reza akhtar -

#A54 INTEGERS 10 (2010), 733-745 REPRESENTATION NUMBERS OF STARS Reza Akhtar Department of Mathematics, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio [email protected] Anthony B. Evans 1 Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio [email protected] Dan Pritikin Department of Mathematics, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio [email protected] Received: 12/29/09, Accepted: 8/9/10, Published: 11/19/10 Abstract A graph G has a representation modulo r if there exists an injective map f : V (G) {0, 1,...,r - 1} such that vertices u and v are adjacent if and only if f (u) - f (v) is relatively prime to r. The representation number rep(G) is the smallest positive integer r for which G has a representation modulo r. In this paper we study representation numbers of the stars K1,n. We will show that the problem of determining rep(K1,n) is equivalent to determining the smallest even k for which φ(k) n: we will solve this problem for “small” n and determine the possible forms of rep(K1,n) for suciently large n. 1. Introduction Let G be a finite graph with vertices v 1 ,...,v k . G is said to be representable modulo r if there exists an injective map f : V (G) {0, 1,...,r -1} such that vertices u and v are adjacent if and only if gcd(f (u) - f (v),r) = 1: we refer to f as a representative labeling of G. Equivalently, G is representable modulo r if there exists an injective map f : V (G) Z r such that v i is adjacent to v j if and only if f (i) - f (j ) is a unit of (the ring) Z r . The representation number of G, denoted rep(G), is the smallest positive integer r modulo which G is representable. The study of representation numbers was initiated by Erd˝ os and Evans in [4]. The main result of [4] was that any finite graph can be represented modulo some positive integer: this was used to give a simpler proof of a result of Lindner et. al. that any finite graph can be realized as an orthogonal Latin square graph [12]. The proof in [4] established an upper bound on the representation number of an arbitrary graph that was later improved by Narayan in [14]. Representation numbers have since been studied for various classes of graphs (see [5], [6], [7], and [15]). A list of graph representation problems is given in [8]: these include the prob- lem of determining the representation numbers for complete bipartite and complete 1 The work of the second author was supported in part by a Professional Development Grant from the Wright State University Research Council.

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#A54 INTEGERS 10 (2010), 733-745


Reza AkhtarDepartment of Mathematics, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio

[email protected]

Anthony B. Evans1

Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Wright State University, Dayton, [email protected]

Dan PritikinDepartment of Mathematics, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio

[email protected]

Received: 12/29/09, Accepted: 8/9/10, Published: 11/19/10

AbstractA graph G has a representation modulo r if there exists an injective map f : V (G) →{0, 1, . . . , r − 1} such that vertices u and v are adjacent if and only if f(u) − f(v) is

relatively prime to r. The representation number rep(G) is the smallest positive integer r

for which G has a representation modulo r. In this paper we study representation numbers

of the stars K1,n. We will show that the problem of determining rep(K1,n) is equivalent to

determining the smallest even k for which φ(k) ≥ n: we will solve this problem for “small”

n and determine the possible forms of rep(K1,n) for sufficiently large n.

1. Introduction

Let G be a finite graph with vertices v1, . . . , vk. G is said to be representable modulor if there exists an injective map f : V (G) → {0, 1, . . . , r−1} such that vertices u andv are adjacent if and only if gcd(f(u)−f(v), r) = 1: we refer to f as a representativelabeling of G. Equivalently, G is representable modulo r if there exists an injectivemap f : V (G) → Zr such that vi is adjacent to vj if and only if f(i)− f(j) is a unitof (the ring) Zr. The representation number of G, denoted rep(G), is the smallestpositive integer r modulo which G is representable.

The study of representation numbers was initiated by Erdos and Evans in [4].The main result of [4] was that any finite graph can be represented modulo somepositive integer: this was used to give a simpler proof of a result of Lindner et. al.that any finite graph can be realized as an orthogonal Latin square graph [12]. Theproof in [4] established an upper bound on the representation number of an arbitrarygraph that was later improved by Narayan in [14]. Representation numbers havesince been studied for various classes of graphs (see [5], [6], [7], and [15]).

