resubmit exam no. 7 boom, bust & world war (modified)

RESUBMIT EXAM NO. 7 Boom, Bust & World War (Modified)

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RESUBMITEXAM NO. 7Boom, Bust & World War


Page 2: RESUBMIT EXAM NO. 7 Boom, Bust & World War (Modified)

Resubmit Policy: Written (Constructed) ResponsesStudents can receive back half the credit they have lost on

tests. In order to qualify for this credit students MUST resubmit their test questions while strictly adhering to the following guidelines. Students who receive a grade of “D” or lower MUST resubmit their test. NO partial credit will be given!

On resubmitted Constructed Responses students MUST:• Identify what they did well;• Identify what they need to improve on;• Identify what was out-and-out incorrect and/or provide the correct

information; and• Explain what they need to work on for future constructed responses.

Page 3: RESUBMIT EXAM NO. 7 Boom, Bust & World War (Modified)

Essay OutlineEssay OutlineChoose TWO of the eras above and for each ONE chosen:• Describe the stressful situation and the conditions that caused the stress in the U.S.• Identify ONE antidemocratic group or organization in the U.S.• Describe TWO undemocratic actions taken by either the antidemocratic group and/or the

government in response to the conditions.• Explain the outcome of these actions.• Include relevant historical details and examples.

I. 1st Paragraph: IntroductionA. Clearly written Bold Statement (B.S.)B. Summarizes key points (identifies TWO stressful eras in U.S. history)

II. 2nd Paragraph: 1st ¶ of body — 1st stressful era in U.S. history (1920s?)A. Correctly describes the 1st stressful situation & conditions w/detailsB. Correctly identifies ONE antidemocratic group or organizationC. Correctly describes TWO undemocratic actions w/detailsD. Correctly explains the outcome of these actions w/details

III. 3rd Paragraph: 2nd ¶ of body — 2nd stressful era in U.S. history (WW2?)A. Correctly describes the 2nd stressful situation & conditions w/detailsB. Correctly identifies ONE antidemocratic group or organizationC. Correctly describes TWO undemocratic actions w/detailsD. Correctly explains the outcome of these actions w/details

IV. 4th Paragraph: ConclusionA. Summarizes key point/arguments

(reminds reader of TWO stress-eras)I. Clearly restates Bold Statement (B.S.) Antidemocratic

Groups and Actions must be from/in the U.S!




-2nd Action?

Page 4: RESUBMIT EXAM NO. 7 Boom, Bust & World War (Modified)

Post WWI Era (1920s)

Situation/Causes Group(s) Actions & Outcomes Isolationism Nativism Rural/urban split Christian Fundamentalism Anti-Semitism Migrations: African-Americans, Latin-Americans, Eastern & Southern Europeans, Chinese & Japanese Red Scare

Ku Klux Klan


Government & Nativism

violence & persecution (lynchings) vs. African Ameri-cans, Hispanic Americans, Eastern & Southern Europe-ans, Chinese & Japanese, Jews & Catholics

Scopes trial; prohibition Schenck v. U.S.; Palmer raids; Sacco & Vanzetti; Emergency Quota Acts, 1921 & ’24; National Origins Act, 1929

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Great Depression Era (1930s)Situation/Causes

Group(s) Actions & Outcomes

Black Tuesday Economic Crisis– banks, business & farm failures Widespread pover-ty, unemployment (25%), homeless-ness (50% mort-gage defaults); Laissez-faire eco-nomic policies (buy-ing on margin, in-stallment buying) New Deal

Businesses (Ford/NIRA)

Government (Hoover)

. . . New Deal (FDR)


discrimination vs. African Americans, women & other minorities

deported Hispanics & Asians; failure to act (Hoover); New Deal (FDR) state controlled economy (socialist tyranny); allowed discrimination of women & minorities

lynchings increase

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WWII Era (1941-45)Situation/Causes

Group(s) Actions & Outcomes

Rise of fascism Great Depression War in Europe, Africa & Asia Neutrality Acts U.S. support of Great Britain (cash and carry & lend lease) Holocaust Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor U.S. entrance in WWII

Government– State Dept.– Defense Dept.– Executive


– Judiciary: US Supreme Court


state control of economy (Office of War Mobilization) denied European Jews entrance to U.S. (Holocaust) invoked conscription (draft) segregated military/home Executive Order 9066 (Japanese internment) use of A-bomb and/or carpet bombing Korematsu v. U.S. (declared 9066 constitutional)

cont discrim (women & min.)

