review towards genetic manipulation of wild mosquito … · mosquitoes. genetically modified...

Malaria is a devastating disease that kills between one and three million people annually and causes massive economic losses. Moreover, the number of cases is rising, due to the emergence of drug-resistant parasites and insecticide-resistant mosquitoes, although intensive research to develop new drugs and insecticides is ongoing. Furthermore, despite promising developments, no effective vaccines have yet been developed and existing control measures are inadequate. Mosquitoes are obligatory vectors for the disease and this part of the parasite cycle represents a potential weak link in transmission. Therefore, control of parasite development in the mosquito has considerable promise as a new approach in the fight against malaria. Development of the parasite in the mosquito is complex (Fig.·1; Ghosh et al., 2003) and for the most part occurs in the midgut (gamete to oocyst stages). Although thousands of gametocytes are acquired with the blood meal, only a few successfully mature into oocysts, but each of them produces thousands of sporozoites (Ghosh et al., 2001). Because oocyst formation is a bottleneck in sporogonic development, targeting pre-sporozoite stages could be a more effective strategy to block parasite transmission. In recent years, methods for the genetic modification of mosquitoes have been developed, and effector genes whose products interfere with Plasmodium development in the mosquito are beginning to be identified. While many of the initial hurdles have been overcome, major questions remain to be answered, foremost among which is how to introduce refractory genes into wild mosquito populations. Here we review strategies to alter mosquito vector competence and consider issues related to translating this knowledge to field applications. Strategies to interfere with Plasmodium development in the mosquito Transmission blocking vaccines Transmission blocking vaccines consist of antibodies that are ingested by the mosquito with the blood meal and interfere with parasite development. Proteins expressed on the surface of gametes (e.g. Pfs47/48, Pfs230) and ookinetes (e.g. Pfs25 and Pfs28) have been tested for such vaccines (Carter, 2001; Healer et al., 1999; Duffy and Kaslow, 1997). Antibodies 3809 The Journal of Experimental Biology 206, 3809-3816 © 2003 The Company of Biologists Ltd doi:10.1242/jeb.00609 Malaria kills millions of people every year, yet there has been little progress in controlling this disease. For transmission to occur, the malaria parasite has to complete a complex developmental cycle in the mosquito. The mosquito is therefore a potential weak link in malaria transmission, and generating mosquito populations that are refractory to the parasite is a potential means of controlling the disease. There has been considerable progress over the last decade towards developing the tools for creating a refractory mosquito. Accomplishments include germline transformation of several important mosquito vectors, the completed genomes of the mosquito Anopheles gambiae and the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum, and the identification of promoters and effector genes that confer resistance in the mosquito. These tools have provided researchers with the ability to engineer a refractory mosquito vector, but there are fundamental gaps in our knowledge of how to transfer this technology safely and effectively into field populations. This review considers strategies for interfering with Plasmodium development in the mosquito, together with issues related to the transfer of laboratory-acquired knowledge to the field, such as minimization of transgene fitness load to the mosquito, driving genes through populations, avoiding the selection of resistant strains, and how to produce and release populations of males only. Key words: Plasmodium, genetic engineering, paratransgenesis, genetic drive mechanisms, genetic sexing, fitness, mosquito. Summary Introduction Review Towards genetic manipulation of wild mosquito populations to combat malaria: advances and challenges Michael A. Riehle, Prakash Srinivasan, Cristina K. Moreira and Marcelo Jacobs-Lorena* Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Dept of Molecular Microbiology & Immunology, 615 N. Wolfe St, Baltimore, MO 21205-2179, USA *Author for correspondence (e-mail: [email protected]) Accepted 17 July 2003

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Page 1: Review Towards genetic manipulation of wild mosquito … · mosquitoes. Genetically modified mosquitoes Another promising approach is to genetically modify mosquitoes to express

Malaria is a devastating disease that kills between one andthree million people annually and causes massive economiclosses. Moreover, the number of cases is rising, due to theemergence of drug-resistant parasites and insecticide-resistantmosquitoes, although intensive research to develop new drugsand insecticides is ongoing. Furthermore, despite promisingdevelopments, no effective vaccines have yet been developedand existing control measures are inadequate. Mosquitoes areobligatory vectors for the disease and this part of the parasitecycle represents a potential weak link in transmission. Therefore,control of parasite development in the mosquito has considerablepromise as a new approach in the fight against malaria.

