ridge lines newsletter, summer-fall 2008 ~ bay area ridge trail council

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  • 8/9/2019 Ridge Lines Newsletter, Summer-Fall 2008 ~ Bay Area Ridge Trail Council


    Bay Trail rot, skirts th dgs of thCarqinz Strait and has commnityconnctions to Valljo, Bnicia, Mar-tinz, and Crocktt. On th sothrnpart of th otr and sothrn loops,th Ridg Trail follows a high ridg-lin, offring spctaclar birds yviws and a mor natral trail xpri-nc.

    Th Ridg Trail Concil hasfocsd significant nrgy ovr th

    last fw yars on closing gaps in thsothrn rot. Sinc 2006, w havddicatd thr important trail sg-mnts hr: 4.5 mils in Crocktt HillsRgional Park, 1.25 mils in th JohnMir National Historic Sit (th Mt.Wanda sgmnt), and 7.5 mils in thPinol Watrshd (half of which is onth loop trail). Ths nw trails, allproviding magnificnt viws, ar kylinks in th loop trail. A $100,000grant from th Richard and RhodaGoldman Fnd, awardd in March,is giving s additional momntm tocomplt th 50-mil loop and willhlp s promot th trail.

    Th Carqinz Strait is a rmark-abl cntral fatr to th loop trail.Th watr from Californias Sacra-mnto and San Joaqin rivrs flowsthrogh th strait as it passs btwnSisn Bay and San Pablo Bay.

    Bcas th strait conncts thCntral Vally with th bay, its adja-cnt lands hav many microclimats,with varid landscaps and habitats.Th navigabl channl is sd forshipping, and a railroad, bilt in th1870s, travrss its sothrn shor.Th strait was also onc a salmon-fishing grond with cannris on itsshors. Th California and HawaiianSgar Company movd to Crocktt in

    1903 to procss raw sgar can from Hawaii, and today procsss mor than700,000 tons of can sgar annally.

    Th loop trail crrntly has a dozngaps, totaling approximatly 13 mils.Th longr gaps, listd blow, ar kyprioritis:

    ValljoBluff(2.1 mils): Locatd onth cliffs abov th Carqinz Strait,this gap lis btwn th Al ZampaBridg and an xisting trail on thblff. Whn complt, th trail willoffr stnning viws of th strait, thbay, and th Al Zampa Bridg.

    Bnca(1.5 mils): This gap islocatd on city strts btwndowntown Bnicia and th Bnicia-

    Martinz Bridg. By closing this gap,w will provid an altrnativ com-mt rot for rsidnts in Valljo,Bnicia, and Martinz.

    Bnca-MartnzBrdg (2 mils):Th old bridg is bing rtrofittd,and whn opnd in lat 2009, itwill carry for lans of sothbondtraffic in addition to a nw two-waybicycl and pdstrian pathway.

    FdrTral(3.8 mils): This aban-dond road, ownd by Contra CostaConty, has bn a pblic right-of-way for dcads bt bcas it is notmaintaind, th trail is not crrntly

    S u M M e R - F A L L 2 0 0 8

    The Carquinez Strait Scenic Loop Trail: A Ne Collaboration

    h Ridg Trail Concil is hardat work on a niq nw trail:a 50-mil loop arond th

    Carqinz Strait. A scnic ight-milchannl bondd by dramatic blffs,th strait straddls th bordr btwnSolano and Contra Costa contisand is an idal stting for a major rcr-ational trail. Whn th nw pdstrianand bik path opns on th Bnicia-Martinz Bridg nxt yar, th concilwill clbrat this nw bridg accssa two-mil addition to th RidgTrailby also having closd as manygaps as possibl on th proposdloop trail.

    Th Bay Ara Ridg Trail and thSan Francisco Bay Trailth BayAras two major rgional trailscon-vrg at th Carqinz Strait and sharalignmnts across th two bridgs (AlZampa and Bnicia-Martinz) and onth north sid of th strait. Bcasof this shard alignmnt, th two trailorganizations ar working collabora-tivly to complt th loop trail.

    Thirty-svn mils of th CarqinzStrait Scnic Loop Trail ar crrntlyaccssibl and pass throgh an amazingrang of national, stat, and rgionalparks, as wll as watrshd lands: thBnicia Stat Rcration Ara, Mar-tinz Rgional Shorlin, CarqinzStrait Rgional Shorlin, John MirNational Historic Sit, Pinol Watr-shd, and Crocktt Hills RgionalPark. Th east Bay Rgional Park Dis-trict alon has 3,500 acrs of parklandon th straits sothrn shor.

    Th proposd trail inclds thrintrtwining loops arond th strait:an otr strait loop (32 mils), aninnr strait loop (26 mils), and asothrn strait loop (27 mils). Th

    innr loop, which coincids with th

    Ridg LinsO F T H E B A Y A R E A R I D G E T R A I L C O U N C I L

    accssibl. Th road conncts to thrcntly opnd Pinol WatrshdTrail and is bing transfrrd to theast Bay Rgional Park District,which is working to opn it to thpblic in th nar ftr.

    FrnandzRanch (1.4 mils):Ownd by th Mir Hritag LandTrst, th 700-acr ranch will soonopn to th pblic. Th Ridg TrailConcil has workd with th landtrst to dsign and bild a sgmntof th Ridg Trail, which will con-nct to th rcntly opnd PinolWatrshd Trail.

    CarqunzScncDrv (4.3 mils):

    This roadway, th Bay Trail rot,travrss th dg of th high blffsalong th soth sid of th Car-qinz Strait btwn Crocktt andMartinz. A two-mil portion of throad was closd in th 1980s aftrlandslids mad it impassabl. ThContra Costa Conty Pblic WorksDpartmnt, east Bay Rgional ParkDistrict, and Bay Trail rcntly com-pltd a dtaild nginring stdyand concptal dsign that idnti-fid th improvmnts ncssaryto convrt th old roadway into abicycl and pdstrian trail.


    i sun


    S anP

    abl o






    Wildcat CanyonRegional Park




    L T

    Carquinez Loop

    Other Ridge andBay Trail Segments




    Planned/ Existing







    Al Zampa Bridge




    Benicia StateRecreation


    Crockett HillsRegional Park


    Mt. Wanda









    Crockett Benicia







    El Cerrito


    El Sobrante

    John MuirNationalHistoric Site

    0 1 2

    0 1 2 miles

    3 kilometers











    Carquinez StraitScenic Loop Trail

    A hiker at the Carquinez Strait Regional Shoreline. Photo b John Karachewski,www.geoscapesphotograph.com.

    Map b Ben Pease. Continued on page 3

  • 8/9/2019 Ridge Lines Newsletter, Summer-Fall 2008 ~ Bay Area Ridge Trail Council


    Joss Brryssa nighborhood, will allow ddication of thr mils of Ridg Trail(by conncting to xisting trail to th ast) as arly as this fall. Th PnitnciaCrk Trail also offrs a non-motorizd transportation altrnativ to accss narbyschools, parks, and a light-rail station.

    Volunteers Repair Damaged Trail

    This wintr w had som nfortnat damag to or two-yar-old Napa SolanoTrail. Cattl from an adjacnt grazing ara pshd throgh an opning in thfnc, and in th wt wathr, thy trampld th trail, casing svr rosion. Inaddition, svr wintr storms knockd down svral trs across th trail and

    on on of th bridgs. W had toclos th trail bt with th hlp ofddicatd volntrs and a gropfrom th California ConsrvationCorps, w rpaird all th damag inApril and th trail is now opn and

    rtrnd to its original condition.To start, a grop of highly moti-

    vatd volntrs hlpd clar ot allth downd trs on th trail and atth lowr bridg sit. Thy rworkdth drainags, cland th chaparralsction on th soth sid of th trail,fixd and adjstd both slf-closing

    gats, and plld thistl.

    Tn days latr, trail bildr Jim Jacobsn broght in his Swco, ATV, and Yorkrak to hlp Trail Stward John Aranson with th rpairs. Jim sd th Swco (atrail bilding machin) and John ran th York rak p and down th trail to fillpothols. This work cratd a smooth trad, allowing th watr to drain off thtrail. Thy also rworkd th swals and drainags.

    Th nxt day, fortn corps mmbrs hlpd clar off and pt finishingtochs on th trail. Th crw also wd-whippd and rmovd all th thistl andnttls on th soth sid of th trail.

    Thanks to all th volntrs who workd so hard to ropn th trail! W coldnot hav don it withot yo.

