rider-waite’s major and minor arcana tarot cards reveals the secrets of the esoteric science

1 Rider-Waite’s Major And Minor Arcana Tarot Cards Reveals the Secrets of the Esoteric Science William John Meegan The Rider-Waite Major and Minor Arcana Tarot Cards In this format illustrates beautifully on a symbolic level The inexplicable CHAOS that the world at large Has to deal with on a daily basis

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    Rider-Waites Major

    And Minor Arcana Tarot Cards Reveals the Secrets of the Esoteric Science

    William John Meegan

    The Rider-Waite Major and Minor Arcana Tarot Cards In this format illustrates beautifully on a symbolic level

    The inexplicable CHAOS that the world at large Has to deal with on a daily basis

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    rthur Edward Waite created the Rider-Waite Major and Minor Arcana Tarot Cards and he guided Pamela Coleman Smith as to how to artistically express those superlatively spiritual concepts.

    Though, I was born into the Roman Catholic Church I have not attended church services for more than four decades; simply because, Catholicism does not teach the symbolism of the sacred scripture and/or its artworks. That is religiously what a member of the laity has to learn on his or her own volition. I believe in the esoteric teachings of Catholicism, other religions and mystery schools; however, I want nothing to do with their hierarchies or memberships. I am an independent researcher via my own volition. Nobody guides or instruct me other than researching the contents of my library. I, myself, in my youthful years in researching esotericism did not give much attention to the secret society called the Golden Dawn; because, its history was short and its members appeared, in their writings, to be in eternal conflict with each other. However, I began to envisage over time that that short history about the Golden Dawn and the apparent infighting, amongst its members, was a mythological ploy to synchronize with the dynamics of how the mythoi of Rider-Waites Tarot Cards, Marseille Tarot Cards and B.O.T.A.s Tarot Cards obviously, from a materialistic perspective, conflicted with each other; whereas, on a higher symbolic superlative level all members in the Golden Dawn mystery school agreed with each other and the three separate Major Arcana Tarot Card decks that emerged out of the Golden Dawns mystery school were created, in unanimity with each other, to convey the superlative concepts of the Trinitarian Paradigm. These three Tarot Card decks symbolize the Three Magi that symbolically arrived at the birth of Christ. This latter will not be observable to the uninitiated; because, he or she will not have any knowledge of the esoteric science and how it is mystically codified to symbolism. Studying the symbolism of the Rider-Waite Tarot Cards and then reading Arthur Edward Waites writings it would not be initially thought that he was revealing how to interpret the esoteric science. This is because as a member of the Golden Dawn Arthur Edward Waite was only allowed to express the superlative truth via the symbolism of the Tarot Cards; however, the best he was allowed to do with his writings, to the general public, is convey the best that had already been published about the Tarot Cards by previous writers. In his writings1 Arthur Edward Waite went out of his way to say that he was under obligations to be silent. 1 THE PICTORIAL KEY TO THE TAROT, by Arthur Edward Waite https://www.amazon.com/Pictorial-Key-Tarot-Dover-Occult/dp/0486442551/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1512718047&sr=1-1&keywords=pictorial+key+to+the+tarot I recommend that the Preface and the beginning of the first chapter of this work be read


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    The Rider-Waite Tarot Cards (Cosmic), Marseille Tarot Cards (Archetypal) and B.O.T.A. Tarot Cards (Existential) are all superlative in the manner in which they were developed and all three of these Tarot Card decks expresses the entire thesis of the esoteric science within their own esoteric purview; thus, complimenting each other. Arthur Edward Waite says that no more than one-third (1/3rd) of the esoteric science can be expressed at any given time. That would be quite true if only one deck of these cards were studied and/or talked about, absent the other two decks, at any given time. I think that remark about 1/3rd was a hint to the initiate not to the uninitiated who would be confused by such a statement. This work will center on the Rider-Waite Minor Arcana Tarot Cards four suites: i.e. Wands, Swords, Pentacles and Cups in such a way that the attentive reader can then apply that same method of esoteric research to the Major Arcana Tarot Cards: i.e. Rider-Waite: i.e. Cosmic (WANDS), Marseille: i.e. Archetypal (SWORDS) and B.O.T.A.: i.e. Existential (PENTACLES). The CUPS are absent in the Major Arcana Tarot Cards; because, they symbolize the silence of the Unknown God the Father that comically brings the dynamics of the psyche into a unification mode similar to how gravity constellates a solar system or astrological sign in the heavens. Yes, the four mystical elements: i.e. Fire, Air, Earth and Water symbolized both the four suits of the Minor Arcana Tarot Cards: i.e. Wands, Swords, Pentacles and Cups and the four fundamental nuclear forces of physics: i.e. Electromagnetism, Weak Bosons, Strong Gluons and Gravitons. These represent the LIGHT: i.e. both TIME and TIMELESSNESS. In the New Testament it says, For Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14). The Rider-Waite Major Arcana Tarot Cards symbolizes the unconscious mind (feminine), which is extremely vague conceptually to ego-consciousness (terrestrial) perception; thus, the unconscious mind is envisaged as scattering its ORDERED knowledge into ego-consciousness unprepared to receive it. The Marseilles Major Arcana Tarot Cards did not originate with the Golden Dawns mystery school; because, they existed hundreds of years before that; however, the Golden Dawn secret society brought a finality to how the symbols appear on the modern day Marseille Tarot Cards.

    The Marseilles Major Arcana Tarot Cards symbolizes ego-consciousness: i.e. terrestrial thought receiving the scattered knowledge: i.e. the primeval archetypal message from the unconscious mind and ego-consciousness is somewhat confused as to how to deal with that scattered superlative carefully, which gives extraordinary hints as to what I am discussing about how the esoteric science is conveyed iconographically (symbolically) and or via iconoclasm (via linear writing non symbolic).

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    information; for the reason that, ego-consciousness hubris refuses raucously to have conscious intercourse with the unconscious mind (Anima).

    Ego-consciousness: i.e. masculine wants to be ruler of the outer world; whereas, on the other hand when it is a female with an Animus unconscious she wants to be ruler in the outer world; thus, she refuses to talk to her Animus; thus, males and females act animalistic and childishly in the outer world and everything is put together ignorantly and primitively. The outer world is basically envisaged as a masculine reality; however, the attentive researcher will visualizes the blank abyss just as abstractly feminine as it is terrestrially masculine; though, psychically abstractions via hubris, coupled with ignorance, are summarily dismissed by the terrestrial minded; yet, every child is raised by its mother and only at puberty is the child mature enough to psychically branch out into the terrestrial reality allegedly having learns to deal with the archetypal data its unconscious mind conveys to it. One perfect example of this paradox regarding the inexplicable masculine and feminine aspects of the outer world is seen in the TORAHs first five books of the bible in contrast to the TARGUM ONKELOS2. In the Torah, Elohym is the prime creator; whereas, in the Targum Onkelos, Yahweh is the prime creator. The creation account in each of these volumes is practically the same as the other except for the words ELOHYM and YAHWEH taking the place of each other. There is a slight variation in the mythological texts; but, essentially from an iconoclastic perspective they are the same storyline. It is because of this duality and conflicting behavior, in the outer world, between the masculine and the feminine, that the Marseille Tarot Cards are governed by both the male and the female. The Marseille Major Arcana Tarot Cards symbolizes the mother attempting to instruct the infant. This latter is mainly the unconscious mind trying to instruct ego-consciousness (child) to societal mores: i.e. language, education, laws and rules and regulations. Paul Forster Case is credited with the development of the B.O.T.A Major Arcana Tarot Cards, which expresses the best that the psyche can possibly accomplish in the outer world: blank abyss when the male does eventually communicate with his Anima (Elohym). In contrast when the female communicate with her Animus (Yahweh) she does the best she can do. These psychic activities uniting the opposites is called Christ consciousness.

    The B.O.T.A. Major Arcana Tarot Cards amalgamates each of the Rider-Waite and Marseille Major Arcana Tarot Cards developing its own deck of Major Arcana Tarot Cards. This would be difficult to grasp unless the researcher had all three decks contrasting them against each other. This 2 TARGUM ONKELOS: The First Five Books of the Bible, by Tov Rose https://www.amazon.com/Targum-Onkelos-Targums-1/dp/1523669462/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1512725402&sr=8-1&keywords=targum+onkelos

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    B.O.T.A. method is seen in how the Roman Catholic Church set up its fresco symbolism in the Sistine Chapel. In the Sistine Chapel it is not fresco against fresco; rather, it is how the patterns of the frescoes are seemingly off kilter and arranged lopsided; though, it is not envisaged from that perspective. The frescos are deliberately positioned around the walls off kilter misaligning the patterns to misdirect the viewers as to the truth of what they are looking at. For the ancients to create these three Major Arcana Tarot Card decks to express the mystical nature of the Trinitarian Paradigm it is obvious that the initiate is also capable of grasping conceptually the dynamics of the Trinitarian Paradigm; however, it can only be conveyed to the outer world, at any given time, via one third (1/3rd) of these three mystical methods on a mundane level; thus, to grasp the spiritual superlative knowledge of the esoteric science all three aspects of the Trinitarian Paradigm have to be known about conceptually. Though, Arthur Edward Waite points out that the physical creation of the Tarot Cards go back only to the fourteenth century and not to ancient China, India or Egypt I will have to somewhat agree to disagree with that assessment. I believe this was another hint to the initiate as to where it does hail back to conceptually on an esoteric level. Yes, the actual Tarot Cards manifesting into the material world via pictorial playing cards may have arrived in the Western culture in the fourteenth century; however, conceptually the Hebrew alphabet began prior to the writing of the Torah, which infers that antiquity had everything to do with what the concepts of the Tarot Cards are all about. Very few people will conceptually align the MATRIX OF WISDOM, the sacred scriptures, religious art, sun signs of astrology, twelve zodiacal signs, the cerebral lobes of the brain, the Tarot Cards, etc., etc. as all symbolizing the same abstract spiritual concepts. To the average person these are all disparate paradoxical concepts and none of them are believed to belong alongside of each other. One of the major symbols I work with is the MATRIX OF WISDOM and I have been blessed to have independently envisaged this matrix on my own volition in 1994 and since then I have envisaged all these genres of thought as being expressed in this matrix expressing the same ideas and concepts. In this work I will discuss the first chapter of Genesis in relationship to the Major and Minor Arcana Tarot Cards and it will be my overall task to demonstrably demonstrate that all of these concepts are merely different genres of thought expressing symbolically the same mythoi conceptually.