Development of the parasite in the mosquito is complex(Fig.·1; Ghosh et al., 2003) and for the most part occurs in themidgut (gamete to oocyst stages). Although thousands ofgametocytes are acquired with the blood meal, only a fewsuccessfully mature into oocysts, but each of them producesthousands of sporozoites (Ghosh et al., 2001). Because oocystformation is a bottleneck in sporogonic development, targetingpre-sporozoite stages could be a more effective strategy toblock parasite transmission.

In recent years, methods for the genetic modification ofmosquitoes have been developed, and effector genes whoseproducts interfere with Plasmodiumdevelopment in themosquito are beginning to be identified. While many of theinitial hurdles have been overcome, major questions remain tobe answered, foremost among which is how to introducerefractory genes into wild mosquito populations. Here wereview strategies to alter mosquito vector competence andconsider issues related to translating this knowledge to fieldapplications.

Strategies to interfere with Plasmodiumdevelopment inthe mosquito

Transmission blocking vaccines

Transmission blocking vaccines consist of antibodies thatare ingested by the mosquito with the blood meal and interferewith parasite development. Proteins expressed on the surfaceof gametes (e.g. Pfs47/48, Pfs230) and ookinetes (e.g. Pfs25and Pfs28) have been tested for such vaccines (Carter, 2001;Healer et al., 1999; Duffy and Kaslow, 1997). Antibodies

3809The Journal of Experimental Biology 206, 3809-3816© 2003 The Company of Biologists Ltddoi:10.1242/jeb.00609

Malaria kills millions of people every year, yet therehas been little progress in controlling this disease. Fortransmission to occur, the malaria parasite has tocomplete a complex developmental cycle in the mosquito.The mosquito is therefore a potential weak link in malariatransmission, and generating mosquito populations thatare refractory to the parasite is a potential means ofcontrolling the disease. There has been considerableprogress over the last decade towards developing the toolsfor creating a refractory mosquito. Accomplishmentsinclude germline transformation of several importantmosquito vectors, the completed genomes of the mosquitoAnopheles gambiaeand the malaria parasite Plasmodiumfalciparum, and the identification of promoters andeffector genes that confer resistance in the mosquito.

These tools have provided researchers with the ability toengineer a refractory mosquito vector, but there arefundamental gaps in our knowledge of how to transfer thistechnology safely and effectively into field populations.This review considers strategies for interfering withPlasmodiumdevelopment in the mosquito, together withissues related to the transfer of laboratory-acquiredknowledge to the field, such as minimization of transgenefitness load to the mosquito, driving genes throughpopulations, avoiding the selection of resistant strains, andhow to produce and release populations of males only.

Key words: Plasmodium, genetic engineering, paratransgenesis,genetic drive mechanisms, genetic sexing, fitness, mosquito.




Towards genetic manipulation of wild mosquito populations to combat malaria:advances and challenges

Michael A. Riehle, Prakash Srinivasan, Cristina K. Moreira and Marcelo Jacobs-Lorena*Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Dept of Molecular Microbiology & Immunology,

615 N. Wolfe St, Baltimore, MO 21205-2179, USA*Author for correspondence (e-mail: [email protected])

Accepted 17 July 2003

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against these proteins bind to the parasite and presumablyblock ookinete invasion of the midgut epithelium.Alternatively, mosquito midgut antigens could be targeted.Various reports that polyclonal antibodies against mosquitomidgut proteins interfere withPlasmodiumoocyst formationhave been published (Ramasamy and Ramasamy, 1990;Srikrishnaraj et al., 1995; Lal et al., 1994, 2001), but in no casehave the relevant antigens been identified (Jacobs-Lorena andLemos, 1995). It should be noted that transmission blockingvaccines do not protect the immunized individual but act bypreventing infection of people in the surrounding community.Thus, for ethical reasons and for increased effectiveness,transmission blocking antigens will have to be incorporatedinto conventional vaccines that target the vertebrate stages ofthe parasite.


