revista cuaternario y geomorfología

Last Glacial Madžimum and deglaciaƟon of Ampato volcanic compledž, Southern Peru El jlƟŵo Mádžiŵo Avance Glaciar y la deglaciación del Coŵpleũo solcánico Aŵpato, Sur de PerƷ Alcalá, J. (1) , Palacios, D. (1) , Zamorano, J.J. (2) and Vázquez-Selem, L. (2) ϭͿ ĞƉĂƌƚĂŵĞŶƚŽ ĚĞ 'Z LJ 'ĞŽŐƌĂİĂ &şƐŝĐĂ &ĂĐƵůƚĂĚ ĚĞ 'ĞŽŐƌĂİĂ Ğ ,ŝƐƚŽƌŝĂ WƌŽĨĞƐŽƌ ƌĂŶŐƵƌĞŶ ^E ŝƵĚĂĚ hŶŝǀĞƌƐŝƚĂƌŝĂ hŶŝǀĞƌƐŝĚĂĚ ŽŵƉůƵƚĞŶƐĞ ĚĞ DĂĚƌŝĚ ϮϴϬϰϬͲDĂĚƌŝĚ ƐƉĂŹĂ [email protected] ;ϮͿ /ŶƐƟƚƵƚŽ ĚĞ 'ĞŽŐƌĂİĂ hŶŝǀĞƌƐŝĚĂĚ EĂĐŝŽŶĂů ƵƚſŶŽŵĂ ĚĞ DĠdžŝĐŽ ŝƵĚĂĚ hŶŝǀĞƌƐŝƚĂƌŝĂ ϬϰϱϭϬͲDĠdžŝĐŽ & DĞdžŝĐŽ Revista Cuaternario y Geomorfología /^^E ϬϮϭϰͲϭϳϰ ǁǁǁƌĞĚŝƌŝƐĞƐƵĂƚĞƌŶĂƌŝŽLJ'ĞŽŵŽƌĨŽůŽŐŝĂ Abstract dŚĞ ůĂƐƚ ŵĂdžŝŵƵŵ ŐůĂĐŝĞƌ ĞdžƉĂŶƐŝŽŶ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ ŵƉĂƚŽ sŽůĐĂŶŝĐ ŽŵƉůĞdž ;ϭϱǑ ϰϵ Ϭϵ^ ϳϭǑ ϱϮ ϰϬt ŵĂdž ĂůƟƚƵĚĞ ϲϮϴϴ ŵĂƐůͿ ŝƐ ĚĂƚĞĚ ƚŽ ϭϳϵ ц Ϭϭ ʹ ϭϲϴ ц Ϭϰ ŬLJƌ ǁŝƚŚ ĐŽƐŵŽŐĞŶŝĐ ϯϲ ů ŝƐŽƚŽƉĞ dŚĞ ŝĐĞ ĐŽǀĞƌĞĚ Ă ƚŽƚĂů ĂƌĞĂ ŽĨ Εϯϰϴ Ŭŵ 2 /Ŷ ƚŚĞ ,ƵĂLJƵƌĂLJ ǀĂůůĞLJ ůŽĐĂƚĞĚ ŽŶ ƚŚĞ ŶŽƌƚŚ ƐŝĚĞ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ,ƵĂůĐĂ,ƵĂůĐĂ ǀŽůĐĂŶŽ ƚŚĞ ŵŽƐƚ ŶŽƌƚŚĞƌůLJ ƐƚƌĂƚŽǀŽůĐĂŶŽ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ ĐŽŵƉůĞdž ƚŚĞ ŐůĂĐŝĞƌ ƐƵƌĨĂĐĞ ĂƌĞĂ ĚƵƌŝŶŐ ƚŚŝƐ ƉĞƌŝŽĚ ǁĂƐ ΕϮϬϳ Ŭŵ 2 ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞ ƉĂůĞŽ> ǁĂƐ ƐŝƚƵĂƚĞĚ ΕϰϵϴϬ ŵ ŝĞ ΕϴϮϬ ŵ ďĞůŽǁ ϭϵϱϱ ĂƟŶŐ ŽĨ Ă ƉŽůŝƐŚĞĚ ƐƵƌĨĂĐĞ ŶĞĂƌ ƚŚĞ ŵƉĂƚŽ ĐŽŵƉůĞdž ƐŚŽǁƐ ǁŝĚĞƐƉƌĞĂĚ ĚĞŐůĂĐŝĂƟŽŶ ĂƌŽƵŶĚ ϭϮϲ ц Ϭϰ ŬLJƌ ,ŽǁĞǀĞƌ ƚŚĞƌĞ ǁĞƌĞ ƐĞǀĞƌĂů ůĂƚĞƌ ƉŚĂƐĞƐ ŽĨ ŐůĂĐŝĞƌ ƌĞͲĂĚǀĂŶĐĞ ƚŚĞ ĂŐĞ ŽĨ ŽŶĞ ŽĨ ƚŚĞƐĞ ƉŚĂƐĞƐ ŝƐ ĞƐƟŵĂƚĞĚ Ăƚ ϭϭϳ ц ϬϮ ŬLJƌ /Ŷ ŚŝƐƚŽƌŝĐĂů ƟŵĞƐ ƚŚĞ ƌĞƚƌĞĂƚ ŚĂƐ ďĞĞŶ ĚŽŵŝŶĂŶƚ ĞƐƉĞĐŝĂůůLJ ĚƵƌŝŶŐ ƚŚĞ ůĂƐƚ ĚĞĐĂĚĞ Keywords: >ĂƐƚ DĂdžŝŵƵŵ 'ůĂĐŝĞƌ džƉĂŶƐŝŽŶ ŵƉĂƚŽ sŽůĐĂŶŝĐ ŽŵƉůĞdž ĐŽƐŵŽŐĞŶŝĐ ϯϲ ů ŝƐŽƚŽƉĞ ƉĂůĞŽ- > ,ƵĂLJƵƌĂLJ ǀĂůůĞLJ ĚĞŐůĂĐŝĂƟŽŶ Resumen >Ă ĞĚĂĚ ĚĞů ƷůƟŵŽ ŵĄdžŝŵŽ ĂǀĂŶĐĞ ĚĞ ůŽƐ ŐůĂĐŝĂƌĞƐ ĞŶ Ğů ŽŵƉůĞũŽ sŽůĐĄŶŝĐŽ ŵƉĂƚŽ ;ϭϱǑ ϰϵ Ϭϵ^ ϳϭǑ ϱϮ ϰϬt ĂůƟƚƵĚ ŵĄdžŝŵĂ ϲϮϴϴ ŵƐŶŵͿ ŽƐĐŝůĂ ĞŶƚƌĞ ϭϳϵ ц Ϭϭ ʹ ϭϲϴ ц Ϭϰ ŬĂ Ă ƉĂƌƟƌ ĚĞů ĂŶĄůŝƐŝƐ ĚĞů ŝƐſƚŽƉŽ ĐŽƐŵŽŐĠŶŝĐŽ ϯϲ ů ů ĄƌĞĂ ƚŽƚĂů ƋƵĞ ŽĐƵƉĂƌŽŶ ůŽƐ ŐůĂĐŝĂƌĞƐ ĚƵƌĂŶƚĞ ĞƐƚĞ ĞǀĞŶƚŽ ĞƐ ĚĞ Εϯϰϴ Ŭŵ 2 . Ŷ Ğů ǀĂůůĞ ĚĞ ,ƵĂLJƵƌĂLJ ůŽĐĂůŝnjĂĚŽ ĞŶ ůĂ ǀĞƌƟĞŶƚĞ ŶŽƌƚĞ ĚĞů ,ƵĂůĐĂ,ƵĂůĐĂ Ğů ǀŽůĐĄŶ ŵĂƐ ƐĞƉƚĞŶƚƌŝŽŶĂů ĚĞů ĞƌĞĐŚŽƐ ĚĞ ƌĞƉƌŽĚƵĐĐŝſŶ ďĂũŽ ůŝĐĞŶĐŝĂ CreaƟve Coŵŵons ϯ.Ϭ. ^Ğ ƉĞƌŵŝƚĞ ƐƵ ŝŶĐůƵƐŝſŶ ĞŶ ƌĞƉŽƐŝƚŽƌŝŽƐ ƐŝŶ ĄŶŝŵŽ ĚĞ ůƵĐƌŽ Rev. C. & G., 25 (1-2), 121-1ϯϲ 121