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    here is truly no way to begin this work unless the concept of the endless paradoxes, that radiate out of psyche as symbolism, are explained correctly.

    The texts of the sacred scriptures and/or religious artwork read iconographically: i.e. esoterically and symbolically letter by letter and/or word by word and/or image by image, which have to be read knowing each letter, word and/or image has multiple meanings. This of course extrapolates out to ideas and concepts and different genres of thought.

    No letter, word and/or image can be defined with a one-word definition, which would be a terrestrial iconoclastic (non-symbolic) perspective rather than a spiritual iconographic perspective. Living in the material world humans are instinctually prone to thinking and speaking iconoclastically; because, spirituality: i.e. esotericism has absolutely nothing to do with terrestrial thought patterns. In the material world spirituality is dead: ripped from the psyche and the only way to rise from the dead is for ego-consciousness to get rid of its hubris: i.e. genuflect and have a verbal intercourse: i.e. dialogue with it unconscious mind.

    A letter, word or image can be grouped into ideas, concepts and/or genres of thought that methodically negate and/or compliment its previous interpretations. This goes on infinitely creating mythological texts and/or artistic patterns. The sacred scriptures have thousands of vignettes all saying the same thing mythologically via different nuances. Religious literature traditionally, from an iconoclastic perspective, have been interpreted as historical documents; whereas, the sacred scriptures have nothing to do with TIME. Religious documents explain the dynamics of TIMELESSNESS.

    On the next page is a very minor illustration on how the same parts of a circle symbolizing the skull can be interpreted with numerous different genres of thought in order to radiate out nuances that will explain on a deeper psychic level, positively and/or negatively, what the brain is psychically all about. The center of the circle symbolizes the Pineal Gland, which radiates out the rainbow, which develops the mystical nature of the world

    Look at the numerics of the twelve (12) zodiacal signs. Capricorn (10) and Aquarius (11) total to twenty-one (21) and Pisces (12) and Sagittarius (9) also totals to twenty-one (21). Both these sets of zodiacal signs radiate out as TIME and TIMELESSNESS respectively. This is esoterically outlined in the Prologue of the Zohar and the first two verses of Genesis. The other eight zodiacal signs are pair off into four sets symbolizing the Sun Signs of Astrology: i.e. Christ, the LIGHT of the world, and each set totals to nine (9).


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    he MATRIX OF WISDOM is the single most important symbol on the face of the earth. The MATRIX OF WISDOM is/was known all over the world by all religious cultures and mystery schools, in all times and

    climes. Few people in modernity know of the existence of this 10 x 10 matrix. Paradoxically, this matrix is carried around by every school child in his or

    her compositional notebook under the rubric of the multiplication tables; but, this is not consciously known; thus, eventually the multiplication tables are summarily dismissed by adults as children mathematics. The matrix has been lost and rediscovered ad infinitum by all cultures in all times and climes.

    Reflecting on the dynamics of modernitys school system it is easily seen that children are given the bare essentials of the esoteric science; though, it is thought that these subject matters in school curriculums will be used eventually in the adult world in all aspect of terrestrial life. The basics of the school system are the three Rs: i.e. Reading, Writing and Arithemetic. There is also nightly homework: i.e. inferring continuous research. There are sports that psychically encourages children to question conflictingly what another is saying and doing. Additionally, there are many other courses as the years of schooling go by as if life is nothing more than a smorgasborg for the child to piecemeal his or her existence: i.e. raison dtre together: i.e. what he or she is interested in? It is very obvious that the ancient sages had something to do with putting modernitys school systems curriculums together to teach these bare unknown esoteric essentials to the uninitiated in the outer world. Of course there are opposing forces in the outer world that conflict with this kind of educational system; thus, introducing contrasting mandates.

    In this work I am going to demostrate that Arthur Edward Waite based his Minor Arcana Tarot Cards on the MATRIX OF WISDOM. As it can clearly be seen the matrix symbolizes the human skull; thus, the cerebral lobes of the brain are divinely structured esoterically. The ancient sages of antiquity delegated the Sun Signs of Astrology, the twelve Zodiacal Signs, religious artworks, the Tarot Cards, etc., etc. to also aligned esoterically and artistically to the cerebral lobes of


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    the brain: i.e. each genre of thought imitating and complimenting the others. Esoterically, this is the same as all multiplication tables imitating the first multiplication table. All multiplication tables are structured and patterned mythologically different than all other multiplication tables. This mystical nature in the numerics is precisely why the outer world is addictively repetitive ad infinitum disparate saying esoterically the same thing. Arthur Edward Waite based his Major Arcana Tarot Cards on the 22-Hebrew letters, which are symbolically and esoterically codified in the Judaeo Christian Scriptures as radiating into terrestrial creation. All this is esoterically laid out in the first two verses of Genesis. This is not envisaged in the normal iconoclastic (literal non-symbolic) reading of the textual materials. Humans have all the knowledge they need to understand the esoteric science; however, individually and collectively humanity does not make the proper connections to what they are envisaging. The esoteric science can be envisaged in many ways. The main way to understand each of the Hebrew and/or Greek letters, in the Judaeo Christian Scriptures is to study them alphanumerically. It is essential also for the initiate to study the mystical writings of Jewish and Christian mystics that hint esoterically as to the true interpretation of the Torahs texts. There are also religious artworks that hint abundantly as to how to interpret properly the biblical texts. The researcher has to diligently search for sacred geometry that is esoterically codified to the alphanumeric structure of the sacred scriptures. The initiate has to be extremely attentive in his or her researches and meditate on what the text is saying. The initiate should never contemplate (interpret by being creative and imaginative) by adding to and/or taking away from the sacred religious texts. It is exceptionally difficult for the uninitiated to believe he or she is viewing reality from an off kilter perspective; however, the ancient sages gave mythological hints concerning this psychic phenomenon. A perfect example of the psyches slanted perspective on reality is to understand how the Zodiac and Calendar years are out of kilter 90 from each other. The Zodiac Year begins with Aries/April and ends in Pisces/March; whereas, the Calendar Year begins with January/Capricorn and ends in December/Sagittarius. This is now traditionally accepted, in the mundane world, as the normal way of thinking when it is obvious that this is clearly an esoteric hint as to how much human thought is out of kilter with spiritual reality. If the initiate diligently researches his or her religion this off kilter symbolism will be envisage as repeating itself continuously. This out of kilter phenomenon is symbolized via the frescoes in the Sistine Chapel symbolizing the Life of Jesus and Moses on the north and south walls; yet, nobody ever questions it or knows of it; because, rarely does anyone attentively study the chapels symbolic artwork.

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    The first four days of creation symbolizes the four suits of the Minor Arcana Tarot Cards: i.e. Wands, Swords, Pentacles and Cups. These four suits symbolize the LIGHT: i.e. lily that radiates into terrestrial creation.

    There are other images that will be the main focus of this work. Essentially what I will do with the Rider-Waite Minor Arcana Tarot Cards is to pair them off into the Sun Signs of Astrology, which symbolically mirror-images the MATRIX OF WISDOM and in this manner the secrets of esotericism reveal themselves.

    Each suit of the Minor Tarot Cards contains all Seven Sun Signs of Astrology and by studying all four suits simultaneously the esoteric patterns reveal themselves. The key to understanding the Sun Signs of Astrology is to see how the number nine (9) split into four different parts by radiating (scattering) LIGHT: i.e. rainbow into the outer world: i.e. 1 & 8 (Mars), 2 & 7 (Venus), 3 & 6 (Mercury) and 4 & 5 (Moon and Sun).

    One of the great secrets of esotericism is displayed beneath Chartres Cathedrals South Rose Window. There are five stain-glass windows. Four of them depict the New Testament gospel writers on the shoulders of four Old Testament prophets. The Old Testament prophets are depicted on Chartres Cathedrals North Rose Window.

    The metaphor of dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants (Latin: nanos gigantum humeris insidentes) expresses the meaning of "discovering truth by building on previous discoveries". This concept has been traced to the 12th century, attributed to Bernard of Chartres. Its most familiar expression in English is by Isaac Newton in 1675: "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants."3

    Bernard of Chartres and Isaac Newton were speaking on opposite sides of the same coin. Bernard of Chartres was inferring learning from others the esoteric nature of the sacred scriptures. Bernard of Chartres concept had nothing to do with adding to and/or taking away from the writings of the Old Testament; whereas, Isaac Newton was totally in reverse of that concept. By studying others works the researcher can improve upon the terrestrial subject matter. It can be envisaged from this example how completely off kilter Common Sense: reason and logic is from what is actually being conveyed by others. This is not saying that common sense: i.e. reason and logic is 100% out of kilter with reality; however, I would interpret common sense: i.e. reason and logic to be off kilter at a minimum of 50%. This latter is why the B.O.T.A. Major Arcana Tarot

    3 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standing_on_the_shoulders_of_giants

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    Cards are not perfectly aligned superlatively with the Rider-Waite Major Arcana Tarot Cards; rather, the B.O.T.A. Major Arcana Tarot Cards are 50%/50% aligned: i.e. amalgamated to both the Rider-Waite and the Marseille Major Arcana Tarot Cards.