Paratransgenesis, the genetic manipulation of commensalor symbiotic bacteria to alter the host’s ability to transmit apathogen, is an alternative means of preventing malariatransmission. Bacteria can be engineered to express andsecrete peptides or proteins that block parasite invasion or killthe parasite in the midgut. This strategy has shown promisein controlling transmission of Trypanosoma cruzibyRhodnius prolixusunder laboratory conditions (Beard et al.,

2002). Furthermore, symbiotic bacteria in the tsetse fly havebeen isolated, transformed with a reporter gene, andreinserted into the fly (Beard et al., 1998). For this strategyto be used in malaria control, bacteria that can survive in themosquito’s midgut must be identified. Gram-positive and-negative bacteria, including Escherichia, Alcaligenes,Pseudomonas, Serratiaand Bacillus, have been identified inthe midgut of wild anopheline adults (Demaio et al., 1996;Straif et al., 1998). These bacteria are easily cultured in thelaboratory and may be suitable targets for geneticmanipulation. Whether these bacteria are stable or transientresidents of the midgut of adult mosquitoes remains to bedetermined.

To successfully control malaria the refractory proteins orpeptides expressed by the bacteria must act on the midgutstages of the malaria parasites, maintain their bioactivity inthe midgut environment, and be expressed in sufficientquantities. When An. stephensimosquitoes were fed E. colithat express a fusion protein of ricin and a single-chainantibody against Pbs21 (a P. berghei ookinete surfaceprotein), oocyst formation was inhibited by up to 95%(Yoshida et al., 2001). Other effector molecules, such asSM1 and PLA2, are considered below (see ‘Geneticallymodified mosquitoes’). The use of paratransgenesis for thecontrol of malaria will require the development of methods

M. A. Riehle and others

Fig.·1. Life cycle of Plasmodiumin the mosquito. The approximate developmental time at which each stage occurs in Plasmodium berghei(maintained at 20°C) is indicated. Transmission starts when the mosquito ingests an infected bloodmeal (0·h). Within minutes, gametocytesdevelop into gametes (the star-shaped figure illustrates exflagellation, which is the formation of male gametes) that fuse to form the zygote. At24·h, the motile ookinete invades the midgut epithelium and differentiates into an oocyst. About 2 weeks later, the oocyst ruptures, releasingthousands of sporozoites into the mosquito body cavity. Of all the tissues that sporozoites come in contact with, they can invade only thesalivary gland. When the mosquito bites another vertebrate host, transmission is completed by release of sporozoites from the salivary glands(not shown). Reprinted from Ghosh et al. (2003), with permission from Elsevier Science.

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to introduce genetically modified bacteria into fieldmosquitoes.

Genetically modified mosquitoes

Another promising approach is to genetically modifymosquitoes to express proteins or peptides that interfere withPlasmodiumdevelopment. Methods to produce transgenicculicine (Jasinskiene et al., 1998) and anopheline (Catterucciaet al., 2000; Grossman et al., 2001) mosquitoes are nowavailable (Fig.·2). Promoters to drive the transgenes and

effector molecules whose products hinder parasitedevelopment are considered below.


An essential step in engineering mosquitoes with reducedvector competence is the identification of suitable promotersto drive the expression of anti-parasitic genes. During itsdevelopment in the mosquito, the parasite occupies threecompartments: midgut lumen, hemocoel and salivary glandlumen. Thus, promoters that drive synthesis and secretion of

Fig.·2. Transgenic An. stephensimosquitoes expressing the dsRED marker. (A) Fluorescence photomicrographs of transgenic fourth instarlarva, viewed from the ventral side. Top, dsRED fluorescence alone; bottom, fluorescence superimposed on a light micrograph. dsREDexpression is regulated by the 3xP3 promoter, which is active in the eyes and nervous system. (B) Fluorescence photomicrographs of an adulthead viewed from the ventral side (left, fluorescence only; right, merged fluorescence and light micrograph). Note that all ommatidia expressthe dsRED marker, but because fluorescence depends on the angle of the incident (activating) light, only a few are visible in the photo.

