revista i~nstituto eedicina 1959. tropical is the 43rd ... · the year 2002 is the 43rd anniversary...

REVISTA I~NSTITUTO EEDICINA Established: 1959. TROPICAL The year 2002 is the 43rd anniversary of continuous publication FAO PAULO JOURNAL OFTHE SA0 PAUL0 ISSN 0036-4665 INSTITWE OF TROPICAL MEDICINE PROCEEDINGS XXIX ANNUAL MEETING ON BASIC RESEARCH IN CHAGAS DISEASE XVIII MEETING OF THE BRAZILIAN SOCIETY OF PROTOZOOLOGY HOTEL GLORIA, CAXAMBU, MG, BRASIL 4-6 NOVEMBER 2002 THE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE MEETING COORDINATORS Sergio Schenkman Zgor C. Almeida SBPZ (2001-2003) Alejandro M. Katzin (President) Paulo F. Pirnenta (Vice-President) Hernando Del Portillo (Secretary) Lucile M. Floeter-Winter (Treasurer)

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R E V I S T A I ~ N S T I T U T O EEDICINA Established: 1959.

T R O P I C A L The year 2002 is the 43rd anniversary






4-6 NOVEMBER 2002


MEETING COORDINATORS Sergio Schenkman Zgor C. Almeida

SBPZ (2001-2003) Alejandro M. Katzin (President)

Paulo F. Pirnenta (Vice-President) Hernando Del Portillo (Secretary)

Lucile M. Floeter-Winter (Treasurer)

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Prof. Dr. Thales F. de Brito

Associate Editor: Prof. Dr. Pedro Paulo Chieffi

Alan L. de Me10 (Belo Horizonte, MG) Alberto T. Londero (S. Maria, RS) Angela Restrepo M. (Medellin, Colombia) Anna Sara S. Levin (S. Paulo, SP) Antonio A. Barone (S. Paulo, SP) Antonio Carlos Nicodemo (S. Paulo, SP) Antonio Sesso (S. Paulo, SP) Antonio W. Ferreira (S. Paulo, SP) Barnett L. Cline (New Orleans, USA) Cilrlos F. S. Amaral (Belo Horizonte, MG) Celso Granato (S. Paulo, SP) Cesar A. Cuba Cuba (Brasilia, DF) CBsar Naquira V. (Lima, Peru) Claudio S. Pannuti (S. Paulo, SP) Dahir R. Andrade (S. Paulo, SP) Dalton L. F. Alves (Belo Horizonte, MG) Eridan Coutinho (Recife, PE) Emesto Hofer (Rio de Janeiro, RJ) Euclides A. Castilho (S. Paulo, SP) Eufrosina S. Umezawa (S. Paulo, SP) Fernando A. Correa (S. Paulo, SP) Fernando Montero-Gei (San JosC, Costa Rica) Flair J. Carrilho (S. Paulo, SP)

EDITORS EMERITUS Prof. Dr. Luis Rey (Founding Editor)

Prof. Dr. Carlos da Silva Lacaz


Gioconda San-Blas (Caracas, Venezuela) Govinda Visvesvara (Atlanta, USA) Heitor F. Andrade Jr. (S. Panlo, SP) Henrique L. Lenzi (Rio de Janeiro, RJ) Ises A. Abrahamsohn (S. Paulo, SP) Joio Carlos Pinto Dias (Belo Horizonte, MG) Jose M. R. Zeitune (Campinas, SP) Julio Litvoc (S. Paulo, SP) Libero Ajello (Atlanta, USA) Luiz F. Salles Gomes (S. Paulo, SP) Luiz C. C. Gayotto (S. Paulo, SP) Luiz C. Souza Dias (Campinas, SP) Lniz Caetano da Silva (S. Paulo, SP) Luiz Carlos Severo (P. Alegre, RS) Luiz Jacintho da Silva (Campinas, SP) Luiz T. M. Figueiredo (Rib. Preto, SP) Lygia B. Iversson (S. Paulo, SP) Marcello F. de Franco (S. Paulo, SP) Marcos A. Rossi (Ribeirio Preto, SP) Marcos Boulos (S. Paulo, SP) M. A. Shikanai-Yasuda (S. Paulo, SP) Maria I. S. Duarte (S. Paulo, SP) Maria L. Higuchi (S. Pdulo, SP)