    Fareell to Development Director Karen Kidell

    W bid adi, thank yo, and bst wishs to dpart-ing Dvlopmnt Dirctor Karn Kidwll. Karn cam onfor yars ago as th concils first fll-tim dvlopmntdirctor. Sh broght a high dgr of profssionalism,nthsiasm, crativity, and a strong prsonal commitmntto th concil as sh hlpd nrtr or dvlopmnt pro-gram. Karn hlpd strngthn and xpand or trail vnts,as wll as or otrach, commnication, and volntrfforts. W wish Karn all th bst in hr nw rol as xc-tiv dirctor of th San Francisco Parks Trst.



    Ne Grants to Result in Ridge Trail Miles

    Thanks to th pblics consistnt spport of statwid park- and opn-spacbonds, th Stat Coastal Consrvancy contins to fnd th Ridg Trail Concilscomptitiv grant program. Ths grants hlp or partnrs lvrag local, fdral,and othr fnds and rsorcs to advanc th Ridg Trail. Th Coastal Consr-vancy rcntly approvd six grants to th following agncis and nonprofits forplanning, dsign, and constrction projcts:

    SonomaCountyAgrculturalPrsrvatonandOpnSpacDstrct:$225,000to bild th 4.3-mil NorthSlopSonomaRdgTral and a 0.6-milspr trail. Th nw trail will dramatically improv pblic accss and njoymntof Sonoma Montain and will hlp protct niq, divrs habitats, incld-ing bnch-grass madows, oak woodlands, bay forsts, and rdwood grovs. Ittravrss proprtis ownd by th district, Sonoma Conty Parks Dpartmnt,and California Stat Parks, and conncts to xisting Ridg Trail in Jack LondonStat Historic Park. Th nw trail will offr stllar viws of Mt. Diablo, BnnttPak, Rd Montain, and Bald Montain.

    SolanoTransportatonAuthorty:$55,000 to dvlop a coordinatd plan fora Ridg Trail alignmnt in th Stat Rot 12/Jamison Canyon/I-80/I-680 cor-ridor, which straddls Napa and Solano contis, xtnds abot 3.7 mils, andinclds svral ky Ridg Trail gaps. Th stdy will also prodc prliminarycost stimats, a fnding plan, and an implmntation stratgy.

    SanFrancscoPublcUtltsCommsson:$185,000 for nvironmntal std-is, constrction-rady dsigns, and cost stimats for a 4.8-mil trail in thuppr Crystal Springs Watrshd (parallling Skylin Bolvard)in San MatoConty.Whn constrctd, th trail will offr nrstrictd pblic accss to thnorth and will connct to Skylawns plannd two-mil trail and thn to tnadditional mils along th Fifild-Cahill and Swny ridgs. To th soth, thtrail will connct to 11.5 mor mils of xisting Ridg Trail, throgh PrisimaCrk Rdwoods Opn Spac Prsrv and on to Wndrlich Conty Park.Altogthr, w can look forward to 28 continos Ridg Trail mils btwnSwny Ridg and Wndrlich Conty Park.

    GoldnGatNatonalParksConsrvancy:$385,000 to bild a nw 1.4-milmltis trail on DasRdg in Marin btwn Highway 1 at Mir Bach andth Mont Tamalpais Stat Park bondary. Th trail is part of a largr rstora-tion and trail-improvmnt program to dcommission rodd trails and rstorcritical habitat. It will connct p with th Miwok Trail and, ltimatly, tonmros poplar trails inclding th Coastal and Dipsa trails. This projctwill also clos a bicycl gap that has xistd sinc th Ridg Trail bgan, andprovid a glorios, nw mltis rot with swping viws of Mir Bach, thPacific Ocan, and th Farrallons.

    MurHrtagLandTrust:$150,000 to bild a 1.4-mil FrnandzRanchRdgTral and a staging ara. Th trail will connct to anothr two mils ofnw trail in Frnandz Ranch (inclding a 0.5-mil trail with nivrsal accss)and to th sothwst, it will connct dirctly to th east Bay Mnicipal util-ity Districts Pinol Watrshd Ridg Trail, opnd last yar. Th rslt will ba 10-mil contin-os strtch btwnFrnandz Ranch

    and th park districtsSobrant Ridg Trail,as wll as a vital linkcompltd in th Car-qinz Strait ScnicLoop Trail. PrviosCoastal Consrvancygrants hlpd fndacqisition of thranch, and trail plan-ning and dsign.

    CtyofSanJos:$150,000 to constrcta 0.3-mil lv trail that will b part of th poplarPntncaCrkTral.Constrction of this trail btwn North King Road and Mabry Road, in San

    Fernandez Ranch. Photo b Stephen Joseph.

    Hikers on Sonoma Mountains north slope. Photo courtes of the Sonoma Count Agricultural Preserva-tion and Open Space District.

    Trees collapsed over the trail during the winterstorms. Photo b Michael Irvine.


    Dear Friends,

    Twenty years ago, William Penn Mott Jr. envisioned an uninterrupted

    trail on the ridgelines around San Francisco Bay for hikers, cyclists,

    and equestrians. And while many great ideas are like dormant seeds

    waiting to germinate, Motts dream sprouted, took deep root, and is

    bearing fruit.

    Thanks to the inspiration of a great ideaand the perspiration and

    persistence of founders, hardworking advocates, strong and support-

    ive partners, volunteers, and long-time and new members like you, the Ridge Trail dream is

    being realized. Today, 313 miles of trail are open and we are working steadily to complete all

    550 miles, with the enthusiastic support of a new generation.

    The Carquinez Strait Scenic Loop Trail, featured on the cover, is a small-scale replica of

    the shared regional Ridge Trail and Bay Trail concept because it includes an outer ridgeline

    trail and an inner trail hugging the shoreline. Stunning stretches of trail are already open,

    and piece by piece, we are filling in the gaps. When complete, the 50-mile loop will offer

    more than recreation, it will: link the Ridge Trail and Bay Trail for hiking, riding, running,

    and more; create a connected corridor of open space for people and wildlife; offer an

    outstanding setting for learning about natural science, geology, and Native American and

    California history; provide a route for non-motorized transportation; and offer all the rich

    benefits to mind, body, and spirit that trails bestow.

    You can venture out solo o r with family and friends any time to explore dedicated Carqui-

    nez Loop or Ridge Trail sections. But consider other options, such as one of our signature

    annual trail events like Ridge-to-Bridge in Marin (each April) or the Ridge Trail Cruz

    (September 20). These are fully supported events so all of the planning, routing, food,

    water, and shuttling are taken care ofall you have to do is enjoy the trail and the cama-

    raderie of fellow outdoor enthusiasts. Perhaps you are inspired to spend several consecutivedays and nights out on the trail? This year, the East Bay Hills Equestrian Ride &

    Through-Hike welcomes hikers for the first timejoin for a day or up to five in a row

    (late August).

    For a less strenuous activity, dont missTour de Fatin San Franciscos Golden Gate Parkon July 19. The event is billed as a ballyhoo of bikes and beer and sponsored by New Bel-

    gium Brewing Company. Last, but not least, volunteer to help build or maintain a trail, lead

    an outing, or contribute other talents. Check our website for details or contact us directly.

    Happy trails,

    Janet McBride

    Executive Director

  • 8/9/2019 Ridge Lines Newsletter, Summer-Fall 2008 ~ Bay Area Ridge Trail Council


    B A Y A R E A R I D G E T R A I L C O U N C I L A a R p r t 2 0 0 7

    With spport from or mmbrs and fndrs, last yar w movd closr to orgoal of a 550-mil ridgtop trail arond th bay. W ndd 2007 with 313 mils ofddicatd Ridg Trail. Following ar highlights from last yar:

    Tra Ddats

    In 2007, w ddicatd 8.8 mils of Ridg Trail in Contra Costa Conty and twomils of connctor trail in Solano Conty:

    Mountwanda: In April, w ddicatd a 1.3-mil sgmnt of th Ridg Trail inth John Mir National Historic Sit. Th scnic trail, opn to hikrs, bikrs, andqstrians, starts at Franklin Road and Alhambra Avn in Martinz and hadsp to Mt. Wanda throgh oak woodland and grassland. Th smmit of Mt. Wandaoffrs swping viw of Mt. Diablo, th Carqinz Strait, Franklin Ridg, and Bri-ons Rgional Park. This trail conncts to th north with th California Ridingand Hiking Trail, a ddicatd Ridg Trail sgmnt.

    Pnolwatrshd: On east Bay Mnicipal utility District land, w opnd 7.5mils of nw trail to th pblic (hikrs and qstrians) for th first tim. Thviws of th east Bay hills, Mt. Diablo, th Carqinz Strait, and San FranciscoBay ar spctaclar. Th nw Ridg Trail is on th first eBMuD proprty to opnfor pblic s in mor than 20 yars, and th trails astrn half is a ky link in th50-mil Carqinz Loop. Volntrs hlpd bild th trail, plant trs, and install

    fncs. Th trail also inclds a nw staging ara.

