review of other reviews

Review of other reviews By Laura Burgess

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Post on 04-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Review of other reviews

Review of other reviews

By Laura Burgess

Page 2: Review of other reviews

All these scans are from empire magazine. I like the simple layout of this review but it is not very

colourful. I would like my review to have a coloured picture, showing a still from my short film.

Page 3: Review of other reviews

I like this review because it’s easy to read and eye catching. Putting the image in the middle of the test draws your eye to this part first and the text around the image frames it

nicely. I want to place my image to the side to make it less uniform, like my character.

Page 4: Review of other reviews

I like this review because of the big image at the top of the page and how the colour scheme all ties in with the theme of the image. I want to use a

blue colour scheme because blue is

associated with feeling down/ sad. (feeling blue) this will help reflect the mood of my short film .

Page 5: Review of other reviews

I like this review because it’s simple although this one doesn’t have a verdict section, which I think is an important part of

a review. I want to keep my plot overview to a minimum because I don’t want to explain too much of the story line. I

don’t want people to think they know the plot too well before they see it.