Mario E. Camargo (S. Paulo, SP) Mario Mariano (S. Paulo, SP) Mario R. G. Montenegro (Botucatu, SP) Mirian N. Sotto (S. Paulo, SP) MoysCs Mincis (S. Paulo, SP) MoysBs Sadigursky (Salvador, BA) Myrthes T. Barros (S. Paulo, SP) Nilma Cintra Leal (Recife, PE) Paulo C. Cotrim (Sio Paulo, SP) Paulo M. Z. Coelho (Belo Horizonte, MG) Pedro Morera (San lost, Costa Rica) Pedro P. Ch~effi (S. Paulo, SP) Ricardo Negroni (B. Aires, Argentina) Robert H. Gilman (Baltimore, USA) Roberto Martinez (Rib. Preto, SP) Semiramis Guimarzes F. Viana (Botucatu, SP) Silvino A. Carvalho (S. Paulo, SP) Sumie Hoshino-Shimizu (S. Paulo, SP) Tsutomu Takeuchi (Tokyo, Japan) Ven2ncio A. F. Alves (S. Paulo, SP) Vicente Amato Neto (S. Paulo, SP) Zilton A. Andrade (Salvador, BA)

Executive Board - Librarians: Maria do Carmo Berthe Rosa; Sonia Pedrozo Gomes; Maria Angeka de Castro Figaro Pinca

The Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de SZo Paulo is abstracted andlor indexed in: Index Medicus, Biological Abstracts, Bioresearch Index, EMBASEIExcerpta Medica, HepatologieRapid Literature Review, Index Medicus Latino-Americana, Tropical Diseases Bulletin, Referativnyi Zhurnal: All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information (VINITI), Bulletin Analytique D'Entomologie MCdicale et Veterinaire, Peri6dica - indice de Revistas Latinoamericanas en Ciencias, Helminthological Abstracts Series A, Protozoological Abstracts, Contenidos Conientes Latinoamericanos, Ciencias de la Salud, Review of Medical and Veterinary Mycology, PuhMed, Uncover, HealthGate, OVID, LILACS, MEDLLNE, New lour, ExtraMED and Free Medical Journals.

ON LINE ACCESS - - where fuaher details on the RIMTSP, including Contents pages and "Notice to Contributors" can he accessed.

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Reprints may b e obtained from Pro Quest Inf. and Learning, 300 North Zeeh Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106-1346 - USA.

The Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de SHo Paulo is supported by: Funda~Zo de Amparo i Pesquisa do Estado de SHo Paulo (FAPESP), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnol6gico (CNPq) and Universidade de SZo Paulo.

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SSo Paulo, SP-Brasil, 1959 - v. ilust. 28 cm

1959-2001.1-43 1973-2002 (supl., 1-12) 2002.44 (1-5)

ISSN 0036-4665


We gather in Caxambu, presently for the 29" Annual Meeting on Chagas' disease that is held simultaneously with the ISLh Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Protozoology. Every year since 1973, scientists of multiple specialities and their students meet in this city and discuss the most relevant advances on the basic and applied research on Chagas' disease and other important parasitic infections. This year, we are in deep grief over the loss of one of our most important parasitologists and founder of this community, Prof. Zigman Brener, who foreview the scientific relevance of the studies on Chagas' disease and helped to organize the annual event series. The meeting grew in importance over the years and many more scientists joined the original group of parasitologists widening the research interest on the Trypanosoma cruzi, its biology, transmission and pathology, as well as on the prophylaxis and therapy of Chagas' disease. A major practical outcome of the Caxambu meetings was the reduction in the disease's transmission through a collaborative effort between health organizations of several countries. The meeting has also contributed for the formation of human scientific resources in our country. Presently, the meeting also includes works on leishmaniasis, toxoplasmosis, malaria, and other highly prevalent protozoan-born diseases.

In the present meeting, the organizing committee has planned some innovation. For instance, we have introduced "Oral Presentation" sessions to encourage young scientists to submit and present their work. There will be thirty 15-min-presentations that were selected from more than 100 submissions and we expect that these sessions will raise many fruitful discussions and bring new ideas. Time for informal debates in brain-storm sessions has also been reserved. The participants are invited to promote and organize their own discussion groups during this time. We also would like to call special attention for the poster sessions, which to be more productive will count with the participation of invited guest scientists to discuss with researchers and students right at the exhibition room. The Mini-Conferences and Round Tables were chosen to contemplate the prominent works being developed in any particular area without discrimination of disease or organism. We believe that whilst most of the parasite genomes are being fully sequenced and we are entering the proteomic era, new ideas and discoveries on different organisms and diseases will emerge and be carefully evaluated.