    These three Chartres Cathedrals Rose Windows are here to emphasize the New Testament gospel writers being on the shoulders of Old Testament prophets; but, because I will refer back to these Rose Windows in discussing the nine of Swords in relationship to how the MATRIX OF WISDOM was psychically transubstantiated from the right side of the brain symbolically as the spiritual mystical Lily: i.e. Fleur de lis to the left side of the brain as the matrix in order to be more comprehensively understood in human parlance.

    It should be understood that the esoteric science that mystically conveys esotericism: i.e. alphanumerics and symbolism: i.e. iconography is complete superlative knowledge: i.e. complete picture that is instantaneously: i.e. conceptually, conveyed to the viewer via TIMELESSNESS; however, rhetoric: symbolically the repetitive nature of the outer world: i.e. blank abyss via TIME is totally adversarial to that genre of thought; for the reason that, iconoclasm, which also conveys esotericism basically via finite and obtuse thought via repetitive thinking via disparate thought patterns.

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    In the Rider-Waite Minor Arcana Tarot Cards this concept will be envisaged as depicted in the Wands, Swords and Pentacle cards. Via these iconographic and iconoclastic concepts the initiate can conceptually understand what the Three Temptations of Christ was all about after having been baptized; though, materialistic discoveries can be improved upon no part of the sacred scriptures can be enhanced; because, they are already superlatively written.

    In the first chapter of Genesis there are 32-Elohyms and when they are sequentially put together into a circle they format sacred geometry that esoterically illustrate explicitly what Day-One of Creation is talking about: i.e. dividing LIGHT from DARKNESS. Michelangelo frescoed this concept on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

    This circular image of 32-Elohyms in the first chapter of Genesis aligns with the skeleton image of the human body. The first two verses of Genesis: i.e. 21-words symbolize the spiritual forces of creation coming into manifested creation, which are instantaneously put into human parlance. Couple those 21-words with the 57-words in the Day Five of Creation and the total of these two sections of Genesis creation account symbolizes 78-representing the 22-Major Arcana Tarot Cards and 56-Minor Arcana Tarot Cards.

    The one extra word: i.e. card in Day Five of Creation symbolizes the one less word: i.e. card in the second verse of Genesis: i.e. THE FOOL, which is for the most part numbered as Zero (0). Why is THE FOOL numbered Zero (0) and not numbered twenty-one (21), which symbolize SHIN , the 21st Hebraic letter, which has the Gematria value of three-hundred and sixty (360)? The mathematical analysis on the circle of 32-Elohyms illustrate numerically that the first two verses of Genesis and the fifth and sixth days of creation (2 + 19-32) has the aggregate of three-hundred and sixty (360: i.e. circle), which is the symbol for Zero (0: i.e. nothing): ex nihilo: creation out of nothing. When the birds fly out of the seas, on Day Five of Creation, the 56-Minor Arcana Tarot Cards transubstantiate into the LIGHT of the world symbolizing the LIGHT coming out of DARKNESS. This later is because the 22-superlative Hebraic letters are scattered into the outer world: i.e. blank abyss 56 x 22 / 6 = 205.333I interpreted this as each Hebraic letter scattering the whole of the Minor Arcana Tarot Cards: i.e. LIGHT into the outer world: i.e. blank abyss; thus, when that

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    quotient is divided by six (6): i.e. one half of the Earths Terminator: i.e. six months of the zodiacal year then that quotient: 1232 divided by six symbolizes the 206-bones: i.e. DARKNESS as the human skeleton and the other half of the Earths Terminator is LIGHT radiated into the terrestrial realm: i.e. six months of the calendar year.

    Per se no Hebraic letters spiritual superlative knowledge, other than SHIN that has the ordinal value of twenty-one (21), the cosmic number of three hundred (300) and the Gematria value of three-hundred and sixty (360) goes into the outer world: i.e. blank abyss other than transubstantiating through the guise of THE FOOL: i.e. SHIN .

    Thus, the reason there are not 22-words in the first two verses of Genesis and why there are not just 56-words in the fifth day of creation is; for the reason that, the extra word in the fifth day of creation symbolizes THE FOOL; because, when spirituality comes into creation it has no format is without form and void; thus, spirituality is initially envisaged as zero. Each spiritual letter that comes into creation comes in as THE FOOL before it is interpreted and defined. This is why Jacob could not name the angel he wrestled with (Genesis 32:22-32). It is neither a joke nor a coincidence that Jesus Christ was conceived on April First: i.e. All Fools Day; for the reason that, than he could be named Christ (TAO, Krishna, Buddha, Horus, etc).

    There are a total of two-hundred and six (206) words in the fifth (57) and the sixth (149) days of creation. Do the math on the skeleton and it will be seen that the Appendicular Skeleton (126 bones) is 0.61165% of 206-bones, which is extremely close to the formula for the Golden Ratio: 0.618034. One more bone (127) would have been closer to the Golden Ratio formula; however, 127-Appendicular-Skeleton bones and 79-Axial-Skeleton bones would make no sense symbolically; however, 126-bones for the Appendicular Skeleton (moveable parts: i.e. arms and legs like the male and female swastikas representing TIME) symbolizing the cube of six: i.e. 216 (6), which symbolizes the spiritual sun released by PEI 80) ): i.e. Axial Skeleton, which symbolizes the stationary swastika that symbolizes the universe and Jupiter: i.e. TIMELESSNESS.

    This mathematical analysis on LIGHT and DARKNESS in the first chapter of Genesis is a perfect example of how the Hebraic letter ALEPH : i.e. Elohym (feminine unconscious mind) symbolizing the silence of spirituality radiates itself into the terrestrial realm as YUD : i.e. Yahweh (masculine ego-consciousness).

    The skeleton structure of the human body symbolizes archetypally via the numerics of the first nine numbers the concepts of the spiritual Trinitarian Paradigm: Archetypal, Existential and Cosmic abstractions; whereas, the LIGHT of the world Christ symbolizes the alphanumerics (Trivium and Quadrivium) of that superlative knowledge explaining it more explicitly. The

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    first two verses of Genesis does its best to symbolize the 22-Hebraic letters as pure superlative knowledge that per se has absolutely nothing to do with alphanumerics. The numerics and the Hebraic alphabet amalgamated are what classifies, diversifies and individualizes the spiritual conceptual genres of thought relating to that pure superlative knowledge.

    Realistically; though, that inexplicable spiritual superlative knowledge cannot be explicitly explained in human parlance spontaneously via mundane ordinary everyday discussions. Human parlance cannot explain spiritual superlative knowledge instinctively via the initiates own volition; because, spiritual superlative knowledge cannot be read, written or spoken expecting another to comprehend what is being conveyed.

    The Esoteric Science, for the most part, is using the cerebral lobes of the brain and all terrestrial genres of thought to gather the materials: i.e. LIGHT of the world together; but, also to fathom out what the cerebral lobes of the brain are conveying by additionally researching what each of the cerebral lobes functions are conveying both spiritually and materialistically.

    This kind of researching goes into investigating all related terrestrial thought patterns associated with the texts of the sacred scriptures being look into. The initiate has to independently make these esoteric discoveries and do the research on his or her own volition. The initiate cannot be a follower he or she has to be a pioneer serendipitously making his or her own discoveries.

    If the initiate doesnt envisage this sequential circle of 32-Elohyms in the first chapter of Genesis and doesnt do the mathematics on the numerics of that circle and/or additionally doesnt do the researches inferred by the texts of the sacred scriptures on all other related genres of thought, then he or she will never see the Kabbalistic Tree of Life and/or comprehend the mystical nature of esotericism and/or envisage the esoteric science codified via sacred geometry to the first chapter of Genesis nor will the initiate envision the esoteric science in any other parts of the Old and New Testaments. Absent these eternal lifelong spiritual research investigations the uninitiated will remain as blind as if he or she had no eyesight whatsoever.

    Now it may sound ridiculous to the uninitiated; but, not so to the initiate. The Tarot Cards should be research via the MATRIX OF WISDOM, the Genesis Creation Account, all sacred scriptures around the world and all religious literature, religious art, religious symbolism, mythology, the Cerebral Lobes of the Brain, Twelve Zodiacal Signs: i.e. Astrology, the Sun Signs of Astrology, the seven directions, the Quadrivium and Trivium, the Seven Light Chakras and 21-Minor Light Chakras, the game of Chess, the multiplication tables and Pythagorean mathematics, etc., etc, etc. ad infinitum. All genres of thought in the terrestrial realm are collectively the LIGHT OF THE WORLD interweaving and amalgamating ceaselessly.

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    Imitates symbolically the Sun Signs of Astrology and the Cerebral Lobes of the Brain

    he cerebral lobes of the brain are symbolized via the twelve (12) zodiacal signs of Astrology, the Sun Signs of Astrology, the Tarot Cards and the sacred scriptures, etc.