    HannsMmoralPark: W ddicatd a two-mil connctor trail in SolanoConty that links Hanns Mmorial Park to th Valljo Bnicia Bffr Trail. Thtrail offrs a saf and scnic off-road rot for Valljo rsidnts to accss th Ridg

    Trail, and to hik or bik all th way to th Carqinz Strait.

    Tras Bt, Awat Ddat

    CoyotCrkTral:Th Santa Clara Conty Parks Dpartmnt compltd onmil of trail on th Coyot Crk Parkway in San Joss 354-acr Hllyr ContyPark, closing a gap in th Ridg Trail. Th path follows th crk for 15 mils toAndrson Lak Conty Park. Trail constrction was fndd in part by a RidgTrailCoastal Consrvancy grant; th trail is now opn to th pblic.

    PntncaCrkTral:Th SantaClara Conty Parks Dpartmnt alsocompltd constrction of .4 mils oftrail in Pnitncia Crk Park, locatdin San Jos. Trail constrction wasfndd in part by a Ridg TrailCoastalConsrvancy grant. This sction will bpart of thr contigos mils that willb ddicatd as Ridg Trail in Octobr.

    Hikers head toward Mt. Wanda on the new Ridge Trail segment. Photo b Elizabeth Bers.

    Construction on the Penitencia Creek Trail.Photo b Bern Smith.

    Hikers on the Pinole Watershed Ridge Trail. Photo b Elizabeth Bers.

    Thanks to Our Board Members

    W thank two of or dparting board mmbrs,JohnHarrngton andKrstDavs, for thir yars of hard work.

    John Harrington had bn a mmbr of th board sinc 1999, and srvd astrasrr btwn 2000 and 2006. H broght a stady, calm dmanor to thboard, and hlpd bring th Ridg Trails bookkping in-hos and st p a401(k) rtirmnt plan for mploys.

    Kristi Davis joind th board in 2005 and srvd as chair of

    th Dvlopmnt Committ. Sh broght positiv nrgy toth organization, and spnt many hors working on th annalTor d Fat vnt, volntring and rcriting volntrs. Kristihas workd for yars in th fild of social srvic, advocacy, andpblic policy.

    Runners Take on the Ridge Trail

    Orinda Roadrnnrs, a 34-yar-old clb, is a ddicatd grop that rns sixdays a wk. evry yar ths east Bay rnnrs tak on a goal, for xampl, onyar thy ran vry strt in Orinda, Lafaytt, and Moraga ovr th cors of ayar. This yar, th clbs ambitios goal is to rn or hik th 313 mils of ddi-catd Ridg Trail in six- to nin-mil sgmnts. Hikrs ar invitd to join thm.This goal was initiatd by Orinda Roadrnnr John Fazl, a formr Ridg TrailConcil board mmbr. H has comptd in rns as grling as th 100-milWstrn Stats endranc Rac btwn Sqaw Vally and Abrn, which climbs

    18,000 vrtical ft.

    Th roadrnnrs aralso coff lovrs andtypically mt at cof-f shops for a cp ortwo aftr thir rn. Formor information onth Orinda Roadrnnrsand how to join thmon a hik or rn on thRidg Trail, visit www.orindaroadrnnrs.orgor call th hotlin at925-937-2046.

    Orinda Roadrunners on the trail. Photo b Karen Sturges.




    4.25 milsPinoleWatershed:3.5miles


    CarqunzLoopPartnrsSanFranciscoBayTrailCaliforniaCoastalConservancyNational Park SrvicCalifornia Dpartmnt of TransportationCalifornia Stat Parkseast Bay Mnicipal utility DistrictEastBayRegionalParkDistrictMuirHeritageLandTrustContis of Contra Costa and SolanoCitiesofBenicia,Martinez,andVallejoJohn Swtt unifid School District

    Th Ridg Trail Concil is lvraging th Goldman grant, as wll as spportfrom th Coastal Consrvancy, to focs attntion on this niq trail and to xp-dit its dvlopmnt ovr th nxt yar and a half. In April, th concil hostda prviw oting with a spcial grop of donors to xplor som of th planndtrail sgmnts, and w will contin to host vnts focsd on th Carqinz Loopand nvirons. With th spport of or mmbrs, partnrs, and fndrs, w will babl to clbrat a nw loop trail in th nar ftr.

    By planning for most of th loop trail to b compltd in conjnction withth opning of th Bnicia-Martinz Bridg, th Ridg Trail Concil will havan xcllnt opportnity to bring mdia and pblic attntion to th trail. Th50-mil Carqinz Loop will b an otstanding addition to th Bay Aras npar-allld trail systm. Stay tnd!

    Elizabeth Bers

    Continued from page 1


    Continued on next page

  • 8/9/2019 Ridge Lines Newsletter, Summer-Fall 2008 ~ Bay Area Ridge Trail Council


    B A y A R e A R i D g e T R A i l c o u n c i l A

    SonomaCounty:A trail plan has bn compltd for thNorthSlopofSonomaMountan;nowth Sonoma Conty Agricltral Prsrvation andOpn Spac District can bgin constrction of a staging ara and 4.3 mils ofRidg Trail.

    Mts Tra Ass

    Abot 85 prcnt of th ddicatd Ridg Trail is opn to all thr main srgrops: hikrs, bicyclists, and qstrians. Virtally all ddicatd trail is opn tohikrs. Althogh bicyclists and qstrians do not hav fll accss to th trail, orvision is a shard mltis path for all sr grops. In 2007, th concil rvisitdor approach to sr gaps and adoptd a nw stratgy of crating shard prioritis.

    Rd Tra gratsWorking closly with th Stat Coastal Consrvancy, w contind or compti-tiv Partnr Grant Program, which provids fnding to acqir asmnts, anddsign and bild priority Ridg Trail. Th program also hlps fnd th spcificplanning, coordination, and tchnical spport by th Ridg Trail staff, as wll asmapping, lgal work, and a nmbr of smallr tchnical stdis.

    Th consrvancy approvd two nw partnr grants in fall 2007: $50,460 to hlpbild a half-mil of th Pnitncia Crk Trail in San Jos, and $60,000 for trailplanning at Millikn Rsrvoir in Napa Conty.

    Th concil invitd nw projct proposals in fall 2007, with p to $1 millionavailabl. W rcivd tn fll applications for planning and constrction projctsin ight contis. undr this program, grant rqsts ndrgo xtnsiv rviwto nsr that thy advanc th Ridg Trail mission as mch as possibl and mtpblic accss, connctivity, mlti-s, lvraging, and nvironmntal objctivs.S Nw Grants to Rslt in Ridg Trail Mils (pag 2) for information abotrcntly approvd grants.

    Vtr Prram

    In Fbrary 2007, w hird Jol Gart-land, long-tim Ridg Trail boardmmbr, to b or volntr coordi-nator. Thanks to Jols focs on orvolntr program, mor than 500volntrs ld otings or participatdin trail workdays last yar, working2,300 hors.

    On National Trails Day in Jn, hn-drds of volntrs workd on th

    Ridg Trail throghot th Bay Ara.Crws rpaird trails sd by two ofor signatr vnts, Ridg-to-Bridgin Marin Conty and th Ridg TrailCrz on th Santa Clara/San Matoconty bordr. Volntrs workd onmany othr trail projcts: at AnnadlStat Park and Hood Mt. RgionalPark in Sonoma Conty; at Sky Ranch abov Martinz; on Swny Ridg jstsoth of San Francisco; and in th Pinol Watrshd, whr w ddicatd 7.5mils of Ridg Trail in Novmbr. In San Francisco, th only conty whr thRidg Trail is complt (for hikrs and bikrs), w ld hikrs along th ntirrot throgh San Francisco, from th Daly City BART station to th GoldnGat Bridg.

    lad Prsrvat ad Pb Ass

    SantaClaraCounty: W workd with th Santa Clara Conty Parks Dpartmntto scr a floating asmnt that will provid fiv mils of Ridg Trail on CastroVally Ranch in Santa Clara Conty. Th trail asmnt was agrd to as part of asbdivision approval. This yar w will idntify prfrrd trail alignmnts and pos-

    sibl connctor points on th ranch.

    Tra Pa

    Working with or partnrs, w compltd alignmnt stdis, and dsign and con-strction plans for mor than 35 mils of Ridg Trail. Th following highlightssom of ths planning fforts:

    AlamdaCounty: Th east Bay Rgional Park District compltd and adoptda land s plan forVargasPlatau,which inclds rc-ommndations forth Ridg Trail. Thpark district plans toconstrct th staging

    ara and opn thpark to th pblic inth nar ftr.