We are sure that Prof. Zigman Brener ideals will be kept alive and today we are here to reaffirm them by discussing science with our Brazilian and foreign colleagues. We believe that this effort will help fighting the major protozoonoses afflicting our Society. At the same time we hope to create a good and productive environment, so that the young scientists and students may profit from these discussions.

The Organizing Committee

Meeting Coordinators SBPz (2001-2003) Sergio Schenkman Alejandro M. Katzin (President) Igor C. Almeida Paulo F. Pimenta (Vice-President)

Hernando Del Portillo (Secretary) Lucile M. Floeter-Winter (Treasurer)


This meeting has been made possible by the grants from CNPq, FAPESP, CAPES, UNIFESP, USP-ICB, and FIOCRUZ. Other agencies that have provided last minute support are also acknowledged. We thank the companies that provided strong support through publicity. We would also like to express our most sincere gratitude to all collaborators that helped in the organization of the meeting, by critically reviewing abstracts and texts, and making excellent suggestions. We acknowledge everyone who gave an important support during the Meeting, particularly: Maureen Rodarte, Lucianna V. Silva, Raquel V. Lopes, Marcio Massao Yamamoto; and Wolfgang Fisher and all the students, who organized the slide-desk, carried out the projections, and actively participate in several other operational tasks. And last, but not least, a special acknowledgment goes to our secretaries Jane Bevilacqua and Mercia Maia, for their tremendous work and patience for carrying out the difficult job of efficiently organizing the event; and Ariane Machado Lima and Fernando Merino, for the Web page design and computer management.


A realizaG2io deste evento s6 foi possivel devido ao apoio financeiro do CNPq, FAPESP, CAPES, UNIFESP, USP-ICB and FIOCRUZ. Gostariamos, tambim, de agradecer outras agsncias, que eventualmente apoiaram o evento no "~lt imo minuto". Agradecemos, ainda, i s empresas que nos deram um apoio decisivo atravks da publicidade. Nossos sinceros agradecimentos a todos OS colaboradores qne de alguma forma ajudaram na organiza~Zo do evento, revisando manuscritos ou textos e dando excelentes sugestdes. Agradecemos todo o pessoal de apoio em Caxambu: Maureen Rodarte, Lucianna V. Silva, Raquel V. Lopes, Marcio Massao Yamamoto; e Wolfgang Fisher e todos OS estudantes, que participaram ativamente na organizaqgo e projesgo de slides, e em outras atividades operacionais do evento. Gostariamos, enfim, de fazer um agradecimento muito especial i s secrethrias Jaue Bevilacqua and Mkrcia Maia, pelo imenso trabalho e pacigncia para desempenhar a dificil tarefa de organizar de forma eficiente o evento; e a Ariane Machado Lima and Fernando Merino, pelo desenho da pigina da Web e todo enorme trabalho de computa$Zo.

Zigman Brener (1928 - 2002)

Cam o falecimento do Professor Zigman Brener, ocorrido em 23 de setembro liltimo em Be10 Horizonte, a cihcia brasileira fica mais pobre. Zigman ou Brener, como muitos o chamavam, marcou a Parasitologia cam contribuiQ6es importantes.

Zigman Brener, filho de Izaac Brener e Ana Marcinovsky, emigrantes da Europa Central, nasceu em S20 Paulo em 7 de setembro de 1928. Em 1941 passou a residir em Be10 Horizonte. Iniciou o curso midico em 1948, graduando-se pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais em 1953. Ainda como estudante de Medicina, realizou o que hoje chamamos de estigio de IniciaqHo Cientifica no laborat6rio do eminente pesquisador e professor Josi Pellegrino, conhecido internacionalmente pelos seus trabalhos sobre esquistossomose. Zigman casou-se com Adilia Brener em 1954, com quem teve duas filhas. Em 1955 assumiu aposiqHo de Professor Assistente da Cadeira de Parasitologia da Faculdade de Medicina da UFMG, dirigida pelo Professor Amilcar Vianna Martins, outro grande nome da Parasitologia brasileira. No mesmo ano, assume tamb6m o cargo de Pesquisador do Instituto Nacional de Endemias Rurais. Em, 1957 defendeu tese de doutoramento na Faculdade de Medicina, com um estudo sobre a leishmaniose visceral canina. Em 1961 alcanqou, por concurso pliblico, a posiQXo de Professor Titular de Parasitologia da UFMG e em 1969 assumiu a coordenaq80 do Curso de P6s-graduagzo em Parasitologia da UFMG, curso que formou muitos dos parasitologistas da Am6rica Latina. Zigman ocupou ainda posiqBes importantes no CNPq e na OMS. Em 1982 aposentou-se na UFMG e assumiu aposiqgo de Pesquisador Titular do Centro de Pesquisas Ren6 Rachou, hoje vinculado ilFunda~2o Oswaldo Cmz, onde sempre teve atnag20 destacada.

