks tocomplete their backsCW33ldquo ldquo the ldquoECESSalrsquoy partsandmaterlaIS- Learning of this new machine from Brian StinemanNatural Resource

_ 0rdquo ldquoadlsquosOffOfa 10hrdquoDeereSkId Steeri powered by a20 Managerwith the City PublicWorks RiverAction had to meet its creatorjhO EPOWEVHonda enginerW5 Strange IOOklngContraption ISboth Erniersquos paver layer means anew day for stormwater management and ingeniousandversatile Hydraulicallyoperated with anauto leveling water quality in DavenportCompleted onOctober 15tthismachineSYSEem Ernies maChIne Can lay brICIltS InWidths ranging from fiVe to iscapable of efficiently installing permeable pavers important toolseighteen feet allowing the City to resurface alleys streets and sidewalks to manage stormwater in cities Because of Erniersquos original design theInlsquoh0U5euro~TW0people C3ldquo do theW0rk Inhalfthe time it WOUId take four to proliferation of permeable streets issure to beinDavenportrsquos future


GreenValleyWetland Creation and Prairie Restoration Design Plan

~‐ ByJessica Fondro

reenValley NaturePreserveat 60th St

Molineadjacent to theRock River iscomprisedof more than 250acres of bottom‐landforest meslc prairieand wet meadowThe2015 design planwillresult in the creation ofapproximately five acresof potholewetlands andseven acres of nativeprairie restoration WetlandCreation 51AcresPotholewetlands Pmmlsquoc Planfing-69Acrcs

will beexcavated to 7 I E WalkingPath-510 Nadepth of 12rsquol‐i8rdquo i l v o 230 i s o n AL _L___L__ I__IDisplaced soil will bespread and seededto create ameslc prairie ecosystemwith The prairie potholes will be restored to In addition to wetland creation andattention to both infiltration potential and native wet prairie dominated byamixture of prairie restorationa5100 foot mowedaestheticsihe seed mixwill generate a grasses sedges and forbs including prairie walking pathwill becreated betweenseasonal color palate ranging from white cordgrass Canada bluejoint grass lake sedge the river and the wetlands to showcaseand yellow to blue and magenta and hop sedge fox sedge mountain mint New the restoration provide access for thewill likely include big blue stem Indian England aster angelica marsh marigold general public and students and promotegrass prairie dropseed black eyed susan swamp thistle swamp milkweedand blue connectivity within the preserve and thecompass plant rattle snakemaster and flag iris larger Rock RiverTrail blazing star

10 eddyMagazine I wwwriveractionorg

LakeOdessa UpperMississippiRiverRestoration‐ By77m Chambers

U nbeknownto manythe Mississippi Riveristhe only river in the United States to

berecognized byCongressrdquo asanationallysignificant ecosystem and anationallysignificant commercial navigation systemTo ensure that Congressrsquovision remains arealitythe Army Corps of Engineers and its partnershave been working through their UpperMississippi River Restoration Program (UMRR)to implement innovative and effective habitatrestoration projects by combining cuttingedge monitoring and research with pioneeringenvironmental design For over 25years Corpsdesigners have been refining constructiontechniques to improve habitats in ways neverbefore imaginedio date atotal ofSS projectsbenefiting more than i02000 acres have beencompleted through the UMRR programwithanother 35projects in either the constructionor design phase

A prime example of UMRR programs workisthe Lake Odessa Complex located 15milesouth of Muscatine in Louisa County Iowa


LakeOdessa 3

Lake Odessa Restoration Map lmage courtesy ofArmy Corps ofEngineers

This 6788 acre backwater complex has beenactively managed for wildlife since the i950rsquosWith its L800 acres of open water i7OO acresof non‐fOrested wetlands and 2900 acres ofbottomland hardwood forests Lake Odessa haslong provided critical habitat for amulsquoitudeofwildlife species However along hist roffloods and levee breeches has resultedin a reduction ofquality habitat especiallyimportant for fish and migratory waterfowl

In response to habitat degradation theCorps set out in 2006 to restore and protectwetland terrestrial and aquatic habitat throughthe restoration ofthe existing perimeter leveesystem spillway construction dredging theconstruction of new water control structures


seeding of sand prairie and the plantingof nut bearing hardwood tree species Thisproject has gone along way in reducingforest fragmentation increasing hardwoodtree diversity and native grassland expandingand enhancing wildlife habitatandprotecting archeological features within thecomplex Lake Odessa open to visitors ismanaged jointly bythe USFish and WildlifeService and the lowa DNR and supports 240species of birds and 96species of mammalsreptiles and amphibians and fishThe designofappropriate restoration and managementof lands such asLake Odessa is imperativeto the ecological sustainability ofthe UpperMississippi River System


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Magazine 1 1


_ wabieenergy 7 lsquo fit an Eastern iowa

eacutefiege w benefit the new Space NahantMarshEducationCenter (Photo byAmy7 LovingNahantVlarshEducationCoordinator)

raquolsquo qoivalenttothe present lot plus 50 ecosystemswater quality and biodiversityadditional feetThe projectdesigned inan Fromthe 19605 to 1996the land was usedenvironmentally responsibleway with the least for skeet and trap shooting leaving Nahantamount of impacton the wetlands isexpected contaminated with lead shotToday the 513 acreto be completed in spring 2015 area encompasses different wetland community

The Ecological Importance ‐ Nahant types including bottomland forest open‐waterMarsh isone ofthe last remaining urban habitatand marshland it provides habitat to

p _- dingGroundbreaking wetlands of its size onthe upper Mississippi more than 150 species of birds plantsfishpound30k placersquoNovember 202014on a 1600 River It offers awide variety of environmental insects mammalsand rare species such asthesguarefeet addition to the current building that education for people of all ages on wetland Leopard Frog and BlandingrsquosTurtle

HennepinCanalEnvironmentalPark RestorationDesign Plan

Cl Walking Path- 201 linear ft__ JeSSICG Flondro I Debris Removal v5490 sq ft

3 Prairie Restoration - 15 acresheHennepin Canal Environmental Park atthe Steel lsquo o 50 100 200 Foot xDam and Lock 30 in Milan iscomprised of mesic rsquo rsquo J rsquo rsquo Ll‐L‐L‐ l‐ i‐L-l‐ l

prairie and woodland edgeThe 2015 restoration anddesign plan includes improvements to the walking path and removal of prairie in the wildlife area along the canalThe seed mix will likely includevegetation at the portage which will connect visitors to the portage site little blue stem wild rye milk weed mountain mint pale coneflowersand the Rock River and Culverrsquos root Prairie restoration will increase biodiversity onsite and

Restoration plans also include the removal of invasive and encroaching provide anaesthetic backdrop for the canal and Rock River sitevegetation from historic Lock 30infrastructure and the installation of new Toshowcase restoration efforts at the Hennepin Canal Riverinterpretive signage bythe lL DNR to showcase historic canal features at Action with assistance from the Doris and Victor Day Foundationthe siteThe DNR will also dredge the canal above and below Lock 30and will offer environmental education programs for 180 students fromstock native fish species to promote kidrsquos fishing days Thomas Jefferson Elementary School in the spring of 2015Education

Additionally the design plan includes the repair of two existing park programming and restoration efforts will make the park asafe andbenches the trimming ofa large silver maple which will provide shade accessible place for families to enjoy nature and experience the historicfor visitors and a picnic table and the restoration of 15acres of mesic aspects ofthe Hennepin Canal that have been hidden

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12 eddyMagazine [ wvvwriveractionorg

y Uif]deddy CALENDAR


FebruaryInauguralFrozenFat FondoFestSaturdayFebruary7 Ham‐2pmCredit IslandParkDavenportJoin FORC in afat biking challenge ride along thebanks of the mighty Mississippi on Credit IslandRidesolo or asa3-person relay team See who can crankout the most laps in 3 hours around achallenge filledcourse Stick around after the main event for ahealthydose of shenanigans wwwqcforcorg

EarthExplorersFeb5-Oct29 everyotherWednesday 4-5pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportOur Earth Explorers after-school program allowschildren ages I H4 years‐old to explore innovativetechnologies and scientific concepts through creativeoutdoor activities and experiments For more informa‑tion and to register please visit wwwnahantmarshorg

Breakfastwith the BirdsFirstFridayof eachmonth8-9am NahantMarshEducationCenter DavenportJoin usfor aninformative breakfast about our featheredfriendsThe class will meet in the first Friday of everymonth beginning in October and continuing untilspring Each session will cover agroup of birds fromdabbling ducks to raptors to songbirds Depending onweather there may also be ashort hike to ourbird blindThe trail to the bird blind isADA accessible

Cost $5 (includes presentation amp continental breakfastcoffee and juice) To register please call 5633235196or bygoing to wwwnahantmarshprg

Toddler TalesSecondTuesdayof eachmonth 70‐1lam2‐3pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportEven if we cannot see animals that doesnrsquot mean thatthey arenrsquot thereWewill learn about ways to identifyanimals without seeing them Ages 3‐5 Cost $5peryouth Register online at wwwnahantmarshorg

MuddyBootsEveryotherWednesday4-5pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportThe purpose of Muddy Boots Nature Club isto provideyouth with the opportunities to learn while exploringnatureMuddy Boots engages children with hands‐onactivities like monarch butterfly tagging gardeningbike riding hikingeco‐crafts and more Ages 6-IOFor more information and to register please visit wwwnahantmarshorg

HuntingFishingandOutdoor Show2015Thursday throughSundayFebruary 12‐75QCCA ExpoCenterFrom boats and tackle to decoys and gear itrsquos anOutdoors Show with seminars and presentations frombig name fishing professionals Bring the family toKids Kampwith a real trout pond minnow racesandarcheryAdults $7Children 6yrs-16 yrs Si under6yrs Free

Sierra ClubTreehugger TriviaFriFebruary 136‐ 9pmFreightHouseFarmersMarket421WRiverDrDavenportReceptionHall at Freight House Doors open at 6pmtrivia starts at 7pmTeams of8 should register byemailing Jodi at loon585mchsicom Not on ateamSeats will beavailable for walk‐ins httpsierraclubevgwordpresscom

Valentine IndoorMusicandMoonlightWalkSat Feb 74 630-830pm Watch Tower LodgeBlackHawkStateHistoricSiteRock IslandFeaturingastroll outside onaluminaw‐Iit trail Too coldoutside for the walk come into the Lodge and keepwarm by the firewith fresh donuts and cider or hot

cocoa Music will be provided by Just4Fun Drew Naglewill call the contra‐dancing FREESingles couples ampfamily friendly (309‐788-9536) or wwwblackhawkparkorgThis event issponsored by Black Hawk StateHistoric Site in cooperation with Citizens to PreserveBlack Hawk Park Foundation‐education outreach forBlack Hawk State Historic Site since i972

MardiGras RajunCajun FestTuesday February 17530‐8pm $25perperson inadvance $30at the doorThe taste of NewOrleans iscoming back to the QuadCities on FatTuesday Local chefs will be set up in thelobby of the FiggeArt Museumwhere guests cansample each chefs Cajun creation All proceeds benlsquoefit the outreach programs of the Figge Art MuseumTickets purchased in advance online or over the phone(5633267804 x2046) will reserve your spot Name andidentification required for entry Doors open at 5 pm

Skatingat RiversidePark LagoonSkating at Riverside Park Lagoon Ice skating is permit‑ted asweather allows at Riverside Park Lagoon locatedat 2750 5th AvenueThe lagoon has awarming houseand public restrooms that are open seasonally whenconditions are favorable for ice skating Ice conditionsvary based on changing weather conditions sopleaseobey posted signs that indicate ifice conditions areappropriate for skating Hours of Operation are 6am‑i 1pmdaily Public session admission is$5 skate rental$3 all sessions are 25 hours For more informationcall 309-524-2424

RiverActionrsquos EnvironmentalBookClubTuesday February24 7pmRiverActionofficeDavenportDiscussThe Big Year by MarkObmascik Meetings areopen to the public and meet at the River Action office822 ERiver Dr betweenTremont and Federal StreetsFor more info please call 5633222969

Friendsof NahantMarshMeetingLastWedof eachmonth6pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportAre you looking to get more involved at NahantThen join usat our monthly FriendsMeetingFor more informationcall 563-323‐5196




l l l l lsquo l I I raquo lildquolsquoillllsquo


QuidCityAudubon Society FieldTripSaturdayFebruary28 7am Wildcat DennearMuscatine IATrip will travel from Buffalo Shores birding aswe go toWildcat Den and Fairport Fish Hatchery Bepreparedto hike the beautifulWildcat Den State Park in winterThere isanoptional stop for lunch in Buffalo Meet atBuffalo Shores (one mile past Buffalo IA Hwy 22)langleyartmchsicom for more information

MarchAPhotographerrsquosFeastSaturdayMarch79am‐2pm Western ILUniversityQuadCities 55 feepayableat the doorWhether you are an amateur or a seasoned photoenthusiast come out and hear a talented experiencedgroup of photographers offertheir tips River Actionand Western lLUniversity are coesponsoring the workshopVisit wwwriveractionorg for more informationand to register

Mississippi RiverGeotourismQCmeetingMondayampTuesdayMarch 9amp 10watch for detailsThis isa series of four Project Planning and Orientationmeetings to inform partners about this project goalsprocess and benefitsand to highlight the roles ofstakeholders and determine next steps towards implementing the Mississippi River Geotourism

StPatrickrsquosSocietyGrandParadeSaturdayMarch 14 7730‐7pm ILampIAQuadCitiesparaderouteStarts in Rock Island crosses the Centennial Bridge andends up in downtown Davenport For more informa‑tion on the parade visit wwwstpatsqccom

CanoecopiaMarch 73‐15AlliantEnergyCenter 7979AliantEnergyWayMadisonWICanoecopia isthe largest paddlesports consumerevent in the world with over 250000 square feetof kayaks canoes Stand Up Paddleboards outdoorequipment and clothing canoecopiacom

Sierra Club ProgramMeeting- Bald EaglesandLeadShotMonMarch 76 7‐ 830pmMolinePublicLibrary32104IstStMoline ILEdBritton USFish andWildlife Service will discuss newresearch on the impacts of lead shot on bald eaglepopulations Meet in the Bronze Roomofthe librarysierraclubevgwordpresscom


1802West LocustStreet Davenport IA52804


(By appointment)

DyeingEggsthe NaturalWaySatMarch2I 70am to noonand 100pm to 300pm NahantMarsh4220WapelloAve Davenport IAThe Nahant Marsh EducationCenter will present aclasson the basics of natural dyes and using them to cre‑ate colored eggsThere also will be a presentation onthe history of natural dyes and tips for creating naturaldyes at home Participants should bring adozenhard‐boiled eggs and an apron orTeshirt that can getstained There isa cost to participate and registration isrequired (Ages 8 and up) Call 563732375i 96 to register

RiverActionrsquos EnvironmentalBookClubTuesdayMarch24 7pmRiverAction officeDavenportDiscuss DirtThe Erosion of Civilizations byDavid RMontgomeryMeetings are open to the public andmeet at the River Action office 822 ERiver Dr betweenTremont and Federal Streets For more info call563-322-2969

Henry FarnamDinner 12thAnnualQuadCitiesFridayMarch27Jumerrsquos HotelampCasinoRockIslandILCocktails (cash bar) and displays 5pm Dinner 630pmand Program 730pmTickets are $40 per personreserved table of 10 is$375 Invitationswill be mailed inearly March to those who received invitations last yearFor reservations go to wwwriveractionorg or for moreinformation call River Action at 56332272969

Environmental FilmFest 10thAnnual EddyAwardWinningSaturdayMarch28 Olin CenterAugustana College733 35thStRock IslandILAdmission isFREE although donations are acceptedDoors open at i iam For film information and directions check out wwwaugustanaeduenvironmental‑filmfest For more info about EagleView Group SierraClub check out httpillinoissierracluborgeagleviewor contact Kathryn Allen at kasavelieaolcomThepublic iswelcome to attend any or all ofthe filmsbeing screened at the festival Refreshmentswillbe available

QuadCityAudubon Society FieldTripSaturdayMarch 28 7am Lock and Dam 13There will be many stops along the way searching forwaterfowl and early spring migrantsThis isagreat tripto look for signs ofspring This trip will stop at Fultonfor lunch some may choose to continue birding afterlunchMeet at Brothers Restaurant in Hampton IL at7am langleyartmchsicom for more information

Pickupa Retainthe RainrsquoRainBarrel for AprilshowersRain Barrels hold 60gallons and come with adivertermosquito nettingand spigot all for S75 River Action822 ERiver Dr Davenport or riveractionorg

Ap r i lQuadCitiesAudubon Society FieldTripSaturdayApril I I 7amConesMarsh IAThis trip isto many the best of the year with stunningviews of many species of shorebirds waterfowl andother early spring migrants Sandhill Cranes SnowGeese and many more maybe a nesting Great HornedOwl will be the highlightsMeet at Buffalo Shores (onemile past Buffalo IA Hwy 22) at 7am langleyartmchsicom for more information

RiverActionrsquos EnvironmentalBookClubTuesdayApril28 7pmRiverActionofficeDavenportDiscussThe Forest Unseen AYearrsquos Watch in Nature byDavidGeorge Haskell Meetings are open to the publicand meet at the River Action office 822 ERiver DrbetweenTremont and Federal Streets For more infoplease call 563822-2969

RiverActionrsquos Fish8FireFundraiserandFriendraiserFridayApril24 Watch Tower Lodgein BlackHawkStateParkRock IslandThis annual catfish fry combines fundraising andfriends Bid on dozens of silent auction items enjoy thedinner and entertainment and be a part ofthe 16thAnnual Eddy Awards Presentation 7 awards given tothose in our community who go against the currentto get things done For more information or to registergo to riveractionorg

The 40th Stroll through SpringtimeSatApril25 7am‐I2noon Watch Tower LodgeBlackHawkStateHistoricSite 15I046thAve (BlackhawkRd)Rock Island779am trail walks to identify both migrating amp resi‑dent birds (binoculars suggested) 9am refreshmentsincluding wild violetjelly and ashort programandiO-l 2trail walks to identify wildflowersFREE (309) 78879536wwwblackhawkparkorg

108 E2nd Street Davenport IA 5280rsquo563-424-2012

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Connect With Us

For over 30 years RiverAction has been dedicated toconnecting people to theriver Our supporters helpus to improve the quality ofwater that flows down theriver They help us to instilla love of the river throughencouraging participation inmany activities that involvethe river Plus River Actionencourages educationalprograms that help ourresidents better understandriver related issues andconcerns

JOIN TODAY ATwwwriveractionorg

or send check to822 E River Drive

Davenport lA 52803


A membership to River Actionoffers you an opportunity toreally make a difference in ourcommunity With eachmembership you will receivediscounts on educationalprograms as well as yourcontinued FREE subscriptionto eddy Magazine

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$30 for 30yearsl Please consider joining River Action as a member With your help we cancontinue to achieve great things in the coming years


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Page 3: RiverAction.org Eddy Magazine 201502


First BridgeAdopts Original Design‐- ByKathyWineRiverActionStaff

iverActionrsquos project First Bridgedesigned to link usto the MississippiRiverour heritageand our future has over a iSO‐year connection

to the community and the nationOnthe corner of River Drive andFederal StreetDavenporthidden for years behind trees lies the originalembankment for the first railroad bridgeacross the riverOne rail stillstretches out toward the bridgersquos other end along the shore of Rock lslandBythe i850rsquosthe crossing from Rock Islandto Davenport had been

identifiedasthe best place to design this important bridge Itwas directlywest of Chicagoand the island acted asastepping stone across thissection ofthe riverwith its limestone riverbed Inaddition the rapidsandnavigation channel here had been mapped byRobert ELee in 1837After design and two years of construction the bridgeopened to great

fanfare April 21 1856Theachievement ofspanning the river had resultedin an impressivewooden Howe truss bridge over 1500feet longandpaintedwhiteThere were five spans distinguished byBurr truss archesand a286‐foot swing span which allowed passage through the drawImaginewhat it must have looked like to apilot coming around the bend‐ each span between the piers was 250 feet

Using these historical specifications RiverAction proposes toreconstruct one complete span identical to the first It would rest onthe original embankmentwith limestone to replicate the piersWhencompletedthe recreation bridgewill link the new FamilyYwith RiverHeritage Park and riverfront trails

eddyMagazine | wwwriveractionorg

Two weeks after the first crossing the steamboat ldquoEffieAftonrdquostruck apier and caught fireThe subsequent lawsuit became adefining chapterin the nationrsquos development Steamboat interests argued the bridgewasanobstruction to navigationwhile the railroadsand one oftheir lawyers‐ ayoung Abraham Lincoln ‐ argued that one person has asmuch rightto cross the river asanother had to sail upand down itThe Supreme )Court ultimately agreed the bridge remainedand the transcontinental irailroad becameareality ildquolfl was asked to pickthe symbol to put mythumb onamap of if

where that connection between East andWest began it was not at the arch in St Louis ‐ thatrsquos for Lewis and Clark historyThe real beginning lsquoof connecting east andwest was the bridgethat connected Rock islandlllinoiswith Davenport lowardquoDouglas BrinkleyAuthor Historian

Ten years after the fire the first bridgewas replacedon the sameembankment and piers in 1872 it was replacedbyanew bridgedownstreamwhere the current government bridge nowstands I HNotedauthor and plannerKevin LynchwroteAdesirabletmag

one that celebrates and enlarges the presentwhile makinlsquo Connectwith past and futurefrsquoWhatTime isThis Place 1972Wise mmFirst Bridgewill serve asagateway todowntownandadtourists interested in heritagetravelitsdesignbrings-hembracing modern urban redevelopmentand-givemore reason to be proudof this unique tilsquochhdf

DesignByand For the Community‐‐ byfirmChambers

hroughout this issue ofthe Eddyweareintroduced to amyriad of design concepts

from environmental to architectural designincludinga reconstructive pedestrian bridgelinking people to the riverfront and theircultural historyand design to revitalize oururban centers

Letrsquos not forget those grass root designsthat continue to change the appearance andfunctionality ofour landscapeon shoe stringbudgetsCommunity gardens and rain gardensare two examples that have profound effects onour communities and the urban environmentCommunityGardens

Neighborhoodcommunal orcommunitygardens call them what you will all aredesignations of gardens designed for and byacommunity Asa result each garden isdifferentfrom the other Design isdictated bytheneeds and wants of each community culturalbackground ofthe gardeners and physicallocationThesegardens might bespacesstrictly dedicated to the production of freshvegetables and herbs or simply to the practiceof horticultureGarden layouts may reflect acommunal approach to garden managementwhereas others may bedivided into plotseachworked byan individual or household

Whether located onavacant city lot downthe block from your home inyour neighborrsquosbackyardor in acity parkcommunity gardensoffer opportunities for physical activity urbanbeautificationcultural expressionand socialinteractionThey provide access to healthyfoods and habitat for urbanwildlifewhile at thesame time capture and filter stormwater andreduce air pollutionCommunity gardens makegreat outdoor

classroomswhere knowledge is shared andexperimentation isthe normTheproliferationofthese gardens inthe Quad Cities isthe resultof the dedication and hardwork of grass rootorganizations such asthe Rock IslandUrbanGarden ConsortiumTheGardenGrowersandthe pioneering successes of various communityeffortsAsLaura Klavitter from theTremontGarden Project put itWhatever you put inyouget outrdquoThe Possibilitiesareendless __RainGardens

Raingardensrsquohave becomin the home landSca lsquo lsquopopularitywith _ ia

A Rock IslandCommunity GardenPhotoRock IslandUrbanGardenConsortium

waterways due to urban pollutants Inmanycases these issues lead to costly improvementsto municipal stormwater treatment structures

Bydesign rain gardens take advantage ofrainfall and stormwaterTypically small in sizethese gardens are depressions in the landscapeplanted ideallywith native perennialsand shrubs located strategically to capturerunofffrom roofs and imperious surfacesSuperficially a rain garden might look like anyother attractive garden but aswater enters thegarden it isboth infiltrated and cleaned

Both the City of Rock island and thePartnershipfor Scott CountyWatershedsmanage programs that subsidize the cost ofinstalling rain gardens onprivate propertyRock Islandwill reimburse homeowners $4per square foot up to $3000 and since theprograms inception in 2005 the City has seenthe installation of 246 rain gardensWhile anindividual rain garden mayseem insignificantanetworkof gardenswill providesubstantialenvironmental benefits

Birds-eyeviewTremont Garden ProjectPhotoLaura Kavtter



FebruaryixlarcngAprii20iS l eddyrilagazme 5



emulator theparkandmemorialCreditSmithGroupJJR

pace for Storytellingamp HealingVeteransMemorial Park

heCity of Davenport not only wants tomake public parkland apriority but they

served our country One of Davenportrsquos newestplanned parks isVeterans Memorial ParkLying

want it to bededicated to the heroes that have just west of Centennial Park along the banks

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ofthe Mississippi the land isset to beshapedintoawell-designed memorial to those whohave servedThe memorialwill bedesigned notsimply asalocal park but adestination drawingveterans and civilians from across the midwestThe eastern portion ofthe park isslated to becompleted within the next five years

Insteadofa normal park with asinglemonument the entire site will bededicatedasamemorial to veterans It will be centeredaround adramatic monumentwithpaths radiating outward for meditationcontemplation and healing Insteadof straightlinesthe pathswill follow organic curves ‑imitating naturersquos own designAswith many public spaces in the Quad

Cities the entire park will connect with theriverdrawing inspiration from itWalking pathswill connect with Centennial Park and LeClairePark in the east while the RiverWay blcyclepedestrian pathwill link the Parkwith CreditIsland to the west

Because the parkwill be built in thefloodplain special consideration isgiven tothe power of the river Instead of attemptingto make the park accessible during floodevents the designers want to make the spaceeasily maintainableand resilientafter aflood‐ a testament to its mission of healingandregrowth _Veterans Memorial Parkwill beaplaceof

remembrance and optimism telling the storyofournationrsquos greatest heroeswithasymbolicrsquo 7 eternal flame

7 As anewcomer to the Quad Cities myintrigue isrenewed every time lwalk

through urban Rock IslandWith its historicaldistricts and position on the mighty Mississippiit seems asthough i can almost re‐live the Cityrsquosrich history ‐ Saukenuk Fort Armstrong thefirst railroad bridge Looneyand prohibition eraspeakeasiesAlthough urban Rock Island hasexperienced decline since its peak in the 1960rsquosits future potential isundeniable

Recognizing its own potential the Cityembarked on apublic planning process in2012building onprevious planning effortsto reverse long‐term trends in urban declineto develop arevitalization plan for the ArsenalGatewayThe area of focus incorporatessections of several urban neighborhoods ‐ theBroadway Historic District Downtown districtand the Greenbush neighborhood ‐ locatedproximally to one ofthe Quad Citiesrsquomajoremployers the Arsenal Adopted byRock IslandinJuly 20l 3the plan considers the complexityofthe urban community and the interactionof social economic and environmental forcesRecommendations include designs to increaseaccess to the riverfront expand greenspaceand improve pedestrian and bicycle accessand safetyThey also include the redesign of

‐ B y fi mChambersstreetscapes and the inclusion of public artto enhance aesthetic infill of vacant lots andopportunities and strategies to direct bothpublic and private investmentWhile planning and design documents

are essential in informing effective long‐termredevelopment and revitalization they arealso great at collecting dust onmunicipalbookshelves it isultimately the community7 residents development non‐profits transitdistricts government and local businesses‐ acting together that drive change in 2014Arsenal Gateway saw the opening ofthe Locks‐ atransit oriented housing developmentand anew transit transfer station that fulfillstransit system needs and improves rider safetyBoth are examples ofsuccessful collaborationsbetween the growth MetroLlNK and the CityMeanwhile local businesses like Rozzetox on3rd Ave and 21st Street are changing the socialand economic landscapelhrough its originalsocial design Rozzrtox has created adynamicspace welcoming of expression that attracts adiversity of artists to the Arsenal GatewayTosee the Arsenal Gateway Revitalization

Planvisit httpwwwrigovorgdocumentcenterviewSoii


Photo Tim GilmanRozz-Tox 2108 3rd Ave Rock Island

innardsApril70i5 l eddyMagazine 7


and redeveiOpmentof the former Howardjohnson hotel site at 227 LeCiaire Street a keyeastern gateway to downtown DavenportlowaThe$25M proposed developmentknownasRiverwatchPlace isasix-storymixed-useoffice buildingthat includesfirstfloor commercialretail use and restaurantspacewith Mississippi RiverviewsThe buildingis60000 SF(10000 SFper floor) will featureoutdoor vista points oneach floor and alarge

BLDDArchitects a member of the development team is the building designer

dining area onthe top floorimproving this site has long been agoal of

the selected developers itbffers extraordinaryriver views Our mission isto deliver atrophyproperty worthy of the siterdquosaid John GRuhlPresidentof NAl RuhlCommercial Co adeveloper alongwith BushConstruction

The urban infill project on apropertythat has sat empty since 2009will add tothe Davenport skyline both day and nightand provide awelcoming entrance to the


8 eddyMagazne I vvvvvvriveractionorg

downtown KyleCarter Executive Director DDPreports that demolition ofthe existing buildingisplanned to begin the first ofthe year withconstruction ofthe new building to followBuildingdesign isbyBLDDArchitectsit will bebuilt knowing full‐well that flooding isanissuethat must bemitigated via designrdquohe addsProperty owner Demolition Davenport throughthe Downtown Davenport Partnershipwillcontinue to bethe steward otthe propertyuntil afinal closing


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A birds‐eye illustration of the long-termvision for downtown Molinelookingsouthwest CreditLakotaGroup

An artistrsquos concept for a pedestrianized street on 4th Ave at 7th Stlooking east Credit LakotaGroup

Re-designingMolinersquos DowntownLikemany towns in the midwestMolineand the rest ofthe Quad Cities fall into

what isknown asThe Rust BeltWith decliningpopulations and loss of manufacturingjobstowns likeMoline have had to think outside theboxwhen it comes to planning and economicdevelopment ‐ to bring in newjobs andrevenuewhile making the area anenjoyableplace to liveMolinersquos latest comprehensiveplan updates provide strategies to fill itsdowntown area with well-thought‐out designsThese updates focus onthree downtownneighborhoods Floreciente to the west MolineCentre and Edgewater in the eastWhile the further-out areas ofMoline are

boomingespecially along the John Deerecorridor the city recognizes the importance of astrong and diverse downtown asanalternativeto urban sprawlThe city has distinguished itselfbymixing completely new infill developmentswith reuse projects showcasing historicalarchitecture without being averse to modernbuilding projectsThis gives Molinersquos downtownvariety and depthAcity block acts astimelinewith both older and contemporary designsThiscan beseen with the historical redevelopmentof theWashington Square apartments originally rowhouses for John Deereexecutivesin the i9th century now just down the blockfrom the very modern KoneCenterThe newtransit development ‐ dubbedTheQrdquowillrefurbish anexistingwarehousewith newlyconstructed additions housing the newAmtrakstationa hoteland possible retail space

Creative usesare being plannedforexisting and historicalbuildings in both theFlorecienteandEdgewater neighborhood _New-infilldevelOpmentswould i r yantagrdquoof relatively inexpensive ndlsquoandiopelots ‐ providing c



street ‐ similar to traditional Latin‐AmericanplazasEdgewaterwill benefit from itsproximity to the newWestern IllinoisUniversitycampus making it aperfect fit for college towncafes and shopsThese developments wouldcouplewith re‐designed streets to inject vitalityinto neighborhoodswhere it ismost needed

Moline has recognized that well‐designedstreets not only manage traffic but also leadto more pedestrian and bicycle traffic Since2005 the city has outlined specific designs forimproving streets ‐ including benches plantersuniquecrosswalksand stylish lightingThebest example ofthis streetscapingrdquois on5thAvenue in MolineCentreOnany given day thestreet isfilled with buzzing storefrontscafesand restaurants Businesses and peoplealikeare enjoying the slowed-downMain Street feelThe benefits are bothaesthetic and economicThe city plans to expand its streetscapingplans into Florecienteand Edgewatercalmingtraffic along busy one‐wayswhile makingtheneighborhoodsmorewalkable and livableAfter demolition of the existing l‐74 bridge

there will bemanyopportunities to open upand redevelop the riverfront areaMultipleplans have beenoutlinedall ofwhich featureanew riverfrontparkMixed‐use residential 7orcommercial buildingswill complimentthe _critical publicparklandconnectingmoreofthdowntownto the riverThis publics beseenasMatineCent srfffront attheMississippiproyid activitiesconcertsandmealtime


Campus and RiverbendCommons drawinspiration from one another ‐ incorporatingriver themes complimentary architecture andenvironmentally‐conscious features

The planned improvements are greatexamples of revitalization through design ‑giving agenuine sense-of‐place and pridetodowntown MolineTosee Molinersquos comprehensive planvisit



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ErnieWest and hisbrick layingmachineI PhotoCreditBradKeene Cit ofDaven ort De artmentofPublicWorks7thdescnbing brick laying y y p p

_ Y UPEWISOVSICETI YOU bUIIdone do the samejob manually saving tax payers money and city em ployeesrsquobeSSibleErniewas given three weeks tocomplete their backsCW33ldquo ldquo the ldquoECESSalrsquoy partsandmaterlaIS- Learning of this new machine from Brian StinemanNatural Resource

