
Review My models that I chose for this assignment are Student Area D and the Foyer. First I had to go through these areas and had to take a look all over there. I concentrated on the measurements and the objects over there. Then I started measuring of everything in there. First I took the measurements of everything out there in the Student area –D and noted them on a page. After that I carefully observed the measurements and started modelling the objects using a range of skills that I’ve developed in NewTek- Lightwave Modeller and Adobe. I tried to understand what way this assignment should be presented in. I used PowerPoint presentations and Office Docs to organize my work in a sophisticated manner. I used Time Managing Technique told by my tutor Harry Arnold which is a pretty nice way to keep work organized. The biggest benefit I had during this assignment is that I learnt many modelling techniques which is important as it would be a great hand in future. Unfortunately, I could not meet the given deadlines because I could not work fast enough. But there is an advantage of it. Working slowly made me create

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Post on 23-Jun-2015




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My models that I chose for this assignment are Student Area D and the Foyer. First I had to go through these areas and had to take a look all over there. I concentrated on the measurements and the objects over there. Then I started measuring of everything in there. First I took the measurements of everything out there in the Student area –D and noted them on a page. After that I carefully observed the measurements and started modelling the objects using a range of skills that I’ve developed in NewTek- Lightwave Modeller and Adobe. I tried to understand what way this assignment should be presented in. I used PowerPoint presentations and Office Docs to organize my work in a sophisticated manner. I used Time Managing Technique told by my tutor Harry Arnold which is a pretty nice way to keep work organized. The biggest benefit I had during this assignment is that I learnt many modelling techniques which is important as it would be a great hand in future. Unfortunately, I could not meet the given deadlines because I could not work fast enough. But there is an advantage of it. Working slowly made me create the models more detailed and neat. However, by now I’ve finished this particular assignment. I’ve represented my final work in form of PowerPoint presentation and made a video of rendering models in Lightwave – Layout. I believe I could

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have done better and could be more efficient but overall I’m happy with how I’ve done my work.