rest and microservices at the las vegas dot net group

Shaun Abram Shaun Abram An introduction to Microservices and REST March 26 th , 2014

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Page 1: Rest and Microservices at the Las Vegas Dot Net Group

Shaun Abram

Shaun Abram

An introduction to

Microservices and REST

March 26th, 2014

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What is a microservice?

A small, focused piece of software

Independently developed, deployed, upgraded

Commonly exposes it functionality via HTTP/REST

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Microservices - definition

Small, autonomous services that work together

- “Building Microservices” by Sam Newman

An approach to developing an application as a suite of

small services, each running in its own process and

communicating with lightweight mechanisms, often an

HTTP resource API

- “Microservices” by Martin Fowler and James Lewis

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Microservices - Not a new concept!

Unix Philosophy (1984)

develop small, capable software

Do one thing well

Play well with other programs

Use standard interfaces

Contrasts with Monoliths…

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The Monolithic Architecture

An application built & deployed as a single artifact

Easy to setup - single project in an IDE

Easy to deploy - a single war file

Scaled horizontally (load balanced servers)

Keep things simple! YAGNI?

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Problems with Monoliths

Slow to build

Too big to easily understand

Forced team dependencies

How do you split up teams?

Obstacle to frequent deployments

Long-term commitment to a technology stack

Time for a different approach?

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Characteristics of microservices


Single, focused purpose

Independently deployable

Independent technology stack

Independently scalable, resilient

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Deployed as a single artifact

Scaled by replicating monolith

on multiple servers

All functionality in

a single process


Deployed independentlyEach functional element

as a separate service

Deployed across servers and

replicated as needed


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Disadvantages of microservices

Distributed architectures are hard!

Refactoring across service boundaries

Interface changes are hard

Use flexible, forgiving, broad interfaces

Be as tolerant as possible

“Be conservative in what you do, liberal in what you

accept”— Jon Postel

Operational complexity

e.g. monitoring and problem detection

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Microservices vs SOA

Both architectural design patterns;

Collections of services

Microservices are:

SOA done right?

SOA but with a bounded context?

SOA Microservices

Integrates multiple applications Multiple microservices = one app

ESB smart endpoints, dumb pipes


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Who is using Microservices?

Many large scale web sites have evolved from

monolith to microservices


100-150 services per page


Extensive users and contributors

Chaos Monkey, Janitor Monkey, see


Boardroom agility -> quickly react to the marketplace

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Microservice best practices

Separate codebases

Use monitoring

Built in health checks

Provide standard templates



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Microservice Security

Single Sign On (SSO)

SAML or OpenID Connect

SSO Gateway

API Keys

Secure Perimeter

HTTP(S) Basic Authentication

Client Certificates


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Microservices Summary

+ Attractive alternative to monoliths

+ Independently built and deployed stacks

+ Allows 'deploy early, deploy often'

- No silver Bullet!

- Coordination of dozens of services is difficult

- Integration, deployment, monitoring all more complex

- Need cross functional teams skilled in Devops

Start with monoliths; Migrate slowly

"With cautious optimism, we think microservices can be a worthwhile road to tread"

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An introduction to Microservices and REST



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A brief history of www

What was learned?

What is REST? Constraints!



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Representational state transfer

REST is an architectural style (set of constraints)

Relies on a stateless, client-server comm protocol

think: HTTP

Uniform interfaces

think: URIs, or links

Interaction with resources via standard methods

think: HTTP verbs

Pretty URLs? Alternative to RPC or SOAP?

Yes, but so much more…

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A brief History of the World Wide Web

Tim Berners-Lee first proposed the www (1989)


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A brief History of the World Wide Web

HTTP 0.9 (1991)

only one method: GET

HTTP 1.0 (1996)

From trivial request/response true msging protocol

HTTP 1.1 (1996)


HTTP 2 (draft, 2015)

1.1 compatibility with methods, codes, URIs, (most)

header fields

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REST: Lessons learned

Fielding involved since infancy of web– HTTP, HTML, URIs, Apache HTTP Server

Experienced first hand its rapid growth (as user+arch)

Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based

Software Architectures (2000)

“REST has been used to guide the design and development of the

architecture for the modern Web”.

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So, what is REST

An architectural style

A set of constraints

Why constraints?

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REST Constraints

1. Client Server

2. Stateless

3. Cache

4. Uniform Interface

5. Layered System

6. Code-On-Demand

REST doesn't have to use HTTP, but…

(alternatives? Gopher, waka, SPDY)

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REST Constraints

1. Client Server

2. Stateless

3. Cache

4. Uniform Interface

5. Layered System

6. Code-On-Demand

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REST Constraints

1. Client Server

Separating UI from data storage

portability, scalability, evolve independently


A client server protocol

e.g. browser<->server, IoT

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REST Constraints

1. Client Server

2. Stateless

3. Cache

4. Uniform Interface

5. Layered System

6. Code-On-Demand

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REST Constraints

2. Stateless

Communication must be stateless!