_ 0rdquo ldquoadlsquosOffOfa 10hrdquoDeereSkId Steeri powered by a20 Managerwith the City PublicWorks RiverAction had to meet its creatorjhO EPOWEVHonda enginerW5 Strange IOOklngContraption ISboth Erniersquos paver layer means anew day for stormwater management and ingeniousandversatile Hydraulicallyoperated with anauto leveling water quality in DavenportCompleted onOctober 15tthismachineSYSEem Ernies maChIne Can lay brICIltS InWidths ranging from fiVe to iscapable of efficiently installing permeable pavers important toolseighteen feet allowing the City to resurface alleys streets and sidewalks to manage stormwater in cities Because of Erniersquos original design theInlsquoh0U5euro~TW0people C3ldquo do theW0rk Inhalfthe time it WOUId take four to proliferation of permeable streets issure to beinDavenportrsquos future


GreenValleyWetland Creation and Prairie Restoration Design Plan

~‐ ByJessica Fondro

reenValley NaturePreserveat 60th St

Molineadjacent to theRock River iscomprisedof more than 250acres of bottom‐landforest meslc prairieand wet meadowThe2015 design planwillresult in the creation ofapproximately five acresof potholewetlands andseven acres of nativeprairie restoration WetlandCreation 51AcresPotholewetlands Pmmlsquoc Planfing-69Acrcs

will beexcavated to 7 I E WalkingPath-510 Nadepth of 12rsquol‐i8rdquo i l v o 230 i s o n AL _L___L__ I__IDisplaced soil will bespread and seededto create ameslc prairie ecosystemwith The prairie potholes will be restored to In addition to wetland creation andattention to both infiltration potential and native wet prairie dominated byamixture of prairie restorationa5100 foot mowedaestheticsihe seed mixwill generate a grasses sedges and forbs including prairie walking pathwill becreated betweenseasonal color palate ranging from white cordgrass Canada bluejoint grass lake sedge the river and the wetlands to showcaseand yellow to blue and magenta and hop sedge fox sedge mountain mint New the restoration provide access for thewill likely include big blue stem Indian England aster angelica marsh marigold general public and students and promotegrass prairie dropseed black eyed susan swamp thistle swamp milkweedand blue connectivity within the preserve and thecompass plant rattle snakemaster and flag iris larger Rock RiverTrail blazing star

10 eddyMagazine I wwwriveractionorg

LakeOdessa UpperMississippiRiverRestoration‐ By77m Chambers

U nbeknownto manythe Mississippi Riveristhe only river in the United States to

berecognized byCongressrdquo asanationallysignificant ecosystem and anationallysignificant commercial navigation systemTo ensure that Congressrsquovision remains arealitythe Army Corps of Engineers and its partnershave been working through their UpperMississippi River Restoration Program (UMRR)to implement innovative and effective habitatrestoration projects by combining cuttingedge monitoring and research with pioneeringenvironmental design For over 25years Corpsdesigners have been refining constructiontechniques to improve habitats in ways neverbefore imaginedio date atotal ofSS projectsbenefiting more than i02000 acres have beencompleted through the UMRR programwithanother 35projects in either the constructionor design phase

A prime example of UMRR programs workisthe Lake Odessa Complex located 15milesouth of Muscatine in Louisa County Iowa


LakeOdessa 3

Lake Odessa Restoration Map lmage courtesy ofArmy Corps ofEngineers

This 6788 acre backwater complex has beenactively managed for wildlife since the i950rsquosWith its L800 acres of open water i7OO acresof non‐fOrested wetlands and 2900 acres ofbottomland hardwood forests Lake Odessa haslong provided critical habitat for amulsquoitudeofwildlife species However along hist roffloods and levee breeches has resultedin a reduction ofquality habitat especiallyimportant for fish and migratory waterfowl

In response to habitat degradation theCorps set out in 2006 to restore and protectwetland terrestrial and aquatic habitat throughthe restoration ofthe existing perimeter leveesystem spillway construction dredging theconstruction of new water control structures


seeding of sand prairie and the plantingof nut bearing hardwood tree species Thisproject has gone along way in reducingforest fragmentation increasing hardwoodtree diversity and native grassland expandingand enhancing wildlife habitatandprotecting archeological features within thecomplex Lake Odessa open to visitors ismanaged jointly bythe USFish and WildlifeService and the lowa DNR and supports 240species of birds and 96species of mammalsreptiles and amphibians and fishThe designofappropriate restoration and managementof lands such asLake Odessa is imperativeto the ecological sustainability ofthe UpperMississippi River System


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Magazine 1 1


_ wabieenergy 7 lsquo fit an Eastern iowa

eacutefiege w benefit the new Space NahantMarshEducationCenter (Photo byAmy7 LovingNahantVlarshEducationCoordinator)

raquolsquo qoivalenttothe present lot plus 50 ecosystemswater quality and biodiversityadditional feetThe projectdesigned inan Fromthe 19605 to 1996the land was usedenvironmentally responsibleway with the least for skeet and trap shooting leaving Nahantamount of impacton the wetlands isexpected contaminated with lead shotToday the 513 acreto be completed in spring 2015 area encompasses different wetland community

The Ecological Importance ‐ Nahant types including bottomland forest open‐waterMarsh isone ofthe last remaining urban habitatand marshland it provides habitat to

p _- dingGroundbreaking wetlands of its size onthe upper Mississippi more than 150 species of birds plantsfishpound30k placersquoNovember 202014on a 1600 River It offers awide variety of environmental insects mammalsand rare species such asthesguarefeet addition to the current building that education for people of all ages on wetland Leopard Frog and BlandingrsquosTurtle

HennepinCanalEnvironmentalPark RestorationDesign Plan

Cl Walking Path- 201 linear ft__ JeSSICG Flondro I Debris Removal v5490 sq ft

3 Prairie Restoration - 15 acresheHennepin Canal Environmental Park atthe Steel lsquo o 50 100 200 Foot xDam and Lock 30 in Milan iscomprised of mesic rsquo rsquo J rsquo rsquo Ll‐L‐L‐ l‐ i‐L-l‐ l

prairie and woodland edgeThe 2015 restoration anddesign plan includes improvements to the walking path and removal of prairie in the wildlife area along the canalThe seed mix will likely includevegetation at the portage which will connect visitors to the portage site little blue stem wild rye milk weed mountain mint pale coneflowersand the Rock River and Culverrsquos root Prairie restoration will increase biodiversity onsite and

Restoration plans also include the removal of invasive and encroaching provide anaesthetic backdrop for the canal and Rock River sitevegetation from historic Lock 30infrastructure and the installation of new Toshowcase restoration efforts at the Hennepin Canal Riverinterpretive signage bythe lL DNR to showcase historic canal features at Action with assistance from the Doris and Victor Day Foundationthe siteThe DNR will also dredge the canal above and below Lock 30and will offer environmental education programs for 180 students fromstock native fish species to promote kidrsquos fishing days Thomas Jefferson Elementary School in the spring of 2015Education

Additionally the design plan includes the repair of two existing park programming and restoration efforts will make the park asafe andbenches the trimming ofa large silver maple which will provide shade accessible place for families to enjoy nature and experience the historicfor visitors and a picnic table and the restoration of 15acres of mesic aspects ofthe Hennepin Canal that have been hidden

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y Uif]deddy CALENDAR


FebruaryInauguralFrozenFat FondoFestSaturdayFebruary7 Ham‐2pmCredit IslandParkDavenportJoin FORC in afat biking challenge ride along thebanks of the mighty Mississippi on Credit IslandRidesolo or asa3-person relay team See who can crankout the most laps in 3 hours around achallenge filledcourse Stick around after the main event for ahealthydose of shenanigans wwwqcforcorg

EarthExplorersFeb5-Oct29 everyotherWednesday 4-5pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportOur Earth Explorers after-school program allowschildren ages I H4 years‐old to explore innovativetechnologies and scientific concepts through creativeoutdoor activities and experiments For more informa‑tion and to register please visit wwwnahantmarshorg

Breakfastwith the BirdsFirstFridayof eachmonth8-9am NahantMarshEducationCenter DavenportJoin usfor aninformative breakfast about our featheredfriendsThe class will meet in the first Friday of everymonth beginning in October and continuing untilspring Each session will cover agroup of birds fromdabbling ducks to raptors to songbirds Depending onweather there may also be ashort hike to ourbird blindThe trail to the bird blind isADA accessible

Cost $5 (includes presentation amp continental breakfastcoffee and juice) To register please call 5633235196or bygoing to wwwnahantmarshprg

Toddler TalesSecondTuesdayof eachmonth 70‐1lam2‐3pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportEven if we cannot see animals that doesnrsquot mean thatthey arenrsquot thereWewill learn about ways to identifyanimals without seeing them Ages 3‐5 Cost $5peryouth Register online at wwwnahantmarshorg

MuddyBootsEveryotherWednesday4-5pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportThe purpose of Muddy Boots Nature Club isto provideyouth with the opportunities to learn while exploringnatureMuddy Boots engages children with hands‐onactivities like monarch butterfly tagging gardeningbike riding hikingeco‐crafts and more Ages 6-IOFor more information and to register please visit wwwnahantmarshorg

HuntingFishingandOutdoor Show2015Thursday throughSundayFebruary 12‐75QCCA ExpoCenterFrom boats and tackle to decoys and gear itrsquos anOutdoors Show with seminars and presentations frombig name fishing professionals Bring the family toKids Kampwith a real trout pond minnow racesandarcheryAdults $7Children 6yrs-16 yrs Si under6yrs Free

Sierra ClubTreehugger TriviaFriFebruary 136‐ 9pmFreightHouseFarmersMarket421WRiverDrDavenportReceptionHall at Freight House Doors open at 6pmtrivia starts at 7pmTeams of8 should register byemailing Jodi at loon585mchsicom Not on ateamSeats will beavailable for walk‐ins httpsierraclubevgwordpresscom

Valentine IndoorMusicandMoonlightWalkSat Feb 74 630-830pm Watch Tower LodgeBlackHawkStateHistoricSiteRock IslandFeaturingastroll outside onaluminaw‐Iit trail Too coldoutside for the walk come into the Lodge and keepwarm by the firewith fresh donuts and cider or hot

cocoa Music will be provided by Just4Fun Drew Naglewill call the contra‐dancing FREESingles couples ampfamily friendly (309‐788-9536) or wwwblackhawkparkorgThis event issponsored by Black Hawk StateHistoric Site in cooperation with Citizens to PreserveBlack Hawk Park Foundation‐education outreach forBlack Hawk State Historic Site since i972

MardiGras RajunCajun FestTuesday February 17530‐8pm $25perperson inadvance $30at the doorThe taste of NewOrleans iscoming back to the QuadCities on FatTuesday Local chefs will be set up in thelobby of the FiggeArt Museumwhere guests cansample each chefs Cajun creation All proceeds benlsquoefit the outreach programs of the Figge Art MuseumTickets purchased in advance online or over the phone(5633267804 x2046) will reserve your spot Name andidentification required for entry Doors open at 5 pm

Skatingat RiversidePark LagoonSkating at Riverside Park Lagoon Ice skating is permit‑ted asweather allows at Riverside Park Lagoon locatedat 2750 5th AvenueThe lagoon has awarming houseand public restrooms that are open seasonally whenconditions are favorable for ice skating Ice conditionsvary based on changing weather conditions sopleaseobey posted signs that indicate ifice conditions areappropriate for skating Hours of Operation are 6am‑i 1pmdaily Public session admission is$5 skate rental$3 all sessions are 25 hours For more informationcall 309-524-2424

RiverActionrsquos EnvironmentalBookClubTuesday February24 7pmRiverActionofficeDavenportDiscussThe Big Year by MarkObmascik Meetings areopen to the public and meet at the River Action office822 ERiver Dr betweenTremont and Federal StreetsFor more info please call 5633222969

Friendsof NahantMarshMeetingLastWedof eachmonth6pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportAre you looking to get more involved at NahantThen join usat our monthly FriendsMeetingFor more informationcall 563-323‐5196




l l l l lsquo l I I raquo lildquolsquoillllsquo


QuidCityAudubon Society FieldTripSaturdayFebruary28 7am Wildcat DennearMuscatine IATrip will travel from Buffalo Shores birding aswe go toWildcat Den and Fairport Fish Hatchery Bepreparedto hike the beautifulWildcat Den State Park in winterThere isanoptional stop for lunch in Buffalo Meet atBuffalo Shores (one mile past Buffalo IA Hwy 22)langleyartmchsicom for more information

MarchAPhotographerrsquosFeastSaturdayMarch79am‐2pm Western ILUniversityQuadCities 55 feepayableat the doorWhether you are an amateur or a seasoned photoenthusiast come out and hear a talented experiencedgroup of photographers offertheir tips River Actionand Western lLUniversity are coesponsoring the workshopVisit wwwriveractionorg for more informationand to register

Mississippi RiverGeotourismQCmeetingMondayampTuesdayMarch 9amp 10watch for detailsThis isa series of four Project Planning and Orientationmeetings to inform partners about this project goalsprocess and benefitsand to highlight the roles ofstakeholders and determine next steps towards implementing the Mississippi River Geotourism

StPatrickrsquosSocietyGrandParadeSaturdayMarch 14 7730‐7pm ILampIAQuadCitiesparaderouteStarts in Rock Island crosses the Centennial Bridge andends up in downtown Davenport For more informa‑tion on the parade visit wwwstpatsqccom

CanoecopiaMarch 73‐15AlliantEnergyCenter 7979AliantEnergyWayMadisonWICanoecopia isthe largest paddlesports consumerevent in the world with over 250000 square feetof kayaks canoes Stand Up Paddleboards outdoorequipment and clothing canoecopiacom

Sierra Club ProgramMeeting- Bald EaglesandLeadShotMonMarch 76 7‐ 830pmMolinePublicLibrary32104IstStMoline ILEdBritton USFish andWildlife Service will discuss newresearch on the impacts of lead shot on bald eaglepopulations Meet in the Bronze Roomofthe librarysierraclubevgwordpresscom


1802West LocustStreet Davenport IA52804


(By appointment)

DyeingEggsthe NaturalWaySatMarch2I 70am to noonand 100pm to 300pm NahantMarsh4220WapelloAve Davenport IAThe Nahant Marsh EducationCenter will present aclasson the basics of natural dyes and using them to cre‑ate colored eggsThere also will be a presentation onthe history of natural dyes and tips for creating naturaldyes at home Participants should bring adozenhard‐boiled eggs and an apron orTeshirt that can getstained There isa cost to participate and registration isrequired (Ages 8 and up) Call 563732375i 96 to register

RiverActionrsquos EnvironmentalBookClubTuesdayMarch24 7pmRiverAction officeDavenportDiscuss DirtThe Erosion of Civilizations byDavid RMontgomeryMeetings are open to the public andmeet at the River Action office 822 ERiver Dr betweenTremont and Federal Streets For more info call563-322-2969

Henry FarnamDinner 12thAnnualQuadCitiesFridayMarch27Jumerrsquos HotelampCasinoRockIslandILCocktails (cash bar) and displays 5pm Dinner 630pmand Program 730pmTickets are $40 per personreserved table of 10 is$375 Invitationswill be mailed inearly March to those who received invitations last yearFor reservations go to wwwriveractionorg or for moreinformation call River Action at 56332272969

Environmental FilmFest 10thAnnual EddyAwardWinningSaturdayMarch28 Olin CenterAugustana College733 35thStRock IslandILAdmission isFREE although donations are acceptedDoors open at i iam For film information and directions check out wwwaugustanaeduenvironmental‑filmfest For more info about EagleView Group SierraClub check out httpillinoissierracluborgeagleviewor contact Kathryn Allen at kasavelieaolcomThepublic iswelcome to attend any or all ofthe filmsbeing screened at the festival Refreshmentswillbe available

QuadCityAudubon Society FieldTripSaturdayMarch 28 7am Lock and Dam 13There will be many stops along the way searching forwaterfowl and early spring migrantsThis isagreat tripto look for signs ofspring This trip will stop at Fultonfor lunch some may choose to continue birding afterlunchMeet at Brothers Restaurant in Hampton IL at7am langleyartmchsicom for more information

Pickupa Retainthe RainrsquoRainBarrel for AprilshowersRain Barrels hold 60gallons and come with adivertermosquito nettingand spigot all for S75 River Action822 ERiver Dr Davenport or riveractionorg

Ap r i lQuadCitiesAudubon Society FieldTripSaturdayApril I I 7amConesMarsh IAThis trip isto many the best of the year with stunningviews of many species of shorebirds waterfowl andother early spring migrants Sandhill Cranes SnowGeese and many more maybe a nesting Great HornedOwl will be the highlightsMeet at Buffalo Shores (onemile past Buffalo IA Hwy 22) at 7am langleyartmchsicom for more information

RiverActionrsquos EnvironmentalBookClubTuesdayApril28 7pmRiverActionofficeDavenportDiscussThe Forest Unseen AYearrsquos Watch in Nature byDavidGeorge Haskell Meetings are open to the publicand meet at the River Action office 822 ERiver DrbetweenTremont and Federal Streets For more infoplease call 563822-2969

RiverActionrsquos Fish8FireFundraiserandFriendraiserFridayApril24 Watch Tower Lodgein BlackHawkStateParkRock IslandThis annual catfish fry combines fundraising andfriends Bid on dozens of silent auction items enjoy thedinner and entertainment and be a part ofthe 16thAnnual Eddy Awards Presentation 7 awards given tothose in our community who go against the currentto get things done For more information or to registergo to riveractionorg

The 40th Stroll through SpringtimeSatApril25 7am‐I2noon Watch Tower LodgeBlackHawkStateHistoricSite 15I046thAve (BlackhawkRd)Rock Island779am trail walks to identify both migrating amp resi‑dent birds (binoculars suggested) 9am refreshmentsincluding wild violetjelly and ashort programandiO-l 2trail walks to identify wildflowersFREE (309) 78879536wwwblackhawkparkorg

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Connect With Us

For over 30 years RiverAction has been dedicated toconnecting people to theriver Our supporters helpus to improve the quality ofwater that flows down theriver They help us to instilla love of the river throughencouraging participation inmany activities that involvethe river Plus River Actionencourages educationalprograms that help ourresidents better understandriver related issues andconcerns

JOIN TODAY ATwwwriveractionorg

or send check to822 E River Drive

Davenport lA 52803


A membership to River Actionoffers you an opportunity toreally make a difference in ourcommunity With eachmembership you will receivediscounts on educationalprograms as well as yourcontinued FREE subscriptionto eddy Magazine

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$30 for 30yearsl Please consider joining River Action as a member With your help we cancontinue to achieve great things in the coming years


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Includes benefits at household membership + two trckas lo a RiverActinnevent‐choose one Ride the River Taming Floatarsquolla orGolf Cart Tam

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Page 4: RiverAction.org Eddy Magazine 201502

DesignByand For the Community‐‐ byfirmChambers

hroughout this issue ofthe Eddyweareintroduced to amyriad of design concepts

from environmental to architectural designincludinga reconstructive pedestrian bridgelinking people to the riverfront and theircultural historyand design to revitalize oururban centers

Letrsquos not forget those grass root designsthat continue to change the appearance andfunctionality ofour landscapeon shoe stringbudgetsCommunity gardens and rain gardensare two examples that have profound effects onour communities and the urban environmentCommunityGardens

Neighborhoodcommunal orcommunitygardens call them what you will all aredesignations of gardens designed for and byacommunity Asa result each garden isdifferentfrom the other Design isdictated bytheneeds and wants of each community culturalbackground ofthe gardeners and physicallocationThesegardens might bespacesstrictly dedicated to the production of freshvegetables and herbs or simply to the practiceof horticultureGarden layouts may reflect acommunal approach to garden managementwhereas others may bedivided into plotseachworked byan individual or household

Whether located onavacant city lot downthe block from your home inyour neighborrsquosbackyardor in acity parkcommunity gardensoffer opportunities for physical activity urbanbeautificationcultural expressionand socialinteractionThey provide access to healthyfoods and habitat for urbanwildlifewhile at thesame time capture and filter stormwater andreduce air pollutionCommunity gardens makegreat outdoor

classroomswhere knowledge is shared andexperimentation isthe normTheproliferationofthese gardens inthe Quad Cities isthe resultof the dedication and hardwork of grass rootorganizations such asthe Rock IslandUrbanGarden ConsortiumTheGardenGrowersandthe pioneering successes of various communityeffortsAsLaura Klavitter from theTremontGarden Project put itWhatever you put inyouget outrdquoThe Possibilitiesareendless __RainGardens

Raingardensrsquohave becomin the home landSca lsquo lsquopopularitywith _ ia

A Rock IslandCommunity GardenPhotoRock IslandUrbanGardenConsortium

waterways due to urban pollutants Inmanycases these issues lead to costly improvementsto municipal stormwater treatment structures

Bydesign rain gardens take advantage ofrainfall and stormwaterTypically small in sizethese gardens are depressions in the landscapeplanted ideallywith native perennialsand shrubs located strategically to capturerunofffrom roofs and imperious surfacesSuperficially a rain garden might look like anyother attractive garden but aswater enters thegarden it isboth infiltrated and cleaned

Both the City of Rock island and thePartnershipfor Scott CountyWatershedsmanage programs that subsidize the cost ofinstalling rain gardens onprivate propertyRock Islandwill reimburse homeowners $4per square foot up to $3000 and since theprograms inception in 2005 the City has seenthe installation of 246 rain gardensWhile anindividual rain garden mayseem insignificantanetworkof gardenswill providesubstantialenvironmental benefits

Birds-eyeviewTremont Garden ProjectPhotoLaura Kavtter



FebruaryixlarcngAprii20iS l eddyrilagazme 5



emulator theparkandmemorialCreditSmithGroupJJR

pace for Storytellingamp HealingVeteransMemorial Park

heCity of Davenport not only wants tomake public parkland apriority but they

served our country One of Davenportrsquos newestplanned parks isVeterans Memorial ParkLying

want it to bededicated to the heroes that have just west of Centennial Park along the banks

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ofthe Mississippi the land isset to beshapedintoawell-designed memorial to those whohave servedThe memorialwill bedesigned notsimply asalocal park but adestination drawingveterans and civilians from across the midwestThe eastern portion ofthe park isslated to becompleted within the next five years

Insteadofa normal park with asinglemonument the entire site will bededicatedasamemorial to veterans It will be centeredaround adramatic monumentwithpaths radiating outward for meditationcontemplation and healing Insteadof straightlinesthe pathswill follow organic curves ‑imitating naturersquos own designAswith many public spaces in the Quad

Cities the entire park will connect with theriverdrawing inspiration from itWalking pathswill connect with Centennial Park and LeClairePark in the east while the RiverWay blcyclepedestrian pathwill link the Parkwith CreditIsland to the west

Because the parkwill be built in thefloodplain special consideration isgiven tothe power of the river Instead of attemptingto make the park accessible during floodevents the designers want to make the spaceeasily maintainableand resilientafter aflood‐ a testament to its mission of healingandregrowth _Veterans Memorial Parkwill beaplaceof

remembrance and optimism telling the storyofournationrsquos greatest heroeswithasymbolicrsquo 7 eternal flame

7 As anewcomer to the Quad Cities myintrigue isrenewed every time lwalk

through urban Rock IslandWith its historicaldistricts and position on the mighty Mississippiit seems asthough i can almost re‐live the Cityrsquosrich history ‐ Saukenuk Fort Armstrong thefirst railroad bridge Looneyand prohibition eraspeakeasiesAlthough urban Rock Island hasexperienced decline since its peak in the 1960rsquosits future potential isundeniable

Recognizing its own potential the Cityembarked on apublic planning process in2012building onprevious planning effortsto reverse long‐term trends in urban declineto develop arevitalization plan for the ArsenalGatewayThe area of focus incorporatessections of several urban neighborhoods ‐ theBroadway Historic District Downtown districtand the Greenbush neighborhood ‐ locatedproximally to one ofthe Quad Citiesrsquomajoremployers the Arsenal Adopted byRock IslandinJuly 20l 3the plan considers the complexityofthe urban community and the interactionof social economic and environmental forcesRecommendations include designs to increaseaccess to the riverfront expand greenspaceand improve pedestrian and bicycle accessand safetyThey also include the redesign of

‐ B y fi mChambersstreetscapes and the inclusion of public artto enhance aesthetic infill of vacant lots andopportunities and strategies to direct bothpublic and private investmentWhile planning and design documents

are essential in informing effective long‐termredevelopment and revitalization they arealso great at collecting dust onmunicipalbookshelves it isultimately the community7 residents development non‐profits transitdistricts government and local businesses‐ acting together that drive change in 2014Arsenal Gateway saw the opening ofthe Locks‐ atransit oriented housing developmentand anew transit transfer station that fulfillstransit system needs and improves rider safetyBoth are examples ofsuccessful collaborationsbetween the growth MetroLlNK and the CityMeanwhile local businesses like Rozzetox on3rd Ave and 21st Street are changing the socialand economic landscapelhrough its originalsocial design Rozzrtox has created adynamicspace welcoming of expression that attracts adiversity of artists to the Arsenal GatewayTosee the Arsenal Gateway Revitalization

Planvisit httpwwwrigovorgdocumentcenterviewSoii


Photo Tim GilmanRozz-Tox 2108 3rd Ave Rock Island

innardsApril70i5 l eddyMagazine 7


and redeveiOpmentof the former Howardjohnson hotel site at 227 LeCiaire Street a keyeastern gateway to downtown DavenportlowaThe$25M proposed developmentknownasRiverwatchPlace isasix-storymixed-useoffice buildingthat includesfirstfloor commercialretail use and restaurantspacewith Mississippi RiverviewsThe buildingis60000 SF(10000 SFper floor) will featureoutdoor vista points oneach floor and alarge

BLDDArchitects a member of the development team is the building designer

dining area onthe top floorimproving this site has long been agoal of

the selected developers itbffers extraordinaryriver views Our mission isto deliver atrophyproperty worthy of the siterdquosaid John GRuhlPresidentof NAl RuhlCommercial Co adeveloper alongwith BushConstruction

The urban infill project on apropertythat has sat empty since 2009will add tothe Davenport skyline both day and nightand provide awelcoming entrance to the


8 eddyMagazne I vvvvvvriveractionorg

downtown KyleCarter Executive Director DDPreports that demolition ofthe existing buildingisplanned to begin the first ofthe year withconstruction ofthe new building to followBuildingdesign isbyBLDDArchitectsit will bebuilt knowing full‐well that flooding isanissuethat must bemitigated via designrdquohe addsProperty owner Demolition Davenport throughthe Downtown Davenport Partnershipwillcontinue to bethe steward otthe propertyuntil afinal closing


Not valid onany specialorders or sale items Notvalid with any other offerCoupon void if alteredExpires 11302014ACTIVEENDEAVOPS

A birds‐eye illustration of the long-termvision for downtown Molinelookingsouthwest CreditLakotaGroup

An artistrsquos concept for a pedestrianized street on 4th Ave at 7th Stlooking east Credit LakotaGroup

Re-designingMolinersquos DowntownLikemany towns in the midwestMolineand the rest ofthe Quad Cities fall into

what isknown asThe Rust BeltWith decliningpopulations and loss of manufacturingjobstowns likeMoline have had to think outside theboxwhen it comes to planning and economicdevelopment ‐ to bring in newjobs andrevenuewhile making the area anenjoyableplace to liveMolinersquos latest comprehensiveplan updates provide strategies to fill itsdowntown area with well-thought‐out designsThese updates focus onthree downtownneighborhoods Floreciente to the west MolineCentre and Edgewater in the eastWhile the further-out areas ofMoline are

boomingespecially along the John Deerecorridor the city recognizes the importance of astrong and diverse downtown asanalternativeto urban sprawlThe city has distinguished itselfbymixing completely new infill developmentswith reuse projects showcasing historicalarchitecture without being averse to modernbuilding projectsThis gives Molinersquos downtownvariety and depthAcity block acts astimelinewith both older and contemporary designsThiscan beseen with the historical redevelopmentof theWashington Square apartments originally rowhouses for John Deereexecutivesin the i9th century now just down the blockfrom the very modern KoneCenterThe newtransit development ‐ dubbedTheQrdquowillrefurbish anexistingwarehousewith newlyconstructed additions housing the newAmtrakstationa hoteland possible retail space

Creative usesare being plannedforexisting and historicalbuildings in both theFlorecienteandEdgewater neighborhood _New-infilldevelOpmentswould i r yantagrdquoof relatively inexpensive ndlsquoandiopelots ‐ providing c



street ‐ similar to traditional Latin‐AmericanplazasEdgewaterwill benefit from itsproximity to the newWestern IllinoisUniversitycampus making it aperfect fit for college towncafes and shopsThese developments wouldcouplewith re‐designed streets to inject vitalityinto neighborhoodswhere it ismost needed

Moline has recognized that well‐designedstreets not only manage traffic but also leadto more pedestrian and bicycle traffic Since2005 the city has outlined specific designs forimproving streets ‐ including benches plantersuniquecrosswalksand stylish lightingThebest example ofthis streetscapingrdquois on5thAvenue in MolineCentreOnany given day thestreet isfilled with buzzing storefrontscafesand restaurants Businesses and peoplealikeare enjoying the slowed-downMain Street feelThe benefits are bothaesthetic and economicThe city plans to expand its streetscapingplans into Florecienteand Edgewatercalmingtraffic along busy one‐wayswhile makingtheneighborhoodsmorewalkable and livableAfter demolition of the existing l‐74 bridge

there will bemanyopportunities to open upand redevelop the riverfront areaMultipleplans have beenoutlinedall ofwhich featureanew riverfrontparkMixed‐use residential 7orcommercial buildingswill complimentthe _critical publicparklandconnectingmoreofthdowntownto the riverThis publics beseenasMatineCent srfffront attheMississippiproyid activitiesconcertsandmealtime


Campus and RiverbendCommons drawinspiration from one another ‐ incorporatingriver themes complimentary architecture andenvironmentally‐conscious features

The planned improvements are greatexamples of revitalization through design ‑giving agenuine sense-of‐place and pridetodowntown MolineTosee Molinersquos comprehensive planvisit



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ErnieWest and hisbrick layingmachineI PhotoCreditBradKeene Cit ofDaven ort De artmentofPublicWorks7thdescnbing brick laying y y p p

_ Y UPEWISOVSICETI YOU bUIIdone do the samejob manually saving tax payers money and city em ployeesrsquobeSSibleErniewas given three weeks tocomplete their backsCW33ldquo ldquo the ldquoECESSalrsquoy partsandmaterlaIS- Learning of this new machine from Brian StinemanNatural Resource

_ 0rdquo ldquoadlsquosOffOfa 10hrdquoDeereSkId Steeri powered by a20 Managerwith the City PublicWorks RiverAction had to meet its creatorjhO EPOWEVHonda enginerW5 Strange IOOklngContraption ISboth Erniersquos paver layer means anew day for stormwater management and ingeniousandversatile Hydraulicallyoperated with anauto leveling water quality in DavenportCompleted onOctober 15tthismachineSYSEem Ernies maChIne Can lay brICIltS InWidths ranging from fiVe to iscapable of efficiently installing permeable pavers important toolseighteen feet allowing the City to resurface alleys streets and sidewalks to manage stormwater in cities Because of Erniersquos original design theInlsquoh0U5euro~TW0people C3ldquo do theW0rk Inhalfthe time it WOUId take four to proliferation of permeable streets issure to beinDavenportrsquos future


GreenValleyWetland Creation and Prairie Restoration Design Plan

~‐ ByJessica Fondro

reenValley NaturePreserveat 60th St

Molineadjacent to theRock River iscomprisedof more than 250acres of bottom‐landforest meslc prairieand wet meadowThe2015 design planwillresult in the creation ofapproximately five acresof potholewetlands andseven acres of nativeprairie restoration WetlandCreation 51AcresPotholewetlands Pmmlsquoc Planfing-69Acrcs

will beexcavated to 7 I E WalkingPath-510 Nadepth of 12rsquol‐i8rdquo i l v o 230 i s o n AL _L___L__ I__IDisplaced soil will bespread and seededto create ameslc prairie ecosystemwith The prairie potholes will be restored to In addition to wetland creation andattention to both infiltration potential and native wet prairie dominated byamixture of prairie restorationa5100 foot mowedaestheticsihe seed mixwill generate a grasses sedges and forbs including prairie walking pathwill becreated betweenseasonal color palate ranging from white cordgrass Canada bluejoint grass lake sedge the river and the wetlands to showcaseand yellow to blue and magenta and hop sedge fox sedge mountain mint New the restoration provide access for thewill likely include big blue stem Indian England aster angelica marsh marigold general public and students and promotegrass prairie dropseed black eyed susan swamp thistle swamp milkweedand blue connectivity within the preserve and thecompass plant rattle snakemaster and flag iris larger Rock RiverTrail blazing star

10 eddyMagazine I wwwriveractionorg

LakeOdessa UpperMississippiRiverRestoration‐ By77m Chambers

U nbeknownto manythe Mississippi Riveristhe only river in the United States to

berecognized byCongressrdquo asanationallysignificant ecosystem and anationallysignificant commercial navigation systemTo ensure that Congressrsquovision remains arealitythe Army Corps of Engineers and its partnershave been working through their UpperMississippi River Restoration Program (UMRR)to implement innovative and effective habitatrestoration projects by combining cuttingedge monitoring and research with pioneeringenvironmental design For over 25years Corpsdesigners have been refining constructiontechniques to improve habitats in ways neverbefore imaginedio date atotal ofSS projectsbenefiting more than i02000 acres have beencompleted through the UMRR programwithanother 35projects in either the constructionor design phase

A prime example of UMRR programs workisthe Lake Odessa Complex located 15milesouth of Muscatine in Louisa County Iowa


