review for bin 25

1. in order to live happy 2. that we have to behave in the appropriate way 3. tried to teach lessons in an aggressive way 4. At the end everyone realizes that what they have been doing in life is not completely right and should do something about it. 5. In the case of Elias it is quite the opposite because he is being bullied at school; this is another issue that is still happening in every school 6. the parents of Elias

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Post on 18-May-2015




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Page 1: Review for bin 25

1. in order to live happy

2. that we have to behave in the appropriate way

3. tried to teach lessons in an aggressive way

4. At the end everyone realizes that what they have

been doing in life is not completely right and

should do something about it.

5. In the case of Elias it is quite the opposite

because he is being bullied at school; this is

another issue that is still happening in every


6. the parents of Elias

7. Nowadays many people treat others bad, but

when they need help they will run to them for


8. He is very aggressive, and I can say part of that

aggression comes from video games, because we

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can see a scene showing the game, and it is

about guns, kill and something like that.

9. Elias is a guy that suffers bully in his school

10. they don’t know how to behave in the society

and how confront different situations

11. The story is a common situation, because

students commonly are influenced by others at


12. The title of the movie could speak by itself, it

shows us that we do not have to follow the same

behavior as violent people because it will not

takes us anywhere, but the opposite this only

makes human beings more rude and with desire

of revenge.

13. In this film we can see two different situations

that families can go through, one in which the

mother is death and there is an absence of the

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father, and other one that even though the father

is not always at home, he keep in touch with his


14. This for me is one of the biggest reasons of

violence that we have to watched every day and

we need to be aware of because usually people

are the result of what they had been gone

through. One of the most important things and

harder to understand is that in this world is that

answering with violence it will only lead us to

more violence but how powerless do we feel

sometimes about an specific situation in which we

do not know how to react because we do not want

to be a part of that endless chain.

15. The movie In a Better World are focus on

offer a clear example of the reality of many

people that live depend on the lives of other

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people. Teenagers were faced on bullying so they

looked for to be accepted in the school. The issue

involved in this film is not believing the capacity

to solve a problem and learning to accept or not a


16. Unfortunately, many people turn around in a

world full of doubts; fears, manipulation; violence;

isolation. The main concern is the audacity of the

teenagers to act in a wrong way and they want to

look for the revenge of their enemies

17. the only way to avoid violence is to construct

a peacefully communication. The adolescents

require of attention, the chance to break the

bound of the own identity. It illustrates that

everyone has the opportunity to accept or not

something that can endanger his/her reputation.

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18. The human being is not perfect, therefore,

each moment of his/her life, commit they make

many errors, but the important achieve is

learning of them having the force to be overcome

and to continue ahead. The life will always

present opportunities to amend mistakes, but

alone each person make them the best teaching

for not tripping with the same stone again.

19. I read that for a movie to be successful, it

needs to appeal to one emotion every ten

minutes, because of this I think they achieved on

me and I think the producers achieved this on me.

20. After that, due to the demise of the mother of

one of the characters named Christian, it caused

the relationship with his father broke up; in

addition, Christian blamed his father for his

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mother’s death. In many houses of our society,

there are several instances where kids attributing

the loss of one of their parents to another one,

having a rebellion behavior against them. This

sort of behavior is reflected in all the aspects of

their lives such as: in their schools, at home, or in

the relationship with other people around them.

For instance, in most of the cases when a kid lost

a relative, they act a wrong way showing signs of

bulling, vandalism, or violence.

21. On the other hand, if a child observe violence

near him/her, he or she would act in the same

way because they learned this kind of conduct. It

is very important for parents to teach their sons

that violence does not produce anything positive

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22. Thus, the biggest Christian´s father mistake

made was to lie, children need to hear the truth

even though it is painful.

23. and when a man lives following rules

everything goes rightly.

24. Besides, Elias is affected because his parents

are living separate lives, he did not commit a

mistake but his father did

25. Finally, the negligible Big man is a murder

and he rapes women without showing regret. And

evil man who does not have values and uses his

power just with the purpose of being miserable.

26. This (referent?) show how relationships can

influence a person’s life and how strong or weaker

a person can become with or without a sincere

relationship. These (what?) are few things that

people, and society in general, lack today. 

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27. School bullying is a common incident that

occurs in American society and

majority(overgeneralization) of children are

bullied by their seniors. These children become so

afraid of their tormenters that they hardly tell

their parents about the bullying incidents. It is at

this point where the absence of the father figure

is more noticeable.

28. To avoid misfortunes like all before

mentioned, people deserve respect consideration,

never be humiliated, and of course we have the

obligation to live as brothers and sisters “in a

better world”.

