respiratory implications of pediatric neuromuscular disease

Respiratory Implications of Pediatric Neuromuscular Disease Howard B Panitch MD Introduction Airway Clearance and Lung Defense Methods to Enhance Airway Clearance Manually Assisted Cough Mechanical Insufflation-Exsufflation Methods to Mobilize Secretions High-Frequency Chest-Wall Compressions Intrapulmonary Percussive Ventilation Medications That Alter Mucociliary or Cough Clearance Sleep Problems in Children With Neuromuscular Disorders Epidemiology of Sleep-Disordered Breathing Evaluation of Sleep-Disordered Breathing Ventilatory Support for Children With NMD The Impact of Ventilatory Support in NMDs When to Institute Ventilatory Support Noninvasive Ventilation Versus Ventilation via Tracheostomy Summary Children with progressive neuromuscular weakness undergo a stereotypical progression of respi- ratory involvement, beginning with impaired airway clearance and progressing to nocturnal and then diurnal ventilatory failure. This review examines issues related to airway clearance and mucus mobilization, sleep problems, and use of assisted ventilation in children with neuromuscular dis- eases. Interventions for each of these problems have been created or adapted for the pediatric population. The use of airway clearance therapies and assisted ventilation have improved survival of children with neuromuscular weakness. Questions regarding the best time to introduce some therapies, the therapeutic utility of certain interventions, and the cost-effectiveness of various treatments demand further investigation. Studies that assess the potential to improve quality of life and reduce hospitaliza- tions and frequency of lower-respiratory tract infections will help clinicians to decide which techniques are best suited for use in children. As children with neuromuscular disease survive longer, coordinated programs for transitioning these patients to adult care must be developed to enhance their quality of life. Key words: airway clearance therapies; mechanical in-exsufflator; intrapulmonary percussive ventilation; high-frequency chest-wall compressions; sleep-disordered breathing; noninvasive ventilation. [Respir Care 2017;62(6):826 –848. © 2017 Daedalus Enterprises] Introduction Children with progressive neuromuscular weakness un- dergo a stereotypical progression of respiratory involve- ment (Fig. 1). 1 Weakness that involves inspiratory, bulbar, or expiratory muscles can lead to the inability to take deep breaths and to cough effectively. 2,3 An inability to clear secretions effectively from the airways predisposes pa- tients with neuromuscular disease (NMD) to recurrent or chronic atelectasis and pneumonia. This, in turn, can re- Dr Panitch is affiliated with the Department of Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, and the Division of Pulmonary Medicine, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Dr Panitch discloses a relationship with Philips Respironics. Dr Panitch presented a version of this paper at the 55th Respiratory Care Journal Conference, “Pediatric Respiratory Care” held June 10–11, 2016, in St Petersburg, Florida. 826 RESPIRATORY CARE JUNE 2017 VOL 62 NO 6

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Page 1: Respiratory Implications of Pediatric Neuromuscular Disease

Respiratory Implications of Pediatric Neuromuscular Disease

Howard B Panitch MD

IntroductionAirway Clearance and Lung DefenseMethods to Enhance Airway Clearance

Manually Assisted CoughMechanical Insufflation-Exsufflation

Methods to Mobilize SecretionsHigh-Frequency Chest-Wall CompressionsIntrapulmonary Percussive VentilationMedications That Alter Mucociliary or Cough Clearance

Sleep Problems in Children With Neuromuscular DisordersEpidemiology of Sleep-Disordered BreathingEvaluation of Sleep-Disordered Breathing

Ventilatory Support for Children With NMDThe Impact of Ventilatory Support in NMDsWhen to Institute Ventilatory SupportNoninvasive Ventilation Versus Ventilation via Tracheostomy


Children with progressive neuromuscular weakness undergo a stereotypical progression of respi-ratory involvement, beginning with impaired airway clearance and progressing to nocturnal andthen diurnal ventilatory failure. This review examines issues related to airway clearance and mucusmobilization, sleep problems, and use of assisted ventilation in children with neuromuscular dis-eases. Interventions for each of these problems have been created or adapted for the pediatricpopulation. The use of airway clearance therapies and assisted ventilation have improved survival ofchildren with neuromuscular weakness. Questions regarding the best time to introduce some therapies,the therapeutic utility of certain interventions, and the cost-effectiveness of various treatments demandfurther investigation. Studies that assess the potential to improve quality of life and reduce hospitaliza-tions and frequency of lower-respiratory tract infections will help clinicians to decide which techniquesare best suited for use in children. As children with neuromuscular disease survive longer, coordinatedprograms for transitioning these patients to adult care must be developed to enhance their quality of life.Key words: airway clearance therapies; mechanical in-exsufflator; intrapulmonary percussive ventilation;high-frequency chest-wall compressions; sleep-disordered breathing; noninvasive ventilation. [Respir Care2017;62(6):826–848. © 2017 Daedalus Enterprises]


Children with progressive neuromuscular weakness un-dergo a stereotypical progression of respiratory involve-

ment (Fig. 1).1 Weakness that involves inspiratory, bulbar,or expiratory muscles can lead to the inability to take deepbreaths and to cough effectively.2,3 An inability to clearsecretions effectively from the airways predisposes pa-tients with neuromuscular disease (NMD) to recurrent orchronic atelectasis and pneumonia. This, in turn, can re-

Dr Panitch is affiliated with the Department of Pediatrics, PerelmanSchool of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, and the Division ofPulmonary Medicine, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia,Pennsylvania.

Dr Panitch discloses a relationship with Philips Respironics.

Dr Panitch presented a version of this paper at the 55th Respiratory CareJournal Conference, “Pediatric Respiratory Care” held June 10–11, 2016,in St Petersburg, Florida.


Page 2: Respiratory Implications of Pediatric Neuromuscular Disease

duce lung compliance, increase airway resistance, and in-crease ventilatory demands, resulting in an imbalancebetween the capabilities of the respiratory pump (the chest-wall and respiratory muscles) and the load imposed uponit.3 In the absence of acute illness, the first signs of respi-ratory insufficiency occur during sleep, when skeletal mus-cle tone is generally decreased and episodic generalizedatony during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep occurs.1

This leads to arousals, obstructive apneas and hypopneas,sleep fragmentation, poor sleep quality, and, eventually,sleep hypoventilation. As inspiratory muscle weakness pro-gresses, diurnal hypoventilation ensues.

Although this progression of problems is fairly predict-able, the timing will vary, depending on the type of NMDand the age of the patient. For instance, an infant withspinal muscular atrophy type I (SMA I) would be expectedto experience all of these problems within the first year oflife, whereas a boy with Duchenne muscular dystrophy(DMD) probably would not begin to have such difficultiesuntil his second decade of life. Children with other formsof NMD like cerebral palsy or spinal cord injury will alsofollow different time courses, but in the absence of inter-

ventions, they will also experience similar problems iftheir underlying diseases cause respiratory muscle weakness.This review will focus on 3 care concerns that are common tochildren with a variety of NMDs: (1) impaired airway clear-ance; (2) the impact of respiratory muscle weakness on sleep;and (3) the role of noninvasive ventilation (NIV) in improv-ing morbidity, mortality, and quality of life.

Airway Clearance and Lung Defense

Under normal circumstances, the lungs are cleared ofparticulate matter and infectious agents by 2 mechanisms:the mucociliary escalator and cough. Mucociliary clear-ance is considered to be the major method by which debrisis removed from the peripheral airways, whereas cough isprimarily responsible for clearing the central airways.4 Theeffects of mucociliary clearance are enhanced by the nor-mal respiratory variation in airway caliber: Narrowing ofthe intrathoracic airways on exhalation during normal tidalbreathing results in a cephalad air-flow bias that increasesexpiratory air-flow velocity and movement of mucus to-ward the mouth.5 Chronic breathing at low tidal volumes,with smaller variations in airway caliber and lower expi-ratory flows, could therefore potentially reduce the effec-tiveness of the mucociliary escalator. Additionally, chronicaspiration related to bulbar dysfunction could damage air-way-lining cells and impair mucociliary clearance.

A normal cough begins with a deep inspiration of avariable volume of air. This maneuver not only increasesairway diameter, but it also places the expiratory muscles

Correspondence: Howard B Panitch MD, Division of Pulmonary Medi-cine, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, 11054 Colket TranslationalResearch Building, 3501 Civic Center Boulevard, Philadelphia, PA 19104.E-mail: [email protected].

DOI: 10.4187/respcare.05250

Fig. 1. Algorithm of the typical evolution of disease in patients with progressive neuromuscular disorders (gray boxes) and assess-ments and interventions that are considered as a function of disease status (white boxes). The presence of kyphoscoliosis canexacerbate the effects of respiratory and bulbar muscle weakness on airway clearance and ventilation (dotted lines). See text forfurther details. REM � rapid eye movement, NREM � non-REM, NIV � noninvasive ventilation.



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on a favorable position of their length-tension curve, in-creases elastic recoil of the lung to provide greater drivingpressure, and causes the chest wall to recoil inward towardits resting volume, thereby contributing potential energy tothe ensuing cough maneuver. The glottis then closes forabout 200 ms while the expiratory muscles contract, re-sulting in a rapid increase in intrathoracic pressure to about100 cm H2O. The glottis then actively opens, and air isexpulsed at rates that briefly exceed maximal flow as cen-tral airways are compressed and temporarily narrowed.6 Thehigh linear velocity of air flow results in shearing forces at theair-mucus interface and clearance of secretions from the cen-tral airways.2 Impairment of any phase of cough can havedeleterious effects on clearance of secretions from centralairways: inspiratory muscle weakness will limit pre-coughinspiration and volume-dependent flow velocity; bulbar dys-function (whether from neurological disease or the presenceofa tracheostomy)will impair thecompressivephaseofcough;and expiratory muscle weakness will diminish the velocity ofexpiratory air flow.

