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“A Retrieved Reformatio n” by O. Henry

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Post on 08-Jun-2015



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  • 1. A RetrievedReformation byO. Henry

2. Assiduously(uh SIJ oo us lee)(adv) 3. In a steady andhard-working way. 4. Virtuous(VUR choo us)(adj) 5. Morally good; honorable. 6. Compulsory(kum PUL su ree)(adj) 7. That which mustbe done; Required. 8. Rehabilitate(ree huh BIL i tate) (V) 9. To restore to usefullife, as throughtherapy and education 10. Balk (bahlk)(V) 11. To refuse to moveor act 12. Eminent () (adj) 13. Better than most others; very famous 14. Retribution ()(N) 15. Punishment for bad behavior 16. Elusive () (adj) 17. Escaping from capture as bydaring, cleverness orskill. 18. Unobtrusively () (Adv) 19. In a way thatattracts little or no attention. 20. Unperceived(n per svd)(Adj) 21. Not seen. 22. The Gilded Age (1845-1916)A Retrieved Reformation is set in the lastquarter of the 19th century, otherwise known asThe Gilded Age.Gilded= Covered with GoldThis was a time of incredible industrial andeconomic growth, as well as intense politicalcorruption.For many though, this was a time of greatwealth. 23. The Gilded AGe conTinuedDuring this time, the railroad system opened up the country with transportation, and wealthy entrepreneurs made their fortunes in oil, steel, and banking. (Examples: Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Morgan)Mark Twain and author Charles Dudley Warner satirized (or made fun of) the pell-mell mood and decadence of the time called The Gilded Age and that is how the era came to be known. 24. A few InventionsThomas Edison the lightbulb, motion picture camera, radio,Alexander Graham Bell- the telephoneJoseph Glidden- barbed wireHenry Ford- model T Ford 25. A few interesting and Important EventsRace Riots against Chinese laborers in SanFranciscoNational League Baseball plays its 1st game: Bostonagainst PhiladelphiaThe Battle of Little Bighorn takes place, an eventknown as Custers Last StandFirst strict immigration laws passed by PresidentCleveland; Ellis Island officially opensThe Titanic sinks 26. After Twenty Yearsby O. Henry 27. Habitual (Adj) 28. Established bylong use. 29. Vicinity(vi SIN i tee)(N) 30. Neighborhood. 31. Staunchest(STONCH est) (adj) 32. Strongest; mostdetermined; mostfirm. 33. Dismally(diz ml lee)(adv) 34. In a gloomy ordepressed manner. 35. Simultaneously(si mul TA nee us lee)(adv) 36. Happening at the same time. 37. Stalwart(STAWL wert) (adj) 38. Strongly andstoutly built; sturdy. 39. Destiny (N) 40. Fate or outcome ofa persons life. 41. Egotism (N) 42. A sense of onesown great impor- tance; conceit. 43. Intricate(adj) 44. Having manycomplexlyarranagedelements; elaborate. 45. Absurdity (n) 46. Something that is unreasonable or untrue. 47. Literature and History O. Henry loved long and fancy words (afterall, he read dictionaries for fun!) After Twenty Years is plainer than most, buthe still has some typical O. Henry wordchoices. For example, he uses the phrase pacificthoroughfare to describe a peaceful street. As we read, see if you can figure out some ofhis amazing language for yourself! 48. The Four Million After Twenty Years is from his second storycollection, The Four Million The collections title refers to the population of NewYork City in O. Henrys day. O. Henry collected his plots from his experiences in life.He once even said when asked where he got his plotsthat he got them Everywhere! There are stories ineverything. He then picked up the menu andsaid, Theres a story in this. As he sat there, he outlined the story Springtime a laCarte about a young couple in a restaurant. 49. Turn of the Century NYCPolice in the 1890s 50. FASHION in the 1890s