revista psicolog+¡a ingles

Electronic Magazine Edition 01, 2013 "I do not hurt." Addicti on: a complex disease . Psychotherapy for adolescents. Experts issue urgent “call to action” to battle obesity among African- American women and girls RITA GUERRERO: VICTIM OF THE ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE 5 PHRASES THAT BETRAY THE DECEITFUL ADVERTISING IN TV

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Electronic Magazine

Edition 01, 2013

"I do not hurt."

Addiction: a

complex disease.

Psychotherapy for adolescents.

Experts issue urgent “call to action” to

battle obesity among African-

American women and






Content• Editorial 03• Psychotherapy for adolescents 04• RITA GUERRERO: VICTIM OF



• Experts issue urgent “call to action” to battle obesity among African-American women and girls 11

• "I do not hurt." Addiction: a complex disease 13

• Bibliography 15• Amusement 16


Alejandra Alborez Montes


Cesar Andres Monroy Fonseca

Editing, Design and Layout:

Diana Cárdenas

Gustavo Pulgar

Edition 01, 2013

Edition 01 Page 03

Electronic Magazine

The electronic magazine Psique, is a publication aimed at disseminating knowledge, thoughts, experiences, ideas, etc. Psychology professionals and related areas. In turn aims to strengthen the exchange of psychological knowledge in the

different areas and scenarios in which the magazine is disseminated virtually. This journal aims to publish papers

attached to the areas of clinical psychology, social, educational, community, cognitive, organizational, cultural, humanistic and

existential, in neuropsychology, psychoanalysis, psychology and others.

Electronic Magazine Psique

Psychotherapy for adolescents.

"Acquire from this or that young habits is unimportant: Has absolute importance."


Adolescence can be a slow process or tumultuous in regard to the wishes, aspirations, moods and the estimated values . All these changes result in a new conception of the inner world and the outer world, a new confrontation with the ethical concepts, religious and social, a reassessment of the past and, especially, of the future, which you can live with feeling of anxiety about the future and mourn the past, and this anxiety is related to the process of self-knowledge.

Adolescence is a period of life in which the confusion is the dominant aspect, due to the many changes that occur in her start new relationships with parents and with the outside, there is a break with the world of children and physical changes occur, so that they must adapt to their new body image.

Not all adolescents experience these changes in the same way as it depends on the environment you have each, in other personal experiences and lived above. Generally it is not an easy time, or for the teenagers, or for parents. Often, the quest for independence conflicts with parents

rules imposed, and they rebel.

It is important that parents know to stay calm, learn not catch up of adolescents in discussions and are clear that they will not lose their child if they can overcome this stage quietly, accepting the changes, this is something not always succeed alone and sometimes need guidance and support to both parents and children.

Adolescence is a crucial time in the life of man, at this stage parents and children experience multiple challenges and problems. Anxiety, confusion, worry, and disagreements accompany this stage. So both parents and children may require help or counseling. Sometimes parents can feel overwhelmed and overwhelmed by the new situations they face are perceived as inefficient and powerless, and various complications arise many questions, so professional

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help can be very helpful when dealing with the proposed change regarding the children during this stage being more questioning, critical, rebellious, etc.

The teenager meanwhile, generally is distressed and confused not sure what's wrong, difficult to understand their different moods, emotions and feelings because this period is characterized by separation and differentiation primarily of parents, which implies a knowledge of themselves does not present an easy task for many teens but help and discuss their problems and intimacy can be difficult and uncomfortable, especially with close family, so a therapist and being oblivious to the dynamics family can become a good ally in solving these problems.

The teenage world seems complex and always against him. If you believe that substance abuse, addictions (alcohol, drugs, video games, Internet, etc.), eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, etc.), And general behavior and adjustment problems, therapy can be a tool helpful. There may be times when parents wonder when to seek help psychology, these cases include:

■ If teens feel very disoriented, confused or distressed.

■ If the relationships

Electronic Magazine Psique

within the family are still very complicated, full of aggression or there are communication problems.■ If the process of separation from parents has been very complex and unwieldy. ■ When the teen's mood affects negatively the functioning in the school, family or social.■ If you look at the young frequent outbursts and / or moodiness, changes in mood. Low self-esteem, self-blame, self-destructive behavior.■ Significant changes in sleep or eating habits and eating disorders: anorexia, bulimia, obesity.■ Difficulties or significant change in school performance.

