reviewarticle respiratorycarefortheventilatedneonate

Review Article Respiratory Care for the Ventilated Neonate Gustavo Rocha , 1 Paulo Soares, 1,2 Am´ erico Gonçalves, 1 AnaIsabelSilva, 3 DianaAlmeida, 1 Sara Figueiredo, 1 Susana Pissarra, 1,2 Sandra Costa, 1,2 Henrique Soares, 1,2 Filipa Flˆ or-de-Lima , 1,2 and Herc´ ılia Guimarães 1,2 1 Department of Neonatology, Centro Hospitalar São João, Porto, Portugal 2 Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal 3 Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Centro Hospitalar São João, Porto, Portugal CorrespondenceshouldbeaddressedtoGustavoRocha;[email protected] Received 19 March 2018; Accepted 12 June 2018; Published 13 August 2018 AcademicEditor:ChristopheLeroyer Copyright©2018GustavoRochaetal.isisanopenaccessarticledistributedundertheCreativeCommonsAttributionLicense, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Invasiveventilationisoftennecessaryforthetreatmentofnewborninfantswithrespiratoryinsufficiency.eneonatalpatienthas uniquephysiologicalcharacteristicssuchassmallairwaycaliber,fewcollateralairways,compliantchestwall,poorairwaystability, andlowfunctionalresidualcapacity.Pathologiesaffectingthenewborn’slungarealsodifferentfrommanyothersobservedlaterin life. Several different ventilation modes and strategies are available to optimize mechanical ventilation and to prevent ventilator- inducedlunginjury.Importantaspectstobeconsideredinventilatingneonatesincludetheuseofcorrectsizedendotrachealtubeto minimizeairwayresistanceandworkofbreathing,positioningofthepatient,thenursingcare,respiratorykinesiotherapy,sedation andanalgesia,andinfectionprevention,namely,theventilator-associatedpneumoniaandnosocomialinfection,aswellasprevention and treatment of complications such as air leaks and pulmonary hemorrhage. Aspects of ventilation in patients under ECMO (extracorporealmembraneoxygenation)andinpalliativecareareofincreasinginterestnowadays.Onlinepulmonarymechanicsand functiontestingaswellascapnographyarebecomingmorecommonlyused.Echocardiographyisnowaroutineinmostneonatal units. Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is an attractive tool potentially helping in preventing intraventricular hemorrhage and periventricularleukomalacia.Lungultrasoundisanemergingtoolofdiagnosisandcanbeofaddedvalueinhelpingmonitoringthe ventilated neonate. e aim of this scientific literature review is to address relevant aspects concerning the respiratory care and monitoring of the invasively ventilated newborn in order to help physicians to optimize the efficacy of care. 1. Introduction ere is an increasing trend in the neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) to use noninvasive ventilation modes; how- ever, invasive ventilation is still often necessary for treating pretermandterminfantswithrespiratoryinsufficiency[1,2]. Nowadays,verypreterminfantsareextubatedrelatively quickly, and prolonged invasive ventilation is considered an important risk factor for bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) development [3]. Many different ventilation modes and strategies are availabletooptimizemechanicalventilationandtoprevent ventilator-induced lung injury, and volume-targeted ven- tilation modes had reported better outcomes when com- pared to pressure-limited ventilation modes [4]. Important aspects to be considered in ventilating neo- nates include the use of correct sized endotracheal tube, positioning of the patient, the nursing care, respiratory kinesiotherapy, sedation and analgesia, and infection pre- vention, namely, the ventilator-associated pneumonia and nosocomial infection, as well as the treatment of compli- cationssuchasairleaksandpulmonaryhemorrhage[3,5]. Aspects of ventilation in patients under ECMO (extra- corporeal membrane oxygenation) and in palliative care are of increasing interest nowadays. Monitoring of the ventilated neonate using online pulmonary mechanics and function testing as well as capnography are becoming more commonly used, and echocardiography is now aroutineinmostneonatalunits.Nearinfraredspectroscopy (NIRS)isbecominganattractivetoolinhelpingtoprevent Hindawi Canadian Respiratory Journal Volume 2018, Article ID 7472964, 12 pages

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Review ArticleRespiratory Care for the Ventilated Neonate

GustavoRocha ,1PauloSoares,1,2AmericoGonçalves,1Ana Isabel Silva,3DianaAlmeida,1

Sara Figueiredo,1 Susana Pissarra,1,2 Sandra Costa,1,2 Henrique Soares,1,2

Filipa Flor-de-Lima ,1,2 and Hercılia Guimarães1,2

1Department of Neonatology, Centro Hospitalar São João, Porto, Portugal2Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal3Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Centro Hospitalar São João, Porto, Portugal

Correspondence should be addressed to Gustavo Rocha; [email protected]