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proteins into these compartments need to be identified. Inaddition to spatial considerations, the time of protein synthesisrelative to arrival of the parasite in each of these compartmentsneeds to be considered.

As argued above, control of transmission has the best chanceof success if pre-sporozoite stages in the midgut lumenare targeted. Studies in our laboratory demonstrated thatcarboxypeptidase, a digestive enzyme, and AgAper1, aperitrophic matrix protein, are activated in response to a bloodmeal and the proteins secreted in the midgut lumen (Edwardset al., 1997, 2000; Moreira et al., 2000; Shen and Jacobs-Lorena, 1998). Interestingly, transgenes driven by theAgAper1 promoter produce proteins that are stored in secretoryvesicles of midgut epithelial cells prior to a blood meal and arereleased immediately after blood ingestion (E. G. Abraham,M. Donnelly-Doman, H. Fujioka, A. Gosh, L. Moreira andM. Jacobs-Lorena, unpublished observations). This makesAgAper1 an ideal promoter to target the earliest stages ofparasite development.

Later stages of parasite development can be targeted in thehemocoel and salivary glands. The vitellogenin promoter andsignal sequences were shown to drive strong gene expressionin the fat body and protein secretion into the hemocoel (Kokozaet al., 2000). However, this gene has a restricted temporalprofile of expression that peaks around 24·h after a blood mealand returns to basal level by 48·h. Soon after traversing themidgut epithelium, the ookinete transforms into an oocyst thatis covered by a thick capsule. Sporozoites are liberated from theoocyst as early as 10 days later. These characteristics of parasitedevelopment limit the choice of effector genes that can be usedin conjunction with the vitellogenin promoter to those encodingproteins with exceptionally long half-lives. Re-activation of thevitellogenin promoter by additional blood meal(s) may lessenthis shortcoming. The availability of a strong promoter withpeak expression in the hemolymph at about the time ofsporozoite release from oocysts would be ideal. Two salivarygland promoters have been characterized in transgenicmosquitoes: Maltase-I and Apyrase (Coates et al., 1999).However, expression from both promoters was rather weak,which may limit their usefulness. Considering that sporozoitescan reside in the lumen of the salivary gland for extendedperiods, the identification of a strong salivary gland promoterwould be desirable. Finally, mosquito promoters induced by thepresence of the parasite, such as those of immune genes, are ofpotential usefulness (Dimopoulos et al., 2002; E. G. Abraham,M. Donnelly-Doman, H. Fujioka, A. Gosh, L. Moreira and M.Jacobs-Lorena, unpublished observations).

Strong and ubiquitous promoters could also be used to drivethe expression of effector genes. However, such promoters arenot ideal because generalized expression may impose a fitnessload on the mosquito (this point is also considered below) andeven promoters considered ubiquitous (e.g. actin) are notequally expressed in all cells.

Effector genes

The quest for anti-parasite molecules has been directed

towards identification of gene products that hindertransmission by either killing or interfering with parasitedevelopment. For example, transgenic mosquitoes expressingdefensin, an anti-microbial peptide, effectively killed gram-negative bacteria, though defensin’s action on malaria parasiteshas not been documented (Kokoza et al., 2000). Alternatively,single-chain antibodies that recognize parasite surface proteinsshow promise in interfering with parasite development. Asmentioned above, an anti-Pbs21 single chain antibodyinhibited oocyst formation by up to 95% (Yoshida et al.,2001). A single-chain antibody against P. gallinaceumCircunsporozoite protein (CSP), a major surface protein ofsporozoites, expressed from a Sinbdis virus vector, reduced thenumber of parasites in the salivary glands by 99% (de Lara-Capurro et al., 2000).

