risk assessment of australian ecosystems. dr emma burns. aceas grand 2014

Risk Assessment of Australian ecosystems Informing the development of the IUCN draft Red List for Ecosystems Emma Burns (ANU and LTERN) on behalf of the working group

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Risk assessment of Australian ecosystems. Dr Emma Burns and Prof. David Keith. presentation to ACEAS Grand 2014


Page 1: Risk assessment of Australian ecosystems. Dr Emma Burns. ACEAS Grand 2014

Risk Assessment of Australian ecosystemsInforming the development of the IUCN draft Red List for Ecosystems

Emma Burns (ANU and LTERN) on behalf of the working group

Page 2: Risk assessment of Australian ecosystems. Dr Emma Burns. ACEAS Grand 2014

ContextPrinciples• Prof David Keith• Dr Emily Nicholson• Dr Tracey Regan

Background• Global – IUCN Red List of Ecosystems by 2025;

a need to identify and conserve higher levels of biological organisation

• Australia – well developed TEC models in certain jurisdictions; Hawke review identified need for improved alignment and to list broader systems

Page 3: Risk assessment of Australian ecosystems. Dr Emma Burns. ACEAS Grand 2014

Draft RLE Overview

• A framework analogous to the IUCN Red List for Species.

• IUCN Red List of Ecosystems risk assessment protocol is based on assessments of trends

in ecosystem distribution and function.

• The methodology requires an assessor to quantify: (1) key aspects of the ecosystems’

risk of: historical, current and future decline in spatial distribution; (2) changes in the size

of the area occupied by the ecosystem; and (3) the decline in key abiotic and biotic

processes and features for: historical, current and future time periods. These analyses

then underpinned a quantitative assessment of the probability of ecosystem collapse

within 50 to 100 years.

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Identified needIntentTo develop a working group of ecologists, IUCN RLE experts, policy experts , and jurisdictional experts to progress:• the harmonisation of Commonwealth and State listings of TECs• case studies from the Oceania region to test the draft IUCN framework• to draw on TERN facilities to identify data needs and inform application of

new data collection protocols

Planned Outcomes• Education and outreach• Establishment of a network of key stakeholders• Synergistic policy development in Australia and New Zealand, and ultimately

globally• Scientific products and advancements• Outputs: 1. published comparative review of listings; 2. published case

studies; 3. identify data requirements and standardise data use in application of the RLE protocol and publish summary paper

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The working groupName Affiliation Expertise

Prof David Keith University of NSW; NSW OEH; LTERN Led development of IUCN RLE criteria; NSW Scientific Committee; Agency specialist

Dr Emily Nicholson The University of Melbourne Decision analysis expert; led review of national and regional risk assessment protocols; RLE expert

Dr Tracey Regan The University of Melbourne Applied quantitative ecological modeller; RLE expert ; NatureServe ranking protocol

Prof Richard Kingsford University of NSW Environmental Water Scientific Advisory Committee, Lake Eyre Basin Scientific Advisory Panel

Prof Peter Harrison Southern Cross University Commonwealth Threatened Species Scientific CommitteeDr Elaine Wright NZ Environment Agency Agency specialist in threatened ecological communitiesDr Dan Metcalfe CSIRO; LTERN LTERN; extensive research in ecosystem dynamicsMr Matthew White Department of Environment Agency specialist in threatened ecological communitiesMs Val English WA Environment Agency Agency specialist in threatened ecological communitiesDr Phil Pisanu SA Environment Agency Agency specialist in threatened ecological communitiesDr Stephen Harris Tas Environment Agency Agency specialist in threatened ecological communitiesMr Matt White Vic Environment Agency Agency specialist in threatened ecological communities

Dr Tony Auld NSW Environment Agency Agency specialist in threatened ecological communities; NSW Scientific Committee; researcher in dynamics of arid ecosystem

Dr Michelle Leishman Macquarie University Chair NSW Scientific Committee; research in invasion processesMr Bruce Wilson Qld Environment Agency Agency specialist in threatened ecological communitiesDr Robert Holdaway Landcare Research, New Zealand Agency specialist in threatened ecological communities

Dr Emma Burns Australian National University; LTERN LTERN; conservation biology and policy expert

Dr Richard Williams CSIRO LTERN; extensive research in ecosystem dynamics

Prof Alfredo Huete University of Technology Sydney Auscover; extensive research in remote sensing

Mr Chris Watson University of Technology Sydney PhD Candidate in remote sensing science

Dr Laurie Chisholm University of Wollongong Auscover; extensive research in remote sensing

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Outcomes and BenefitsPolicy and regulation• Commonwealth – recent adjustment s in listing criteria to align with the concept of collapse• SA – no legislation but employing protocol to assist the Commonwealth listings, and local

planning and management• NSW – intent to adjust listing guidelines and process

Relationships and networks• Broadened through TERN and Special Edition of Austral Ecology

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What’s next?PaperIUCN Risk Assessment of Ecosystems: linking data, process, and interpretation to achieve best practice

Data needs and standards

ARC Linkage Project

Maintaining relationships and policy agenda

Sam Haskins www.samhaskinsblog.com

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PI’s, working group members, and most importantly

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