The teen requires constant monitoring and support from adults that make their social network. The basis for attaining changes in emotions and behavior of the person relies on communications involving the adolescent individually. Leaving him is wrong, but so is not allowing build their independence. This is therefore the task of the adult: understanding, respect and value the teenager.

Alejandra Alborez Montes

■ Addictive behaviors in relation to alcohol, drugs etc.■ Persistent challenge to authority, both parents and adults as teachers. ■ Vocational disorientation, difficulty in guiding and directing their own lives. In psychological therapy seeks to help adolescents who experience difficulties with their emotions and behavior. Psychotherapy helps in several ways, in addition to emotional support, helping them to resolve conflicts with other people, understand feelings and problems and trying new solutions to their problems.

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Electronic Magazine Psique

These days of March the cultural national circle is of mourning. Us there went away one of these women that only there is one for generation. Rita Guerrero was for many slightly more than only a singer. It was an icon of the artistic postmodern era; of the rescue of the viceregal culture and his more in force reinterpretation in the context of the arts. First of all this, Clinical Current importance in Psychology wants to do a denunciation. Till when the authorities are going to allow the professional practicing professionally without qualifications of the alternative therapies in areas as critical as that of the treatment of the cancer?

Rita Guerrero was a 46-year-old Latin woman of age, with diagnosis of cancer of breast in intermediate stage, without bony metastasis. A woman with these characteristics has very high possibilities of surviving, and even overcome the carcinogenic episode. Year with year for this reason one has come the cup of mortality diminishing, thanks to the medicine oncological. Why did Rita die? For something that day after day millions of women do on having fallen down in the networks of the wile: to believe that an unknown effect of an alternative therapy is better than a



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Electronic Magazine Psique

minimal effect of the chemotherapy. Rita left the treatment oncological supported by the scientific community after not obtaining the awaited results (here, a medical mistake on not having explained the scopes and period of the treatment), and it decided to listen to the ghostly voice of the magufos. These beings who mix the desire to believe with the desire to know in the most dangerous combination: the quackery.. Maybe the chemotherapy had not saved the life to Rita. But at least we be have been sure that would have done everything scientific demonstrable possible to himself. Today, the world has lost to one of his muses, and nape we will know how much more it could have been strictly between ourselves. It cannot reproach to Rita. She was a faithful woman to the matter of the dreams, and in his oneiric universe one appeared the doctor of the pest offering him a promise, and in his mind it could more than the certainty. The problem that here is left to guess is ethical. But even more, it is legal. While the regulative agencies continue ignoring the danger that they represent the charlatans of the

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health, these will continue proliferating, and cheating the people with his promises of wisdom beyond the scientific understanding. We say deception because Rita was not a silly woman. It was intelligent for not saying wise. Of few persons who could speak of phenomenology and of knowing exactly what they were saying, and you do not surmise unconnected extracted from Wikipedia. But it fell down in the desperation, in the doubt, and there it is where the charlatans find to his dams. Today Rita rests in peace, but the promoters of the sanitary strict regulation, of the critical thought and of the sanitary practice rested on scientific evidence we will not rest, since our first enemy, before that the same charlatans, it is the lack of a legal frame that protects the patients. Before it, only we can only report, and to keep the public adequately informed.

Electronic Magazine Psique

Last March of the obsequiousness, the holder of the Federal Commission for the Protection against the Risk Sanitaros (COFEPRIS, the Mexican equivalent of the FDA of the E.E.U.U.), it had to pay the price resigning to his post after having published last February 14, 2011 a list of almost 200 miraculous products that sell in Mexico attributing to him one any species curative powers. We applaud the courage of

Michael Angel Toscano ex--authorized, and let's repudiate the cowardice of our authorities after having demonstrated once again that the money can more than the condition than a right.