Although its mode of action is unknown, phospholipase A2(PLA2) from a variety of sources significantly inhibitedookinete invasion of the mosquito midgut epithelium whenmixed with an infected blood meal (Zieler et al., 2001).Moreira et al. (2002) have shown that transgenic mosquitoesexpressing bee venom PLA2 from the carboxypeptidasepromoter reduced P. bergheioocyst formation by 87%.Transgenic An. stephensiexpressing PLA2 from the AgAper1promoter inhibited oocyst formation to about the same extent(E. G. Abraham, M. Donnelly-Doman, H. Fujioka, A. Gosh,L. Moreira and M. Jacobs-Lorena, unpublished observations).

An alternative strategy is to use synthetic molecules tointerfere with parasite development. Ghosh et al. (2001)screened a phage display library for protein domains that bindto the midgut and salivary gland epithelia and identified ashort peptide, named SM1, which inhibited parasite invasion.Furthermore, An. stephensiengineered with a synthetic geneexpressing a SM1 tetramer under the control of thecarboxypeptidase promoter were impaired in supporting P.berghei development (average 82% inhibition of oocystformation). Moreover, in two out of three experiments,parasite transmission by the transgenic mosquitoes wascompletely blocked (Ito et al., 2002). This inhibition isthought to occur by peptide binding to epithelial cell surfaceproteins (putative receptors) required for parasite invasion.The effectiveness of SM1 in inhibiting the development ofparasites that cause malaria in humans remains to bedemonstrated.

Although major advances have been accomplished in recentyears, it is important that the search for new effectormolecules and promoters continue for two reasons. First,considering how easily parasites acquire drug resistance, it islikely that parasites will be selected that can overcome thebarrier imposed by the effector molecules. Secondly,maximum efficiency of blocking parasite development(ideally 100%) is important for the transgenic mosquitostrategy to have a significant impact on disease transmission.Furthermore, while many of the tools for genetic modificationof mosquitoes have been developed, an extensive gap existsin our ability to transfer this technology to the field for thecontrol of malaria.

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Challenges facing a successful field releaseThe fitness cost of refractoriness

To maximize the likelihood of successfully introducingrefractory genes into a wild mosquito population, transgenesshould impose minimal fitness load. We assessed fitness oftransgenic An. stephensiexpressing the SM1 and the PLA2transgenes by a variety of criteria, including measurements oflongevity and fertility, and use of population cages (L. A.Moreira, J. Wang, F. H. Collins and M. Jacobs-Lorena,manuscript submitted for publication). The SM1 transgene didnot impose a detectable fitness load, but transgenic PLA2mosquitoes had much reduced fertility and competed poorlywith non-transgenics in cage experiments. The reasons for thisreduced fitness remain to be investigated. Catteruccia et al.(2003) reported that four different transgenic mosquito linesexpressing fluorescent reporter proteins from an actin promoterare less fit than the wild type. However, reduced fitness wasmost likely due to inbreeding. They isolated homozygous linessoon after transgenic mosquitoes were obtained, which mayhave caused recessive deleterious genes residing near the pointof transgene insertion to become homozygous (‘hitchhikingeffect’). Conversely, in the experiments of Moreira et al., thetransgenic mosquitoes were kept as heterozygotes, beingcontinuously crossed to mosquitoes from laboratory populationcages. This demonstrates the importance of mosquitooutcrossing. In addition, the experiments of Catteruccia et al.(2003) used a transgene driven by the strong and ubiquitousactin promoter. The abundant synthesis of a foreign proteinthroughout the organism may conceivably have deleteriouseffects on fitness (Liu et al., 1999). For this reason, SM1expression was restricted to posterior midgut cells for only afew hours after a blood meal and the protein was secreted fromthe cells, thus minimizing fitness load. Absolute absence offitness load may not be essential for introducing genes intowild populations. Theoretical modeling suggests that given anappropriate drive mechanism, a gene could have a significantfitness cost and still be driven through the population (Ribeiroand Kidwell, 1994; Boete and Koella, 2003). This is fortunate,since this same model suggests that any released mosquitoeswould need to be nearly 100% refractory to have any impacton malaria transmission, necessitating multiple refractorygenes that may incur greater fitness costs.

