restaurant manager back office manual v1.01

Restaurant Manager Back Office Manual v1.01 Herts EPoS Unit 3, 126a Tibbs Hill Road Abbots Langley Watord WD5 0LL 0845 370 3900 [email protected]

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Page 1: Restaurant Manager Back Office Manual v1.01

Restaurant Manager

Back Office Manual v1.01

Herts EPoSUnit 3, 126a Tibbs Hill Road

Abbots LangleyWatord

WD5 0LL0845 370 3900

[email protected]

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The Basics

1. Restaurant Manager is your front of house software. It is used on yourterminals for all interaction between your staff and your customers.Your menu, employees, configuration and setup is all done throughRestaurant Manager.

2. The Restaurant computer is your main computer. It runs all of theterminals. If it is off, your terminals will not work. This is a veryimportant part of your business, and should only be used for yourbusiness needs.

3. The following is a basic layout of your main computer’s desktop.

Back Office

PoS (Till) Program

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Opening the Store

1. Restaurant Manager views each day as a Session. In the morning, youneed to open a session, and in the evening you need to close thesession.

2. To open a session, go to your Backoffice computer (known as yourServer).

3. Double Click on the icon that says, “RM Backoffice” and enter yourpassword.

4. Go to Activities->Session->Session Open/Close and click.

5. Follow the on-screen instructions. (It will ask if you want to open anew Session).

6. The Session is now open, and the terminals are ready to use.(Employees may clock in before the session is open)

7. Initialize Cash Trays. Go to your Cashier, Bar or Carryout Station.a. Click on ‘Cash Tray Options.’b. Enter your password.c. Click on ‘Initialize Drawer.’d. Enter the appropriate cash tray number and follow on-screen


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e. Initialize the cash tray to the appropriate person (MGRCASHIER, BAR CASHIER, ETC.)

8. Do this for each station with a cash drawer attached. Initializing cashdrawers allows you to settle checks at that station and keeps a total onhow much will be in that drawer. If you do not initialize a cash tray fora certain station, checks can not be settled at that station.

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Taking Flash Reports

A flash report is also sometimes known as an “X” Report and it allows you toget a snapshot of the takings without resetting them.

To take the report, press Misc on the Status screen.

A list of miscellaneous functions will appear- one of them is Flash Reporting.

Misc Button

Flash Report

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The following box will appear and you should select all orders to see how thewhole site is doing or the specific cash tray to see how the individual terminalhas done.

You will then be prompted whether to send the report to the screen orprinter. Choose the one you want and the report will be generated in theappropriate manner.

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Closing the Store

1. Make sure all checks are settled. All tables should appear grey, thereare no Tabs listed, and no stations are in Fast Transactions (The OrderEntry Screen).

2. Finalize all cash trays.a. To see what cash trays are open, click on ‘Cash Tray Options.’b. Click on ‘Show Tray Info.’ This will list open cash drawers.c. Click on ‘Finalize Tray.’d. Enter the Cash Tray number and follow on-screen prompts.e. Click on ‘Cash Tray Report’ and enter the cash tray number to

print report total. (This report also has server tips listed on itand can be printed before finalizing. Servers may have tips atmultiple stations.)

f. Repeat this for all open trays.3. Make sure all employees log out.4. Close the Session.

a. Open Restaurant Manager Backoffice.b. Click on Activities->Session->Session Open/Close. (It will ask

you if you wish the close the current session. If there areemployees still logged in or there are open checks, it will notallow you to close the session.)

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End of Session Reports

After the session has been ended, click on Report Interface. This is where allreporting for the system is carried out.

The following screen appears and for the current session, simply click onPrint Session Summary. If it is for a previous session, click on the daterequired in the right hand column and then click Print Session Summary.


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The report can be sent to the printer or to the screen. To change theselection, touch the output and then select whether it is to go to the screenor the printer.

When the report is displayed on the screen, it can also be printed.

Sales Group TotalsMethod ofPayment Totals

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Edit Employee Logins/Logouts

**IMPORTANT: If you are editing employee logins/logouts for the currentday, edit them in Restaurant Manager.

1. To edit logins/logouts in Restaurant Manager, you can either edit themfrom the Point of Sale or from the Restaurant Manager Backoffice.

2. Edit from the Point of Salea. Click the ‘Misc’ Button.b. Click the ‘Edit Login’ Button.c. Find the Employee whose time you want to edit and click ‘Edit.’