A list of graph representation problems is given in [8]: these include the prob-lem of determining the representation numbers for complete bipartite and complete

1The work of the second author was supported in part by a Professional Development Grantfrom the Wright State University Research Council.

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multipartite graphs. We restrict ourselves in this paper to the problem of determin-ing representation number for a class of complete bipartite graphs, the stars K1,n.The representation number of K1,n is bounded below by 2n as, by [6, Example(1.1)], the representation number of the edgeless graph on n vertices is 2n. Thereare three upper bounds in the literature. In [6, Example (1.3)], it is shown thatrep(K1,n) ≤ min{2!log2 n"+1, 3!log2 n"+1, 2p}, where p is any prime greater than n.This was improved in [7, Corollary 5.7] to rep(K1,n) ≤ min{2!log2 n"+1, 2p}. Onemore upper bound is given in [15, Theorem 1]. Let m be a positive integer and letp be the smallest prime divisor of m: if n ≤ pk−1φ(m), then rep(K1,n) ≤ pkm. Inaddition to these bounds, in [7] it was shown that rep(K1,n) can never be a powerof 3. We will significantly improve on these results.

In Section 2 we give some basic results, and we derive some general results onthe representation numbers of complete bipartite graphs that will prove useful tous. In Section 3 we characterize the representation number of the star K1,n usingEuler’s phi function, and conjecture that this representation number is always of theform 2a or 2ap, where p is a prime: we prove this conjecture true for “small” n inSections 4 and 5. In Section 6 we prove a weaker version of this conjecture for largen; in particular, we show that for sufficiently large n, the representation number isof the form 2a, 2ap, or 2apq, where p and q are (not necessarily distinct) primes. Ina sequel to this paper we will study representation numbers of complete multipartitegraphs, with a particular focus on the case of complete bipartite graphs.

2. Preliminaries

We begin with a result concerning the distribution of primes. Although it followsfrom stronger results (see for example Theorem 19), it follows immediately fromthe Prime Number Theorem and suffices for many applications.

Theorem 1. Given any β > 1, there exists a natural number N(β) such that forn > N(β), there is a prime number in the interval (n,βn).

A weaker bound due to Nagura [13] is often useful in that it gives explicit valuesfor the quantity N mentioned above.

Proposition 2. If n ≥ 25, then there exists a prime between n and65n.

Lemma 3. If G is any graph and # : V (G) → Zk is any representative labeling,then the following are also representative labelings:

• For any a ∈ Zk, τa ◦ #, where τa : Zk → Zk is the translation map x '→ x + a.

• ψ ◦ #, where ψ : Zk → Zk is any group automorphism.

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Km,n denotes the complete bipartite graph with partite sets A, B of respectivesize m and n. We always assume m ≤ n and set N = m + n; we use φ(n) for theEuler totient function. We begin with some basic upper and lower bounds.

Proposition 4. Let p be the smallest prime greater than N . Then 2n ≤ rep(Km,n) ≤min{4n − 4, 2p}. In particular, given any ε > 0, rep(Km,n) ≤ 2(1 + ε)N if N issufficiently large.

Proof. The lower bound is a simple consequence of the facts that Kn is an inducedsubgraph of Km,n and rep


)= 2n [6, Example 1.1].

For the upper bound, consider a labeling of Km,n which assigns vertices in Alabels corresponding to odd integers from [1, 2|A|−1] and vertices in B even integersfrom[0, 2|B| − 2]. This shows that Km,n is representable modulo the smallest powerof 2 greater than 2n − 2. Since there will always be a power of 2 in the interval(2n− 2, 4n− 4], we have rep(Km,n) ≤ 4n− 4.

Now suppose p is the smallest prime greater than N and consider a labeling #of Km,n which assigns vertices in B even integers from [0, 2|B| − 2] and verticesin A odd integers from [|B| − |A|, |B| + |A|]. If x ∈ A and y ∈ B, then we have|#(x)− #(y)| ≤ |A|+ |B| = N < p, so this labeling represents Km,n modulo 2p. Thelast statement follows from Theorem 1, applied with β = 1 + ε. !

