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    ritalin klonopin

    ritalin klonopin

    American Narcotic Prescription Drug Use Grows

    300%-Plus 1998 to 2008 and Drives Fiscal


    By Byron Cobb Co-Author: Byron P. Cobb

    In 2008 , Amer i cans consumed enough

    Prescription Narcotics to insure that 301,000,000

    American men, women, and children all could

    have received enough Narcotic pain killers to

    keep themselves in some form of euphoria for

    most of the year.

    The reader may accuse me of Inventing the Data. I would send you to the DEA website to verify it yourself via their

    Office of Diversion Control official Narcotic Production Quota for 1998-2008. For the time being it is available online,

    however this may change as I continue to try to bring to the public eye toward the uncontrolled growth in narcotics

    prescribing and consumption relative to the total amount of pain in the American populace.

    We may ask how the infamous "THEY" could allow this to happen.

    Take it a step further, what if I told you that since 1998, the amount of prescription narcotics consumed in the U.S.A.

    was less than 33% on average that it is today? This forces the question. What has changed in our total pain levels and

    in our culture and pain thresholds that we now find ourselves requiring more than 3-fold greater an amount of opiates

    versus 1 decade prior?

    When you are nested within the change and it takes place over time, it may be more difficult to perceive, but we and

    1998 America do not have much in common any more. The personalities have changed. We have undergone 2 decades

    of inflated income first with a dot.com stock boom and later with bloated real estate and uncontrolled revolving credit


    The raw data is available below and includes the DEA link to calculate for yourself. This is nice because it is pre-

    calculated into Dosage Units so that you can understand how absurd the figures are.

    301,000,000 AMERICAN of ALL AGES if divided equally would have:

    #50 - 5mg Oxycodone tablets &

    #30 - 5mg Hydrocodone tablets

    Now add in other narcotics which are utilized to an even greater extent and you certainly have enough for the opiate

    naive to guarantee a full year of euphoria without even engaging the Benzodiazapenes, Amphetamines,

    Methylphenidate, Methamphetamine, barbituates, and other psycotropic substances registered with the US FDA and

    distributed in America pursuant to physicians orders.

    Wednesday, June, 2011 6:00 PM Posted by SuperbSite


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    To clarify to the reader, the Narcotic use data is sufficient to make much of our argument, however in combination with

    the data for other psychotropics such as Xanax(TM), alprazolam in generic form, and Adderall (TM) (mixed amphetamine

    salts) and Ritalin (TM) (methylphenidate), Desoxyn (methamphetamine), and others, we build an even stronger case for

    reduced judgment capacity during the spending and fiscal planning process in the individual household.

    Have you ever wondered why we spend so much money as Americans?

    It is interesting to ask people whether in Thailand or Brazil who is the easiest sell and who is the big spender. They will

    rarely reply Italy or U.K. or Australia or New Zealand. They will reply Americans. The Americans of this past decade are

    accustomed to being irresponsible with their money and not negotiating. We are also accustomed to gaining face

    through overspending instead of saving face by negotiating such as many other cultures do. We have become culturally

    predisposed to overspending and thusly erasing our core savings rate.

    It only takes a street salesman of T-Shirtsto notice: "If I call foreigner from UK cheap. He not care. He want good price. I

    say CHEAP CHEAPto American. He not happy. He pay more money for SAME".

    Hearing this from and independent 3rd party in broken english yields a bigger picture. We are trained not to negotiate

    under threat of being CHEAP and CHEAP is BAD. Frugality is demonized in modern American culture. This was not

    always the case. There was once pride in the same.

    Where has this pride gone?

    Who has gained the most from a culture that thinks that it is cool to waste money?

    Our image in the world versus say the U.K. or Australia is a culture that spends without restraint, doesn't negotiate, and

    are a relatively easy sell. MTV and Copying our favorite Television stars and Musicians has made a culture all about

    every we "MUST HAVE". We have become overly pacified and overly reliant on government and our envisioned


    What is the 10 year and 20 year picture of American habits, core savings, and medication changes.

    1. Core Savings Has Disappeared. The premise of living within your means and clearing your mortgage has vanished

    and been replaced with buying that dress and car you always wanted to impress someone. What has happened to the

    concept of retiring on a free and clear title to one's home?

    2. We were much more likely to buy what we did not need 2002-2006 versus 1991-1998. Why is that?

    3. Anti-Depressants, Anti-Anxiety Medication, Narcotics, Amphetamines, and other psychotropic prescriptions have all

    exploded in quantity and dosage and breadth of population within this past decade.

    4. Television, Advertising, Mass Media and observations of friends, family, and neighbors has led to a form of behavioral

    therapy wherein even those unmedicated have felt pressure from the culture to copy and align with the overspending


    Are these events related or not ?

    I do not think so. The Sheep Chronicles does not think so. I believe that if we bring enough data clearly out into the open

    that common sense will prevail and Americans will be able to perceive what may well have been happening.