    MarnCounty:Th National ParkSrvic prpardan nvironmntalassssmnt for th proposd ralignmnt of 1.4 mils of Ridg Trail onDasRdg.Constrction of th nw trail will tak plac soon.

    NapaCounty: A fasibility stdy was compltd for a staging ara and thr-miltrail at MllknRsrvor, locatd on a 2,198-acr proprty ownd by th City ofNapa. D to fnding constraints, th proprty has bn closd to th pblic formany yars.

    SanMatoCounty:ThMidpninsla Rgional Opn Spac District compltd

    a draft managmnt plan forLaHondaCrkOpnSpacPrsrv, whichinclds plans for fiv mils of flly mltis Ridg Trail. Th plan will rcivpblic rviw this smmr.

    SantaClaraCounty: Th Santa Clara Conty Opn Spac Athority compltda staging-ara plan that wold also allow opning a six-milMlptasBrryssaRidg Trail sgmnt nar Alm Rock Park. Th athority is now working toscr prmits.

    SolanoCounty: W compltd a rot stdy for th ValljoBluffTral , whichwill b part of th Bay Trail, th Ridg Trail, and th Carqinz Strait ScnicLoop Trail. This

    trail sgmnt isa critical link toAl Zampa Bridg.Also in SolanoConty, th SolanoLand Trst pr-pard a draft planfor ValljoSttRanch, dtrmindth Ridg Trailalignmnt, and thconcil ndorsd aconstrction grantrqst.

    Equestrians are regulars on the Ridge Trail and support it through the annual East Ba Ride.Photo b Pat Aho.


    A scenic road on the Milliken Reservoir propert. Photo b John Woodbur.

    The location of the future Vallejo Bluff Trail. Photo courtes of LandPeople.

    Hikers preview the new park at Vargas Plateau.

    Volunteers help build the Pinole WatershedRidge Trail on National Trails Da. Photo bAmber Hoffman.

  • 8/9/2019 Ridge Lines Newsletter, Summer-Fall 2008 ~ Bay Area Ridge Trail Council


    R p r t 2 0 0 7

    Faa Statmt


    Stat Park Bonds $287,553

    Mmbrship 180,760Individals 141,409

    Trail Constrction Grants & Contracts 45,707

    Fondations/Corporations 39,831

    evnts 37,452

    earthshar/Workplac Giving 17,180

    Total $749,892


    Trail Planning, Coordination, $456,657and Constrction

    Mmbr Srvics 101,581

    Administration 80,211

    Fndraising 75,064

    Trail Otrach 57,609and Commnications

    Total $771,122

    Rd Tra evts

    Mor than 1,100 popl participatd in or trail otings and vnts last yar:

    Rdg-to-Brdg: Mor than 150 popl joind s for th lvnth annalRidg-to-Bridg in April, hiking 30, 21, or 13 mils on th Ridg Trail and nd-ing at th Goldn Gat Bridg. Th April vnt raisd mor than $6,000 for thRidg Trail projct.

    TourdFat: Th annal Tor d Fat Ballyhoo of Biks and Br in GoldnGat Park, hld in Jly, attractd thosands. Nw Blgim Brwing donatd thntir procds of th vnt, mor than $10,000, to th Ridg Trail Concil andth San Francisco Bik Coalition. Mor than 100 Ridg Trail volntrs hlpdot at th vnt.

    eastBayHllsRd: In th fall, 56 ridrs participatd in th sixth annal qs-

    trian rid, which raisd $7,500 for th Bay Ara Ridg Trail. Organizd by thTildn-Wildcat Horsmns Association and co-sponsord by th MtropolitanHorsmns Association, th fiv-day rid covrd 50 mils on, and conncting to,th Ridg Trail.

    RdgTralCruz: In Octo-br, mor than 120 Ridg Trailspportrshikrs, bicyclists,and qstriansjoind s forthis annal vnt. Th Crztaks plac on th Ridg Trailin th Santa Crz MontainsSanborn Skylin Conty Park,Castl Rock Stat Park, andMidpninsla Rgional OpnSpac District prsrvs. Wraisd mor than $4,000 from

    th vnt.

    AnnualLunch: Ridg Trail spportrs attndd or yar-nd lnch and actionin Octobr, hld at Hiddn Villa in Los Altos Hills. At th vnt, w honord twoxcptional Bay Ara Ridg Trail volntrsJan Rsmor, athor of th RidgTrail gidbook, and Dinsh Dsai, who hikd th ntir Ridg Trail rot in1999. Many popl participatd in morning otings. With th silnt action, wraisd mor than $7,500 from th vnt.

    Ridge Trail Council staff in the Marin Headlands. From left to right: Martha Benioff, Dee Swanhuser,Janet McBride, Bern Smith, Joel Gartland, and Karen Kidwell. Not pictured: John Aranson.

    Bikers at the Ridge Trail Cruz. Photo b Karen Kidwell.

    The Ridge-to-Bridge route offers spectacular views. Photo b Alison Stone.




    Member Services13.2%


    Trail Planning,Coordination,and Construction59.2%


    Trail Outreach andCommunications7.5%

    State Park Bonds38.3%

    Earthshare/Workplace Giving2.3%





    Trail ConstructionGrants & Contracts6.1%

  • 8/9/2019 Ridge Lines Newsletter, Summer-Fall 2008 ~ Bay Area Ridge Trail Council














    Bay Ara Barns & Trails

    Mark Jon Blth

    Dinsh and Joy Dsai

    Donald B. and Carol P.

    Tanklag Fondation

    Patricia and Td eliot

    Nw Blgim Brwing


    Trry and Jan Opdndyk

    PG & e

    S. D. Bchtl, Jr. Fonda-


    Ssan Spichr

    Anonymos (2)


    Norman Fritz

    Katz Family Fondation

    Bill Long and Tili Ma

    Mary Wbr Novak andBth Novak Millikn

    Barbara and Lon Witz


    Phil Arnold

    Stvn and Bth Bangrt

    Annika Brridg

    California Alpin Clb

    Thomas Carlino

    Alison Chaikn

    Ptr Danzig and Lava


    Clair K. Davis Fnd of th

    Commnity Fondation

    Sonoma Conty

    Tony Crabb and Barbara


    Hilltop Family Partnrship

    Jan and Maric Holloway

    Hovr Family Trst

    Stvn and Alison Hssy

    Josph Phlps Vinyard,


    Glnn Kirby

    Doris Klin

    Robrt J. KnorkAmbassador L. W. and Mrs.

    Jan Lan

    Hollis Lndrking

    Lisa and Doglas Goldman


    Tom Marx

    L and Linda Mir

    Karn and Tom Mlvany

    Pas Family Fnd

    Rgina Phlps

    Craig and Maja Ramsy

    Ptr Rosmarin

    Jan Rsmor

    Shana Ros and Raymond


    William Lany Thornton

    Batric Zamist

    Anonymos (2)


    Diana Aldrich

    Garntta Annabl

    Conni and Pat Ash

    Robrt and Jan Bar

    Gn and Nil Barth

    Kathy BlmLinda Brownrigg

    Chaco, Inc

    Dr. and Mrs. David Chit-


    Karn Collins

    Gary and Ssan Conway

    Gary Cook

    Charlott Frnch and Rob-

    rt e. Coopr

    elizabth Cziraki

    Kristi Davis

    Shlly Ddaw

    Dntistry by Dsign of


    David Dvin

    Nol and Don Dicky

    Michal Dixon

    Brndan Dyson

    Ron Wavr and Linda


    Mark evanoff

    Carl H. Fldman

    Brc and Jant Fischr

    Jams Foran

    Carol Frick

    Richard GalClinton and Mary Gilliland

    Robrt Grn

    Donald Grgory

    Ann Grov

    Richard S. Taylor and Tracy


    Donald and Gloria Hrzog

    Jorgn and Marion Hil-


    Dnnis Hopkins

    Rod and Jonni Jacobs

    L and Wini Jbian

    Joyc A. Kamyr

    Dolors Knt

    John Kifr

    Jan Kohlmoos

    David Kostik

    Ptr and S La Torrtt

    eiln Laspa

    Philip Lathrap

    Doris and Pt Lindfors

    Jant M. McBrid

    Cornn McKinly

    B A Y A R E A R I D G E T R A I L C O U N C I L A a R p r t 2 0 0 7

    Pal Nwhagn and Antj


    Ross and Jss Millikan

    Mark Mmm

    Brian ONill

    Lann Palmr

    Barbara and David Ric

    elln Richy

    Kathryn RiddllToni and Arthr Rock

    Brnard Ross

    Dr. and Mrs. Philip Schild

    Michal and Mary Schh

    Andrw Ssslr

    Pal and Kathln Sidn-


    Shantha Smith

    Stvn Springstl

    John Sttr

    Rowland Tabor

    Charls and Andra


    Valro Bnicia Rfinry

    Jstin Walkr

    H. Jams Wlfsbrg

    Jo and Alssandra Zarat-




    Rick Andrson

    John and Joan Andrws

    Cynthia Anthony

    Barry and Jo Ariko

    John AvrBonni and Michal Barr

    Bradford Bagh

    Al Bamann

    John Canr and Gorg


    Mark and Grac Bnntt

    David L. Brry

    Pal Billig

    Christophr P. Booth

    Jant Bowman

    Randy J. Brabham

    Mark and Jnny Brand-


    Nancy Brn

    Ron and Joan Brown

    Start H. Brown

    LaJn Bsh

    William Callahan, Jr.

