review analysis; ancillary texts

Evaluation Question Two - How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

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Post on 15-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Review Analysis; Ancillary Texts

Evaluation Question Two - How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Page 2: Review Analysis; Ancillary Texts

Part One – Review;

This year for A2 Media Studies I was required to make a short film between three and five minutes long to go alongside ancillary texts; a film poster and a magazine review. The travel/wanderlust genre was the genre I chose to cover this year in A2; therefore I had to research codes and conventions of this genre or of similar genres. The research I conducted was essential when producing my ancillary texts especially, I had to ensure that I knew the codes and conventions of texts such as film posters and reviews before even considering starting my own.

Page 3: Review Analysis; Ancillary Texts

After conducting research on film sites such as Sight & Sound and BFI, the pure purpose of a review became evident. The critical response to the film allows the audience/future audience to know what to expect; whether in the reviewers opinion it was good or bad over all, key points and essentially - whether or not people should spend their time and money on said film. Occasionally in reviews, there are comments from directors, actors or other crew members this gives the readers a further in-depth look into the film being reviewed.

When conducting this research I decided to look at the review on ‘Sight&Sound’s website for Boyhood (this can be seen in the image to the left.)

I decided that Sight&Sound would be a good magazine to research and base my own review off of as they are an independent film magazine that promote ‘indie’ and independent films; such as my own.I chose to look at the review of Linklater’s Boyhood as it is entirely based on growth and on home, quite like my own short film.

Page 4: Review Analysis; Ancillary Texts

Comparison of Film Reviews;

Page 5: Review Analysis; Ancillary Texts

Like in the Sight&Sound review for Boyhood I included the title of my short film at the top of the page in order for people to know what was being reviewed; below this I decided to include the poster for Odyssey so that readers could get a slight glimpse into the film too.

I included the title of the film magazine in the same place as it is in the Boyhood review as it reiterates that my film is of the specialised/indie genre.

I decided to include a video player in my review so that if a reader was viewing the webpage they would be able to click play and they would instantly be able to view the film themselves.

Here I placed a comment that I myself had made before constructing my film; by doing so it gives the readers of the review a deeper insight into the film and the meaning behind it.