Clinicians have sought to determine whether there aremeasurements of lung or respiratory muscle function thatwould predict who would require assistance with airwayclearance. Bach and Saporito7 assessed factors that wouldpredict successful removal of endotracheal or tracheos-tomy tubes in 49 adult subjects with primarily neuromus-cular ventilatory insufficiency. Of all factors considered,only the ability of subjects to generate a cough peak flow�160 L/min with assisted or unassisted cough predictedsuccessful extubation or decannulation, because secretionretention necessitated reinsertion of tubes to provide forairway suctioning in those with lower cough peak flows.Another study showed that the ability to generate coughflow transients, the supramaximal spikes that occur whenthe central airways are compressed during the cough ma-neuver, was present only when subjects could generate amaximum expiratory pressure (PEmax) �60 cm H2O.8

Recognizing that some acute viral respiratory illnesses cancause a transient reduction in respiratory muscle strengthin both healthy individuals9 and in patients with NMD,10

Tzeng and Bach11 reported that in their experience,when subjects could not generate a cough peak flow�270 L/min when well, they were likely to produce coughpeak flows �160 L/min during acute respiratory illnesses.In a previous report of a protocol to minimize pulmonarymorbidity among 24 young adults with DMD, Bach et al12

reported that none of the subjects who could generate acough peak flow �270 L/min experienced episodes ofrespiratory distress. Despite being based on a small num-ber of subjects, a value of 270 L/min for cough peak flowor a PEmax of 60 cm H2O are widely accepted as cutoffvalues to determine when adolescents or adults shouldreceive assistance with coughing.13,14 In some European

countries, a cough peak flow of 180 L/min has been pro-posed as the threshold value for an effective cough.15

These thresholds, however, are inappropriate for chil-dren under the age of 12 y. The airways of young childrenare more compliant than those of older children and thuscan narrow or collapse at lower transmural pressures.16

Thus, younger children can probably generate supramaximalflow transients using lower expiratory pressures. Normal val-ues for cough peak flow, like peak expiratory flow or otherforced flow measurements, change with age and height. Thereare few normative data for cough peak flow in healthy chil-dren. In 649 children between 4 and 18 y old, the 5th per-centile for cough peak flow was 270 L/min or less in bothboys and girls through 10 y of age.17 Since those children didnot have histories of recurrent lower-respiratory tract infec-tions, it seems clear that lower cough peak flow in youngchildren is adequate to clear the airways of secretions. Ininfants, increased airway compliance coupled with a pulmo-nary elastic recoil pressure that is lower than in adults com-bine to reduce cough peak flow6; when during childhood oradolescence these factors change to approach adult valuesremains unknown. At present, the best indicators for whethera young child with NMD requires assistance with cough area history of recurrent pneumonias or the qualitative assess-ment of a weak cough.18

Methods to Enhance Airway Clearance

A variety of techniques have been developed to helppatients with NMD clear the airways of secretions. Forthose patients with inspiratory muscle weakness, manualinsufflation with a self-inflating bag, or mechanical insuf-flation with a ventilator or other positive-pressure devicecan be used to raise lung volume close to the vital capac-ity. By so doing, elastic recoil of the lung and chest wallcan be used to augment expiratory muscle contraction togenerate effective expiratory flow. Glossopharyngealbreathing or “frog breathing” is another effective methodto raise lung volume and enhance cough clearance,19 but itis probably not a method that can be readily taught to ayoung child. Expiratory muscle function can be augmentedmanually with appropriately timed chest-wall or upper-abdominal thrusts as the patient volitionally coughs,20,21 ormechanically with the use of exsufflation with negativepressure.22 These techniques effectively clear the centralairways of secretions but may be ineffective at mobilizingsecretions from more peripheral airways. As a result, var-ious mucus-mobilization techniques like intrapulmonarypercussive ventilation23-25 and high-frequency chest-wallcompressions (HFCWC)26-28 have been used to enhancethe movement of secretions from the peripheral to themore central airways where they can then be coughed outor suctioned. Investigators have also tried altering the prop-erties of mucus to make it easier for the patient to cough



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secretions out with a variety of inhaled medications, es-pecially when secretion retention leads to lobar atelecta-sis.29-32 There are few clinical trials that have been con-ducted to support most of these techniques, despite theirwidespread use among patients with NMD.33

Several of these methods have been shown to increasecough peak flow effectively in both children and adults.34,35

Among 21 ventilator-dependent adults with a variety ofNMDs, cough peak flow was compared under conditionsof unassisted coughing, coughing after mechanical breath-stacking or glossopharyngeal breathing with or without asubsequent manually assisted cough, and with the use ofmechanical in-exsufflation (MI-E).34 All methods of coughaugmentation increased cough peak flow above that ob-tained during unassisted cough, but cough peak flow wasgreatest with the use of MI-E, whereas cough peak flowresulting from the use of manually assisted cough afterbreath-stacking was significantly higher than that achievedby breath-stacking alone. A similar study was conductedamong 19 subjects with NMDs, 8 of whom were betweenthe ages of 10 and 16 y.35 When comparing unassistedcough with cough assisted by physiotherapy (without priorbreath-stacking), cough after breath-stacking, cough fol-lowing exsufflation with negative pressure, and cough fol-lowing MI-E, cough peak flow was greatest in both adultand pediatric groups following MI-E, although the pres-sures used for both insufflation and exsufflation were quitelow. Among the pediatric subjects, no other technique sig-nificantly increased cough peak flow over that achievedduring unassisted cough.

The presence of bulbar dysfunction can alter the effec-tiveness of some of these techniques, since glottic closureto breath-stack and attain maximum inspiratory capacitiesabove the vital capacity may not be possible.36 Neverthe-less, among 16 adults with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis inwhom cough peak flow was measured unassisted and withseveral different interventions, all techniques that providedany type of breath-stacking produced higher cough peakflow than those involving coaching with or without man-ually assisted cough, independent of bulbar function.37 Inaddition, no statistically significant differences existed be-tween cough peak flows generated by any technique amongthose with versus without bulbar dysfunction. Furthermore,the authors noted that in any particular subject, MI-E wasnot always the best tool, and they cautioned that testing anarray of techniques would be important in determining anairway clearance regimen for a particular patient.

Manually Assisted Cough

A manually assisted cough or quad cough involves theapplication of chest-wall or abdominal thrusts by a care-giver in synchrony with a patient’s cough to augment orreplace expiratory muscle activity. The effectiveness of

this therapy depends heavily on the skill of the caregiver toapply adequate pressure and also to be able to synchronizethe thrust with the patient’s cough effort.38 Often, manuallyassisted cough is combined with breath-stacking to enhancecough peak flow over that achieved with manually assistedcough alone.15,39,40 Whereas breath-stacking can be accom-plished with glossopharyngeal breathing or a manual resus-citation bag with or without a one-way valve, it can also beperformed with a bi-level pressure generator or mechanicalventilator. Use of a manual resuscitation bag typically re-quires the assistance of a second caregiver to deliver thebreath while the first caregiver applies abdominal or thoracicexpiratory thrusts. Among 52 adults with DMD, manual in-sufflation was equivalent to use of a mechanical ventilator inincreasing cough peak flow over unassisted cough peak flowvalues.41 There are, however, limits to the effectiveness ofmanually assisted cough and manually assisted cough withbreath-stacking. Chest-wall distortion and scoliosis can re-duce the usefulness of manually assisted cough, and the fre-quency at which manually assisted cough is required duringacute illnesses can cause caregiver fatigue.

Certain physiologic measurements can also predict whichpatients would benefit from manually assisted cough aug-mentation techniques. Measurements of cough peak flowalong with PEmax and vital capacity (VC) were collected in179 adolescents and adults with NMD at baseline, afterbreath-stacking, and after breath-stacking plus manuallyassisted cough.15 There was an inverse relationship be-tween improvement in cough peak flow with any coughaugmentation technique and the baseline VC: althoughthere was no VC upper limit of effectiveness for manuallyassisted cough, improvements with cough augmentationdecreased linearly with increasing VC and PEmax. Thus,application of manually assisted cough would be unlikelyto enhance cough peak flow if the baseline VC were�1,910 mL or if the PEmax were �34 cm H2O. There wasalso a VC below which manually assisted cough withoutbreath-stacking (558 mL) or manually assisted cough plusbreath-stacking (304 mL) would be unlikely to produce aneffective cough peak flow. Similarly, if the PEmax were�14 cm H2O, it would be improbable for a patient toachieve an effective cough peak flow with manually as-sisted cough techniques. In these latter situations, use of amechanical in-exsufflator was recommended to avoid com-plications of secretion retention.15

Mechanical Insufflation-Exsufflation

If baseline lung function,15 severe chest-wall distortion,or an unstable chest wall precludes the use of manuallyassisted cough, MI-E can be used to produce an effectivecough peak flow. MI-E involves passive lung expansionwith the use of a positive-pressure insufflation followedrapidly by exsufflation with negative pressure to produce



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an expiratory flow velocity high enough to shear secre-tions from the airway wall and move them toward theairway opening, where they can be expectorated or suc-tioned.42 The MI-E device can be used via face mask ormouthpiece or attached directly to a tracheostomy or en-dotracheal tube.43

Insufflation and exsufflation pressures and duration of pres-sure application are set independently according to patientcomfort and effectiveness. In a review of MI-E use in 62subjects with NMD ranging in age from 3 months to 28.6 y,Miske et al43 found no correlation between the pressures usedand either subject age or the type of underlying NMD. UsingMI-E with a lung model set to simulate normal adult lungmechanics, Gomez-Merino et al44 assessed the effects of al-tering insufflation and exsufflation pressures and insufflationto exsufflation times on resulting lung volumes, pressures,and flows. Whereas they noted that MI-E settings in practicemust be individualized, they observed that in their lung model,effective cough peak flows �2.7 L/s did not occur with pres-sure spans �30 cm H2O. Further, increasing insufflation timesresulted in significantly greater exsufflation flows, whereaslengthening exsufflation time did not increase exsufflationflow. Subsequently, the same group varied compliance andresistance of the lung model and showed that alteration inrespiratory system mechanics, including decreased compli-ance or increased resistance, would require increased insuf-flation and exsufflation pressures to achieve adequate pre-cough volumes and cough peak flows.45 The authors cautionedthat in such situations, patients would require higher MI-Epressures to achieve adequate cough peak flows. Underliningthat point, Miske et al43 reported that 39% of subjects wereinstructed to increase pressure settings during periods of ill-ness to remove secretions more effectively.