    The universe, realistically and symbolically, represents the human brain: i.e. the Galactic Core symbolizes the Pineal Gland and on a very minute level of symbolism the Earths solar system replicates symbolically the pattern that radiates out from the Galactic Core an infinite amount of times per nanosecond; thus, every star in the universe would symbolize that universal archetypal prototypical pattern and this is why the planets in the Earths solar system governs psychically the twelve (12) zodiacal signs. Every star in the universe would have its own unique solar system, which would mirror-image that universal archetypal prototypical patterns via its own symbolism similar to how all religions on Earth are expressing the same spiritual message via different mythoi. Of course every single galaxy has its own Galactic Core. Inundating and surrounding every planetary system is what is called DARK MATTER: i.e. which I interpret as antimatter. Each planetary system symbolizes the first letter of the Torah: BETH , which has the Sun (YUD : i.e. Yahweh = ego-consciousness) dead-center to its spelling; whereas, the Galactic Core symbolizes ALEPH : i.e. unconscious mind symbolically representing the whole universe and not just a single planetary star. YUD , though, symbolizes a mere DOT in the material existential reality and it contains all knowledge; however, from a materialistic perspective YUD has to gather all the scattered rays of LIGHT to live in the outer world via Christ consciousness. ALEPH radiates that LIGHT into the world; whereas, YUD only radiates its finite knowledge obtained during the duration of ego-consciousness existence. ALEPHs knowledge is silent and invisible; whereas, YUDs knowledge is hubris: i.e. extremely vocal (multiple symbols). There is no way, other than through the auspices of Christ consciousness, in the outer world of getting past the opposing forces of duality sanctioned by ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind. Below, before going into the Minor Arcana Tarot Cards per se I will give, what I envisage, as the four suits: i.e. Wands, Swords, Pentacles and Cups primal psychic definitions as they relate to the activities of the psyche in the outer world before they were symbolized into the cards as we know them.


  • 16



    ANDS (UNKNOWN SILENCE: i.e. DOTS: i.e. iconography esoterically reading the SILENCE of the invisible letters of the psyche alphanumerically: i.e. letter by letter and/or iconoclastically

    read the visible words of the psyche: i.e. word by word), These letter by letter analogies are symbolic of psychic events: researching event by event. The WANDS from a spiritual and feminine perspective (swastika) mystically interweaves hand in hand with the CUPS that symbolizes the initiate ENVISAGING the LIGHT that is culled out of the DARKNESS. Ancient Egypt call DARKNESS the realm of SILENCE. The CUPS symbolizes the skull that contains the brain, which is symbolized as the first letter of Genesis: BETH : i.e. container; whereas, from a masculine perspective (swastika) the WANDS interweaves with the PENTACLES.

    I understand this psychic process to symbolizes how the psyche automatically on an instantaneous level responds nanosecond by nanosecond to the activities of the outer world via the raison dtre of the psyche.

    A very good example of this is the uninitiated reading the sacred scripture. No uninitiated ever reads the sacred scriptures as it is written; though, the sacred scriptures are superlatively structured the uninitiated reads the texts via his or her own biases, prejudices and preconceived notions. This is precisely how the psyche works automatically and instantaneously in the outer world based solely upon those dynamics of the psyches raison dtre, which profiles how the psyches character and personality wants to respond. Yes, the Hebraic alphabetic letters are visible in the Hebrew textual materials

    of the sacred scriptures; nonetheless, the Hebraic letters are summarily dismissed via reading the textual wording: i.e. word by word without any guiding laws orchestrated via mandated principles.

    What this means is that Hebraic letters are individually spelt out as words. Hebraic words are given vowel points that can spell out male, female or neutral meanings: i.e. depicting the Trinitarian Paradigm and this is not traditionally taught to the uninitiated laity.

    Hebraic and Greek letters alphanumeric structure is summarily dismissed via any translation into the parlance of a foreign language. Summarily dismissing the Hebraic and/or Greek parlance of the Esoteric Science codified into the sacred scriptures is symbolically analogous mythologically to how the victor: i.e. person in charge writes history: i.e. Victors of wars: i.e. Congressional liars in 2016 political campaign saying Iraq War started not because of Iraq having WMDs. In 2003 that is all the politicians and News Media in the USA talked about: Iraq has WMDs. The politicians and News Media knew in 2003 that Iraq got rid of the WMDs the USA gave them.


  • 17

    UNKNOWN SILENCE means that esotericism is what esoterically radiates out of the esoteric science: i.e. alphanumeric structure of the bible and/or religious symbolism.

    A perfect example symbolizing the UNKNOWN SILENCE of esotericism is observed immediately in the first chapter of Genesis. Esotericism is the mystical WORD OF GOD and the outer universe symbolizes the Mouth of God: i.e. via the Hebraic letter PEI , which inundates and surrounds the first letter of Genesis: i.e. BETH . PEI is invisible to the uninitiated.

    The first two (2) verses of Genesis symbolize the second letter of the Hebraic Coder: i.e. BETH . The first letter of Genesis: BETH has the ordinal value of the number two (2).

    These first two verses coupled esoterically with the first four days of creation radiates out the LIGHT of the world. This second section of the first chapter of Genesis contains seventeen (17) verses. PEI is the seventeenth Hebraic letter. Seventeen (17) PEI plus (2) BETH symbolizes QOPH , the nineteenth (19) letter of the Hebraic Coder. Seventeen also symbolizes THE STAR in the seventeenth (17) Major Arcana Tarot Cards and the number seventeen (17) has the aggregate of one-hundred and fifty-three (153): i.e. Vesica Piscis, which symbolizes Christ consciousness.

    The first four days of creation have two-hundred and seven (207) words and the word LIGHT in the first and fourth days of creation has the Gematria value of two-hundred and seven (207).

    Thirty-two (32) times the word ELOHYM is mentioned in the first chapter of Genesis that literally forms the pattern of the GRA Kabbalistic Tree of Life. When the 32-Elohyms are place in a sequential circle of thirty-two (32) sixteen of them are in the locations of three (3) to eighteen (18): i.e. first four days of creation, which has the aggregate of one-hundred and sixty-eight (168), which is the diameter of the circumference of the aggregate of thirty-two (32) totaling five-hundred and twenty-eight (528). The number 168 is the transposition of 186, which is the Gematria value of QOPH (). Also the numbers 186 and 168 are the transpositions of the short formula for the Golden Ratio (0.618).

    The Golden Ratio symbolizes TIME; whereas, the LIGHT distinguished (divided?) out of the DARKNESS symbolizes TIMELESSNESS (Christ). Neither what is called TIME and TIMELESSNESS can transcend the blank abyss; because, they symbolize the concepts of movement (appendicular skeleton-126 bones) and being stationary (axial skeleton-80 bones) respectively (see image in this paper). The skeletal structure of the human body is located in the fifth and sixth days of creation: i.e. two-hundred and six (206) words: i.e. there are 206-bones in the human body.

    PEI has the ordinal value of eighty (80) and it releases the cube of six (6): i.e. two-hundred and sixteen (216), which is the transposition of the number one-hundred and twenty-six (126).

    The first two (2) verses of Genesis are in the same category of DARKNESS as are the fifth and sixth days of creation inferring that the LIGHT of the world emanate out of the skeleton structure of the initiates raison dtre (reason for living). The skeleton structure has only twelve (12) verses in the fifth (four verses) and six (eight verses) days of creation, which symbolizes the twelve (12) zodiacal signs. The twelve (12) zodiacal signs symbolize LIGHT and DARKNESS on the earth inferring the Earths Solar Terminator. The Earth (symbolizing the Soul) going around the sun (symbolizing ego-consciousness) cyclically infers a repetitive lifestyle.

    The first two verses of Genesis symbolizing BETH is one seventh (1/7) of the realm of DARKNESS in the sequence of 32-Elohyms. This has everything do with the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH, which has six (6) letters and when QOPH comes into creation it is the center (Pineal Gland: i.e. Galactic Core) of the sphere that is created out of those letters. The Zohar says that BERESHITH symbolizes the six (6) ordinal directions, which inspired me to do the mathematics on the word BERESHITH; thus, the word BERESHITH can be cubed or made spherical and the moment the sphere radiates into the world beyond the blank abyss it is cubed. There is a great deal more to this cube and sphere that BERESHITH symbolizes; but, I will reframe from discussing it.

    Knowing these numerics of the texts and what they are conveying materialistically does not gift the uninitiated with the Initiatic Visionary Experience that allows him or her to understand what the numerics and/or sacred geometry are saying on a spiritual level. THIS IS ALL MAGIC.

  • 18

    The CUPS radiates out the silent invisible spiritual superlative knowledge from the MONAD: i.e. Pineal Gland that symbolizes the God/Man Christ; however, on a numinous level the Cups are brought in unanimity with the Wands. This alchemical mystical marriage aspect of creation is symbolized by the Cups; however, the Cups and Wands are basically portrayed in the Trinitarian Paradigm in this manner via contrasting Rider-Waite (Archetypal), Marseille (Existential) and B.O.T.A. (Cosmic) Tarot Cards.

    WANDS symbolize the left side of the brain: i.e. Book of Life: i.e. Parietal and Temporal lobes that symbolizing materialistic knowledge that already exists via the initiates prototypical paradigm: i.e. raison dtre that symbolizes rhetorically archival database (repetitive addiction and/or obsession): i.e. the unconscious minds archival memory database.

    This rhetorical archival memory database is female and male; however, the rhetorically the archival memory database is mostly feminine similar to how females and males are organically created in the world with females having an Animus: i.e. the masculines aspect of the feminine psyche and the male has an Anima: i.e. the feminine aspect of the males psyche.

    I, personally, understand the male and females existence in the outer materialistic world as being the pride of the soul. I created an image in this paper called: i.e. THE MATRIX OF WISDOMS TRIPTYCH: Trinitarian Paradigm: Three Swastikas illustrating this concept.

    How I know this concept is correct because both the male and female swastikas displace their Animus or Anima. Each of the swastikas is spaced by 4 x 8-cells out of a 100-cell matrix. It is; for the reason that, these 32-cells space out the swastikas that there are 32-Elohyms in the first chapter of Genesis. It is not solely because there is an image depicting the sacred geometry of the GRA Kabbalistic Tree of Life in the MATRIX OF WISDOM.

