rise and fall of byzantium

Today YOU ARE HISTORIANS! During the lesson on the Qin, I mentioned that each of you as students of history ARE historians. Today each of you will show what your beliefs are about the fall of the Roman Empire, particularly the Eastern Roman Empire, or the Byzantine Empire. Put your thinking caps on! Just do your best!

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Post on 20-May-2015




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The Byzantine Empire lasted more than a thousand years and kept Roman politics, art, architecture, engineering, learning and military tactics alive. It acted as a buffer between the Muslim controlled Middle East and Christian Europe throughout the Dark Ages, and also allowed for the safe keeping of knowledge that helped incubate the Renaissance. Furthermore, it directly contributed to the emergence of the Crusades, which influenced Middle East/European politics and Christian/Muslim interactions through the present day.


Page 1: Rise and Fall of Byzantium


During the lesson on the Qin, I mentioned that each of you as students of history ARE historians. Today each of you will show what your beliefs are about the fall of the Roman Empire, particularly the Eastern Roman Empire, or the Byzantine Empire.Put your thinking caps

on!Just do your best!

Page 2: Rise and Fall of Byzantium

How to be a Historian…

Simply put, a Historian examines information from the past and draws conclusions about their meaning.

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Graph of Death by Tuberculosis

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Fall of the Western Roman Empire&Rise of Byzantium

The Byzantine Empire – Eastern Roman Empire

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Constantine (the Great)330 C.E.

Emperor Constantine unites the Empire

Moves the Capitol – builds Constantinople

“By this symbol you shall conquer”Christian symbol painted on shieldsChristianity became state religion

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Empire Splits395 C.E.

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Rome Falls 476 C.E.

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Justinian I begins527 C.E.

•Emperor of Eastern Empire (Byzantium)•Sought to regain old Roman Empire•Want Mediterranean to be a “Roman Lake”•Instituted massive taxes•Raised money through deception•Raised mighty army•Retook most of old Roman Empire•Hagia Sophia – greatest Christian Cathedral•Codified Roman Law•Heavily supported the arts

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Hagia Sophia – 537 C.E.

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Hagia Sophia Interior

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Justinian I Dies565 C.E.

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Italy Lost - 600 C.E.

After a battle with the Lombards, the Byzantine Empire lost most of their lands in Italy.

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Muslims Win641 C.E.

By 641 C.E., the Byzantine Empire had lost Syria, Palestine, Egypt, and North Africa to the Muslims after they sought to expand the word of the prophet Muhammad following his death in 632 C.E.

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Macedonian Dynasty 843 C.E.

They had a revival of their greatness for 200 years.

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Empire Recedes 1050 C.E.

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Emperor Alexios I writes a letter to Pope Urban I in Rome asking for a few Knights to help defend against Muslim attacks. His letter ignites The Crusades in which nearly 80,000 Knights converge in Constantinople and attack the Holy Land and take Jerusalem.

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4th Crusade 1204 C.E.

During 4th Crusade, Crusaders attack and take Constantinople.

Empire never fully recovers.

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The Black Death1347 C.E.

The Black death was a plague that swept through Europe and Asia. The weak empire couldn't stand against this last fatal blow. Historians say cities lost 30% - 50% of their population to death by bubonic plague.

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Constantinople Falls 1453 C.E.

Constantinople falls to the Ottoman Turks in 1453 after lengthy siege.

Ottomans use cannons to break thru walls It is renamed Istanbul and remains so


The End

Page 21: Rise and Fall of Byzantium

Discussion Question:

List an advantage of a large empire in ancient history

List a disadvantage or difficulty of a large empire in ancient times

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Western Empire Eastern Empire

“Latin Empire”Emperor exercised total controlEmperor strictly politicalUnable to be self supportiveCapitol in RomeIsolated in tradeCatholic Christianity/PaganOverrun by “barbarian” tribesFell 476 C.E.

“Greek Empire”Emperor relied on “4 Pillars”Emperor “Head of Church”Self supportiveCapitol in Constantinople Traded heavilyEastern Orthodox ChristianityOverrun by Ottoman Turk EmpireFell 1453 C.E.