Received 19 March 2018; Accepted 12 June 2018; Published 13 August 2018

Academic Editor: Christophe Leroyer

Copyright © 2018Gustavo Rocha et al.&is is an open access article distributed under the Creative CommonsAttribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Invasive ventilation is often necessary for the treatment of newborn infants with respiratory insufficiency. &e neonatal patient hasunique physiological characteristics such as small airway caliber, few collateral airways, compliant chest wall, poor airway stability,and low functional residual capacity. Pathologies affecting the newborn’s lung are also different from many others observed later inlife. Several different ventilation modes and strategies are available to optimize mechanical ventilation and to prevent ventilator-induced lung injury. Important aspects to be considered in ventilating neonates include the use of correct sized endotracheal tube tominimize airway resistance and work of breathing, positioning of the patient, the nursing care, respiratory kinesiotherapy, sedationand analgesia, and infection prevention, namely, the ventilator-associated pneumonia and nosocomial infection, as well as preventionand treatment of complications such as air leaks and pulmonary hemorrhage. Aspects of ventilation in patients under ECMO(extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) and in palliative care are of increasing interest nowadays. Online pulmonarymechanics andfunction testing as well as capnography are becoming more commonly used. Echocardiography is now a routine in most neonatalunits. Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is an attractive tool potentially helping in preventing intraventricular hemorrhage andperiventricular leukomalacia. Lung ultrasound is an emerging tool of diagnosis and can be of added value in helping monitoring theventilated neonate. &e aim of this scientific literature review is to address relevant aspects concerning the respiratory care andmonitoring of the invasively ventilated newborn in order to help physicians to optimize the efficacy of care.

1. Introduction

&ere is an increasing trend in the neonatal intensive careunits (NICUs) to use noninvasive ventilation modes; how-ever, invasive ventilation is still often necessary for treatingpreterm and term infants with respiratory insufficiency [1, 2].

Nowadays, very preterm infants are extubated relativelyquickly, and prolonged invasive ventilation is consideredan important risk factor for bronchopulmonary dysplasia(BPD) development [3].

Many different ventilation modes and strategies areavailable to optimize mechanical ventilation and to preventventilator-induced lung injury, and volume-targeted ven-tilation modes had reported better outcomes when com-pared to pressure-limited ventilation modes [4].

Important aspects to be considered in ventilating neo-nates include the use of correct sized endotracheal tube,positioning of the patient, the nursing care, respiratorykinesiotherapy, sedation and analgesia, and infection pre-vention, namely, the ventilator-associated pneumonia andnosocomial infection, as well as the treatment of compli-cations such as air leaks and pulmonary hemorrhage [3, 5].

Aspects of ventilation in patients under ECMO (extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation) and in palliative careare of increasing interest nowadays. Monitoring of theventilated neonate using online pulmonary mechanicsand function testing as well as capnography are becomingmore commonly used, and echocardiography is nowa routine in most neonatal units. Near infrared spectroscopy(NIRS) is becoming an attractive tool in helping to prevent

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neurological damage and lung ultrasound is an emergingtool of diagnosis and can be of added value in helpingmonitoring the ventilated neonate.

Individualized nursing care and respiratory therapy arecrucial and have become increasingly widespread in NICUs.It has been demonstrated that each mechanically ventilatedinfant requires, on average, the care of one nurse during 60%of the time [6].

Our aim is to review the scientific literature concerningthe respiratory care and monitoring for the invasivelyventilated newborns in order to help physicians to optimizethe efficacy of care while preventing deleterious iatrogeniceffects.

2. The Endotracheal Tube

&e endotracheal tube (ETT), the fundamental interfacebetween patient and ventilator, is a cornerstone for suc-cessful ventilation. &e appropriate sized tube could bedefined as the one with the largest possible inner diameter(ID) that will comfortably pass through the vocal cordsproviding a sufficient seal for effective ventilation. Con-firming the existence of a small leak at peak inspiratorypressures of ≥20 cm H2O could help prevent the use of anexcessively large tube [7]. According to Poseuille’s law, theresistance is inversely proportional to the fourth power ofthe tube radius (the tube ID), increasing as the tube IDdecreases [8, 9]. Resistance is particularly marked for tubeswith ≤2.5mm ID, with smaller than expectable differencesbetween the 3.0, 3.5, and 4mm tubes [8]. Tube length alsoincreases resistance, and unnecessarily long tubes should becut [9]. Shouldered tubes have also been proved to offer lessresistance (up to 50% less) and should be considered,particularly for the smaller ID tubes [9, 10]. Existing tables,derived from clinical and experimental studies, should guideinitial tube size selection [11].

&e neonatal airway has classically been described asdiffering from that of older children (>8 years) and adultswith the narrowest part located at the cricoid cartilage [12].Although recent findings have put it in question, this an-atomical feature has guided years of practice with the use ofuncuffed endotracheal tubes (UTT) for small children, in-fants, and neonates [13]. Since the development of high-volume low-pressure (HVLP) cuffs, cuffed endotrachealtubes (CTT) have been growingly used in smaller children,infants, and even neonates [14]. A 2016 report on currentpractice patterns of the American Society of Pediatric An-esthesia found that 60% of responders used CTTon full-termneonates >50% of the time [7]. Although several short-termreports have deemed CTT safe to use in neonates with nogreater rates of complications than UTT (provided that cuffpressure is monitored) [15, 16], there have also been reportscontradicting those findings [17, 18]. Data on the safety andefficacy of the use of CTT for prolonged ventilation andimpact on longer-term outcomes, in the NICU setting, arelacking [14].

Few studies compared nasotracheal versus orotrachealintubation. Postextubation atelectasis may be more frequentafter nasal intubation, particularly in extremely low birth

weight (ELBW) neonates. No route has been proven pref-erable to the other, with similar rates of complicationsbetween them [19].

To clinically confirm endotracheal intubation, currentresuscitation guidelines recommend a combination ofclinical signs (breath sounds under the axillae, thoracicexpansion, increased heart rate, and condensation visible onthe tube) and exhaled CO2monitoring. Although effective inmost situations, they must be interpreted with care in thecontext of cardiac arrest [20].