LakeOdessa 3

Lake Odessa Restoration Map lmage courtesy ofArmy Corps ofEngineers

This 6788 acre backwater complex has beenactively managed for wildlife since the i950rsquosWith its L800 acres of open water i7OO acresof non‐fOrested wetlands and 2900 acres ofbottomland hardwood forests Lake Odessa haslong provided critical habitat for amulsquoitudeofwildlife species However along hist roffloods and levee breeches has resultedin a reduction ofquality habitat especiallyimportant for fish and migratory waterfowl

In response to habitat degradation theCorps set out in 2006 to restore and protectwetland terrestrial and aquatic habitat throughthe restoration ofthe existing perimeter leveesystem spillway construction dredging theconstruction of new water control structures


seeding of sand prairie and the plantingof nut bearing hardwood tree species Thisproject has gone along way in reducingforest fragmentation increasing hardwoodtree diversity and native grassland expandingand enhancing wildlife habitatandprotecting archeological features within thecomplex Lake Odessa open to visitors ismanaged jointly bythe USFish and WildlifeService and the lowa DNR and supports 240species of birds and 96species of mammalsreptiles and amphibians and fishThe designofappropriate restoration and managementof lands such asLake Odessa is imperativeto the ecological sustainability ofthe UpperMississippi River System


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Magazine 1 1


_ wabieenergy 7 lsquo fit an Eastern iowa

eacutefiege w benefit the new Space NahantMarshEducationCenter (Photo byAmy7 LovingNahantVlarshEducationCoordinator)

raquolsquo qoivalenttothe present lot plus 50 ecosystemswater quality and biodiversityadditional feetThe projectdesigned inan Fromthe 19605 to 1996the land was usedenvironmentally responsibleway with the least for skeet and trap shooting leaving Nahantamount of impacton the wetlands isexpected contaminated with lead shotToday the 513 acreto be completed in spring 2015 area encompasses different wetland community

The Ecological Importance ‐ Nahant types including bottomland forest open‐waterMarsh isone ofthe last remaining urban habitatand marshland it provides habitat to

p _- dingGroundbreaking wetlands of its size onthe upper Mississippi more than 150 species of birds plantsfishpound30k placersquoNovember 202014on a 1600 River It offers awide variety of environmental insects mammalsand rare species such asthesguarefeet addition to the current building that education for people of all ages on wetland Leopard Frog and BlandingrsquosTurtle

HennepinCanalEnvironmentalPark RestorationDesign Plan

Cl Walking Path- 201 linear ft__ JeSSICG Flondro I Debris Removal v5490 sq ft

3 Prairie Restoration - 15 acresheHennepin Canal Environmental Park atthe Steel lsquo o 50 100 200 Foot xDam and Lock 30 in Milan iscomprised of mesic rsquo rsquo J rsquo rsquo Ll‐L‐L‐ l‐ i‐L-l‐ l

prairie and woodland edgeThe 2015 restoration anddesign plan includes improvements to the walking path and removal of prairie in the wildlife area along the canalThe seed mix will likely includevegetation at the portage which will connect visitors to the portage site little blue stem wild rye milk weed mountain mint pale coneflowersand the Rock River and Culverrsquos root Prairie restoration will increase biodiversity onsite and

Restoration plans also include the removal of invasive and encroaching provide anaesthetic backdrop for the canal and Rock River sitevegetation from historic Lock 30infrastructure and the installation of new Toshowcase restoration efforts at the Hennepin Canal Riverinterpretive signage bythe lL DNR to showcase historic canal features at Action with assistance from the Doris and Victor Day Foundationthe siteThe DNR will also dredge the canal above and below Lock 30and will offer environmental education programs for 180 students fromstock native fish species to promote kidrsquos fishing days Thomas Jefferson Elementary School in the spring of 2015Education

Additionally the design plan includes the repair of two existing park programming and restoration efforts will make the park asafe andbenches the trimming ofa large silver maple which will provide shade accessible place for families to enjoy nature and experience the historicfor visitors and a picnic table and the restoration of 15acres of mesic aspects ofthe Hennepin Canal that have been hidden

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12 eddyMagazine [ wvvwriveractionorg

y Uif]deddy CALENDAR


FebruaryInauguralFrozenFat FondoFestSaturdayFebruary7 Ham‐2pmCredit IslandParkDavenportJoin FORC in afat biking challenge ride along thebanks of the mighty Mississippi on Credit IslandRidesolo or asa3-person relay team See who can crankout the most laps in 3 hours around achallenge filledcourse Stick around after the main event for ahealthydose of shenanigans wwwqcforcorg

EarthExplorersFeb5-Oct29 everyotherWednesday 4-5pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportOur Earth Explorers after-school program allowschildren ages I H4 years‐old to explore innovativetechnologies and scientific concepts through creativeoutdoor activities and experiments For more informa‑tion and to register please visit wwwnahantmarshorg

Breakfastwith the BirdsFirstFridayof eachmonth8-9am NahantMarshEducationCenter DavenportJoin usfor aninformative breakfast about our featheredfriendsThe class will meet in the first Friday of everymonth beginning in October and continuing untilspring Each session will cover agroup of birds fromdabbling ducks to raptors to songbirds Depending onweather there may also be ashort hike to ourbird blindThe trail to the bird blind isADA accessible

Cost $5 (includes presentation amp continental breakfastcoffee and juice) To register please call 5633235196or bygoing to wwwnahantmarshprg

Toddler TalesSecondTuesdayof eachmonth 70‐1lam2‐3pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportEven if we cannot see animals that doesnrsquot mean thatthey arenrsquot thereWewill learn about ways to identifyanimals without seeing them Ages 3‐5 Cost $5peryouth Register online at wwwnahantmarshorg

MuddyBootsEveryotherWednesday4-5pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportThe purpose of Muddy Boots Nature Club isto provideyouth with the opportunities to learn while exploringnatureMuddy Boots engages children with hands‐onactivities like monarch butterfly tagging gardeningbike riding hikingeco‐crafts and more Ages 6-IOFor more information and to register please visit wwwnahantmarshorg

HuntingFishingandOutdoor Show2015Thursday throughSundayFebruary 12‐75QCCA ExpoCenterFrom boats and tackle to decoys and gear itrsquos anOutdoors Show with seminars and presentations frombig name fishing professionals Bring the family toKids Kampwith a real trout pond minnow racesandarcheryAdults $7Children 6yrs-16 yrs Si under6yrs Free

Sierra ClubTreehugger TriviaFriFebruary 136‐ 9pmFreightHouseFarmersMarket421WRiverDrDavenportReceptionHall at Freight House Doors open at 6pmtrivia starts at 7pmTeams of8 should register byemailing Jodi at loon585mchsicom Not on ateamSeats will beavailable for walk‐ins httpsierraclubevgwordpresscom

Valentine IndoorMusicandMoonlightWalkSat Feb 74 630-830pm Watch Tower LodgeBlackHawkStateHistoricSiteRock IslandFeaturingastroll outside onaluminaw‐Iit trail Too coldoutside for the walk come into the Lodge and keepwarm by the firewith fresh donuts and cider or hot

cocoa Music will be provided by Just4Fun Drew Naglewill call the contra‐dancing FREESingles couples ampfamily friendly (309‐788-9536) or wwwblackhawkparkorgThis event issponsored by Black Hawk StateHistoric Site in cooperation with Citizens to PreserveBlack Hawk Park Foundation‐education outreach forBlack Hawk State Historic Site since i972

MardiGras RajunCajun FestTuesday February 17530‐8pm $25perperson inadvance $30at the doorThe taste of NewOrleans iscoming back to the QuadCities on FatTuesday Local chefs will be set up in thelobby of the FiggeArt Museumwhere guests cansample each chefs Cajun creation All proceeds benlsquoefit the outreach programs of the Figge Art MuseumTickets purchased in advance online or over the phone(5633267804 x2046) will reserve your spot Name andidentification required for entry Doors open at 5 pm

Skatingat RiversidePark LagoonSkating at Riverside Park Lagoon Ice skating is permit‑ted asweather allows at Riverside Park Lagoon locatedat 2750 5th AvenueThe lagoon has awarming houseand public restrooms that are open seasonally whenconditions are favorable for ice skating Ice conditionsvary based on changing weather conditions sopleaseobey posted signs that indicate ifice conditions areappropriate for skating Hours of Operation are 6am‑i 1pmdaily Public session admission is$5 skate rental$3 all sessions are 25 hours For more informationcall 309-524-2424

RiverActionrsquos EnvironmentalBookClubTuesday February24 7pmRiverActionofficeDavenportDiscussThe Big Year by MarkObmascik Meetings areopen to the public and meet at the River Action office822 ERiver Dr betweenTremont and Federal StreetsFor more info please call 5633222969

Friendsof NahantMarshMeetingLastWedof eachmonth6pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportAre you looking to get more involved at NahantThen join usat our monthly FriendsMeetingFor more informationcall 563-323‐5196




l l l l lsquo l I I raquo lildquolsquoillllsquo


QuidCityAudubon Society FieldTripSaturdayFebruary28 7am Wildcat DennearMuscatine IATrip will travel from Buffalo Shores birding aswe go toWildcat Den and Fairport Fish Hatchery Bepreparedto hike the beautifulWildcat Den State Park in winterThere isanoptional stop for lunch in Buffalo Meet atBuffalo Shores (one mile past Buffalo IA Hwy 22)langleyartmchsicom for more information

MarchAPhotographerrsquosFeastSaturdayMarch79am‐2pm Western ILUniversityQuadCities 55 feepayableat the doorWhether you are an amateur or a seasoned photoenthusiast come out and hear a talented experiencedgroup of photographers offertheir tips River Actionand Western lLUniversity are coesponsoring the workshopVisit wwwriveractionorg for more informationand to register

Mississippi RiverGeotourismQCmeetingMondayampTuesdayMarch 9amp 10watch for detailsThis isa series of four Project Planning and Orientationmeetings to inform partners about this project goalsprocess and benefitsand to highlight the roles ofstakeholders and determine next steps towards implementing the Mississippi River Geotourism

StPatrickrsquosSocietyGrandParadeSaturdayMarch 14 7730‐7pm ILampIAQuadCitiesparaderouteStarts in Rock Island crosses the Centennial Bridge andends up in downtown Davenport For more informa‑tion on the parade visit wwwstpatsqccom

CanoecopiaMarch 73‐15AlliantEnergyCenter 7979AliantEnergyWayMadisonWICanoecopia isthe largest paddlesports consumerevent in the world with over 250000 square feetof kayaks canoes Stand Up Paddleboards outdoorequipment and clothing canoecopiacom

Sierra Club ProgramMeeting- Bald EaglesandLeadShotMonMarch 76 7‐ 830pmMolinePublicLibrary32104IstStMoline ILEdBritton USFish andWildlife Service will discuss newresearch on the impacts of lead shot on bald eaglepopulations Meet in the Bronze Roomofthe librarysierraclubevgwordpresscom


1802West LocustStreet Davenport IA52804


(By appointment)

DyeingEggsthe NaturalWaySatMarch2I 70am to noonand 100pm to 300pm NahantMarsh4220WapelloAve Davenport IAThe Nahant Marsh EducationCenter will present aclasson the basics of natural dyes and using them to cre‑ate colored eggsThere also will be a presentation onthe history of natural dyes and tips for creating naturaldyes at home Participants should bring adozenhard‐boiled eggs and an apron orTeshirt that can getstained There isa cost to participate and registration isrequired (Ages 8 and up) Call 563732375i 96 to register

RiverActionrsquos EnvironmentalBookClubTuesdayMarch24 7pmRiverAction officeDavenportDiscuss DirtThe Erosion of Civilizations byDavid RMontgomeryMeetings are open to the public andmeet at the River Action office 822 ERiver Dr betweenTremont and Federal Streets For more info call563-322-2969

Henry FarnamDinner 12thAnnualQuadCitiesFridayMarch27Jumerrsquos HotelampCasinoRockIslandILCocktails (cash bar) and displays 5pm Dinner 630pmand Program 730pmTickets are $40 per personreserved table of 10 is$375 Invitationswill be mailed inearly March to those who received invitations last yearFor reservations go to wwwriveractionorg or for moreinformation call River Action at 56332272969

Environmental FilmFest 10thAnnual EddyAwardWinningSaturdayMarch28 Olin CenterAugustana College733 35thStRock IslandILAdmission isFREE although donations are acceptedDoors open at i iam For film information and directions check out wwwaugustanaeduenvironmental‑filmfest For more info about EagleView Group SierraClub check out httpillinoissierracluborgeagleviewor contact Kathryn Allen at kasavelieaolcomThepublic iswelcome to attend any or all ofthe filmsbeing screened at the festival Refreshmentswillbe available

QuadCityAudubon Society FieldTripSaturdayMarch 28 7am Lock and Dam 13There will be many stops along the way searching forwaterfowl and early spring migrantsThis isagreat tripto look for signs ofspring This trip will stop at Fultonfor lunch some may choose to continue birding afterlunchMeet at Brothers Restaurant in Hampton IL at7am langleyartmchsicom for more information

Pickupa Retainthe RainrsquoRainBarrel for AprilshowersRain Barrels hold 60gallons and come with adivertermosquito nettingand spigot all for S75 River Action822 ERiver Dr Davenport or riveractionorg

Ap r i lQuadCitiesAudubon Society FieldTripSaturdayApril I I 7amConesMarsh IAThis trip isto many the best of the year with stunningviews of many species of shorebirds waterfowl andother early spring migrants Sandhill Cranes SnowGeese and many more maybe a nesting Great HornedOwl will be the highlightsMeet at Buffalo Shores (onemile past Buffalo IA Hwy 22) at 7am langleyartmchsicom for more information

RiverActionrsquos EnvironmentalBookClubTuesdayApril28 7pmRiverActionofficeDavenportDiscussThe Forest Unseen AYearrsquos Watch in Nature byDavidGeorge Haskell Meetings are open to the publicand meet at the River Action office 822 ERiver DrbetweenTremont and Federal Streets For more infoplease call 563822-2969

RiverActionrsquos Fish8FireFundraiserandFriendraiserFridayApril24 Watch Tower Lodgein BlackHawkStateParkRock IslandThis annual catfish fry combines fundraising andfriends Bid on dozens of silent auction items enjoy thedinner and entertainment and be a part ofthe 16thAnnual Eddy Awards Presentation 7 awards given tothose in our community who go against the currentto get things done For more information or to registergo to riveractionorg

The 40th Stroll through SpringtimeSatApril25 7am‐I2noon Watch Tower LodgeBlackHawkStateHistoricSite 15I046thAve (BlackhawkRd)Rock Island779am trail walks to identify both migrating amp resi‑dent birds (binoculars suggested) 9am refreshmentsincluding wild violetjelly and ashort programandiO-l 2trail walks to identify wildflowersFREE (309) 78879536wwwblackhawkparkorg

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Connect With Us

For over 30 years RiverAction has been dedicated toconnecting people to theriver Our supporters helpus to improve the quality ofwater that flows down theriver They help us to instilla love of the river throughencouraging participation inmany activities that involvethe river Plus River Actionencourages educationalprograms that help ourresidents better understandriver related issues andconcerns

JOIN TODAY ATwwwriveractionorg

or send check to822 E River Drive

Davenport lA 52803


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$30 for 30yearsl Please consider joining River Action as a member With your help we cancontinue to achieve great things in the coming years


je i I I I ‐ I I I raquoI] s 100 Action Memborahlp




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Includes benefits at household membership + two trckas lo a RiverActinnevent‐choose one Ride the River Taming Floatarsquolla orGolf Cart Tam

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I] s so lndividunl Membershipincludes membership card eddy Magazine and Riverme Walks

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Page 5: RiverAction.org Eddy Magazine 201502



emulator theparkandmemorialCreditSmithGroupJJR

pace for Storytellingamp HealingVeteransMemorial Park

heCity of Davenport not only wants tomake public parkland apriority but they

served our country One of Davenportrsquos newestplanned parks isVeterans Memorial ParkLying

want it to bededicated to the heroes that have just west of Centennial Park along the banks

Fall in love with yourga in

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ofthe Mississippi the land isset to beshapedintoawell-designed memorial to those whohave servedThe memorialwill bedesigned notsimply asalocal park but adestination drawingveterans and civilians from across the midwestThe eastern portion ofthe park isslated to becompleted within the next five years

Insteadofa normal park with asinglemonument the entire site will bededicatedasamemorial to veterans It will be centeredaround adramatic monumentwithpaths radiating outward for meditationcontemplation and healing Insteadof straightlinesthe pathswill follow organic curves ‑imitating naturersquos own designAswith many public spaces in the Quad

Cities the entire park will connect with theriverdrawing inspiration from itWalking pathswill connect with Centennial Park and LeClairePark in the east while the RiverWay blcyclepedestrian pathwill link the Parkwith CreditIsland to the west

Because the parkwill be built in thefloodplain special consideration isgiven tothe power of the river Instead of attemptingto make the park accessible during floodevents the designers want to make the spaceeasily maintainableand resilientafter aflood‐ a testament to its mission of healingandregrowth _Veterans Memorial Parkwill beaplaceof

remembrance and optimism telling the storyofournationrsquos greatest heroeswithasymbolicrsquo 7 eternal flame

7 As anewcomer to the Quad Cities myintrigue isrenewed every time lwalk

through urban Rock IslandWith its historicaldistricts and position on the mighty Mississippiit seems asthough i can almost re‐live the Cityrsquosrich history ‐ Saukenuk Fort Armstrong thefirst railroad bridge Looneyand prohibition eraspeakeasiesAlthough urban Rock Island hasexperienced decline since its peak in the 1960rsquosits future potential isundeniable

Recognizing its own potential the Cityembarked on apublic planning process in2012building onprevious planning effortsto reverse long‐term trends in urban declineto develop arevitalization plan for the ArsenalGatewayThe area of focus incorporatessections of several urban neighborhoods ‐ theBroadway Historic District Downtown districtand the Greenbush neighborhood ‐ locatedproximally to one ofthe Quad Citiesrsquomajoremployers the Arsenal Adopted byRock IslandinJuly 20l 3the plan considers the complexityofthe urban community and the interactionof social economic and environmental forcesRecommendations include designs to increaseaccess to the riverfront expand greenspaceand improve pedestrian and bicycle accessand safetyThey also include the redesign of

‐ B y fi mChambersstreetscapes and the inclusion of public artto enhance aesthetic infill of vacant lots andopportunities and strategies to direct bothpublic and private investmentWhile planning and design documents

are essential in informing effective long‐termredevelopment and revitalization they arealso great at collecting dust onmunicipalbookshelves it isultimately the community7 residents development non‐profits transitdistricts government and local businesses‐ acting together that drive change in 2014Arsenal Gateway saw the opening ofthe Locks‐ atransit oriented housing developmentand anew transit transfer station that fulfillstransit system needs and improves rider safetyBoth are examples ofsuccessful collaborationsbetween the growth MetroLlNK and the CityMeanwhile local businesses like Rozzetox on3rd Ave and 21st Street are changing the socialand economic landscapelhrough its originalsocial design Rozzrtox has created adynamicspace welcoming of expression that attracts adiversity of artists to the Arsenal GatewayTosee the Arsenal Gateway Revitalization

Planvisit httpwwwrigovorgdocumentcenterviewSoii


Photo Tim GilmanRozz-Tox 2108 3rd Ave Rock Island

innardsApril70i5 l eddyMagazine 7


and redeveiOpmentof the former Howardjohnson hotel site at 227 LeCiaire Street a keyeastern gateway to downtown DavenportlowaThe$25M proposed developmentknownasRiverwatchPlace isasix-storymixed-useoffice buildingthat includesfirstfloor commercialretail use and restaurantspacewith Mississippi RiverviewsThe buildingis60000 SF(10000 SFper floor) will featureoutdoor vista points oneach floor and alarge

BLDDArchitects a member of the development team is the building designer

dining area onthe top floorimproving this site has long been agoal of

the selected developers itbffers extraordinaryriver views Our mission isto deliver atrophyproperty worthy of the siterdquosaid John GRuhlPresidentof NAl RuhlCommercial Co adeveloper alongwith BushConstruction

The urban infill project on apropertythat has sat empty since 2009will add tothe Davenport skyline both day and nightand provide awelcoming entrance to the


8 eddyMagazne I vvvvvvriveractionorg

downtown KyleCarter Executive Director DDPreports that demolition ofthe existing buildingisplanned to begin the first ofthe year withconstruction ofthe new building to followBuildingdesign isbyBLDDArchitectsit will bebuilt knowing full‐well that flooding isanissuethat must bemitigated via designrdquohe addsProperty owner Demolition Davenport throughthe Downtown Davenport Partnershipwillcontinue to bethe steward otthe propertyuntil afinal closing


Not valid onany specialorders or sale items Notvalid with any other offerCoupon void if alteredExpires 11302014ACTIVEENDEAVOPS

A birds‐eye illustration of the long-termvision for downtown Molinelookingsouthwest CreditLakotaGroup

An artistrsquos concept for a pedestrianized street on 4th Ave at 7th Stlooking east Credit LakotaGroup

Re-designingMolinersquos DowntownLikemany towns in the midwestMolineand the rest ofthe Quad Cities fall into

what isknown asThe Rust BeltWith decliningpopulations and loss of manufacturingjobstowns likeMoline have had to think outside theboxwhen it comes to planning and economicdevelopment ‐ to bring in newjobs andrevenuewhile making the area anenjoyableplace to liveMolinersquos latest comprehensiveplan updates provide strategies to fill itsdowntown area with well-thought‐out designsThese updates focus onthree downtownneighborhoods Floreciente to the west MolineCentre and Edgewater in the eastWhile the further-out areas ofMoline are

boomingespecially along the John Deerecorridor the city recognizes the importance of astrong and diverse downtown asanalternativeto urban sprawlThe city has distinguished itselfbymixing completely new infill developmentswith reuse projects showcasing historicalarchitecture without being averse to modernbuilding projectsThis gives Molinersquos downtownvariety and depthAcity block acts astimelinewith both older and contemporary designsThiscan beseen with the historical redevelopmentof theWashington Square apartments originally rowhouses for John Deereexecutivesin the i9th century now just down the blockfrom the very modern KoneCenterThe newtransit development ‐ dubbedTheQrdquowillrefurbish anexistingwarehousewith newlyconstructed additions housing the newAmtrakstationa hoteland possible retail space

Creative usesare being plannedforexisting and historicalbuildings in both theFlorecienteandEdgewater neighborhood _New-infilldevelOpmentswould i r yantagrdquoof relatively inexpensive ndlsquoandiopelots ‐ providing c



street ‐ similar to traditional Latin‐AmericanplazasEdgewaterwill benefit from itsproximity to the newWestern IllinoisUniversitycampus making it aperfect fit for college towncafes and shopsThese developments wouldcouplewith re‐designed streets to inject vitalityinto neighborhoodswhere it ismost needed

Moline has recognized that well‐designedstreets not only manage traffic but also leadto more pedestrian and bicycle traffic Since2005 the city has outlined specific designs forimproving streets ‐ including benches plantersuniquecrosswalksand stylish lightingThebest example ofthis streetscapingrdquois on5thAvenue in MolineCentreOnany given day thestreet isfilled with buzzing storefrontscafesand restaurants Businesses and peoplealikeare enjoying the slowed-downMain Street feelThe benefits are bothaesthetic and economicThe city plans to expand its streetscapingplans into Florecienteand Edgewatercalmingtraffic along busy one‐wayswhile makingtheneighborhoodsmorewalkable and livableAfter demolition of the existing l‐74 bridge

there will bemanyopportunities to open upand redevelop the riverfront areaMultipleplans have beenoutlinedall ofwhich featureanew riverfrontparkMixed‐use residential 7orcommercial buildingswill complimentthe _critical publicparklandconnectingmoreofthdowntownto the riverThis publics beseenasMatineCent srfffront attheMississippiproyid activitiesconcertsandmealtime


Campus and RiverbendCommons drawinspiration from one another ‐ incorporatingriver themes complimentary architecture andenvironmentally‐conscious features

The planned improvements are greatexamples of revitalization through design ‑giving agenuine sense-of‐place and pridetodowntown MolineTosee Molinersquos comprehensive planvisit



30 groups in Scott Countyare making a difference

71rdquordquo xx in the environment9ldquo by cleaning up

Join them by adoptingyour spot today

Find out how atwwilivehereqcorg

FebrtiaryllsquoylarcliApril Lilli 5 rliaguzme 9


ErnieWest and hisbrick layingmachineI PhotoCreditBradKeene Cit ofDaven ort De artmentofPublicWorks7thdescnbing brick laying y y p p

_ Y UPEWISOVSICETI YOU bUIIdone do the samejob manually saving tax payers money and city em ployeesrsquobeSSibleErniewas given three weeks tocomplete their backsCW33ldquo ldquo the ldquoECESSalrsquoy partsandmaterlaIS- Learning of this new machine from Brian StinemanNatural Resource

_ 0rdquo ldquoadlsquosOffOfa 10hrdquoDeereSkId Steeri powered by a20 Managerwith the City PublicWorks RiverAction had to meet its creatorjhO EPOWEVHonda enginerW5 Strange IOOklngContraption ISboth Erniersquos paver layer means anew day for stormwater management and ingeniousandversatile Hydraulicallyoperated with anauto leveling water quality in DavenportCompleted onOctober 15tthismachineSYSEem Ernies maChIne Can lay brICIltS InWidths ranging from fiVe to iscapable of efficiently installing permeable pavers important toolseighteen feet allowing the City to resurface alleys streets and sidewalks to manage stormwater in cities Because of Erniersquos original design theInlsquoh0U5euro~TW0people C3ldquo do theW0rk Inhalfthe time it WOUId take four to proliferation of permeable streets issure to beinDavenportrsquos future


GreenValleyWetland Creation and Prairie Restoration Design Plan

~‐ ByJessica Fondro

reenValley NaturePreserveat 60th St

Molineadjacent to theRock River iscomprisedof more than 250acres of bottom‐landforest meslc prairieand wet meadowThe2015 design planwillresult in the creation ofapproximately five acresof potholewetlands andseven acres of nativeprairie restoration WetlandCreation 51AcresPotholewetlands Pmmlsquoc Planfing-69Acrcs

will beexcavated to 7 I E WalkingPath-510 Nadepth of 12rsquol‐i8rdquo i l v o 230 i s o n AL _L___L__ I__IDisplaced soil will bespread and seededto create ameslc prairie ecosystemwith The prairie potholes will be restored to In addition to wetland creation andattention to both infiltration potential and native wet prairie dominated byamixture of prairie restorationa5100 foot mowedaestheticsihe seed mixwill generate a grasses sedges and forbs including prairie walking pathwill becreated betweenseasonal color palate ranging from white cordgrass Canada bluejoint grass lake sedge the river and the wetlands to showcaseand yellow to blue and magenta and hop sedge fox sedge mountain mint New the restoration provide access for thewill likely include big blue stem Indian England aster angelica marsh marigold general public and students and promotegrass prairie dropseed black eyed susan swamp thistle swamp milkweedand blue connectivity within the preserve and thecompass plant rattle snakemaster and flag iris larger Rock RiverTrail blazing star

10 eddyMagazine I wwwriveractionorg

LakeOdessa UpperMississippiRiverRestoration‐ By77m Chambers

U nbeknownto manythe Mississippi Riveristhe only river in the United States to

berecognized byCongressrdquo asanationallysignificant ecosystem and anationallysignificant commercial navigation systemTo ensure that Congressrsquovision remains arealitythe Army Corps of Engineers and its partnershave been working through their UpperMississippi River Restoration Program (UMRR)to implement innovative and effective habitatrestoration projects by combining cuttingedge monitoring and research with pioneeringenvironmental design For over 25years Corpsdesigners have been refining constructiontechniques to improve habitats in ways neverbefore imaginedio date atotal ofSS projectsbenefiting more than i02000 acres have beencompleted through the UMRR programwithanother 35projects in either the constructionor design phase

A prime example of UMRR programs workisthe Lake Odessa Complex located 15milesouth of Muscatine in Louisa County Iowa


LakeOdessa 3

Lake Odessa Restoration Map lmage courtesy ofArmy Corps ofEngineers

This 6788 acre backwater complex has beenactively managed for wildlife since the i950rsquosWith its L800 acres of open water i7OO acresof non‐fOrested wetlands and 2900 acres ofbottomland hardwood forests Lake Odessa haslong provided critical habitat for amulsquoitudeofwildlife species However along hist roffloods and levee breeches has resultedin a reduction ofquality habitat especiallyimportant for fish and migratory waterfowl

In response to habitat degradation theCorps set out in 2006 to restore and protectwetland terrestrial and aquatic habitat throughthe restoration ofthe existing perimeter leveesystem spillway construction dredging theconstruction of new water control structures


seeding of sand prairie and the plantingof nut bearing hardwood tree species Thisproject has gone along way in reducingforest fragmentation increasing hardwoodtree diversity and native grassland expandingand enhancing wildlife habitatandprotecting archeological features within thecomplex Lake Odessa open to visitors ismanaged jointly bythe USFish and WildlifeService and the lowa DNR and supports 240species of birds and 96species of mammalsreptiles and amphibians and fishThe designofappropriate restoration and managementof lands such asLake Odessa is imperativeto the ecological sustainability ofthe UpperMississippi River System


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Magazine 1 1


_ wabieenergy 7 lsquo fit an Eastern iowa

eacutefiege w benefit the new Space NahantMarshEducationCenter (Photo byAmy7 LovingNahantVlarshEducationCoordinator)

raquolsquo qoivalenttothe present lot plus 50 ecosystemswater quality and biodiversityadditional feetThe projectdesigned inan Fromthe 19605 to 1996the land was usedenvironmentally responsibleway with the least for skeet and trap shooting leaving Nahantamount of impacton the wetlands isexpected contaminated with lead shotToday the 513 acreto be completed in spring 2015 area encompasses different wetland community

The Ecological Importance ‐ Nahant types including bottomland forest open‐waterMarsh isone ofthe last remaining urban habitatand marshland it provides habitat to

p _- dingGroundbreaking wetlands of its size onthe upper Mississippi more than 150 species of birds plantsfishpound30k placersquoNovember 202014on a 1600 River It offers awide variety of environmental insects mammalsand rare species such asthesguarefeet addition to the current building that education for people of all ages on wetland Leopard Frog and BlandingrsquosTurtle

HennepinCanalEnvironmentalPark RestorationDesign Plan

Cl Walking Path- 201 linear ft__ JeSSICG Flondro I Debris Removal v5490 sq ft

3 Prairie Restoration - 15 acresheHennepin Canal Environmental Park atthe Steel lsquo o 50 100 200 Foot xDam and Lock 30 in Milan iscomprised of mesic rsquo rsquo J rsquo rsquo Ll‐L‐L‐ l‐ i‐L-l‐ l

prairie and woodland edgeThe 2015 restoration anddesign plan includes improvements to the walking path and removal of prairie in the wildlife area along the canalThe seed mix will likely includevegetation at the portage which will connect visitors to the portage site little blue stem wild rye milk weed mountain mint pale coneflowersand the Rock River and Culverrsquos root Prairie restoration will increase biodiversity onsite and

Restoration plans also include the removal of invasive and encroaching provide anaesthetic backdrop for the canal and Rock River sitevegetation from historic Lock 30infrastructure and the installation of new Toshowcase restoration efforts at the Hennepin Canal Riverinterpretive signage bythe lL DNR to showcase historic canal features at Action with assistance from the Doris and Victor Day Foundationthe siteThe DNR will also dredge the canal above and below Lock 30and will offer environmental education programs for 180 students fromstock native fish species to promote kidrsquos fishing days Thomas Jefferson Elementary School in the spring of 2015Education

Additionally the design plan includes the repair of two existing park programming and restoration efforts will make the park asafe andbenches the trimming ofa large silver maple which will provide shade accessible place for families to enjoy nature and experience the historicfor visitors and a picnic table and the restoration of 15acres of mesic aspects ofthe Hennepin Canal that have been hidden

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Davenport IA 52807( 3 4 Specializing in Screenprinted Apparel T‐shirts Sweatshirts KooziesHatsetc

Now printing PromotionalProducts GlasswarePlasticCups Golf Ballsetc

12 eddyMagazine [ wvvwriveractionorg

y Uif]deddy CALENDAR


FebruaryInauguralFrozenFat FondoFestSaturdayFebruary7 Ham‐2pmCredit IslandParkDavenportJoin FORC in afat biking challenge ride along thebanks of the mighty Mississippi on Credit IslandRidesolo or asa3-person relay team See who can crankout the most laps in 3 hours around achallenge filledcourse Stick around after the main event for ahealthydose of shenanigans wwwqcforcorg

EarthExplorersFeb5-Oct29 everyotherWednesday 4-5pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportOur Earth Explorers after-school program allowschildren ages I H4 years‐old to explore innovativetechnologies and scientific concepts through creativeoutdoor activities and experiments For more informa‑tion and to register please visit wwwnahantmarshorg

Breakfastwith the BirdsFirstFridayof eachmonth8-9am NahantMarshEducationCenter DavenportJoin usfor aninformative breakfast about our featheredfriendsThe class will meet in the first Friday of everymonth beginning in October and continuing untilspring Each session will cover agroup of birds fromdabbling ducks to raptors to songbirds Depending onweather there may also be ashort hike to ourbird blindThe trail to the bird blind isADA accessible

Cost $5 (includes presentation amp continental breakfastcoffee and juice) To register please call 5633235196or bygoing to wwwnahantmarshprg