    What gives me the authority to say this about the 32-Elohyms in the first chapter of Genesis is; because, the 4 x 8-cells, spacing the swastikas, total to one-hundred and ninety-eight (198). When the number 198 is divided by 630 (total numerics of the matrix) the quotient is Pi: i.e. 3.1428 When the word Elohym is broken down letter by letter via Gematria to their lowest common denominators they exude the formula for Pi: i.e. 3.1415.

    Further evidence exists in the Jewish Targums, which has the world YAHWEH displacing the word Elohym in the creation account. The Torah and the Targums are otherwise basically identical except for minor variations.

    I see the three swastikas as symbolizing Yahweh (male swastika), Elohym (female swastika) and Christ consciousness (Neutral swastika): i.e. exuding the Vesica Piscis. In the New Testament it says, there are no males or females in heaven; thus, it should be clearly seen why I named these two 32-cells areas in the matrix as the Anima and Animus. The material marriage in the outer world is synonymous to the Wands

    and Swords getting materialistically married; However, this marriage should explain, at least mystically, why it is so difficult for a male and female to align with each other. It is a difficult life for both the male and female. Marriage may seem blissful at the outset; but, obligations to each other and ones children are literally a hell on earth. Especially when the married couple sees their lifes substance draining into the blank abyss: i.e. nothingness.

  • 19

    In developing this image to illustrate the three swastikas: male, female and neutral that radiates out of the MATRIX OF WISDOM I made a very important esoteric discovery. The first point I want to emphasize, before continuing, is that this is the same MATRIX OF WISDOM expressed artistically three different ways. I point his obvious fact out now to prevent any confusion as to what I am about to reveal.

    This discovery has everything to do with learning why the word ELOHYM was used thirty-two (32) times in the first chapter of Genesis. Ever since I learned that this MATRIX OF WISDOM had the sacred geometry of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life and the Star of David in it and that additionally the first chapter of Genesis had the same images codified to it, there then was no doubt in my mind that this matrix symbolizing the psyche wrote the sacred scriptures. Now I am about to reveal additional evidence of this.

    Each of the male and female swastikas outlined in the image above is colored blue (female) and yellow (male). Each of the swastikas is offset by 4 x 8 = 32-cells via its opponents color. Just because the number is thirty-two (32) does not mean anything in and of itself; however, when each of the thirty-two (32) cells in each swastika is totaled it comes to one-hundred and ninety-eight (198). The aggregate of the full one-hundred (100) cells in the MATRIX OF WISDOM is six-hundred and thirty (630). Divided 198 by 630 = 3.1428, which is the formula for Pi.

    The word ELOHYM is spelt out Aleph 1) ), Lemmed 3 - 30) ), Heh 5) ), Yud 1 - 10) ) and Mem 4 - 40) ). Going counterclockwise, creating a circle, from the number three the result is 3.1415; therefore, Elohym is the diameter of its own circumference. The Zohar says Aleph symbolizes Elohym and Aleph is number one (1): MONAD.

    In the above image of the 32-Elohyms in a circle, in the first chapter of Genesis, the aggregate of thirty-two (32) is five-hundred and twenty-eight (528) and the diameter of said circle is one-hundred and sixty-eight (168); thus, each Elohym symbolizes Pi and the thirty-two (32) Elohyms in a circle also collectively symbolizes Pi.

    Subtracting 32-cells from 100-cells leaves 68-cells. The number-68 is the transposition of the number 86, which is the Gematria value of the word ELOHYM. This symbolizes both divine aspects (gods) of the psyche separates themselves from each other. This may be why ego-consciousness, male or female, does not know about its Anima or Animus.

  • 20

    This conflict between the Anima and ego-consciousness may well be why, in the outer world, the male symbolizes the masculine aspects of the gender. Or the conflict between the Animus and ego-consciousness may be the reason, in the outer world; the female symbolizes the feminine aspects of the gender.

    There is little doubt, as far as I am concerned, that the masculine aspects of the human species is the projection of the content of the left Parietal and Temporal lobes of the brain; whereas, the feminine aspects of the human species is a projection of the right Parietal and Temporal lobes of the brain. I could go into this a great deal more; but, I will not venture into that maze, which would be considered inexplicable and inappropriate to discuss now.

    The only way for the human psyche to gain alignment with itself is for the male and female, in the outer world, to separate themselves like monks and nuns do in religious orders; because, both monks and nuns marry Christ to obtain Christ consciousness.

    When the number 198 is subtracted from the number 630 the quotient is 432. These numbers 4, 3 and 2 are found in the cosmic Hebraic letters: RESH 200) ), SHIN 300) ) and TAV 400) ) in first word of Genesis: BERESHITH. The number 432 symbolizes all of the elements for Christ consciousness except for the letter QOPH 100) ), which finalizes the spelling for the word CHRIST (krst) in Greek using Hebrew letters.

    On a materialistic level the Wands symbolizes material out of the unconscious minds archival memory database, which very well include via previous nanoseconds spiritual input.

    I pointed out that the four suits of the Minor Arcana Tarot Cards symbolizes the Dot, Line, Angle and Circle, which is precisely how Pythagoras envisaged his mathematical theorem.

    The Game of Chess 64-cell chessboard is analogous to the inner 64-cells of the MATRIX OF WISDOM. The movements of the Chess pieces: i.e. Knight (Dot), Bishop (Line), Knight (Angle) and Queen and King (Circle) were also developed based upon the design of these four symbols.

    Also the Sun Signs and Astrology are based upon the numerics of these four symbols in the MATRIX OF WISDOM.

    The matrix literally radiate out that it symbolizes the LIGHT of the world via these four symbols: i.e. Dot, Line, Angle and Circle. I find it quite illuminating to see that the first four days of creation literally write this concept into its fold. The first day of creation reveals that the LIGHT comes out of the DARKNESS and then all four days have a total of 207-words, which is the Gematria value of the word LIGHT illustrating symbolically that all four days symbolizes the LIGHT of the world.

  • 21

    WORDS (SOUND: i.e. LINES iconoclastically spoken words via the two-edge sword) SILENCE and SOUND symbolizes the left side of the brains Parietal and Temporal lobes mirror-imaging the right side of the

    brains Parietal and Temporal lobes. Both the WANDS and SWORDS attempt work hand in hand as best as they can just as the CUPS and the WANDS mystically worked together.

    The left side of the brain: i.e. Parietal and Temporal lobes do all they can to understand the confusion: i.e. CHAOS that the right side of the brains Parietal and Temporal lobes: i.e. ORDER is transmitting: i.e. scattering dust to them. Separating the MONAD, symbolized by ones and nines, into the four Sun Sign categories 1 an 8 (Mars), 2 and 7 (Venus), 3 and 6 (Mercury) and 4 and 5 (Moon and Sun respectfully) symbolizes ORDER turned into CHAOS. Yes, Christ: i.e. Yahweh Elohym: i.e. the mystical alchemical marriage of the Souls Two-Part Psyche: i.e. ego-consciousness (Yahweh) and the unconscious mind (Elohym) did use that scattered dust to create Adam as outlined in the second chapter of Genesis. Christ is the scattered dust: i.e. LIGHT (radiated rainbow) of the world that is then supposed to be gathered together in Christs name.

    SOUND via the two-edge sword symbolizes the five senses: i.e. hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting and feeling that are all symbolically synonymous to sound: i.e. receiving and animating the psyches SILENT missive.

    The Swords symbolizes the five senses; because, the word YAHWEH is spelt with two Hebraic letters HEHs 5) s). This is why on the table of the Marseilles Magician Tarot Card there are two dices one is numbered one (1) and the other is numbered five (5). In the spiritual superlative realm retain itself as the MONAD; whereas, the outer world envisages the LIGHT of the superlative realm as scattered dust material.

    When the word YAHWEH unites both the HEHs they form another YUD 10) ). Then the two YUDs flank the VAV (blank abyss symbolizing the outer world) creating the first Hebraic letter ALEPH , which symbolizes Christ consciousness: i.e. Neutral Swastika, which begins from that moment forward.

    The Swords: i.e. left Parietal and Temporal lobes (five senses) gives instantaneously psychic substance (interpretations: names and/or symbols) involuntarily to the inexplicable SILENCE that transmits from the Wands: i.e. right Parietal and Temporal lobes.

    This means that the psyche normally retains it character and personality repetitively and obsessively unless is psychically does something spiritual willfully changing its psyche for better or worst; thus, everything that manifest into the psyche is based upon its raison dtre. This is analogous to using the same psychic mold in all ones thoughts, words and deeds.


  • 22

    The reason that I highlighted below the eight zodiacal signs that symbolize the right and left Parietal and Temporal lobes is to emphasize the concepts of Silence and Sound in the outer world. Only Sound can be expressed in the outer world.

    The left Parietal and Temporal lobes (ego-consciousness) obscure stand: i.e. unintelligible in meaning) represent the left and right upper Parietal lobes: i.e. opaqueness represent Christ that symbolizes Jupiter: i.e. Pisces (Fishes coming out of water: i.e. hanged man: i.e. initiates) and Sagittarius (Wiseman: i.e. fully obtained Christ consciousness)

    The left and right lower Parietal Lobes: i.e. Angels of Gods sacrificial warriors symbolizing Mars: i.e. Aries (Ram) and Scorpio (Scorpion) I envisage as materialistic death and conversion to religious beliefs.

    Whereas, the left and right upper and lower Temporal lobes are obscure (hard to understand: i.e. unintelligible in meaning) symbolizes Venus the lovers that represent Libra (Scales justice and equality mirror-imaging each other and also it would represent the risen Kundalini Serpent); however the opposite could very well represent injustice and inequality: i.e. dormant Kundalini Serpent. And the upper left Temporal lobe symbolizes Venus the hater that represents Taurus (Bull dictators and haters).