After successful intubation, placing the tube at a correctdepth is vital. Excessively deep insertion could lead to se-lective right main bronchus intubation, pneumothorax,and/or atelectasis. A shallow insertion puts the patient atgreater risk for accidental extubation.

&e ideal safe position for the ETT tip is the midtrachealposition, usually at T1-T2 level [21–23]. In ELBW neonates,however, the level of the carina can be as high as T3, insteadof the usual T4, which would place the midtracheal positionslightly higher [23].

Several rules and formulas have been developed to helppredict ideal tube length [24]. &e commonly “7-8-9” rule,developed by Tochen [25], that in its simplified form couldbe translated as 6+ weight (for orotracheal intubation),assumes a linear relation between body weight and propertube length. Peterson et al. [26] and Amarilyo et al. [27]questioned these findings for ELBW neonates, as the use ofTochen’s formula would result in excessively deep insertionsof ETT, in that subgroup. Kempley et al. [28] demonstrateda linear relation between ETT tube length with gestationalage but not with body weight and proposed a model thatused gestational age (presented in the form of table) forbetter ETT length prediction (Table 1). Flinn et al. [29] werehowever unable to find a significant difference betweenKempley’s gestational age table and Tochen’s body weightformula for ETT length estimation, although his study waslimited by the inclusion of a small number of extremepremature and/or ELBW neonates. &is could mean thatgestational age data is mainly relevant for ELBW neonates.

Chest radiograph remains the gold standard for adequatetube placement confirmation [30]. Although other technicalmethods have shown promise (i.e., ultrasonography), theyrequire special expertise or are not as widely and/or asreadily available [31].

&e tube has to be fixated ensuring minimal possiblemovement with the patient’s head kept at a neutral position[21]. Several methods for tube fixation have been reported,but there is currently insufficient evidence to indicatea particular method over another [32].

3. Positioning the Patient

In neonates undergoing mechanical ventilation, it has beenobserved that positions other than the standard supineposition, such as the prone position, may improve re-spiratory performance. &e benefits of these positions havenot been clearly defined for critically ill neonates receivingMV. A meta-analysis by Rivas-Fernandez et al., including 19trials involving 516 participants concluded that evidence of

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low to moderate quality favours the prone position forslightly improved oxygenation in neonates undergoingmechanical ventilation. However, no evidence was found tosuggest that particular body positions during mechanicalventilation of the neonate are effective in producing sus-tained and clinically relevant improvement [33]. &ere maybe additional benefit in raising head of bed slightly to allowexpansion of the lungs. &is position should be changedperiodically to avoid pooling of secretions at base of thelungs [33].

Although with no definitive answer, preterm infants,because of the risk of germinal matrix-intraventricularhemorrhage and the effect of head position on jugular ve-nous drainage, should lie with the head in midline position,at least when the risk of hemorrhage is greatest, that is,during the first three days of life [34].

4. Respiratory Kinesiotherapy

&eneonatal patient has physiological characteristics such asdifficult airway maintenance and clearance, smaller airwaycaliber, few collateral airways, compliant chest wall, poorairway stability, and lower functional residual capacity[35, 36]. A small amount of mucus can create a large increasein airway resistance, which decreases air flow and, withoutexpiratory flow, the secretions are not expelled. Some re-spiratory kinesiotherapy maneuvers may allow enough ex-piratory flow without leading to airway closure [35]. &epresence of an endotracheal tube is associated with com-promised airway clearance, hinders the cough reflex, impairsmucociliary function, and may increase mucus production[35, 36]. Maneuvers performed periextubation showedimprovement in pulmonary symptoms with a decrease in theincidence of lung atelectasis after extubation [35, 36]. Re-spiratory kinesiotherapy techniques result in lung me-chanical effects, improve ventilation, and facilitate theelimination of secretions to avoid bronchial obstruction,allowing good maintenance of airways and facilitatingventilator weaning [37, 38]. However, some authors reportthat there is not enough evidence to determine whetheractive chest physiotherapy is of benefit for neonates onmechanical ventilation. Respiratory kinesiotherapy in neo-nates traditionally includes a multiplicity of techniques:positioning, postural drainage, active techniques such asvibration and percussion, and suction [39]. More recently,

other respiratory rehabilitation techniques such as hyper-inflation have been applied [35]. Each has indications andcontraindications and they are usually used in combinationso it is difficult to determine the exact effect of each par-ticular technique [39]. Further studies are still needed toaddress this issue. Neonatal chest manipulation is not riskfree and should only be performed by trained personnel witha high level of expertise [35]. Sessions should be short andshould precede feeding [38].

5. Nursing Care

Nurses caring for newborns receiving mechanical ventila-tion face several challenges. Observing the monitor, venti-lation devices, oxygen delivery systems, and patient’soxygenation along with the patient himself are essentialcomponents of nursing care. Highly sensitive equipmentsare helpful for the monitoring of the patient. Alarm limits(upper and lower) for heart rate, respiration, blood pressure,and oxygen saturation are set on the basis of current evi-dence and the NICU’s specific standard of care [40].

Expertise and extreme care are important aspects inproviding safe and effective nursing care. Cardinal aspects ofcare include thermoregulation, optimal positioning, airwayclearance, stable hemodynamic status, and adequate nutri-tion for maintenance of growth and development [41].