Toddler TalesSecondTuesdayof eachmonth 70‐1lam2‐3pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportEven if we cannot see animals that doesnrsquot mean thatthey arenrsquot thereWewill learn about ways to identifyanimals without seeing them Ages 3‐5 Cost $5peryouth Register online at wwwnahantmarshorg

MuddyBootsEveryotherWednesday4-5pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportThe purpose of Muddy Boots Nature Club isto provideyouth with the opportunities to learn while exploringnatureMuddy Boots engages children with hands‐onactivities like monarch butterfly tagging gardeningbike riding hikingeco‐crafts and more Ages 6-IOFor more information and to register please visit wwwnahantmarshorg

HuntingFishingandOutdoor Show2015Thursday throughSundayFebruary 12‐75QCCA ExpoCenterFrom boats and tackle to decoys and gear itrsquos anOutdoors Show with seminars and presentations frombig name fishing professionals Bring the family toKids Kampwith a real trout pond minnow racesandarcheryAdults $7Children 6yrs-16 yrs Si under6yrs Free

Sierra ClubTreehugger TriviaFriFebruary 136‐ 9pmFreightHouseFarmersMarket421WRiverDrDavenportReceptionHall at Freight House Doors open at 6pmtrivia starts at 7pmTeams of8 should register byemailing Jodi at loon585mchsicom Not on ateamSeats will beavailable for walk‐ins httpsierraclubevgwordpresscom

Valentine IndoorMusicandMoonlightWalkSat Feb 74 630-830pm Watch Tower LodgeBlackHawkStateHistoricSiteRock IslandFeaturingastroll outside onaluminaw‐Iit trail Too coldoutside for the walk come into the Lodge and keepwarm by the firewith fresh donuts and cider or hot

cocoa Music will be provided by Just4Fun Drew Naglewill call the contra‐dancing FREESingles couples ampfamily friendly (309‐788-9536) or wwwblackhawkparkorgThis event issponsored by Black Hawk StateHistoric Site in cooperation with Citizens to PreserveBlack Hawk Park Foundation‐education outreach forBlack Hawk State Historic Site since i972

MardiGras RajunCajun FestTuesday February 17530‐8pm $25perperson inadvance $30at the doorThe taste of NewOrleans iscoming back to the QuadCities on FatTuesday Local chefs will be set up in thelobby of the FiggeArt Museumwhere guests cansample each chefs Cajun creation All proceeds benlsquoefit the outreach programs of the Figge Art MuseumTickets purchased in advance online or over the phone(5633267804 x2046) will reserve your spot Name andidentification required for entry Doors open at 5 pm

Skatingat RiversidePark LagoonSkating at Riverside Park Lagoon Ice skating is permit‑ted asweather allows at Riverside Park Lagoon locatedat 2750 5th AvenueThe lagoon has awarming houseand public restrooms that are open seasonally whenconditions are favorable for ice skating Ice conditionsvary based on changing weather conditions sopleaseobey posted signs that indicate ifice conditions areappropriate for skating Hours of Operation are 6am‑i 1pmdaily Public session admission is$5 skate rental$3 all sessions are 25 hours For more informationcall 309-524-2424

RiverActionrsquos EnvironmentalBookClubTuesday February24 7pmRiverActionofficeDavenportDiscussThe Big Year by MarkObmascik Meetings areopen to the public and meet at the River Action office822 ERiver Dr betweenTremont and Federal StreetsFor more info please call 5633222969

Friendsof NahantMarshMeetingLastWedof eachmonth6pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportAre you looking to get more involved at NahantThen join usat our monthly FriendsMeetingFor more informationcall 563-323‐5196




l l l l lsquo l I I raquo lildquolsquoillllsquo


QuidCityAudubon Society FieldTripSaturdayFebruary28 7am Wildcat DennearMuscatine IATrip will travel from Buffalo Shores birding aswe go toWildcat Den and Fairport Fish Hatchery Bepreparedto hike the beautifulWildcat Den State Park in winterThere isanoptional stop for lunch in Buffalo Meet atBuffalo Shores (one mile past Buffalo IA Hwy 22)langleyartmchsicom for more information

MarchAPhotographerrsquosFeastSaturdayMarch79am‐2pm Western ILUniversityQuadCities 55 feepayableat the doorWhether you are an amateur or a seasoned photoenthusiast come out and hear a talented experiencedgroup of photographers offertheir tips River Actionand Western lLUniversity are coesponsoring the workshopVisit wwwriveractionorg for more informationand to register

Mississippi RiverGeotourismQCmeetingMondayampTuesdayMarch 9amp 10watch for detailsThis isa series of four Project Planning and Orientationmeetings to inform partners about this project goalsprocess and benefitsand to highlight the roles ofstakeholders and determine next steps towards implementing the Mississippi River Geotourism

StPatrickrsquosSocietyGrandParadeSaturdayMarch 14 7730‐7pm ILampIAQuadCitiesparaderouteStarts in Rock Island crosses the Centennial Bridge andends up in downtown Davenport For more informa‑tion on the parade visit wwwstpatsqccom

CanoecopiaMarch 73‐15AlliantEnergyCenter 7979AliantEnergyWayMadisonWICanoecopia isthe largest paddlesports consumerevent in the world with over 250000 square feetof kayaks canoes Stand Up Paddleboards outdoorequipment and clothing canoecopiacom

Sierra Club ProgramMeeting- Bald EaglesandLeadShotMonMarch 76 7‐ 830pmMolinePublicLibrary32104IstStMoline ILEdBritton USFish andWildlife Service will discuss newresearch on the impacts of lead shot on bald eaglepopulations Meet in the Bronze Roomofthe librarysierraclubevgwordpresscom


1802West LocustStreet Davenport IA52804


(By appointment)

DyeingEggsthe NaturalWaySatMarch2I 70am to noonand 100pm to 300pm NahantMarsh4220WapelloAve Davenport IAThe Nahant Marsh EducationCenter will present aclasson the basics of natural dyes and using them to cre‑ate colored eggsThere also will be a presentation onthe history of natural dyes and tips for creating naturaldyes at home Participants should bring adozenhard‐boiled eggs and an apron orTeshirt that can getstained There isa cost to participate and registration isrequired (Ages 8 and up) Call 563732375i 96 to register

RiverActionrsquos EnvironmentalBookClubTuesdayMarch24 7pmRiverAction officeDavenportDiscuss DirtThe Erosion of Civilizations byDavid RMontgomeryMeetings are open to the public andmeet at the River Action office 822 ERiver Dr betweenTremont and Federal Streets For more info call563-322-2969

Henry FarnamDinner 12thAnnualQuadCitiesFridayMarch27Jumerrsquos HotelampCasinoRockIslandILCocktails (cash bar) and displays 5pm Dinner 630pmand Program 730pmTickets are $40 per personreserved table of 10 is$375 Invitationswill be mailed inearly March to those who received invitations last yearFor reservations go to wwwriveractionorg or for moreinformation call River Action at 56332272969

Environmental FilmFest 10thAnnual EddyAwardWinningSaturdayMarch28 Olin CenterAugustana College733 35thStRock IslandILAdmission isFREE although donations are acceptedDoors open at i iam For film information and directions check out wwwaugustanaeduenvironmental‑filmfest For more info about EagleView Group SierraClub check out httpillinoissierracluborgeagleviewor contact Kathryn Allen at kasavelieaolcomThepublic iswelcome to attend any or all ofthe filmsbeing screened at the festival Refreshmentswillbe available

QuadCityAudubon Society FieldTripSaturdayMarch 28 7am Lock and Dam 13There will be many stops along the way searching forwaterfowl and early spring migrantsThis isagreat tripto look for signs ofspring This trip will stop at Fultonfor lunch some may choose to continue birding afterlunchMeet at Brothers Restaurant in Hampton IL at7am langleyartmchsicom for more information

Pickupa Retainthe RainrsquoRainBarrel for AprilshowersRain Barrels hold 60gallons and come with adivertermosquito nettingand spigot all for S75 River Action822 ERiver Dr Davenport or riveractionorg

Ap r i lQuadCitiesAudubon Society FieldTripSaturdayApril I I 7amConesMarsh IAThis trip isto many the best of the year with stunningviews of many species of shorebirds waterfowl andother early spring migrants Sandhill Cranes SnowGeese and many more maybe a nesting Great HornedOwl will be the highlightsMeet at Buffalo Shores (onemile past Buffalo IA Hwy 22) at 7am langleyartmchsicom for more information

RiverActionrsquos EnvironmentalBookClubTuesdayApril28 7pmRiverActionofficeDavenportDiscussThe Forest Unseen AYearrsquos Watch in Nature byDavidGeorge Haskell Meetings are open to the publicand meet at the River Action office 822 ERiver DrbetweenTremont and Federal Streets For more infoplease call 563822-2969

RiverActionrsquos Fish8FireFundraiserandFriendraiserFridayApril24 Watch Tower Lodgein BlackHawkStateParkRock IslandThis annual catfish fry combines fundraising andfriends Bid on dozens of silent auction items enjoy thedinner and entertainment and be a part ofthe 16thAnnual Eddy Awards Presentation 7 awards given tothose in our community who go against the currentto get things done For more information or to registergo to riveractionorg

The 40th Stroll through SpringtimeSatApril25 7am‐I2noon Watch Tower LodgeBlackHawkStateHistoricSite 15I046thAve (BlackhawkRd)Rock Island779am trail walks to identify both migrating amp resi‑dent birds (binoculars suggested) 9am refreshmentsincluding wild violetjelly and ashort programandiO-l 2trail walks to identify wildflowersFREE (309) 78879536wwwblackhawkparkorg

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Connect With Us

For over 30 years RiverAction has been dedicated toconnecting people to theriver Our supporters helpus to improve the quality ofwater that flows down theriver They help us to instilla love of the river throughencouraging participation inmany activities that involvethe river Plus River Actionencourages educationalprograms that help ourresidents better understandriver related issues andconcerns

JOIN TODAY ATwwwriveractionorg

or send check to822 E River Drive

Davenport lA 52803


A membership to River Actionoffers you an opportunity toreally make a difference in ourcommunity With eachmembership you will receivediscounts on educationalprograms as well as yourcontinued FREE subscriptionto eddy Magazine

Complete andmail in the formbelow t o raquo

-ueqicmiiwlm 822 E River DriveijlsquoiwlsquoE-mWMveacute Davenport IA 52803 or go to

wwwriveractionorgand click on membership

$30 for 30yearsl Please consider joining River Action as a member With your help we cancontinue to achieve great things in the coming years


je i I I I ‐ I I I raquoI] s 100 Action Memborahlp




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3dig i l security c o d e Signature


Includes benefits at household membership + two trckas lo a RiverActinnevent‐choose one Ride the River Taming Floatarsquolla orGolf Cart Tam

I] s so Household M m b m m pincludes benefits at Individualmembership plus RiverrneWalks(or all humanoid members

I] s so lndividunl Membershipincludes membership card eddy Magazine and Riverme Walks

U s 15 Student MembershipIncludes membership card eddy Magazine and Riverine Walks

1lsquo E ElRiver m n s I

lsquo website is lsquo1a i v s m r m o n c lsquo33ldquo 51-rdquo


fl a m m m 4 m ‐ N



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Page 6: RiverAction.org Eddy Magazine 201502

7 As anewcomer to the Quad Cities myintrigue isrenewed every time lwalk

through urban Rock IslandWith its historicaldistricts and position on the mighty Mississippiit seems asthough i can almost re‐live the Cityrsquosrich history ‐ Saukenuk Fort Armstrong thefirst railroad bridge Looneyand prohibition eraspeakeasiesAlthough urban Rock Island hasexperienced decline since its peak in the 1960rsquosits future potential isundeniable

Recognizing its own potential the Cityembarked on apublic planning process in2012building onprevious planning effortsto reverse long‐term trends in urban declineto develop arevitalization plan for the ArsenalGatewayThe area of focus incorporatessections of several urban neighborhoods ‐ theBroadway Historic District Downtown districtand the Greenbush neighborhood ‐ locatedproximally to one ofthe Quad Citiesrsquomajoremployers the Arsenal Adopted byRock IslandinJuly 20l 3the plan considers the complexityofthe urban community and the interactionof social economic and environmental forcesRecommendations include designs to increaseaccess to the riverfront expand greenspaceand improve pedestrian and bicycle accessand safetyThey also include the redesign of

‐ B y fi mChambersstreetscapes and the inclusion of public artto enhance aesthetic infill of vacant lots andopportunities and strategies to direct bothpublic and private investmentWhile planning and design documents

are essential in informing effective long‐termredevelopment and revitalization they arealso great at collecting dust onmunicipalbookshelves it isultimately the community7 residents development non‐profits transitdistricts government and local businesses‐ acting together that drive change in 2014Arsenal Gateway saw the opening ofthe Locks‐ atransit oriented housing developmentand anew transit transfer station that fulfillstransit system needs and improves rider safetyBoth are examples ofsuccessful collaborationsbetween the growth MetroLlNK and the CityMeanwhile local businesses like Rozzetox on3rd Ave and 21st Street are changing the socialand economic landscapelhrough its originalsocial design Rozzrtox has created adynamicspace welcoming of expression that attracts adiversity of artists to the Arsenal GatewayTosee the Arsenal Gateway Revitalization

Planvisit httpwwwrigovorgdocumentcenterviewSoii


Photo Tim GilmanRozz-Tox 2108 3rd Ave Rock Island

innardsApril70i5 l eddyMagazine 7


and redeveiOpmentof the former Howardjohnson hotel site at 227 LeCiaire Street a keyeastern gateway to downtown DavenportlowaThe$25M proposed developmentknownasRiverwatchPlace isasix-storymixed-useoffice buildingthat includesfirstfloor commercialretail use and restaurantspacewith Mississippi RiverviewsThe buildingis60000 SF(10000 SFper floor) will featureoutdoor vista points oneach floor and alarge

BLDDArchitects a member of the development team is the building designer

dining area onthe top floorimproving this site has long been agoal of

the selected developers itbffers extraordinaryriver views Our mission isto deliver atrophyproperty worthy of the siterdquosaid John GRuhlPresidentof NAl RuhlCommercial Co adeveloper alongwith BushConstruction

The urban infill project on apropertythat has sat empty since 2009will add tothe Davenport skyline both day and nightand provide awelcoming entrance to the


8 eddyMagazne I vvvvvvriveractionorg

downtown KyleCarter Executive Director DDPreports that demolition ofthe existing buildingisplanned to begin the first ofthe year withconstruction ofthe new building to followBuildingdesign isbyBLDDArchitectsit will bebuilt knowing full‐well that flooding isanissuethat must bemitigated via designrdquohe addsProperty owner Demolition Davenport throughthe Downtown Davenport Partnershipwillcontinue to bethe steward otthe propertyuntil afinal closing


Not valid onany specialorders or sale items Notvalid with any other offerCoupon void if alteredExpires 11302014ACTIVEENDEAVOPS

A birds‐eye illustration of the long-termvision for downtown Molinelookingsouthwest CreditLakotaGroup

An artistrsquos concept for a pedestrianized street on 4th Ave at 7th Stlooking east Credit LakotaGroup

Re-designingMolinersquos DowntownLikemany towns in the midwestMolineand the rest ofthe Quad Cities fall into

what isknown asThe Rust BeltWith decliningpopulations and loss of manufacturingjobstowns likeMoline have had to think outside theboxwhen it comes to planning and economicdevelopment ‐ to bring in newjobs andrevenuewhile making the area anenjoyableplace to liveMolinersquos latest comprehensiveplan updates provide strategies to fill itsdowntown area with well-thought‐out designsThese updates focus onthree downtownneighborhoods Floreciente to the west MolineCentre and Edgewater in the eastWhile the further-out areas ofMoline are

boomingespecially along the John Deerecorridor the city recognizes the importance of astrong and diverse downtown asanalternativeto urban sprawlThe city has distinguished itselfbymixing completely new infill developmentswith reuse projects showcasing historicalarchitecture without being averse to modernbuilding projectsThis gives Molinersquos downtownvariety and depthAcity block acts astimelinewith both older and contemporary designsThiscan beseen with the historical redevelopmentof theWashington Square apartments originally rowhouses for John Deereexecutivesin the i9th century now just down the blockfrom the very modern KoneCenterThe newtransit development ‐ dubbedTheQrdquowillrefurbish anexistingwarehousewith newlyconstructed additions housing the newAmtrakstationa hoteland possible retail space

Creative usesare being plannedforexisting and historicalbuildings in both theFlorecienteandEdgewater neighborhood _New-infilldevelOpmentswould i r yantagrdquoof relatively inexpensive ndlsquoandiopelots ‐ providing c



street ‐ similar to traditional Latin‐AmericanplazasEdgewaterwill benefit from itsproximity to the newWestern IllinoisUniversitycampus making it aperfect fit for college towncafes and shopsThese developments wouldcouplewith re‐designed streets to inject vitalityinto neighborhoodswhere it ismost needed

Moline has recognized that well‐designedstreets not only manage traffic but also leadto more pedestrian and bicycle traffic Since2005 the city has outlined specific designs forimproving streets ‐ including benches plantersuniquecrosswalksand stylish lightingThebest example ofthis streetscapingrdquois on5thAvenue in MolineCentreOnany given day thestreet isfilled with buzzing storefrontscafesand restaurants Businesses and peoplealikeare enjoying the slowed-downMain Street feelThe benefits are bothaesthetic and economicThe city plans to expand its streetscapingplans into Florecienteand Edgewatercalmingtraffic along busy one‐wayswhile makingtheneighborhoodsmorewalkable and livableAfter demolition of the existing l‐74 bridge

there will bemanyopportunities to open upand redevelop the riverfront areaMultipleplans have beenoutlinedall ofwhich featureanew riverfrontparkMixed‐use residential 7orcommercial buildingswill complimentthe _critical publicparklandconnectingmoreofthdowntownto the riverThis publics beseenasMatineCent srfffront attheMississippiproyid activitiesconcertsandmealtime


Campus and RiverbendCommons drawinspiration from one another ‐ incorporatingriver themes complimentary architecture andenvironmentally‐conscious features

The planned improvements are greatexamples of revitalization through design ‑giving agenuine sense-of‐place and pridetodowntown MolineTosee Molinersquos comprehensive planvisit



30 groups in Scott Countyare making a difference

71rdquordquo xx in the environment9ldquo by cleaning up

Join them by adoptingyour spot today

Find out how atwwilivehereqcorg

FebrtiaryllsquoylarcliApril Lilli 5 rliaguzme 9


ErnieWest and hisbrick layingmachineI PhotoCreditBradKeene Cit ofDaven ort De artmentofPublicWorks7thdescnbing brick laying y y p p

_ Y UPEWISOVSICETI YOU bUIIdone do the samejob manually saving tax payers money and city em ployeesrsquobeSSibleErniewas given three weeks tocomplete their backsCW33ldquo ldquo the ldquoECESSalrsquoy partsandmaterlaIS- Learning of this new machine from Brian StinemanNatural Resource

_ 0rdquo ldquoadlsquosOffOfa 10hrdquoDeereSkId Steeri powered by a20 Managerwith the City PublicWorks RiverAction had to meet its creatorjhO EPOWEVHonda enginerW5 Strange IOOklngContraption ISboth Erniersquos paver layer means anew day for stormwater management and ingeniousandversatile Hydraulicallyoperated with anauto leveling water quality in DavenportCompleted onOctober 15tthismachineSYSEem Ernies maChIne Can lay brICIltS InWidths ranging from fiVe to iscapable of efficiently installing permeable pavers important toolseighteen feet allowing the City to resurface alleys streets and sidewalks to manage stormwater in cities Because of Erniersquos original design theInlsquoh0U5euro~TW0people C3ldquo do theW0rk Inhalfthe time it WOUId take four to proliferation of permeable streets issure to beinDavenportrsquos future


GreenValleyWetland Creation and Prairie Restoration Design Plan

~‐ ByJessica Fondro

reenValley NaturePreserveat 60th St

Molineadjacent to theRock River iscomprisedof more than 250acres of bottom‐landforest meslc prairieand wet meadowThe2015 design planwillresult in the creation ofapproximately five acresof potholewetlands andseven acres of nativeprairie restoration WetlandCreation 51AcresPotholewetlands Pmmlsquoc Planfing-69Acrcs

will beexcavated to 7 I E WalkingPath-510 Nadepth of 12rsquol‐i8rdquo i l v o 230 i s o n AL _L___L__ I__IDisplaced soil will bespread and seededto create ameslc prairie ecosystemwith The prairie potholes will be restored to In addition to wetland creation andattention to both infiltration potential and native wet prairie dominated byamixture of prairie restorationa5100 foot mowedaestheticsihe seed mixwill generate a grasses sedges and forbs including prairie walking pathwill becreated betweenseasonal color palate ranging from white cordgrass Canada bluejoint grass lake sedge the river and the wetlands to showcaseand yellow to blue and magenta and hop sedge fox sedge mountain mint New the restoration provide access for thewill likely include big blue stem Indian England aster angelica marsh marigold general public and students and promotegrass prairie dropseed black eyed susan swamp thistle swamp milkweedand blue connectivity within the preserve and thecompass plant rattle snakemaster and flag iris larger Rock RiverTrail blazing star

10 eddyMagazine I wwwriveractionorg

LakeOdessa UpperMississippiRiverRestoration‐ By77m Chambers

U nbeknownto manythe Mississippi Riveristhe only river in the United States to

berecognized byCongressrdquo asanationallysignificant ecosystem and anationallysignificant commercial navigation systemTo ensure that Congressrsquovision remains arealitythe Army Corps of Engineers and its partnershave been working through their UpperMississippi River Restoration Program (UMRR)to implement innovative and effective habitatrestoration projects by combining cuttingedge monitoring and research with pioneeringenvironmental design For over 25years Corpsdesigners have been refining constructiontechniques to improve habitats in ways neverbefore imaginedio date atotal ofSS projectsbenefiting more than i02000 acres have beencompleted through the UMRR programwithanother 35projects in either the constructionor design phase

A prime example of UMRR programs workisthe Lake Odessa Complex located 15milesouth of Muscatine in Louisa County Iowa


LakeOdessa 3

Lake Odessa Restoration Map lmage courtesy ofArmy Corps ofEngineers

This 6788 acre backwater complex has beenactively managed for wildlife since the i950rsquosWith its L800 acres of open water i7OO acresof non‐fOrested wetlands and 2900 acres ofbottomland hardwood forests Lake Odessa haslong provided critical habitat for amulsquoitudeofwildlife species However along hist roffloods and levee breeches has resultedin a reduction ofquality habitat especiallyimportant for fish and migratory waterfowl

In response to habitat degradation theCorps set out in 2006 to restore and protectwetland terrestrial and aquatic habitat throughthe restoration ofthe existing perimeter leveesystem spillway construction dredging theconstruction of new water control structures


seeding of sand prairie and the plantingof nut bearing hardwood tree species Thisproject has gone along way in reducingforest fragmentation increasing hardwoodtree diversity and native grassland expandingand enhancing wildlife habitatandprotecting archeological features within thecomplex Lake Odessa open to visitors ismanaged jointly bythe USFish and WildlifeService and the lowa DNR and supports 240species of birds and 96species of mammalsreptiles and amphibians and fishThe designofappropriate restoration and managementof lands such asLake Odessa is imperativeto the ecological sustainability ofthe UpperMississippi River System


SAVING YOUR WALLETfromflyourold heatngsystem

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i wwwcrawford-companycom LllLlC 055 042569

‐ Whatever it takeswwwbryantcom


Magazine 1 1


_ wabieenergy 7 lsquo fit an Eastern iowa

eacutefiege w benefit the new Space NahantMarshEducationCenter (Photo byAmy7 LovingNahantVlarshEducationCoordinator)

raquolsquo qoivalenttothe present lot plus 50 ecosystemswater quality and biodiversityadditional feetThe projectdesigned inan Fromthe 19605 to 1996the land was usedenvironmentally responsibleway with the least for skeet and trap shooting leaving Nahantamount of impacton the wetlands isexpected contaminated with lead shotToday the 513 acreto be completed in spring 2015 area encompasses different wetland community

The Ecological Importance ‐ Nahant types including bottomland forest open‐waterMarsh isone ofthe last remaining urban habitatand marshland it provides habitat to

p _- dingGroundbreaking wetlands of its size onthe upper Mississippi more than 150 species of birds plantsfishpound30k placersquoNovember 202014on a 1600 River It offers awide variety of environmental insects mammalsand rare species such asthesguarefeet addition to the current building that education for people of all ages on wetland Leopard Frog and BlandingrsquosTurtle

HennepinCanalEnvironmentalPark RestorationDesign Plan

Cl Walking Path- 201 linear ft__ JeSSICG Flondro I Debris Removal v5490 sq ft

3 Prairie Restoration - 15 acresheHennepin Canal Environmental Park atthe Steel lsquo o 50 100 200 Foot xDam and Lock 30 in Milan iscomprised of mesic rsquo rsquo J rsquo rsquo Ll‐L‐L‐ l‐ i‐L-l‐ l

prairie and woodland edgeThe 2015 restoration anddesign plan includes improvements to the walking path and removal of prairie in the wildlife area along the canalThe seed mix will likely includevegetation at the portage which will connect visitors to the portage site little blue stem wild rye milk weed mountain mint pale coneflowersand the Rock River and Culverrsquos root Prairie restoration will increase biodiversity onsite and

Restoration plans also include the removal of invasive and encroaching provide anaesthetic backdrop for the canal and Rock River sitevegetation from historic Lock 30infrastructure and the installation of new Toshowcase restoration efforts at the Hennepin Canal Riverinterpretive signage bythe lL DNR to showcase historic canal features at Action with assistance from the Doris and Victor Day Foundationthe siteThe DNR will also dredge the canal above and below Lock 30and will offer environmental education programs for 180 students fromstock native fish species to promote kidrsquos fishing days Thomas Jefferson Elementary School in the spring of 2015Education

Additionally the design plan includes the repair of two existing park programming and restoration efforts will make the park asafe andbenches the trimming ofa large silver maple which will provide shade accessible place for families to enjoy nature and experience the historicfor visitors and a picnic table and the restoration of 15acres of mesic aspects ofthe Hennepin Canal that have been hidden

KimbetlsquoZD DentalA-S-S-O-C-l-A-T-ElsquoSE

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eacutemsslsquoelsquoW ldquor ScreenprimedSportswear3512 Jersey Ridge Road

Davenport IA 52807( 3 4 Specializing in Screenprinted Apparel T‐shirts Sweatshirts KooziesHatsetc

Now printing PromotionalProducts GlasswarePlasticCups Golf Ballsetc

12 eddyMagazine [ wvvwriveractionorg

y Uif]deddy CALENDAR


FebruaryInauguralFrozenFat FondoFestSaturdayFebruary7 Ham‐2pmCredit IslandParkDavenportJoin FORC in afat biking challenge ride along thebanks of the mighty Mississippi on Credit IslandRidesolo or asa3-person relay team See who can crankout the most laps in 3 hours around achallenge filledcourse Stick around after the main event for ahealthydose of shenanigans wwwqcforcorg

EarthExplorersFeb5-Oct29 everyotherWednesday 4-5pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportOur Earth Explorers after-school program allowschildren ages I H4 years‐old to explore innovativetechnologies and scientific concepts through creativeoutdoor activities and experiments For more informa‑tion and to register please visit wwwnahantmarshorg

Breakfastwith the BirdsFirstFridayof eachmonth8-9am NahantMarshEducationCenter DavenportJoin usfor aninformative breakfast about our featheredfriendsThe class will meet in the first Friday of everymonth beginning in October and continuing untilspring Each session will cover agroup of birds fromdabbling ducks to raptors to songbirds Depending onweather there may also be ashort hike to ourbird blindThe trail to the bird blind isADA accessible

Cost $5 (includes presentation amp continental breakfastcoffee and juice) To register please call 5633235196or bygoing to wwwnahantmarshprg

Toddler TalesSecondTuesdayof eachmonth 70‐1lam2‐3pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportEven if we cannot see animals that doesnrsquot mean thatthey arenrsquot thereWewill learn about ways to identifyanimals without seeing them Ages 3‐5 Cost $5peryouth Register online at wwwnahantmarshorg

MuddyBootsEveryotherWednesday4-5pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportThe purpose of Muddy Boots Nature Club isto provideyouth with the opportunities to learn while exploringnatureMuddy Boots engages children with hands‐onactivities like monarch butterfly tagging gardeningbike riding hikingeco‐crafts and more Ages 6-IOFor more information and to register please visit wwwnahantmarshorg

HuntingFishingandOutdoor Show2015Thursday throughSundayFebruary 12‐75QCCA ExpoCenterFrom boats and tackle to decoys and gear itrsquos anOutdoors Show with seminars and presentations frombig name fishing professionals Bring the family toKids Kampwith a real trout pond minnow racesandarcheryAdults $7Children 6yrs-16 yrs Si under6yrs Free

Sierra ClubTreehugger TriviaFriFebruary 136‐ 9pmFreightHouseFarmersMarket421WRiverDrDavenportReceptionHall at Freight House Doors open at 6pmtrivia starts at 7pmTeams of8 should register byemailing Jodi at loon585mchsicom Not on ateamSeats will beavailable for walk‐ins httpsierraclubevgwordpresscom

Valentine IndoorMusicandMoonlightWalkSat Feb 74 630-830pm Watch Tower LodgeBlackHawkStateHistoricSiteRock IslandFeaturingastroll outside onaluminaw‐Iit trail Too coldoutside for the walk come into the Lodge and keepwarm by the firewith fresh donuts and cider or hot

cocoa Music will be provided by Just4Fun Drew Naglewill call the contra‐dancing FREESingles couples ampfamily friendly (309‐788-9536) or wwwblackhawkparkorgThis event issponsored by Black Hawk StateHistoric Site in cooperation with Citizens to PreserveBlack Hawk Park Foundation‐education outreach forBlack Hawk State Historic Site since i972

MardiGras RajunCajun FestTuesday February 17530‐8pm $25perperson inadvance $30at the doorThe taste of NewOrleans iscoming back to the QuadCities on FatTuesday Local chefs will be set up in thelobby of the FiggeArt Museumwhere guests cansample each chefs Cajun creation All proceeds benlsquoefit the outreach programs of the Figge Art MuseumTickets purchased in advance online or over the phone(5633267804 x2046) will reserve your spot Name andidentification required for entry Doors open at 5 pm

Skatingat RiversidePark LagoonSkating at Riverside Park Lagoon Ice skating is permit‑ted asweather allows at Riverside Park Lagoon locatedat 2750 5th AvenueThe lagoon has awarming houseand public restrooms that are open seasonally whenconditions are favorable for ice skating Ice conditionsvary based on changing weather conditions sopleaseobey posted signs that indicate ifice conditions areappropriate for skating Hours of Operation are 6am‑i 1pmdaily Public session admission is$5 skate rental$3 all sessions are 25 hours For more informationcall 309-524-2424

RiverActionrsquos EnvironmentalBookClubTuesday February24 7pmRiverActionofficeDavenportDiscussThe Big Year by MarkObmascik Meetings areopen to the public and meet at the River Action office822 ERiver Dr betweenTremont and Federal StreetsFor more info please call 5633222969

Friendsof NahantMarshMeetingLastWedof eachmonth6pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportAre you looking to get more involved at NahantThen join usat our monthly FriendsMeetingFor more informationcall 563-323‐5196




l l l l lsquo l I I raquo lildquolsquoillllsquo


QuidCityAudubon Society FieldTripSaturdayFebruary28 7am Wildcat DennearMuscatine IATrip will travel from Buffalo Shores birding aswe go toWildcat Den and Fairport Fish Hatchery Bepreparedto hike the beautifulWildcat Den State Park in winterThere isanoptional stop for lunch in Buffalo Meet atBuffalo Shores (one mile past Buffalo IA Hwy 22)langleyartmchsicom for more information

MarchAPhotographerrsquosFeastSaturdayMarch79am‐2pm Western ILUniversityQuadCities 55 feepayableat the doorWhether you are an amateur or a seasoned photoenthusiast come out and hear a talented experiencedgroup of photographers offertheir tips River Actionand Western lLUniversity are coesponsoring the workshopVisit wwwriveractionorg for more informationand to register

Mississippi RiverGeotourismQCmeetingMondayampTuesdayMarch 9amp 10watch for detailsThis isa series of four Project Planning and Orientationmeetings to inform partners about this project goalsprocess and benefitsand to highlight the roles ofstakeholders and determine next steps towards implementing the Mississippi River Geotourism

StPatrickrsquosSocietyGrandParadeSaturdayMarch 14 7730‐7pm ILampIAQuadCitiesparaderouteStarts in Rock Island crosses the Centennial Bridge andends up in downtown Davenport For more informa‑tion on the parade visit wwwstpatsqccom

CanoecopiaMarch 73‐15AlliantEnergyCenter 7979AliantEnergyWayMadisonWICanoecopia isthe largest paddlesports consumerevent in the world with over 250000 square feetof kayaks canoes Stand Up Paddleboards outdoorequipment and clothing canoecopiacom

Sierra Club ProgramMeeting- Bald EaglesandLeadShotMonMarch 76 7‐ 830pmMolinePublicLibrary32104IstStMoline ILEdBritton USFish andWildlife Service will discuss newresearch on the impacts of lead shot on bald eaglepopulations Meet in the Bronze Roomofthe librarysierraclubevgwordpresscom


1802West LocustStreet Davenport IA52804


(By appointment)