Durante muitos anos Zigman foi o consultor, que logo se transfomava em conselheiro e amigo, de todos as interessados no estudo do protozohrio Trypanosoma cruzi, agente etiol6gico da doenqa de Chagas. Nesta area pontificou, sendo referencia obrigatbria em todos as trabalhos relacionados com este importante tema. Sua clissica revisHo, intitulada "Biology of Tiypauosoma cruzi': publicada no Annual Review of Microbiology 27: 347-382, 1973, tornou-se citaq8o obrigat6ria nos artigos relacionados com o T. cruzi. Como pesquisador, descreveu aspectos importantes do ciclo evolutivo do T. cruzi, levantou o problema da heterogeneidade das v k i a amostras isoladas de diferentes hospedeiros, desenvolveu estudos importantes no sentido de identificar drogas que fossem eficientes contra este parasita, responsftvel pela morte de milhaes de brasileiros, e tambim realizou importantes estudos sobre diferentes aspectos da resposta imunol6gica. Creio ser oportuno reexaminarmos, utilizando as ticnicas hoje disponiveis, a quest20 das formas tripomastigotas sanguineas finas e largas, com significativas diferen~as comportamentais.

Como professor e orientador, Zigman fonnou dezenas de pesquisadores que hoje se dedicam ao estudo da doenp de Chagas em muitos Iaboratbrios localizados em diferentes paises. Foi tambim o entusiasta organizador de dezenas de encontros cientificos, entre OS quais destaca-se a internacionalmente conhecida Reunigo Anual Sobre Pesquisa BBsica em Doenqa de Chagas, que se realiza na cidade de Caxambu.

Tive o priviligio de desenvolver virios projetos em colaboraq20 com Zigman Brener e pude apreciar a sua grandeza como pesquisador, como colega e amigo. Seu nome certamente esta definitivamente incorporado ao rol dos grandes pesquisadores brasileiros.

Wanderley de Souza Professor Titular de Biologia Celular e Parasitologia da UFRJ

Membro Titular da Academia Brasileira de Cisncias e da Academia Nacional de Medicina

MEETING PROGRAMME . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . -. ,-: .-,...

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Coordenador: Ricardo Ribeiro dos Santos (FIOCRUZ, Salvador, BA) Palestrantes: Ricardo Ribeiro dos Santos

Jolio C. S. Aliberti - NIH, USA Ricardo T. Gazzinelli - UFMG and FIOCRUZ, Belo Horizonte, MC

Sala 2 WS2: GENOMA E BIO-INFORM~~TICA Coordenador: Angela K. Cruz (USP, RibeirBo Preto, SP) Palestrantes: Angela K. Cruz - USP, RibeirBo Preto, SP

Win M. Degrave - FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ Luiz R. Tosi - USP, Ribeirio Preto, SP JerGnimo Ruiz - USP, RibeirBo Preto, SP MArcia A. S. Graminha - USP, Ribeirio Preto, SP Antanio B. Miranda - FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janeiro, RI

Sala 3 WS3: PROTE~MICA E BIOLOGIA ESTRUTLRAL Coordenadores: Sirlei Daffre (USP, S. Paulo) e JosB CBsar Rosa (USP, R. Preto) Palestrantes: Marcos Eberlin - UNICAMP,Campinas, SP

Igor C. Almeida - USP, SZo Paulo, SP Jose Chsar Rosa - USP, RibeirZo Preto, SP Sirlei Daffre - USP, SBo Paulo, SP Otivio H. Tbiemann - USP, SBo Carlos, SP




1645-1745 A POSTHUMOUS HOMAGE TO PROFESSOR ZIGMAN BRENER Chairperson: Isaac Roitman (UNB, Brasilia, DF)

ZIGMAN BRENER: THE SCIENTIST, THE PROFESSOR, THE MAN Isaac Roitman - UNB, Brasilia, DF A~varo Romanba - FlOCRUZ, Be10 Horizonte, MG

17:45-18:45 OPENING CONFERENCE Chairperson: Isaac Roitman (UNB, Brasilia, DF)

SAMUEL GOLDENBERG - DBMP/FIOCRUZ, Curitiba, PR New insighrs into flze molecular basis of Tfypanosoma c w i metacyclogenesis

Gymnasiunz 20:30-23:00 POSTER SESSION (EVEN NUMBERS)

. . . .. ... \. . . , . . . . , . ,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .. .:, , ,: . .,,- . .*- , . . ., . . .