Open, honest communication with the family is nec-essary for reducing their anxiety [42].

Nurses must provide a safe environment for the infantsin the unit and regulate the infection control policies [40].

Hand washing, isolation, surveillance, and screening ofvisitors are relevant aspects to nurses in the NICUs [40].

Kangaroo care offers benefits to stable ventilated infants,as long as the procedure is safely practiced according tonursing protocols of transfer from and back to the incubator[43, 44].

6. Heating and Humidification of theInspired Air

Intubation eliminates the natural mechanisms of filtration,humidification, and warming of inspired air [45].

Air inspired to the nose is warmed and nearly 90%humidified by the time it passes through the pharynx [45]&e administration of dry oxygen lowers the water contentof the inspired air, and the use of artificial airway bypassesthe nasopharynx and oropharynx where the humidificationof gases primarily takes place [46].

If humidification of inspired gases is not appropriatelyaddressed, ciliary dysfunction, inflammation and necrosis ofthe ciliated pulmonary epithelium, retention of dried se-cretions, atelectasis, bacterial infiltration of the pulmonarymucosa, and pneumonia may occur. A humidifier warmsand humidifies the gases delivered to the infant duringmechanical ventilation via the inspiratory line of the ven-tilator circuit [47].

Humidifiers are classified as active if they have externalsources of heat, water, and flow. &e bypass humidifiers arethe most widely used today in the NICUs. &e gas that goes

Table 1: Endotracheal tube insertion depth for oro- and naso-tracheal intubation in neonates [28].

Gestationalage (weeks)


Endotrachealtube lengthat lips (cm)

Endotrachealtube length

at nostril (cm)23–24 0.5–0.6 5.5 6.525–26 0.7–0.8 6.0 7.027–29 0.9–1.0 6.5 7.530–32 1.1–1.4 7.0 8.033–34 1.5–1.8 7.5 8.535–37 1.9–2.4 8.0 9.038–40 2.5–3.1 8.5 9.541–43 3.2–4.2 9.0 10.0

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to the infant passes over the surface of the heated water [48].Sophisticated systems composed of reservoirs, wires, heatingdevices, and other elements are of common use in the in-tensive care unit [49].

7. Aerosolization and Nebulization

Aerosol therapy has proven to be an effective form of drugdelivery. Despite routine use in the NICUs, the developmentof appropriate devices as well as medical agents still presentsa challenge [50, 51].

Equipment for aerosolization in neonates include in-halers (metered dose inhalers (MDI)), holding chambers,and nebulizers (ultrasonic, jet and vibrating mesh nebu-lizers, and capillary aerosol generator) [50–52]. Examples ofdrugs used in critically ill neonates are surfactants, corti-costeroids, bronchodilators, diuretics, and antiviral andvasoactive agents [50, 51].

&e particular characteristics of neonatal population(low tidal volumes and functional residual capacity, highrespiratory rate, a shortened particle residence time, andsmaller airway diameters) account for the diminished de-livery of inhaled aerosol [50, 51]. Effectiveness of in-halational therapies is influenced by numerous other factors,including the device itself, type and location of the nebulizer,aerosol characteristics (particle size, shape, and density),ventilation gas conditions (flow and humidity), patient in-terface, and mode of breathing support [50–53].

Current recommendations for the conventionally ven-tilated neonate (SIMV, AC, VG, and VC) and for those whoare on CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) aim toclean the artificial airways before nebulization, remove theventilator flow sensor from the wye connector, use vibratingmesh nebulizer (Aeroneb, Pari e-flow) or MDI with holdingchamber, place the device in the inspiratory limb in thecircuit 20 cm from the wye connector, and optimizebreathing support (increase inspiratory time as much aspossible, decrease respiratory rate as much as possible,bypass the humidifier, and maintaining air flow heatingduring nebulization) [53].

8. Prevention of Infection

Infection, and its prevention, is an important concern inneonatal ventilated patients, particularly those of very lowbirth weight. Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), de-fined as a lung infection diagnosed in a mechanically ven-tilated patient for >48 h [54], is the second most commonform of nosocomial infection and a common device asso-ciated complication that occurs at a variable rate of 2.3 to10.9 episodes per 1000 ventilator days in developed coun-tries [55–57].

&ere are no universally accepted criteria to diagnoseVAP in the neonatal period [58]. Less than 12-month-oldinfant Center of Disease Control VAP diagnostic guidelineshave been used in neonates, according to which, in order tobe diagnosed with VAP, the ventilated patient has to fulfilclinical (at least one of the following: presence of tachypnea,apnea, and/or retractions; increased need of supplemental

oxygen, respiratory settings to achieve targeted respiratoryvalues, amount of respiratory secretions, incidence ofdesaturation events), radiological (persistent infiltrates orconsolidation in two sequential radiographs after the ini-tiation of mechanical ventilation), and microbiologicalcriteria (isolation of a microorganism obtained by bron-choalveolar lavage or isolation of a microorganism in bloodculture without any other focus or histopathological ex-amination) [59, 60]. Microbiological study of tracheal as-pirates is not reliable for the diagnosis of VAP since airwaycolonization cannot be dismissed by this technique. &estandard for microbiological sampling of the airway isbronchoscopic bronchoalveolar lavage and protected spec-imen brush, whose invasive character precludes its universaluse in neonates intubated with small diameter tubes forwhom blind-protected bronchoalveolar lavage should beapplied [61–65].

