rga - about us - 2010

About us

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Information about our company, "rosa gómez-acebo (consultores de comunicación)", our methodology, services, etc.


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About us

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o historyo methodology | how we see our worko strengths | what makes us differento networking | scope of our actiono references | customerso our team | rosa gómez-aceboo our team | communication consultants

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o born in 2003 as an media relations agency

o in 2008 starts a marketing division

o in 2008 starts an e-Communication division

o in 2008 the alliance with Waggener Edstrom reinforces its global profile

o in 2010 reinforces that network with new alliances: M3G y Omniconsul

o in 2010 it is consolidated as a 360º communication consultancy:o from the strategy,o with a comprehensive view ando supporting different areas.

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methodology | the way we see our work

Communication is an strategic tool for the organizations

Customer requestContextCommunication structurePositioning

Media environmentInternal environmentMedia agendaRisks and opportunities

Strategic prioritiesCommunication goalsAudiences map Messages and speechSpokesman trainingCommunication actions

Optimal implementation phases

Results analysis Improvement areas detection

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strengths | which is our differential

o Breathe global, speak local: glocal. Our international alliances enable us to stay in the cradle of trend and new communication.

Our local origin brings us the experience and sensibility to know how to adapt them to our markets.

o Your case is different. We personalize our workWe were born as a boutique and that´s where our costumer relationship relies

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o We are innovation. We are always asking “what´s next”? We are interested in what´s coming, but we don´t provoke breakdown with the past. We believe in the sort of continuity and progress that work.

o We build bridges. We are committed to arrive.This is not about making noise but to leverage the company strategy from the communication, reach the people I need to talk to and make changes.

we are communication… …, we are listening.

strengths | which is our differential

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action | scope of RGA

o We are developing a 360-degree communication from strategy to action

o Our costumer chooses at which point do we help

o Should we help in a comprehensive way or by specific areas?

o Which areas?

o communication audito media relationship (off line and

online)o Internal communication and/or

with partnerso public affairs and lobbyingo marketing, off line and digital

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action | scope of RGA


costumer analysis




Internal environment

audiences map

real positioning

ideal positioning


media relationship


media kit

clipping report

press conferences

interviews, tribunes,…

press releases

press jouneys

positioning papers

events with journalists

audiovisual tools

social networks2.0

spokesman training

internal communication


leaders detection


internal spokesman training

Traditional and digital dynamization tools

Work environment analysis

change management


public relations and lobbying


message adaptation to the political discourse

Support about itineraries

decision makers map

influencers map

dialogue dark zones detection

contacts management


Evaluation and improvement points

Online reputation/ community




brand marcom

mobile marketing

online marketing

trade & comarketing


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networking| international alliance

networking brandsLondonParisBrusselsMünichJohannesburgoAustinBostonNew YorkPortlandSan FranciscoSeattleWashington, DCBeijingHong KongShanghaiSingapur

Global alliance partners

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references | costumers



Other industries

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I hold a Degree in Computing from the University of Saint Louis (EE.UU.) and Master in Business Administration and Communication Management from the Instituto de Empresa (IE) school of Business. I started my career at Bertelsmann Editorial Group in Spain. Five years later I was named as Project Manager in a PR agency. This was the previous step to start my own project. This is the way rosa gómez-acebo (consultores de comunicación) was born in 2003.

I wanted to start a robust project, one able to act as a real strategic support for our customers in the communication area, and strengthened in its global projection with partners that share the same work philosophy: the boutique, a careful work not measured in terms of client-supplier relationship but a partnership.

So, in 2008 we joined the strategic partner network of Wagenner Edstrom, a global company. Later, our experience shows this collaboration formula is a key on the development of those companies that want to work actively on the change and not only managing it. Working in international networks allows us to know and experiment the new trends in communication in different markets and share our vision and experience of the spanish market with that one which comes from working directly with international teams. The result is, aside a broader vision, a more accurate diagnostic and proposals more fitted to the customers’ needs, based on their specific characteristics, demands and the context they live..

Over time, other coworkers joined my personal aspiration and from that rosa gómez-acebo we jumped into rosa gómez-acebo (consultores de comunicación). In the team I’ve being creating during these years are kept the keys of what we, as a consultancy, offer to the organizations which want to go forward hand in hand with us in the adventure of communication.

team | rosa gómez-acebo

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our team

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Thank you