    Bob Cant

    Lisa Capaldini

    Kvin Castnr

    elizabth Byrs and Mark


    Thomas J. and Jdith Crny

    Gordon B. Chambrlain

    Alc ChangAnthony and Sharon Chn

    Gary Chock

    Nancy Cohn

    Dal R. Connolly

    Kathy Cont

    Brton Corsn

    Gorg Craford

    Knnth C. Crandall

    Kathln Crawford

    Mary Davy

    Lyndn Davis

    Richard and Bth DAtly

    Robrt epstin

    evan evans, III

    Pal K. Farly

    Gordy and Linda Frgson

    Chris Flming

    Danil Dawson and Janic


    Robrt Frind

    Vincnt Fllr, III

    Hildy Gallaghr

    Garrod Farms Riding


    Alison Gball

    Dian GibsonNancy Goldn

    Sarah Taskr and Kn


    Mr. and Mrs. Jams

    Grn, Jr.

    Hrb and Norma Grnch

    Victor Gross

    eric and elain Hahn

    Donna Halow

    Jant and Richard Hart

    Dwight Jaff and Lynn


    Ross and Karn Hitkamp

    Michal and Jlit Hlft

    Jr Hndrson

    Mary Kay Hndrson

    Jan Hicks

    Frdrick and Llan


    Kathy Hoffman

    Robrt Hoffman, M.D.

    Frda Hofland

    egn Hognar

    Rth Holton

    Robrt and Karn Howll

    William HdsonJosh and Hathr Hffard

    Stvn Brgr and Pala


    Phillip and Katharin


    Lois Josph

    Norman L. Josphson

    Frd Kantr

    Nancy Karp

    Nancy A. Knan

    Karn Kidwll and Rodny


    Frd W. and Gail P. Kittlr

    Robrt Sigl and Patricia


    Dog and Jann Korns

    Lynda Korsan

    Yvonn Koshland

    Barbara Kosnar

    Mr. and Mrs. Irwin D. Kntz

    John Knz

    Mlina Lindr

    Maria and Hlmt Lipprt

    Martha and Hans Lmrs

    Grgory Lth

    Gordi MacDrmott

    evan C. Marwll

    Rajsh Mashrwala

    Jim McBrid

    Szann McClny

    William and Ann

    McDowllAstin McInrny

    Nancy McKown

    Christophr McLain

    Kathryn Kndrick McNil

    Ralph Mihan

    Chck Millr

    David Millr

    Jan Limrt and Bob Millr

    Clayton Mitchll

    Gy Morly

    Pali and Sandy Mir

    Naomi Nakashima, M.D.

    Michal and Bonni


    Morris Oldr

    Dav Olson

    Jant Olton

    Armando and Brtha


    Jan Hiatt and Robrt Parl

    Jant e. Pas

    Donald and Gili Pppr

    Robrto and Dalia Prlman

    Ssi Livingston and Rss


    David PromrDanil Hoth and Kim


    Danil Ridy

    ed Rithr

    R. Trrnc Rndlman

    Gn and Donna Richson

    Matthw C. Rogrs

    Ann Rosnbrg and Law-

    rnc Kampl

    Shny Sagara

    W. Frrll Sandrs

    Michal Santllo

    Robrt Sargnt

    Lloyd J. Sawchk

    Robrt and Capric Scar-


    Stphn and Jann Schapp

    Brc Schin

    Kvin Schonfld

    Rna Schonbrn

    Sharon Whatly and

    David Shapiro

    Sirra Clb Bay Chaptr

    Backpack Sction

    Richard and Cynthia

    SimonsKirby L. Slat

    Jant Small

    Gnny Smith

    Pamla Smithrs

    Patricia Snow

    Jrom Solari

    Harry englbright and ev


    Clyd Stitlr

    D and Ptr Swanhysr

    John Takayama

    David Taylor

    Stv Trwilligr

    Gary Thompson

    Jody Thompson

    Larry G. Timmr

    Jrry Torranc

    Tim Van Oppn

    Dr. and Mrs. John Wachtl

    Pal and Dorothy Wachtr

    Mr. David Ward

    Don and Kim Wdn

    Danil Whmir and Mar-

    ian Bard

    Charlott Wisl

    Wayn C. WstrmanAnntt Whlr and Dan


    Frd Wilhlm

    Dock Williams

    Lk evnin and Dann


    Rth L. Zamist

    Anonymos (2)


    John and Hathr Abbis


    Willy and Charls Adam

    Bvrly Adams

    Sam Williams and Ann


    Stphn Albm

    Ralph and Ssan Alcorn

    Mary Hfty and Danil


    Vicki Alxandr

    Dnny Alff

    Sarah Allday

    emily Alln

    John Alln

    Collin AlschrKim Strykr and Mark


    Ptr C. Andrson

    Randy Andrson

    Stvn and Lisa Andrson

    egn and Patricia Angll

    Ssan Anstrand

    Jan Askin

    Rodrick Asmnson

    Mary Lo Atkins

    Wilma Astrn

    Thomas Astin

    Karn Axlsson

    Aaron Baggs

    Robrt Baird

    Mark Bakr

    Thomas R. Barch

    Robrt and elisabth


    Liz Salzr and Dick Bam-


    Frank S. Bayly

    Mary Morris and Robrt


    Jo Bardsly

    Stv and Jan Bck

    Charls and Jnny Blr

    Richard Blson

    egn Blogorsky, M.D.

    Cort Bnningfild

    Robrt and Mari Bnson

    Stphn Bnt

    Bob Brman

    Zo Brna

    William Brnll

    Jack Brtgs

    Anthony Lin and Jan


    Dian B

    Sandra and Brc Byart

    Ssan Biancci

    Barbara Bibsh

    Jrry and Clst Binnings

    Richard Bal and Andra


    Franklin Blackford

    Linda Bocht

    William Bockmann

    David and Chryl Bogart

    Chip Boril

    David and eva Bradford

    Don Bradly

    Margart Bals Brady

    Ptr and Dolors Brady

    Karn Brms

    Cladtt Brro-Gow

    Ashby C. Jons and Chris-

    tin Brischr

    Carl and Lisa Brodsky

    Krt Brombachr

    Alic Brown

    Robrt Brown

    Robrt R. Brown

    Stphn and Ann Brown

    Ssan Brown

    Ba Brownson

    Ssan and Dnnis Brch

    Carltta Brno

    elln R. Bryant

    Cathrin Bryg

    David Bchanan

    elizabth Bchnr

    edward Brdtt

    Richard Brntt

    Pal Brntt

    Alan and Patricia Brns

    Marln Brrow

    Nicholas Bttr

    Ross Cadnasso

    David and Ssan Calkins

    Callandr Associats

    Ann-Mari Capl

    Charls W. and Grtchn


    Pal Carmichal

    Patrick and Carla Carstns

    Art Cartr

    Prdnc Cartr

    Nicoll Casrma

    John Castaldi

    JoAnn Castro

    Mark Cator

    Krry and Jlia Champion

    Kat Chapfild

    Stvn Chapman

    Alicia Chazn

    Ronald and Ssan Choy

    Carol Christnsn, Ph.D.