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Page 1: Revista Cuaternario y Geomorfología

Last Glacial Ma imum and deglacia on of Ampato volcanic comple , Southern Peru

El l o Má i o Avance Glaciar y la deglaciación del Co ple o olcánico A pato, Sur de Per

Alcalá, J. (1), Palacios, D. (1), Zamorano, J.J. (2) and Vázquez-Selem, L. (2)

[email protected]

Revista Cuaternario y Geomorfología




Keywords: -



Crea ve Co ons . .

Rev. C. & G., 25 (1-2), 121-1


Page 2: Revista Cuaternario y Geomorfología

Rev. C. & G., 25 (1-2), 121-1


1. Introduc on


especially in the Andes, to improve our un-



-ingly dependent on these water reserves

using current climate models show that the -

st century suggest that the tropical troposphere will present


tropical Andes is the western volcanic



increase in temperature and decrease in



which would have important implications

2 -

Palabras clave:

Page 3: Revista Cuaternario y Geomorfología

Rev. C. & G., 25 (1-2), 121-1









2. Regional Se ng


Figura 1. A. agen de satelite de la Cordillera Occidental de los Andes centrales donde se uestra la local-ización del Co ple o volcánico A pato (C A). . agen tridi ensional del A C de orte a Sur.

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Rev. C. & G., 25 (1-2), 121-1






Ar to -


B -

Figura . A. etalle de un blo ue orrénico del LGMA en el valle de Huayuray, localizado en la vertiente norte del volcán HualcaHualca (Muestra Hualca 15. S 1. W ,1 sn ). ovie bre de 2 5. B. etalle de un blo ue orrénico del GR- localizado en la vertiente norte del volcán HualcaHualca (Muestra Hualca

15. S 1. W ,512 sn ).


Figura 2. ista panorá ica de la vertiente este del C A desde el altiplano de Patapa pa. e orte a Sur H-volcán HualcaHualca S- olcán Sabancaya A-volcán A pato.

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Rev. C. & G., 25 (1-2), 121-1






Stipa and Festuca

Azorella co pacta -cular plants disappear almost completely and only mosses and lichens survive.



-tural land and an incipient tourism in-

those glaciers.


Figura . Mapa geo orfológico del C A. El círculo deli ita el valle de Huayuray, situado en la vertiente norte del volcán HualcaHualca.

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Rev. C. & G., 25 (1-2), 121-1

3. Materials and Methods







-vance I (GRA-I) and Glacial Readvance II (GRA-

Figura 5. Evolución de los glaciares del valle de Huayuray desde la L A hasta el a o 2 .

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Rev. C. & G., 25 (1-2), 121-1




‘simple standard valley glacier (Osmaston,






-sity and physical-chemical processing and



Phase Area (km2)Area decrease with

respect to LGMA ( )Minimum glacier

al tude (masl)ELA (masl )

ELA di erence (with respect to 1955 ELA)

Last Glacial -

Glacial Readvance I (GR-I)

Glacial Readvance II (GRA-II)


Tabla 1. rea, altitud íni a y ELA de los glaciares en el valle de Huayuray (vertiente orte del volcán HualcaHualca).

Page 8: Revista Cuaternario y Geomorfología

Rev. C. & G., 25 (1-2), 121-1

during the dissolution. The -


ments, U, Th, Sm and Gd were determined




4. Results

-no. On Ampato the ice tongues reached a


side, where the moraines show a minimum

important re-advance glaciers reached


Figura . etalle del apa geo orfológico del C A, donde se uestran las for as glaciares del valle de Huay-uray, situado en la vertiente norte del volcán HualcaHualca. Los detalles de las uestras obtenidas para su

datación absoluta ediante Cl se encuentran en las tablas 2 y .

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Rev. C. & G., 25 (1-2), 121-1

2 2 in



2 2 less than in the





-a priori



Figura . agen de satelite (Mrsid, 2 , ASA), donde se uestra la localización de las uestras Patapa pa y Hualca 1 (ver Tabla 2).

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Rev. C. & G., 25 (1-2), 121-1


5. Discussion


(the same ones we used in our study),



the increasing aridity towards the south,



is important to point out that the similar-

to compare results.

Sample Loca on Phase Sample type E posure age (kyr)



Tabla 2. Edades obtenidas ediante el análisis del isótopo cos ogénico Cl de blo ues orrénicos del valle de Huayuray (vertiente norte del volcán HualcaHualca) y superficies estriadas del altiplano de Patapa pa.

Las edades de e posición son para una erosión superficial de valor . El error está relacionado con la incer-tidu bre del análisis AMS.