This list of products miracle can be checked here. We preserve this copy in Clinical Current importance in Psychology since we do not know the reason for which it has eliminated the link to the same one of the portal of the COFEPRIS. But beyond the list, how can consumers decipher the deceitful advertising of products that improve themselves in more than 50 % of the total time of television space? Clinical current importance in Psychology this guide offers to be able to interpret the involved messages of this type of products, and what really they mean not to fall down in the deception: what he says: "This product is not a medicine”

What means: "do not ask his doctor him, better to a singer or an actor who surely knows any more of topics of health" Why they say it: When it is not possible to say anything good of anything, the better thing is to pay someone to him in order that it does it. This way, we have actors of soap opera



ADVERTISING IN TVPublished by Mtro. Cesar

Andres Monroy Fonseca

Edition 01 Page 09

Electronic Magazine Psique

What means: "we have not even idea of what we him are selling but it grows in our garden, the dog ate up it and him did not spend anything" Why they say it: Finally the limit of the sauciness takes root in this phrase. On having said that a product is 100 natural %, the sellers appeal to the traditional Mexican herbolaria, that on having been so thousand-year-old, an insurance that it is inoffensive, and very charitable. Lamentably the most toxic substances known also are 100 natural % as well as the most addictive drugs are of natural origin. Again, with this legend they dandle the producers the law on not having had to expire with the good practices of manufacture that are demanded from the serious producers.

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who announce all kinds of products neither that nor they themselves would use, since the ethics of the television dictate that to announce a product miracle is one more work. On the contrary, to pay miracle to a doctor to promote a product is to put price to his professional bond, something that alone the senseless one would do. What he says: "Health is a beauty"

What means: "this advertisement sells cosmetics, so all the announced improvements are in figurative sense" Why they say it: The law of advertising establishes that the cosmetic products must present this legend in his advertising to avoid to be confused with sanitary advertising. One more legal hollow to promise therapeutic effects under the label of cosmetic product. What he says: "This product is of origin 100 natural % "

In short: if it goes out in TV, it is 100 natural %, and the singer of the moment announces it, it is slightly probable that the product serves for another thing that to enrich his seller at the cost of the naiveté of the consumers.

Electronic Magazine Psique

At a conference co-sponsored by APA and the Association of Black Psychologists, obesity researchers, health professionals and community leaders discussed the U.S. obesity epidemic and its disproportionate effect on African-American women. Causes and solutions for the disproportionate impact the U.S. obesity epidemic has on African-American girls and women was the focus of a Summit on Obesity in African American Women and Girls, co-sponsored by the Association of Black Psychologists (ABPsi) and APA in Washington, D.C., Oct. 22-23.  The obesity epidemic has affected all Americans, but it has hit African-American women the hardest, said keynote speaker Cynthia Ogden, PhD, an

epidemiologist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Almost 60 percent of black women are obese, compared to 32 percent of white women and 41 percent of Hispanic women. That trend is driving many major health disparities, including decreasing black women's life expectancy and increasing their chances of developing a host of health challenges, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease and arthritis, noted APA President Suzanne Bennett Johnson, PhD. "The issues facing the African-American community are immense, but if we don't have our health, not much else matters," said ABPsi President Cheryl Grills, PhD. Educating black communities about the many different causes of the epidemic will be an important

Experts issue

urgent “call to action” to battle obesity among African-

American women and


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Electronic Magazine Psique

first step in helping communities fight back, said Angela Cooke-Jackson, PhD, a health communication/behavioral science professor at Emerson College. "So often, as black people, we are talked about but not talked to," she said. "We need to give black women a voice and give them agency. Tell them how stress is affecting them, and tell their communities what they are up against." "Prime Time Sister Circles" program founders Marilyn Gaston, MD, a former assistant surgeon general, and Gayle Porter, PhD, a clinical psychologist, offered as an example their program, which has helped more than 2,000 women in Baltimore, Chicago, Philadelphia, Tampa, Fla., and the greater Washington, D.C., area. While interventions such as these are important, James

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Jackson, PhD, director and research professor of the Institute for Social Research and past-president of ABPsi, underscored that psychology must get the analysis right – an analysis that includes the vital intersection of race, stress and obesity in black girls and women. The presenters emphasized that interventions at all levels of society — from health care providers to community groups to policy makers — will be necessary to beat the obesity epidemic. "If we are really going to solve this problem, we are going to have to be on interdisciplinary research teams, we are going to have to partner with community leaders and we are going to have to find allies ... every step of the way," Johnson said. “And we must understand the conditions of black girls and women’s lives that either enhance or undermine health; conditions wherein the nexus of race, gender and social class create formidable structural forces affecting their health,” added Grills.  Focused on both analysis and solutions, the summit concluded with breakout sessions on framing the obesity issue as experienced by black women and girls and defining recommended next steps.