, . ' NOVEMBER 5 (TUESLIAY) . . . . . . ..: ;. :* . . ,'.

. . . . . i .. . 3 : : .


Room A GENOMICS AND POST-GENOMICS Chaiperson: Walter Colli (IQ-USP, Siio Paulo, SP)

9:OO-9:30 MC1 - Neil Hall - The Sanger Centre, UK The gerzome of Plasrnodium falciparum and other parasites

9:30-10:OO MC2 - Keith Gull - University of Manchester, UK Using post-genomic technologies to investigate the molecolar cell biology of Trypanosoma brucei

Room B INNATE IMMUNITY Chai~erson: Ricardo T. Gazzinelli (FIOCRUZ, B. Horizonte, MC)

9:00-9:30 MC3 - Alan Aderem - University of Washington, USA The role of Toll-like receptors in orchesrraring the innate irrrmune response

9:30-10:OO MC4 - J ~ l i o C.S. Aliberti - NIH, USA Role of G-protein coupled receptor.7 in the regulation of imntunity to Toxoplasma gondii infection in mice

Room C MOLECULAR EPIDEMIOLOGY Chairperson: Bianca Zingales (IQ-USP, SHo Paulo, SP)

9:OO-9:30 MC5 - Ricardo Giirtler - Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina Eco-epiderniologyandcontrol of Chagas disease in Northenz Argentina: integrating nzolecular andspafial scales

9:30-10:OO MC6 - Jeffrey J. Sbaw - Universidade de Sio Paulo, Sio Paulo, SP Is the population structure of neotropical Leishmnnia species linked to their reservoir hosts?



Room A OP1 - MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Chairperson: Angela Kaysel Cruz (USP, Ribeirio Preto, SP)

OPla - Slavin, I. - Universidad Nacional de Cbrdoba, Argentina The role of an RNA-dependent RNA-polymerase and dicer-like enzymes during anrigenic i~ariatio~z of Ciardia lar,zblia

OPlb - Pedrosa, A.L. - USP, Ribeiriio Preto, SP DNA-directed RNA polyrnerase I11 gene from Leishrnania major TS use as probe to evaluate transcriptional activiry irz relomeric regions

OPlc - Serra, E. - Inst. de Biol. Molecular y Celular, Rosario, Argentina Characterization of a TBP-like factor from Tvpanosoma cruzi

OPld - Macedo, C.D.S. - UFMG, Belo Horizonte, MG Characterization of TcAC38, a Tfypanosoma cruzi gene erzcoding a protein possibly involved with inrracellular trafjicking

OPle - Wickstead, B. - University of Manchester, UK Minichromosomal structure ill Tfypanosoma brucei: repeats, palindromes and stability

Room B OP2 - IMMUNOLOGY Chairperson: Ricardo T. Gazzinelli (FIOCRUZ, B. Horizonte, MG)

OP2a - Schmitz, V. - UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ Edematogenic responses evoked by Trypanosoma cruzi tvpornastigotes depend on converging activation pathways mediated by toll-like and bradykinin receptors

OP2b - Oliveira, L.B.F. - FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ Initial events against Leishrnania chagasi using an in virro priming system

OP2c - Soong, L. - University of Texas, USA Impaired expression of inflammatory cyrokines, cc chemokines, and their receptors during early srages of Leishmonia amazonensis infection

OP2d - Wanderley, J.L.M. - INCA, Rio de Janeiro, RJ Apoptotic mimicv: effect of su$aface PS on the infectivity of amastigotes of Leishmania ( I ) amazonensis

OP2e - Rozenfeld, C. - FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ Toxoplasma gondii infection may prevent neuronal degeneration in the central nervous systeln: cross-talk between asrrocytes, microglia and neurons

Roonz C OP3 - VECTOR BIOLOGY AND MOLECULAR EPlDEMIOLOGY Chairperson: Bianca Zingales (IQ-USP, Sio Paulo, SP)

OP3a - Moreira, L. A. - CPqRR/FIOCRUZ, Belo Horizonte, MG Blocking transnlission of a malaria parasite by anopheline ntosquitoes: from transgenesis tofitness

OP3b - Oliveira, G.A. - UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, R1 Effect offlight activity on lipid transfer during mating in Rhodni~rs prolixus

0 m c - Medeiros, M.N. - UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ Tize role of eicosanoids on the endocytosis of yolk proteinx in insects: participation of CAMP