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Rev. C. & G., 25 (1-2), 121-1


Patapampa altiplano, Southern Peru.Tabla . atos de ca po y de laboratorio de las orrenas uestreadas en el valle de Huayuray (vertiente norte

del volcán HualcaHualca) y del altiplano de Patapa pa, Sur de Per .

sample ID

map unitGR-I

Glacial Polish

( 321

uncertainty( 23

(g cm-3)


water content (cm3 3)


(decimal degrees)

longitude(decimal degrees)

snow shielding (unitless)

total shielding (unitless)

(g cm-2)










(ppm) 21 22.1

Gd (ppm)

U (ppm) 3.2

Th (ppm) 13.1

sample mass (g)


(g g-1) 12 22.1



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Rev. C. & G., 25 (1-2), 121-1



-tains such as the Andes in the northern and


-dillera Oriental, where mountains at a simi-


-taining results very similar to our results on







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Rev. C. & G., 25 (1-2), 121-1


It is important to point out that moraines



temperature-driven glaciers in the eastern

in the drier western part are moisture-limited -









6. Conclusions


2 -2



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Rev. C. & G., 25 (1-2), 121-1

other Andean areas dated with cosmogenic








-Progra a de for ación de Personal niversi-

tario (FP )


nventario de glaciares del Per . Unidad

Palaeo-geography, Palaeocli atology, Palaeoecology,


Journal of Quaternary Science

late-glacial events in the central tropical Andes. Quaternary Science Revie s

Analysis of Sabancaya volcano, souther Peru using Radarsat and Landsat TM data


Geo orphology,

-Global and Planetary

ChangeGeo orphologische nter-

suchungen zur ung uart ren ergletscherung der Westanden S dperus z ischen 1 25 S und 15 S, daraus ableitbare kli a sche

edingungen und deren ergleich it neu er-arbeiteten Angaben zur rezenten erteilung von Te peratur, iederschlag und Schneegren-zh hen in S dperu s dlich 12 S -

Glacial Geology and Geo orphology


South). eues Jahrbuch f r Geologie und Palae-ontologie Abhandlungen

-ulle n de l ns tut fran ais d études


A -bio

Page 15: Revista Cuaternario y Geomorfología

Rev. C. & G., 25 (1-2), 121-1

-Global Change and Mountain Regions

An Overvie of Current no ledge

-Arc c,

Antarc c and Alpine Research

ull. olcanology,

Quaternary Science Revie s

in the Peruvian Andes. Journal of Glaciology

Zeitschri f r Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeolo-gie


Journal of Glaciology

Quaternary Science Revie s-


Journal of Quater-nary Science

Tropical glaciers.


Glacial Geology and Geo orphology


Global and Planetary Change


sion models. Earth and Planetary Science Let-ters


Peru. Quaternary Research-

Quaternary Sci-ence Revie s


transdisciplinary implications. Global and Planetary Change



Quaternary Science Re-vie s


Quaternary nterna onal

Abstracts th nternational Conference Accel. Mass Spec-

tro etry

Che ical Geol-ogy


Geo orphology

-tury). Journal of Glaciology


Journal of Quater-nary Science


Journal of Glaciology

studying glacier change. Global and Planetary Change

Late Quaternary glaciation and cli atic change in the northern Peruvian Andes -

line reconstructions in the northern Peruvian Andes. oreas

Page 16: Revista Cuaternario y Geomorfología

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Quaternary Science Revie s-

ulletin de l nstitut Franc- ais d études Andines

the Last Glacial-Interglacial Transition. Sci-ence



Cuadernos de nvestigación Geográfica

-imum snowlines in the tropical Andes, South America. Quaternary nternational


in the tropical Andes. Journal of Quaternary Science


moraine chronology. Global and Planetary Change

geologic and tectonic setting. Revista Geológi-ca de Chile


chi ica et Cos ochi ica Acta

Loutsch, L., Davila, J., Legeley-Padovani, A., -

chronology in southern Peru. oletín de la So-ciedad Geológica del Per

active volcano in southern Peru. ulletin of ulcanology


the Late Pleistocene to the present. Geophysi-cal Research Abstracts

Age and the present. Geophysical Research Abstracts

Earth-Science Revie s

-Global and Planetary


Quaternary Science Revie s

-vian highlands. Geografiska Annaler

Peru. Quaternary Research

-Cli ate of the Past,


ate of the Past

Jour-nal of Quaternary Science


Cos ogenic u-clide uildup in Surficial Materials. Quaternary Geochronology Methods and Applications. American Geophysical Union.