    The lower right Temporal lobe: i.e. Virgo (Baptismal Fount: i.e. religions and/or Mystery Schools: i.e. September 15th symbolizes the anniversary of the Eleusinian mysteries). The opposite could very well be contrasted to symbolize to teach (ignorance) the bare essentials to obtain minimum wage employment in the outer world and the left lower Temporal lobe Gemini (messengers of the God: i.e. ego-consciousness-male and the unconscious mind-female) symbolizes religious communication skill; contrastingly, the opposite represents false prophets.

    In the texts of the Old and New Testaments of the Judaeo Christian Scriptures there are only four zodiacal signs symbolized. The first eleven (11) chapters of Genesis symbolize Gemini: i.e. antediluvian times very much how the average human being recalls his or her childhood raised by the Goddess (mother).

    In their own right Gemini the Twins and Virgo the Virgin symbolizes Mercury messenger of the gods similar to how the unconscious minds right Parietal and Temporal lobes of the brain receives the unknown data that is then transmitted (scatters) it over to the left Parietal and Temporal lobes.

    The rest of the Old Testament is based upon Taurus the Bull (ego-consciousness: i.e. Yahweh) and Aries (unconscious mind: i.e. Elohym) the Ram, which are analogous to how the upper left Temporal lobe and the lower left Parietal lobe deals with its psychic materials it receives from the upper right Temporal lobe (Libra the Scales) and the lower right Parietal lobe (Scorpio the Scorpion). The Scales of Libra symbolizes ego-consciousness mirror-imaging its unconscious mind; whereas, Scorpio symbolizes materialistic death.

    The New Testament symbolizes Pisces the Fishes and Sagittarius the archer and this is what is symbolic of Christ coming into the world as scattered dust. It is up to the initiate to gather back up that dust and recreate the Holy Grail.

    Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius symbolize the Silence of the sacred scriptures emanating out of the right Parietal and Temporal lobes of the brain; however, they are all what inspire the left Parietal and Temporal lobes of the brain and invokes the creative Sound in the outer world via Gemini, Taurus, Aries and Pisces.

    In the future there will be those that will be more in tuned to the personalities of initiates via the analysis of both the cerebral lobes of the brain and the twelve zodiacal signs along with other appropriate factors.

    Those that have been attentive would have notice that not only the does process express itself going from north: right Parietal and Temporal lobes to south: i.e. left Parietal and Temporal lobes; but, the same process is expressed like Jacobs Ladder via going from Mercury to Venus to Mars to Jupiter as ascending Jacobs ladder or Merkabahs Chariot is spinning.

  • 23

    UPS (ENVISAGE: i.e. CIRCLE Iconographically (esoterically and symbolically) inexplicably grasping spiritually superlative knowledge and intuiting materialistically material knowledge).

    Cups per se, do not exist, other than via the individual perception of the superlative spirituality: i.e. Christ consciousness and/or perceptions of materialistic thoughts.

    The CUPS symbolizing the CIRCLE represent Christ: i.e. Jupiter: i.e. TIMELESSNESS. The CUPS appear to be in the area of the Occipital lobes; because, TIME comes from that direction (east). But Satan (Saturn: i.e. TIME): i.e. ego-consciousness is not allowed in the Holy Church and this is why there is no entrance to most Roman Catholic Churches when the altar is in the east: TIME (Saturn) is not allow in.

    Thus, the APSE symbolizes the CROSSING and this is the reason that Jupiter radiates out analogous to the BIG BANG.

    The whole purpose of the Cups, which symbolizes cosmology: i.e. gravity in the outer world: i.e. the unanimity of all knowledge via ORDER and CHAOS and releases both those conceptual psychic patterns into the outer world.

    The Merkabah Chariot, mentioned above, symbolizes the tetrahedral forces of the psyche: i.e. Fire God AGNI, which I symbolize below in the center of the Tarot Cards as a ball of fire: i.e. the Pineal Gland.

    All that I wrote about above was an attempt to dissect the whole of the psyches cerebral lobes into psychic and astrological format; however, this ball of fire: i.e. Pineal Gland is symbolically all there is. The outer world does not exist; it never did exist and never will exist. All that the psyche experiences, is its phantasmagoria, which is then classified as dreams and/or the outer world.

    Thus, the mystical nature of the CUPS is to recycle repetitively the psychic content of the psyche via a different format with spiritual suggestions (answering desires prayers) as to how to progress in life in the quest for regaining the Holy Grail. Of course all that spirituality can give is itself: i.e. infinite knowledge; thus, the altars chalice can never be empty and this is why it is not shown to tip over; however, here to this image to the right it is shown as if the altars chalice tipped over. I did this to point out how the CUPS scatter the psychic material into the outer world. Notice how the four Cups court card has its Knight returning with the Holy Grail in hand.


  • 24

    In the Roman Catholic Churchs Holy Mass this is shown illustrated via the Trinitarian Paradigm. Directly below there is an image of the MATRIX OF WISDOM formatting the design of the Roman Catholic Church.

    The Holy Mass is portrayed in the following manner: WANDS: Reading the SILENCE of the sacred scriptures SWORDS: Vocalizing via the Homily: i.e. the interpretation of the texts CUPS: The priest handing out the Eucharist over the CROSSINGs

    railing. The Eucharist symbolizes the Cups: i.e. Holy Grail, which is the amalgamation of the WANDS and the SWORDS

    All of this is mystically heard by the laity in the pews of the church on the other side of the CROSSING; however, each member of the laity inputs his or her biases, prejudices and preconceived notions that are instinctually inherent to its psyches raison dtre. The priest on the other side of the CROSSING symbolizes Christ who spiritually cannot transcend that blank abyss, which is symbolized by the transept.

    I colored the walls, which represents the nines (9s) purple; because, the nines (9s) symbolize spirituality, which is what holds the Roman Catholic Church aloft. The most important aspect of this image is that the males are on one south side of the church and the females are on the north side. Catholicism in its early years, and many churches still do it in modernity, split the male and females members of the laity into their own side of the church proper. This symbolizes scattering Christ into dust parts. Christ symbolizes the union of male and female.

    This is scattering Christ consciousness into the outer world is clearly shown in the ACE OF CUPS where the water is streaming down through five (5) waterfalls streams (ORDER: i.e. five senses?) and additionally scattering twenty-six (26-Gematria value of Yahweh that symbolizes all four Minor Arcana Tarot Cards suits) drops (Yuds ?) of water: i.e. CHAOS into the oceans that symbolizes the world. It is interesting that twenty-six (26) times

  • 25

    the word (Hebraic letters) is used throughout the first chapter of Genesis; however, this word is summarily dismissed by translators. It is obvious that the word symbolize the Alpha and the Omega of the Hebraic alphabet: i.e. 22-letters: i.e. validated by the Prologue of the Zohar; thus, this is all that spirituality can send through the blank abyss: i.e. the rainbow of Hebraic letters.

    The M on the ACE OF CUP obviously symbolizes WATER, whether the upside down M is taken as a W (water) or M, which is the Hebrew letter for MEM or , which is the thirteenth (13th) letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Thirteen (13) is the Gematria value of the number one (1), which is the MONAD: i.e. GOD. Christ consciousness is the gathering together the LIGHT: i.e. all four suits of the Minor Arcana Tarot Cards that has been scattered into the outer world by the ignorant psyche. The psyche is always ignorant of something. Life is a journey not a means of reaching a destination. If the psyche on its own volition does not pay attention and gather that material and put that superlative knowledge: i.e. Holy Grail into its own head/skull it will never know Christ consciousness.

    On a spiritual level all four suits of the Minor Arcana Tarot Cards collectively symbolizes the Eucharist: i.e. LIGHT OF THE WORLD in the Chalice: i.e. Cups, which symbolizes the spiritual gift from God. This is why there is a CROSS symbolically designed in the middle of the Eucharistic wafer host on the ACE OF CUPS.

    All four Minor Arcana Tarot Cards suits symbolically format a CROSSING in the center of the churchs interior.

    PARADOXICALLY, the CUPS position in the MATRIX OF WISDOM does not have a physical door to enter or exist; whereas, it is obvious that since Christ calls himself the door that he symbolizes the door to the psyche: i.e. Pineal Gland.

    Also the fours (4) and fives (5) symbolizes the twelve zodiacal signs (waters of creation), which mystically produces the Star of David not only in the matrix; but, also in the first chapter of Genesis.

  • 26

    ENTACLES (HEARD: i.e. ANGLE symbolizes the psyche understanding spirituality through iconography and iconoclasm the best it can off kilter via the amalgamation of the Wands superlative

    silence and/or via the sound of the clashing Swords (senses)); thus the Pentacles interweave with both the Wands and the Swords mystically recreating the Holy Grail. The PENTACLES as symbolizing the ANGLE, which depicts the movement of the Knight on the horse (psyche) as being a union of the Rook (Wand) and the Bishop (Sword); but, each move is off kilter from spirituality; though, conceptually the initiate can envisage Christ consciousness: i.e. Holy Grail.

    The mystical missive that comes from the right side of the brains Parietal and Temporal lobes to the left Parietal and Temporal lobes and are being funneled through the Pentacles that have been classified under the rubric of Hypnagogia and/or Meditation. This is analogous to the double helix intertwining with each other.

    The Pentacles in symbolic amalgamating the Wands and Swords is analogous to rising from death: i.e. not physical death; but rather, rising from spiritual death.

    In fact this stage of consciousness radiated out from the right Parietal and Temporal lobes to the left Parietal and Temporal lobes is what floods the brain like a tsunami upon awakening in the outer world from sleep and it is then called a dream.