Several risk factors have been associated with the oc-currence of VAP. Of these, duration of mechanical venti-lation and ELBW infants seem to be the most significant inmultivariate analysis [60, 61], although others like length ofhospital stay, reintubation, enteral feeding, mechanicalventilation, transfusion, low birth weight, prematurity,bronchopulmonary dysplasia, and parenteral nutrition havebeen identified in a recent meta-analysis of observationalstudies [62]. On the contrary, decreasing the frequency ofventilator circuit changes from every seven to 14 days doesnot seem to influence the VAP rate [62].

&e most common agents involved in VAP are Gram-negative bacteria (particularly Pseudomonas aeruginosa,Enterobacter species, and Klebsiella species) although Gram-positive bacteria, namely, coagulase negative staphylococciand Staphylococcus aureus, also play a role [61, 62, 64, 65].Polymicrobial cultures are frequently found when trachealaspirate sampling is used. &ere is no consensus for theinitial treatment of VAP. Initial empirical treatment shouldinclude broad spectrum antibiotics with coverage for Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, based on likely caus-ative agents and local antimicrobial resistance patterns [65].

VAP is associated with increased length of hospital stayand mortality [61]. In the Neo-Kiss registry, Leistner andcoworkers found that VAP incidence may influence mor-tality rate in infants with birth weight between 1000 g and1500 g [56], in accordance with results from other groups ofresearchers [64].

Neonatal VAP prevention bundles implementation hasbeen shown to decrease the rate of VAP in NICUs [64]. Suchbundles, which apply several evidence-based practices at thesame time, have proved to result in greater practice im-provements than the sum of the benefits of each practice onits own [66]. &ey should include practices relative to headposition in the ventilated neonate, the use of closed multiusesuction catheters, frequency at which suctioning systemsshould be changed, routine changing of breathing circuits,assessment of readiness for extubation and cautious eval-uation of the need for reintubation, use of medicationsthat interfere with gastric acidity, use of antibiotic boweldecontamination and oral hygiene, and use of separate oraland tracheal suctioning equipment [66]. As with other

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healthcare-related infections, improvement of caregivereducation and hand hygiene remains a very importantmeasure to control VAP incidence.

9. Sedation and Analgesia

It is now known that preterm infants are more sensitive topain than older children and that intubation and invasivemechanical ventilation have physiologic changes de-termining stress and pain, which can be reduced withsedatives and analgesics [67]. Nowadays, the prevention andtreatment of pain and distress represents an essentialcomponent of clinical practice [67, 68]. A recent study,including 18 European NICUs, showed that only 46% ofinvasively ventilated neonates received assessment of con-tinuous pain [69]. Another study documented a generallywidespread, but still highly variable use of analgesia/sedationand pain assessment practices at Italian NICUs, despite thediffusion of national guidelines, showing that there is anurgent need to improve routine pain assessment and stressand pain control/prevention in all infants [70].

After the correct pain assessment, the treatment of painand stress should be done. Nonpharmacological in-terventions such as nonnutritive sucking and sucrose mustbe tried. &eir use in extremely preterm, unstable, ventilatedneonates needs to be addressed [71].

Routine administration of sedation or analgesia in pre-term neonates is not recommended due to the safety concernsregarding the pharmacotherapy. Nevertheless, pretermnewborns who remain ventilated can be under morphine.Rarely fentanyl or remifentanil should be used [71].

We focus in the sedative and analgesic medication usuallyused in NICUs: midazolam, morphine, and other opioids,namely, fentanyl and remifentanil (Table 2) [67, 72–77].

In the delivery room, nasal midazolam was more ef-ficient than ketamine to adequately sedate neonates re-quiring intubation. &e hemodynamics and respiratoryeffects of both drugs were comparable [78]. Preterm infantsreceiving MIST (minimal invasive surfactant therapy) weremore comfortable when sedation was given, but neededventilation more often [79]. A randomized controlled trialis necessary to test whether the benefit of sedation out-weighs the risks of complications.

A neonatal pain and sedation protocol should beimplemented in each NICU. It can increase the opiateexposure, but seems not to affect neurodevelopmental out-comes of extremely preterm infants [80]. However, as withany medication, the possibility of short- and long-term ad-verse reactions must be considered. Nonpharmacologicaltherapy should be used as much as possible [81, 82].

Neuromuscular blocking agents are not recommendedin the NICU. A transient curarization can be used duringbrief diagnostic or therapeutic procedures in order to avoidhemodynamic consequences of deep sedation [83].

10. Weaning and Extubation

Weaning and extubation shifts the work of breathing fromventilator to patient, and respiratory drive must be adequate

to sustain alveolar ventilation with a tidal volume of 4ml/kg[84]. Sedation should be reduced and stopped if possiblebefore extubation [85]. As patient’s ventilation improves,FiO2 should be reduced to below 0.40 and ventilatory pa-rameters can be decreased along with normal blood gases,and one should decrease the most harmful parameter firstand each at a time [86]. Methylxanthines are helpful in thepreterm neonate, and these populations should be started onnasal CPAP or high flow nasal cannula after extubation [86].Systemic steroids and diuretics may be useful to extubatepreterms still ventilated after the first week of life [86].Anemia may need to be corrected and a hemoglobin over15 g/dl is indicated in selected cases [86]. Prone positioningcan be helpful in stabilizing the chest wall and improvingdiaphragmatic excursion. A chest radiograph is not rou-tinely necessary, unless there is clinical evidence of re-spiratory distress [86].