DyeingEggsthe NaturalWaySatMarch2I 70am to noonand 100pm to 300pm NahantMarsh4220WapelloAve Davenport IAThe Nahant Marsh EducationCenter will present aclasson the basics of natural dyes and using them to cre‑ate colored eggsThere also will be a presentation onthe history of natural dyes and tips for creating naturaldyes at home Participants should bring adozenhard‐boiled eggs and an apron orTeshirt that can getstained There isa cost to participate and registration isrequired (Ages 8 and up) Call 563732375i 96 to register

RiverActionrsquos EnvironmentalBookClubTuesdayMarch24 7pmRiverAction officeDavenportDiscuss DirtThe Erosion of Civilizations byDavid RMontgomeryMeetings are open to the public andmeet at the River Action office 822 ERiver Dr betweenTremont and Federal Streets For more info call563-322-2969

Henry FarnamDinner 12thAnnualQuadCitiesFridayMarch27Jumerrsquos HotelampCasinoRockIslandILCocktails (cash bar) and displays 5pm Dinner 630pmand Program 730pmTickets are $40 per personreserved table of 10 is$375 Invitationswill be mailed inearly March to those who received invitations last yearFor reservations go to wwwriveractionorg or for moreinformation call River Action at 56332272969

Environmental FilmFest 10thAnnual EddyAwardWinningSaturdayMarch28 Olin CenterAugustana College733 35thStRock IslandILAdmission isFREE although donations are acceptedDoors open at i iam For film information and directions check out wwwaugustanaeduenvironmental‑filmfest For more info about EagleView Group SierraClub check out httpillinoissierracluborgeagleviewor contact Kathryn Allen at kasavelieaolcomThepublic iswelcome to attend any or all ofthe filmsbeing screened at the festival Refreshmentswillbe available

QuadCityAudubon Society FieldTripSaturdayMarch 28 7am Lock and Dam 13There will be many stops along the way searching forwaterfowl and early spring migrantsThis isagreat tripto look for signs ofspring This trip will stop at Fultonfor lunch some may choose to continue birding afterlunchMeet at Brothers Restaurant in Hampton IL at7am langleyartmchsicom for more information

Pickupa Retainthe RainrsquoRainBarrel for AprilshowersRain Barrels hold 60gallons and come with adivertermosquito nettingand spigot all for S75 River Action822 ERiver Dr Davenport or riveractionorg

Ap r i lQuadCitiesAudubon Society FieldTripSaturdayApril I I 7amConesMarsh IAThis trip isto many the best of the year with stunningviews of many species of shorebirds waterfowl andother early spring migrants Sandhill Cranes SnowGeese and many more maybe a nesting Great HornedOwl will be the highlightsMeet at Buffalo Shores (onemile past Buffalo IA Hwy 22) at 7am langleyartmchsicom for more information

RiverActionrsquos EnvironmentalBookClubTuesdayApril28 7pmRiverActionofficeDavenportDiscussThe Forest Unseen AYearrsquos Watch in Nature byDavidGeorge Haskell Meetings are open to the publicand meet at the River Action office 822 ERiver DrbetweenTremont and Federal Streets For more infoplease call 563822-2969

RiverActionrsquos Fish8FireFundraiserandFriendraiserFridayApril24 Watch Tower Lodgein BlackHawkStateParkRock IslandThis annual catfish fry combines fundraising andfriends Bid on dozens of silent auction items enjoy thedinner and entertainment and be a part ofthe 16thAnnual Eddy Awards Presentation 7 awards given tothose in our community who go against the currentto get things done For more information or to registergo to riveractionorg

The 40th Stroll through SpringtimeSatApril25 7am‐I2noon Watch Tower LodgeBlackHawkStateHistoricSite 15I046thAve (BlackhawkRd)Rock Island779am trail walks to identify both migrating amp resi‑dent birds (binoculars suggested) 9am refreshmentsincluding wild violetjelly and ashort programandiO-l 2trail walks to identify wildflowersFREE (309) 78879536wwwblackhawkparkorg

108 E2nd Street Davenport IA 5280rsquo563-424-2012

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Connect With Us

For over 30 years RiverAction has been dedicated toconnecting people to theriver Our supporters helpus to improve the quality ofwater that flows down theriver They help us to instilla love of the river throughencouraging participation inmany activities that involvethe river Plus River Actionencourages educationalprograms that help ourresidents better understandriver related issues andconcerns

JOIN TODAY ATwwwriveractionorg

or send check to822 E River Drive

Davenport lA 52803


A membership to River Actionoffers you an opportunity toreally make a difference in ourcommunity With eachmembership you will receivediscounts on educationalprograms as well as yourcontinued FREE subscriptionto eddy Magazine

Complete andmail in the formbelow t o raquo

-ueqicmiiwlm 822 E River DriveijlsquoiwlsquoE-mWMveacute Davenport IA 52803 or go to

wwwriveractionorgand click on membership

$30 for 30yearsl Please consider joining River Action as a member With your help we cancontinue to achieve great things in the coming years


je i I I I ‐ I I I raquoI] s 100 Action Memborahlp




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Includes benefits at household membership + two trckas lo a RiverActinnevent‐choose one Ride the River Taming Floatarsquolla orGolf Cart Tam

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I] s so lndividunl Membershipincludes membership card eddy Magazine and Riverme Walks

U s 15 Student MembershipIncludes membership card eddy Magazine and Riverine Walks

1lsquo E ElRiver m n s I

lsquo website is lsquo1a i v s m r m o n c lsquo33ldquo 51-rdquo


fl a m m m 4 m ‐ N



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Page 7: RiverAction.org Eddy Magazine 201502


and redeveiOpmentof the former Howardjohnson hotel site at 227 LeCiaire Street a keyeastern gateway to downtown DavenportlowaThe$25M proposed developmentknownasRiverwatchPlace isasix-storymixed-useoffice buildingthat includesfirstfloor commercialretail use and restaurantspacewith Mississippi RiverviewsThe buildingis60000 SF(10000 SFper floor) will featureoutdoor vista points oneach floor and alarge

BLDDArchitects a member of the development team is the building designer

dining area onthe top floorimproving this site has long been agoal of

the selected developers itbffers extraordinaryriver views Our mission isto deliver atrophyproperty worthy of the siterdquosaid John GRuhlPresidentof NAl RuhlCommercial Co adeveloper alongwith BushConstruction

The urban infill project on apropertythat has sat empty since 2009will add tothe Davenport skyline both day and nightand provide awelcoming entrance to the


8 eddyMagazne I vvvvvvriveractionorg

downtown KyleCarter Executive Director DDPreports that demolition ofthe existing buildingisplanned to begin the first ofthe year withconstruction ofthe new building to followBuildingdesign isbyBLDDArchitectsit will bebuilt knowing full‐well that flooding isanissuethat must bemitigated via designrdquohe addsProperty owner Demolition Davenport throughthe Downtown Davenport Partnershipwillcontinue to bethe steward otthe propertyuntil afinal closing


Not valid onany specialorders or sale items Notvalid with any other offerCoupon void if alteredExpires 11302014ACTIVEENDEAVOPS

A birds‐eye illustration of the long-termvision for downtown Molinelookingsouthwest CreditLakotaGroup

An artistrsquos concept for a pedestrianized street on 4th Ave at 7th Stlooking east Credit LakotaGroup

Re-designingMolinersquos DowntownLikemany towns in the midwestMolineand the rest ofthe Quad Cities fall into

what isknown asThe Rust BeltWith decliningpopulations and loss of manufacturingjobstowns likeMoline have had to think outside theboxwhen it comes to planning and economicdevelopment ‐ to bring in newjobs andrevenuewhile making the area anenjoyableplace to liveMolinersquos latest comprehensiveplan updates provide strategies to fill itsdowntown area with well-thought‐out designsThese updates focus onthree downtownneighborhoods Floreciente to the west MolineCentre and Edgewater in the eastWhile the further-out areas ofMoline are

boomingespecially along the John Deerecorridor the city recognizes the importance of astrong and diverse downtown asanalternativeto urban sprawlThe city has distinguished itselfbymixing completely new infill developmentswith reuse projects showcasing historicalarchitecture without being averse to modernbuilding projectsThis gives Molinersquos downtownvariety and depthAcity block acts astimelinewith both older and contemporary designsThiscan beseen with the historical redevelopmentof theWashington Square apartments originally rowhouses for John Deereexecutivesin the i9th century now just down the blockfrom the very modern KoneCenterThe newtransit development ‐ dubbedTheQrdquowillrefurbish anexistingwarehousewith newlyconstructed additions housing the newAmtrakstationa hoteland possible retail space

Creative usesare being plannedforexisting and historicalbuildings in both theFlorecienteandEdgewater neighborhood _New-infilldevelOpmentswould i r yantagrdquoof relatively inexpensive ndlsquoandiopelots ‐ providing c



street ‐ similar to traditional Latin‐AmericanplazasEdgewaterwill benefit from itsproximity to the newWestern IllinoisUniversitycampus making it aperfect fit for college towncafes and shopsThese developments wouldcouplewith re‐designed streets to inject vitalityinto neighborhoodswhere it ismost needed

Moline has recognized that well‐designedstreets not only manage traffic but also leadto more pedestrian and bicycle traffic Since2005 the city has outlined specific designs forimproving streets ‐ including benches plantersuniquecrosswalksand stylish lightingThebest example ofthis streetscapingrdquois on5thAvenue in MolineCentreOnany given day thestreet isfilled with buzzing storefrontscafesand restaurants Businesses and peoplealikeare enjoying the slowed-downMain Street feelThe benefits are bothaesthetic and economicThe city plans to expand its streetscapingplans into Florecienteand Edgewatercalmingtraffic along busy one‐wayswhile makingtheneighborhoodsmorewalkable and livableAfter demolition of the existing l‐74 bridge

there will bemanyopportunities to open upand redevelop the riverfront areaMultipleplans have beenoutlinedall ofwhich featureanew riverfrontparkMixed‐use residential 7orcommercial buildingswill complimentthe _critical publicparklandconnectingmoreofthdowntownto the riverThis publics beseenasMatineCent srfffront attheMississippiproyid activitiesconcertsandmealtime


Campus and RiverbendCommons drawinspiration from one another ‐ incorporatingriver themes complimentary architecture andenvironmentally‐conscious features

The planned improvements are greatexamples of revitalization through design ‑giving agenuine sense-of‐place and pridetodowntown MolineTosee Molinersquos comprehensive planvisit



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FebrtiaryllsquoylarcliApril Lilli 5 rliaguzme 9


ErnieWest and hisbrick layingmachineI PhotoCreditBradKeene Cit ofDaven ort De artmentofPublicWorks7thdescnbing brick laying y y p p

_ Y UPEWISOVSICETI YOU bUIIdone do the samejob manually saving tax payers money and city em ployeesrsquobeSSibleErniewas given three weeks tocomplete their backsCW33ldquo ldquo the ldquoECESSalrsquoy partsandmaterlaIS- Learning of this new machine from Brian StinemanNatural Resource

_ 0rdquo ldquoadlsquosOffOfa 10hrdquoDeereSkId Steeri powered by a20 Managerwith the City PublicWorks RiverAction had to meet its creatorjhO EPOWEVHonda enginerW5 Strange IOOklngContraption ISboth Erniersquos paver layer means anew day for stormwater management and ingeniousandversatile Hydraulicallyoperated with anauto leveling water quality in DavenportCompleted onOctober 15tthismachineSYSEem Ernies maChIne Can lay brICIltS InWidths ranging from fiVe to iscapable of efficiently installing permeable pavers important toolseighteen feet allowing the City to resurface alleys streets and sidewalks to manage stormwater in cities Because of Erniersquos original design theInlsquoh0U5euro~TW0people C3ldquo do theW0rk Inhalfthe time it WOUId take four to proliferation of permeable streets issure to beinDavenportrsquos future


GreenValleyWetland Creation and Prairie Restoration Design Plan

~‐ ByJessica Fondro

reenValley NaturePreserveat 60th St

Molineadjacent to theRock River iscomprisedof more than 250acres of bottom‐landforest meslc prairieand wet meadowThe2015 design planwillresult in the creation ofapproximately five acresof potholewetlands andseven acres of nativeprairie restoration WetlandCreation 51AcresPotholewetlands Pmmlsquoc Planfing-69Acrcs

will beexcavated to 7 I E WalkingPath-510 Nadepth of 12rsquol‐i8rdquo i l v o 230 i s o n AL _L___L__ I__IDisplaced soil will bespread and seededto create ameslc prairie ecosystemwith The prairie potholes will be restored to In addition to wetland creation andattention to both infiltration potential and native wet prairie dominated byamixture of prairie restorationa5100 foot mowedaestheticsihe seed mixwill generate a grasses sedges and forbs including prairie walking pathwill becreated betweenseasonal color palate ranging from white cordgrass Canada bluejoint grass lake sedge the river and the wetlands to showcaseand yellow to blue and magenta and hop sedge fox sedge mountain mint New the restoration provide access for thewill likely include big blue stem Indian England aster angelica marsh marigold general public and students and promotegrass prairie dropseed black eyed susan swamp thistle swamp milkweedand blue connectivity within the preserve and thecompass plant rattle snakemaster and flag iris larger Rock RiverTrail blazing star

10 eddyMagazine I wwwriveractionorg

LakeOdessa UpperMississippiRiverRestoration‐ By77m Chambers

U nbeknownto manythe Mississippi Riveristhe only river in the United States to

berecognized byCongressrdquo asanationallysignificant ecosystem and anationallysignificant commercial navigation systemTo ensure that Congressrsquovision remains arealitythe Army Corps of Engineers and its partnershave been working through their UpperMississippi River Restoration Program (UMRR)to implement innovative and effective habitatrestoration projects by combining cuttingedge monitoring and research with pioneeringenvironmental design For over 25years Corpsdesigners have been refining constructiontechniques to improve habitats in ways neverbefore imaginedio date atotal ofSS projectsbenefiting more than i02000 acres have beencompleted through the UMRR programwithanother 35projects in either the constructionor design phase

A prime example of UMRR programs workisthe Lake Odessa Complex located 15milesouth of Muscatine in Louisa County Iowa


LakeOdessa 3

Lake Odessa Restoration Map lmage courtesy ofArmy Corps ofEngineers

This 6788 acre backwater complex has beenactively managed for wildlife since the i950rsquosWith its L800 acres of open water i7OO acresof non‐fOrested wetlands and 2900 acres ofbottomland hardwood forests Lake Odessa haslong provided critical habitat for amulsquoitudeofwildlife species However along hist roffloods and levee breeches has resultedin a reduction ofquality habitat especiallyimportant for fish and migratory waterfowl

In response to habitat degradation theCorps set out in 2006 to restore and protectwetland terrestrial and aquatic habitat throughthe restoration ofthe existing perimeter leveesystem spillway construction dredging theconstruction of new water control structures


seeding of sand prairie and the plantingof nut bearing hardwood tree species Thisproject has gone along way in reducingforest fragmentation increasing hardwoodtree diversity and native grassland expandingand enhancing wildlife habitatandprotecting archeological features within thecomplex Lake Odessa open to visitors ismanaged jointly bythe USFish and WildlifeService and the lowa DNR and supports 240species of birds and 96species of mammalsreptiles and amphibians and fishThe designofappropriate restoration and managementof lands such asLake Odessa is imperativeto the ecological sustainability ofthe UpperMississippi River System


SAVING YOUR WALLETfromflyourold heatngsystem

FORHEATINGACand PLUMBINGCALLIL QC ( 3 0 9 ) 788-4573IA QC (563 ) 3869030

i wwwcrawford-companycom LllLlC 055 042569

‐ Whatever it takeswwwbryantcom


Magazine 1 1


_ wabieenergy 7 lsquo fit an Eastern iowa

eacutefiege w benefit the new Space NahantMarshEducationCenter (Photo byAmy7 LovingNahantVlarshEducationCoordinator)

raquolsquo qoivalenttothe present lot plus 50 ecosystemswater quality and biodiversityadditional feetThe projectdesigned inan Fromthe 19605 to 1996the land was usedenvironmentally responsibleway with the least for skeet and trap shooting leaving Nahantamount of impacton the wetlands isexpected contaminated with lead shotToday the 513 acreto be completed in spring 2015 area encompasses different wetland community

The Ecological Importance ‐ Nahant types including bottomland forest open‐waterMarsh isone ofthe last remaining urban habitatand marshland it provides habitat to

p _- dingGroundbreaking wetlands of its size onthe upper Mississippi more than 150 species of birds plantsfishpound30k placersquoNovember 202014on a 1600 River It offers awide variety of environmental insects mammalsand rare species such asthesguarefeet addition to the current building that education for people of all ages on wetland Leopard Frog and BlandingrsquosTurtle

HennepinCanalEnvironmentalPark RestorationDesign Plan

Cl Walking Path- 201 linear ft__ JeSSICG Flondro I Debris Removal v5490 sq ft

3 Prairie Restoration - 15 acresheHennepin Canal Environmental Park atthe Steel lsquo o 50 100 200 Foot xDam and Lock 30 in Milan iscomprised of mesic rsquo rsquo J rsquo rsquo Ll‐L‐L‐ l‐ i‐L-l‐ l

prairie and woodland edgeThe 2015 restoration anddesign plan includes improvements to the walking path and removal of prairie in the wildlife area along the canalThe seed mix will likely includevegetation at the portage which will connect visitors to the portage site little blue stem wild rye milk weed mountain mint pale coneflowersand the Rock River and Culverrsquos root Prairie restoration will increase biodiversity onsite and

Restoration plans also include the removal of invasive and encroaching provide anaesthetic backdrop for the canal and Rock River sitevegetation from historic Lock 30infrastructure and the installation of new Toshowcase restoration efforts at the Hennepin Canal Riverinterpretive signage bythe lL DNR to showcase historic canal features at Action with assistance from the Doris and Victor Day Foundationthe siteThe DNR will also dredge the canal above and below Lock 30and will offer environmental education programs for 180 students fromstock native fish species to promote kidrsquos fishing days Thomas Jefferson Elementary School in the spring of 2015Education

Additionally the design plan includes the repair of two existing park programming and restoration efforts will make the park asafe andbenches the trimming ofa large silver maple which will provide shade accessible place for families to enjoy nature and experience the historicfor visitors and a picnic table and the restoration of 15acres of mesic aspects ofthe Hennepin Canal that have been hidden

KimbetlsquoZD DentalA-S-S-O-C-l-A-T-ElsquoSE

David A Johnson DDSSince 1991 ~trienm

eacutemsslsquoelsquoW ldquor ScreenprimedSportswear3512 Jersey Ridge Road

Davenport IA 52807( 3 4 Specializing in Screenprinted Apparel T‐shirts Sweatshirts KooziesHatsetc

Now printing PromotionalProducts GlasswarePlasticCups Golf Ballsetc

12 eddyMagazine [ wvvwriveractionorg

y Uif]deddy CALENDAR


FebruaryInauguralFrozenFat FondoFestSaturdayFebruary7 Ham‐2pmCredit IslandParkDavenportJoin FORC in afat biking challenge ride along thebanks of the mighty Mississippi on Credit IslandRidesolo or asa3-person relay team See who can crankout the most laps in 3 hours around achallenge filledcourse Stick around after the main event for ahealthydose of shenanigans wwwqcforcorg

EarthExplorersFeb5-Oct29 everyotherWednesday 4-5pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportOur Earth Explorers after-school program allowschildren ages I H4 years‐old to explore innovativetechnologies and scientific concepts through creativeoutdoor activities and experiments For more informa‑tion and to register please visit wwwnahantmarshorg

Breakfastwith the BirdsFirstFridayof eachmonth8-9am NahantMarshEducationCenter DavenportJoin usfor aninformative breakfast about our featheredfriendsThe class will meet in the first Friday of everymonth beginning in October and continuing untilspring Each session will cover agroup of birds fromdabbling ducks to raptors to songbirds Depending onweather there may also be ashort hike to ourbird blindThe trail to the bird blind isADA accessible

Cost $5 (includes presentation amp continental breakfastcoffee and juice) To register please call 5633235196or bygoing to wwwnahantmarshprg

Toddler TalesSecondTuesdayof eachmonth 70‐1lam2‐3pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportEven if we cannot see animals that doesnrsquot mean thatthey arenrsquot thereWewill learn about ways to identifyanimals without seeing them Ages 3‐5 Cost $5peryouth Register online at wwwnahantmarshorg

MuddyBootsEveryotherWednesday4-5pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportThe purpose of Muddy Boots Nature Club isto provideyouth with the opportunities to learn while exploringnatureMuddy Boots engages children with hands‐onactivities like monarch butterfly tagging gardeningbike riding hikingeco‐crafts and more Ages 6-IOFor more information and to register please visit wwwnahantmarshorg

HuntingFishingandOutdoor Show2015Thursday throughSundayFebruary 12‐75QCCA ExpoCenterFrom boats and tackle to decoys and gear itrsquos anOutdoors Show with seminars and presentations frombig name fishing professionals Bring the family toKids Kampwith a real trout pond minnow racesandarcheryAdults $7Children 6yrs-16 yrs Si under6yrs Free

Sierra ClubTreehugger TriviaFriFebruary 136‐ 9pmFreightHouseFarmersMarket421WRiverDrDavenportReceptionHall at Freight House Doors open at 6pmtrivia starts at 7pmTeams of8 should register byemailing Jodi at loon585mchsicom Not on ateamSeats will beavailable for walk‐ins httpsierraclubevgwordpresscom

Valentine IndoorMusicandMoonlightWalkSat Feb 74 630-830pm Watch Tower LodgeBlackHawkStateHistoricSiteRock IslandFeaturingastroll outside onaluminaw‐Iit trail Too coldoutside for the walk come into the Lodge and keepwarm by the firewith fresh donuts and cider or hot

cocoa Music will be provided by Just4Fun Drew Naglewill call the contra‐dancing FREESingles couples ampfamily friendly (309‐788-9536) or wwwblackhawkparkorgThis event issponsored by Black Hawk StateHistoric Site in cooperation with Citizens to PreserveBlack Hawk Park Foundation‐education outreach forBlack Hawk State Historic Site since i972

MardiGras RajunCajun FestTuesday February 17530‐8pm $25perperson inadvance $30at the doorThe taste of NewOrleans iscoming back to the QuadCities on FatTuesday Local chefs will be set up in thelobby of the FiggeArt Museumwhere guests cansample each chefs Cajun creation All proceeds benlsquoefit the outreach programs of the Figge Art MuseumTickets purchased in advance online or over the phone(5633267804 x2046) will reserve your spot Name andidentification required for entry Doors open at 5 pm

Skatingat RiversidePark LagoonSkating at Riverside Park Lagoon Ice skating is permit‑ted asweather allows at Riverside Park Lagoon locatedat 2750 5th AvenueThe lagoon has awarming houseand public restrooms that are open seasonally whenconditions are favorable for ice skating Ice conditionsvary based on changing weather conditions sopleaseobey posted signs that indicate ifice conditions areappropriate for skating Hours of Operation are 6am‑i 1pmdaily Public session admission is$5 skate rental$3 all sessions are 25 hours For more informationcall 309-524-2424

RiverActionrsquos EnvironmentalBookClubTuesday February24 7pmRiverActionofficeDavenportDiscussThe Big Year by MarkObmascik Meetings areopen to the public and meet at the River Action office822 ERiver Dr betweenTremont and Federal StreetsFor more info please call 5633222969

Friendsof NahantMarshMeetingLastWedof eachmonth6pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportAre you looking to get more involved at NahantThen join usat our monthly FriendsMeetingFor more informationcall 563-323‐5196




l l l l lsquo l I I raquo lildquolsquoillllsquo


QuidCityAudubon Society FieldTripSaturdayFebruary28 7am Wildcat DennearMuscatine IATrip will travel from Buffalo Shores birding aswe go toWildcat Den and Fairport Fish Hatchery Bepreparedto hike the beautifulWildcat Den State Park in winterThere isanoptional stop for lunch in Buffalo Meet atBuffalo Shores (one mile past Buffalo IA Hwy 22)langleyartmchsicom for more information

MarchAPhotographerrsquosFeastSaturdayMarch79am‐2pm Western ILUniversityQuadCities 55 feepayableat the doorWhether you are an amateur or a seasoned photoenthusiast come out and hear a talented experiencedgroup of photographers offertheir tips River Actionand Western lLUniversity are coesponsoring the workshopVisit wwwriveractionorg for more informationand to register

Mississippi RiverGeotourismQCmeetingMondayampTuesdayMarch 9amp 10watch for detailsThis isa series of four Project Planning and Orientationmeetings to inform partners about this project goalsprocess and benefitsand to highlight the roles ofstakeholders and determine next steps towards implementing the Mississippi River Geotourism

StPatrickrsquosSocietyGrandParadeSaturdayMarch 14 7730‐7pm ILampIAQuadCitiesparaderouteStarts in Rock Island crosses the Centennial Bridge andends up in downtown Davenport For more informa‑tion on the parade visit wwwstpatsqccom

CanoecopiaMarch 73‐15AlliantEnergyCenter 7979AliantEnergyWayMadisonWICanoecopia isthe largest paddlesports consumerevent in the world with over 250000 square feetof kayaks canoes Stand Up Paddleboards outdoorequipment and clothing canoecopiacom

Sierra Club ProgramMeeting- Bald EaglesandLeadShotMonMarch 76 7‐ 830pmMolinePublicLibrary32104IstStMoline ILEdBritton USFish andWildlife Service will discuss newresearch on the impacts of lead shot on bald eaglepopulations Meet in the Bronze Roomofthe librarysierraclubevgwordpresscom


1802West LocustStreet Davenport IA52804


(By appointment)

DyeingEggsthe NaturalWaySatMarch2I 70am to noonand 100pm to 300pm NahantMarsh4220WapelloAve Davenport IAThe Nahant Marsh EducationCenter will present aclasson the basics of natural dyes and using them to cre‑ate colored eggsThere also will be a presentation onthe history of natural dyes and tips for creating naturaldyes at home Participants should bring adozenhard‐boiled eggs and an apron orTeshirt that can getstained There isa cost to participate and registration isrequired (Ages 8 and up) Call 563732375i 96 to register

RiverActionrsquos EnvironmentalBookClubTuesdayMarch24 7pmRiverAction officeDavenportDiscuss DirtThe Erosion of Civilizations byDavid RMontgomeryMeetings are open to the public andmeet at the River Action office 822 ERiver Dr betweenTremont and Federal Streets For more info call563-322-2969

Henry FarnamDinner 12thAnnualQuadCitiesFridayMarch27Jumerrsquos HotelampCasinoRockIslandILCocktails (cash bar) and displays 5pm Dinner 630pmand Program 730pmTickets are $40 per personreserved table of 10 is$375 Invitationswill be mailed inearly March to those who received invitations last yearFor reservations go to wwwriveractionorg or for moreinformation call River Action at 56332272969

Environmental FilmFest 10thAnnual EddyAwardWinningSaturdayMarch28 Olin CenterAugustana College733 35thStRock IslandILAdmission isFREE although donations are acceptedDoors open at i iam For film information and directions check out wwwaugustanaeduenvironmental‑filmfest For more info about EagleView Group SierraClub check out httpillinoissierracluborgeagleviewor contact Kathryn Allen at kasavelieaolcomThepublic iswelcome to attend any or all ofthe filmsbeing screened at the festival Refreshmentswillbe available

QuadCityAudubon Society FieldTripSaturdayMarch 28 7am Lock and Dam 13There will be many stops along the way searching forwaterfowl and early spring migrantsThis isagreat tripto look for signs ofspring This trip will stop at Fultonfor lunch some may choose to continue birding afterlunchMeet at Brothers Restaurant in Hampton IL at7am langleyartmchsicom for more information

Pickupa Retainthe RainrsquoRainBarrel for AprilshowersRain Barrels hold 60gallons and come with adivertermosquito nettingand spigot all for S75 River Action822 ERiver Dr Davenport or riveractionorg

Ap r i lQuadCitiesAudubon Society FieldTripSaturdayApril I I 7amConesMarsh IAThis trip isto many the best of the year with stunningviews of many species of shorebirds waterfowl andother early spring migrants Sandhill Cranes SnowGeese and many more maybe a nesting Great HornedOwl will be the highlightsMeet at Buffalo Shores (onemile past Buffalo IA Hwy 22) at 7am langleyartmchsicom for more information

RiverActionrsquos EnvironmentalBookClubTuesdayApril28 7pmRiverActionofficeDavenportDiscussThe Forest Unseen AYearrsquos Watch in Nature byDavidGeorge Haskell Meetings are open to the publicand meet at the River Action office 822 ERiver DrbetweenTremont and Federal Streets For more infoplease call 563822-2969

RiverActionrsquos Fish8FireFundraiserandFriendraiserFridayApril24 Watch Tower Lodgein BlackHawkStateParkRock IslandThis annual catfish fry combines fundraising andfriends Bid on dozens of silent auction items enjoy thedinner and entertainment and be a part ofthe 16thAnnual Eddy Awards Presentation 7 awards given tothose in our community who go against the currentto get things done For more information or to registergo to riveractionorg

The 40th Stroll through SpringtimeSatApril25 7am‐I2noon Watch Tower LodgeBlackHawkStateHistoricSite 15I046thAve (BlackhawkRd)Rock Island779am trail walks to identify both migrating amp resi‑dent birds (binoculars suggested) 9am refreshmentsincluding wild violetjelly and ashort programandiO-l 2trail walks to identify wildflowersFREE (309) 78879536wwwblackhawkparkorg

108 E2nd Street Davenport IA 5280rsquo563-424-2012

Gpen MorlsquoiMFri i0~eacute Scat l0cent$www5isshopscom

Unique internationalregionoi and iocol

gifts opporei artworka n d gourmet food

Connect With Us

For over 30 years RiverAction has been dedicated toconnecting people to theriver Our supporters helpus to improve the quality ofwater that flows down theriver They help us to instilla love of the river throughencouraging participation inmany activities that involvethe river Plus River Actionencourages educationalprograms that help ourresidents better understandriver related issues andconcerns

JOIN TODAY ATwwwriveractionorg

or send check to822 E River Drive

Davenport lA 52803


A membership to River Actionoffers you an opportunity toreally make a difference in ourcommunity With eachmembership you will receivediscounts on educationalprograms as well as yourcontinued FREE subscriptionto eddy Magazine

Complete andmail in the formbelow t o raquo

-ueqicmiiwlm 822 E River DriveijlsquoiwlsquoE-mWMveacute Davenport IA 52803 or go to

wwwriveractionorgand click on membership

$30 for 30yearsl Please consider joining River Action as a member With your help we cancontinue to achieve great things in the coming years


je i I I I ‐ I I I raquoI] s 100 Action Memborahlp




Phone (


Payment invoice me Check Enclosed Blllmy cvedtrc a d

Cord it exp Dole

3dig i l security c o d e Signature


Includes benefits at household membership + two trckas lo a RiverActinnevent‐choose one Ride the River Taming Floatarsquolla orGolf Cart Tam

I] s so Household M m b m m pincludes benefits at Individualmembership plus RiverrneWalks(or all humanoid members

I] s so lndividunl Membershipincludes membership card eddy Magazine and Riverme Walks

U s 15 Student MembershipIncludes membership card eddy Magazine and Riverine Walks

1lsquo E ElRiver m n s I

lsquo website is lsquo1a i v s m r m o n c lsquo33ldquo 51-rdquo


fl a m m m 4 m ‐ N



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Page 8: RiverAction.org Eddy Magazine 201502

A birds‐eye illustration of the long-termvision for downtown Molinelookingsouthwest CreditLakotaGroup

An artistrsquos concept for a pedestrianized street on 4th Ave at 7th Stlooking east Credit LakotaGroup

Re-designingMolinersquos DowntownLikemany towns in the midwestMolineand the rest ofthe Quad Cities fall into

what isknown asThe Rust BeltWith decliningpopulations and loss of manufacturingjobstowns likeMoline have had to think outside theboxwhen it comes to planning and economicdevelopment ‐ to bring in newjobs andrevenuewhile making the area anenjoyableplace to liveMolinersquos latest comprehensiveplan updates provide strategies to fill itsdowntown area with well-thought‐out designsThese updates focus onthree downtownneighborhoods Floreciente to the west MolineCentre and Edgewater in the eastWhile the further-out areas ofMoline are

boomingespecially along the John Deerecorridor the city recognizes the importance of astrong and diverse downtown asanalternativeto urban sprawlThe city has distinguished itselfbymixing completely new infill developmentswith reuse projects showcasing historicalarchitecture without being averse to modernbuilding projectsThis gives Molinersquos downtownvariety and depthAcity block acts astimelinewith both older and contemporary designsThiscan beseen with the historical redevelopmentof theWashington Square apartments originally rowhouses for John Deereexecutivesin the i9th century now just down the blockfrom the very modern KoneCenterThe newtransit development ‐ dubbedTheQrdquowillrefurbish anexistingwarehousewith newlyconstructed additions housing the newAmtrakstationa hoteland possible retail space

Creative usesare being plannedforexisting and historicalbuildings in both theFlorecienteandEdgewater neighborhood _New-infilldevelOpmentswould i r yantagrdquoof relatively inexpensive ndlsquoandiopelots ‐ providing c



street ‐ similar to traditional Latin‐AmericanplazasEdgewaterwill benefit from itsproximity to the newWestern IllinoisUniversitycampus making it aperfect fit for college towncafes and shopsThese developments wouldcouplewith re‐designed streets to inject vitalityinto neighborhoodswhere it ismost needed