Developing an effective drive mechanism

Two general strategies can be considered for introducingtransgenic mosquitoes in the field: population replacement ora genetic drive mechanism. Population replacement, orinundatory release, requires a significant reduction of theresident mosquito population (for instance, with insecticides),followed by the release of large numbers of refractorymosquitoes to fill the vacated biological niche. This strategy ispromising as a research tool and as a field test to assess theeffectiveness of the transgenic mosquito approach forinterrupting malaria transmission. However, this strategycannot be considered for large-scale control purposes, becauseit is not possible to produce sufficient numbers of mosquitoes

to achieve population replacement on a country- or continent-wide level.

An efficient genetic drive mechanism is helpful because amanageable number of genetically modified mosquitoes canreplace the wild population, even if the effector gene(s)imposes some fitness cost. A crucial requirement for thisapproach is a tight linkage between the effector gene(s) and thedrive mechanism. Any dissociation between the two wouldcause the effector gene to be lost. In contrast to insecticidecontrol, this strategy involves replacement of one populationby another, meaning that in principle, it needs to beaccomplished only once. Transposable elements are anattractive mechanism to drive genes into populations.Unfortunately, little is known about their effectiveness.Compelling evidence exists in Drosophila that transposableelements can efficiently spread through largely distributedpopulations. For instance, the P transposable element spreadthrough the D. melanogasterworld population in the short spanof about 30 years (Anxolabehere et al., 1988). Transposableelements such aspiggyBac, minos, marinerand hermes, whichhave been successfully used to transform mosquitoes, need tobe examined for their usefulness as drive mechanisms. Forexample, the piggyBacelement is thought to have an efficientcut-and-paste mechanism and jump nonreplicatively, in amanner similar to Pelements (Lobo et al., 1999). When Pelements are excised the organism typically repairs the doublestranded break in the chromosome using a recombinationalrepair system and uses the uncut chromosome as a template(Engels, 1997). In individuals homozygous for the P elementthis leads to a duplication of the element as it transposes to anew location in the chromosome. If a similar duplicationmechanism exists for piggyBacit would act as an efficient anduseful drive mechanism.

Transposable elements may incur a substantial fitness cost.Transposition causes random integration across the genome,some of which may disrupt genes and lead to mutations thatcould be lethal, reduce fecundity or decrease fitness. Predictivemodels suggest that transposable elements would be able todrive refractory genes from a small number of transgenicmosquitoes into the wild population even if a fitness cost waspresent (Ribeiro and Kidwell, 1994; Boete and Koella, 2003).However, there is considerable lack of experimental data tocorroborate or disprove the models. Another consideration isthat mobility of the transposable element may be negativelyregulated by a repressor. For instance, mobility of thePelement in D. melanogasterdecreases after several generationsbecause an inhibitor of transposition gradually accumulatesand the fly is said to acquire theP (refractory) cytotype. Thisis of practical importance because in such cases the gene(s) canbe driven through a population only once. If the effectorgene(s) acquires mutations or the parasite becomes resistant tothe effector gene product another gene cannot be driven intothe same population with the same transposable element.

A second possible drive mechanism is the use of so-called‘selfish genes’. These genes drive themselves through apopulation by using the host cell DNA repair machinery (Burt,

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2003). One such selfish gene, homing endonuclease gene(HEG), encodes an endonuclease that in heterozygousindividuals cleaves the sister chromosome within a 20–30·bprecognition sequence. The chromosome encoding the HEG isnot cut because the selfish gene disrupts the cleavage site. Asdescribed for theP element above, the cell’s repair machinerysubsequently duplicates the HEG by using the HEG+

chromosome as a template for recombination. A majoradvantage of using HEG as a drive mechanism is that it shouldallow the reversal of gene dispersal by introducing anHEG that targets and disrupts the anti-parasitic gene(s).Furthermore, the possibility of horizontal transmission isminimized because, unlike transposable elements, the gene isnever excised from the chromosome. However, no precedentexists for the engineering of homing endonucleases torecognize the desired target sequence. For a detailed review ofselfish genes as drive mechanisms see Burt (2003). While ontheoretical grounds the approach is attractive, it is not readyfor implementation.