3. Edit from the Backofficea. Open Restaurant Manager Backofficeb. Click Activities->Edit Login Data.c. Make sure ‘Show only this Employee’ is selected.d. Choose Employeee. Choose the correct date.f. Click Edit Selected Record.

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Miscellaneous Function Buttons

Found under the ‘Misc’ Button in the Point of Sale on the Main Screen (Tablesor Tabs).

1. Account Lookup*. Allows you to search for accounts.2. Money Drop*. If a cash drawer runs out of money in the middle of the

shift, you can do a money drop so the cash tray report can take it intoaccount.

3. Printer Redirect*. If you wish to redirect the receipt or kitchen ticketsfrom one printer to another.

4. Revenue Reports*. Report of Sales Totals for a particular server.5. Assign Badge*. Used to assign swipe card to employee.6. Paid In*. Used to pay cash into a cash drawer (i.e. Change from a

Paid Out).7. Revise Settlement*. After a check is finalized, this will allow you to go

back in and change payment information (i.e. Add a tip).8. Clock Out Employees*. Clocks out all employees that are logged in.9. Flash Report*. Sales Totals of the current Session.10.Paid Out*. Keeps track of any money paid out of the cash drawer for

reasons other than change due (i.e. Customer Refund, Owner PaidOut, Supplies).

11.Re-print. Reprint a previous check.12.Transfer Items*. Transfer specific items from one check to another.13.Recall Check*. Recalls a check that has already been finalized. It

creates the check as a Tab (Current Session Only).14.Transfer Tables*. Transfer all of an employee’s tables to another

employee (i.e. Shift is over for a certain server).15.Edit Login*. Edit login data for an employee.

Found under the Misc Button in the Point of Sale in the Order Entry Screen.

1. Send to Tabs/Tables. Sends a check from a table to a tab or viceversa.

2. Customer Count. Change the number of customers on a ticket.3. Add Item*. Add an item on the fly on the screen currently showing.4. Discount Items*. Discount specific items (Depending on the discount,

some items are not valid for the specific discount).5. Discount Check*. Discount entire check (As before, may not discount

all items due to type of discount selected i.e. Employee Discount).6. Reference. Will change the reference or name associated with a table

or tab.

*These functions are protected by a manager’s password. When promptedfor a password and you see ‘(L5)’ next to it, only a manager can perform thisfunction.

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Printer Trouble Shooting

1. Printer’s not printing.a. There are two programs that should be running on all terminals.

The Point of Sale (Started by double clicking the icon ‘Shortcutto RMPOS’) and rmspool, the printer program (Started bydouble clicking the icon ‘Shortcut to rmspool’). If rmspool isrunning, it will show up on the task bar just to right of the startbutton. If it is not there, double click on the rmspool icon. Tosee if it there, you must exit the Point of Sale program byhitting the ‘Quit’ button.

b. Make sure the printer is plugged in and has paper (paper mustgo the correct direction or it will not print).

c. Check for a paper jam.d. Make sure the printer is turned on.

2. Receipt Printers take HTR280 Thermal Paper.3. Kitchen Printers take regular HTR276 paper (single or double ply).4. Kitchen Printers require ink cartridges, where as the receipt printers do

not (they’re thermal). The model of the kitchen printer can be foundunderneath or on the side of the printer.

Restaurant Manager Trouble Shooting

1. Restaurant Manager won’t run on one of the terminals.a. Double click the icon on the Desktop that says ‘Shortcut to

RMPOS.’b. Restart the terminal. To restart a terminal, click on the start

button in the lower left hand corner. Click ‘Turn off Computer,’then click ‘Restart.’ Wait for terminal to restart and RestaurantManager should automatically start up.

2. Restaurant Manager is frozen on one of the terminals.a. Hold down the lever on the right hand side of the machine. This

will turn the machine off. After the screen goes blank and thelight on the bottom turns from blue to green. Flip the sameswitch again to start the terminal back up.

3. All of the terminals are down or are running really slow.a. Turn off all of the terminals and restart the Server machine in

the backoffice*.b. When the Server machine has restarted (It will go through a

series of checks before being fully restarted). Start yourterminals back up.

4. If all else fails please call HBM.

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Programs Running on Your Server

1. PC Charge. This is the credit card processing software. If it is notrunning credit cards will not process. If you see it, it is running.

2. Rmccwin. Needed to process credit cards. If it is not running creditcards will not process.

3. Security. Ensures proper licensing. If not running, none of thestations will work.

4. Anti-Virus Software. Security measure to prevent viruses frominfecting the Server. This is provided by EPOS for one year. Followingthat term, you should always make sure that it is up to date.