Moline has recognized that well‐designedstreets not only manage traffic but also leadto more pedestrian and bicycle traffic Since2005 the city has outlined specific designs forimproving streets ‐ including benches plantersuniquecrosswalksand stylish lightingThebest example ofthis streetscapingrdquois on5thAvenue in MolineCentreOnany given day thestreet isfilled with buzzing storefrontscafesand restaurants Businesses and peoplealikeare enjoying the slowed-downMain Street feelThe benefits are bothaesthetic and economicThe city plans to expand its streetscapingplans into Florecienteand Edgewatercalmingtraffic along busy one‐wayswhile makingtheneighborhoodsmorewalkable and livableAfter demolition of the existing l‐74 bridge

there will bemanyopportunities to open upand redevelop the riverfront areaMultipleplans have beenoutlinedall ofwhich featureanew riverfrontparkMixed‐use residential 7orcommercial buildingswill complimentthe _critical publicparklandconnectingmoreofthdowntownto the riverThis publics beseenasMatineCent srfffront attheMississippiproyid activitiesconcertsandmealtime


Campus and RiverbendCommons drawinspiration from one another ‐ incorporatingriver themes complimentary architecture andenvironmentally‐conscious features

The planned improvements are greatexamples of revitalization through design ‑giving agenuine sense-of‐place and pridetodowntown MolineTosee Molinersquos comprehensive planvisit



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ErnieWest and hisbrick layingmachineI PhotoCreditBradKeene Cit ofDaven ort De artmentofPublicWorks7thdescnbing brick laying y y p p

_ Y UPEWISOVSICETI YOU bUIIdone do the samejob manually saving tax payers money and city em ployeesrsquobeSSibleErniewas given three weeks tocomplete their backsCW33ldquo ldquo the ldquoECESSalrsquoy partsandmaterlaIS- Learning of this new machine from Brian StinemanNatural Resource

_ 0rdquo ldquoadlsquosOffOfa 10hrdquoDeereSkId Steeri powered by a20 Managerwith the City PublicWorks RiverAction had to meet its creatorjhO EPOWEVHonda enginerW5 Strange IOOklngContraption ISboth Erniersquos paver layer means anew day for stormwater management and ingeniousandversatile Hydraulicallyoperated with anauto leveling water quality in DavenportCompleted onOctober 15tthismachineSYSEem Ernies maChIne Can lay brICIltS InWidths ranging from fiVe to iscapable of efficiently installing permeable pavers important toolseighteen feet allowing the City to resurface alleys streets and sidewalks to manage stormwater in cities Because of Erniersquos original design theInlsquoh0U5euro~TW0people C3ldquo do theW0rk Inhalfthe time it WOUId take four to proliferation of permeable streets issure to beinDavenportrsquos future


GreenValleyWetland Creation and Prairie Restoration Design Plan

~‐ ByJessica Fondro

reenValley NaturePreserveat 60th St

Molineadjacent to theRock River iscomprisedof more than 250acres of bottom‐landforest meslc prairieand wet meadowThe2015 design planwillresult in the creation ofapproximately five acresof potholewetlands andseven acres of nativeprairie restoration WetlandCreation 51AcresPotholewetlands Pmmlsquoc Planfing-69Acrcs

will beexcavated to 7 I E WalkingPath-510 Nadepth of 12rsquol‐i8rdquo i l v o 230 i s o n AL _L___L__ I__IDisplaced soil will bespread and seededto create ameslc prairie ecosystemwith The prairie potholes will be restored to In addition to wetland creation andattention to both infiltration potential and native wet prairie dominated byamixture of prairie restorationa5100 foot mowedaestheticsihe seed mixwill generate a grasses sedges and forbs including prairie walking pathwill becreated betweenseasonal color palate ranging from white cordgrass Canada bluejoint grass lake sedge the river and the wetlands to showcaseand yellow to blue and magenta and hop sedge fox sedge mountain mint New the restoration provide access for thewill likely include big blue stem Indian England aster angelica marsh marigold general public and students and promotegrass prairie dropseed black eyed susan swamp thistle swamp milkweedand blue connectivity within the preserve and thecompass plant rattle snakemaster and flag iris larger Rock RiverTrail blazing star

10 eddyMagazine I wwwriveractionorg

LakeOdessa UpperMississippiRiverRestoration‐ By77m Chambers

U nbeknownto manythe Mississippi Riveristhe only river in the United States to

berecognized byCongressrdquo asanationallysignificant ecosystem and anationallysignificant commercial navigation systemTo ensure that Congressrsquovision remains arealitythe Army Corps of Engineers and its partnershave been working through their UpperMississippi River Restoration Program (UMRR)to implement innovative and effective habitatrestoration projects by combining cuttingedge monitoring and research with pioneeringenvironmental design For over 25years Corpsdesigners have been refining constructiontechniques to improve habitats in ways neverbefore imaginedio date atotal ofSS projectsbenefiting more than i02000 acres have beencompleted through the UMRR programwithanother 35projects in either the constructionor design phase

A prime example of UMRR programs workisthe Lake Odessa Complex located 15milesouth of Muscatine in Louisa County Iowa


LakeOdessa 3

Lake Odessa Restoration Map lmage courtesy ofArmy Corps ofEngineers

This 6788 acre backwater complex has beenactively managed for wildlife since the i950rsquosWith its L800 acres of open water i7OO acresof non‐fOrested wetlands and 2900 acres ofbottomland hardwood forests Lake Odessa haslong provided critical habitat for amulsquoitudeofwildlife species However along hist roffloods and levee breeches has resultedin a reduction ofquality habitat especiallyimportant for fish and migratory waterfowl

In response to habitat degradation theCorps set out in 2006 to restore and protectwetland terrestrial and aquatic habitat throughthe restoration ofthe existing perimeter leveesystem spillway construction dredging theconstruction of new water control structures


seeding of sand prairie and the plantingof nut bearing hardwood tree species Thisproject has gone along way in reducingforest fragmentation increasing hardwoodtree diversity and native grassland expandingand enhancing wildlife habitatandprotecting archeological features within thecomplex Lake Odessa open to visitors ismanaged jointly bythe USFish and WildlifeService and the lowa DNR and supports 240species of birds and 96species of mammalsreptiles and amphibians and fishThe designofappropriate restoration and managementof lands such asLake Odessa is imperativeto the ecological sustainability ofthe UpperMississippi River System


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Magazine 1 1


_ wabieenergy 7 lsquo fit an Eastern iowa

eacutefiege w benefit the new Space NahantMarshEducationCenter (Photo byAmy7 LovingNahantVlarshEducationCoordinator)

raquolsquo qoivalenttothe present lot plus 50 ecosystemswater quality and biodiversityadditional feetThe projectdesigned inan Fromthe 19605 to 1996the land was usedenvironmentally responsibleway with the least for skeet and trap shooting leaving Nahantamount of impacton the wetlands isexpected contaminated with lead shotToday the 513 acreto be completed in spring 2015 area encompasses different wetland community

The Ecological Importance ‐ Nahant types including bottomland forest open‐waterMarsh isone ofthe last remaining urban habitatand marshland it provides habitat to

p _- dingGroundbreaking wetlands of its size onthe upper Mississippi more than 150 species of birds plantsfishpound30k placersquoNovember 202014on a 1600 River It offers awide variety of environmental insects mammalsand rare species such asthesguarefeet addition to the current building that education for people of all ages on wetland Leopard Frog and BlandingrsquosTurtle

HennepinCanalEnvironmentalPark RestorationDesign Plan

Cl Walking Path- 201 linear ft__ JeSSICG Flondro I Debris Removal v5490 sq ft

3 Prairie Restoration - 15 acresheHennepin Canal Environmental Park atthe Steel lsquo o 50 100 200 Foot xDam and Lock 30 in Milan iscomprised of mesic rsquo rsquo J rsquo rsquo Ll‐L‐L‐ l‐ i‐L-l‐ l

prairie and woodland edgeThe 2015 restoration anddesign plan includes improvements to the walking path and removal of prairie in the wildlife area along the canalThe seed mix will likely includevegetation at the portage which will connect visitors to the portage site little blue stem wild rye milk weed mountain mint pale coneflowersand the Rock River and Culverrsquos root Prairie restoration will increase biodiversity onsite and

Restoration plans also include the removal of invasive and encroaching provide anaesthetic backdrop for the canal and Rock River sitevegetation from historic Lock 30infrastructure and the installation of new Toshowcase restoration efforts at the Hennepin Canal Riverinterpretive signage bythe lL DNR to showcase historic canal features at Action with assistance from the Doris and Victor Day Foundationthe siteThe DNR will also dredge the canal above and below Lock 30and will offer environmental education programs for 180 students fromstock native fish species to promote kidrsquos fishing days Thomas Jefferson Elementary School in the spring of 2015Education

Additionally the design plan includes the repair of two existing park programming and restoration efforts will make the park asafe andbenches the trimming ofa large silver maple which will provide shade accessible place for families to enjoy nature and experience the historicfor visitors and a picnic table and the restoration of 15acres of mesic aspects ofthe Hennepin Canal that have been hidden

KimbetlsquoZD DentalA-S-S-O-C-l-A-T-ElsquoSE

David A Johnson DDSSince 1991 ~trienm

eacutemsslsquoelsquoW ldquor ScreenprimedSportswear3512 Jersey Ridge Road

Davenport IA 52807( 3 4 Specializing in Screenprinted Apparel T‐shirts Sweatshirts KooziesHatsetc

Now printing PromotionalProducts GlasswarePlasticCups Golf Ballsetc

12 eddyMagazine [ wvvwriveractionorg

y Uif]deddy CALENDAR


FebruaryInauguralFrozenFat FondoFestSaturdayFebruary7 Ham‐2pmCredit IslandParkDavenportJoin FORC in afat biking challenge ride along thebanks of the mighty Mississippi on Credit IslandRidesolo or asa3-person relay team See who can crankout the most laps in 3 hours around achallenge filledcourse Stick around after the main event for ahealthydose of shenanigans wwwqcforcorg

EarthExplorersFeb5-Oct29 everyotherWednesday 4-5pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportOur Earth Explorers after-school program allowschildren ages I H4 years‐old to explore innovativetechnologies and scientific concepts through creativeoutdoor activities and experiments For more informa‑tion and to register please visit wwwnahantmarshorg

Breakfastwith the BirdsFirstFridayof eachmonth8-9am NahantMarshEducationCenter DavenportJoin usfor aninformative breakfast about our featheredfriendsThe class will meet in the first Friday of everymonth beginning in October and continuing untilspring Each session will cover agroup of birds fromdabbling ducks to raptors to songbirds Depending onweather there may also be ashort hike to ourbird blindThe trail to the bird blind isADA accessible

Cost $5 (includes presentation amp continental breakfastcoffee and juice) To register please call 5633235196or bygoing to wwwnahantmarshprg

Toddler TalesSecondTuesdayof eachmonth 70‐1lam2‐3pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportEven if we cannot see animals that doesnrsquot mean thatthey arenrsquot thereWewill learn about ways to identifyanimals without seeing them Ages 3‐5 Cost $5peryouth Register online at wwwnahantmarshorg

MuddyBootsEveryotherWednesday4-5pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportThe purpose of Muddy Boots Nature Club isto provideyouth with the opportunities to learn while exploringnatureMuddy Boots engages children with hands‐onactivities like monarch butterfly tagging gardeningbike riding hikingeco‐crafts and more Ages 6-IOFor more information and to register please visit wwwnahantmarshorg

HuntingFishingandOutdoor Show2015Thursday throughSundayFebruary 12‐75QCCA ExpoCenterFrom boats and tackle to decoys and gear itrsquos anOutdoors Show with seminars and presentations frombig name fishing professionals Bring the family toKids Kampwith a real trout pond minnow racesandarcheryAdults $7Children 6yrs-16 yrs Si under6yrs Free

Sierra ClubTreehugger TriviaFriFebruary 136‐ 9pmFreightHouseFarmersMarket421WRiverDrDavenportReceptionHall at Freight House Doors open at 6pmtrivia starts at 7pmTeams of8 should register byemailing Jodi at loon585mchsicom Not on ateamSeats will beavailable for walk‐ins httpsierraclubevgwordpresscom

Valentine IndoorMusicandMoonlightWalkSat Feb 74 630-830pm Watch Tower LodgeBlackHawkStateHistoricSiteRock IslandFeaturingastroll outside onaluminaw‐Iit trail Too coldoutside for the walk come into the Lodge and keepwarm by the firewith fresh donuts and cider or hot

cocoa Music will be provided by Just4Fun Drew Naglewill call the contra‐dancing FREESingles couples ampfamily friendly (309‐788-9536) or wwwblackhawkparkorgThis event issponsored by Black Hawk StateHistoric Site in cooperation with Citizens to PreserveBlack Hawk Park Foundation‐education outreach forBlack Hawk State Historic Site since i972

MardiGras RajunCajun FestTuesday February 17530‐8pm $25perperson inadvance $30at the doorThe taste of NewOrleans iscoming back to the QuadCities on FatTuesday Local chefs will be set up in thelobby of the FiggeArt Museumwhere guests cansample each chefs Cajun creation All proceeds benlsquoefit the outreach programs of the Figge Art MuseumTickets purchased in advance online or over the phone(5633267804 x2046) will reserve your spot Name andidentification required for entry Doors open at 5 pm

Skatingat RiversidePark LagoonSkating at Riverside Park Lagoon Ice skating is permit‑ted asweather allows at Riverside Park Lagoon locatedat 2750 5th AvenueThe lagoon has awarming houseand public restrooms that are open seasonally whenconditions are favorable for ice skating Ice conditionsvary based on changing weather conditions sopleaseobey posted signs that indicate ifice conditions areappropriate for skating Hours of Operation are 6am‑i 1pmdaily Public session admission is$5 skate rental$3 all sessions are 25 hours For more informationcall 309-524-2424

RiverActionrsquos EnvironmentalBookClubTuesday February24 7pmRiverActionofficeDavenportDiscussThe Big Year by MarkObmascik Meetings areopen to the public and meet at the River Action office822 ERiver Dr betweenTremont and Federal StreetsFor more info please call 5633222969

Friendsof NahantMarshMeetingLastWedof eachmonth6pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportAre you looking to get more involved at NahantThen join usat our monthly FriendsMeetingFor more informationcall 563-323‐5196




l l l l lsquo l I I raquo lildquolsquoillllsquo


QuidCityAudubon Society FieldTripSaturdayFebruary28 7am Wildcat DennearMuscatine IATrip will travel from Buffalo Shores birding aswe go toWildcat Den and Fairport Fish Hatchery Bepreparedto hike the beautifulWildcat Den State Park in winterThere isanoptional stop for lunch in Buffalo Meet atBuffalo Shores (one mile past Buffalo IA Hwy 22)langleyartmchsicom for more information

MarchAPhotographerrsquosFeastSaturdayMarch79am‐2pm Western ILUniversityQuadCities 55 feepayableat the doorWhether you are an amateur or a seasoned photoenthusiast come out and hear a talented experiencedgroup of photographers offertheir tips River Actionand Western lLUniversity are coesponsoring the workshopVisit wwwriveractionorg for more informationand to register

Mississippi RiverGeotourismQCmeetingMondayampTuesdayMarch 9amp 10watch for detailsThis isa series of four Project Planning and Orientationmeetings to inform partners about this project goalsprocess and benefitsand to highlight the roles ofstakeholders and determine next steps towards implementing the Mississippi River Geotourism

StPatrickrsquosSocietyGrandParadeSaturdayMarch 14 7730‐7pm ILampIAQuadCitiesparaderouteStarts in Rock Island crosses the Centennial Bridge andends up in downtown Davenport For more informa‑tion on the parade visit wwwstpatsqccom

CanoecopiaMarch 73‐15AlliantEnergyCenter 7979AliantEnergyWayMadisonWICanoecopia isthe largest paddlesports consumerevent in the world with over 250000 square feetof kayaks canoes Stand Up Paddleboards outdoorequipment and clothing canoecopiacom

Sierra Club ProgramMeeting- Bald EaglesandLeadShotMonMarch 76 7‐ 830pmMolinePublicLibrary32104IstStMoline ILEdBritton USFish andWildlife Service will discuss newresearch on the impacts of lead shot on bald eaglepopulations Meet in the Bronze Roomofthe librarysierraclubevgwordpresscom


1802West LocustStreet Davenport IA52804


(By appointment)

DyeingEggsthe NaturalWaySatMarch2I 70am to noonand 100pm to 300pm NahantMarsh4220WapelloAve Davenport IAThe Nahant Marsh EducationCenter will present aclasson the basics of natural dyes and using them to cre‑ate colored eggsThere also will be a presentation onthe history of natural dyes and tips for creating naturaldyes at home Participants should bring adozenhard‐boiled eggs and an apron orTeshirt that can getstained There isa cost to participate and registration isrequired (Ages 8 and up) Call 563732375i 96 to register

RiverActionrsquos EnvironmentalBookClubTuesdayMarch24 7pmRiverAction officeDavenportDiscuss DirtThe Erosion of Civilizations byDavid RMontgomeryMeetings are open to the public andmeet at the River Action office 822 ERiver Dr betweenTremont and Federal Streets For more info call563-322-2969

Henry FarnamDinner 12thAnnualQuadCitiesFridayMarch27Jumerrsquos HotelampCasinoRockIslandILCocktails (cash bar) and displays 5pm Dinner 630pmand Program 730pmTickets are $40 per personreserved table of 10 is$375 Invitationswill be mailed inearly March to those who received invitations last yearFor reservations go to wwwriveractionorg or for moreinformation call River Action at 56332272969

Environmental FilmFest 10thAnnual EddyAwardWinningSaturdayMarch28 Olin CenterAugustana College733 35thStRock IslandILAdmission isFREE although donations are acceptedDoors open at i iam For film information and directions check out wwwaugustanaeduenvironmental‑filmfest For more info about EagleView Group SierraClub check out httpillinoissierracluborgeagleviewor contact Kathryn Allen at kasavelieaolcomThepublic iswelcome to attend any or all ofthe filmsbeing screened at the festival Refreshmentswillbe available

QuadCityAudubon Society FieldTripSaturdayMarch 28 7am Lock and Dam 13There will be many stops along the way searching forwaterfowl and early spring migrantsThis isagreat tripto look for signs ofspring This trip will stop at Fultonfor lunch some may choose to continue birding afterlunchMeet at Brothers Restaurant in Hampton IL at7am langleyartmchsicom for more information

Pickupa Retainthe RainrsquoRainBarrel for AprilshowersRain Barrels hold 60gallons and come with adivertermosquito nettingand spigot all for S75 River Action822 ERiver Dr Davenport or riveractionorg

Ap r i lQuadCitiesAudubon Society FieldTripSaturdayApril I I 7amConesMarsh IAThis trip isto many the best of the year with stunningviews of many species of shorebirds waterfowl andother early spring migrants Sandhill Cranes SnowGeese and many more maybe a nesting Great HornedOwl will be the highlightsMeet at Buffalo Shores (onemile past Buffalo IA Hwy 22) at 7am langleyartmchsicom for more information

RiverActionrsquos EnvironmentalBookClubTuesdayApril28 7pmRiverActionofficeDavenportDiscussThe Forest Unseen AYearrsquos Watch in Nature byDavidGeorge Haskell Meetings are open to the publicand meet at the River Action office 822 ERiver DrbetweenTremont and Federal Streets For more infoplease call 563822-2969

RiverActionrsquos Fish8FireFundraiserandFriendraiserFridayApril24 Watch Tower Lodgein BlackHawkStateParkRock IslandThis annual catfish fry combines fundraising andfriends Bid on dozens of silent auction items enjoy thedinner and entertainment and be a part ofthe 16thAnnual Eddy Awards Presentation 7 awards given tothose in our community who go against the currentto get things done For more information or to registergo to riveractionorg

The 40th Stroll through SpringtimeSatApril25 7am‐I2noon Watch Tower LodgeBlackHawkStateHistoricSite 15I046thAve (BlackhawkRd)Rock Island779am trail walks to identify both migrating amp resi‑dent birds (binoculars suggested) 9am refreshmentsincluding wild violetjelly and ashort programandiO-l 2trail walks to identify wildflowersFREE (309) 78879536wwwblackhawkparkorg

108 E2nd Street Davenport IA 5280rsquo563-424-2012

Gpen MorlsquoiMFri i0~eacute Scat l0cent$www5isshopscom

Unique internationalregionoi and iocol

gifts opporei artworka n d gourmet food

Connect With Us

For over 30 years RiverAction has been dedicated toconnecting people to theriver Our supporters helpus to improve the quality ofwater that flows down theriver They help us to instilla love of the river throughencouraging participation inmany activities that involvethe river Plus River Actionencourages educationalprograms that help ourresidents better understandriver related issues andconcerns

JOIN TODAY ATwwwriveractionorg

or send check to822 E River Drive

Davenport lA 52803


A membership to River Actionoffers you an opportunity toreally make a difference in ourcommunity With eachmembership you will receivediscounts on educationalprograms as well as yourcontinued FREE subscriptionto eddy Magazine

Complete andmail in the formbelow t o raquo

-ueqicmiiwlm 822 E River DriveijlsquoiwlsquoE-mWMveacute Davenport IA 52803 or go to

wwwriveractionorgand click on membership

$30 for 30yearsl Please consider joining River Action as a member With your help we cancontinue to achieve great things in the coming years


je i I I I ‐ I I I raquoI] s 100 Action Memborahlp




Phone (


Payment invoice me Check Enclosed Blllmy cvedtrc a d

Cord it exp Dole

3dig i l security c o d e Signature


Includes benefits at household membership + two trckas lo a RiverActinnevent‐choose one Ride the River Taming Floatarsquolla orGolf Cart Tam

I] s so Household M m b m m pincludes benefits at Individualmembership plus RiverrneWalks(or all humanoid members

I] s so lndividunl Membershipincludes membership card eddy Magazine and Riverme Walks

U s 15 Student MembershipIncludes membership card eddy Magazine and Riverine Walks

1lsquo E ElRiver m n s I

lsquo website is lsquo1a i v s m r m o n c lsquo33ldquo 51-rdquo


fl a m m m 4 m ‐ N



mmfimalsquo33603gm=Imlto=rmltmmlaquo33ammuoazozmv3253U ldquom c m gt m c


Eng_ P E E F _ _ E3036m fim rdquomqmmr_lt_o__m=

2305I nlt lt lt lt lt lt n o m c _ u m 0 0 3moonqummmh

Page 9: RiverAction.org Eddy Magazine 201502


ErnieWest and hisbrick layingmachineI PhotoCreditBradKeene Cit ofDaven ort De artmentofPublicWorks7thdescnbing brick laying y y p p

_ Y UPEWISOVSICETI YOU bUIIdone do the samejob manually saving tax payers money and city em ployeesrsquobeSSibleErniewas given three weeks tocomplete their backsCW33ldquo ldquo the ldquoECESSalrsquoy partsandmaterlaIS- Learning of this new machine from Brian StinemanNatural Resource

_ 0rdquo ldquoadlsquosOffOfa 10hrdquoDeereSkId Steeri powered by a20 Managerwith the City PublicWorks RiverAction had to meet its creatorjhO EPOWEVHonda enginerW5 Strange IOOklngContraption ISboth Erniersquos paver layer means anew day for stormwater management and ingeniousandversatile Hydraulicallyoperated with anauto leveling water quality in DavenportCompleted onOctober 15tthismachineSYSEem Ernies maChIne Can lay brICIltS InWidths ranging from fiVe to iscapable of efficiently installing permeable pavers important toolseighteen feet allowing the City to resurface alleys streets and sidewalks to manage stormwater in cities Because of Erniersquos original design theInlsquoh0U5euro~TW0people C3ldquo do theW0rk Inhalfthe time it WOUId take four to proliferation of permeable streets issure to beinDavenportrsquos future


GreenValleyWetland Creation and Prairie Restoration Design Plan

~‐ ByJessica Fondro

reenValley NaturePreserveat 60th St

Molineadjacent to theRock River iscomprisedof more than 250acres of bottom‐landforest meslc prairieand wet meadowThe2015 design planwillresult in the creation ofapproximately five acresof potholewetlands andseven acres of nativeprairie restoration WetlandCreation 51AcresPotholewetlands Pmmlsquoc Planfing-69Acrcs

will beexcavated to 7 I E WalkingPath-510 Nadepth of 12rsquol‐i8rdquo i l v o 230 i s o n AL _L___L__ I__IDisplaced soil will bespread and seededto create ameslc prairie ecosystemwith The prairie potholes will be restored to In addition to wetland creation andattention to both infiltration potential and native wet prairie dominated byamixture of prairie restorationa5100 foot mowedaestheticsihe seed mixwill generate a grasses sedges and forbs including prairie walking pathwill becreated betweenseasonal color palate ranging from white cordgrass Canada bluejoint grass lake sedge the river and the wetlands to showcaseand yellow to blue and magenta and hop sedge fox sedge mountain mint New the restoration provide access for thewill likely include big blue stem Indian England aster angelica marsh marigold general public and students and promotegrass prairie dropseed black eyed susan swamp thistle swamp milkweedand blue connectivity within the preserve and thecompass plant rattle snakemaster and flag iris larger Rock RiverTrail blazing star

10 eddyMagazine I wwwriveractionorg

LakeOdessa UpperMississippiRiverRestoration‐ By77m Chambers

U nbeknownto manythe Mississippi Riveristhe only river in the United States to

berecognized byCongressrdquo asanationallysignificant ecosystem and anationallysignificant commercial navigation systemTo ensure that Congressrsquovision remains arealitythe Army Corps of Engineers and its partnershave been working through their UpperMississippi River Restoration Program (UMRR)to implement innovative and effective habitatrestoration projects by combining cuttingedge monitoring and research with pioneeringenvironmental design For over 25years Corpsdesigners have been refining constructiontechniques to improve habitats in ways neverbefore imaginedio date atotal ofSS projectsbenefiting more than i02000 acres have beencompleted through the UMRR programwithanother 35projects in either the constructionor design phase

A prime example of UMRR programs workisthe Lake Odessa Complex located 15milesouth of Muscatine in Louisa County Iowa


LakeOdessa 3

Lake Odessa Restoration Map lmage courtesy ofArmy Corps ofEngineers

This 6788 acre backwater complex has beenactively managed for wildlife since the i950rsquosWith its L800 acres of open water i7OO acresof non‐fOrested wetlands and 2900 acres ofbottomland hardwood forests Lake Odessa haslong provided critical habitat for amulsquoitudeofwildlife species However along hist roffloods and levee breeches has resultedin a reduction ofquality habitat especiallyimportant for fish and migratory waterfowl

In response to habitat degradation theCorps set out in 2006 to restore and protectwetland terrestrial and aquatic habitat throughthe restoration ofthe existing perimeter leveesystem spillway construction dredging theconstruction of new water control structures


seeding of sand prairie and the plantingof nut bearing hardwood tree species Thisproject has gone along way in reducingforest fragmentation increasing hardwoodtree diversity and native grassland expandingand enhancing wildlife habitatandprotecting archeological features within thecomplex Lake Odessa open to visitors ismanaged jointly bythe USFish and WildlifeService and the lowa DNR and supports 240species of birds and 96species of mammalsreptiles and amphibians and fishThe designofappropriate restoration and managementof lands such asLake Odessa is imperativeto the ecological sustainability ofthe UpperMississippi River System


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Magazine 1 1


_ wabieenergy 7 lsquo fit an Eastern iowa

eacutefiege w benefit the new Space NahantMarshEducationCenter (Photo byAmy7 LovingNahantVlarshEducationCoordinator)

raquolsquo qoivalenttothe present lot plus 50 ecosystemswater quality and biodiversityadditional feetThe projectdesigned inan Fromthe 19605 to 1996the land was usedenvironmentally responsibleway with the least for skeet and trap shooting leaving Nahantamount of impacton the wetlands isexpected contaminated with lead shotToday the 513 acreto be completed in spring 2015 area encompasses different wetland community

The Ecological Importance ‐ Nahant types including bottomland forest open‐waterMarsh isone ofthe last remaining urban habitatand marshland it provides habitat to

p _- dingGroundbreaking wetlands of its size onthe upper Mississippi more than 150 species of birds plantsfishpound30k placersquoNovember 202014on a 1600 River It offers awide variety of environmental insects mammalsand rare species such asthesguarefeet addition to the current building that education for people of all ages on wetland Leopard Frog and BlandingrsquosTurtle

HennepinCanalEnvironmentalPark RestorationDesign Plan

Cl Walking Path- 201 linear ft__ JeSSICG Flondro I Debris Removal v5490 sq ft

3 Prairie Restoration - 15 acresheHennepin Canal Environmental Park atthe Steel lsquo o 50 100 200 Foot xDam and Lock 30 in Milan iscomprised of mesic rsquo rsquo J rsquo rsquo Ll‐L‐L‐ l‐ i‐L-l‐ l

prairie and woodland edgeThe 2015 restoration anddesign plan includes improvements to the walking path and removal of prairie in the wildlife area along the canalThe seed mix will likely includevegetation at the portage which will connect visitors to the portage site little blue stem wild rye milk weed mountain mint pale coneflowersand the Rock River and Culverrsquos root Prairie restoration will increase biodiversity onsite and

Restoration plans also include the removal of invasive and encroaching provide anaesthetic backdrop for the canal and Rock River sitevegetation from historic Lock 30infrastructure and the installation of new Toshowcase restoration efforts at the Hennepin Canal Riverinterpretive signage bythe lL DNR to showcase historic canal features at Action with assistance from the Doris and Victor Day Foundationthe siteThe DNR will also dredge the canal above and below Lock 30and will offer environmental education programs for 180 students fromstock native fish species to promote kidrsquos fishing days Thomas Jefferson Elementary School in the spring of 2015Education

Additionally the design plan includes the repair of two existing park programming and restoration efforts will make the park asafe andbenches the trimming ofa large silver maple which will provide shade accessible place for families to enjoy nature and experience the historicfor visitors and a picnic table and the restoration of 15acres of mesic aspects ofthe Hennepin Canal that have been hidden

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Davenport IA 52807( 3 4 Specializing in Screenprinted Apparel T‐shirts Sweatshirts KooziesHatsetc

Now printing PromotionalProducts GlasswarePlasticCups Golf Ballsetc

12 eddyMagazine [ wvvwriveractionorg

y Uif]deddy CALENDAR


FebruaryInauguralFrozenFat FondoFestSaturdayFebruary7 Ham‐2pmCredit IslandParkDavenportJoin FORC in afat biking challenge ride along thebanks of the mighty Mississippi on Credit IslandRidesolo or asa3-person relay team See who can crankout the most laps in 3 hours around achallenge filledcourse Stick around after the main event for ahealthydose of shenanigans wwwqcforcorg

EarthExplorersFeb5-Oct29 everyotherWednesday 4-5pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportOur Earth Explorers after-school program allowschildren ages I H4 years‐old to explore innovativetechnologies and scientific concepts through creativeoutdoor activities and experiments For more informa‑tion and to register please visit wwwnahantmarshorg

Breakfastwith the BirdsFirstFridayof eachmonth8-9am NahantMarshEducationCenter DavenportJoin usfor aninformative breakfast about our featheredfriendsThe class will meet in the first Friday of everymonth beginning in October and continuing untilspring Each session will cover agroup of birds fromdabbling ducks to raptors to songbirds Depending onweather there may also be ashort hike to ourbird blindThe trail to the bird blind isADA accessible

Cost $5 (includes presentation amp continental breakfastcoffee and juice) To register please call 5633235196or bygoing to wwwnahantmarshprg

Toddler TalesSecondTuesdayof eachmonth 70‐1lam2‐3pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportEven if we cannot see animals that doesnrsquot mean thatthey arenrsquot thereWewill learn about ways to identifyanimals without seeing them Ages 3‐5 Cost $5peryouth Register online at wwwnahantmarshorg

MuddyBootsEveryotherWednesday4-5pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportThe purpose of Muddy Boots Nature Club isto provideyouth with the opportunities to learn while exploringnatureMuddy Boots engages children with hands‐onactivities like monarch butterfly tagging gardeningbike riding hikingeco‐crafts and more Ages 6-IOFor more information and to register please visit wwwnahantmarshorg

HuntingFishingandOutdoor Show2015Thursday throughSundayFebruary 12‐75QCCA ExpoCenterFrom boats and tackle to decoys and gear itrsquos anOutdoors Show with seminars and presentations frombig name fishing professionals Bring the family toKids Kampwith a real trout pond minnow racesandarcheryAdults $7Children 6yrs-16 yrs Si under6yrs Free

Sierra ClubTreehugger TriviaFriFebruary 136‐ 9pmFreightHouseFarmersMarket421WRiverDrDavenportReceptionHall at Freight House Doors open at 6pmtrivia starts at 7pmTeams of8 should register byemailing Jodi at loon585mchsicom Not on ateamSeats will beavailable for walk‐ins httpsierraclubevgwordpresscom

Valentine IndoorMusicandMoonlightWalkSat Feb 74 630-830pm Watch Tower LodgeBlackHawkStateHistoricSiteRock IslandFeaturingastroll outside onaluminaw‐Iit trail Too coldoutside for the walk come into the Lodge and keepwarm by the firewith fresh donuts and cider or hot

cocoa Music will be provided by Just4Fun Drew Naglewill call the contra‐dancing FREESingles couples ampfamily friendly (309‐788-9536) or wwwblackhawkparkorgThis event issponsored by Black Hawk StateHistoric Site in cooperation with Citizens to PreserveBlack Hawk Park Foundation‐education outreach forBlack Hawk State Historic Site since i972

