review english grammar

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Post on 04-Nov-2015




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Revisão de regras gramaticais da lingua inglesa. Varios tempos gramaticais entre outras dicas.


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Present continuousWe can also use present continuous when we talk about things that will happen in the near futureIm baking cookies this afternoon.Grandma and Grandpa are visiting tomorrow.We use present continuous to refer to things that are not exactly happening now but around now. It also means that the action is in progress.Im working on my project.Her mom is teaching in the University.We use present continuous to talk about something that is happening now.I am reading a book.We are having a party.(+) subject + to be + main verb in present participle or the ing form

(-) Subject + to be + not + verb in present partiple or the ing form

(?) To be + subject + verb in present participle.Examples: (+) I am reading a book.(-) Im not reading a book(?) Am I reading a book?FutureWill: decided at the moment; expresses promises and predictionE.g.: I will answer your question.I wont (will not) answer your question.To be + going to + verb:Planned actions based in factsE.g.: Is he going to call you tonight?

More examples:Affirmative: I am going to print it out for you.Negative: I am not going to print it out for you.Interrogative: Am I going to print it out for you?

Affirmative: He will help you.Negative: He wont help you.Interrogative: Will he help you?

Affirmative: They are going to go out tonight.Negative: They arent going to go out tonight.Interrogative: Are they going to go out tonight?

Affirmative: We are going to have pizza for dinner. Negative: We are not going to have pizza for dinner.Interrogative: Are we going to have pizza for dinner?

Future ContinuousThere are two patterns in making a Future Progressive Tense statement:Positive form:Subject + will + be + verb in present participleSubject + am/is/are going to + be + verb in present participleNegative form:Subject + will not + be + verb in present participleSubject + am/is/are not + going to + be + verb in present participleInterrogative form:Will + subject + be + verb in present participleAm/is/are + subject + going to + be + verb in present participleUsed when:1- Actions that will be happening at a certain time in the future.I will be sleeping at ten pm.Claire will be studying by this time tomorrow.I am going to be sleeping at ten pm.Claire is going to be studying by this time tomorrow.Refer to actions which will be interrupted by another action in the future.Mom will be resting when I arrive later..It will be raining when we leave.Mom is going to be resting when I arrive later.It is going to be raining when we leave.

Actions that will be happening at the same time in the future.I will be doing my homework while my brother will be practicing piano.While we are going to be eating heartily, Billy is going to be playing with his food.PredictingIts certain that (100%)Its likely that (85%)Its probable that (60%)Its possible that (50%)Maybe / Perhaps (35%)Its unlikely that (20%)Its impossible (0%)

Examples:1- Its unlikely that it will rain today. There are no clouds in the sky.2- Its certain that hell win the election. Hes ahead in all the polls.3- Its impossible for him to win. He was disqualified yesterday.4- Maybe Ill go there tomorrow. Im not sure.The possessive caseSingular subject not ending in sAdd + sJohns bikeSingular subject ending in sAdd only an Lucas homeworkTwo or more subjects who own the same thingAdd + s only to the 2 nameJohn and Marys houseTwo or more subjects who own two different thingsAdd + s to both namesJohns and Marys phone numbersObs.: Whose is a question word to know the owner.Example:Whose picture?Its Annas picture.

Possessive PronounsSubjectAdjective (before nouns)Object (after nouns)ImymineYouyouryoursHehishisSheherhersItitsitsWeouroursTheytheirtheirsExamples:my or mine:Those shoes are mine.Those are my shoes.

her or hers:This is her skirt.This skirt is hers.

his:These are his rings.These rings are his.Agree and disagreeI dont like Brad Pit.Me neither.Neither do I.I love Angelina Jolie.Me too.So do I.I also love her.Which magazine do you like better: Claudia or Marie Claire?Neither one. Theyre both terrible. Neither Claudia nor Marie.Either one. Theyre the same to me. Either Claudia or Marie.PastSimple pastFinished/specific actions (fast)was/wereNo connections with presented / 2nd list (+)did (-/?)Expressions: ago, yesterday, lastPresent PerfectNo detailsConnection to the presentRecent PastHave/Has + participle (ed / 3rd list)Expressions: already, since, before, never, for, once, yet, just, everPast continuosFinished long actionwas/were + ingExpressions:when (interruption)While (no interruption)Past PerfectFinished actions before another action in the pastI had started in uptime when I graduated.Had + participleIhaveYouWeTheyHehasSheItIVerb+edYouWeTheyHeSheItIwasVerb+ingYouWeTheyHewereSheItIhadVerb in participleYouWeTheyHeSheItPast continuousRefer to actions continuously happening at a certain moment in the past.It was raining last night.They were arguing about something.Used for two actions happening at the same time in the pastShe was cooking while her youngers sisters were playingI was reading while Beth was practicing her speck.Is used for interruptions while certain actions are happening in the pastThey were walking home when it raided.I was washing the dishes when the phone rang.When her friends cam, she was taking a shower.(+) subject + was/were + verb in present continuous or the ing form.(-) subject + was/were not + verb in present progressive or the ing form.(?) was/were + subject + verb in present progressive or the ing form.Present PerfectUsed when:For actions that started in the past and continues in the present.I have lived here since last year.She has given her friends a lot of gifts.To talk about changes.She has become more attractive.My sister has worn her hair short.We use Present Perfect to talk about experiences.I have been to Rome once (no details).She has had several jobs (had is main verb and has the Present Perfect).