Elementary considerations give the following necessary condition:

Lemma 5. φ(rep(Km,n)) ≥ n.

Proof. Fix a labeling of Km,n by Zr where r = rep(Km,n). By Lemma 3, we mayassume without loss of generality that some vertex v ∈ A is labeled 0. Since allvertices of B are adjacent to v, the labels on the vertices of B must all be relativelyprime to r. Hence, φ(r) ≥ |B| = n. !

We write α(G) for the independence number of a graph G and ω(G) for its cliquenumber. The next result is useful in estimating the size of the smallest prime factorof rep(G) when one has an upper bound for the latter.

Lemma 6. Let G be any graph, and p the smallest prime divisor of rep(G). Then

ω(G) ≤ p ≤ rep(G)α(G)


Proof. Let r = rep(G), p the smallest prime dividing r, t = α(G) and S ={s1, . . . , st} an independent set in G. Let f : V (G) → {0, . . . , r − 1} be a rep-resentative labeling of G modulo r and ai = f(si), i = 1, . . . , t. Then r =

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∑t−1i=1(ai+1 − ai) + (r − at + a1). Since S is an independent set, each of the paren-

thesized expressions in the previous formula is divisible by some prime divisor of r;hence r ≥ tp. The lower bound is established in [6, Theorem 1.2]. !

3. Characterizing Representation Numbers of Stars

In this section we will characterize the representation numbers of stars using Euler’sφ-function. We will conjecture the form of rep(K1,n): evidence for this conjecturewill be given in Sections 4 and 5, where it will be shown to be true for “small”values of n; a proof of a weaker form of this conjecture for large values of n will begiven in Section 6.

Theorem 7. We have rep(K1,n) = min{k : 2|k and φ(k) ≥ n}.

Proof. Suppose that k is even and φ(k) ≥ n. Then one may produce a Zk-labelingof K1,n as follows: label the root 0 and assign labels to the other vertices from Z∗

k,the group of units of Zk. Notice that the difference between any two labels on leavesis even. Hence rep(K1,n) ≤ min{k : 2|k and φ(k) ≥ n}.

Conversely, assume that rep(K1,n) = k. We may assume by Lemma 3 that theroot is labeled 0. Then the remaining n vertices must be labeled with units in Z∗

k,so n ≤ φ(k). To complete the proof, we need to show that k is even. The smallestvalues of n, 1, 2, 3, and 4 are easily checked. The remaining values of n must bedealt with in two cases, n ≥ 25 and 4 < n < 25. If n ≥ 25, then, by Propositions 4

and Proposition 2, k ≤ 125

n. If 4 < n < 25 there is always an even integer t < 3nfor which φ(t) ≥ n. In either case, k < 3n, so by Lemma 6, k must be even. !

As an easy corollary we are able to characterize those stars K1,n whose repre-sentation numbers are 2n and 2n + 2.

Corollary 8.

1. If n ≥ 3, then rep(K1,n) = 2n if and only if n is a power of 2.

2. If n ≥ 3, then rep(K1,n) = 2n + 2 = 2p if and only if n is not a power of 2,and p = n + 1 is a prime.

For small values of n, rep(K1,n) is a power of 2 or a power of 2 times an oddprime: Table 1 displays the data for n ≤ 66. This leads us to a conjecture. Let Mn

denote the smallest positive integer M of the form 2k+1 or 2k+1p, k a nonnegativeinteger and p an odd prime, for which φ(M) ≥ n.