A third potential drive mechanism to introduce an effectorgene into a vector population involves the use of the symbioticbacterium Wolbachia, which exerts its drive mechanismprimarily through cytoplasmic incompatibility. When a maleinfected with Wolbachiamates with an uninfected female,most of the fertilized eggs perish. However, when an infectedmale mates with an infected female, the eggs hatch normallyand the bacteria are transovarially transmitted to the nextgeneration. This effect can drive Wolbachiathrough apopulation very effectively by giving infected individualsincreased reproductive success. For example, a strain ofWolbachiawas discovered in Drosophila simulansand foundto have advanced across the state of California at a rate of100·km per year (Turelli and Hoffmann, 1991). Wolbachiamay have a wide tissue distribution in insects, allowingrefractory genes to target the various Plasmodiumlife stagesthroughout the mosquito (Dobson et al., 1999). Three methodshave been suggested to drive a transgene into a vectorpopulation using Wolbachia: (1) the refractory gene could beintroduced directly into the Wolbachia genome, (2) the genesfor cytoplasmic incompatibility plus the refractory gene couldbe integrated into the vector’s genome, or (3) the refractorygene could be engineered into a second maternally transmittedorganism that could ‘hitchhike’ with Wolbachia(Turelli andHoffmann, 1999). Unfortunately, a Wolbachiahas yet to beidentified in wild anopheline mosquitoes, although they havebeen isolated from their culicine relatives (Ricci et al., 2002).If anopheline mosquitoes are physiologically unable to harborWolbachia, identifying the genes conferring cytoplasmicincompatibility and inserting them into the vector’s genomemight be feasible. If however, anophelines tend not to beinfected because they have rarely been exposed to Wolbachia,all three strategies hold potential.

Regardless of the driving mechanism employed, it willbe essential that the effector gene (that interferes withPlasmodiumdevelopment) be tightly linked to the drivingelement. A dissociation of the two (for instance, by

recombination) will cause the driving gene to continue tospread through the population alone while the effector gene islost.

Mass production of transgenic insects and genetic sexingmechanisms

Transgenic-based methods to reduce or eradicate vectorpopulations, such as the release of insects carrying a dominantlethal (RIDL; Thomas et al., 2000), show promise for somespecies. However, their use as a malaria control program inAfrica would be difficult to implement due to reproductivelyincompatible subspecies and migration of mosquitoes amongvillages. Even if successful, this approach would leave anecological vacuum that another malaria vector could quicklyfill. Therefore, replacement of wild populations with transgenicmosquitoes carrying refractory genes instead of populationsuppression or eradication methods would be moreappropriate.

Unfortunately, this approach still requires the release of vastnumbers of biting insects, which is ethically questionable dueto their nuisance factor and potential role as vectors forsecondary diseases. Thus, widespread release of geneticallymodified mosquitoes is best done using only non-biting males,necessitating an efficient system for male selection. Moreover,the ability to release only males would provide a more realisticprospect of making the use of transgenic mosquitoesacceptable to the local communities and to the public ingeneral.

Males of a few insect species can be separated by physicalmethods, based on sexual dimorphism (Sharma et al., 1976;Alphey and Andreasen, 2002). However, these techniques donot easily translate to most vector species, includinganopheline mosquitoes, and rarely give 100% sex separation.An alternative approach is to use genetic techniques for sex-sorting, known generically as genetic sexing mechanisms(GSMs). It allows males and females to be produced under oneset of conditions to allow propagation and males only underselective conditions. GSMs based on the radiation-inducedtranslocation of semi-dominant genes for insecticide resistanceonto the Y chromosome were developed in An. gambiaeandAnopheles albimanus(Curtis et al., 1976; Seawright et al.,1978). This system was used for the production of a millionAn. albimanussterile males per day (Dame et al., 1981), butintroducing insecticide resistance into the wild populations istoo risky for field applications. Moreover, genetic crossingover between the relevant genes may occur, disrupting theproduction of a single sex population (Curtis, 2002).