OP3d - Pedroso, A. - USP, SZo Paulo, SP Evolutionary significance of chronzosomal size variation in hybrid strains of Tfypanosonla crud

OP3e - Augusto-Pinto, L. - UFMG, Be10 Horizonte, MG Single-nucleotide polymorphisms of t l~e TCMSH2 gene are associated witlz variation of mismatch repair efficiency in trypanosonra cruzi


Room A RTI -

RTla -

RTlb -

RTlc -

RTld -

Room C RT3 -

RT3a -

RT3b -

RT3c -

RT3d -

- . . . Hugo D. Lujin - Universidad Nacional de Cdrdoba, Argentina Antisense RNA rcg~rlation of surface antigen expression in Nie intestinal parasite Giardia lamblin Patricia S.T. Veras - CPqGMFIOCRUZ, Salvador, BA Murine macrophage transcription program is differentially activated in the early response against two distinct Leishrnania species: L, amazonensis and L. major Juan Alfonzo - OSU, USA Modification of tlze <<universallyu unmodified uridine in an edited tRNA: iyplications for a canonical anticodon struchrre Alvaro Romanba - CPqRRIFIOCRUZ, Be10 Horizonte, MG Funcfional genontic analysis of drug resistance in Tfypanosoma cruzi

INDUCTION AND REGULATION OF THE IMMUNE RESPONSE AGAINST PROTOZOA Clzairperson: Joio S. Silva W P , Ribeirzo Preto, SP) Ricardo T. Gazzinelli, FIOCRUZ-RR, Bclo Horizonte, MG Enhancement ofparasite ~rptake by mocrophagesprimed with agonistic of G-coupled serpentine receptors Cliudia I. Brodskyn - UFB, Salvador, BA I~~zunoregulation in leishmaniasis Yasmine Relkaid - NIAID, NIH, USA Cd4+cd25+ inzmunoregulatory t lymphocytes co,ztrol Leishinania major persistence Marcela F. Lopes - UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, R1 The role of apoptosis in the imm~mopnrhogenesis of experi~nenfal Chagas' disease

MOLECULAR EVOLUTION OF PROTOZOA Chairperson: Marcelo R.S. Briones (UNIFESP, Sio Paulo, SP) Marcelo R.S. Briones - UNIFESP, SZo Paulo, SP In vitro evolution and molecular phylogenies Otivio Fernandes - FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ Trypanosoma cruzirfrom nlolecular epidemiology of Chagas disease to the genetic diversity of the parasite Jose E.M. Hornos - USP, SZa Carlos, SP Symmetry preservation in the evolution of the genetic code Glenn A. Herrick - University of Utah, USA Telonteres and transposons in the development of tlze Oxytriclza sonvltic nucleus

16:00-l6:30 COFFEE-BREAK






Room A STRUCTURAZ. AND FUNCTIONAL BIOCHEMISTRY Chairperson: Llicia Mendonga-Previato (UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ)

9:OO-9:30 MC7 - Ralph T. Schwarz -University of Marburg, Germany Glycolipids of the apicomplexn protozoa T. gondii and P. falciparum

9:30-10:OO MC8 - Luiz Juliauo - UNIFESP, S20 Paulo, SP Search of substrates and inhibitors for cysreine proteases and oligopeptidases B from rrypanosomatids

Room B SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION AND CELLULAR TRANSPORT Chairperson: Marlene Benchimol (Universidade Sta. ~ r s u l a , Rio de Janeiro, RJ)

9:OO-9:30 MC9 - Nobuko Yoshida - UNIFESP, Sio Paulo, SP Signal trnnsduction in host cell invasion by Trypanosoma cruzi

9:30-10:OO MC10 - Ulrike Kutay - ETH, SmZERLAND Tmnsport into and out of the cell nucleus

Room C IMMUNE MODULATION BY PROTOZOAN PARASITES Chairperson: Julio Scharfstein (UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ)

9:OO-9:30 MC11 - Fidel P. Zavala - N W , USA Induction of CD8+ T cells against malaria liver stages: a swir and tightly regulatedprocess

9:30-10:OO MC12 - Ricardo Ribeiro dos Santos - FIOCRUZ, Salvador, BA Bone marrow stem cell therupy for chronic clzagasic cardiomyopathy



Room A OP4 - BIOCHEMISTRY, STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY AND CHEMOTHERAPY Chairpersoiz: Llicia Mendon~a-Previato (UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ)

OP4a - Macedo, C.S. - Phillips University, Marburg, Germany Plnsmodium falciparum dolichol phosphate mannose synthase complements a Schizosaccharomyces pombe synthetically lethal mutant