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n rep(K1,n) n rep(K1,n) n rep(K1,n)1 2 19, 20 44 = 22 × 11 43, 44 92 = 22 × 232 4 = 22 21, 22 46 = 2× 23 45, 46 94 = 2× 47

3, 4 8 = 23 23, 24 52 = 22 × 13 47, 48 104 = 23 × 135, 6 14 = 2× 7 25, . . . , 28 58 = 2× 29 49, . . . , 52 106 = 2× 537, 8 16 = 24 29, 30 62 = 2× 31 53, . . . , 56 116 = 22 × 299, 10 22 = 2× 11 31, 32 64 = 26 57, 58 118 = 2× 5911, 12 26 = 2× 13 33, . . . , 36 74 = 2× 37 59, 60 122 = 2× 61

13, . . . , 16 32 = 25 37, . . . , 40 82 = 2× 41 61, . . . , 64 128 = 27

17, 18 38 = 2× 19 41, 42 86 = 2× 43 65, 66 134 = 2× 67

Table 1: Representation numbers for small stars.

Conjecture 9. For all n, rep(K1,n) = Mn.

Corollary 8 establishes the truth of Conjecture 9 when n is a power of 2 or n+1 isan odd prime. We will provide evidence for Conjecture 9 for small n; the cases Mn

a power of 2, and Mn a power of 2 times an odd prime, will be handled separatelyin Sections 4 and 5, respectively. In Section 6 we will show that, for n sufficientlylarge, either rep(K1,n) = Mn or rep(K1,n) is of the form 2k+1pq, where p and q are(not necessarily distinct) odd primes.

4. The Case n Small and Mn = 2k+1

For q an odd prime there exist unique positive integers a and s for which

2s−1 < q = 2s − a < 2s.

We define a mapping β from the set of odd primes to the set of positive rationalnumbers by β(q) = (a + 1)/2s, and we say that a prime p′ is β-constrained if

√q < p′ <


for some odd prime q.As examples, 3 is β-constrained as

√7 < 3 < 4 = 1/β(7); 7 is β-constrained as√

31 < 7 < 16 = 1/β(31); and 11 is β-constrained as√

31 < 11 < 16 = 1/β(31).Note that 5 is not β-constrained.

Conjecture 10. Any odd prime other than 5 is β-constrained.

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One approach to trying to prove Conjecture 10 is to search for a sequence of oddprimes qi for which the intervals (√qi, 1/β(qi)) and (√qi+1, 1/β(qi+1)) overlap, anda reasonable candidate is the sequence qi = max{p : p < 2i, p prime}. If we setIi = (√qi, 1/β(qi)), then any odd prime in Ii is, by definition, β-constrained. NowI5 = (

√31, 16) ≈ (5.6, 16) and we were able to verify using MAGMA that Ii and Ii+1

overlap for i = 5, . . . , 412; MAGMA could not determine the prime q414. Thus any oddprime in the interval (

√31, 1/β(q413)) ≈ (5.6, 9.6× 10122) is β-constrained.

Lemma 11. Let p1 < p2 be odd primes. If p1 = 5 or p1 is β-constrained, thenthere exists an odd prime q < p1p2 for which p1 < 1/β(q).

Proof. p1 being β-constrained implies that there exists an odd prime q < p21 < p1p2

for which p1 < 1/β(q).If p1 = 5, then p2 ≥ 7. Choosing q = 31, q < p1p2, and β(q) = 1/16, from which

the result follows. !

Theorem 12. If Mn = 2k+1 and rep(K1,n) += Mn, then the smallest odd primedivisor of rep(K1,n) is neither 5 nor β-constrained.

Proof. Assume this to be false. That is, for some positive integer n, Mn = 2k+1,m = rep(K1,n) += Mn, the odd prime divisors of m are p1 < · · · < pr, and p1 is either5 or β-constrained. Let q < 2k be an arbitrary odd prime, 2s−1 < q = 2s − a < 2s,and set α = 2k−s+1q. Then α < Mn, and by the hypothesis of the Theorem,

φ(α) = 2k


(a + 12s

))< n ≤ φ(m)



(1− 1


). . .

(1− 1



< 2k

(1− 1


). . .

(1− 1



This reduces to

1− β(q) <

(1− 1


). . .