Transgene-based GSMs using conditional female-specificlethality systems, based on the tetracycline-repressibleexpression system of Gossen and Bujard (1992), show greatpromise and were successfully tested in Drosophila(Thomaset al., 2000; Heinrich and Scott, 2000). In this system, twogenes are engineered into the insect: one that expresses atetracycline-repressible transcriptional activator protein (tTA),and a tetO promoter element linked to a lethal gene. In theabsence of tetracycline, tTA binds to tetO leading to expression

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of the lethal gene and death of the insect. When tetracycline isadded to the diet tTA fails to activate the tetO promoter andallows the insects to survive and propagate. Female-specificlethality can be achieved in two ways: the lethal gene itself canbe female-specific, or a female-specific promoter can be usedto drive tTA expression, in turn inducing expression of thetoxic gene. Unfortunately, using a repressible system togenerate males for a large-scale field release would incur amassive fitness cost, since refractory females possessing thefemale-specific lethality system would be immediately killedin the wild and thus would not contribute to the gene pool. Forthis reason, a better approach would be to use an induciblesystem rather than a repressible one.

An inducible female-specific lethality system preventsexpression of the lethal gene in the absence of induction,allowing male selection prior to release, but permittingsubsequent generations of females to survive in the wild. Atetracycline-inducible expression system developed by Baronand Bujard (2000) has the same components as thetetracycline-repressible expression system, except a mutatedversion of tTA that binds to tetO only induces the expressionof the lethal effector gene in the presence of tetracycline.

Avoiding resistance to the refractory genes

Parasites facing a refractory mosquito population would beunder strong selective pressure, similar to the one posed byanti-malarials, and thus resistance may develop. Engineering amosquito with multiple refractory genes that target differentaspects of parasite development could minimize resistance tothe refractory genes. For example, a transgenic mosquito mightbe engineered to express a peptide to disrupt midgut andsalivary gland invasion, have an enhanced encapsulationresponse to target the oocyst, and express defense peptides totarget the sporozoites. Furthermore, chances of success will begreatly increased if each refractory element is as close to 100%effective as possible and if introduction of the refractory genesis coupled with traditional control methods, such as reductionof wild populations with insecticides prior to a transgenicrelease, drug treatment of infected individuals, and use of bednets.

The effectiveness of transposable elements may decreasewith time after field release. Immediately after the introductionof a novel transposable element into a population the elementenjoys a period of unrestrained activity and spreading.Eventually, individuals with mutations in the transposase orthose that have enacted regulatory inactivation of the elementwill be selected. Transposase silencing has been well studiedin the mariner family and has been hypothesized to occur byseveral mechanisms, including overproduction inhibitionwhereby an increase in transposase activity correlates withdecreased transposition or random transposase mutations.Random transposase mutations may lead to open reading framedisruptions and inactive transposases that compete with activetransposase for substrate (competitive inhibition) or reducethe activity of wild-type transposase (dominant negativecomplementation; Hartl et al., 1997a,b; Tosi and Beverley,

2000). The mechanism of transposable element silencing willneed to be well understood before transposable elements areused in the field.

ConclusionsMajor advances in recent years, including successful

germline transformation and characterization of promoters, areallowing researchers to test putative refractory genes. Oneimportant task for the near future is the identification ofadditional effector genes, and this will be greatly facilitated bythe availability of the An. gambiaeand P. falciparumgenomesequences. This knowledge can be used to engineer a mosquitothat inhibits or kills the malaria parasite during multipledevelopmental stages. With this ideal mosquito on the horizon,the most important task is to begin laying the groundwork forits introduction into the wild. A high priority should be devotedto the topic of how to introduce the relevant genes into wildmosquito populations. Also needed are ecological studies toevaluate population structure and gene flow. In addition, wemust grapple with the ethical and political concerns involvedwith a large-scale release of a genetically modified organism.Considerable challenges lay ahead but there are reasons to beoptimistic that we will be able to add genetic modification ofmosquitoes to our arsenal in the fight against malaria.

ReferencesAlphey, L. and Andreasen, M. (2002). Dominant lethality and insect

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