Table 2: Sedative and analgesic medication usually used.


Widely used in NICUs, some decades ago. &eusual dose infusion is 10–60μg/kg/hour. In verypreterm infants a high incidence of hypotension

and intraventricular hemorrhage have beenreported and contraindicate its use [67]. Nowadays,however, data are insufficient to promote the use ofintravenous midazolam infusion as a sedative fornewborn infants undergoing intensive care [72].Recently midazolam exposure was associated withstructural alterations in hippocampal developmentand poorer outcomes consistent with hippocampal

dysmaturation [73]. Data show that furtherresearch on the effectiveness and safety of

midazolam in neonates is needed before its useroutinely in NICUs.


Has been used in low-dose infusion (10 μg/kg/h)to control stress in mechanically ventilated

infants. Opioids prolong mechanical ventilationdue to the suppression of the respiratory drive[67]. However, due to the lack of available

alternative drugs, they are used in clinical practicein neonatology with marked variability amongNICUs [74]. Although much is known aboutmorphine in newborns, there is insufficient

evidence to recommend routine use of opioids inmechanically ventilated newborns. Opioids

should be used selectively, by clinical judgmentand evaluation of pain. If sedation is required,morphine is safer than midazolam [75, 76].


Infusion is usually of 1.5 μg/kg/h. It can inducechest wall rigidity and laryngospasm in both termand preterm newborns. &ere is a significantaccumulation due to prolonged half-life inpreterm neonates, even with low doses. So,continuous infusion of fentanyl should be

avoided in preterm infants [67].


Doses of 1–4 μg/kg showed to be as effective as themorphine-midazolam regimen for endotracheal

intubation. &e rapid administration ofremifentanil provides insufficient sedation and isassociated, like fentanyl, with a chest wall rigidity

in preterm neonates [77].

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11. Tracheostomy

Neonatal tracheostomy is a common need of newbornsrequiring prolonged ventilation. Studies have shown thatearly tracheostomy reduces the incidence of subglottic andtracheal stenosis in children who are intubated for longperiods and results in improved comfort, decreased need forsedation, systemic corticosteroid, improved nutrition andgrowth, ability to attempt oral feeds, and, once established,vocalization with a speaking valve. Improved survival ofextremely low and very low birth weight and medicallycomplex infants can result in prolonged mechanical venti-lation and sometimes tracheostomy [87].

&e indications for neonatal tracheostomy have changedover time. With the need for long-term ventilation, it hasbecome more common [88]. Overman et al. performeda retrospective review of 165 infants who required trache-ostomy and ventilator support with a median gestational ageof 27 weeks (range 22–43), and birth weight was 820 g (range360–4860). Overall tracheostomy rate was 6.9% (87/1345)for infants with birth weight ≤1000 g versus 0.9% (64/6818)for infants >1000 g (P< 0.001). Median day of life of tra-cheostomy was 112 (18–573) for infants ≤1000 g and 57(1–385) for infants >1000 g (P< 0.001). Infants ≤1000 g hada longer time from intubation to positive pressure venti-lation independence, 505 days (range 62–1287) versus 372days for >1000 g (range 15–1270; P� 0.011) [88].

Common indications for neonatal and infant trache-ostomy include congenital or acquired airway obstructionand chronic medical conditions (cardiac disease, neuro-muscular disease, and bronchopulmonary dysplasia). De-cisions about tracheostomy in neonates involve carefulconsideration of a number of factors. Mortality, potentialshort- and long-term outcomes, prospects for home ven-tilation therapy, and alternatives to tracheostomy should beconsidered [89].

&e specific technique of neonatal tracheostomy varieslittle from a well-performed tracheostomy and should beperformed in the operating room [90]. Tracheostomy has thepotential for significant morbidity. Meticulous technique,surgeon experience, and specialized care may play a role inreducing the complication rate. However, complications areusually minor in neonates and do not require additionalsurgical interventions [91].

12. Ventilation in Palliative Care

Despite advances in neonatal medicine and intensive care,there are some infants whose treatments are harmful, are notor are no longer beneficial, and may be discontinued afterdiscussion with the family [92]. &e aim of palliative care isto keep the baby comfortable and to support the parents incaring for their baby according to their wishes and beliefs[93, 94].

&e process of withdrawal includes the explanation tothe parents what will happen; which member of staff will beresponsible for the actual removal of the endotracheal tubeand turning the ventilator off; the aspiration of the naso-gastric tube (considering not feeding the infant just prior to

extubation); the alarms of the ventilator and monitorsshould be turned off prior the disconnection; the endotra-cheal tube should be suctioned before removal; the parentsshould be given the choice of being present and holding theirinfant. Withdrawal of less invasive forms or respiratorysupport such as nasal continuous positive airway pressureand nasal cannula oxygen may be appropriate if a baby isdying and continued provision of respiratory support onlyserves to delay death [92–95]. Neuromuscular blockingagents should never be introduced when the ventilator isbeing withdrawn. If the newborn has been on paralytics,these should ideally have been weaned off hours to daysearlier [93]. Analgesics and sedatives should be titrated torelieve pain. It is common for children to experience in-creased pain, agitation, and dyspnea after extubation, re-quiring increased doses of medication [92]. In some cases, itis not necessary to turn off the ventilator or extubate theneonate, the parameters of ventilation can be decreased untilreaching minimum values, with a decrease of oxygen.Noninvasive ventilation can be used to relief signs of re-spiratory distress [93].