Affirmative:Subject + have/has + main verb in past participle.They have asked permission from their father.He has written down his homework.Negative:Subject + has not/ have not+ main verb in past participle.They havent asked permission from their father.He hasnt written down his homework.Interrogative:Have/has + subject + main verb in past participle.Have they asked permission from their father?Has he written down his homework?Comparative and superlative AdjectivesComparativeSuperlativeShort adjectives (1 or 2 syllables)adjective + er + thanThe + adjective + estLong adjectives (3 or 4 syllables)More +adjective + thanThe most + adjctiveIrregular adjectivesGoodBetterBestBadWorseWorstFarFatherFarthestModal VerbsModal VerbFunctionExampleCanPermission; Prohibition; Possibility; Ability in present; SuggestionPPPASCan I enter in the bedroom?CouldPossibility; Ability in the past; Suggestion; Polity requestPASPCould you help me?MayPermission; PossibilityPPMay I run now?MightRemote request; requestRRI might go to the theater after work.WouldOffer; Hypothetical situationOHsWould you want water?Have toNecessity; Obligation; CertaintyNOCYou have to eat, because you ate nothing.Used toHabit in the past; Habit in the present; Habit in the futureHpHpHfIn last year I used to walking five km by day.Supposed toExpectationExI suppose to my mother will give me a gift, why tomorrow is my birthday.MustCertainty; Necessity; Strong recommendation; ProhibitionCNSrPrI must understand the modal verbs.ShouldAdvice; Expectation; ObligationAExOYou should go relaxed.ShallFuture action; Inevitability; Suggestion; Promise (formal)FaISPShe shall prepare dinner when we arrive at home.The ConditionalRuleFact (What is/was Always true)Present + presentPast + pastPossibilityReal possibility: present + willHypothetical situations: past + wouldHypothetical past situations: past perfect + would haveImperative: Imperative + presentExampleFact (What is/was Always true)If you heat ice, it melts.If it rained, we took a cab to work.PossibilityIf you win the bet, Ill give you twenty bucks.If I married him, I would be the happiest woman alive.If I had locked my car, nobody wouldve stolen it.If you see David, ask him to call me.INFINITIVOPASSADO SIMPLESPARTICPIO PASSADOto ariseAroseArisento awakeAwokeAwokento bewas / wereBeento bearBoreBorneto beatBeatBeatento becomeBecameBecometo beginBeganBegunto betBetBetto biteBitBittento bleedBledBledto breakBrokeBrokento bringBroughtBroughtto buildBuiltBuiltto burnburnt/burnedburnt/burnedto buyBoughtBoughtto castCastCastto catchCaughtCaughtto chooseChoseChosento comeCameCometo costCostCostto cutCutCutto dealDealtDealtto digDugDugto doDidDoneto drawDrewDrawnto dreamdreamt / dreameddreamt / dreamedto drinkDrankDrunkto driveDroveDrivento eatAteEatento fallFellFallento feedFedFedINFINITIVOPASSADO SIMPLESPARTICPIO PASSADOto feelFeltFeltto fightFoughtFoughtto findFoundFoundto fitfittedfittedto flyflewflownto forbidforbadeforbiddento forgetforgotforgottento forgiveforgaveforgivento freezefrozefrozento getgotgot / gottento givegavegivento gowentgoneto growgrewgrownto hanghunghungto havehadhadto hearheardheardto hidehidhiddento hithithitto holdheldheldto hurthurthurtto keepkeptkeptto knowknewknownto laylaidlaidto leadledledto learnlearnt / learnedlearnt / learnedto leaveleftleftto lendlentlentto letletletto lielaylainto loselostlostto lightlitlitIrregular Verbs - 1INFINITIVOPASSADO SIMPLESPARTICPIO PASSADOto makemademadeto meanmeantmeantto meetmetmetto misunderstandmisunderstoodmisunderstoodto paypaidpaidto partakepartookpartakento proveprovedproved, provento putputputto quitquit / quittedquit / quittedto readreadreadto rideroderiddento ringrangrungto riseroserisento runranrunto sawsawedsawnto saysaidsaidto seesawseento sellsoldsoldto sendsentsentto setsetsetto sewsewedsewn, sewedto shakeshookshakento shaveshavedshaven / shavedto shineshoneshoneto shootshotshotto showshowedshownto singsangsungto sinksanksunkINFINITIVOPASSADO SIMPLESPARTICPIO PASSADOto sitsatsatto sleepsleptsleptto slideslidslidto smellsmelt / smelledsmelt / smelledto sowsowedsown / sowedto speakspokespokento speedsped / speededsped / speededto spendspentspentto spoilspoiled / spoiltspoiled / spoiltto spreadspreadspreadto standstoodstoodto stealstolestolento stickstuckstuckto strikestruckstruckto swearsworeswornto sweepsweptsweptto swimswamswumto swingswungswungto taketooktakento teachtaughttaughtto telltoldtoldto thinkthoughtthoughtto throwthrewthrownto understandunderstoodunderstoodto wakewoke wokento wearworewornto wetwet / wettedwet / wettedto winwonwonto wringwrungwrungto writewrotewrittenIrregular Verbs - 2Prefixes and suffixesPrefixesSuffixesPrefixMeaningExamplesSuffixMeaningExamplesAnti-, ant-oppositeAnticrime, antacid-ance, -enceQuality or processResistance, independenceAuto-Self, sameAutomatic, autobiography-domState of beingWisdom, kingdomIn-, im-, il-, ir-notInnocent, impossible, illegible, irrelevant-er, -orPerson or thingPlayer, collectorPre-beforePreview, premature-ionCondition/actionAbduction, actionPro-For, forwardPromote, project-ismThe belief inSocialism, communismRe- againRewrite, reself-ous, -fulFull ofDangerous, wonderfulTele-distantTelephone, television-shipStatus, conditionRelationship, internship