Electronic Magazine Psique

The history of addiction dates from the early years of humanity, smoking, drinking alcohol, chewing coca leaves consumed psychoactive preparations, smoking marijuana, opium used for pain, are well known examples of some of the substances that man has been used throughout history. Currently, industrial or chemical derivatives, highlights new addictions, some derived from substances such as heroin, cocaine, LSD, among the best known, and other behavioral addictions that is without using substances, some of these as a result of our technological society, they can be internet addiction, to gambling, to the mobile phone, sex, shopping etc.

The difference between addiction and consumption of some substances lies in the chaos that is produced by a reaction in the brain called compulsion. So you do when you're addicted, loses control or consumption of addictive behavior. And although it

is the idea that addiction is a constant, that is happening every day, sometimes an addict can abstain for long periods, but to use again and again out of control.

Addiction is a chronic nature bio-psycho-social, ie genetic, psychological and social factors influencing its development and manifestations.

The causes of addiction can be many and interact in a complex manner to produce the addictive disorder. Biological, genetic, personality, socio-cultural and family join predisposition producing first and then trigger exposure, which

"I do not hurt." Addiction: a

complex disease.

Addictions are as transient as guests visit us, and remain as masters.Confucius (551 BC-478 BC)

Chinese Philosopher

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could be: psychoactive drugs, gambling, sex, relationships, food, etc., That evolves to consolidation of the disease process is addiction.

In order to identify a way to start an addiction here are some signs and their characteristics:

• Loss of control over use, characterized by episodes of compulsive consumption or practice that lead to investment of significant time and energy, so that the addict increasingly more difficult work in your life in general.

• Damage or progressive deterioration of the quality of life of the person due to the consequences of consumption and addictive behavior practice.

• Use despite harm, which manifests as consumption and practice of addictive behavior, despite the personal injury and family involved as a result of addiction.

• Denial or self-deception in relation to the impact that addiction has on your life. This will reduce anxiety.

• Addictive thinking is called the set of distortions of thought characteristic of addiction, as well as the denial and self-delusion, these distortions tend to facilitate the process addictive

• and take off the addict of the reality of his illness.

These signs may occur together or selectively and with varying intensity at a given time and can vary over time and with addictive disease progression.

Addiction is a disease or a disorder that responds positively to treatment. Like other chronic disorders of nature, there is a tendency to relapse, but recovery is possible.

The addiction treatment has to be taken by a doctor and a psychologist, which broadly consists of a series of structured and individualized clinical interventions, so that useful to promote and support the recovery of a person affected by addiction to a better quality of life.

Alejandra Alborez Montes

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Electronic Magazine Psique

Bibliography• Hurlock, Elizabeth B. (2001). Psychology of Adolescence.

Psychology, Psychiatry, Psychotherapy. Mexico, Buenos Aires, Barcelona: Polity Press.

• Published by Mtro. Cesar Andres Monroy Fonseca


Edition 01 Page 15

Optical Illusions

• Optical illusions are a curious phenomenon that occurs because of the way in which our brain interprets the information that is receiving from our senses, so that we see something that is not present, or give a different interpretation to what we are see, some of these processes are anatomical, ie they have to do with how we look like humans, and some are psychological, ie how we encoded the information coming through the senses.

Do you see some kind of movement?

Third dimension?

How many black dots do you see?

Are blue horizontal bars?, Compúebalo for yourself.


Electronic Magazine Psique

Page 16 Edition 01

Horizontal4. I understand why that person is so me6. I feel like I want to hit that person or someone8. I like to be nice and cool with people9. I encourage you to do that, I feel I would be laughed13. I am very sorry to see me do this14. I am very happy to have achieved what I set

Vertical1. I never expected this to happen2. I know I can achieve what I'm doing3. It scares me a lot what will happen5. When I have wanted to mourn and want nothing7. I'm smiling and cheerful8. I like to be with that person10. I was angry that this happened to me and I'm in a bad mood11. I'm very upset12. I feel bad that he (they) do well and I do not

Discover Your Emotions

Find Emotions as your mood…

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Electronic Magazine Psique