(1− 1



If r = 1, then this inequality is equivalent to 1/p1 < β(q), in which casem = 2t+1pl

1 for some t ≥ 0 and some l ≥ 2. If t > 0 or l > 2, then thereexists a prime p′, p1 < p′ < 2tpl−1

1 . By Lemma 11, we may choose q < p1p′

to satisfy β(q) < 1/p1: a contradiction. Thus m = 2p21. If p1 = 5, then m = 50

and φ(50) = 20 = φ(44): a contradiction as 44 < 50. Thus p1 += 5 and p1 is

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β-constrained. If p1 += 5, then, as p1 is β-constrained, we may choose q < p21, to

satisfy β(q) < 1/p1: a contradiction.If r = 2, then

1− β(q) < 1− 1p1− 1




But, by Lemma 11, as p1 is either 5 or β-constrained, we may choose q < p1p2 sothat

β(q) <1p1


+1p2− 1


a contradiction.If r > 2, set

Li = 1−(

1− 1p1

). . .

(1− 1


), for i = 1, . . . , r.

Now Li < 1 for all i and β(q) > Lr. Further, by Lemma 11, we may choose q toalso satisfy β(q) < L2, from which we can inductively show that β(q) < Li for alli ≥ 2 as

Li+1 = Li −1

pi+1Li +


= Li +1

pi+1(1− Li) > Li,

from which it follows that β(q) < Lr; a contradiction. !

Corollary 13. If n < 1.8× 10246 and Mn is a power of 2, then rep(K1,n) = Mn.

Proof. If Mn is a power of 2 and m = rep(K1,n) += Mn, then, by Theorem 12, thesmallest odd prime divisor p of m cannot be 5 or β-constrained. Thus p > 9.6×10122

and n ≥ 2p2 > 1.8× 10246. !

5. The Case n Small and Mn = 2k+1p

Considering the possible odd prime divisors of Mn, we see that M5 = M6 = 14;these are the only cases in which Mn is divisible by 7, and Mn is never divisible by3, 5, or a Fermat prime.

Lemma 14. If n += 5, 6, then Mn is not divisible by 3, 5, 7, or a Fermat prime.

Proof. As φ(4) = 2 = φ(6), φ(8) = 4 = φ(10) = φ(12), and φ(14) = 6; M2 = 4,M3 = M4 = 8, and M5 = M6 = 14. Thus, we are free to assume that n ≥ 7 andthat Mn > 14.

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Mn cannot be divisible by 3 as then

2k+2 × 3 > 2k+1 × 5 and φ(2k+2 × 3) = 2k+2 = φ(2k+1 × 5).

Mn cannot be divisible by 5 as then

2k+2 × 5 > 2k+4 and φ(2k+2 × 5) = 2k+3 = φ(2k+4).

Mn cannot be divisible by 7 as then

2k+2 × 7 > 2k+1 × 13 and φ(2k+2 × 7) = 2k+2 × 3 = φ(2k+1 × 13).

If Mn = 2ip and p = 2j +1 is a prime, and hence a Fermat prime, then 2i+j < Mn

and φ(2i+j) = 2i+j−1 = φ(Mn), a contradiction. Hence Mn cannot be divisible bya Fermat prime. !

Lemma 15. Let p ≥ 11 be a prime. If, for some i ≥ 1, there exists a prime qsatisfying 2i(p− 1) < q < 2ip, then Mn += 2jp for all j > i.

Proof. Suppose that the conditions of the lemma are satisfied and that j > i.Set m = 2j−iq. Then m < 2jp and φ(m) = 2j−i−1(q − 1) ≥ φ(2jp), and soMn += 2jp. !

Interestingly, for any given odd prime p there exists some i for which the condi-tions of Lemma 15 hold, and so Mn = 2ip for only finitely many i.

Lemma 16. For any odd prime p there exists an integer i ≥ 1 for which the interval(2i(p− 1), 2ip) contains a prime.

Proof. Set x = 2i(p− 1) and ε = p/(p− 1) > 1. If x is sufficiently large, then theinterval (x, εx) = (2i(p− 1), 2ip) will contain a prime by Theorem 1. !