29. Every action has a consequence in life then

we must try to do our best in every choice that we

take because, as Christian, it can end up terribly

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wrong (or the other way around if we do the


30. In a better world movie presents two

completely different worlds. . One is in Africa and

the other one is in Europe, but both share

something in common, which is suffering and

injustice and wishes of revenges.

31. From this part of the movie, I can’t

understand perfectly the men who killed him

because I had done the same thing luckily our

world has laws that punish these crimes and we

don’t have to take the law in our hands.

32. Most of the children suffer some kind of

problem behavior when they are facing this

situation and that is why parents have to look for

professional help that advise them how to deal

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with it in order to make their children life happy

and easier.

33. At the moment he is alone, his father is not

attentive with him.

34. As a result, when there is not communication

in family, the children choose the bad way

35. The American Academy of Child and

Adolescent Psychiatry describes the conduct

disorder as a mental illness

36. and in the movie they have some fighting

37. Elias is affected by bullying at school such as

fighting with Sofus, his classmates' names him rat

face, the problem with his bicycle, and he doesn't

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have friends in a school until Christian came, and

it obviously affects the life and his self-confidence

38. In the movie In a Better World we can see a

lot of problems in Elias and Christian, and some of

these are the aggression, the bomb that they

create to destroy the car, and more.

39. Parents must be careful with the children,

they need to help them to avoid a bad situation

as the accident of Elias in the movie.

40. It is very unpleasant to see how revenge take

everything over

41. The environment around us is hard and

makes everyone aware of what could happen if

they do not gain respect by the others by acting

violent, usually among human beings is very

common to have the idea that the strongest

person is the most strong,

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42. understanding and molding their thoughts

and believes

43. Revenge is one of the most common uses of

violence every day, it could be for thousands of


44. but in other cases it starts a chain or

problems and everyone got hurts or even death

45. Other way that people use violence is for

fun, and a good example could be during the war,

people capture other people from the enemy side,

torture them, and finally kill them.

46. because kids are kids and they are not going

to understand the situation, parents should talk

with their kids about all the consequences that

bulling provokes,

47. there exist other healthy ways to resolve

problems like being friendly or talking.

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48. Also, short, skinny and weak children at

school are likely to be victims of bullies at schools

and out of them, but Christian does not accept

Elias and himself to be victims of it , that’s why

he reacts violently against the biggest bully in his

school. The last situation that’s is worth


49. First of all, the character of the film, Elias,

was a naïve boy who attemps a normal school in

which he was a victim of bullying by a group of

students whom were older than him. When

Christian, the friend of the character,

50. As a matter of fact, Christian took justice on

his hands hitting the boy who was committing

bullying against Elias. As a consequence of this

act, this young man was send to the hospital due

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to injures in his body which were dangerous for

his health.

51. Those criminal actions caused rage in the

habitants of a refugee

52. these women were injured hardly

53. Additionally, due to the constant

confrontations between the citizens of the

refugee camp and the members of the gang

caused Big Man was wounded needing to be

taken to the camp to be medicated

54. Finally, a father who hit Elias’ father on his

face because he thought that this boy was

bothering his son in a park while were playing.

55. For example, the strong friendship that has

Cristian and Elias fragment. Despite the fact tha

they have known each other for a short time

fragment . This shows the desire to be accepted

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by another human being which leads us to have

friendships that can be very special but that can

lead to irreparable mistakes or acts in our life

which can affect other people around us. Good


56. Another emotion presented is the resentment

that blinds us to the reality of things and leads us

to blame others for everything bad is happening,

when in fact there are times in which no one is

guilty, as when facing the pain of the death of

someone close by a disease such as cancer.

57. Divorce is a usual issue in modern cultures

58. As mentioned before, the situations are not

done on purpose by anyone but we can’t avoid

them to be a traumatic event in youngster’s life.

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59. Being able to control yourself in violent

situations tells a lot about the person you are, in

the case of the movie In a Better World, the father

tries to teach his boys a lesson; don’t resolve your

problems with violence, this could only cause

more violence and it turns into a snow ball, it

grows and grows until you can’t control it

anymore. These reflects the internal struggle men

live on daily basis, not only men struggles with

this, in the case of the film, boys are also dealing

with their internal thoughts. In the time when the

two boys are planning to get revenge on the man

who hit Elia’s father, there are two sides; the first

boy wants to explode the car with a bomb, he is

not limiting himself, he is letting power and anger

control him, and he is getting to a darker side by

the other hand the boy from Sweden is not sure if

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it is the correct thing to do but at the end he got

caught by every internal power he had without

thinking on the consequences, that we all got to

see in the film.