Individualization of pressure and time settings for MI-E isimportant not only because of the effects of alteration of lungmechanics on cough peak flow, but also because of inherentdifferences in machines. A bench study that compared 5 de-vices for their accuracy in delivering set pressures and settimes to a lung model disclosed discrepancies in most MI-Emodels tested.46 The investigators also found inconsistenciesin the pressures delivered and their duration between differ-ent devices of the same model of in-exsufflator. Furthermore,the performance of each of the models was affected differ-ently by alterations in lung mechanics and imposed leaks.The authors cautioned that the different MI-E devices are notinterchangeable and that settings should be targeted for eachpatient with the actual machine to be used.

Because recommendations for MI-E settings in infantsand children who require tracheostomies are lacking andpatient data are sparse, Striegl et al47 used a lung modelsimulating normal lung mechanics of a 6- and 10-kg infantand assessed the effects of altering MI-E pressures andduration of insufflation and exsufflation delivered via 3.0-,3.5-, and 4.0-mm inner diameter tracheostomy interfaces.

With all tracheostomy tubes studied, an insufflation timeof 1 s was required for pressure equilibration across thetube. Additionally, an inspiratory volume �70% of thecalculated VC was achieved at all insufflation pressureswith an insufflation time of 1 s. Maximum expiratory flow,a surrogate for cough peak flow, increased with increasinginsufflation time, insufflation pressure, and exsufflationpressure, but not with increasing exsufflation time. Expi-ratory pressure had a greater effect on maximum expira-tory flow than did inspiratory pressure, and the authorsreasoned that secretion clearance could be enhancedwith greater pressure differentials between insufflationand exsufflation by using asymmetric settings (eg,�20/�30 cm H2O). They also emphasized that insuffla-tion pressures as low as 20 cm H2O achieved adequatepre-cough lung volumes. The authors cautioned, however,that primary safety concerns regarding the use of MI-E ininfants include the risk of barotrauma, central airway col-lapse with high exsufflation pressures, and loss of FRCwith prolonged exsufflation times.

The risk for barotrauma with MI-E use is real, but com-plications like pneumothorax are extremely rarely reportedin adults,48 and none have been reported in children. Theauthor has, however, cared for a 16-y-old boy with DMDwho experienced recurrent pneumothoraces with the useof MI-E and positive-pressure ventilation via tracheos-tomy. Rupture of a tympanic membrane was also describedin a 19-y-old patient with DMD who used both MI-E andpositive-pressure NIV.49 Treatment included both tempo-rary cessation of use of MI-E and a reduction in inflatingpressures of his noninvasive ventilator. Dynamic airwaycollapse has been reported in adults with bulbar dysfunc-tion during the exsufflation cycle of MI-E use,22,50 and useof a coordinated abdominal thrust has been advocated as ameans to avoid airway collapse during exsufflation.22 Us-ing transnasal flexible laryngoscopy to study the laryngealresponse to MI-E use in healthy young adults, Andersenet al51 found that application of a negative pressure duringexsufflation produced muscular and/or reflex responsesthat caused hypopharyngeal constriction. These investiga-tors also found that the epiglottis often retroflexed duringinsufflation, causing intermittent airway obstruction andpotentially limiting the effectiveness of insufflation. Thiscertainly would be a concern when using MI-E in a subjectwho also has significant laryngomalacia. Other reportedcomplications of MI-E use, like cardiac dysrhythmias, ag-gravation of gastroesophageal reflux, hemoptysis, or ab-dominal distention and discomfort, are uncommon or havenever been reported in children with NMDs.42,43 The intra-abdominal pressure generated with MI-E use was 51 � 32%of the set insufflation pressure among 13 children withNMDs, and lower than the measured gastric pressure dur-ing spontaneous cough in 1 of the 3 subjects who couldalso generate a spontaneous cough.52 These data suggest



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that MI-E use should be safe in the immediate postoper-ative period, even for children who require upper-abdom-inal surgery (ie, gastrostomy tube placement).

A Cochrane review53 concluded that existing data areinsufficient to recommend MI-E use for patients with NMD,principally because most studies report short-term effectsof a single MI-E treatment, and there are not long-termstudies examining survival, length of hospital stay, qualityof life, or serious adverse effects related to MI-E use.However, there have been several small non-randomizedtrials that address some of these issues. Vianello et al54

compared the short-term outcomes of 11 consecutive sub-jects with NMD admitted to the ICU during an acute low-er-respiratory-tract infection and treated with MI-E in ad-dition to conventional chest physiotherapy with outcomesof 16 historical matched controls who received chest phys-iotherapy alone. Treatment failure, defined as need forcricothyroid minitracheostomy or endotracheal intubation,was significantly less among the group receiving MI-Ecompared with controls. There were, however, no differ-ences in duration of hospitalization, time spent receivingmechanical ventilation, or proportion of subjects who re-quired bronchoscopically assisted removal of secretionsbetween the 2 groups. Chatwin and Simonds55 assessedthe addition of MI-E to chest physiotherapy followed bymanually assisted cough during an acute respiratory illnessin 8 subjects 4–44 y old. The addition of MI-E to theairway clearance regimen significantly shortened the du-ration of airway clearance sessions, but subjects felt morefatigued after MI-E use than when no MI-E was employed,perhaps because of long exsufflation times.

Two studies from Western Australia surveyed familiesof children with NMD who used an MI-E device athome.56,57 The first, involving 10 subjects 1.4–18.1 y old,also involved a retrospective chart review.56 Among 7 ofthe subjects for whom there was adequate duration of ob-servation before and after MI-E use, there was a signifi-cant reduction in number of days in the hospital at 6 and12 months after institution of MI-E compared with thesame time frame before its use. There was also a nearlystatistically significant reduction in number of ICU daysafter MI-E use but no significant reduction in number ofhospitalizations. Nevertheless, 9 of 10 parents reportedthat MI-E use enhanced or improved their child’s qualityof life and emphasized their perception that MI-E use of-ten allowed the child to stay at home for treatments duringacute respiratory illnesses. The second survey and data-base review involved 37 subjects 1–59 y of age (mean19.8 y) who used an MI-E device for 0.1–4.0 y.57 Of thesubjects or parents, �90% were satisfied with home useof the MI-E, and 88% agreed that the device improvedtheir/their child’s quality of life. Home use of an MI-Edevice was significantly associated with fewer emergencyroom visits (relative risk � 1.76, 95% CI 1.10–2.84), but

there were no statistically significant reductions in hospi-talizations or length of hospital stay resulting from MI-Euse during the observation period. Echoing the generallypositive attitude of children and their families toward homeMI-E use, Moran et al58 interviewed 8 parents and 3 chil-dren with NMD who had used an MI-E at home for �3 y.They expressed feelings of improved ability to manage thechild’s life and to have fewer lifestyle disruptions becauseof their ability to intervene during crises without having togo to the hospital. There were minimal negative impactson patients and families, mostly related to their viewingthe use of the MI-E as an acknowledgment of progressionof the child’s disease. Most negative sentiments were off-set by parents’ sense of empowerment that the device gavethem.

In summary, MI-E effectively increases cough peak flowand is especially helpful when other cough augmentationtechniques are technically not practicable. Whether MI-Eis superior to other techniques of airway clearance or notwhen outcomes like frequency of hospitalization, length ofstay, and overall survival are considered remains to beanswered. Additionally, recognition of patient character-istics that would identify who would have less favorableresponses to MI-E use are needed to optimize airway clear-ance regimens for children with NMDs.

Methods to Mobilize Secretions

Coughing clears the central airways of debris, but oc-casionally secretions obstruct more peripheral airways, oracute illnesses overwhelm the ability of the mucociliaryescalator to clear peripheral airways of secretions. In thosesituations, a variety of techniques have been used to mo-bilize secretions from the peripheral to the more centralairways, where they can then be coughed out or suctioned.These include intrapulmonary percussive ventilation, highfrequency chest-wall compression, and the use of medica-tions to alter the properties of secretions.

Intrapulmonary Percussive Ventilation

Intrapulmonary percussive ventilation (IPV) provideslow-amplitude bursts of air at frequencies in the range of50–550 cycles/min, with pressures of 5–35 cm H2O su-perimposed on the patient’s own breathing frequency. Thepercussions of gas are applied to the airways using a mouth-piece, face mask, or artificial airway (endotracheal or tra-cheostomy tube). They are delivered continuously througha sliding Venturi device called a Phasitron, powered withcompressed gas at pressures of 20–40 psi. The oscillationscause airway walls to vibrate in synchrony, loosening se-cretions. The device not only provides a mechanical meansfor mobilization of secretions, but it also enables simulta-neous delivery of medications like bronchodilators or hy-



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pertonic saline via entrainment through the Phasitron. Theintrapulmonary percussive ventilator was developed in197959 and received FDA clearance in 199360; its first usein children occurred in the early 1990s.23,61,62

The mechanisms by which IPV clears the airways ofsecretions have not been well-studied, but the device ispurported to dilate airways both mechanically via a con-stant distending pressure as well as through the positive-pressure oscillations, and pharmacologically when bron-chodilators are administered. It must be cautioned, however,that drug delivery to the lung via IPV is inferior to thatachieved by jet nebulization because IPV creates a smallerparticle (about 0.2 �m vs 2 �m) to be nebulized anddelivers the drug at much higher flows compared with jetnebulization.63,64 On inspiration, the high-frequency oscil-lations cause pulmonary expansion and allow gas to filldistal lung units beyond accumulated airway secretions.60

Additionally, like other high-frequency oscillatory tech-niques, IPV may augment mucus-air flow interactions.25

By prolonging the inspiratory phase of the percussions,expiratory flow becomes greater than peak inspiratory flow,and an expiratory flow bias is created.25,65 The asymmetryof air flow accompanying the oscillations is critical formucus clearance: when artificial mucus was instilled in theairways of sheep, secretion clearance was enhanced onlywhen expiratory flow exceeded inspiratory flow.66 Theeffect was further enhanced by adding postural drainage tothe maneuver.