We define δp to be the smallest integer k ≥ 1 for which there exists a prime qsatisfying 2k(p− 1) + 1 < q < 2kp. By Lemma 16, δp is well-defined. As examplesδ11 = 2, δ13 = 3, δ19 = 1, δ23 = 2, and δ29 = 2.

For p and q distinct odd primes there exist a unique nonnegative rational numberc and a unique integer s for which

2s−1 <q

p= 2s − c

p< 2s,

We define a mapping γp from the set of odd primes other than p to the set of positiverational numbers by γp(q) = (c + 1)/(2sp), if q += p. In the following theorem wegive two tests that can be used to establish that rep(K1,n) = Mn.

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Theorem 17. Let Mn = 2k+1p, p an odd prime, k ≥ 0.

1. If 2t < p = 2t + b < 2t+1, and 2kb2 < p, then rep(K1,n) = Mn.

2. If q < 2kp is an odd prime other than p, and




then rep(K1,n) = Mn.


1. Assume this to be false, and that m = rep(K1,n) += Mn. Let p1 < · · · < pr

be the distinct odd prime divisors of m. Then 2p21 ≤ m < Mn = 2k+1p, from

which it follows that p1 <√

2kp. Set ε = 2k+t+1 < 2k+1p. Then

φ(ε) = 2k+t < n ≤ φ(m)



(1− 1


). . .

(1− 1



< 2kp

(1− 1


). . .

(1− 1



≤ 2kp

(1− 1



Thusp− b = 2t < p

(1− 1



and so p1 > p/b. Hence p/b <√

2kp, which implies that p < 2kb2, a contra-diction from which the result follows.

2. Assume this to be false, and that m = rep(K1,n) += Mn. Let p1 < · · · < pr bethe distinct odd prime divisors of m. For uniquely determined integers s andc, 2s−1 < (q/p) = 2s − (c/p) < 2s. Set α = 2k−s+1q. Then

α < 2k+1



)q = 2k+1p = Mn.

By the hypotheses of the theorem,

φ(α) = 2kp


(c + 12sp

))< n ≤ φ(m)



(1− 1


). . .

(1− 1



< 2kp

(1− 1


). . .

(1− 1



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p δp k q γp(q) p δp k q γp(q) p δp k q γp(q)11 2 1 19 2/11 43 3 0 41 3/43 61 2 1 113 5/6113 3 0 11 3/13 1 83 2/43 67 4 3 523 7/268

1 23 2/13 2 167 3/86 71 2 1 139 2/712 47 3/26 47 3 0 43 5/47 73 3 0 71 3/73

23 2 0 11 3/23 1 89 3/47 1 139 4/731 43 2/23 2 181 2/47 2 283 5/146

29 2 0 13 5/29 53 2 0 47 7/53 79 1 0 73 7/791 53 3/29 1 103 2/53 83 2 0 79 5/83

31 1 0 29 3/31 59 2 0 53 7/59 1 163 2/8341 2 0 37 5/41 1 113 3/59 89 2 0 83 7/89

1 79 2/41 61 2 0 59 3/61 1 173 3/89

Table 2: The test of Theorem 17.17 for 11 ≤ p ≤ 89.

This reduces to

1− γp(q) <

(1− 1


). . .

(1− 1



(1− 1



From this it follows that p1 > 1/γp(q). But then

1/γp(q) < p1 <√


a contradiction from which the result follows. !

We ran a MAGMA program to establish evidence for Conjecture 9. For each primep, 11 ≤ p ≤ 3181, that was not a Fermat prime, we computed δp. Next, for eachk < δp, we applied the test of Theorem 17.17, and only if this test failed did weapply the test of Theorem 17.17, and in this case we searched for the largest oddprime q += p for which the test was satisfied. In all cases, we found either the testof Theorem 17.17 worked, or the test of Theorem 17.17 worked. For p ≤ 229, thetest of Theorem 17.17 works for p = 11 and k = 0, p = 19 and k = 0, p = 37 andk = 0, p = 67 and k = 0, 1, 2, p = 71 and k = 0, p = 131 and k = 0, 1, p = 137 andk = 0, and p = 139 and k = 0. In Table 2 we list all the instances we found, for11 ≤ p ≤ 89, for which the test of Theorem 17.17 worked.