Page 7: RESUBMIT EXAM NO. 7 Boom, Bust & World War (Modified)

Short Answer Question #61

• Describe THREE goals of the New Deal.• Explain how each goal addressed a problem of the Great

Depression.• Remember to include details and examples to support

your answer.

Franklin Roosevelt was elected president during the Great Depression. His program to help Americans was called the New Deal.

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Key Goals of the New Deal – 3Rs

Relief Recovery Reformstop the economy from getting worse Emergency Banking Relief Act: “bank holiday” & $2 bil. Federal Emergency Relief Act: CWA, $3 bil., 2 mil. jobs Unemployment programs: PWA, WPA, CCC

help the economy improve National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA):* hours, wages & prices Agriculture Adjust-ment Act (AAA):* paid not to plant Home Owners Loan Assoc (HOLC): low rate mortgages; $1 bil.

prevent future depressions FDIC SEC Social Security Admin. NLRB (Wagner Act) TVA

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Resubmit Policy: Selected Responses, Matching, & Fill-in-the-Blanks (NEW)On resubmitted Selected Response, Matching, and Fill-in-the-Blank questions students MUST:

• Correctly identify the term or concept the question is testing.

• Write the term or concept on one side of a note card (and include your name).

• On the other side of the card, write an appropriate question to which the term or concept is the answer.

• Do NOT use the concept in the question!

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Question . . . ?

#) Concept/Term



Resubmit Exam No. 7 Selected Response

Page 11: RESUBMIT EXAM NO. 7 Boom, Bust & World War (Modified)

Question #20 (A) #40 (B)

20/40 "The business of our nation is business" were the words of

A. Calvin Coolidge.B. Herbert Hoover.C. Franklin Roosevelt.D. Warren G. Harding.

... which 1920’s president?

Mistake in key – 2 points added back

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Question #36 (A) or #26 (B)

36/26 All of the following agencies were created during the Great Depression as a part of the “New Deal” to provide jobs for the unemployed EXCEPT the

A. Federal Reserve Administration (FRA).B. Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC).C. Works Progress Administration (WPA).D. National Youth Administration (NYA).

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What was NOT created during the Great Depression as a part of the “New Deal” to

provide jobs for the unemployed?

36) The Empire State Building


Question #36 (A) or #26 (B) … NOT!

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Which New Deal program provided jobs for the “Wild Boys of the Road” and was

FDR’s favorite program?

36) Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC)


Question #36 (A) or #26 (B)

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Question #39 (A) or #29 (B)

39/29The recession of 1937 was primarily caused by

A.excess business speculation in the rebounding stock market.

B.failure of New Deal programs to effectively lower unemployment and restore faith in the economy.

C.overregulation of key national industries, resulting in massive layoffs.

D.premature tightening of credit and cutbacks in spending for New Deal programs.

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What was the result of a premature tightening of credit and cutbacks in spending for New Deal programs in 1937?

39) recession


Question #39 (A) or #29 (B)

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Question #26 (A) or #16 (B)26/16 All of the following contributed to the

Great Depression EXCEPTA. excessive stocks and securities speculation.B. huge farm debts resulting from collapsed crop

prices.C. lack of credit to help consumers sustain

economic growth.D. an imbalance of distribution of wealth in which

the rich controlled far too much of the available income.

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What did NOT contribute to the Great Depression?

36) The Empire State Building


Question #26 (A) or #16 (B) … NOT!

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Excessive stock-market speculation, huge farm debts, access to large amounts of credit, and an imbalance in the distribution of wealth in 1920s led to what economic event in the 1930s?

26) The Great Depression


Question #26 (A) or #16 (B)

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Question #11 (A) or #31 (B)

11/31 By "normalcy" President Warren G. Harding meant not only peace after the recent war but also

A. a renewal of the Progressivist reform movement.

B. a return to an emphasis on domestic reform in place of Wilson's foreign adventures.

C. an end to idealistic crusades and efforts at large-scale Progressive reform.

D. U.S. membership in the newly formed League of Nations.

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Which 1920s president campaigned on a “Return to Normalcy;” a promise to end Progressive reforms and a return to isolationism?