Birnkrant et al23 described the successful use of IPV in4 patients who had persistent atelectasis or infiltrates un-responsive to conventional chest physiotherapy. Two chil-dren and an adult had neuromuscular disease, and a thirdchild had recurrent aspiration associated with a repairedtracheoesophageal fistula. Three of the four experienced adramatic response to the therapy, with resolution of hy-poxemia within 48 h of starting the therapy after failing5–9 d of chest physiotherapy with or without manuallyassisted cough. One boy with DMD experienced 2 epi-sodes of third degree heart block associated with hypox-emia that was presumed to be the result of acute airwayobstruction from mobilization of secretions from the pe-ripheral to central airways. As a result, the authors cau-tioned that close observation of patients who are unable toclear secretions by coughing is required when using IPV.

The role of IPV in relieving atelectasis was evaluatedretrospectively in hospitalized children and prospectivelyin a randomized, controlled trial comparing IPV with man-ual chest physiotherapy with postural drainage in intu-bated and mechanically ventilated children.67 Children inthe retrospective study ranged in age from 1 month to15 y; the authors noted that 2 infants �3 kg experiencedhypotension during IPV administration, so they restrictedsubsequent IPV use to children �3 kg. Those subjects inthe prospective study who were treated with IPV experi-

enced radiographic improvement of atelectasis, whereasthose who received manual chest physiotherapy with pos-tural drainage had no change in their chest radiographs.Additionally, the duration of treatment to resolution of theatelectasis was half as long in the IPV group comparedwith the chest physiotherapy/postural drainage group.

Two small trials of IPV use were conducted amongsubjects with NMD. Toussaint et al25 examined short-termsecretion clearance as determined by sputum weight in 8young men with DMD and tracheostomies. The 3 subjectswho did not produce large amounts of secretions at base-line experienced no significant increase in secretion pro-duction when using IPV in addition to forced expiratorytechnique and manually assisted cough (standard therapy)compared with standard therapy alone. The 5 young menwho were mucus hypersecretors, producing �30 mL/d ofmucus, increased secretion production by 69% when IPVwas added to standard therapy compared with standardtherapy alone. Reardon et al24 compared IPV with incen-tive spirometry (IS) in preventing lower-respiratory tractinfections in 18 children with NMD followed over a singlerespiratory virus season. None of the 9 subjects in the IPVgroup received antibiotics, whereas subjects in the IS groupreceived 44 d of antibiotics. Similarly, 3 subjects in the ISgroup experienced 3 episodes of pneumonia or bacterialbronchitis, whereas none of those in the IPV group had apulmonary infection. Furthermore, those who used IS re-quired significantly more supplemental respiratory treat-ments than those who used IPV. One weakness of thisstudy is that the comparison group used an airway clear-ance modality (IS) that requires inspiratory muscle strengthto be effective.

High-Frequency Chest-Wall Compression

HFCWC most commonly is accomplished by an inflat-able vest attached by hoses to an air pressure generator.The generator rapidly injects and withdraws small vol-umes of air into and out of the vest, inflating and deflatingit to produce chest compressions at frequencies and pres-sures selected by the clinician. The frequencies typicallyused range between 5 and 25 Hz; the pressure is set inarbitrary units. No special positioning or breathing tech-niques are required during HFCWC therapy, making itattractive for children with neurological impairment orthose unable to perform such techniques because of weak-ness.

HFCWC at frequencies �3 Hz cause cough-like shearforces on mucus and generate asymmetrical air-flow ve-locities that favor movement of secretions toward themouth.68,69 In addition, high-frequency oscillation of spu-tum in the range of 10 Hz causes a reduction in its vis-cosity.70 Coughing clears the trachea and main bronchi ofsecretions, but it is not as effective in clearing secretions



Page 8: Respiratory Implications of Pediatric Neuromuscular Disease

from peripheral airways.71 In contrast, HFCWC at 13 Hzhas been shown in an animal model to clear radioactivetracer particles effectively from the periphery of the lung.72

As a result, HFCWC is considered a mucus-mobilizationtechnique that is used in tandem with cough or other mu-cus extraction techniques to clear the airways of secre-tions.

The effectiveness of HFCWC has been demonstrated inchildren with cystic fibrosis,73,74 but there are few studiesdemonstrating its effectiveness in children with NMD.Case reports support its use in critically ill infants andchildren with SMA, DMD, and cerebral palsy during acuteillnesses.75-78 In one 5-y-old with SMA II and ARDS fol-lowing respiratory syncytial virus infection, HFCWC wasused as the primary method of airway clearance and waswell tolerated when IPV combined with MI-E caused epi-sodes of hypoxemia from presumed alveolar de-recruitment.77

Most case reports note how well-tolerated HFCWC is, butone 11-y-old with cerebral palsy and an ineffective coughdeveloped acute hypoxemic respiratory failure after receivinga treatment with HFCWC, ostensibly from aspiration of se-cretions after they had been mobilized.78 The authors cau-tioned that assistive coughing devices or techniques might berequired in addition to use of HFCWC when patients haveineffective cough.

Small studies in children with a variety of neuromus-cular or neurological diseases have compared health-careutilization before and after HFCWC use.26-28,79 Seven sub-jects with quadriplegic cerebral palsy demonstrated a sig-nificant reduction in episodes of pneumonia and more ef-fective airway suctioning, defined as suctioning attemptsin which sputum was recovered, in the 12 months after useof HFCWC compared with the 12 months before.28 Fur-thermore, none of the subjects experienced adverse eventsresulting from HFCWC use. Similarly, 15 children andyoung adults with familial dysautonomia experienced im-proved health outcomes in the year following HFCWC usecompared with the year before, as reflected in fewer hos-pitalizations, episodes of pneumonia, days with antibiot-ics, courses of antibiotics, physician visits, and days ofschool absence.27 Additionally, resting oxyhemoglobin sat-uration increased from 94% (interquartile range 89–96%)at baseline to 98% (interquartile range 98 –98%) at12 months (P � .004). Another observational study in-volving 22 neurologically impaired children also demon-strated a significant reduction in hospitalization rates from45% before HFCWC use to 36 and 13% in the 1 and 2 yafter its use.26 A randomized, controlled trial involving 23children with either cerebral palsy or NMD compared clin-ical outcomes, including duration of acute infections, ad-verse events, polysomnogram results, chest radiographfindings, and body mass index in a group who were treatedwith standard chest physiotherapy and another group whoreceived HFCWC over 5 months.79 There were no thera-

py-related adverse events. Although there was no differ-ence between groups in oral or intravenous antibiotic use,there was a trend toward fewer hospitalizations for intra-venous antibiotic therapy in the HFCWC group. That groupalso had higher maximum oxygen saturation, but therewere no differences between groups in nocturnal satura-tions. There were also no differences either between groupsor by the end of therapy in chest radiograph scores or bodymass index. Notably, a post-study caregiver survey dis-closed significantly better adherence to the prescribedthrice-daily therapy in the HFCWC group, with caregiversciting difficulty with the time required and positioninginvolved to provide chest physiotherapy.

Recently, Lechtzin et al80 compared health-care claimsof patients with NMD from 2 large commercial insuranceclaim databases before and after use of HFCWC. Of the426 subjects in the study, 43.9% were 0–18 y old. For thegroup, total medical costs per member per month decreased18.6% after HFCWC use (P � .002), in-patient admissioncosts decreased by 41.7% (P � .001), and costs related totreatment of pneumonia decreased by 18.1% (P � .02).Although the data did not allow the authors to determineeither frequency of HFCWC use or adherence to therapy,they speculated that the reductions in health-care utiliza-tion and claim costs were the result of a proactive airwayclearance regimen that included HFCWC.

From the above data, it would seem reasonable to com-bine a mucus-mobilization device with mucus extraction,either by manually assisted cough or MI-E. It is oftendifficult, however, to get more than one piece of airwayclearance equipment per patient approved by insurancecompanies, and the cost of the equipment can be greaterthan can be borne by a family (Table 1). Thus, additionaldata are critically needed to determine cost-effective strat-egies for airway clearance therapies for children withNMDs.

Table 1. Typical Equipment Charges for Airway ClearanceTherapies

Equipment Rental Purchase

MI-E $250 to $350/mo, cappingin 10 mo

$4,000 to $6,000

HFCWC vest $10,000 to $15,000IPV $300 to $900/mo, capping

in 10–12 moPortable suction

unit$30 to $50/mo, capping

in 10 moAmbu bag $50

Shown are typical charges for airway clearance equipment procured via a durable medicalequipment company.MI-E � mechanical in-exsufflatorHFCWC � high-frequency chest-wall compressionIPV � intrapulmonary percussive ventilator



Page 9: Respiratory Implications of Pediatric Neuromuscular Disease

Medications That Alter Mucociliary orCough Clearance

The characteristics of mucus and airway-lining fluidgreatly affect how successfully either mucociliary clear-ance or cough clears the respiratory tract of secretions.Cough clearance is optimized when mucus has highviscosity and low tenacity, whereas mucus variablesthat favor effective mucociliary clearance are oppositeto those that favor cough clearance.31 Thus, the moreelastic the mucus, the better mucociliary clearance willbe; the more viscous the mucus, the better cough clear-ance will be.

Agents that alter the properties of mucus have beendivided into 4 categories (Table 2). Although several med-ications can alter the physical properties of mucus or theairway-lining fluid, all pharmacologic therapies aimed atenhancing airway clearance, including the use of broncho-dilators, mucolytics like dornase alfa, and hyperosmolaragents like hypertonic saline, are considered off-label forchildren with NMD.81,82 Given the lack of clinical trialsoutside of those involving children with cystic fibrosisor bronchiolitis, such therapies are not recommended inmost clinical practice guidelines for patients withNMD.13,81-83 Nevertheless, there are case reports on theuse of dornase alfa for patients with neuromuscular weak-ness who developed atelectasis unresponsive to conven-tional therapies.29,84

Use of inhaled dornase alfa (DNase) has been shown toimprove and slow the decline of lung function in childrenwith cystic fibrosis.85,86 Patients with cystic fibrosis havepurulent sputum with a large burden of necrotic neutro-phils that release DNA into the sputum. DNase cleavesextracellular DNA and separates it from proteins. Thisreduces the concentration of highly polymerized DNA insputum and allows endogenous proteolytic enzymes to lyseproteins, thereby decreasing the viscosity of sputum.31,87

In contrast, adults with non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasiswho were randomized to receive DNase in a large con-trolled trial had worse outcomes compared with those whoreceived placebo.88 The reasons for the poorer results re-

main unclear, but such findings highlight the point that justbecause a particular intervention works in one populationwith specific characteristics, such results may not be gen-eralizable to all populations who may have different char-acteristics. There are several case series and small trials inwhich DNase has been used to treat infants with atelecta-sis.32 Although the only drug-related adverse events re-ported were transient episodes of hypoxemia after the drugwas instilled through an endotracheal tube, the drug stillmust be used with caution in infants and children withneuromuscular weakness given the lack of data regardingits safety and effectiveness in that population.