Each request must contain all required info

No state on server

reliability (failure recovery), scalability


A stateless protocol

Can circumvent by using cookies, sessions, but…

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REST Constraints

1. Client Server

2. Stateless

3. Cache

4. Uniform Interface

5. Layered System

6. Code-On-Demand

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REST Constraints

3. Cache

Response can be labeled as cacheable or not

If cacheable, client cache can reuse response


Supports caching via three basic mechanisms:




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REST Constraints

1. Client Server

2. Stateless

3. Cache

4. Uniform Interface

5. Layered System

6. Code-On-Demand

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REST Constraints

4. Uniform Interface

to identify and manipulate resources

In plain English…

Common to use interfaces to decouple client from


Goal: Simple Interface, full functionality, hide

complexity e.g. GUI

How does REST achieve this…?

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REST Constraints

1. Client Server

2. Stateless

3. Cache

4. Uniform Interface

5. Layered System

6. Code-On-Demand

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REST Constraints

5. Layered System

Allows an architecture to be composed of layers

Constraining component behavior

Each component cannot “see” beyond immediate


Client unaware if connected to the end or

intermediary improve scalability (e.g. load-balancing),


HTTP supports layering via proxy servers and


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REST Constraints

1. Client Server

2. Stateless

3. Cache

4. Uniform Interface

5. Layered System

6. Code-On-Demand

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REST Constraints

6. Code-On-Demand (optional)

Client functionality can be extended (scripts/applets)

Allows server to decide how some things will be done

For example

client requests a resource,

server returns resource with some JavaScript

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Requests & Responses


Status codes

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HTTP Request

GET /index.html HTTP/1.1


This is made up of the following components:

Method: GET

URI: /index.html

Version: HTTP/1.1

Headers: Host:

Body: empty in this example

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HTTP Methods

Common methods





Uncommon methods





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Common HTTP Methods


In plain English, create a resource

Request to accept the entity as a new subordinate of

the resource identified by the URI

For example– Submit data from a form to a data-handling process;

– Post a message to a mailing list or blog


In plain English, update a resource

Store the supplied entity under the supplied URI– If already exists, update

– If not create with that URI

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PUT vs POST: What is the difference?!

Some rules of thumb:

PUT is for update; POST is for create

PUT idempotent; POST is not;

Who creates the URL of the resource?

PUT when you know the URL to be created

POST when server decides the URL for you

Don’t use PUT, always POST (post events instead)?

Short answer? Use you best judgment!

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Uncommon HTTP Methods





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Uncommon HTTP Methods


Like GET but without the body

Used for obtaining meta-information about the entity

Useful for testing links, e.g. for validity, accessibility


Request about the capabilities of a server

e.g. request a list of supported HTTP methods

Possible response: 200 OK; Allow: HEAD,GET,PUT,DELETE

Useful but not widely supported

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Uncommon HTTP Methods


Used to invoke a remote loop-back of the request

Plain English: Echoes back request to see what

changes have been made by intermediate servers

Often disabled for security


For use with a proxy that can dynamically switch to

being a tunnel

Typically for tunneling HTTPS through HTTP


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HTTP Methods

Safe and Idempotent methods

Safe methods

Do not modify resources – retrieval only


Idempotent methods

Can be called many times, same outcome

All the safe methods


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HTTP Response

Example HTTP response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Version/Status code; Reason


Date: Mon, 23 May 2005 22:38:34 GMT Headers

Server: Apache/ (Unix) (Red-Hat/Linux)

Last-Modified: Wed, 08 Jan 2003 23:11:55 GMT

ETag: "3f80f-1b6-3e1cb03b”

Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

Content-Length: 131

Accept-Ranges: bytes

Connection: close

<html> … </html> Body

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HTTP response codes

Code Meaning Plain English

(From user


1xx Informational; indicates a

provisional response,

e.g. 100

OK so far and client

should continue with the


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HTTP response codes

Code Meaning Plain English

(From user


1xx Informational; indicates a

provisional response,

e.g. 100

OK so far and client

should continue with the


2xx Successful All good

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HTTP response codes

Code Meaning Plain English

(From user


1xx Informational; indicates a

provisional response,

e.g. 100

OK so far and client

should continue with the


2xx Successful All good

3xx Redirection Something moved

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HTTP response codes

Code Meaning Plain English

(From user


1xx Informational; indicates a

provisional response,

e.g. 100

OK so far and client

should continue with the


2xx Successful All good

3xx Redirection Something moved

4xx Client Error You messed up

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HTTP response codes

Code Meaning Plain English

(From user


1xx Informational; indicates a

provisional response,

e.g. 100

OK so far and client

should continue with the


2xx Successful All good

3xx Redirection Something moved

4xx Client Error You messed up

5xx Server Error We messed up

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Hypermedia as the engine of application state (HATEOAS)

What is Hypermedia?





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Hypermedia as the engine of application state (HATEOAS)

Clients know fixed entry points to the app

Transition (states) by using those links + more

If you think of Hypermedia as simply links, then HATEOAS

is simply using the links you discover to navigate (or

transition state) through the application.

Applies to human or software users

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Microservices & REST


A small, focused, loosely coupled service

Can be developed, deployed, upgraded


How to communicate with and between




Proven architectural style inspired by www

Resources accessed via uniform interfaces and



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