    Barry Christian

    David Clark

    Stphani Clark

    Jan Clayton

    Tim Clr

    Lorri Clmns, DVM

    Spncr Clvngr

    Christin Coats

    Robrt J. Cohn

    Saml Cohn

    Bob Colby

    Richard Colton

    Contra Costa Hills Clb

    Robrt and Rnat Coombs

    Barbara Coopr

    Jan Coopr

    Td Coopr

    Rss Trnbll and Kathy


    Coply Crosby

    Patricia and Christophr


    Lois Crowll

    Michal and Dian Clbrt

    Gail Crry

    Jd and S Cyr

    David Dailor

    Christin Danil

    elln Danill

    William Danilson

    Robrt and Loni Dantzlr

    Ann Davnport

    Jdy Davidson

    Kathln Davis

    John Davis

    Marshall Dawson

    Margrit D By

    Linda D Yong

    Robin Hill and Robrt

    DnPaltt DFalco

    Richard Dglin

    Linda K. Dmrs

    Lori DPol

    Christophr and Nancy


    Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Dibly

    John DiCllo

    Jim Dickrson

    Lynn Mac Donald and John


    John and evlyn Dilsavr

    Dborah Dobbs

    Jdy A. Doi

    Maxin Grbr and Brn-

    dan Doyl

    Clayton F. Drak

    Danil and L Drak

    Scott Drotman

    Kathrin Dffy

    Karl Dmas

    Lstr earnst

    edward Goodstin and

    Francsca eastman

    Philip Hanly and Linda


    edith T. and Jonathan e.

    B. eddy

    Nancy elliot, DVM

    Mr. and Mrs. William

    H. ellis

    Jdith Dan and Bn


    Th endranc Fnd

    Thomas englsing, M.D.

    Christian and Jacqlin


    Chck erickson

    David esklson

    Jdith C. ethridg

    Lynn ewing

    Chril Fagan

    Alln and Ssan Falk

    Robbi and Anthony


    Albrt and Shila Faris

    Dan Kromm and Marilyn

    J. Farly

    Martha Fatman

    Chris Fibsch

    Brc Finch

    S Bartalo and Dav


    Lois Fishr

    Pal Fitzgrald

    Mary Lo Fitzpatrick

    Pal R. and Kathln


    Robrt Flanagan

    Ann C. Fltchr

    Thomas Foor

    Robrt Forrst

    Cindy and Gorg Fosslis

    Carln Fostr

    Lynn Fostr

    Molly Frakr

    W. J. Frank

    Gayl Frasr

    Kathln Frr

    John and Barbara Fri-


    Robrt Frhsamr

    ed Fry

    Carolin Gag

    Ann Gansan

    Rssll Garvin

    Rnata Gaspri

    Mr. and Mrs. Thodor


    Gloria G

    Stphn Glardi

    Anntt and Frd Gllrt

    Mtk Ch Gwck

    Lynn and Jams Gibbons

    David Gifford

    elln Gilkrson

    Craig L. Gillspi

    Waltr H. Girdlston

    Donald Glasr

    Dorothy DProspro and

    Grald Glasr

    David Glazr

    elizabth Glghorn, M.D.

    Lari Glovr

    Mark Goldbrg

    Chris Gold

    Sth Goldsmith

    Ptr Goldstin

    Ba Goop-Lott

    Pamla L. Gordon

    Doglas Gorman

    Robrt and Hlga Grabsk

    Thodor Gradman

    Thorstn Grav

    Kim and Ssan Graham

    Tom and Jan Graly

    Joan Grammar

    Trry Grant

    Don and eldon Grsham

    Mr. and Mrs. Donald


    Lsli Grimm

    Birgit Grndlr

    Jommr A. Grylr

    Robrt and Lonni Ginn

    David Ginthr

    V. Gwn and John Wisnr

    Charls Haas

    Grhard Haas

    John and Ann Hagdorn

    Matt Hahn

    Trry Ksslr and Francin


    Christophr Hal

    Rosmary Hamrton-Klly

    Chris J. Hannafan

    Gorg Hansll

    Alan Harpr

    William and Carol Harrison

    William Haslr

    Ann Hatch

    Richard and Korn Hng


    Kathln Haly

    Carlyl Hdrick

    Ptr S. Hinck

    Lyn Hjinian

    L HndrsonPhillip Hnnssy

    Bonni Hrman

    Robrt and Jant Hrmsn

    Lorrain Hrn

    Stphn Hllr and Thrs


    Mr. and Mrs. Arthr

    Hicks, II

    Brian and Katrina Higgins

    Adrinn Hillbrandt

    Philip and Tha Hodg

    Barry Hoffnr

    Richard Holdn

    Fnwick W. Holms

    Alan Holroyderic Hoovr

    John Hopkirk

    Lawrnc A. Hoskn

    Sara and Kip Howard

    Jams J. Hang

    Nadin A. Hbbll

    G.B. Hbr

    elizabth Hdson

    Shri Scott Htt

    Nolan and Darcy Hghs

    Rthann Alln-Hnt and

    John Hnt

    Anthony Iantosca

    Maril Irwin

    Shirly Ivrson

    Wndy S. Jacks

    Carol Jacobs

    Holly Jacobs

    Jdy Jacobs

    Charls and elln Jams

    Forrst and eiln Jang

    Jant Jzk

    John M. Bryan Family Fnd

    Knnth and evlyn


    Robrt e. Johnson

    Jan Johnston

    Karn D. Roch and Mal-

    colm L. Jons

    Ssan F. J

    Jffry and Dbra Kalmon

    Bob Kan

    elizabth Kaplan

    Mitchll Kapor

    Cathy Baird and Stan Karp

    Ron Karpl

    Dr. and Mrs. Knnth Kas

    Trish Kaspar

    Kvin and Jany Kastr

    eric Kastnr

    Alan Kats

    C. Katz

    Kyl Kafman

    Jim and Barbara Katz

    Bth Kr

    Donald and Phyllis Ksy

    Kimlin McDanil Kith

    Michal Klly

    John and Jnnifr Klly

    Joanna Kmpr

    Waltr and Mariann Krl

    Carol Krstn

    Randy Kyworth

    Jrry Cahill and Kathln


    Robrt Kissick

    G.e. Klman

    Ronald G. Simpson and

    Ros Knight

    Pat Koch

    William and Ykako


    Marion Kramr, M.D.

    Shlly Smith and Nal


    Josphin Kridr

    Harold Mann and Kathy


    Doris Krtschmr

    Mariann Kristoffrson

    Bill Krmbin

    Rbcca Krland

    Sylvia Kwan

    Jan Lancastr

    Robrt Lang

    William G. Larsn, Jr.