In recent years, inhaled hypertonic saline has been usedin older children with cystic fibrosis to help preserve lungfunction and reduce the frequency of pulmonary exacer-bations89 and in infants with viral bronchiolitis to amelio-rate lower airway obstruction and shorten the duration ofhospitalization.90 There are no published case reports orseries on the use of inhaled hypertonic saline in patientswith NMD. Perhaps because of pediatricians’ familiaritywith using nebulized hypertonic saline in children withcystic fibrosis and in infants with bronchiolitis, anecdot-ally it has been increasingly prescribed during acute re-spiratory illnesses in patients with NMD.

Hypertonic saline probably has several different mech-anisms of action.31,91 It is routinely used as an expectorantto aid patients in producing sputum for examination.92

This is probably the result of its osmotic effect on increas-ing the depth of the airway surface fluid layer, which alsoimproves mucociliary clearance.93 It may also have mu-colytic properties, by disrupting ionic bonds within themucus gel, thereby reducing entanglements and cross-link-ing.94 Like DNase, hypertonic saline can also dissociatewhite cell DNA from mucoproteins, making the latter moreamenable to digestion by proteolytic enzymes.91 Inhaledhypertonic saline may also have anti-inflammatory prop-erties, including an increase in the levels of 2 compoundsthat protect against oxidant injury, glutathione and thiocy-anate, in the airway surface liquid95 and possibly a reduc-tion in interleukin-8, as demonstrated in bronchoalveolarlavage fluid of patients with cystic fibrosis.96

Table 2. Mucoactive Agents

Effect Action Examples

Expectorants Increase volume of mucus or increase mucus hydration; mayalso induce cough

Guaifenesin, hypertonic saline

Mucolytics Lyse or decrease viscosity of mucus (dissociate disulfide bonds) Dornase alfaMucokinetics Increase transportability of mucus with cough �2 agonists, surfactantMucoregulators Decrease mucus production Anticholinergics (ipratropium), macrolide

antibiotics, glucocorticoids

Data from Reference 31.



Page 10: Respiratory Implications of Pediatric Neuromuscular Disease

In contrast, inhaled hypertonic saline may have somedeleterious effects. In a ferret model, exposure of airwayepithelium to hypertonic saline resulted in a dose-depen-dent increase in mucus production.97 The authors cautionedthat hyperosmolar solutions should be used with caution inpatients with mucus hypersecretion and impaired mucusclearance. The use of inhaled hypertonic saline in adultswith COPD before exercise 3 times/week resulted in lessimprovement in a 6-min walk test at the end of 8 weekscompared with a control group who received normal salinebefore exercising.98 In addition, 12% of the treatment groupexperienced cough or bronchospasm as adverse events,whereas no adverse events were reported in the controlgroup. A recent prospective study in intubated and me-chanically ventilated children demonstrated no reductionin the duration of mechanical ventilation in a group whoreceived 3% inhaled hypertonic saline compared with thosewho received normal saline aerosols.99 Additionally, therewas no improvement in lung mechanics or chest radio-graphic appearance following hypertonic saline adminis-tration, but 2 subjects had to be removed from the studybecause of hypoxemia that developed after hypertonic sa-line administration. Radioisotope studies of mucociliaryclearance in healthy subjects treated with 3% inhaled hy-pertonic saline showed an initial acceleration of mucocili-ary clearance over the first 30 min after hypertonic salineinhalation but a slowing in mucociliary clearance at3–6 h.100 The authors speculated that the reduction inclearance was the result of depletion of mucus in the cen-tral airways. Once again, these data collectively suggestthat caution should be used when considering hypertonicsaline therapy for patients with NMD. Studies are requiredto determine under what conditions inhaled hypertonic sa-line therapy is appropriate to use and will be most effec-tive for children with NMD, as well as to identify theoptimal dosing regimen.

Inhaled anticholinergic drugs like ipratropium bromide,tiotropium, atropine, and glycopyrrolate block mucus hy-persecretion that is triggered by inflammatory or pharma-cologic stimulation of M3 muscarinic receptors, but theydo not reduce the normal production of mucus or in-crease its viscosity.101,102 In hypersecretory conditionslike COPD, their use has been shown to decrease spu-tum volume.103 No such effect has been studied in pa-tients with NMD. One of the adverse effects of thesedrugs is oral dryness, and they are frequently used en-terally to treat sialorrhea.104,105 They are less effectiveanti-sialogogues when used by spraying the inhalationalform of the drug into the mouth.106 Although excessivethickening of secretions is a common concern whenusing these medications enterally, it is not a frequentlyreported adverse effect.105,107

Sleep Problems in Children WithNeuromuscular Disorders

As respiratory muscle weakness progresses, patients withNMD will not only have problems with atelectasis andrecurrent pneumonias, but they will also develop problemswith breathing during sleep. Under normal circumstances,sleep is associated with a reduction in minute ventilationand a decreased ventilatory response to both hypoxia andhypercapnia when compared with wakefulness.108-110 Ad-ditionally, tonic activity of pharyngeal dilator muscles,like the genioglossus, decreases.111 This causes an increasein extrathoracic (“upper-airway”) resistance during non-REM sleep.112 In people with normal muscle function,there is augmented activity of intercostal muscles duringnon-REM sleep, resulting in a greater contribution of therib cage to tidal volume.113 During REM sleep, atony ofskeletal muscles excluding the diaphragm and extraocularmuscles occurs, eliminating intercostal and accessory mus-cle contribution to inspiration and accentuating the depen-dence of gas exchange on diaphragm contraction. Thesechanges contribute to a decrease in tidal volume and aslight increase in PaCO2

and also heighten extrathoracicairway resistance.

Neuromuscular weakness will magnify these alterationsin breathing and thus lead to significant sleep-related hy-percapnia and hypoxemia, often before daytime ventila-tory impairment is recognized.1 During REM sleep, forinstance, when breathing is primarily dependent on dia-phragmatic contraction, those patients with diaphragmweakness, who at other times can maintain adequate gasexchange by using intercostal and accessory inspiratorymuscles, will experience hypoventilation and gas exchangeabnormalities.1,108,110,114 In addition to respiratory muscleweakness, other factors like kyphoscoliosis and obesitycan exacerbate sleep-related hypoventilation.115-117 Fur-thermore, physical features of certain NMDs like flatten-ing of the malar eminences, macroglossia, retrognathia,and bulbar involvement will predispose children to upper-airway obstruction during sleep. Thus, it is easy to imaginethat the array of sleep-disordered breathing problems thatappear in any one patient will depend to some degree onthe child’s underlying neuromuscular condition, the de-gree of muscle weakness and distribution of involved mus-cles, the presence or absence of abnormal ventilatory con-trol, and any other ancillary conditions.

Epidemiology of Sleep-Disordered Breathing

The constellation of problems that can occur duringsleep in children with NMD include hypoventilation, hy-poxemia, central and obstructive hypopneas and apneas,frequent arousals, sleep fragmentation, decreased sleep ef-ficiency, and even seizures.1,110,118,119 Collectively, these



Page 11: Respiratory Implications of Pediatric Neuromuscular Disease

symptoms comprise the term sleep-disordered breathing(SDB). The prevalence of SDB among patients with neu-romuscular weakness has not been well studied, but onereport found a frequency of SDB of 42% among 60 un-selected adults and children with a variety of NMDs.117

That center, however, was at a high altitude (1,500 m), andonly 10 of the subjects were children, so the generalizabil-ity of information to a pediatric population at sea levelmust be questioned. Nevertheless, studies involving smallernumbers of children with different NMDs estimate theprevalence of SDB to be as high as 70%.109,120,121 In ad-dition, one study in boys with DMD showed a prevalenceof obstructive sleep apnea of 30%, a rate 10 times higherthan the prevalence reported in the general pediatric pop-ulation.122 In the absence of large, longitudinal population-based studies, the prevalence of SDB in children withNMD at different centers will vary, depending on the ageat which the children are studied and the type of NMDbeing studied.

These 2 factors, patient age and natural history of theunderlying disease, can also affect the type of respiratorydisturbance identified. Suresh et al122 studied 34 subjectswith DMD age 1–15 y referred to a sleep program forrespiratory assessment. Ten had polysomnographic evi-dence of obstructive sleep apnea at 1–14 y of age (median8 y). Over the 5-y observation period, 11 of the 34 subjectswere found to have hypoventilation during sleep, and 9began NIV at 11–15 y (median 13 y). The authors spec-ulated that the observed bimodal distribution of SDB re-flected age- and disease-related differences in muscle dys-function: younger subjects with DMD who had betterpreservation of diaphragm function presented with obstruc-tive sleep apnea. As respiratory muscle weakness ensuedwith increasing age, however, the boys might not havebeen able to generate enough negative intrathoracic pres-sure to develop upper-airway obstruction and thus pre-sented more with sleep hypoventilation.123 This interpre-tation is consistent with the finding that the type of SDBencountered reflects the distribution of respiratory muscleinvolvement.110

As patients develop respiratory muscle weakness sig-nificant enough to affect gas exchange, they will compen-sate for hypoventilation with an arousal response. Thearousal limits the extent of hypoxemia and hypercapnia bychanging the sleep state, recruiting respiratory and upper-airway muscular activity, and depth of ventilation.1 Al-though arousals constitute a protective mechanism againsthypoventilation, they cause sleep disruption, poor sleepquality, sleep fragmentation, and reduced sleep time. Se-quelae of frequent arousals include daytime somnolenceand fatigue as well as poor school performance.124 Withpersistent hypoventilation and its accompanying sleep frag-mentation and deprivation, ventilatory chemoreceptorresponses become blunted, resulting in fewer arousals,

longer periods of REM sleep, and longer periods of hy-poventilation with hypoxemia.1,110 Renal compensation forpersistent hypercapnia further dampens chemoreceptor sen-sitivity, causing even more severe hypoventilation and ablunted respiratory drive. Hypercapnia, initially confinedto REM sleep, extends into non-REM sleep and eventuallyresults in diurnal hypercapnia.125-127 Such a progression islife-threatening: mean survival in patients with DMD oncediurnal hypercapnia developed was 9.7 months in the ab-sence of ventilatory assistance.128

