review questions how does designing questions for questionnaires differ from designing questions for...

Review Questions How does designing questions for questionnaires differ from designing questions for interviews or JAD sessions? The major difference is the fact that questions on questionnaires need to be very carefully stated in order to avoid misunderstanding by the recipient. If a question during an interview or a JAD session is misunderstood, the misunderstanding can be immediately detected and the question clarified. A poorly worded question on a questionnaire may confuse the recipient, causing him/her to answer

Post on 18-Dec-2015




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Review Questions

How does designing questions for questionnaires differ from designing questions for interviews or JAD sessions?

The major difference is the fact that questions on questionnaires need to be very carefully stated in order to avoid misunderstanding by the recipient. If a question during an interview or a JAD session is misunderstood, the misunderstanding can be immediately detected and the question clarified. A poorly worded question on a questionnaire may confuse the recipient, causing him/her to answer with incorrect information.

Review Questions

What is fact finding.

Fact-finding is the formal process of using research, interviews, questionnaires, and other techniques to collect information about problems, requirements, and preferences. It is also called information gathering.

Review Questions

Give some examples of multiple choice and rating questions

Fixed-format multiple choice questions: –a.Do you think that the current credit checking procedures are adequate? [] Yes [] Nob.Could the report you receive be improved? [] Yes [] No

Fixed-format rating questions: a.      The current credit checking procedures are adequate.

[] strongly agree[] agree[] uncertain[] disagree[] strongly disagree

Review Questions

When collecting facts from existing documentation, what is the first document the analyst should seek out? What should the analyst do next?

The first document the analyst should seek out is the organization chart. Next, the analyst may want to trace the history that led to the project

Review Questions

Explain why it is necessary to formally document requirements. How does this benefits the users and development team?System requirements are usually documented in a formal way to communicate the requirements to the key stakeholders of the system. This document serves as the contract between the system owners and the development team on what is going to be provided in terms of a new system.

It benefits the users in that they have an agreement in what the development is obligated to produce.

It benefits the development team in that it defines the scope of the project and can prevent users adding additional scope without impacting schedule, budget, and resources

Review Questions

Which fact finding technique is generally recognized as the most important and and most often used?

The personal interview is generally recognized as the most important and most often used fact-finding technique

Review Questions

Who is a JRP facilitator and what is the facilitator’s role?

A facilitator is an individual who plays the role of the session leader or facilitator. The JRP facilitator is usually responsible for leading all sessions that are held for a systems project

Review Questions

What characteristics are important for a JRP facilitator?

•Has excellent communication skills

•Possesses the ability to negotiate and resolve group conflicts

•Has a good knowledge of the business

•Has strong organizational skills

•Is impartial to decisions that will be addressed

•Does not report to any of the JRP session participants

Review Questions

Where should JRP session be located and why?

JRP sessions should be conducted away from the company workplace. By holding the JRP session at an off-site location, the attendees can concentrate on the issues and activities related to the JRP session and avoid interruptions and distractions that would occur at their regular workplace

Review Questions

What is a use case? Give some examples.

A use case is a behaviorally related sequence of steps (a scenario), both automated and manual for the purpose of completing a single business task.A use case represents steps in a specific business process

• Submit change of address• Maintain member order• Make purchase inquiry

Make appointment

Review Questions

What is an actor? Give some examples.

An actor represents anything that needs to interact with the system to exchange information. An actor is a user, a role, which could be an external system as well as a person.

• Club member• Doctor• Patient

Review Questions: Example Use Cases

Cash withdrawal from an ATM machine

Withdraw cash

Transfer funds

Deposit funds

Get report




Review Questions: Example Use Cases

Cash withdrawal from an ATM machineNORMAL COURSEA greeting message is waitingThe customer inserts card into machineIf card is acceptable ask for PINThe customer enters PINIf PIN is correct display customer accounts and request selectionThe customer selects an account The ATM machine displays the account limits The customer enters the withdrawal amountThe bills are dispensedThe card is ejectedThe receipt is printed outALTERNATE COURSECard is not acceptableIncorrect PIN codeWithdrawal request too largeCustomer cancels

Review Questions: Example Use Cases

An example: The Soda Machine


A use case specifies a set of scenarios for accomplishing something useful for an actor. In this example, one use case is “Buy soda”

Review Questions: Example Use Cases

An example: The Soda Machine

Buy Soda



Soda Machine




Customer inserting money into machine

He/she makes a selection

The machine has at least 1 can of selected soda in stock

Machine present a cold can to the customer

Supplier unsecures the machine (unlocking a lock), pulls open the front of the machine

Supplier fills each brand’s compartment to capacity

Supplier refills the change reserve

Supplier closes the front of the machine and secures it

Review Questions

The on-line university registration system enables the staff members of each academic department to examine the courses offered by their department, add and remove courses, and exchange the information about courses. It permits students to examine currently available courses, add and drop courses to and from their schedules, and examine the courses for which they are enrolled. Department staff is able to print a variety of reports about the courses and the students enrolled in them. The system ensures that no student takes too many courses and that students who have any unpaid fees are not permitted to register.

• Identify possible actors and use cases

• Create a use case diagram

• Complete a use case description document

Review Questions

Name: Add a course

Actor: Student

Description: This use case describes the process used to add a course to the student schedule

Successful Completion

1. Student examines the course

2. Student needs this course for his major

3. Student checks the pre-requisite of the course

4. Student fulfils the pre-requisite

5. Student checks the time table of the course

6. Student adds the course to his list.

Alternative: 1. Student examines the course

2. Student needs this course for his major

3. Student checks the pre-requisite of the course

4. Student does not fulfill the pre-requisite

5. Student does not add the course to his list.

Pre-condition: Student must be enrolled in the University


Student will or will not get 4 credits

Assumptions: None

Actors: Staff and studentUse cases: Maintain course Offerings, Produce reports, add and drop courses.

On-line Registration System



MaintainCourse Offerings

Add a course


Drop a course

Review Questions

The ABC software development company is running its business in Sydney. You are assigned a duty to design a questionnaire in order to collect the following facts:

• General business functions of the company

• Information about the current staff

• Information about its services

Review Questions

1. What is your gender?  MaleFemale 2. Your age is in the range of:

  18-2525-45Over 45

3. What is your job title? __________

4. What is the primary business function of your company?  HardwareSoftware

ServicesOutsourcing companyDo not know5. What is the scope of your company?

  Multi-nationalAustralian companyDo not know

OtherPlease specify __________

You must have these types of general questions

General businessfunctions of the company

Review Questions

6. Approximately how many staff are employed by your company?  Less than 10  11-100  101-500  501-2000  More than 2000  Do not know

7. Of these, approximately what percentage are employed in the following capacities?

Less than 26%-50% 51%-75% More than25% 75%

  Software developers Project managers Senior software managers Others Please specify ____________________

Information aboutthe staff members

Review Questions

Information aboutits services

8. What type of services does your company provide?

  System development

  System maintenance

  System support/user support

  Hardware support



Please specify __________________