review of "show your work" atd presentation

Review of “Show Your Work” ATD presentation an Skrabut, Ed.D. - @uwcesedtech th Gates - @BethGatesOnline tp://

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Review of “Show Your

Work” ATD presentation

Stan Skrabut, Ed.D. - @uwcesedtechBeth Gates - @BethGatesOnline

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We are now living in an ever changing world where new information is constantly coming our way.

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As a worker in this world, you need to always be learning to stay current.

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It takes time and energy to develop courses, and much of the time the information is already obsolete.

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You want to have a way that you can stay current without having to leave your work.

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Let us show you how to learn and teach others in the moment.

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others in the moment, we are talking about “Show Your Work” or “Working Out Loud.”

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Everyday, we are solving problems, we need answers now, and we can’t wait for a class to be developed.

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First of all, people like to share; this is something we learned in kindergarten.

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People in our organizations have knowledge, skills, and expertise; they should help to train others by sharing.

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Learners figured out they do not need an 8-hour class to learn.

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The benefits of showing your work apply to your organization and to you personally.

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You can capture information before people leave the organization. Email is where information goes to die.

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By showing your work, you increase transparency, innovation, and communication.

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By showing your work, you work in the moment; thus organizations are more flexible and agile to change.

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Showing your work, organizations can become more efficient; problem-solving needs are addressed immediately.

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Here are some ways you can benefit personally.

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By showing your work, you are on a path of lifelong learning by developing digital literacy skills.

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By sharing your expertise with others in your organization, you can strengthen your credibility.

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By tapping into shared knowledge from others, you can enhance your career.

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Showing your work does not have to be complicated.

Free social media tools enable you to seek, make sense,

and share information.

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Through your personal learning environment, you seek out new information, knowledge, and skills.

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Google+, Twitter, RSS feeds provide a steady stream of new information.

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Professional reading, whether journal articles, books, or trade publications, is a great way to stay current.

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Who has used YouTube to figure out how to fix your car? Used it for DIY projects in the home?

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You filter the information you collected as you begin to make sense of it.

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Social bookmarking tools such as Diigo and Delicious allow you to collect, annotate, and share resources.

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Blogging provides you with an opportunity to reflect and work through issues.

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With Twitter, you can favorite items for later

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Again, through your PLN, you curate, add value, and share information for the benefit of others.

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Blogging is a powerful way of sharing on a regular basis.

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Curating with tools like Pinterest is a great way to develop collections on different topics.

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People share what they know because they want to give back, interact with others, or maintaining a professional community.

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Naturally, when showing your

work, there are some best or

better practices to follow.

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Andrew McAfee from a Harvard Business Review article suggests what you should post to show your work.

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You should regularly post about what you are working on, what you completed, how you did it, how you learned it, and lessons learned.

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Share links to the work of others, naturally, add something of value by explaining why it is important.

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Comment on the posts others provide. Help solve their problems or help them think through issues.

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Showing your work is not only about pushing out information, it is about the conversation.

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Support others by providing positive feedback such as +1’s, likes, shares, retweets, etc.

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Andrew McAfee from a Harvard Business Review article suggests what you should not post to show your work.

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Don’t just talk about yourself, and don’t talk about trivial things. Work to add value.

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Take time to support your comments by doing your homework.

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Sex, politics, and religion should be off the table in a work environment; they are typically divisive topics.

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Don’t gossip about or attack others. You should be a positive force in the world not someone others avoid.

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Learning and Development leaders can take a number of steps to help others show their work.

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First of all, lead by example. Demonstrate to others how showing your work can be effective.

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Show others how they can use tools to find, collect, and share information.

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Help develop policies and protocols for sharing information.

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Highlight individuals who best exemplify showing their work.

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" L&D has wrestled with the challenge of making their work more of a process and less than an event. This is our chance." ~ Jane Bozarth

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Review of “Show Your

Work” ATD presentation

Stan Skrabut, Ed.D. - @uwcesedtechBeth Gates - @BethGatesOnline