This sequence of events leading to progressive hypoven-tilation is common among patients with NMD. There aresome conditions, however, where alterations in control ofbreathing are a part of the primary condition and not theresult of progressive muscle weakness. Children with my-elomeningocele and Chiari malformation can demonstrateperiodic breathing, hypoxemia, and abnormal responsive-ness to CO2 challenge immediately after birth.129 A pri-mary disorder in ventilatory control has also been reportedin children and adults with myotonic dystrophy, perhapsrelated to neuronal loss and gliosis in the reticular activat-ing system and brainstem.130,131 Similarly, patients whoexperienced bulbar poliomyelitis can demonstrate SDB andabnormal responses to hypoxic and hypercapnic challengesyears after the primary infection.132

Evaluation of Sleep-Disordered Breathing

Children with NMD who have SDB can have subtlesymptoms that may be difficult to distinguish as arisingfrom something other than the underlying neuromusculardisease. For instance, children may complain of fatigue orexcessive daytime sleepiness. Fatigue can result from pro-gression of skeletal muscle weakness and not be at allassociated with disorders of breathing. Excessive daytimesomnolence is a hallmark of myotonic dystrophy and isnot directly related to the presence of SDB.130 Symptomsand signs frequently associated with SDB are listed inTable 3.1,108,110,114,118,121,125 These often appear insidiouslyand should be actively sought by the clinician. Althoughthey offer clues to the presence of SDB, they are notspecific. Furthermore, there is poor correlation betweenresults of symptom questionnaires in patients with NMDand polysomnographic findings of SDB.108,117,119,122,133-135

Because symptoms and signs alone are unreliable indetecting SDB and polysomnography is both cumbersomeand often limited in availability, investigators have soughtvarious daytime tests that might predict the presence ofSDB. There are, however, no simple relationships betweenawake measurements of pulmonary function or respiratorymuscle strength and SDB.110 For instance, a fall in FVC�25% associated with a change from seated (upright) tosupine position is a good indicator of diaphragmatic weak-ness.136 Although diaphragm weakness is a risk factor for



Page 12: Respiratory Implications of Pediatric Neuromuscular Disease

hypoventilation during REM sleep, no correlation betweena fall in the supine FVC and the presence of SDB could befound in 21 subjects with DMD.120 Similarly, several in-vestigators have shown little or no correlation of pulmo-nary function studies like the FVC or FEV1 and SDBevents.119,120,122,137

Others, however, have shown statistically significant re-lationships between pulmonary function tests and noctur-nal breathing events.121,125,135,138 Katz et al135 evaluated 46children with progressive NMD and found a prevalence ofnocturnal hypoventilation of 15%, although the group wasnot selected for concerns about SDB. The investigatorsfound a significant relationship between nocturnal hy-poventilation and an FVC �70% of predicted (sensitivity71.4, specificity 64.1) or FEV1 �65% of predicted (sen-sitivity 71.4, specificity 79.5). The authors noted that theircutoff values in otherwise asymptomatic children werehigher than those reported in adults who were symptom-atic at the time of testing, many of whom had diurnalhypercapnia.138 Mellies et al121 evaluated 49 children 5–18 yold with a variety of NMDs for SDB. Lung functions,including an inspiratory vital capacity (IVC), FVC, FEV1,and maximum inspiratory pressure were measured and com-pared with polysomnogram results. The investigators foundsignificant correlations between both the IVC and maxi-mum inspiratory pressure and SDB events. Furthermore,those children who had an IVC �60% of predicted werenoted to have the onset of SDB without hypercapnia (sen-sitivity 97%, specificity 87%); those with an IVC �40%of predicted were likely to have hypercapnic hypoventila-tion (sensitivity 96%, specificity 88%). The same investi-gators studied a group of 42 children and adults 14–63 yold with primary myopathies and found similar correla-tions between values of percent-of-predicted IVC andSDB.125 It may be that because the IVC primarily reflectsinspiratory muscle function, whereas the FVC is affectedby both inspiratory and expiratory muscle function, theIVC will prove to be a better predictor of SDB resulting

from diaphragm dysfunction. Similar comparisons usingthe IVC will need to be made in other centers to confirmits utility in predicting nocturnal breathing events.

With these relationships in mind, a panel of 10 expertsdeveloped consensus recommendations for the respiratoryassessment of patients with DMD.139 The experts stronglyrecommended assessment of gas exchange during sleepfor any patients with signs or symptoms of hypoventila-tion. They noted that the assessment of gas exchange dur-ing sleep should be strongly considered in any patientswith a baseline FVC �40% of predicted, an awake base-line end-tidal partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PETCO2

)�45 mm Hg, and/or an awake baseline SpO2

�95%. Inteenagers and older patients, similar assessments should bemade if the FVC falls below 1.25 L.139

As noted, history and physical examination findings areneither sensitive nor specific in identifying patients withSDB. Furthermore, daytime tests of lung function do notreliably identify patients with SDB in the absence of di-urnal hypercapnia. Thus, screening tests are required todetect SDB in children with neuromuscular weakness be-fore the advanced finding of daytime hypercapnia devel-ops. Guidelines for the care of children with NMDs rec-ommend at least annual testing for patients who becomenon-ambulant because of weakness or for those who neverwalked.13,14,140 Other statements acknowledge the need fortesting but do not specify intervals.18,141 There are, in fact,no studies that evaluate the required frequency of testingfor SDB in patients with NMD. There may be situations inwhich more frequent monitoring is required (eg, if a child’scourse of weakness becomes rapidly progressive).

There are several different tests that are used to detectSDB. They vary in complexity and availability. The ac-cepted standard for determining the presence of SDB inpatients with neuromuscular weakness is the polysomno-gram.13,14,140 The polysomnogram provides monitoring ofcardiorespiratory function including heart rate, breathingfrequency, abdominal and chest-wall movements, nasal air

Table 3. Signs and Symptoms Suggestive of Sleep-Disordered Breathing

Symptoms Signs Laboratory Findings

Morning lethargy, daytime hypersomnolenceFatigue

Adenotonsillar hypertrophy, mouth breathing,hyponasal speech

PolycythemiaDaytime PaCO2

� 45 mm Hg; baseexcess � 4 mmol/LInsomnia, poor sleep quality Macroglossia, facial and lingual myopathy

Morning headache Cor pulmonale, heart failureOrthopnea, dyspnea HypertensionAnorexia, poor growth, failure to thrive Digital clubbingSnoringRestless legsPoor school performance, attention deficitMood changesNight sweatsHypoxic seizures



Page 13: Respiratory Implications of Pediatric Neuromuscular Disease

flow, oximetry, limb movement, sleep position, and videomonitoring during sleep, as well as simultaneous monitor-ing of sleep with continuous electroencephalogram, elec-tromyogram, and electrooculogram. For patients with neu-romuscular weakness, it is also critical that exhaled and/ortranscutaneous CO2 is monitored as part of the study todetect nocturnal hypoventilation. This constellation of mon-itoring not only provides information about gas exchangeduring sleep, but also yields important information aboutsleep quality. Polysomnography, however, is cumbersome,intrusive, labor-intensive, and expensive. The act of mon-itoring itself can disturb a child’s sleep and yield inaccu-rate results if the child does not achieve the usual amountof REM sleep. Its availability for children varies widely,and its scarcity has been associated with differences inpractice patterns of how children with NMD are monitoredfor SDB.142

With the recognition that polysomnogram monitoring ina pediatric sleep laboratory may not be widely available,other screening tests have been used to detect nocturnalhypoventilation or other forms of SDB. Home pulse oxi-metry studies with a simultaneous pulse waveform areconsidered a reasonable method to screen for SDB.13,14,140

Oximetry studies, however, cannot differentiate betweenhypoxemia secondary to obstructive apneas and hypoven-tilation. Since appropriate therapeutic interventions requiresuch a determination, this is a significant shortcoming ofthe test. One can infer that hypoxemia is the result ofobstructive sleep apnea when desaturations occur in clus-ters of a saw-toothed pattern cyclically during periods ofREM sleep, as opposed to the prolonged and sustaineddesaturations noted with nocturnal hypoventilation.14,118

Oximetry studies can be hampered by movement artifact,long signal averaging, and poor signal detection.118 Arous-als that help to avoid episodes of hypoxemia also will notbe detected. Another limitation of pulse oximetry moni-toring was highlighted by investigators who performedsimultaneous overnight transcutaneous CO2 and oximetryrecordings in children supported by NIV.143 They showedthat significant episodes of hypoventilation could go un-detected, when the SpO2

remained normal despite an ele-vation of transcutaneous CO2 to �50 mm Hg. Neverthe-less, the British Thoracic Society recognizes overnight pulseoximetry as an acceptable method of screening for noc-turnal hypoventilation in asymptomatic children with NMDif polysomnography or simultaneous capnography moni-toring is not available.14 The guidelines caution, however,that oximetry monitoring alone is not an adequate screen-ing tool for symptomatic children.