5. PC Anywhere. Allows 24-hour immediate support.6. Rmtime. Ensures all stations are running on the same time.7. Task Scheduler. Runs daily routines that check your system.

*These seven programs need to be constantly running for your Point of Saleto function properly. If any of these programs are not running (the icon willnot appear if it’s not running), please call Tech Support. (This picture is aclose up of the lower right hand corner of you Server’s desktop.)

Tech Support Phone Number: ________________________________

*For a more in-depth look at the functions of Restaurant Manager pleaserefer to the user’s guide located on your server. To access it click Start->Programs->Restaurant Manager->User Guide->RM Users Guide.

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1. I don’t understand the layout. Restaurant Manager has 3 ways to starta bill. They are called Tables (In house dining), Tabs (Carryout, BarTabs), and Fast Transactions (Bar Transactions). These are all foundon the Main Screen. There are 3 screens in Restaurant Manager: theMain Screen, the Order Entry Screen, and the Settlement Screen.

a. To begin a check for a table, click on the ‘Tables’ button on thebottom lower left hand side of the screen (if not alreadyselected). Click on the appropriate table and enter yourpassword. This will let Restaurant Manager know who the tableis assigned to, so that other employees (with the exception ofmanagers) can not access that ticket/table while being used byyou.

b. To begin a new tab, click on the ‘Tabs’ button (if not alreadyselected). Click on the ‘New Tab’ or ‘CC Tab’ button. Tabs mustbe assigned some sort of reference since they don’t have aphysical location. When clicking the ‘New Tab’ button you willbe prompted for a reference (i.e. John), so you know who thattab is assigned to. When clicking ‘CC Tab,’ the name on thecredit card becomes the reference as well as the credit cardnumber (so you don’t have to keep the credit card).

c. To begin Fast Transactions, click on the ‘Fast’ button. There isno reference or table number assigned to this type of ticketbecause it is a simple exchange of product and payment (like acash register).

After beginning any transaction (no matter the type), everyone is directed tothe same Order Entry Screen, containing your menu. On the right hand sideis your menu navigation. It takes you the part of the menu you are lookingfor (i.e. Beverages, Appetizers, Desserts, etc). Clicking on the individualitems adds them to the ticket, shown on the left hand side. Now dependingon what kind of ticket this is (tab, table, or fast), it determines where we gonext. If this ticket is a table or a tab, you would click on the send button.This button exits the order and sends the items you have just rung up totheir appropriate printer (i.e. Bar, Grill, Expediter). To open a table or tabticket again, simply click on the table or tab you are looking for and swipeyour card if prompted. You will see all items previously rung up for thatcheck. Next comes the point of settling the check. For Fast Transactions,this is immediate, but for tables or tabs it is not. If this check is a table ortab you must open the check again. Click on the ‘Settle button.’ This takesyou to the Settlement Screen, which is the same for all tickets. You must tellRestaurant Manager how this check will be paid (Cash, Check, Credit Card,etc).

Click on the corresponding form of payment (Cash, Check, etc) andenter the amount. The transaction is now complete. This is a very simpleoverview of the System, and is provided to help with a basic understandingof how it works.

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2. How do I split bills? When in the Order Entry Screen, click on the ‘SplitCheck’ button. It will prompt you for how many ways you want to splitthe check. Since the order is already rung up, all items will beassigned to Seat 1. You should hit the ‘Unassign All’ button. On theleft hand side you will see a list of items rung on the check. On theright side you will see the seat numbers. Click on seat number 1, thenclick on all the items associated with that seat number. Click on seatnumber 2, and click on all of its associated menu items, and so on.When finished, click ‘Split Check.’ The check is now split. To scrollthrough the individual checks, just press the ‘Seat’ button. To print,press the ‘Print’ button and select either all, or the seat number youare looking for.

3. The ‘Settle’ button is not enabled. For any station that has a cashdrawer attached to it, a cash tray must be initialized to settle checks.If the ‘Settle’ button is disabled it is because the cash tray has notbeen initialized. This is to keep accurate track of the money in thedrawer.

4. I need to discount only certain items on a bill. In the Order EntryScreen, there is a discount items button. You must highlight (byclicking on the specific items, they appear yellow) the items you wishto discount. Then press the ‘Discount Items’ button (the button maybe under the ‘Misc’ button and is different than the ‘Discount Check’button).

5. How do I use the bulletin board? In the Restaurant Managerbackoffice, go to Activities->Bulletin Board. You can either edit theones existing by double clicking on them or add new ones by clickingthe add button.