11) Warren Harding


Question #11 (A) or #31 (B)

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Question #14 (A) #34 (B)

14/34The primary achievement of Marcus Garvey's Universal Negro Improvement Association was

A.its promotion of black jazz and blues.

B.its impact on black racial pride.

C.its economic development program in Harlem.

D.its transportation of numerous blacks to Liberia.

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Which controversial African American leader in the 1920s, and founder of the UNIA, helped to increase pride in the African American community?

14) Marcus Garvey


Question #14 (A) or #34 (B)

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Question #25 (A) #45 (B)

25/45 The Scopes Trial had the effect of

A.eliminating state restrictions on the teaching of evolution in schools.

B.highlighting the intolerance of religious fundamentalism and its conflict with contemporary science and secularism.

C.emphasizing the importance of the First Amendment when a person's ideas are not popular among the majority of Americans.

D.reestablishing the predominance of fundamentalist religious ideas over secular scientific pronouncements which had dominated American thought throughout the early 1920s.

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Which 1925 case involving a Tennessee biology teacher highlighted the intolerance of religious fundamentalism and its conflict with contemporary science and secularism?

25) Scopes trial

(#45 on B)


Question #25 (A) #45 (B)

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Question #5 (A) #50 (B)

5/50 A political gain made by American women during World War I included

A.acceptance as full-fledged members of the American Army.

B.moving into the industrial workforce.

C.founding the American Red Cross.

D.increased support for women’s right to vote.


19th Amendment

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Because the roles of women increased during World War I, what political right did women gain support for?

5) Suffrage(right to vote/19th Amendment)

(#50 on Test B)


Question #5 (A) #50 (B)

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Question #22 (A) #42 (B)

22/42 The quota system established for immigration in the 1920s was based partly on the idea that

A.America could accept the refugees created by war and revolution in Europe.

B.immigrants from northern and western Europe were superior to those from southern and eastern Europe.

C.immigration from Europe would be largely replaced by immigration from Asia.

D.priority in immigration would be based on family relations, profession, and education.

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Which 1920s acts restricted new immigration because it was believed that immigrants from northern and western Europe were superior to those from southern and eastern Europe?

22) Quota act(Emergency Quota/National Origins)

(#42 on Test B)name

Question #22 (A) #42 (B)

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Question #15 (A) #35 (B)

15/35 As president, Warren G. Harding proved to be

A.thoughtful and ambitious but rather impractical. able administrator and diplomat but a poor politician.

C.politically competent and concerned for the welfare of ordinary people.

D.weak-willed and tolerant of corruption among his friends.

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Which 1920s president campaigned on a “return to normalcy” and proved to be weak-willed and tolerant of corruption among his friends?

15) Warren G. Harding

(#35 on Test B)


Question #15 (A) #35 (B)

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Question #27 (A) #17 (B)

27/17 The Smoot-Hawley Tariffs and other protectionist trade measures had the long-term effect of

A.improving the competitiveness of U.S. industry in foreign markets.

B.improving U.S. economic strength in the long-term, although short-term economic performance was weakened.

C.making little difference in the economies of Europe and the U.S.

D.sparking retaliatory measures from Europe which weakened both their economies and ours.

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Which 1932 tariff, the highest in U.S. history, sparked retaliatory measures from Europe which weakened both their economies and ours?

27) Smoot-Hawley Tariff

(#17 on Test B)


Question #27 (A) #17 (B)

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Question #45 (A) #5 (B)

45/5 The main purpose of the lend-lease program enacted by the United States during World War II was to

A.sell weapons to both Allied and Axis nations.

B.rehabilitate countries devastated by war and occupation.

C.encourage the extension of democratic reforms in Germany.

D.assist countries fighting the Axis powers.

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Which 1941 act allowed the U.S. to assist countries fighting the Axis powers, making the U.S. the “arsenal of democracy”?

45) lend-lease act

(#5 on Test B)


Question #45 (A) #5 (B)