The addition of capnography (either transcutaneous orend-tidal) to oximetry monitoring improves detection ofnocturnal hypoventilation, although this combination hasnot been methodically studied. Such episodes would ap-pear as prolonged periods of hypoxemia (low SpO2

) with

simultaneous hypercapnia (elevated transcutaneous CO2

or PETCO2). Most of the current guidelines for evaluation of

children with various NMDs recommend a study with thecombination of oximetry and capnography or transcutane-ous CO2 monitoring as a screening test if polysomnogra-phy is not available and an overnight oximetry study ifneither polysomnography nor oximetry with capnographystudies are available.13,14,18,140 Attempts to perform over-night studies at home in adults and children with NMD arein the early stage of investigation but offer some prom-ise.144,145

Ventilatory Support for Children With NMD

The Impact of Ventilatory Support in NMDs

In general, the goals of chronic mechanical ventilatorysupport in children are to prolong survival, relieve dys-pnea, normalize gas exchange, correct SDB and abnormalsleep architecture, prevent or reverse cor pulmonale, im-prove daytime function, and promote and sustain growthand development. For patients with progressive NMDs,the addition of mechanical ventilation at night or contin-uously has changed the natural history of their diseases.One of the first reports of improved survival resultingfrom ventilatory support in young men with DMD com-pared 5 subjects who used NIV at least 7 h/night with 5subjects who refused NIV.128 Four of those who refusedNIV died 9.7 � 5.8 months from the onset of daytimehypercapnia, whereas all of those who used NIV survived.Among 23 young men with DMD who had diurnal hyper-capnia and evidence of severe nocturnal hypoventilation,institution of NIV not only improved survival, but alsoresulted in normalization of daytime PaO2

and PaCO2.126 In

a retrospective review, Passamano et al146 divided 516subjects with DMD into groups based on epochs of birth:1961–1970, 1971–1980, and 1981–1990. They found im-proved survival related to the institution of mechanicalventilation at 20 and 25 y with each increasing decade ofbirth (Fig. 2). The overall mean age of death for thosesubjects who did not receive mechanical ventilatory sup-port was 17.7 y (range 11.6–27.5 y), but it was signifi-cantly higher (mean 27.9 y, range 23–38.6 y) in those whoused mechanical ventilation.

The effect of nocturnal NIV on diurnal gas exchangehas been confirmed elsewhere. In a prospective trial ofNIV in 30 children from 6 to 19 y of age with a variety ofNMDs, Mellies et al147 demonstrated normalization of noc-turnal gas exchange in all subjects and normal diurnal gasexchange in those who had demonstrated diurnal hyper-capnia. The effect was sustained over 25.3 � 12.7 monthsof observation. Furthermore, in 10 of the subjects whoagreed to forego NIV for 3 consecutive nights, measure-ments of nocturnal and diurnal gas exchange quickly de-



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teriorated but were then promptly restored with the rein-stitution of NIV.

There have been other salutary outcomes attributed tothe introduction of NIV for patients with NMD. One ret-rospective review involving 15 children between 3.4 and17.8 y of age with a variety of NMDs also comparedoutcomes in the year before and after NIV initiation.148

There was a significant reduction in number of days spentin the hospital and in length of stay in the pediatric ICU inthe year following commencement of NIV versus the prioryear. Two of the subjects also reported improvement inschool performance. Another retrospective review of 14children with NMD between 1.5 and 16 y of age who weretreated with NIV reported a 73% reduction in hospitaliza-tions in the year after institution of NIV support versus theyear before it was begun.149 There was also a trend towarda reduction in pediatric ICU days from 10.2 to 2.3 d (P � .06)and a significant reduction in health-care costs per patientfrom $55,129 in the year before NIV use to $14,914 in theyear after (P � .003). In addition, a survey of the subjectsand families showed no adverse effects on quality of liferelated to the introduction of NIV in this small cohort. Inaddition to improving gas exchange and sleep quality, NIVcan also alter chest-wall growth. In children with SMA,the use of NIV with inspiratory pressures �14 cm H2Ohas been shown to prevent or reverse the development ofpectus excavatum.150,151 It is not known, however, whethersuch alterations in chest-wall shape also promote lunggrowth by enhancing alveolarization.150

When to Institute Ventilatory Support

Once sleep-related hypoxemia or hypoventilation is rec-ognized in patients with NMD, recommendations are tooffer patients ventilatory support, typically in the form ofNIV.13,14,139 Aside from the presence of hypoxemia orhypercapnia while asleep or awake, however, there is notconsensus on when exactly to begin NIV in different dis-eases. Some recommend that markers like acute respira-tory failure, failure to thrive, recurrent pneumonia, or symp-tomatic diurnal hypercapnia be used as triggers to institutelong-term NIV.152 An apnea-hypopnea index �10/h or �4episodes of SpO2

�92% or drops in SpO2�4%/h of sleep

on polysomnography have also been recommended as in-dications to begin NIV.139 One center in Sweden surveyedtheir patients to determine the primary motive for commenc-ing NIV.153 Of 352 adults and children with a variety ofNMDs, mechanical ventilation was begun electively in 268(76%) and during an acute illness in the remainder. Thiscohort represented mostly adults, and no patient �5 y oldwas included. In those who began NIV electively, daytimesleepiness was the most common symptom, but in the sub-group of children with SMA, an insufficient cough was themost common reason to begin NIV. Hypercapnia occurredmore frequently than hypoxemia in those who began NIVelectively; notably, however, hypercapnia did not occur morefrequently in those who complained of daytime sleepiness orheadache versus those who did not.

French investigators hypothesized that the introductionof NIV before boys with DMD became symptomatic woulddelay the loss of lung function. In a multi-center nationaltrial, they randomized those with normal daytime gas ex-change along with an FVC between 20 and 50% predictedto begin nocturnal NIV or to continue standard therapy.154

Enrollment in the study was curtailed, however, becauseinvestigators noted a decreased survival rate among theventilated patients compared with controls. They specu-lated that NIV caused subjects to have a false sense ofsecurity, and therefore they practiced less careful moni-toring. There was little description of the types of inter-ventions used for airway clearance, however, and 7 of 10deaths resulted from retained secretions and respiratoryinfection. Further, within the NIV group, 15 (43%) wereinadequately supported by nocturnal mechanical ventila-tion. There was also a greater proportion of subjects withcardiomyopathy in the NIV group. For all these reasons,the dire warning of the authors to avoid NIV use untilmechanical ventilation becomes imperative must be inter-preted with caution.

Recognizing that waiting until daytime hypercapnia de-velops before starting NIV might subject patients withNMD to uncontrolled respiratory decompensation, Wardet al133 conducted a randomized trial of NIV use in sub-jects with NMD or restrictive chest-wall disease who had

Fig. 2. Kaplan-Meier curves demonstrating the improved survivalof men with DMD by decade of birth from the 1960s to the 1990s.Innovations in treatment that included use of NIV, ACE inhibitorsfor cardiomyopathy, and deflazacort to preserve muscle functionwere introduced in this center at the beginning of the 1990s. FromReference 147, with permission.



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nocturnal hypoventilation but normal daytime gas ex-change. Twenty-six subjects were randomized to receivenocturnal NIV (n � 14) or to be treated conservativelywithout NIV (n � 12), but those in the control group werestarted on NIV if they developed daytime hypercapnia,worsening symptoms of nocturnal ventilation, recurrentchest infections, failure to thrive, or acute ventilatorydecompensation. Those in the NIV group demonstratedimprovement in gas exchange at 24 months of follow-upand better quality of life scores at 18 months than thecontrols. Of the 10 control group patients who werefollowed for the entire 24-month period, 7 had begunNIV by 12 months, and all but one met criteria to useNIV by 24 months of observation. The authors noted,therefore, that once a patient with NMD demonstratesnocturnal hypoventilation, diurnal respiratory failure islikely within 12–24 months. These data provide someframework for caregivers to use in discussing the role ofNIV once patients have been diagnosed with nocturnalhypoventilation.

Once ventilatory support is commenced, the goal of sup-port is to restore normal blood gas values. Since patients withNMD do not have intrinsic lung disease, targets of supportshould include a normal awake PETCO2

(35–45 mm Hg) andan SpO2

�95% while the patient breathes room air. In fact, adecrease in oxyhemoglobin saturation in patients already re-ceiving NIV support is an early sign of lower-respiratory tractdysfunction like atelectasis or pneumonia and is a signal toincrease airway clearance measures.155

Although it is clear that NIV improves sleep quality andsurvival in patients with NMD, NIV use in the treatmentof acute respiratory failure or identification of SDBdoes not always trigger a discussion by health-care pro-viders with patients about starting long-term NIV. Inone center where 50 of 73 patients (69%) commencedNIV non-electively because of respiratory failure causedby pneumonia, the authors noted 191 missed prior op-portunities to discuss beginning NIV with their patients.156

Having a well-defined educational plan for patients andfamilies that takes into account the stage of the patient’srespiratory dysfunction, as detailed in the American Tho-racic Society guidelines,13 might help to facilitate suchdiscussions.

Noninvasive Ventilation Versus Ventilationvia Tracheostomy

Patients with progressive NMDs who initially presentwith diurnal hypercapnia often experience improvement indaytime gas exchange as a result of nocturnal ventilatoryassistance but eventually again develop daytime hypercap-nia as respiratory muscles continue to weaken.127 Oncethat occurs, patients require extended periods of ventila-tory support to normalize gas exchange. This can be ac-

complished with noninvasive methods or with invasiveventilation via tracheostomy. Although methods of NIVinclude negative-pressure body ventilators (tank ventilatoror iron lung, cuirass, or chest shell) and in older childrenand adolescents positive-pressure body ventilators (pneu-mobelt), by far the most common method of providingNIV is via positive pressure through a nasal, oronasal, ororal interface.

If a patient requires continuous mechanical ventilatorysupport, a noninvasive approach is still feasible. Olderpatients can receive daytime ventilatory support through amouthpiece placed close to the patient’s mouth, which canbe accessed whenever he or she wishes157 (Fig. 3). Severalhome-care ventilators can be adapted to provide this methodof NIV, and some ventilators include settings for mouth-piece ventilation.158,159 If the child is too young to under-stand how to use this sip ventilation or the buccal muscu-lature is too weak to prevent leakage of air from the mouth,a nasal interface can still be used for most or all of the day(Fig. 4). Although there have been no randomized con-trolled trials comparing continuous NIV with invasive ven-tilation via tracheostomy, observational studies in whichother aspects of care are similar demonstrate prolongedsurvival with either technique.160,161

Advantages of NIV over invasive ventilation via trache-ostomy include less risk of laryngeal or tracheal injury, fewerrespiratory illnesses, less problem with mucus hypersecre-

Fig. 3. Use of mouthpiece (sip) ventilation in a young man withDuchenne muscular dystrophy. The angled mouthpiece is posi-tioned within easy reach of the patient’s mouth for access to as-sisted ventilation as needed. The ventilator is mounted on theback of the patient’s wheelchair.



