richard ives

Blink A book by Richie Ives

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Post on 27-Mar-2016




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Blink A book by Richie Ives A m a n in t he T h e a l l s e e i ng ey e D rip dro p d r i p Good vs. Evil W e al l f o l l o w The soul directs where you will go a p a t h H e h t h e sea. b att l e be t w e e n H e g oes w h e r e f s h a n d s n a ke. H e is cons u m e d by the hea f oa t s a i m l e s s l y w i t h n o control. t h e current ta k e s h i m .


Page 1: Richard Ives


A book by Richie Ives

Page 2: Richard Ives
Page 3: Richard Ives

Drip drop dr


The all se

eing eye

A man in

the dark with a w




Good vs. Evil

Page 4: Richard Ives
Page 5: Richard Ives
Page 6: Richard Ives

We all follow a path

The soul

directs where

you will go

Page 7: Richard Ives

We all follow a path

Page 8: Richard Ives

A blob of darkness f oating thr


the sea. He f oats aimlessly with no control.



where the current takes him.

He drifts into an epic

battle between f sh and snake.

Page 9: Richard Ives

A blob of darkness f oating thr


the sea. He f oats aimlessly with no control.



where the current takes him.

battle between f sh and snake. He is consumed by the heat of the battle He is no more...

Page 10: Richard Ives
Page 11: Richard Ives

As they sorted through the thoughts of the owl god, his eyes opened wide and he floated to the sky...

from his head rained forth thousands of the thoughts and secrets of his people...

His now lifeless body fell to the ground...

In hopes of bringing back the thoughts. They kneeled before his motionless body and lit a fire beneath him...

As the flames grew, they chanted...

Suddenly there shined a bright light from his head. He opened his eyes and all who met his gaze fell dead to the ground...

Page 12: Richard Ives

Banished to the desolate outside world

Thrown from the city walls, never to return

He walks among the dead barren trees, over cracks of dry dirt

The otherside , how he wishes to be there

The flowers, the trees, the people, all left be-hind

He had no choice though. Forced from the city walls for reasons beyond his control

Now he walks the forsaken land, in hopes of finding a new home

Page 13: Richard Ives

Floating above a sea of hate

Their heads covered in the blood of others

They put themselves first and one hesitate to tear down one another for their own good

That is why i float above it all

Ignoring the ignorant monsters

I rest above, watching them tear each other apart

Page 14: Richard Ives
Page 15: Richard Ives
Page 16: Richard Ives

When responding to the prompts, I would draw the first thing that came to mind when I finally understood it. I would then run with that. If did not really get the prompt I would just start to draw and try to find a way to connect that to the prompt if possible. This is the way I consistently attacked all of the prompts. A lot of my writings came directly from my work. For example for the foam-board one I thought it look like a crazy house, so I described the house and what it had in it. For the collage I had an owls head exploding stuff out of it, and for that writing I wrote about and owl’s head explod-ing. I tended to take very literal approaches to my writings.  My favorite prompt was probably the one that we did charcoal for. I liked it because it got me thinking that we all have no control over what happens to us, it is all planned out. I am really intrigued by that idea and wish to explore it further. My favorite materials were either the collage or pencil on white paper. I like collages because then i can create things that i would neither be able to draw or photograph, and i like plain pencil on white paper because it is simple and i like doodling in 1 color because it is simpler.  I took risks in my photography by being crippled. By this i mean i had to use my left hand and tilt the camera at an angle if i wanted to take a pic-ture, so i decided to just take pictures blind. this was a risk. i also took many out of focus shots which ended up pretty cool. this was a risk as well I took risks in my works by just drawing what came to mind first and not thinking about if it was cool or not or if it looked good. an example of this is all of my work. I took risks in my writing by writing letters, thoughts about life, and writing a persuasive thing about getting someone to buy a house.  A lot of my work had a dark energy and feeling to them and were very surreal. the one with the eyeball and mushrooms, the one with the ten-tacles, the one with the owl, the one with the rabbit and floating face, and the one with the fish are all rather dark and surreal. i like this style.

Possible themes:rain eyes

surreal no control/we are all puppets

energy distortion

what is reality heaven vs hell

god nature magic

Page 17: Richard Ives

For my experimental project I have chosen to explore the idea that we all have the illusion of control over our lives and

decisions but in reality we do not have any control. I believe that all of our lives have been planned out by a greater being and all of our thoughts and actions have been planned for us. This relates to the prompt of moral culpability vs. freewill that we explored in the blink unit. I have chosen to depict this idea and feeling in the form of photography because i believe that it will capture the essence of this idea. I will use photography and photoshop to create a dark surreal image depicting a man in the dark clouds with thousands of arms control the people of earth while they are going about their lives believing that they are the ones in control. This will serve as a culminating piece of my experience in Design at freestyle because it will be using difficult photoshop techniques and skilled photography and these will need to flow well in order to look how I want it to.