    Nonetheless the outer worlds awaken activities are solely based upon the activities of the left and right Parietal and Temporal lobes of the brain.

    The Sun Signs of the Moon (unconscious mind) and Sun (ego-consciousness) symbolizes the two great luminaries: Frontal lobes of the brain, outlined in the fourth day of creation, which brings LIGHT to the Earth: i.e. Pentacles.

    All these psychic activities are different nomenclatures for Hypnagogia. I personally intuited this while going through my own meditational hypnagogic state of awakened consciousness; however, this hypnagogic state of meditation while awake is not a state of drowsiness; rather, it is clear silent attentiveness to what the psyche is conveying.

    I also interpret the right and left Parietal and Temporal lobes to symbolize the different opaqueness and obscure nature of the unconscious mind and ego-consciousness respectively in the state of Hypnagogia: i.e. the right Parietal and Temporal lobes (unconscious mind): i.e. silence (opaque: i.e. that which LIGHT per se cannot pass).

    The fact that there are twelve parts to the cerebral lobes of the brain points out why each males or females life is already predestined from which ever part of the psyche it was downloaded from; thus, the old maxim KNOW THYSELF.


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    ider-Waite Minor Arcana Tarot Cards exudes the Trinitarian Paradigm to perfection; though, this is not traditionally known; for the reason that not many people are attentive to studying esotericism.

    A true esoterist puts most of his or her free time into what reality is actually about; whereas, most people generally accept what is put in front of them or input their own biases, prejudices or preconceived notions into the fray. The Rider-Waite Minor Arcana Tarot Cards are classified as CUPS, WANDS, SWORDS and PENTACLES. The Rider-Waite Minor Arcana Tarot Cards also symbolizes the cerebral lobes of the brain using a different mythological parlance to express the same mythoi of the sacred scriptures, religious artwork and Astrology. Many that read my writings and have no understanding of esotericism may tend to think that I am fixated on the human skull and the cerebral lobes of the brain. Essentially, they would be right; because, that is all the ancient mystics wrote about esoterically; because, these spiritual laws are conveyed directly from the Soul. Life in the outer world would not be possible if its fixated mantra was not a dual system of thought via TIME (Saturn) and TIMELESSNESS (Jupiter). The computer system that society has become enamored by was unwittingly structured esoterically very much like the inner and outer worlds were designed. TIME and TIMELESSNESS symbolizes Zeros and Ones respectively, which is analogous to the binary system of (0s and 1s) that writes the software languages of all computers around the world. TIME (Zeros 0s) symbolizes death (past); whereas, ones (1s) symbolizes the LIGHT of the world (NOW). This is why there is a rainbow of colors and a fixed modus operandi in images, textual materials, ideas and concepts in the outer world. The Zeros and Ones have many different functions relating to their main raison dtres. The monitor screens of computers or Television screens symbolize the blank abyss of the outer world. Think about how the computer writes words instantaneously, similar to how thoughts instinctually manifest in the brain, before they are verbalized or written into the texts. There is no way that the author thinks about the binary system and/or the computer language that writes the texts. Just as the average person does not think about how his or her thoughts originated from before verbalizing and/or writing them into the outer world. The fact that computers were instinctually and inherently created in this manner is indisputable evidence that there is a primal pattern: Law: i.e. God in creation that cohesively unifies all creation nanosecond by nanosecond

    CUPS symbolize the heavens, which radiates (scatters) LIGHT down to the earth via the two great luminaries: i.e. Sun (ego-consciousness) and the Moon (unconscious mind).


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    o The CUPS represents the superlative knowledge that emanates out of the Pineal Gland that symbolizes the God/Man Christ, which is the spiritual forces of creation merging with the initiates raison dtre (reason for living).

    o This takes place nanosecond by nanosecond continuously 24/7 (more than a billion times a second). TIME (Saturn the Father of Time) travels at the speed of LIGHT (Jupiter): i.e. 186, 000 miles a second. Now do the mathematics down to inches or fractions thereof.

    o Thus, the CUPS symbolize the unification of the superlative tetrahedral forces of the WANDS and the SWORDS.

    WANDS symbolize the unconscious mind, which represents the full abstract conceptual ideas and concepts: i.e. ORDER of the Souls; however, when it releases that data into the outer world it scattered the archetypes abroad creating absolute CHAOS. This is why the WANDS are singular in shape.

    SWORD symbolizes two-edges as if it represents the folk-tongue. The two-edge SWORD symbolizes the Souls Two-Part Psyche: i.e. unconscious mind and ego-consciousness in continuous conflict with each other: i.e. absolute CHAOS.

    PENTACLES symbolize the double helix, which represents the Golden Ratio constantly twisting and amalgamating into the two-three scenarios symbolizing each set of the Fibonacci sequence as a two-three scenario.

    o This is essentially what was meant when Christ says in the New Testament, When two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst of them.

    o The PENTACLES does its best to gathers together the ideas and concepts of the WANDS and SWORDS into unanimity via a slanted perspective. This is because the psyche in the outer world cannot envisage Christ consciousness on its own volition.

    o The PENTACLES does the best they can to symbolize Christ consciousness; however, everything done is the outer world is out of kilter from reality; but, it is the best that can be done by the psyche in the outer world.

    o Abstractly the individual psyche independently on an esoteric level can desire Christs superlative knowledge and pray that he or she can envisage it.

    All the symbolism, for the most part, in the Rider-Waite Minor Arcana Tarot Cards will not be discussed only the symbolism relating to the Sun Signs of Astrology.

    Study the numerics in the MATRIX OF WISDOM (10 x 10-matrix) via the Souls Two-Part Psyche: i.e. ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind and

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    not the MATRIX OF WISDOM via the Eternal Temple of God when reading this breakdown of the Rider-Waite Minor Arcana Tarot Cards.

    In the Rider-Waite Major Arcana Tarot Cards the major issue there is to show how the Hebraic Alphabet when each letter came out of nothing it was named based upon the numerics of one (1) thru nine (9) on an Archetypal and then the Existential and then the Cosmic level illustrating the climbing of Jacobs Ladder. All this is understood via the esotericism codified to the first two verses of Genesis; however, the Rider-Waite Major Arcana Tarot Cards does not illustrate independently how the Archetypal, Existential and Cosmic features were designated to each Major Arcana Tarot Card.

    The Rider-Waite Major Arcana Tarot Cards one (1) thru ten (10) can be seen as mirror-imaging the ten pip cards in each Minor Arcana Tarot Card suit. When the LIGHT comes into manifested creation each one of the superlative Hebraic letters morph into the four categories of LIGHT: Wands (Fire), Swords (Air), Pentacles (Earth) and Cups (Water). The nine and ten are added to the fray of pip cards to complete the Seven Sun Signs and to complete the astrological cycle in each suit of the Minor Arcana Tarot Cards.

    Nonetheless, knowing that the Hebraic Alphabet is aligned to the Archetypal, Existential and Cosmic Trinitarian Paradigm I took the Rider-Waite Tarot Cards numbered 1-10-19, 2-11-20, 3-12-21, etc., and align each of these groups of threes side by side and I envisaged the Trinitarian Paradigm.

    In addition my research into the history of the Tarot Cards allowed me to envisage that; thought, the Rider-Waite Major Arcana Tarot Cards per se did not explain why they were all superlatively Comic; however, I learned of the Golden Dawn mystery schools association with the Marseille Tarot Cards (Archetypal) and the B.O.T.A. Tarot Cards (Existential). All three of these Major Arcana Tarot Cards contrasted each other illustrating why the Rider-Waite Tarot Cards are superlative: i.e. Cosmic, the Marseille cards are Archetypal and the B.O.T.A. cards are Existential. The Major Arcana Tarot Cards cannot be displayed to illustrate the brains cerebral lobes psychic process they can only demonstrate the psyches primary rudimentary process.

    The first four days of creation represent the four basic elements of creation: i.e. Fire (1st day - Wands), Air (2nd day - Swords), Earth (3rd day - Pentacles) and Waters (4th day - Cups). Previously, in other writings, before researching the Rider-Waite Minor Tarot Cards, I misinterpreted the first four day of creation to represent the four mystical elements in a different sequence (Earth, Air, Water and Fire); however, the Rider-Waites Minor Arcana Tarot Cards clarified the esoteric nature of the first four days of creation and properly aligned the suites: Wands, Swords, Pentacles and Cups.

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    WAND: 1 & 8: o The number one (1) is separated from the eight (8) because the magic

    wand is what mystically/magically radiates the numerics into the outer world. LIGHT is the psyches comprehension of DARKNESS. The number nine (9) symbolizes the number (1: i.e. MONAD) and it

    separates the heavens (1) and the earth (8). The number one (1) symbolizes the MONAD, which in turn

    symbolizes the magic WAND; for the reason that, it alone mystically creates the outer world out of nothing (ex nihilo).

    o The number eight (8) per se does not symbolize the earth; rather, it symbolizes the LIGHT that exudes all four primary elements: i.e. WANDS (Fire) 1 & 8, SWORDS (Air) 2 & 7, PENTACLES (Earth) 3 & 6 and CUPS (Water) 4 & 5.

    The ones (1s) and eight (8s) in all Tarot Card SUITS symbolize MARS; for the reason that, ones (1s) and eight (8s) collectively portray the opposites (conflicting forces) in the outer world.

    o It is this conflicting process that creates the solidity of the outer world; however, all matter (materialism) contains infinite knowledge as has been illustrated via splitting the atom: i.e. the Atom Bomb.

    o Believe it or not this one (1) and eight (8) scenario has everything to do with the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH (yellow) and the four letters (green) that extrapolate from it creating what I have named the Genesis Formula. The word BERESHITHs six letters (yellow) exist in the outer

    world and has the Gematria value of 913 and the four letters (green) in the spiritual realm has the Gematria value of 117. The total is 1030: 913 + 117; thus, 117 is approximately one/ninth (1/9) of 1030: i.e. 114.444 This is why the eight (8) of Wands are not separated in the Rider-Waite Minor Arcana Tarot Cards like seen in the other suits.