MardiGras RajunCajun FestTuesday February 17530‐8pm $25perperson inadvance $30at the doorThe taste of NewOrleans iscoming back to the QuadCities on FatTuesday Local chefs will be set up in thelobby of the FiggeArt Museumwhere guests cansample each chefs Cajun creation All proceeds benlsquoefit the outreach programs of the Figge Art MuseumTickets purchased in advance online or over the phone(5633267804 x2046) will reserve your spot Name andidentification required for entry Doors open at 5 pm

Skatingat RiversidePark LagoonSkating at Riverside Park Lagoon Ice skating is permit‑ted asweather allows at Riverside Park Lagoon locatedat 2750 5th AvenueThe lagoon has awarming houseand public restrooms that are open seasonally whenconditions are favorable for ice skating Ice conditionsvary based on changing weather conditions sopleaseobey posted signs that indicate ifice conditions areappropriate for skating Hours of Operation are 6am‑i 1pmdaily Public session admission is$5 skate rental$3 all sessions are 25 hours For more informationcall 309-524-2424

RiverActionrsquos EnvironmentalBookClubTuesday February24 7pmRiverActionofficeDavenportDiscussThe Big Year by MarkObmascik Meetings areopen to the public and meet at the River Action office822 ERiver Dr betweenTremont and Federal StreetsFor more info please call 5633222969

Friendsof NahantMarshMeetingLastWedof eachmonth6pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportAre you looking to get more involved at NahantThen join usat our monthly FriendsMeetingFor more informationcall 563-323‐5196




l l l l lsquo l I I raquo lildquolsquoillllsquo


QuidCityAudubon Society FieldTripSaturdayFebruary28 7am Wildcat DennearMuscatine IATrip will travel from Buffalo Shores birding aswe go toWildcat Den and Fairport Fish Hatchery Bepreparedto hike the beautifulWildcat Den State Park in winterThere isanoptional stop for lunch in Buffalo Meet atBuffalo Shores (one mile past Buffalo IA Hwy 22)langleyartmchsicom for more information

MarchAPhotographerrsquosFeastSaturdayMarch79am‐2pm Western ILUniversityQuadCities 55 feepayableat the doorWhether you are an amateur or a seasoned photoenthusiast come out and hear a talented experiencedgroup of photographers offertheir tips River Actionand Western lLUniversity are coesponsoring the workshopVisit wwwriveractionorg for more informationand to register

Mississippi RiverGeotourismQCmeetingMondayampTuesdayMarch 9amp 10watch for detailsThis isa series of four Project Planning and Orientationmeetings to inform partners about this project goalsprocess and benefitsand to highlight the roles ofstakeholders and determine next steps towards implementing the Mississippi River Geotourism

StPatrickrsquosSocietyGrandParadeSaturdayMarch 14 7730‐7pm ILampIAQuadCitiesparaderouteStarts in Rock Island crosses the Centennial Bridge andends up in downtown Davenport For more informa‑tion on the parade visit wwwstpatsqccom

CanoecopiaMarch 73‐15AlliantEnergyCenter 7979AliantEnergyWayMadisonWICanoecopia isthe largest paddlesports consumerevent in the world with over 250000 square feetof kayaks canoes Stand Up Paddleboards outdoorequipment and clothing canoecopiacom

Sierra Club ProgramMeeting- Bald EaglesandLeadShotMonMarch 76 7‐ 830pmMolinePublicLibrary32104IstStMoline ILEdBritton USFish andWildlife Service will discuss newresearch on the impacts of lead shot on bald eaglepopulations Meet in the Bronze Roomofthe librarysierraclubevgwordpresscom


1802West LocustStreet Davenport IA52804


(By appointment)

DyeingEggsthe NaturalWaySatMarch2I 70am to noonand 100pm to 300pm NahantMarsh4220WapelloAve Davenport IAThe Nahant Marsh EducationCenter will present aclasson the basics of natural dyes and using them to cre‑ate colored eggsThere also will be a presentation onthe history of natural dyes and tips for creating naturaldyes at home Participants should bring adozenhard‐boiled eggs and an apron orTeshirt that can getstained There isa cost to participate and registration isrequired (Ages 8 and up) Call 563732375i 96 to register

RiverActionrsquos EnvironmentalBookClubTuesdayMarch24 7pmRiverAction officeDavenportDiscuss DirtThe Erosion of Civilizations byDavid RMontgomeryMeetings are open to the public andmeet at the River Action office 822 ERiver Dr betweenTremont and Federal Streets For more info call563-322-2969

Henry FarnamDinner 12thAnnualQuadCitiesFridayMarch27Jumerrsquos HotelampCasinoRockIslandILCocktails (cash bar) and displays 5pm Dinner 630pmand Program 730pmTickets are $40 per personreserved table of 10 is$375 Invitationswill be mailed inearly March to those who received invitations last yearFor reservations go to wwwriveractionorg or for moreinformation call River Action at 56332272969

Environmental FilmFest 10thAnnual EddyAwardWinningSaturdayMarch28 Olin CenterAugustana College733 35thStRock IslandILAdmission isFREE although donations are acceptedDoors open at i iam For film information and directions check out wwwaugustanaeduenvironmental‑filmfest For more info about EagleView Group SierraClub check out httpillinoissierracluborgeagleviewor contact Kathryn Allen at kasavelieaolcomThepublic iswelcome to attend any or all ofthe filmsbeing screened at the festival Refreshmentswillbe available

QuadCityAudubon Society FieldTripSaturdayMarch 28 7am Lock and Dam 13There will be many stops along the way searching forwaterfowl and early spring migrantsThis isagreat tripto look for signs ofspring This trip will stop at Fultonfor lunch some may choose to continue birding afterlunchMeet at Brothers Restaurant in Hampton IL at7am langleyartmchsicom for more information

Pickupa Retainthe RainrsquoRainBarrel for AprilshowersRain Barrels hold 60gallons and come with adivertermosquito nettingand spigot all for S75 River Action822 ERiver Dr Davenport or riveractionorg

Ap r i lQuadCitiesAudubon Society FieldTripSaturdayApril I I 7amConesMarsh IAThis trip isto many the best of the year with stunningviews of many species of shorebirds waterfowl andother early spring migrants Sandhill Cranes SnowGeese and many more maybe a nesting Great HornedOwl will be the highlightsMeet at Buffalo Shores (onemile past Buffalo IA Hwy 22) at 7am langleyartmchsicom for more information

RiverActionrsquos EnvironmentalBookClubTuesdayApril28 7pmRiverActionofficeDavenportDiscussThe Forest Unseen AYearrsquos Watch in Nature byDavidGeorge Haskell Meetings are open to the publicand meet at the River Action office 822 ERiver DrbetweenTremont and Federal Streets For more infoplease call 563822-2969

RiverActionrsquos Fish8FireFundraiserandFriendraiserFridayApril24 Watch Tower Lodgein BlackHawkStateParkRock IslandThis annual catfish fry combines fundraising andfriends Bid on dozens of silent auction items enjoy thedinner and entertainment and be a part ofthe 16thAnnual Eddy Awards Presentation 7 awards given tothose in our community who go against the currentto get things done For more information or to registergo to riveractionorg

The 40th Stroll through SpringtimeSatApril25 7am‐I2noon Watch Tower LodgeBlackHawkStateHistoricSite 15I046thAve (BlackhawkRd)Rock Island779am trail walks to identify both migrating amp resi‑dent birds (binoculars suggested) 9am refreshmentsincluding wild violetjelly and ashort programandiO-l 2trail walks to identify wildflowersFREE (309) 78879536wwwblackhawkparkorg

108 E2nd Street Davenport IA 5280rsquo563-424-2012

Gpen MorlsquoiMFri i0~eacute Scat l0cent$www5isshopscom

Unique internationalregionoi and iocol

gifts opporei artworka n d gourmet food

Connect With Us

For over 30 years RiverAction has been dedicated toconnecting people to theriver Our supporters helpus to improve the quality ofwater that flows down theriver They help us to instilla love of the river throughencouraging participation inmany activities that involvethe river Plus River Actionencourages educationalprograms that help ourresidents better understandriver related issues andconcerns

JOIN TODAY ATwwwriveractionorg

or send check to822 E River Drive

Davenport lA 52803


A membership to River Actionoffers you an opportunity toreally make a difference in ourcommunity With eachmembership you will receivediscounts on educationalprograms as well as yourcontinued FREE subscriptionto eddy Magazine

Complete andmail in the formbelow t o raquo

-ueqicmiiwlm 822 E River DriveijlsquoiwlsquoE-mWMveacute Davenport IA 52803 or go to

wwwriveractionorgand click on membership

$30 for 30yearsl Please consider joining River Action as a member With your help we cancontinue to achieve great things in the coming years


je i I I I ‐ I I I raquoI] s 100 Action Memborahlp




Phone (


Payment invoice me Check Enclosed Blllmy cvedtrc a d

Cord it exp Dole

3dig i l security c o d e Signature


Includes benefits at household membership + two trckas lo a RiverActinnevent‐choose one Ride the River Taming Floatarsquolla orGolf Cart Tam

I] s so Household M m b m m pincludes benefits at Individualmembership plus RiverrneWalks(or all humanoid members

I] s so lndividunl Membershipincludes membership card eddy Magazine and Riverme Walks

U s 15 Student MembershipIncludes membership card eddy Magazine and Riverine Walks

1lsquo E ElRiver m n s I

lsquo website is lsquo1a i v s m r m o n c lsquo33ldquo 51-rdquo


fl a m m m 4 m ‐ N



mmfimalsquo33603gm=Imlto=rmltmmlaquo33ammuoazozmv3253U ldquom c m gt m c


Eng_ P E E F _ _ E3036m fim rdquomqmmr_lt_o__m=

2305I nlt lt lt lt lt lt n o m c _ u m 0 0 3moonqummmh

Page 10: RiverAction.org Eddy Magazine 201502

LakeOdessa UpperMississippiRiverRestoration‐ By77m Chambers

U nbeknownto manythe Mississippi Riveristhe only river in the United States to

berecognized byCongressrdquo asanationallysignificant ecosystem and anationallysignificant commercial navigation systemTo ensure that Congressrsquovision remains arealitythe Army Corps of Engineers and its partnershave been working through their UpperMississippi River Restoration Program (UMRR)to implement innovative and effective habitatrestoration projects by combining cuttingedge monitoring and research with pioneeringenvironmental design For over 25years Corpsdesigners have been refining constructiontechniques to improve habitats in ways neverbefore imaginedio date atotal ofSS projectsbenefiting more than i02000 acres have beencompleted through the UMRR programwithanother 35projects in either the constructionor design phase

A prime example of UMRR programs workisthe Lake Odessa Complex located 15milesouth of Muscatine in Louisa County Iowa


LakeOdessa 3

Lake Odessa Restoration Map lmage courtesy ofArmy Corps ofEngineers

This 6788 acre backwater complex has beenactively managed for wildlife since the i950rsquosWith its L800 acres of open water i7OO acresof non‐fOrested wetlands and 2900 acres ofbottomland hardwood forests Lake Odessa haslong provided critical habitat for amulsquoitudeofwildlife species However along hist roffloods and levee breeches has resultedin a reduction ofquality habitat especiallyimportant for fish and migratory waterfowl

In response to habitat degradation theCorps set out in 2006 to restore and protectwetland terrestrial and aquatic habitat throughthe restoration ofthe existing perimeter leveesystem spillway construction dredging theconstruction of new water control structures


seeding of sand prairie and the plantingof nut bearing hardwood tree species Thisproject has gone along way in reducingforest fragmentation increasing hardwoodtree diversity and native grassland expandingand enhancing wildlife habitatandprotecting archeological features within thecomplex Lake Odessa open to visitors ismanaged jointly bythe USFish and WildlifeService and the lowa DNR and supports 240species of birds and 96species of mammalsreptiles and amphibians and fishThe designofappropriate restoration and managementof lands such asLake Odessa is imperativeto the ecological sustainability ofthe UpperMississippi River System


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Magazine 1 1


_ wabieenergy 7 lsquo fit an Eastern iowa

eacutefiege w benefit the new Space NahantMarshEducationCenter (Photo byAmy7 LovingNahantVlarshEducationCoordinator)

raquolsquo qoivalenttothe present lot plus 50 ecosystemswater quality and biodiversityadditional feetThe projectdesigned inan Fromthe 19605 to 1996the land was usedenvironmentally responsibleway with the least for skeet and trap shooting leaving Nahantamount of impacton the wetlands isexpected contaminated with lead shotToday the 513 acreto be completed in spring 2015 area encompasses different wetland community

The Ecological Importance ‐ Nahant types including bottomland forest open‐waterMarsh isone ofthe last remaining urban habitatand marshland it provides habitat to

p _- dingGroundbreaking wetlands of its size onthe upper Mississippi more than 150 species of birds plantsfishpound30k placersquoNovember 202014on a 1600 River It offers awide variety of environmental insects mammalsand rare species such asthesguarefeet addition to the current building that education for people of all ages on wetland Leopard Frog and BlandingrsquosTurtle

HennepinCanalEnvironmentalPark RestorationDesign Plan

Cl Walking Path- 201 linear ft__ JeSSICG Flondro I Debris Removal v5490 sq ft

3 Prairie Restoration - 15 acresheHennepin Canal Environmental Park atthe Steel lsquo o 50 100 200 Foot xDam and Lock 30 in Milan iscomprised of mesic rsquo rsquo J rsquo rsquo Ll‐L‐L‐ l‐ i‐L-l‐ l

prairie and woodland edgeThe 2015 restoration anddesign plan includes improvements to the walking path and removal of prairie in the wildlife area along the canalThe seed mix will likely includevegetation at the portage which will connect visitors to the portage site little blue stem wild rye milk weed mountain mint pale coneflowersand the Rock River and Culverrsquos root Prairie restoration will increase biodiversity onsite and

Restoration plans also include the removal of invasive and encroaching provide anaesthetic backdrop for the canal and Rock River sitevegetation from historic Lock 30infrastructure and the installation of new Toshowcase restoration efforts at the Hennepin Canal Riverinterpretive signage bythe lL DNR to showcase historic canal features at Action with assistance from the Doris and Victor Day Foundationthe siteThe DNR will also dredge the canal above and below Lock 30and will offer environmental education programs for 180 students fromstock native fish species to promote kidrsquos fishing days Thomas Jefferson Elementary School in the spring of 2015Education

Additionally the design plan includes the repair of two existing park programming and restoration efforts will make the park asafe andbenches the trimming ofa large silver maple which will provide shade accessible place for families to enjoy nature and experience the historicfor visitors and a picnic table and the restoration of 15acres of mesic aspects ofthe Hennepin Canal that have been hidden

KimbetlsquoZD DentalA-S-S-O-C-l-A-T-ElsquoSE

David A Johnson DDSSince 1991 ~trienm

eacutemsslsquoelsquoW ldquor ScreenprimedSportswear3512 Jersey Ridge Road

Davenport IA 52807( 3 4 Specializing in Screenprinted Apparel T‐shirts Sweatshirts KooziesHatsetc

Now printing PromotionalProducts GlasswarePlasticCups Golf Ballsetc

12 eddyMagazine [ wvvwriveractionorg

y Uif]deddy CALENDAR


FebruaryInauguralFrozenFat FondoFestSaturdayFebruary7 Ham‐2pmCredit IslandParkDavenportJoin FORC in afat biking challenge ride along thebanks of the mighty Mississippi on Credit IslandRidesolo or asa3-person relay team See who can crankout the most laps in 3 hours around achallenge filledcourse Stick around after the main event for ahealthydose of shenanigans wwwqcforcorg

EarthExplorersFeb5-Oct29 everyotherWednesday 4-5pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportOur Earth Explorers after-school program allowschildren ages I H4 years‐old to explore innovativetechnologies and scientific concepts through creativeoutdoor activities and experiments For more informa‑tion and to register please visit wwwnahantmarshorg

Breakfastwith the BirdsFirstFridayof eachmonth8-9am NahantMarshEducationCenter DavenportJoin usfor aninformative breakfast about our featheredfriendsThe class will meet in the first Friday of everymonth beginning in October and continuing untilspring Each session will cover agroup of birds fromdabbling ducks to raptors to songbirds Depending onweather there may also be ashort hike to ourbird blindThe trail to the bird blind isADA accessible

Cost $5 (includes presentation amp continental breakfastcoffee and juice) To register please call 5633235196or bygoing to wwwnahantmarshprg

Toddler TalesSecondTuesdayof eachmonth 70‐1lam2‐3pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportEven if we cannot see animals that doesnrsquot mean thatthey arenrsquot thereWewill learn about ways to identifyanimals without seeing them Ages 3‐5 Cost $5peryouth Register online at wwwnahantmarshorg

MuddyBootsEveryotherWednesday4-5pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportThe purpose of Muddy Boots Nature Club isto provideyouth with the opportunities to learn while exploringnatureMuddy Boots engages children with hands‐onactivities like monarch butterfly tagging gardeningbike riding hikingeco‐crafts and more Ages 6-IOFor more information and to register please visit wwwnahantmarshorg

HuntingFishingandOutdoor Show2015Thursday throughSundayFebruary 12‐75QCCA ExpoCenterFrom boats and tackle to decoys and gear itrsquos anOutdoors Show with seminars and presentations frombig name fishing professionals Bring the family toKids Kampwith a real trout pond minnow racesandarcheryAdults $7Children 6yrs-16 yrs Si under6yrs Free

Sierra ClubTreehugger TriviaFriFebruary 136‐ 9pmFreightHouseFarmersMarket421WRiverDrDavenportReceptionHall at Freight House Doors open at 6pmtrivia starts at 7pmTeams of8 should register byemailing Jodi at loon585mchsicom Not on ateamSeats will beavailable for walk‐ins httpsierraclubevgwordpresscom

Valentine IndoorMusicandMoonlightWalkSat Feb 74 630-830pm Watch Tower LodgeBlackHawkStateHistoricSiteRock IslandFeaturingastroll outside onaluminaw‐Iit trail Too coldoutside for the walk come into the Lodge and keepwarm by the firewith fresh donuts and cider or hot

cocoa Music will be provided by Just4Fun Drew Naglewill call the contra‐dancing FREESingles couples ampfamily friendly (309‐788-9536) or wwwblackhawkparkorgThis event issponsored by Black Hawk StateHistoric Site in cooperation with Citizens to PreserveBlack Hawk Park Foundation‐education outreach forBlack Hawk State Historic Site since i972

MardiGras RajunCajun FestTuesday February 17530‐8pm $25perperson inadvance $30at the doorThe taste of NewOrleans iscoming back to the QuadCities on FatTuesday Local chefs will be set up in thelobby of the FiggeArt Museumwhere guests cansample each chefs Cajun creation All proceeds benlsquoefit the outreach programs of the Figge Art MuseumTickets purchased in advance online or over the phone(5633267804 x2046) will reserve your spot Name andidentification required for entry Doors open at 5 pm

Skatingat RiversidePark LagoonSkating at Riverside Park Lagoon Ice skating is permit‑ted asweather allows at Riverside Park Lagoon locatedat 2750 5th AvenueThe lagoon has awarming houseand public restrooms that are open seasonally whenconditions are favorable for ice skating Ice conditionsvary based on changing weather conditions sopleaseobey posted signs that indicate ifice conditions areappropriate for skating Hours of Operation are 6am‑i 1pmdaily Public session admission is$5 skate rental$3 all sessions are 25 hours For more informationcall 309-524-2424

RiverActionrsquos EnvironmentalBookClubTuesday February24 7pmRiverActionofficeDavenportDiscussThe Big Year by MarkObmascik Meetings areopen to the public and meet at the River Action office822 ERiver Dr betweenTremont and Federal StreetsFor more info please call 5633222969

Friendsof NahantMarshMeetingLastWedof eachmonth6pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportAre you looking to get more involved at NahantThen join usat our monthly FriendsMeetingFor more informationcall 563-323‐5196




l l l l lsquo l I I raquo lildquolsquoillllsquo


QuidCityAudubon Society FieldTripSaturdayFebruary28 7am Wildcat DennearMuscatine IATrip will travel from Buffalo Shores birding aswe go toWildcat Den and Fairport Fish Hatchery Bepreparedto hike the beautifulWildcat Den State Park in winterThere isanoptional stop for lunch in Buffalo Meet atBuffalo Shores (one mile past Buffalo IA Hwy 22)langleyartmchsicom for more information

MarchAPhotographerrsquosFeastSaturdayMarch79am‐2pm Western ILUniversityQuadCities 55 feepayableat the doorWhether you are an amateur or a seasoned photoenthusiast come out and hear a talented experiencedgroup of photographers offertheir tips River Actionand Western lLUniversity are coesponsoring the workshopVisit wwwriveractionorg for more informationand to register

Mississippi RiverGeotourismQCmeetingMondayampTuesdayMarch 9amp 10watch for detailsThis isa series of four Project Planning and Orientationmeetings to inform partners about this project goalsprocess and benefitsand to highlight the roles ofstakeholders and determine next steps towards implementing the Mississippi River Geotourism

StPatrickrsquosSocietyGrandParadeSaturdayMarch 14 7730‐7pm ILampIAQuadCitiesparaderouteStarts in Rock Island crosses the Centennial Bridge andends up in downtown Davenport For more informa‑tion on the parade visit wwwstpatsqccom

CanoecopiaMarch 73‐15AlliantEnergyCenter 7979AliantEnergyWayMadisonWICanoecopia isthe largest paddlesports consumerevent in the world with over 250000 square feetof kayaks canoes Stand Up Paddleboards outdoorequipment and clothing canoecopiacom

Sierra Club ProgramMeeting- Bald EaglesandLeadShotMonMarch 76 7‐ 830pmMolinePublicLibrary32104IstStMoline ILEdBritton USFish andWildlife Service will discuss newresearch on the impacts of lead shot on bald eaglepopulations Meet in the Bronze Roomofthe librarysierraclubevgwordpresscom


1802West LocustStreet Davenport IA52804


(By appointment)

DyeingEggsthe NaturalWaySatMarch2I 70am to noonand 100pm to 300pm NahantMarsh4220WapelloAve Davenport IAThe Nahant Marsh EducationCenter will present aclasson the basics of natural dyes and using them to cre‑ate colored eggsThere also will be a presentation onthe history of natural dyes and tips for creating naturaldyes at home Participants should bring adozenhard‐boiled eggs and an apron orTeshirt that can getstained There isa cost to participate and registration isrequired (Ages 8 and up) Call 563732375i 96 to register

RiverActionrsquos EnvironmentalBookClubTuesdayMarch24 7pmRiverAction officeDavenportDiscuss DirtThe Erosion of Civilizations byDavid RMontgomeryMeetings are open to the public andmeet at the River Action office 822 ERiver Dr betweenTremont and Federal Streets For more info call563-322-2969

Henry FarnamDinner 12thAnnualQuadCitiesFridayMarch27Jumerrsquos HotelampCasinoRockIslandILCocktails (cash bar) and displays 5pm Dinner 630pmand Program 730pmTickets are $40 per personreserved table of 10 is$375 Invitationswill be mailed inearly March to those who received invitations last yearFor reservations go to wwwriveractionorg or for moreinformation call River Action at 56332272969

Environmental FilmFest 10thAnnual EddyAwardWinningSaturdayMarch28 Olin CenterAugustana College733 35thStRock IslandILAdmission isFREE although donations are acceptedDoors open at i iam For film information and directions check out wwwaugustanaeduenvironmental‑filmfest For more info about EagleView Group SierraClub check out httpillinoissierracluborgeagleviewor contact Kathryn Allen at kasavelieaolcomThepublic iswelcome to attend any or all ofthe filmsbeing screened at the festival Refreshmentswillbe available

QuadCityAudubon Society FieldTripSaturdayMarch 28 7am Lock and Dam 13There will be many stops along the way searching forwaterfowl and early spring migrantsThis isagreat tripto look for signs ofspring This trip will stop at Fultonfor lunch some may choose to continue birding afterlunchMeet at Brothers Restaurant in Hampton IL at7am langleyartmchsicom for more information

Pickupa Retainthe RainrsquoRainBarrel for AprilshowersRain Barrels hold 60gallons and come with adivertermosquito nettingand spigot all for S75 River Action822 ERiver Dr Davenport or riveractionorg

Ap r i lQuadCitiesAudubon Society FieldTripSaturdayApril I I 7amConesMarsh IAThis trip isto many the best of the year with stunningviews of many species of shorebirds waterfowl andother early spring migrants Sandhill Cranes SnowGeese and many more maybe a nesting Great HornedOwl will be the highlightsMeet at Buffalo Shores (onemile past Buffalo IA Hwy 22) at 7am langleyartmchsicom for more information

RiverActionrsquos EnvironmentalBookClubTuesdayApril28 7pmRiverActionofficeDavenportDiscussThe Forest Unseen AYearrsquos Watch in Nature byDavidGeorge Haskell Meetings are open to the publicand meet at the River Action office 822 ERiver DrbetweenTremont and Federal Streets For more infoplease call 563822-2969

RiverActionrsquos Fish8FireFundraiserandFriendraiserFridayApril24 Watch Tower Lodgein BlackHawkStateParkRock IslandThis annual catfish fry combines fundraising andfriends Bid on dozens of silent auction items enjoy thedinner and entertainment and be a part ofthe 16thAnnual Eddy Awards Presentation 7 awards given tothose in our community who go against the currentto get things done For more information or to registergo to riveractionorg

The 40th Stroll through SpringtimeSatApril25 7am‐I2noon Watch Tower LodgeBlackHawkStateHistoricSite 15I046thAve (BlackhawkRd)Rock Island779am trail walks to identify both migrating amp resi‑dent birds (binoculars suggested) 9am refreshmentsincluding wild violetjelly and ashort programandiO-l 2trail walks to identify wildflowersFREE (309) 78879536wwwblackhawkparkorg

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Connect With Us

For over 30 years RiverAction has been dedicated toconnecting people to theriver Our supporters helpus to improve the quality ofwater that flows down theriver They help us to instilla love of the river throughencouraging participation inmany activities that involvethe river Plus River Actionencourages educationalprograms that help ourresidents better understandriver related issues andconcerns

JOIN TODAY ATwwwriveractionorg

or send check to822 E River Drive

Davenport lA 52803


A membership to River Actionoffers you an opportunity toreally make a difference in ourcommunity With eachmembership you will receivediscounts on educationalprograms as well as yourcontinued FREE subscriptionto eddy Magazine

Complete andmail in the formbelow t o raquo

-ueqicmiiwlm 822 E River DriveijlsquoiwlsquoE-mWMveacute Davenport IA 52803 or go to

wwwriveractionorgand click on membership

$30 for 30yearsl Please consider joining River Action as a member With your help we cancontinue to achieve great things in the coming years


je i I I I ‐ I I I raquoI] s 100 Action Memborahlp




Phone (


Payment invoice me Check Enclosed Blllmy cvedtrc a d

Cord it exp Dole

3dig i l security c o d e Signature


Includes benefits at household membership + two trckas lo a RiverActinnevent‐choose one Ride the River Taming Floatarsquolla orGolf Cart Tam

I] s so Household M m b m m pincludes benefits at Individualmembership plus RiverrneWalks(or all humanoid members

I] s so lndividunl Membershipincludes membership card eddy Magazine and Riverme Walks

U s 15 Student MembershipIncludes membership card eddy Magazine and Riverine Walks

1lsquo E ElRiver m n s I

lsquo website is lsquo1a i v s m r m o n c lsquo33ldquo 51-rdquo


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Page 11: RiverAction.org Eddy Magazine 201502


_ wabieenergy 7 lsquo fit an Eastern iowa

eacutefiege w benefit the new Space NahantMarshEducationCenter (Photo byAmy7 LovingNahantVlarshEducationCoordinator)

raquolsquo qoivalenttothe present lot plus 50 ecosystemswater quality and biodiversityadditional feetThe projectdesigned inan Fromthe 19605 to 1996the land was usedenvironmentally responsibleway with the least for skeet and trap shooting leaving Nahantamount of impacton the wetlands isexpected contaminated with lead shotToday the 513 acreto be completed in spring 2015 area encompasses different wetland community

The Ecological Importance ‐ Nahant types including bottomland forest open‐waterMarsh isone ofthe last remaining urban habitatand marshland it provides habitat to

p _- dingGroundbreaking wetlands of its size onthe upper Mississippi more than 150 species of birds plantsfishpound30k placersquoNovember 202014on a 1600 River It offers awide variety of environmental insects mammalsand rare species such asthesguarefeet addition to the current building that education for people of all ages on wetland Leopard Frog and BlandingrsquosTurtle

HennepinCanalEnvironmentalPark RestorationDesign Plan

Cl Walking Path- 201 linear ft__ JeSSICG Flondro I Debris Removal v5490 sq ft

3 Prairie Restoration - 15 acresheHennepin Canal Environmental Park atthe Steel lsquo o 50 100 200 Foot xDam and Lock 30 in Milan iscomprised of mesic rsquo rsquo J rsquo rsquo Ll‐L‐L‐ l‐ i‐L-l‐ l

prairie and woodland edgeThe 2015 restoration anddesign plan includes improvements to the walking path and removal of prairie in the wildlife area along the canalThe seed mix will likely includevegetation at the portage which will connect visitors to the portage site little blue stem wild rye milk weed mountain mint pale coneflowersand the Rock River and Culverrsquos root Prairie restoration will increase biodiversity onsite and

Restoration plans also include the removal of invasive and encroaching provide anaesthetic backdrop for the canal and Rock River sitevegetation from historic Lock 30infrastructure and the installation of new Toshowcase restoration efforts at the Hennepin Canal Riverinterpretive signage bythe lL DNR to showcase historic canal features at Action with assistance from the Doris and Victor Day Foundationthe siteThe DNR will also dredge the canal above and below Lock 30and will offer environmental education programs for 180 students fromstock native fish species to promote kidrsquos fishing days Thomas Jefferson Elementary School in the spring of 2015Education

Additionally the design plan includes the repair of two existing park programming and restoration efforts will make the park asafe andbenches the trimming ofa large silver maple which will provide shade accessible place for families to enjoy nature and experience the historicfor visitors and a picnic table and the restoration of 15acres of mesic aspects ofthe Hennepin Canal that have been hidden

KimbetlsquoZD DentalA-S-S-O-C-l-A-T-ElsquoSE

David A Johnson DDSSince 1991 ~trienm

eacutemsslsquoelsquoW ldquor ScreenprimedSportswear3512 Jersey Ridge Road

Davenport IA 52807( 3 4 Specializing in Screenprinted Apparel T‐shirts Sweatshirts KooziesHatsetc

Now printing PromotionalProducts GlasswarePlasticCups Golf Ballsetc

12 eddyMagazine [ wvvwriveractionorg

y Uif]deddy CALENDAR


FebruaryInauguralFrozenFat FondoFestSaturdayFebruary7 Ham‐2pmCredit IslandParkDavenportJoin FORC in afat biking challenge ride along thebanks of the mighty Mississippi on Credit IslandRidesolo or asa3-person relay team See who can crankout the most laps in 3 hours around achallenge filledcourse Stick around after the main event for ahealthydose of shenanigans wwwqcforcorg

EarthExplorersFeb5-Oct29 everyotherWednesday 4-5pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportOur Earth Explorers after-school program allowschildren ages I H4 years‐old to explore innovativetechnologies and scientific concepts through creativeoutdoor activities and experiments For more informa‑tion and to register please visit wwwnahantmarshorg

Breakfastwith the BirdsFirstFridayof eachmonth8-9am NahantMarshEducationCenter DavenportJoin usfor aninformative breakfast about our featheredfriendsThe class will meet in the first Friday of everymonth beginning in October and continuing untilspring Each session will cover agroup of birds fromdabbling ducks to raptors to songbirds Depending onweather there may also be ashort hike to ourbird blindThe trail to the bird blind isADA accessible

Cost $5 (includes presentation amp continental breakfastcoffee and juice) To register please call 5633235196or bygoing to wwwnahantmarshprg

Toddler TalesSecondTuesdayof eachmonth 70‐1lam2‐3pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportEven if we cannot see animals that doesnrsquot mean thatthey arenrsquot thereWewill learn about ways to identifyanimals without seeing them Ages 3‐5 Cost $5peryouth Register online at wwwnahantmarshorg

MuddyBootsEveryotherWednesday4-5pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportThe purpose of Muddy Boots Nature Club isto provideyouth with the opportunities to learn while exploringnatureMuddy Boots engages children with hands‐onactivities like monarch butterfly tagging gardeningbike riding hikingeco‐crafts and more Ages 6-IOFor more information and to register please visit wwwnahantmarshorg

HuntingFishingandOutdoor Show2015Thursday throughSundayFebruary 12‐75QCCA ExpoCenterFrom boats and tackle to decoys and gear itrsquos anOutdoors Show with seminars and presentations frombig name fishing professionals Bring the family toKids Kampwith a real trout pond minnow racesandarcheryAdults $7Children 6yrs-16 yrs Si under6yrs Free

Sierra ClubTreehugger TriviaFriFebruary 136‐ 9pmFreightHouseFarmersMarket421WRiverDrDavenportReceptionHall at Freight House Doors open at 6pmtrivia starts at 7pmTeams of8 should register byemailing Jodi at loon585mchsicom Not on ateamSeats will beavailable for walk‐ins httpsierraclubevgwordpresscom

Valentine IndoorMusicandMoonlightWalkSat Feb 74 630-830pm Watch Tower LodgeBlackHawkStateHistoricSiteRock IslandFeaturingastroll outside onaluminaw‐Iit trail Too coldoutside for the walk come into the Lodge and keepwarm by the firewith fresh donuts and cider or hot

cocoa Music will be provided by Just4Fun Drew Naglewill call the contra‐dancing FREESingles couples ampfamily friendly (309‐788-9536) or wwwblackhawkparkorgThis event issponsored by Black Hawk StateHistoric Site in cooperation with Citizens to PreserveBlack Hawk Park Foundation‐education outreach forBlack Hawk State Historic Site since i972