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tion, and less complexity of care.157,160,162 NIV also preservesoropharyngeal function for speaking, swallowing, and cough-ing,162 although one group found that weight loss and feedingproblems occurred more frequently in their NIV group thanin those supported by invasive ventilation via tracheostomy.160

Use of NIV is also associated with shorter length of hospi-talization when it is initiated, and one study demonstrated thatchildren and adults could begin NIV as out-patients with thesame rate of success as those started as in-patients.163 Inadults, NIV was shown to be significantly less expensive thaninvasive ventilation via tracheostomy and more often associ-ated with an ability of subjects to be cared for at home,164

whereas those adults supported by invasive ventilation viatracheostomy are more likely to be institutionalized.160,164

Complications of NIV include inadequate triggering andcycling of the device in small children; leaks throughthe mouth or around the mask that impair adequateventilation or irritate the eyes; intestinal bloating andaerophagia; dryness of the nose, mouth, and airways;facial, sinus, ear, or nasal discomfort from the interface;skin breakdown or irritation; and orthodontic prob-lems.165,166 Young children can also develop flatteningof the midface and maxillary retrusion following long-term use of nasal interfaces for NIV167-169 (Fig. 5). Theuse of custom-made nasal interfaces, which are morereadily available in Europe than in the United States,can circumvent many of the complications related to theinterface.167,170

Contraindictions for NIV include severe hypoxemia, mod-erate to severe bulbar weakness associated with aspiration, aninability to clear the airway of secretions despite augmentedcough techniques, failure to thrive or recurrent infections de-spite the use of NIV, an inability to tolerate noninvasiveinterfaces, patient preference, and lack of health-care pro-vider familiarity with continuous NIV.157,162,171 In those sit-uations, tracheostomy should be considered.


There is a typical progression of respiratory complica-tions in patients with NMDs that begins with respiratoryand bulbar muscle weakness and proceeds to sleep-disor-dered breathing with the eventual development of noctur-nal and then diurnal hypercapnia. These predictable prob-lems form the framework for determining whichassessments and interventions are necessary. Early inter-ventions are aimed at overcoming impaired airway clear-ance. Many of the indicators that are used to detect respi-ratory impairment in patients with NMD, however, havebeen established for adult patients and do not necessarilypertain to children. The role of combinations of airwayclearance devices and their potential to improve quality oflife and reduce hospitalizations and frequency of lower-respiratory tract infections should be determined, and bestsettings for those devices should be established for chil-dren. Other therapies, like the use of various medicationsthat alter the properties of mucus, require critical scrutiny.Evidence of sleep-disordered breathing and nocturnalhypoventilation must be actively sought to prevent sig-

Fig. 4. Use of continuous nasal ventilation in a young man withDuchenne muscular dystrophy and excessively weak buccalmusculature. A: Note the alteration of the nasal interface, trans-forming it from a vented to a non-vented interface for use witha dual-limb ventilator circuit. B: The circuit is attached to aportable ventilator mounted on the back of the wheelchair tofacilitate mobility and extended duration of support away froman electrical power source.



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nificant morbidity. Those children with progressiveNMDs are at risk to develop diurnal ventilatory insuf-ficiency, even after nocturnal ventilatory support hasbeen instituted. Pediatric-specific evaluation tools to de-tect children at risk for SDB are required to improvecare, and the necessary frequency of testing for SDBneeds to be determined. Because application of airwayclearance techniques and assisted ventilation has con-tributed to prolonged survival for many children withNMD, the development of coordinated programs to tran-sition these patients to adult care is imperative to en-hance their quality of life.


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Berlinski: I have a couple of ques-tions. The first is regarding the use ofIPV. One of the issues we have is thatalthough it might be paid for by a thirdparty payer, the overhaul that this de-

vice requires every year to functionproperly is not paid. So even if we canget a charity to buy the machine forthe family, it’s like having a car with-out money for maintenance or oilchanges, and you really don’t knowwhat quality of therapy you end up

delivering. I don’t know if that’s anational problem. I would like you tocomment on that. The second is onthe use of sodium bicarbonate thatsome physicians use to break downtenacious mucus. I would like yourperspective on that.



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Panitch: The question about servic-ing IPV machines I think falls under alarger umbrella covering lots of home-care equipment. For instance, home-care companies receive a monthlyrental fee for NIV machines or CPAPdevices, but after a while, the machineis paid for, and the home care com-pany doesn’t get reimbursed for it anylonger. At that point, the cost of car-ing for the machine or checking ofpatients by the home care companyisn’t covered, and it’s a problem. Onthe other hand, some of the reimburse-ment schemes result in paying severaltimes the cost of the machine with theidea being that patients can get someof those monitoring services from thedurable medical equipment company.I think it’s an issue of how home carecompanies are reimbursed, and I don’tthink there’s a very thoughtful schemefor how we can service these devicesas they get older. I do think it’s a na-tional and probably an internationalproblem. As far as sodium bicarbon-ate goes, we don’t use it at our insti-tution, and I don’t have any experi-ence in its use as a mucolytic agent. Ihave not seen anything in the litera-ture that addresses the use of bicarb asan inhaled mucolytic. I know that it’ssometimes instilled into an artificialairway for bleeding, but I haven’t seenthe data to support that.

Stokes: Howard, nice talk. I actuallyasked Bruce Rubin about sodium bi-carbonate recently because we’ve usedit some, and I wondered if he had anythoughts about it. He has a nice re-view in a previous Journal Conferenceabout mucolytic agents, and hecouldn’t support use of sodium bicar-bonate.1 But I think it’s something thatcould be studied, particularly com-bined with hypertonic saline. Say I’mthe CEO of a health insurance com-pany and I’m only going to give you$10,000 for your neuromuscular pa-tient, so you have to pick one. Eitherthe vest, IPV, or in-exsufflator. Whichone are you going to pick?

Panitch: I’m going to pick the onethat the patient will use. I think thatgoes along with any airway clearanceregimen, whether you’re talking aboutcystic fibrosis or neuromuscular dis-ease. If the patient won’t use it, it’s anexpensive paperweight or doorstop. Ido think, in general, the in-exsufflatoris probably our go-to device. It’s anextractor of secretions, and it helpswhen people have a weak cough. Butif children also have a propensity togenerate lots of secretions, then I thinka mobilization device makes sense. Ifyou can combine those two in theproper patient group, you can save alot of money because the cost of those2 pieces of equipment is dwarfed by asingle hospitalization, especially if thechild has to go to the ICU. So if wehad more data like Lechtzin’s2 thatsuggest that the proper use of that typeof equipment will reduce costs, we’llhave a different conversation where Isay I’m going to save you money ifyou will support my patients and makeit possible for them to stay home.

Stokes: In the absence of data show-ing that the two together are betterthan one, it’s going to be tough.

Panitch: But I think that every pub-lication that looks at mobilization,whether it’s the vest or IPV or muco-lytic agents, cautions that you have tobe able to clear the central airways ofsecretions. If you only have a devicethat mobilizes secretions into the cen-tral airways and you can’t help thepatient extract the mucus from the air-ways, you could cause life-threaten-ing obstruction.

Cheifetz: Excellent presentation.Thank you, Howie. On the topic ofNIV, I have a series of related ques-tions. For continuous NIV, for howyoung of a patient do you find thatapproach to be successful? The next,based on patient age, what challengesor lack of challenges have you en-countered with the interfaces? Lastly,in terms of the interfaces, how signif-

icant of a problem is injury to the skinintegrity? I know that in the acute caresetting, we have real problems withall of these issue, but in the home en-vironment, what is your experience?

Panitch: I’m not sure I can give youan age. We’ve had situations with chil-dren �6 months of age with severeSMA I whose parents weren’t surewhether they wanted to go the routeof tracheostomy, whom we supportedwith NIV 24 h/day. That was in anage where we had fewer choices ofinterfaces, and one patient who comesto mind had problems with nasal bridgebreakdown that really made us get verycreative in terms of nasal interfaces.In the United States, we don’t havethe same capabilities for obtaining cus-tom masks that people in Europe doto help avoid some of the problemswith skin breakdown. We typicallywill try to get at least 2 different maskstyles for our patients to alternate pres-sure points, especially for those whoare using masks for 16 h or more perday. If the patient is hospitalized, wehave a rigorous protocol for skinchecks every 4 h, and if there is red-ness that doesn’t blanch or that is per-sistent, we intervene. In the hospital,we use Mepilex as a barrier; we don’tdo that at home. But I also find thatparents know very well how to placea mask on their child, and they arebetter at avoiding the skin problemsthat we see in the hospital. In addi-tion, the kids are sick when they comeinto the hospital, so it’s not an equiv-alent comparison: sick patients canhave poorer perfusion, and they mayrequire higher pressures that couldcompromise skin integrity as well. Theother thing that is a real problem, es-pecially in the youngest children, isthat we watch their faces flatten as aresult of prolonged application of pres-sure to the facial structures. We talkto families about that. I’ve cared fortoddlers with myotubular myopathy,for instance, where you see them de-velop a concave face. That’s been de-scribed in the literature, where the con-



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stant pressure on the mid-face causesflattening.

Cheifetz: I will reiterate what I havesaid to the folks in industry for yearsand will use this forum as an addi-tional prompt: Although the numberof interfaces that we have availablefor infants and children has improvedin recent years, we really need addi-tional NIV products to provide a widerrange of choices for pediatric patientsso that we as a community can take

the great work that is occurring (asyou have done an excellent job of out-lining) and advance it further.

Panitch: I could not agree more.

Berlinski: With the advancement ofpersonalized medicine and use of 3Dscanning of the face, especially for pa-tients with craniofacial abnormalities,the future will allow us to be able tocustomize the interface. Many times, theinability to properly ventilate a patient

due to lack of an appropriate interfaceresults in tracheostomy placement.

Panitch: I agree.


1. Rubin BK. Mucolytics, expectorants, andmucokinetic medications. Respir Care2007;52(7):859-865.

2. Lechtzin N, Wolfe LF, Frick KD. The im-pact of high frequency chest wall oscilla-tion on healthcare utilization in patients withneuromuscular diseases. Ann Am ThoracSoc 2016;13(6):904-909.