    Jams Yrchnco and Amy


    Lynn Law

    Pal Laws

    Ann K. L Blanc

    Mr. and Mrs. Kith L. L

    C and M Lith

    Carol Lonard

    Roy Lvin

    Michal Lvin and Lily


    Lonard Lving

    Mimi Lvison

    Brad and Rgina Lwis

    Dorothy Lindhim

    Trsa Picchi and Jol


    Thomas Lipkis

    ed and Linda Liscom

    Linda K. Prsson and Jams

    G. Littl

    David LobKat Lorig

    Kathln Low

    Stphn Oliva and Sarah


    Nancy Lnd

    Sarah Lndgrn

    edward and Carol Lyk

    Ms. Andra Manion

    Timothy Mann

    J. C. Manning

    John R. Manning

    Linda and Bill Manry

    Virginia Manzr

    Patricia Marin

    Christin Martns

    Glnn Martinson

    Tim Mason

    David and Thrsa Mathi-


    Ssan Grson and David


    Robrt T. Matthw

    Philip and Dana Matthws

    Jams May

    San S. May

    Donna MaythamPat Pottr McAndrws

    John and Nll McBth

    Drw McCally

    Adair McClatchy

    John McCordck

    Marjori McCrackn

    Sally McCravn

    Alan and Nancy McG

    Jody McGn

    Jams McKrrow

    eric and Karn McKinlay

    William McLarty

    Dav McMillan

    Sharon McNam

    Dan McNar

    Wallac McOat

    J. A. McQown

    Bcky McRynolds

    M. Carol Rhin-Mdina

    and Jos Mdina

    elain Mrrill

    Stvn R. Myrs

    Karri and Pt Michll

    John Michls

    edith and Harmon Michl-


    David Millr

    Kirk Pssnr and Rss


    Liz Millr

    Thomas e. Millr

    David Milnr

    Coltt Minnock

    William Miskovtz

    David and Mary Ann


    John and Margart Moony

    Josha Moor

    Linda Moran

    Marc Morris and Victoria


    Mary elln Whit and Jack


    Dann Mosby

    David and Dborah Mos-


    Cathy Moyr

    Robrt Mllr

    Carol A. Mnch

    Koji Mnmoto

    Marn Ann Mrphy

    Patricia Mrphy

    Jan Myrs

    Jdith Nadai

    Bart Nada

    John and Barbara Nagl

    Rosamond Naylor

    Matthw and Ssan Nay-


    Craig Ndham

    William and Joan Nff

    J. S. Nlson

    Michal and Jill Kilty


    Carl Nihas

    Naomi Nishimra

    Jan Nol

    William and Dorothy


    ermina OBrin

    Dr. David Oaks

    Jffry Oda

    Doglas Ohlbrg

    Kazhisa Ohta

    Karn Oks

    Vicki and Trry Oldbrg

    Bd Olivr

    Craig Olson

    erna Ordman

    Orinda Gardn Clb

    Orinda Hiking Clb

    Lari Orlando

    Andrw and Lais Osborn-


    Robrt Arko and Ara


    Anna OstromRichard C. Ottr

    Knnth Ottson

    Thomas Own

    William and Btsy Pac

    Wndy Pag

    William Pally

    Scott Parkr

    Shri Parkr

    Linda Parks

    Lighton Parks

    Donald A. Pattrson

    Tim and Rth Pattrson

    Carolin Pal

    Mrs. Richard Payn

    Anita Parson

    Grant Ptrsn

    Blak Ptrson

    Doglass Ptrson

    Raymond and ettamari


    Alic Philipson

    Jlin Phillips

    Tom and Robin Phipps

    Jdith Pirc

    Dr Robrt Platt

    Harry PollackMatthw Popp

    Harvy Poppl

    Rita Poppnk

    Prsrv Ara Ridglands


    William Prston

    Jdy Gilltt and John Pric

    Dorotha Proctor

    Carol Provan-eschnbach

    Sandford Prvianc

    Dan and Hln Qinn

    John R. and earln Taylor

    Lsli Rall

    Brt and Ann Raphal

    Knt Rasmssn

    Ptr and Sharon Ra

    Art and Pat Ravicz

    Chck Rd

    John W. and elizabth Rd

    Jff and Linda Richl

    William and elizabth


    William and Carolyn Rllr

    Stphn Rntmstrs

    e. Michal Rys, M.D.

    Barbara RhinCraig Ric, M.D.

    Jaim Rich

    Brantly and Nancy Rich-


    Jant Richman

    Anmari B. Roach

    Th Robbins Family

    Donna Robbins

    Ligh and Ivy Robinson

    Ssan Flagg and Carlo


    Margart Rogrs

    Frddy Rohln

    Btsy Ross

    Jack and Lynn Rossr

    Cynthia and Alln Rby

    Dnis Sacks

    Kristin and Dnis Salmon

    Robrt and Doris Ma


    Sbir and Mary Sanyal

    Tom and Barbara Sargnt

    Josph Savri

    Wsly Sawyr

    Phil Schimml

    Jams and erica Schlichr

    Johann M. Schlir Smith

    Gorg Schlsingr

    Dian Schmidt

    W. Schnidr

    Waltr Schnitzis

    Pal and Patty Schoch

    Patricia Schonbrg

    Richard Schoofs

    Jo and Albrt Schrck

    Jan Schlz

    Patricia Scofild

    Donna Scott

    Jim M. Scott

    Jan Scribnr

    Karn and Ross Scroggs

    Donna R. Sabrooks

    Rd Sarl

    John Smion

    Grald and Ssan Srvnti

    Haim Shafir

    Conni and Kvin Sha-


    Lawrnc Shapiro

    Mr. Krt Shavr

    Carolyn Shaw

    Robrt and Nancy Shts

    Alistair Shrrt

    Sarah Shilds

    John and Mary Shimmick

    John and Jant Short

    Bth and John Shman

    Donna Dbinsky and Lon-

    ard Shstk

    Sirra Clb - Solano Grop

    Kathy Simons

    Barri Simpson

    Gail Marn Skinnr

    Stv Sldg

    Kimbrly S. Bdil and Dal


    Timothy and Lcy Small-


    Alan and Patricia Smith

    Brn Smith

    Bill Smith

    elinor Smith

    Jordan Smith

    Marcs Smith

    Brc Snydr

    Thomas Snydr

    Abraham and Marian


    Michal Sogard

    Jol Sommrs

    Baily B. Sory

    Michal Sosin

    Nita Spanglr

    Gary Spratling

    Ms. Jan Starkwathr

    Art and Pggy Staffr

    Nancy Stinhas

    Kathln Strn

    D. F. Stvns

    David Towl and Lvonn


    Kathryn Stwart

    Kathy Stwart

    Tony Stibr

    Allison Ston

    Madlin Stovl

    Priscilla Stoyanof

    Rogr Strach

    Sandor and Fay Stras

    Robrt J. Strich

    Crtis Strommn

    Sand Start

    Michal Stbr

    Ronald Stmp

    Robrt and Jlitt Shr

    Danil F. Sllivan

    Jim Sllivan

    Ptr and Jan Sri

    Charls Lawrnc Swzy

    Kathy and Andy Switky

    Sara Syr

    Pal Szymanski

    elizabth TaftRichard and Ann A. Tavan

    Bob Fabry and Ssan Taylor

    Rogr and Shrry Taylor

    Prry Taff

    Donna Tndlr

    Gail and William Tnnant

    Cartr P. Thachr

    John Thil

    Brian and Carolyn Thissn

    Richard Thomas

    Tracy Thompson

    Danil Tjoa

    Jack Tolvann

    Ssan Hdak and Stv


    Marcia Torno

    Jams Townsnd

    elizabth Tragott

    Grgory and Sharon


    John and Mary Trnr

    William e. Trnr

    Jan Trrl

    Grgory J. unangst

    Arian Van Dr Stratn

    Dna Van DrvrScott Van Tyl

    Robrt and Sharon Varni

    Jssica Vrnon

    Sharon Vick

    Vibk Von Dr Hd

    Grac Voss

    Mr. and Mrs. Glnn C.


    Kn and Christina Waldck

    Michal and Pamla


    David Walkr

    Jdith Walsh

    Jimmy Wang

    Colln Wanty

    John Watrbry

    Tia Watts

    Jff Wavr

    Joan Whr

    Carl J. and Grry I. Win-


    Rosmary Wld

    Bradford N. Wlls

    Jams and Jant Wnningr

    Andy Wrback

    Roy Wst

    Rachl Wstlak

    Jlitt Whlr

    Jo Bll Whitlatch

    Jon Cox and Cathrin


    Rssll Wiitala

    Michl and Ssan Johnson


    Joann Williams

    Kraig and Ssan Williams

    Ann Williamson

    Nicholas Willson

    Barbara Lanir and John


    Fnn J. Wilson

    David Winklr

    Marilyn Winningham

    Osa and Grg Wolff

    Dawna Wolfson

    Stphn and Thrsa Woo

    Wilma Wool

    Mary e. Woolprt

    Gail e. Wright

    Marina Wright

    Lynn Wyman

    Jff Yost

    John and edl Yong

    Flornc Yonkr

    Andra Zafr

    Yvonn Zavoshy

    Matthw D. Zinn

    Anonymos (3)


    Robrt Sigl and Patricia

    Korn, in mmory of Rob-

    rt Fldman

    Brn Smith, in mmory of

    Tony Look

    Staff of th Bay Ara Ridg

    Trail Concil, in mmory

    of Ds fathr


    Al Bamann

    Thrsa Blvon and Jo


    Jack Bittnr

    Rachl Blatt

    Mary Brns

    Clif Bar

    Cliff Ld Vinyard

    Vrna Dow

    eatwll Farms

    evvia Rstarant

    Norman Floranc and Th

    Mxican Inn

    Kathi Fowlr

    Frantoio Rstarant

    Janic Frazir and Pt

    Awarnss and Wlfar

    Socity for San Jos Ani-

    mal Car and Srvics

    Frog's Lap Winry

    Marn Gaffny

    Gardn Cort Hotl

    Hildy Gallaghr

    Jol Gartland

    Don Hrzog

    Stphn Josph


    Karn Kidwll

    Stv Kinsy

    Howard Lvitt

    Doris and Pt Lindfors

    Bill Long

    Magic Thatr

    Margart MacNivn and

    Bck's Rstarant of


    Jdith Marcs

    Astin McInrny

    Rand McQn and

    Commnications and

    Control, Inc.

    Midpninsla Rgional

    Opn Spac District

    Maria Mihanovich

    Josh Moor

    Montain Hardwar

    Montain Play

    Nw Blgim Brwing


    Morris Oldr

    Pt's Coff & Ta

    Josph Prira and Casa d

    Flors Bd and Brakfast

    Josph Phlps Vinyards

    Pin Ridg Winry

    Chris Powll

    Bob Powr and Santa Clara

    Vally Adbon Socity

    Saintsbry Vinyard


    Rick Schll

    Sirra Clb and Clair

    Tappan Lodg

    Slogh's Bik Shopp

    Brn Smith

    Sandra Sommr

    Ssan Spichr

    D SwanhysrTown Hall Rstarant

    Jim Townsnd

    Barbara Witz

    Wildrnss Prss


    thrmploysgfts:Th California Wllnss


    Chvron Corporation

    Fdratd Dpartmnt

    Stors Fondation

    Gap Fondation

    Ge Fondation


    IBM Intrnational Fon-


    Sn Microsystms, Inc.