13. Care in ECMO

ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) is a treat-ment that allows to provide cardiorespiratory support. &eveno-venous (VV) ECMO does so by increasing the oxygencontent in the venous blood. Veno-arterial (VA) ECMO, inaddition to increasing blood oxygen content, may providehemodynamic support by increasing systemic blood flow.&is technique, in the presence of pulmonary pathology,should allow the recovery of pulmonary structure andfunction in order to ensure the survival of the newborn[96, 97].

After initiating VA-ECMO, ventilatory parameters canbe rapidly weaned. &e patient should remain during thetreatment (to allow recovery of lung function) with “rest”settings (FiO2 25–30%, peak inspiratory pressure (PIP)20–25 cm H2O; positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) 4-5 cm H2O; inspiratory time (Ti) 0.5–1.0 seconds; frequency(F) 20–25 breaths per minute) or even in continuous positiveairway pressure (CPAP) with a high PEEP (10–12 cm H2O)in order to maintain functional residual capacity (FRC)without causing lung injury (volutrauma, barotrauma, oratelectrauma). In VA-ECMO, it is essential to integrate thepresence of two lungs and two hearts functioning in parallel.Improvement of native cardiac function may translate intoa reduction in arterial oxygen saturation, but with increasedtissue oxygen delivery.

After initiating VV-ECMO, weaning from ventilatory andhemodynamic support should be done slowly and with cau-tion, since oxygen delivery is dependent on native myocardialfunction and, on the other hand, the native lung still providesgas exchanges. &e use of a high PEEP may compromisepulmonary blood flow and cardiac output. &e resting pa-rameters to be achieved will be the same as for VA-ECMO,but we should use expired CO2 to optimize PEEP [98–100].

During ECMO treatment, mild and protective ventila-tory strategies can and should be employed, without concern

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for ventilation/oxygenation, which is ensured by the tech-nique employed [100].

In acute technical failure (e.g., accidental decannulation)rescue parameters must be clearly indicated and should beimmediately set on the ventilator according to the clinicalcondition of the patient [99].

14. Complications: Air Leaks andPulmonary Hemorrhage

Air leak syndrome refers to the extravasation of air from thetracheobronchial tree into the lung parenchyma and pleuralspaces where it is not normally present, and includespneumothorax, pulmonary interstitial emphysema, pneu-momediastinum, pneumopericardium, pneumoperitoneum,subcutaneous emphysema, and systemic air embolism.

Air leak is a common complication of mechanical ven-tilation, occurring in up to 40% of ventilated newborns [101].Risk factors include prematurity, very low birth weight, lowApgar score, high peak inspiratory pressure, high tidal vol-ume, high inspiratory time, respiratory distress syndrome,meconium aspiration syndrome, amniotic fluid aspiration,pneumonia, and pulmonary hypoplasia [102–104].

&e most frequent air leak in mechanical ventilatednewborns is pneumothorax. Different ventilatory strategiesaffect the risk of pneumothorax with evidence that high-frequency ventilation [105], volume-targeted ventilation[106], and increased PEEP [104] are associated with a de-creased risk, and continuous positive inspiratory pressureis associated with an increased risk of pneumothorax[107, 108].

&e clinical presentation ranges from asymptomatic tosevere progressive respiratory distress [102] and, in case oftension pneumothorax, hemodynamic compromise [109].Physical examination may reveal tracheal deviation, asym-metrical chest rise, diminished breath sounds over the af-fected side, and muffled or shifted heart sounds [109].Diagnosis is usually made by radiography [109]. However, inneonates, the classic appearance may be more difficult torecognize. One study evaluating the role of special radio-logical signs in the diagnosis of pneumothorax in neonatesfound that 46% of the neonates with pneumothorax hadspecial radiological signs 0.5 to 27 hours before they wereclinically diagnosed, namely, deep sulcus sign, medial stripesign, basilar hyperlucency, increased cardiomediastinalsharpness, large hyperlucent hemithorax, and the doublediaphragm sign [110]. &erefore, these signs should belooked for in ventilated newborns in order to perform anearly diagnosis of pneumothorax.

A tension pneumothorax requires immediate diagnosisand intervention even before imaging is obtained, and chesttransillumination plays a role in these cases [101, 109].

Treatment options include conservative management,nitrogen washout with oxygen, needle aspiration, in-tercostals tube drainage, and placement of a pigtail catheter.A study including only adult patients reports a rate ofspontaneous reabsorption of pneumothorax of 1.2% of thevolume of the hemithorax per 24 hours [110]. An expectantmanagement may be effective even in neonates undergoing

mechanical ventilation [111, 112], but intervention is mostoften needed [111].

Placing the infant under high concentrations of oxygenmay hasten the reabsorption of gas in the pleural space bycreating a diffusion gradient. However, in neonates, thistechnique is limited by the oxygen toxicity and increased riskof retinopathy of prematurity [109].

Needle thoracentesis with aspiration is the preferredtreatment in emergencies such as a tension pneumothorax,but may not completely correct the situation [109, 111]. &emost traditional method of treatment of a pneumothorax isa chest tube placed by thoracostomy [109, 112, 113].However, a recent systematic review found insufficient ev-idence to determine the efficacy and safety of needle aspi-ration versus intercostal tube drainage in the management ofpneumothorax in newborns [114].