    The other three suits give off a different mystical nuance.

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    o What I call the Genesis Formula 4-1-3-1-2-2-1-3-1-4 is the first and last rows and/or columns of the MATRIX OF WISDOM. This kind of symbolism illustrates why Christ says in the New

    Testament, I am the first and the last. CUPS: 1 & 8

    o Notice that in the eight (8) of cups there are two stacks of cups (5 + 3) two cups on three cups and another group with one cup on two cups.

    o When you add the ACE of CUPS you have 1 + 5 + 3, which are the numerics for the Vesica Piscis.

    SWORDS: 1 & 8 o The symbolism of the Swords 1 & 8 mirror images the Cups 1 & 8: i.e.

    three swords on one side of the bounded prisoner and five swords on the other side of her plus the Ace of Swords = 1 + 5 + 3.

    PENTACLES: 1 & 8 o The symbolism of the Pentacles 1 & 8 mirror images the Cups 1 & 8:

    Five Pentacles on the post (Tree?) and the other three are leaning against the bench, under the bench and one the carpenter is working on the bench.

    o Plus, the Ace of Swords = 1 + 5 + 3: i.e. 153. o Notice the opening in the vegetative fence that looks like a door.

    This nuance looks very much like the concept laid out in THE WORLD: last Major Arcana Tarot Card.

    The Vesica Piscis does come from the Spiritual Realm and I wrote a paper on that awhile back on how the ancients learned of the Equinoctial cycle of 25,920 years4: I recommend that the reader reads this five page paper in order to understand how the ancients learn the art of esotericism. That final aspect of that paper show why: i.e. 153: i.e. Christ consciousness symbolizes the spiritual realm. TIMELESSNESS: i.e. Christ cannot enter the outer realm.

    Whereas, TIME also cannot enter the outer world, which is instituted via the Zero (0): i.e. BIG BANG coming into the outer world, which initiates the Golden Ratio: i.e. 0+1+1+2+3+5+8 that creates organic flesh that disintegrates (evaporate) and/or solidifies over TIME. Every set (two numbers) in the Fibonacci sequence beginning with two plus three (2+3) is a two to three ratio and this is why the mythoi of Christ says, when two or three gather together in my name there am I in the midst of them.

    The two (2) + three (3) ratio literally begins with the Genesis Formula via the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH: i.e. 4+6 (2+3) letters. TIMELESSNESS: NOW eternally repeats itself ad infinitum. This is why the sacred scripture eternally repeats itself like the Golden Ratio, beginning with the word BEREHITH. This latter is not envisaged by those that dont read the sacred scriptures esoterically. 4 PRECESSION OF THE EQUINOXES: How the Ancient Astrologers learn of it https://www.slideshare.net/williamjohnmeegan/precession-of-the-equinoxes-how-did-ancient-astrologers-learn-of-it

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    WAND: 2 & 7: o The Gematria value of LIGHT in Genesis is 207 and two (2)

    symbolizes LIGHT and seven (7) symbolizes the dormant Kundalini Serpent.

    o The two (2) of wands is set up to symbolize Christ standing between Boaz and Jachin creating a triptych and/or Vesica Piscis. This is seen above the central door of the Royal Portal: i.e.

    West Faade of Chartres Cathedral. The center of the West Faade of Chartres Cathedral is

    position between two towers that symbolizes the Sun and the Moon.

    o Christ symbolizes the mystical marriage of the Sun (ego-consciousness) & the Moon (unconscious mind) and when this takes place the King of King rules over the whole world. The two (2) are Boaz and Jachin. In the Two of Wands Tarot Card under one of the wands to

    the left are two lilies intersecting two roses, set in granite rock, creating a CROSS.

    o Christ symbolizes the spiritual sun, which is symbolizes the cube of six (6). This is seen with the two (2) of wands and the seven (7) of wands. The seven (7) of wands has one wand apparently in opposition to the other six; thus, the two and seven that symbolize LIGHT also symbolizes in this perspective 216: 6. The reason that the one (1) wand appears to be against the

    other six (6) wands is; because, they have not yet mystically amalgamated. The one (1) wand is still in the spiritual realm and the other six (6) wands symbolize BERESHITHs six (6) letters.

    CUPS: 2 & 7: o The two of cups symbolizes the mystical marriage of Boaz and

    Jachin. o The seven (7) of wands symbolize all the spiritual gifts of creation

    that are given to the soul via different symbolism. o The seven (7) of wands appears to be in a spiritual shape with the

    unnamed angel in the center. The Zohar has the six letters of BERESHITH symbolizing the six (6) directions. Qoph is the next

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    letter into creation, which symbolizes the center: galactic core of the universe. The man in black is only conceptualizing the sphere.

    SWORDS: 2 & 7: o In the material world the two (2) of swords symbolizes the soul being

    both spiritually and materially blind to all knowledge. o The seven (7) of swords the man appears to be a thief taking what he

    wants not knowing what any of its about: i.e. at best CHAOS. Or not knowing what to do with the others.

    PENTACLES: 2 & 7: o The two (2) of pentacles shows the perplexity of ignorance seen in the

    two (2) of swords; though, the clown like figure is aware that the outer world holds infinite knowledge: i.e. interpreted from the symbol of infinity he is trying to manipulate in his hands.

    o The seven (7) of swords somewhat mythologically mirror images the seven (7) of wands in separating one (1) pentacle from the other six (6) pentacles; thus again this two (2) of pentacles and seven (7) of pentacle are inferring the cube of six (6): i.e. spiritual sun.

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    WAND: 3 & 6: o In the three (3) of wands Christ is obviously facing north and holding onto

    the wand in the east: i.e. NOW and the other two wands are behind him (PAST). The one he is holding onto is 1/3rd of the three wands in the image. Christ alone symbolizes the Trinitarian Paradigm. There is no male of female in Christ consciousness.

    o The six (6) of wands symbolizes 2/3rd of the nine wands. o Notice in the six (6) of wands the man on horse, winner of the horse race

    (laurel wreath), is holding one wand on his right side and there are five (5) wands on his left side. Again the numerics of the Vesica Piscis is being displayed here in the three (3) and six (6) of wands. Those that win the spiritual race are rewards as seen in the seven (7) of cups; however, no initiates should ever sit on their laurels.

    o The three (3) of wands (1/3rd of nine wands) symbolizes the seven (7) words (1/3rd of twenty-one (21) words) in the first verse of Genesis; because, there are fourteen (14) words (2/3rd of twenty-one (21) words) in second verse of Genesis. Spirituality symbolizes thirty-three (33); whereas, the outer world symbolizes six-hundred and sixty-six: i.e. the beast. All four suits have this pattern woven into them.

    CUPS: 3 & 6: o The three (3) of cups is obviously symbolizes the unanimity of the Trinity. o The six (6) of cups is mirror imaging the six (6) of wands by giving one (1)

    cup away and five (5) to be given out. Couple this symbolism with the three (3) of cups and Vesica Piscis numerics appear ones again. 153.

    SWORDS: 3 & 6: o The three (3) of swords symbolizes the death of spirituality. o The six (6) of swords symbolizes the suffering that goes on in the material

    world navigating the seas of life. PENTACLES: 3 & 6:

    o All pentacles pip cards symbolize amalgamating into unity the concepts in both the wands and swords.

    o The three (3) of pentacles shows that the three (3) pentacles in the stain glass window symbolize spirituality: i.e. 1/3rd; however, the three (3) people between the arches are in unanimity. The artist ego-consciousness is being instructed by Christ and the unconscious mind. The three (3) Pentacles in the stain glass window symbolizes the three

    people are in unanimity, which is analogous to Michelangelo being guided by the Churchs hierarchy.

    o The six of Wand is analogous to Christ giving coins to the peoples of the world known as charity; because, poor people are suffering as seen in the six (6) of swords while Christ gives spiritually mind people a life of contentment and this is what the Scales of Libra are all about in the hands of Christ.

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    SUN & MOON

    WANDS: 4 & 5: o The four of Wands are structured conceptually like the two twos in the

    Genesis Formula 4-1-3-1-2-2-1- 3-1-4. o The four of Wands is divided into two twos, which total to four and the

    fourth Hebraic letter is Daleth that symbolizes Door. The four symbolizes the Sun Sign Moon, which is the Door to the

    psyche. The couple in the middle of the two twos symbolizes the mystical

    marriage of the Sun (ego-consciousness) and the Moon (unconscious mind).

    o The five of Wands appears to be in total CHAOS; however, looking closely at the footwork of all five wand-holders it is obvious that the two wand-holders on the right are completely separate from the three wand-holders on the left. The legs of the two on the right intertwine And the legs of all three on the left intertwine.

    None of the legs of the three individuals on the left intertwine with the legs on the two individuals on the right.

    CUPS: 4 & 5: o The four of Cups is symbolic of the fourth Hebraic letter QOPH that

    finishes spelling out the word Christ in Greek (krst) using Hebrew letters. The other three cups are in a linear row and the initiate is sitting

    under a Bodhi Tree in a yoga position in silent meditation. Notice that the fourth Cup is coming out of the cloud just like the

    Ace of Cup is shown to mystically come out of a cloud. Unless this mystical nuance is known about in the first word of

    Genesis: BERESHITH this esoteric nuance would not be recognizable in the four of Cups.

    o The five of Cups is symbolic again of the numbers two and three being in separate positions: when two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst of them.

    o The upright cups would be those that gathered together in Christs name. T