OP4b - Navarro, M. - USP, Sio Carlos, SP Crysrallographic structure of the enzyme fe-uperoxide dismutnse from Trypanossoma cruzi at 1.9A resolution: a potential targetfor development of novel drugs against chagas disease

OP4c - Lara, F.A. - UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ Fate of heme in the midgut of the cattle tick boophilus microplus: detoxij?cation through aggregation inside a specialized organelle, the hemosome

OP4d - Torres-Santos, E.C. - UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ & Univ. of Washington, USA The role of sterol biosynthesis inhibition on the activity of the natural chalcone DMC against Leishmania, T. cruzi, T. brucei and Cnndida spp.

OP4e - Sanchez, B.A.M. - CPqRRIFIOCRUZ, Belo Horizonte, MG PIasmodium berghei parasites transformed wirh greenfluorescent protein (GFP) to screen blood schizofttocidal agents

Room B OP5 - CELL BIOLOGY Chairperson: Marlene Bechimol (Universidade Sta. ~ r s u l a , Rio de Janeiro, RJ)

OP5a - Bhanot, P. - NYU School of Medicine, USA Defective sorting of the thrombospondin related anonymous protein (TRAP) inhibits plasmodium infectivity

OP5b - Campanati, L. - UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ Further characrerization of the tubulin diversiry of Giardia lamblia by the use of several anti-tubulin antibodies

OP5c - Andreoli, W.K. - UNIFESP, SBo Paulo, SP Survival of Trypanosoma cruzi metocyclic trypomastigotes (CL strain) within Coxiella bumetii vacnoles: differentiation and replication within an acidic milieu.

OP5d - PalmiB-Peixoto, I.V. - UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ Ultrastructural and biochemical analysis of Crithidia deanei reveal the prokaryotic origin of the endosymbiont envelope

OP5e - Mariante, R.M. - UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ Activation of a caspase-like protein during cell death in Trichomonas foetus under oxygen stress

Room C OP6 - HOST-PARASITE INTERACTIONS Chairperson: Julio Scharfstein (UFRJ. Rio de Janeiro, RJ)

OP6a - Pereira, M.C.S. - IBMPPIOCRUZ, Curitiba, PR Microarray analysis shows that different murine genes are expressed upon infection of cardiomyocites with cell-culture-or with meracyclic- trypomastigotes of Tfypanosoma cruzi

OP6b - Lages-Silva, E. - EMTM, Uberaba, MG Genetic characterization of T. cruzi in esophagic tissue from chagasic megaesophagus and in culture samples from patients with different clinical f o m ~ s of Chagas disease

OP6c - Fernandez-Becerra, C. - USP, SHo Paulo, SP Plasmodium viva: analysis of vir zene repertoire and expression in natural uarasite ~o~u la t i ons from . . individual patients.

OP6d - Carvalho. L.J.M. - FIOCRUZ. Rio de Janeiro. RJ , - Immunogeniciry and eficacy of a hybnd MSP3/GLURP recombinant protein of Plasmodium falciparum in Saimiri sciureus morrkeys

OP6e - Borja-Cabrera, G.P. - UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, MG Immunorherapy against narural canine visceral leishmaniasis with rhe FML-vaccine

14:30-16:00 ROUND-TABLES (RT)


RT4a - James D. Bangs - University of W~sconsin, Madison, USA Surface o a r exchange during differentiation in Afn'can tfypanosomes

RT4b - Sam Turco - University of Kentucky, USA Characterization of a SCG gene family implicated in side chain galactosylation of the Leishmania LPG

RT4c - Ana Panla Cabral de Araujo Lima - UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, W Unraveling the mechanisms involved in Trypanosoma cruzi resistance to synthetic cysreine prorease inhibitors

RT4d - Adriane Regina Todeschini - UERJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ Does inactive members of Tfypanosoma cruzi rrans-sialidase family rnteract with irs ligands by a sequential ordered or random Bi Bi mechanism?