    Ask 10 people who you know take an SSRI anti-depressant or SNRI anti-depressant or who regularly use an anti-

    anxiety medication such as Xanax (Alprazolam) or Klonopin (Clonazapam). Ask them for impressions.


    When your anxiety levels are reduced and you are not sad, you feel more open to spending money in many cases. This

    is the same as a person who drinks alcohol in a bar, gets drunk, and then the next day says; WOW! How could I have

    spent so much money in that bar? It's easy when you anxiety centers are relaxed and you feel good.

    Irrespective of the neurotransmitters in question, Serotonin, GABA, Dopamine, or others; chemically there is no doubt

    that medications, alcohol, tobacco, and other substances modify our chemically perceived reality and mood and thereby

    effect our behaviors. Now continue this equation with the massive use of prescription pain management (narcotics) in

    the United States and we have a continuation of the same effects. A person who is feeling a "chemical high" is a potent

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    consumer. They do not control their excess or surplus of income by directing it into a boring savings account. They

    have reduced impulse control and they spend.

    Put these variables together now:

    1. Chemically Feeling Good

    2. Massive Amounts of Available Credit Card Space

    3. Housing Over-Valuation: Surplus Cash Seems Available

    4. MTV & Culture Reinforcing Spending Behaviors

    5. Inherent Sheep-Like Nature of Humanity



    We are Sheeple but there is nothing new about that aspect of humanity.

    We are passive. We use the word "THEY" much more than 20 years prior. We fancy ourselves more civilized but we

    may well be less so.

    We accept many ANTI-CONSUMER behaviors with a sense that we cannot do anything about it.

    We see a blatant election scandal in 2000 and no million man march. Just as with anything that angers us, it is brief and

    fleeting and then we return to a pacified existence. What triggers our anger anymore for more than 1 week?

    We are VERY INSECURE as a people amongst ourselves more so than 20 years prior. We are more focused on the

    brand names of clothing and type of car. It used to be that the wealthy family had a Mercedez-Benz and others did not

    expect to own one. Now every family feels a heightened sense of competition and entitlement. There is a lack of

    contentment with traditional family roles and service jobs.

    The pedestal for success has been placed so high by this spending culture that there is a lesser extent of happiness. I

    see greater levels of happiness in poor 3rd world villages enjoying life's simple pleasures than an upper class

    neighborhood over the holidays during a good year here. Happiness is chemical. Embracing life's simple pleasures has

    increasingly been eroded and replaced with pro-consumerism and competition. Have more than your neighbors. Spend

    more than your neighbors. This competition does not net happiness. The only one's who gain from this are corporations

    selling you those goods.

    The very development of the Personal Car Lease helped to promote the concept of living beyond your economic means.

    You could afford the $35,000 car instead of a $20,000 car. When leases disappeared, many people were shocked to

    realize how little car they could really afford to buy. Some went through adjustments in terms of self-image as they

    were so locked into a perception of their social class via their car.

    HUMBLE has left our personalities as though an ancient remnant of the past, and it leaves behind profound arrogance all

    about us. This arrogance is really rooted in INSECURITIES. I want to drive a better car. I want to have a bigger house. I

    want the best designer clothes. I am willing to give up my core savings for it. Being me is not good enough. I must earn

    more. I must climb higher. I am in competition with everyone and not with myself. I cannot just embrace life's simple

    pleasures. As an expat, I am shocked at the personality changes I can perceive 6 months in the U.S. and 6 months out.

    Where did the inner strength go? Why are people not able to perceive their insecurities and just put their foot down as

    say, I don't care what I drive as long as my family eats? Some people can but most cannot.

    It's a horrible thing to say, but could this financial crisis help us long term to become better people?


    Our pharmaceutical manufacturers prerogative is to regurgitate old studies and bloat R&D numbers while raping and

    pillaging America under 10,000%+ markups in some cases. We have growing apathy in the medical community due to a

    society that lives for liability and fear of being sued. Insurance companies have really begun to own the practitioner's

    souls. American seem to have a lower threshold for pain than 10 years ago and greater willingness to seek out

    medication solutions to their lives. Socially we are playing follow the leader in a no limits game of overspending to satisfy

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    some sense of ego fulfillment. All the while, Washington and Big Corporate leadership effectively operate without

    sufficient challenge from the inebriated and self-absorbed population.

    Then comes the economic wake up call. The disclosure then comes fully open that it was all a false reality. Fear sets in.

    People look to what brings them more comfort and we have Q4 2008. Hydrocodone, a narcotic, met its manufacturing

    quote for America by the end of Q3 2008. Americans reached for chemical solutions to avoid perceiving the reality.

    I would not buy a pizza parlor for 500 years of earnings, so why did I buy that stock? Logic prevails. What goes up will

    usually come down.

    We are being played as a people. Played into Feeling INSECURE and thusly OVERSPENDING.


    Medications are Marketed and Prescribed en masse that help to REDUCE OUR ANXIETY LEVELS and PRODUCE

    EUPHORIA en masse to where we become almost hedonistic in all our pursuits. Apathy and concern for liability above

    all else flourish in the medical community by way of insurance carrier policies. Patient relationships with their

    practitioner's collapse. People seek Antidepressants and Sleep medications and pain killers seeking a way out of their

    realities just as a bottle of vodka at the bar.