More recently, pigtail catheters have been used fortreatment of pneumothorax in newborns, with evidence to besafe, effective, and reduce discomfort during insertion andcomplications [109] including in preterm neonates [115].

Further prospective randomized controlled trials arenecessary to determine which method is superior in themanagement of neonatal pneumothorax in mechanicalventilated patients.

Pulmonary hemorrhage is a rare but severe condition,which is characterized by massive bleeding within the lungparenchyma and airways, with a mortality above 50% duringthe neonatal period [116]. &e most consistent risk factors forits occurrence are prematurity, respiratory distress syndrome(RDS), the use of exogenous surfactant, and a patent ductusarteriosus (PDA), especially in premature infants less than28weeks gestational age and/or birth weight less than1000 grams. Other risk factors include pulmonary interstitialemphysema (PIE), pneumothorax, pulmonary infection,metabolic acidosis, shock, hypothermia, hypoglycemia, dis-seminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), ECMO therapy,hereditary coagulation disorders, and airway trauma (espe-cially following endotracheal intubation) [117, 118].

Pulmonary hemorrhage clinically presents with a rapidlyworsening pulmonary function (the speed of the settingdepends obviously on the magnitude of the hemorrhage),with hypoxia, hypercarbia, and the need for increasedventilatory parameters. Blood can be seen in oropharyngealor tracheal aspirates. A systemic deterioration is establishedwith metabolic acidosis and shock. Investigations shouldinclude a chest X-ray, an echocardiogram (to excludea PDA), work-up for sepsis, and eventual screening forhereditary diseases of coagulation (if no other risk factors aredetected) [119].

Treatment should include general supportive measures:transfusions of blood, plasma or platelets, as indicated;correction of metabolic acidosis; inotropic drugs to improvesystemic blood pressure; PDA treatment (except severethrombocytopenia); antibiotic treatment including vanco-mycin; and coverage for Gram-negative bacteria [118, 119].

&e ventilatory strategy employed is essentially based onempirical observations, without recommendations based onevidence. In conventional ventilatory support, the increasein settings is recommended (higher frequency (F), higher

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positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP), and higher meanairway pressure (P�aw)). Although without evidence, ob-servational studies suggest that the support with high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) allows to con-trol more cases of pulmonary hemorrhage when comparingto conventional support [118, 119].

Other specific therapeutic measures include treatmentwith recombinant factor VIIa (dose, frequency, and con-sistency of response not yet established in neonatal patients),nebulized epinephrine, and repeated instillations of epi-nephrine (0.5mL of 1 :10,000 dilution) by the endotrachealtube [118].

15. Monitoring of the Ventilated Neonate

Along with respiratory care for the ventilated neonate,ventilation monitoring is of great importance for a goodoxygenation avoiding hypercapnia and hypocapnia, bothassociated with deleterious effects not only on preterm butalso on term brain. Pulse oximetry, pH and blood gasesmeasurements, transcutaneous carbon dioxide measure-ment, and capnography are standard of care in most actualNICUs [120]. Capnography is a standard tool in mechan-ically ventilated adult and pediatric patients, but it hasphysiological and technical limitations in neonates. &e highrespiratory rate and low tidal volume in neonates requiremain-stream sensors with fast response times and minimaldead-space or low suction flow when using side-streammeasurements. &ese technical requirements are difficultto fulfil in neonates and the measured end-tidal CO2 (PetCO2), which should reflect the alveolar CO2 is often mis-leading, and capnography is mostly used to evaluate thetrend of Pet CO2 [121].

Online pulmonary function and mechanics testing arecurrently valuable tools to aid clinical decision making in themanagement of ventilated infants. &ey are a tool for as-sessment of patient status, therapeutic evaluation, andmanagement guidance of infants on ventilator. &eknowledge of pulmonary graphics also improves un-derstanding of pulmonary physiology and pathophysiologyand their responses to mechanical ventilatory support[122, 123]. &e new ventilators now provide such in-formation and the clinicians should be familiar with.

Neonatal echocardiography is a valuable and in-creasingly used tool in the NICU and can contribute sub-stantially to hemodynamic management of the ventilatedneonate. It has a major role in excluding a congenital heartdefect, in the evaluation of pulmonary hypertension, in theevaluation of cases of hypotension or shock, and the re-sponse to therapy, as well as in the management of a patentductus arteriosus [124].

NIRS measures the regional cerebral saturation in ox-ygen and may provide an early alert of low levels of cerebralblood flow and brain oxygenation, potentially helping inpreventing intraventricular hemorrhage or periventricularleukomalacia in the neonate [125].

Lung ultrasound is an emerging tool of diagnosis and canbe of added value helping in monitoring due to the specificpathology inherent in lung immaturity as well as in the

particular sensitivity of neonates to repeated radiation ex-posure.[126].

16. Conclusion

In conclusion, we can say that invasive ventilation is oftennecessary for the treatment of newborn infants with re-spiratory insufficiency, and the neonatal patient has uniquephysiological characteristics. Each clinical situation imposesa global attention to the overall clinical status of the patientand associated comorbidities. Respiratory care has to beindividualized and needs to be adapted to patient’s char-acteristics, the clinical condition, associated comorbidities,and the overall prognosis.&e importance of this review is tohighlight important aspects to be taken in during care of theventilated newborn in order to optimize patient ventilationand monitoring, simultaneously without causing lesionspossibly resulting from inadequate ventilation.

Conflicts of Interest

&e authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.


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