Room B RTS - NEW APPROACHES IN INSECT VECTOR RESEARCH Chairperson: Margareth de Lara Capurro-GuimarHes - USP, SHo Paulo, SP

RTSa - Ravi Venkata Durvasula - Yale University, USA Paratransgenic expression of single chain antibodie in the Chagas disease vector Rhodnius prolixus: a novel approach to control of disease transmission

RTSb - Kenneth E. Olson - Colorado State University, USA Novel approaches to control arthropod-borne diseases

RTSc - Denise Valle - FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janeiro, W

~ ~ ~ ~, . ~

Aedes aegypti and Anopheles darling; population genetics in Brazil

Room C RT6 - DRUGANDVACCINEDEVELOPMENT Chairperson: Othvio H. Thiermann (USP, SBo Carlos, SP)

RT6a - Paul A. M. Michels -Christian de Duve Inst. of Cell. Pathology, Belgium Glycolysis as a target for the design of new anti-trypanosome drugs

RT6b - Buddy Ullman - Oregon Health Sciences University, USA Purine rransport in protozoan parasites

RT6c - Hnmberto d'Muniz Pereira - IF-USP, SHo Paulo, SP High throughput X-ray cfystallography for the discovery of new ligands of the enzyme purine nrdcleoside phosphofylase from Schirtosoma mansoni

RT6d - Myrna Cristina Bonaldo - IOC/FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janeiro, W Development of 170 yellow fever virus as an expression vector for malaria antigens

16:00-16:30 COFFEE-BREAK

1630-18:00 ROUND-TABLE (RT)

Room A RT7 - ANAEROBIC PROTOZOA Chairperson: Wanderley de Souza (UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, RI)

RT7a - Marlene Benchimol- Universidade Santa ~ r su l a , Rio de Janeiro, RJ Cell division in anaerobic protozoa

RT7b - Adriana Lanfredi-Rangel - LUCHM, IBCCFo, UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ Thefine structure of the encystation process in Giardin lambiia.

RT7c - Hugo LujBn - Universidad Nacional de Chrdoba, Argentina Molecular mechanisnzs of Giardia differentiation into cysts

RT7d - Marcos A. Vannier-Santos - ROCRUZ, Salvador, BA Polyamirze biosynthesis and rmnspon: targets in antiprotozonl chernotlterupy

Free Roolns 1630 - 18:00 BRAIN STORM MEETINGS

Roonz A 20:30 - 21:30 CLOSING CONFERENCE

Chaiperson: Sergio Schenkman (UNIFESP, SZo Paulo, SP) VICTOR AND RUTH NUSSENZWEIG Rational pursuit of a malaria vaccine



X X I X . 4 N X N MECTIZGOE. ~I\SICI<I~SI:ARCII I S Cll.\(i.AS 1)ISEASL'- XVI I IMECTINC01~ fill! BKVII.IANSOCII:I'Y 01.PKOli)'001.0GY - IIOTELGL~I<IA.CAXI\\IIII'. .\!C. IlR.\SIL - 4-6 NOVE\IBER 2002. Re,. lnsL \Itd. trop. S. l'auln, 41(Juppl 12). So>,embcr. 2002


Goldenberg, S.

Fiocruz and Instituto de Biologia Molecular do Parani, IBMP, Cnritiba, PR, Brasil.

The metacyclogenesis process (transformation of epimastigotes into metacyclic trypomastigotes) is an appropriate model system for studying T. cruzi differentiation because this process can be mimicked in vitro and suitable conditions have been established, making it possible to obtain large numbers of parasites at each differentiation stage. Studies of T. cruzi differentiation may also increase the number of stage-specific genes identified. Comparison of these genes and of their genomic contexts could provide insight into the mechanisms involved in the regulation of gene expression in trypanosomatids. We have developed two powerful tools for the isolation and characterization of stage- specific genes from T. cruzi. First, we have developed chemically defined differentiation conditions that reproducibly support the metacyclogenesis process, mimicking the process that occurs within the triatomine insect vector midgut (Contreras et al. 1985, Mol.Biochem.Parasito1. 16, 315-327 ; Bonaldo et al. 1988, J.Cell Biol. 106, 1349-1358). In this system, epimastigotes attach to a substrate and are released into the medium upon transformation into metacyclic trypomastigotes. The medium used consists of artificial triatomine urine supplemented with a few amino acids (TAU3AAG medium). With this medium, it is possible to isolate parasites at various time-points (stages) in the differentiation process. The second tool is a method for the isolation of specific genes from two closely related populations. This method, the representation of differential expression (RDE) method (Krieger and Goldenberg 1998, Parasitol. Today 14,163-166), is based on the amplification by PCR of specific cDNA sequences after subtractive hybridization, using a related cDNA population in large molar excess. Several T.crzlzi stage-specific genes were isolated from parasites at different time-points of metacyclogenesis by the RDE procedure and their expression was investigated using DNA micro-arrays. The results indicate that mRNA mobilization to the polysomes is the main mechanism for gene expression regulation in the parasite.

Financial support form CNPq-PRONEX, PADCT.