    VISA Intrnational

    T h a n k s t o a l l o u r 2 0 0 7 d o n o r s !


  • 8/9/2019 Ridge Lines Newsletter, Summer-Fall 2008 ~ Bay Area Ridge Trail Council



    1. SF wATERSHED HIKES/RIDESSan Mateo CountyTm: 10:00 AMDstanc: 2 to 10 milsGidd hiks, and bik and qstrian rids, arschdld vry wk in th SF-Pninsla Watrshdon th Bay Ara Ridg Trail. Otings rqir wll-conditiond walkrs, xprincd montain bikrs,and accomplishd qstrians with conditiondhorss. Otings ar limitd to 20 popl and fill pqickly.Contact: Call 650-652-3203 or sign p onlin atsfwatr.org.

    2. TOUR DE FATSan FranciscoSaturday, July 19Tm: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PMTh sixth annal Tor d Fat Ballyhoo of Biks andBr taks plac at Spdway Madow in GoldnGat Park. Sponsord by Nw Blgim Brwing, thfndraisr bnfits th Bay Ara Ridg Trail Concil

    and th San Francisco Bik Coalition. Chck orwbsit at www.ridgtrail.org for mor dtails.


    August 27 September 1Dring Labor Day wk, rid or hik with mmbrs ofth Tildn-Wildcat Horsmns Association and thMtropolitan Horsmns Association in th east BayHills. In clbration of th 20th annivrsary of th

    Bay Ara Ridg Trail, this yars rid will b hld inconjnction with a fiv-day hik covring 45 mils ofth Ridg Trail from Castro Vally to Martinz (10 to15 mils a day). Ridrs can covr p to 100 mils, or14 to 18 mils ach day in small grops.

    S u M M e R - F A L L 2 0 0 8







    MAR IN


    SA N











    Half Moon Bay









    Los Altos

    San Jose




    Santa Cruz






    Santa Rosa

    PinoleSan Rafael






    San Bruno




    Th proposd trailcorridor rprsnts a concptal plan to connctth rmaining parks and p blic opn spacs within th Bay Ara RidgTrailcorridor. This concptal map convys no rights to th p blic tontr privat proprty withot th ownrs prmission.




    5 10

    10 MI

    15 KM


    ProposdTralCo rrdo r



    Prepared by CartoGraphics, S.F. Revised 11/05 by Bobbi Sloan Design


    Brakfast, lnch, and dinnr ar providd for ridrs,hikrs, and camprs, and hay, carrots and watr for thhorss. Fn vning ntrtainmnt, inclding a tripto th Chabot Spac Obsrvatory, a harp concrt, aslid show, and an qstrian-drill-tam prformancis incldd. This rid/hik will hlp rais fnds for thBay Ara Ridg Trail and for qstrian improvmntson east Bay trails. Th Bay Ara Barns and TrailsTrst will match th first $5,000 raisd. Th cost is$60/day, with a discont for fiv days at $325. Thisf inclds camping, food, and hors provisions. Anoptional program allows ridrs to solicit pldgs. Thcost for hikrs is $50/day or fiv days at $225 (thisinclds all gar bing hald to camps). If yo cantrid or hik, join s by volntring!Contact: Morris Oldr, 925-254-8943 or [email protected]. Hikrs shold sign p at www.ridgtrail.org. Mor information is at www.twha.org (click onvnts).

    4. RIDGE TRAIL CRUZSanta Clara County

    Saturday, September 20Join s for or third annal mdim- and long-distanc hik/bik/rn in Santa Clara and San Matocontis, modld aftr or Ridg-to-Bridg vnt inMarin Conty. Hikrs mt at Skylin Ridg OpnSpac Prsrv and ar shttld s oth to Sanborn-Skylin Conty Park. Montain bikrs start at t hsam locations. Plas contact s if yo wold lik tovolntr.Contact: Jol Gartland at 415-561-2595 [email protected].

    5. PENITENCIA CREEK RIDGETRAIL DEDICATIONSan JoseSaturday, October 18In conjnction with th Santa Clara Conty ParksDpartmnt, w will ddicat thr mils of RidgTrail in Pnitncia Crk Park, locatd in San Jos.Chck or wbsit for dtails, www.ridgtrail.org.

    6. REI wORKDAY AROUND THE BAYSaturday, November 15each of th nin ReI stors arond th Bay Ara will

    participat in a Bay Ara Ridg Trail workday. Thpblic is wlcom to join ReI staff and mmbrs. Todat, w hav svn projcts plannd in diffrntlocations. To larn mor abot th workday, visit orwbsit at www.ridgtrail.org.

    Ridge-to-Bridge 2008

    Or twlfth annal Ridg-to-Bridg, hld on April 26, was a grat sccss andsold ot to concil mmbrs (160 hikrs and 20 bikrs) bfor opning to thgnral pblic. Hikrs cold start at Saml P. Taylor Stat Park, Bolinas Ridg,or Pantoll, and all ndd at th Goldn Gat Bridg aftr hiking 13, 21, or 30mils. Thirty-fiv popl took on th challng of th 30-mil rot! This yar,Ridg-to-Bridg also offrd a rot for montain-bikrs. Many participantshad sponsors and raisd mony for th Ridg Trail. Throgh rgistration fsand pldgs to hikrs and ridrs, w raisd mor than $6,500. Thanks to or 35volntrs, and ReI, Accss4Biks, Pts Coff & Ta, Clif Bar, Backroads,Montain Play, and Wildrnss Trail Biks for spporting th vnt.

    Bikers climb the Bolinas Ridge in thisear's Ridge-to-Bridge. Photo bTom Boss.

    Ridge-to-Bridge hikers above Stinson Beach. Photo b Pat Koren.

    H I K E S , B I K E S , R I D E S , A N D w O R K P A R T I E S

    Otings & upkpRidge Trail






  • 8/9/2019 Ridge Lines Newsletter, Summer-Fall 2008 ~ Bay Area Ridge Trail Council



    u.S. POSTAGe

    P A I D


    PeRMIT NO. 3001

    Bay Area Ridge Trail Council

    1007 Gnral Knndy Avn, Sit 3San Francisco, California 94129

    I N S I D E : 2 0 0 7 A n n u a l R e p o r t


    Ne Ridge Trail Guidebook Available

    B sr to pick p th latst dition of th Bay Ara Ridg Trail gid-book, jst rcntly pblishd by Wildrnss Prss. Jan Rsmor athord

    this third dition, Ba Area Ridge Trail:The Official Guide for Hikers, Mountain

    Bikers, and Equestrians, pdatd from2002. Th book inclds dscriptions,maps, and photographs of 58 RidgTrail sgmnts a rond th bay. eachtrail dscription inclds informa-tion on amnitis sch as rstroomsand watr, driving dirctions, andaccssibility logistics. Th book

    slls for $16.95 and is availabl atmost bookstors. Mmbrs at th$125-and-abov lvl will rcivth book as a mmbrship bnfit.W hop th gidbook gts yoot on th trail to xplor placsyov nvr bn!

    Subscribe to Our E-NesletterVisit Our website

    Or monthly -nwslttris th bst way to larnabot or latst otingsand activitis. To gt onth mailing list, sign pon or wbsit (.rdgtral.org) by clickingContact us. Also, chck

    or wbsit frqntlynw otings and trailworkdays ar postd on awkly basis!

    BAY AREA RIDGE TRAIL COUNCIL(415) 561-2595 (phone)

    (415) 561-2599 (fax)


    Glnn KirbyMlinda LindrAndra ManionJan MarkAstin McInrnyRalph MihanJosh MoorFrank MorrisMohammd NrMorris OldrBrian ONillBrian SmithSandy SommrRay SllivanJim TownsndBarbara Witz

    StaffJant McBridExecutive Director

    John AransonTrail Steward

    Martha BnioffOffice Manager

    Jol GartlandVolunteer Coordinator

    Brn SmithSouth & East Ba TrailDirector

    D SwanhysrNorth Ba Trail Director

    Ridge Lineselizabth ByrsEditor

    Lisa KrishokDesigner

    Board of DirectorsBill LongChair

    Mary BrnsVice Chair

    Michal KllySecretar

    Phil ArnoldTreasurer

    Thomas BckRachl BlattBarry ChristianKarn CollinsGary CookJd CyrMark evanoffMik FlaghrJim ForanMark FrdrickStv Kinsy



    Ridge-to-Bridge hikers. Photo b Piers Newber. An equestrian at the Pinole Watershed Ridge Trail dedication. Cutting theribbon at the dedication (left). Photos b Elizabeth Bers.

    A hiker at the Ridge-to-Bridge event.Photo b Piers Newber.