Corollary 18. If Mn = 2k+1p for some k ≥ 0 and prime p, 11 ≤ p ≤ 5693, thenrep(K1,n) = Mn.

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6. Stars With Many Vertices

In this last section we study the prime factorization of the representation numberfor stars with many vertices, using tools from number theory.

Consider the following statement about the distribution of primes:

P (θ): For sufficiently large values of x, there exists a prime between x and x + xθ.

The statement P (1) is Bertrand’s postulate. This was first proved by Chebyshev;simpler proofs were given later by Ramanujan and by Erdos [3]. The first proof ofthe validity of P (θ) for θ < 1 was given by Hoheisel [10], for θ = 32999/33000. Thisresult was improved upon by Heilbronn [9] for θ = 249/250 and Tchudakoff [16] forθ = (3/4) + ε; a major breakthrough was made by Ingham [11], who establishedthe validity of P (5/8). The best result to date is for θ = .525; this is due to Baker,Harman, and Pintz:

Theorem 19. ([1])There exists N0 such that for all x > N0, there is a primebetween x and x + x.525.

For the remainder of the article, we will use N0 to denote the smallest suchinteger which makes Theorem 19 true. In practice, we will not use the full strengthof the theorem; for most of our applications, the case θ = 2/3 is sufficient.

The following statements is of interest, in that its resolution would lead to inter-esting results about representation numbers.

Hypothesis 20. For sufficiently large x, there is a prime between x and x + x1/2.

In the absence of compelling evidence to suggest its truth, we hesitate to framethis statement as a conjecture. However, slightly weaker statements appear in theliterature: letting pn denote the nth prime, Cramer [2] proved, under the assumptionof the Riemann hypothesis, that pn+1 − pn = O(√pn log pn).

Before stating our main result, we need a tool for establishing the existence of aprime number in certain intervals:

Lemma 21. Let φ(k) > N0 be an integer.

• If k is even and has at least three (not necessarily distinct) odd prime factors,

then there exists a prime number in (φ(k),k


• Suppose Hypothesis 20 holds. If k is even and has at least two (not necessarily

distinct) odd prime factors, then there exists a prime number in (φ(k),k


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Proof. Suppose first that k is even and has at least three odd prime factors, and letp be the smallest such prime factor. Writing k = 2pm, we have φ(k) ≤ (p−1)m. By

Theorem 19, the result will hold except possibly if φ(k) + φ(k)2/3 >k

2. However,

this implies (p−1)m+(p−1)2/3m2/3 > pm, which in turn implies (p−1)2/3 > m1/3.This, however, yields (p− 1)2 > m; so since k has at least three odd prime factors,the smallest of which is p, k > 2p(p− 1)2 > 2pm = k, which is a contradiction.

If Hypothesis 20 holds and k has at least two odd prime factors, there is a primebetween φ(k) and φ(k) + (φ(k))1/2, so the result holds except possibly if φ(k) +

(φ(k))1/2 >k

2. In the above notation, this implies (p− 1)m+(p− 1)1/2m1/2 > pm,

which in turn implies (p−1)1/2 > m1/2, or p−1 > m. Then k > 2p(p−1) > 2pm = k,a contradiction. !

We now come to our result on the form of the representation number of starswith many vertices.

Theorem 22. For n sufficiently large, rep(K1,n) is of one of the following forms:2a, 2ap, 2apq, where a ≥ 1 and p, q are (not necessarily distinct) primes. IfHypothesis 20 is assumed, then the last possibility cannot occur and so rep(K1,n) =Mn.

Proof. Let r = rep(K1,n). Since r is even, Lemma 21 guarantees (for sufficientlylarge n) the existence of a prime # ∈ (φ(r),


2) if r is not of any of the forms listed

above. Then 2# < r but φ(2#) = #− 1 ≥ φ(r) ≥ n, which contradicts Theorem 7. !


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