    This manner of "head in the sand" is exactly how we lost the confidence of the world this decade. Our people failed in

    their responsibility to keep their government in check. We as a people failed to stop corporate looting. We as a people

    failed to stand up for ourselves and take back the fundamentals and rejecting blatant consumerism for the sake of

    consumerism In a way, the inmates of government and corporate were left to run the asylum while a pacified people

    stubbled around not realizing their altered mental state whether through their sheepdom (CBT) or via chemicals.


    Those on the other side of the coin. Corporate giants who market to you all these things that you do not need but you

    have convinced yourself that you do, they have made their money. You have leveraged your house and ability to retire

    upon a nicer car, longer vacation, eating out too much, and a giant television. You were happy all the while or so you


    Financial Giants have convinced you to forfeit your core savings and future right to retire against your SHORT TERM

    HEDONISM. You have in a sense: MORTGAGED YOUR OWN FUTURE and your childrens' futures. As for governments,

    you are less likely to openly question their actions in a problematic manner for them. You might send an email, but you do

    not MARCH anymore. PROTESTS are lesser. You are PACIFIED. This is not just NARCOTIC PACIFICATION it is a full

    spectrum of chemicals and events working collectively.

    1. Prescription

    2. Illicit

    3. Over the Counter and Alcohol and Tobacco

    4. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy : TELEVISION & COPYING YOUR NEIGHBOR

    All these collectively play a role in bringing about a CIVILIZATION OF A ONCE GREAT AMERICAN PEOPLE who

    essentially cannot make their own independent decisions. They have let themselves be played into 50+ YEARS of debt

    and working full time until the day they die. They have collapsed the dreams of so many into a massive debt onto their

    children and their children's children. They have poisoned a once great culture in a sense.

    The #1 Commonality is GREED.

    Our GREED was exploited. We were played because our ego was susceptible to programming to where Greed

    represented the mechanism for fulfillment of that which would satisfy our ego. We also are one of the most insecure

    cultures on the planet which is completely and utterly in denial about such insecurity. Most Americans can easily be

    played by stroking their egos. That was how you sold a car for a long time. You sell the bigger TV set that way. Are

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    you sure you can afford that? Yes I Can. "No, we can find you something more affordable". (The Take Away) "No really

    I want it. I can handle it" (Customer)


    "The neighbor has one. Why shouldn't I."

    "Everyone else bought a house. Why shouldn't I have one too."

    "Everyone has massive credit card debt. So its no big deal if I have it too"

    "They all went on vacation. Why shouldn't I."

    Meanwhile, someone who lived through the Great Depression or childhood hardship in another country or culture held

    onto their dimes and nickels. Some people did extremely well throughout this process. Some did not change their core

    values and shopped at second hand stores and kept a car for 10 years while their house went up 300%. Some

    thwarted those social games of who will pay. Some sold their house when it gained in value and bought a lesser house

    to lock in the profit. Some had retained fear of hitting bottom from other experiences and were not able to be

    programmed. Unfortunately, most Americans were played.

    We need to stand up for ourselves. We cannot let false pride stop us from economic success. We have to become a

    humble and realistic people and take back our souls as presently they have liens on them.


    Think up something new every day. Sourced in nothing known to you.

    Act on it the something new.

    Do something that makes you feel embarassed or lesser. Embrace this flexibility.

    Eat your dose of humble pie every day and change the culture on person at a time.


    Its time to try to take the playing field back for ourselves for next time.




    This article provides some hard figures on the narcotics consumption growth.


    This link includes the actual equi-analgesic conversions and utilizes the raw U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration

    Diversion Control Office's raw production data quotas for Narcotics to construct the evidence.


    This is a great source for additional articles and data illustrating some of the same core themes that were outlined in this

    article. If you appreciated the content of this article there is much more available to you.

    Topics include Big Pharma Conspiracy, Health Insurance Games, American Sheep Mentality, Aspartame Conspiracy,

    Bailout and TARP Conspiracy, FDA Complicity, Government Critiques, and International Commentary on Government

    Actions throughout the World including Singapore, Israel, China, Thailand, and others.

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    ritalin klonopin

    America's Prescription Psychotropics Use, particularly Narcotics, has grown over

    300% from 1998 to 2008. The Prescription Narcotics Quota according to DEA has

    grown over 300% on average during this same time. Narcotics, Anxiolytics,

    Amphetamines, Antidepressants, and other Medications act to reduce our threshold not

    to spend. They reduce our fiscal sensibilities and modify our reward centers in many

    cases. The current financial crisis has its roots in behavioral issues which are

    worsened by such unrestrained growth in prescribing & consumption. 2008 Oxycodone consumption in America would

    provide #50 5mg tablets to all 301,000,000 millions if distributed equally.

    Wednesday,June, 2011 6:00 PM Posted by SuperbSite



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