MardiGras RajunCajun FestTuesday February 17530‐8pm $25perperson inadvance $30at the doorThe taste of NewOrleans iscoming back to the QuadCities on FatTuesday Local chefs will be set up in thelobby of the FiggeArt Museumwhere guests cansample each chefs Cajun creation All proceeds benlsquoefit the outreach programs of the Figge Art MuseumTickets purchased in advance online or over the phone(5633267804 x2046) will reserve your spot Name andidentification required for entry Doors open at 5 pm

Skatingat RiversidePark LagoonSkating at Riverside Park Lagoon Ice skating is permit‑ted asweather allows at Riverside Park Lagoon locatedat 2750 5th AvenueThe lagoon has awarming houseand public restrooms that are open seasonally whenconditions are favorable for ice skating Ice conditionsvary based on changing weather conditions sopleaseobey posted signs that indicate ifice conditions areappropriate for skating Hours of Operation are 6am‑i 1pmdaily Public session admission is$5 skate rental$3 all sessions are 25 hours For more informationcall 309-524-2424

RiverActionrsquos EnvironmentalBookClubTuesday February24 7pmRiverActionofficeDavenportDiscussThe Big Year by MarkObmascik Meetings areopen to the public and meet at the River Action office822 ERiver Dr betweenTremont and Federal StreetsFor more info please call 5633222969

Friendsof NahantMarshMeetingLastWedof eachmonth6pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportAre you looking to get more involved at NahantThen join usat our monthly FriendsMeetingFor more informationcall 563-323‐5196




l l l l lsquo l I I raquo lildquolsquoillllsquo


QuidCityAudubon Society FieldTripSaturdayFebruary28 7am Wildcat DennearMuscatine IATrip will travel from Buffalo Shores birding aswe go toWildcat Den and Fairport Fish Hatchery Bepreparedto hike the beautifulWildcat Den State Park in winterThere isanoptional stop for lunch in Buffalo Meet atBuffalo Shores (one mile past Buffalo IA Hwy 22)langleyartmchsicom for more information

MarchAPhotographerrsquosFeastSaturdayMarch79am‐2pm Western ILUniversityQuadCities 55 feepayableat the doorWhether you are an amateur or a seasoned photoenthusiast come out and hear a talented experiencedgroup of photographers offertheir tips River Actionand Western lLUniversity are coesponsoring the workshopVisit wwwriveractionorg for more informationand to register

Mississippi RiverGeotourismQCmeetingMondayampTuesdayMarch 9amp 10watch for detailsThis isa series of four Project Planning and Orientationmeetings to inform partners about this project goalsprocess and benefitsand to highlight the roles ofstakeholders and determine next steps towards implementing the Mississippi River Geotourism

StPatrickrsquosSocietyGrandParadeSaturdayMarch 14 7730‐7pm ILampIAQuadCitiesparaderouteStarts in Rock Island crosses the Centennial Bridge andends up in downtown Davenport For more informa‑tion on the parade visit wwwstpatsqccom

CanoecopiaMarch 73‐15AlliantEnergyCenter 7979AliantEnergyWayMadisonWICanoecopia isthe largest paddlesports consumerevent in the world with over 250000 square feetof kayaks canoes Stand Up Paddleboards outdoorequipment and clothing canoecopiacom

Sierra Club ProgramMeeting- Bald EaglesandLeadShotMonMarch 76 7‐ 830pmMolinePublicLibrary32104IstStMoline ILEdBritton USFish andWildlife Service will discuss newresearch on the impacts of lead shot on bald eaglepopulations Meet in the Bronze Roomofthe librarysierraclubevgwordpresscom


1802West LocustStreet Davenport IA52804


(By appointment)

DyeingEggsthe NaturalWaySatMarch2I 70am to noonand 100pm to 300pm NahantMarsh4220WapelloAve Davenport IAThe Nahant Marsh EducationCenter will present aclasson the basics of natural dyes and using them to cre‑ate colored eggsThere also will be a presentation onthe history of natural dyes and tips for creating naturaldyes at home Participants should bring adozenhard‐boiled eggs and an apron orTeshirt that can getstained There isa cost to participate and registration isrequired (Ages 8 and up) Call 563732375i 96 to register

RiverActionrsquos EnvironmentalBookClubTuesdayMarch24 7pmRiverAction officeDavenportDiscuss DirtThe Erosion of Civilizations byDavid RMontgomeryMeetings are open to the public andmeet at the River Action office 822 ERiver Dr betweenTremont and Federal Streets For more info call563-322-2969

Henry FarnamDinner 12thAnnualQuadCitiesFridayMarch27Jumerrsquos HotelampCasinoRockIslandILCocktails (cash bar) and displays 5pm Dinner 630pmand Program 730pmTickets are $40 per personreserved table of 10 is$375 Invitationswill be mailed inearly March to those who received invitations last yearFor reservations go to wwwriveractionorg or for moreinformation call River Action at 56332272969

Environmental FilmFest 10thAnnual EddyAwardWinningSaturdayMarch28 Olin CenterAugustana College733 35thStRock IslandILAdmission isFREE although donations are acceptedDoors open at i iam For film information and directions check out wwwaugustanaeduenvironmental‑filmfest For more info about EagleView Group SierraClub check out httpillinoissierracluborgeagleviewor contact Kathryn Allen at kasavelieaolcomThepublic iswelcome to attend any or all ofthe filmsbeing screened at the festival Refreshmentswillbe available

QuadCityAudubon Society FieldTripSaturdayMarch 28 7am Lock and Dam 13There will be many stops along the way searching forwaterfowl and early spring migrantsThis isagreat tripto look for signs ofspring This trip will stop at Fultonfor lunch some may choose to continue birding afterlunchMeet at Brothers Restaurant in Hampton IL at7am langleyartmchsicom for more information

Pickupa Retainthe RainrsquoRainBarrel for AprilshowersRain Barrels hold 60gallons and come with adivertermosquito nettingand spigot all for S75 River Action822 ERiver Dr Davenport or riveractionorg

Ap r i lQuadCitiesAudubon Society FieldTripSaturdayApril I I 7amConesMarsh IAThis trip isto many the best of the year with stunningviews of many species of shorebirds waterfowl andother early spring migrants Sandhill Cranes SnowGeese and many more maybe a nesting Great HornedOwl will be the highlightsMeet at Buffalo Shores (onemile past Buffalo IA Hwy 22) at 7am langleyartmchsicom for more information

RiverActionrsquos EnvironmentalBookClubTuesdayApril28 7pmRiverActionofficeDavenportDiscussThe Forest Unseen AYearrsquos Watch in Nature byDavidGeorge Haskell Meetings are open to the publicand meet at the River Action office 822 ERiver DrbetweenTremont and Federal Streets For more infoplease call 563822-2969

RiverActionrsquos Fish8FireFundraiserandFriendraiserFridayApril24 Watch Tower Lodgein BlackHawkStateParkRock IslandThis annual catfish fry combines fundraising andfriends Bid on dozens of silent auction items enjoy thedinner and entertainment and be a part ofthe 16thAnnual Eddy Awards Presentation 7 awards given tothose in our community who go against the currentto get things done For more information or to registergo to riveractionorg

The 40th Stroll through SpringtimeSatApril25 7am‐I2noon Watch Tower LodgeBlackHawkStateHistoricSite 15I046thAve (BlackhawkRd)Rock Island779am trail walks to identify both migrating amp resi‑dent birds (binoculars suggested) 9am refreshmentsincluding wild violetjelly and ashort programandiO-l 2trail walks to identify wildflowersFREE (309) 78879536wwwblackhawkparkorg

108 E2nd Street Davenport IA 5280rsquo563-424-2012

Gpen MorlsquoiMFri i0~eacute Scat l0cent$www5isshopscom

Unique internationalregionoi and iocol

gifts opporei artworka n d gourmet food

Connect With Us

For over 30 years RiverAction has been dedicated toconnecting people to theriver Our supporters helpus to improve the quality ofwater that flows down theriver They help us to instilla love of the river throughencouraging participation inmany activities that involvethe river Plus River Actionencourages educationalprograms that help ourresidents better understandriver related issues andconcerns

JOIN TODAY ATwwwriveractionorg

or send check to822 E River Drive

Davenport lA 52803


A membership to River Actionoffers you an opportunity toreally make a difference in ourcommunity With eachmembership you will receivediscounts on educationalprograms as well as yourcontinued FREE subscriptionto eddy Magazine

Complete andmail in the formbelow t o raquo

-ueqicmiiwlm 822 E River DriveijlsquoiwlsquoE-mWMveacute Davenport IA 52803 or go to

wwwriveractionorgand click on membership

$30 for 30yearsl Please consider joining River Action as a member With your help we cancontinue to achieve great things in the coming years


je i I I I ‐ I I I raquoI] s 100 Action Memborahlp




Phone (


Payment invoice me Check Enclosed Blllmy cvedtrc a d

Cord it exp Dole

3dig i l security c o d e Signature


Includes benefits at household membership + two trckas lo a RiverActinnevent‐choose one Ride the River Taming Floatarsquolla orGolf Cart Tam

I] s so Household M m b m m pincludes benefits at Individualmembership plus RiverrneWalks(or all humanoid members

I] s so lndividunl Membershipincludes membership card eddy Magazine and Riverme Walks

U s 15 Student MembershipIncludes membership card eddy Magazine and Riverine Walks

1lsquo E ElRiver m n s I

lsquo website is lsquo1a i v s m r m o n c lsquo33ldquo 51-rdquo


fl a m m m 4 m ‐ N



mmfimalsquo33603gm=Imlto=rmltmmlaquo33ammuoazozmv3253U ldquom c m gt m c


Eng_ P E E F _ _ E3036m fim rdquomqmmr_lt_o__m=

2305I nlt lt lt lt lt lt n o m c _ u m 0 0 3moonqummmh

Page 12: RiverAction.org Eddy Magazine 201502

y Uif]deddy CALENDAR


FebruaryInauguralFrozenFat FondoFestSaturdayFebruary7 Ham‐2pmCredit IslandParkDavenportJoin FORC in afat biking challenge ride along thebanks of the mighty Mississippi on Credit IslandRidesolo or asa3-person relay team See who can crankout the most laps in 3 hours around achallenge filledcourse Stick around after the main event for ahealthydose of shenanigans wwwqcforcorg

EarthExplorersFeb5-Oct29 everyotherWednesday 4-5pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportOur Earth Explorers after-school program allowschildren ages I H4 years‐old to explore innovativetechnologies and scientific concepts through creativeoutdoor activities and experiments For more informa‑tion and to register please visit wwwnahantmarshorg

Breakfastwith the BirdsFirstFridayof eachmonth8-9am NahantMarshEducationCenter DavenportJoin usfor aninformative breakfast about our featheredfriendsThe class will meet in the first Friday of everymonth beginning in October and continuing untilspring Each session will cover agroup of birds fromdabbling ducks to raptors to songbirds Depending onweather there may also be ashort hike to ourbird blindThe trail to the bird blind isADA accessible

Cost $5 (includes presentation amp continental breakfastcoffee and juice) To register please call 5633235196or bygoing to wwwnahantmarshprg

Toddler TalesSecondTuesdayof eachmonth 70‐1lam2‐3pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportEven if we cannot see animals that doesnrsquot mean thatthey arenrsquot thereWewill learn about ways to identifyanimals without seeing them Ages 3‐5 Cost $5peryouth Register online at wwwnahantmarshorg

MuddyBootsEveryotherWednesday4-5pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportThe purpose of Muddy Boots Nature Club isto provideyouth with the opportunities to learn while exploringnatureMuddy Boots engages children with hands‐onactivities like monarch butterfly tagging gardeningbike riding hikingeco‐crafts and more Ages 6-IOFor more information and to register please visit wwwnahantmarshorg

HuntingFishingandOutdoor Show2015Thursday throughSundayFebruary 12‐75QCCA ExpoCenterFrom boats and tackle to decoys and gear itrsquos anOutdoors Show with seminars and presentations frombig name fishing professionals Bring the family toKids Kampwith a real trout pond minnow racesandarcheryAdults $7Children 6yrs-16 yrs Si under6yrs Free

Sierra ClubTreehugger TriviaFriFebruary 136‐ 9pmFreightHouseFarmersMarket421WRiverDrDavenportReceptionHall at Freight House Doors open at 6pmtrivia starts at 7pmTeams of8 should register byemailing Jodi at loon585mchsicom Not on ateamSeats will beavailable for walk‐ins httpsierraclubevgwordpresscom

Valentine IndoorMusicandMoonlightWalkSat Feb 74 630-830pm Watch Tower LodgeBlackHawkStateHistoricSiteRock IslandFeaturingastroll outside onaluminaw‐Iit trail Too coldoutside for the walk come into the Lodge and keepwarm by the firewith fresh donuts and cider or hot

cocoa Music will be provided by Just4Fun Drew Naglewill call the contra‐dancing FREESingles couples ampfamily friendly (309‐788-9536) or wwwblackhawkparkorgThis event issponsored by Black Hawk StateHistoric Site in cooperation with Citizens to PreserveBlack Hawk Park Foundation‐education outreach forBlack Hawk State Historic Site since i972

MardiGras RajunCajun FestTuesday February 17530‐8pm $25perperson inadvance $30at the doorThe taste of NewOrleans iscoming back to the QuadCities on FatTuesday Local chefs will be set up in thelobby of the FiggeArt Museumwhere guests cansample each chefs Cajun creation All proceeds benlsquoefit the outreach programs of the Figge Art MuseumTickets purchased in advance online or over the phone(5633267804 x2046) will reserve your spot Name andidentification required for entry Doors open at 5 pm

Skatingat RiversidePark LagoonSkating at Riverside Park Lagoon Ice skating is permit‑ted asweather allows at Riverside Park Lagoon locatedat 2750 5th AvenueThe lagoon has awarming houseand public restrooms that are open seasonally whenconditions are favorable for ice skating Ice conditionsvary based on changing weather conditions sopleaseobey posted signs that indicate ifice conditions areappropriate for skating Hours of Operation are 6am‑i 1pmdaily Public session admission is$5 skate rental$3 all sessions are 25 hours For more informationcall 309-524-2424

RiverActionrsquos EnvironmentalBookClubTuesday February24 7pmRiverActionofficeDavenportDiscussThe Big Year by MarkObmascik Meetings areopen to the public and meet at the River Action office822 ERiver Dr betweenTremont and Federal StreetsFor more info please call 5633222969

Friendsof NahantMarshMeetingLastWedof eachmonth6pmNahantMarshEducationCenterDavenportAre you looking to get more involved at NahantThen join usat our monthly FriendsMeetingFor more informationcall 563-323‐5196




l l l l lsquo l I I raquo lildquolsquoillllsquo


QuidCityAudubon Society FieldTripSaturdayFebruary28 7am Wildcat DennearMuscatine IATrip will travel from Buffalo Shores birding aswe go toWildcat Den and Fairport Fish Hatchery Bepreparedto hike the beautifulWildcat Den State Park in winterThere isanoptional stop for lunch in Buffalo Meet atBuffalo Shores (one mile past Buffalo IA Hwy 22)langleyartmchsicom for more information

MarchAPhotographerrsquosFeastSaturdayMarch79am‐2pm Western ILUniversityQuadCities 55 feepayableat the doorWhether you are an amateur or a seasoned photoenthusiast come out and hear a talented experiencedgroup of photographers offertheir tips River Actionand Western lLUniversity are coesponsoring the workshopVisit wwwriveractionorg for more informationand to register

Mississippi RiverGeotourismQCmeetingMondayampTuesdayMarch 9amp 10watch for detailsThis isa series of four Project Planning and Orientationmeetings to inform partners about this project goalsprocess and benefitsand to highlight the roles ofstakeholders and determine next steps towards implementing the Mississippi River Geotourism

StPatrickrsquosSocietyGrandParadeSaturdayMarch 14 7730‐7pm ILampIAQuadCitiesparaderouteStarts in Rock Island crosses the Centennial Bridge andends up in downtown Davenport For more informa‑tion on the parade visit wwwstpatsqccom

CanoecopiaMarch 73‐15AlliantEnergyCenter 7979AliantEnergyWayMadisonWICanoecopia isthe largest paddlesports consumerevent in the world with over 250000 square feetof kayaks canoes Stand Up Paddleboards outdoorequipment and clothing canoecopiacom

Sierra Club ProgramMeeting- Bald EaglesandLeadShotMonMarch 76 7‐ 830pmMolinePublicLibrary32104IstStMoline ILEdBritton USFish andWildlife Service will discuss newresearch on the impacts of lead shot on bald eaglepopulations Meet in the Bronze Roomofthe librarysierraclubevgwordpresscom


1802West LocustStreet Davenport IA52804


(By appointment)

DyeingEggsthe NaturalWaySatMarch2I 70am to noonand 100pm to 300pm NahantMarsh4220WapelloAve Davenport IAThe Nahant Marsh EducationCenter will present aclasson the basics of natural dyes and using them to cre‑ate colored eggsThere also will be a presentation onthe history of natural dyes and tips for creating naturaldyes at home Participants should bring adozenhard‐boiled eggs and an apron orTeshirt that can getstained There isa cost to participate and registration isrequired (Ages 8 and up) Call 563732375i 96 to register

RiverActionrsquos EnvironmentalBookClubTuesdayMarch24 7pmRiverAction officeDavenportDiscuss DirtThe Erosion of Civilizations byDavid RMontgomeryMeetings are open to the public andmeet at the River Action office 822 ERiver Dr betweenTremont and Federal Streets For more info call563-322-2969

Henry FarnamDinner 12thAnnualQuadCitiesFridayMarch27Jumerrsquos HotelampCasinoRockIslandILCocktails (cash bar) and displays 5pm Dinner 630pmand Program 730pmTickets are $40 per personreserved table of 10 is$375 Invitationswill be mailed inearly March to those who received invitations last yearFor reservations go to wwwriveractionorg or for moreinformation call River Action at 56332272969

Environmental FilmFest 10thAnnual EddyAwardWinningSaturdayMarch28 Olin CenterAugustana College733 35thStRock IslandILAdmission isFREE although donations are acceptedDoors open at i iam For film information and directions check out wwwaugustanaeduenvironmental‑filmfest For more info about EagleView Group SierraClub check out httpillinoissierracluborgeagleviewor contact Kathryn Allen at kasavelieaolcomThepublic iswelcome to attend any or all ofthe filmsbeing screened at the festival Refreshmentswillbe available

QuadCityAudubon Society FieldTripSaturdayMarch 28 7am Lock and Dam 13There will be many stops along the way searching forwaterfowl and early spring migrantsThis isagreat tripto look for signs ofspring This trip will stop at Fultonfor lunch some may choose to continue birding afterlunchMeet at Brothers Restaurant in Hampton IL at7am langleyartmchsicom for more information

Pickupa Retainthe RainrsquoRainBarrel for AprilshowersRain Barrels hold 60gallons and come with adivertermosquito nettingand spigot all for S75 River Action822 ERiver Dr Davenport or riveractionorg

Ap r i lQuadCitiesAudubon Society FieldTripSaturdayApril I I 7amConesMarsh IAThis trip isto many the best of the year with stunningviews of many species of shorebirds waterfowl andother early spring migrants Sandhill Cranes SnowGeese and many more maybe a nesting Great HornedOwl will be the highlightsMeet at Buffalo Shores (onemile past Buffalo IA Hwy 22) at 7am langleyartmchsicom for more information

RiverActionrsquos EnvironmentalBookClubTuesdayApril28 7pmRiverActionofficeDavenportDiscussThe Forest Unseen AYearrsquos Watch in Nature byDavidGeorge Haskell Meetings are open to the publicand meet at the River Action office 822 ERiver DrbetweenTremont and Federal Streets For more infoplease call 563822-2969

RiverActionrsquos Fish8FireFundraiserandFriendraiserFridayApril24 Watch Tower Lodgein BlackHawkStateParkRock IslandThis annual catfish fry combines fundraising andfriends Bid on dozens of silent auction items enjoy thedinner and entertainment and be a part ofthe 16thAnnual Eddy Awards Presentation 7 awards given tothose in our community who go against the currentto get things done For more information or to registergo to riveractionorg

The 40th Stroll through SpringtimeSatApril25 7am‐I2noon Watch Tower LodgeBlackHawkStateHistoricSite 15I046thAve (BlackhawkRd)Rock Island779am trail walks to identify both migrating amp resi‑dent birds (binoculars suggested) 9am refreshmentsincluding wild violetjelly and ashort programandiO-l 2trail walks to identify wildflowersFREE (309) 78879536wwwblackhawkparkorg

108 E2nd Street Davenport IA 5280rsquo563-424-2012

Gpen MorlsquoiMFri i0~eacute Scat l0cent$www5isshopscom

Unique internationalregionoi and iocol

gifts opporei artworka n d gourmet food

Connect With Us

For over 30 years RiverAction has been dedicated toconnecting people to theriver Our supporters helpus to improve the quality ofwater that flows down theriver They help us to instilla love of the river throughencouraging participation inmany activities that involvethe river Plus River Actionencourages educationalprograms that help ourresidents better understandriver related issues andconcerns

JOIN TODAY ATwwwriveractionorg

or send check to822 E River Drive

Davenport lA 52803


A membership to River Actionoffers you an opportunity toreally make a difference in ourcommunity With eachmembership you will receivediscounts on educationalprograms as well as yourcontinued FREE subscriptionto eddy Magazine

Complete andmail in the formbelow t o raquo

-ueqicmiiwlm 822 E River DriveijlsquoiwlsquoE-mWMveacute Davenport IA 52803 or go to

wwwriveractionorgand click on membership

$30 for 30yearsl Please consider joining River Action as a member With your help we cancontinue to achieve great things in the coming years


je i I I I ‐ I I I raquoI] s 100 Action Memborahlp




Phone (


Payment invoice me Check Enclosed Blllmy cvedtrc a d

Cord it exp Dole

3dig i l security c o d e Signature


Includes benefits at household membership + two trckas lo a RiverActinnevent‐choose one Ride the River Taming Floatarsquolla orGolf Cart Tam

I] s so Household M m b m m pincludes benefits at Individualmembership plus RiverrneWalks(or all humanoid members

I] s so lndividunl Membershipincludes membership card eddy Magazine and Riverme Walks

U s 15 Student MembershipIncludes membership card eddy Magazine and Riverine Walks

1lsquo E ElRiver m n s I

lsquo website is lsquo1a i v s m r m o n c lsquo33ldquo 51-rdquo


fl a m m m 4 m ‐ N



mmfimalsquo33603gm=Imlto=rmltmmlaquo33ammuoazozmv3253U ldquom c m gt m c


Eng_ P E E F _ _ E3036m fim rdquomqmmr_lt_o__m=

2305I nlt lt lt lt lt lt n o m c _ u m 0 0 3moonqummmh

Page 13: RiverAction.org Eddy Magazine 201502


QuidCityAudubon Society FieldTripSaturdayFebruary28 7am Wildcat DennearMuscatine IATrip will travel from Buffalo Shores birding aswe go toWildcat Den and Fairport Fish Hatchery Bepreparedto hike the beautifulWildcat Den State Park in winterThere isanoptional stop for lunch in Buffalo Meet atBuffalo Shores (one mile past Buffalo IA Hwy 22)langleyartmchsicom for more information

MarchAPhotographerrsquosFeastSaturdayMarch79am‐2pm Western ILUniversityQuadCities 55 feepayableat the doorWhether you are an amateur or a seasoned photoenthusiast come out and hear a talented experiencedgroup of photographers offertheir tips River Actionand Western lLUniversity are coesponsoring the workshopVisit wwwriveractionorg for more informationand to register

Mississippi RiverGeotourismQCmeetingMondayampTuesdayMarch 9amp 10watch for detailsThis isa series of four Project Planning and Orientationmeetings to inform partners about this project goalsprocess and benefitsand to highlight the roles ofstakeholders and determine next steps towards implementing the Mississippi River Geotourism

StPatrickrsquosSocietyGrandParadeSaturdayMarch 14 7730‐7pm ILampIAQuadCitiesparaderouteStarts in Rock Island crosses the Centennial Bridge andends up in downtown Davenport For more informa‑tion on the parade visit wwwstpatsqccom

CanoecopiaMarch 73‐15AlliantEnergyCenter 7979AliantEnergyWayMadisonWICanoecopia isthe largest paddlesports consumerevent in the world with over 250000 square feetof kayaks canoes Stand Up Paddleboards outdoorequipment and clothing canoecopiacom

Sierra Club ProgramMeeting- Bald EaglesandLeadShotMonMarch 76 7‐ 830pmMolinePublicLibrary32104IstStMoline ILEdBritton USFish andWildlife Service will discuss newresearch on the impacts of lead shot on bald eaglepopulations Meet in the Bronze Roomofthe librarysierraclubevgwordpresscom


1802West LocustStreet Davenport IA52804


(By appointment)

DyeingEggsthe NaturalWaySatMarch2I 70am to noonand 100pm to 300pm NahantMarsh4220WapelloAve Davenport IAThe Nahant Marsh EducationCenter will present aclasson the basics of natural dyes and using them to cre‑ate colored eggsThere also will be a presentation onthe history of natural dyes and tips for creating naturaldyes at home Participants should bring adozenhard‐boiled eggs and an apron orTeshirt that can getstained There isa cost to participate and registration isrequired (Ages 8 and up) Call 563732375i 96 to register

RiverActionrsquos EnvironmentalBookClubTuesdayMarch24 7pmRiverAction officeDavenportDiscuss DirtThe Erosion of Civilizations byDavid RMontgomeryMeetings are open to the public andmeet at the River Action office 822 ERiver Dr betweenTremont and Federal Streets For more info call563-322-2969

Henry FarnamDinner 12thAnnualQuadCitiesFridayMarch27Jumerrsquos HotelampCasinoRockIslandILCocktails (cash bar) and displays 5pm Dinner 630pmand Program 730pmTickets are $40 per personreserved table of 10 is$375 Invitationswill be mailed inearly March to those who received invitations last yearFor reservations go to wwwriveractionorg or for moreinformation call River Action at 56332272969

Environmental FilmFest 10thAnnual EddyAwardWinningSaturdayMarch28 Olin CenterAugustana College733 35thStRock IslandILAdmission isFREE although donations are acceptedDoors open at i iam For film information and directions check out wwwaugustanaeduenvironmental‑filmfest For more info about EagleView Group SierraClub check out httpillinoissierracluborgeagleviewor contact Kathryn Allen at kasavelieaolcomThepublic iswelcome to attend any or all ofthe filmsbeing screened at the festival Refreshmentswillbe available

QuadCityAudubon Society FieldTripSaturdayMarch 28 7am Lock and Dam 13There will be many stops along the way searching forwaterfowl and early spring migrantsThis isagreat tripto look for signs ofspring This trip will stop at Fultonfor lunch some may choose to continue birding afterlunchMeet at Brothers Restaurant in Hampton IL at7am langleyartmchsicom for more information

Pickupa Retainthe RainrsquoRainBarrel for AprilshowersRain Barrels hold 60gallons and come with adivertermosquito nettingand spigot all for S75 River Action822 ERiver Dr Davenport or riveractionorg

Ap r i lQuadCitiesAudubon Society FieldTripSaturdayApril I I 7amConesMarsh IAThis trip isto many the best of the year with stunningviews of many species of shorebirds waterfowl andother early spring migrants Sandhill Cranes SnowGeese and many more maybe a nesting Great HornedOwl will be the highlightsMeet at Buffalo Shores (onemile past Buffalo IA Hwy 22) at 7am langleyartmchsicom for more information

RiverActionrsquos EnvironmentalBookClubTuesdayApril28 7pmRiverActionofficeDavenportDiscussThe Forest Unseen AYearrsquos Watch in Nature byDavidGeorge Haskell Meetings are open to the publicand meet at the River Action office 822 ERiver DrbetweenTremont and Federal Streets For more infoplease call 563822-2969

RiverActionrsquos Fish8FireFundraiserandFriendraiserFridayApril24 Watch Tower Lodgein BlackHawkStateParkRock IslandThis annual catfish fry combines fundraising andfriends Bid on dozens of silent auction items enjoy thedinner and entertainment and be a part ofthe 16thAnnual Eddy Awards Presentation 7 awards given tothose in our community who go against the currentto get things done For more information or to registergo to riveractionorg

The 40th Stroll through SpringtimeSatApril25 7am‐I2noon Watch Tower LodgeBlackHawkStateHistoricSite 15I046thAve (BlackhawkRd)Rock Island779am trail walks to identify both migrating amp resi‑dent birds (binoculars suggested) 9am refreshmentsincluding wild violetjelly and ashort programandiO-l 2trail walks to identify wildflowersFREE (309) 78879536wwwblackhawkparkorg

108 E2nd Street Davenport IA 5280rsquo563-424-2012

Gpen MorlsquoiMFri i0~eacute Scat l0cent$www5isshopscom

Unique internationalregionoi and iocol

gifts opporei artworka n d gourmet food

Connect With Us

For over 30 years RiverAction has been dedicated toconnecting people to theriver Our supporters helpus to improve the quality ofwater that flows down theriver They help us to instilla love of the river throughencouraging participation inmany activities that involvethe river Plus River Actionencourages educationalprograms that help ourresidents better understandriver related issues andconcerns

JOIN TODAY ATwwwriveractionorg

or send check to822 E River Drive

Davenport lA 52803


A membership to River Actionoffers you an opportunity toreally make a difference in ourcommunity With eachmembership you will receivediscounts on educationalprograms as well as yourcontinued FREE subscriptionto eddy Magazine

Complete andmail in the formbelow t o raquo

-ueqicmiiwlm 822 E River DriveijlsquoiwlsquoE-mWMveacute Davenport IA 52803 or go to

wwwriveractionorgand click on membership

$30 for 30yearsl Please consider joining River Action as a member With your help we cancontinue to achieve great things in the coming years


je i I I I ‐ I I I raquoI] s 100 Action Memborahlp




Phone (


Payment invoice me Check Enclosed Blllmy cvedtrc a d

Cord it exp Dole

3dig i l security c o d e Signature


Includes benefits at household membership + two trckas lo a RiverActinnevent‐choose one Ride the River Taming Floatarsquolla orGolf Cart Tam

I] s so Household M m b m m pincludes benefits at Individualmembership plus RiverrneWalks(or all humanoid members

I] s so lndividunl Membershipincludes membership card eddy Magazine and Riverme Walks

U s 15 Student MembershipIncludes membership card eddy Magazine and Riverine Walks

1lsquo E ElRiver m n s I

lsquo website is lsquo1a i v s m r m o n c lsquo33ldquo 51-rdquo


fl a m m m 4 m ‐ N



mmfimalsquo33603gm=Imlto=rmltmmlaquo33ammuoazozmv3253U ldquom c m gt m c


Eng_ P E E F _ _ E3036m fim rdquomqmmr_lt_o__m=

2305I nlt lt lt lt lt lt n o m c _ u m 0 0 3moonqummmh

Page 14: RiverAction.org Eddy Magazine 201502

Connect With Us

For over 30 years RiverAction has been dedicated toconnecting people to theriver Our supporters helpus to improve the quality ofwater that flows down theriver They help us to instilla love of the river throughencouraging participation inmany activities that involvethe river Plus River Actionencourages educationalprograms that help ourresidents better understandriver related issues andconcerns

JOIN TODAY ATwwwriveractionorg

or send check to822 E River Drive

Davenport lA 52803


A membership to River Actionoffers you an opportunity toreally make a difference in ourcommunity With eachmembership you will receivediscounts on educationalprograms as well as yourcontinued FREE subscriptionto eddy Magazine

Complete andmail in the formbelow t o raquo

-ueqicmiiwlm 822 E River DriveijlsquoiwlsquoE-mWMveacute Davenport IA 52803 or go to

wwwriveractionorgand click on membership

$30 for 30yearsl Please consider joining River Action as a member With your help we cancontinue to achieve great things in the coming years


je i I I I ‐ I I I raquoI] s 100 Action Memborahlp




Phone (


Payment invoice me Check Enclosed Blllmy cvedtrc a d

Cord it exp Dole

3dig i l security c o d e Signature


Includes benefits at household membership + two trckas lo a RiverActinnevent‐choose one Ride the River Taming Floatarsquolla orGolf Cart Tam

I] s so Household M m b m m pincludes benefits at Individualmembership plus RiverrneWalks(or all humanoid members

I] s so lndividunl Membershipincludes membership card eddy Magazine and Riverme Walks

U s 15 Student MembershipIncludes membership card eddy Magazine and Riverine Walks

1lsquo E ElRiver m n s I

lsquo website is lsquo1a i v s m r m o n c lsquo33ldquo 51-rdquo


fl a m m m 4 m ‐ N



mmfimalsquo33603gm=Imlto=rmltmmlaquo33ammuoazozmv3253U ldquom c m gt m c


Eng_ P E E F _ _ E3036m fim rdquomqmmr_lt_o__m=

2305I nlt lt lt lt lt lt n o m c _ u m 0 0 3moonqummmh

Page 15: RiverAction.org Eddy Magazine 201502


fl a m m m 4 m ‐ N



mmfimalsquo33603gm=Imlto=rmltmmlaquo33ammuoazozmv3253U ldquom c m gt m c


Eng_ P E E F _ _ E3036m fim rdquomqmmr_lt_o__m=

2305I nlt lt lt lt lt lt n o m c _ u m 0 0 3moonqummmh