respiration + vocal fold physiology

Vocal Fold Physiology + Voice Quality October 9, 2014

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Respiration + Vocal Fold Physiology. Feburary 6, 2014. Average Everydayness. Production exercise #1 is due today! I’m hoping to start grading it (and the DSP exercise) tonight. There will be a second production exercise, due before the break. Course project report #2 is due on Tuesday! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Vocal Fold Physiology + Voice Quality

October 9, 2014

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Average Everydayness• Don’t forget to send me your second production exercises by Monday!

• Also: course project report #2 is due on Tuesday.

• Today:

• The Wonderful World of the Larynx!

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Where Were We?• Air squeezed out of the lungs travels up the bronchi...

• Through the trachea (windpipe)

• To a complicated structure called the larynx.

• ...where phonation happens.

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The Larynx• The larynx is a complex structure consisting of muscles, ligaments and three primary cartilages.

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1. The Cricoid Cartilage• The cricoid cartilage sits on top of the trachea

• from Greek krikos “ring”

• It has “facets” which connect it to the thyroid and arytenoid cartilages.

cricoid cartilage

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2. The Thyroid Cartilage• The thyroid cartilage sits on top of the cricoid cartilage.

• from the Greek thyreos “shield”

• The thyroid cartilage has horns!

• Both lower (inferior) and upper (superior) horns

• The lower horns connect with the cricoid cartilage at the cricoid’s lower facet.

• The upper horns connect to the hyoid bone.

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Thyroid Graphic

thyroid cartilage

cricoid cartilage

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Thyroid Angles• The two broad, flat front plates of the thyroid--the laminae--meet at the thyroid angle.

• The actual angle of the thyroid angle is more obtuse in women.

• the “Adam’s Apple” juts out more in men.

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3. The Arytenoid Cartilages• There are two arytenoid cartilages.

• from Greek arytaina, “ladle”

• They are small and pointy, and sit on top of the back side, or lamina, of the cricoid cartilage.

arytenoid cartilages

cricoid cartilage

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The Vocal Folds• These three cartilages are connected by a variety of muscles and ligaments.

• The most important of these are the vocal folds.

• They live at the very top of the trachea, in between the cricoid and thyroid cartilages.

• The vocal folds are a combination of:

• The vocalis muscle

• The vocal ligament

• The vocal folds are enclosed in a membrane called the conus elasticus.

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• Just above the true vocal folds are the “false” (!) vocal folds, or ventricular folds.

• The space between the vocal folds is the glottis.

Vocal Fold View #1

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Vocal Fold View #2• The vocal ligaments attach in the front to the thyroid cartilage.

• ...and in the back to the arytenoid cartilages.

• The glottis consists of:

• the ligamental glottis

• the cartilaginous glottis

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Things Start to Happen• Note that the arytenoid cartilages can be moved with respect to the cricoid cartilage in two ways.

#1: rocking #2: sliding

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The Upshot• The arytenoids can thus be brought together towards the midline of the body.

• Or brought forwards, towards the front of the thyroid.

• The rocking motion thus abducts or adducts the glottis.

• The sliding motion shortens or lengthens the vocal folds.• Check out the arytenoids in action.

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• When the vocal folds are abducted:

• air passes through the glottis unimpeded and voicelessness results.

• The posterior cricoarytenoid muscles are primarily responsible for separating the arytenoid cartilages.

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• Voicing may occur when the vocal folds are adducted and air is flowing up through the trachea from the lungs.

• Two muscles are primarily responsible for adducting the vocal folds.

• The first is the lateral crico-arytenoid muscle.

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• Note that the lateral cricoarytenoid muscles only adduct the ligamental glottis.

• The transverse arytenoid muscles pull together the arytenoid cartilages themselves.

• Thereby closing the cartilaginous glottis.

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The Consequences• The combined forces drawing the vocal folds towards each other produce adductive tension in the glottis.

• Adductive tension is increased by:

• lateral cricoarytenoid muscles

• transverse arytenoid muscles

• Adductive tension is decreased by:

• posterior cricoarytenoid muscles

• Adduction vs. abduction determines whether or not voicing will occur.

• But we can do more than just adduce or abduce the vocal folds...

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Controlling F0• Question: why do women have a higher F0 than men?

• A: Shorter vocal folds open and close more quickly.

• In men:

• Ligamental glottis 15.5 mm

• Cartilaginous glottis 7.5 mm

• Total glottis length 23 mm

• In women:

• Ligamental glottis 11.5 mm

• Cartilaginous glottis 5.5 mm

• Total glottis length 17 mm

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Factor Two

• F0 also depends on the longitudinal tension in the vocal folds.

• I.e., tension along their length, between the thyroid and arytenoid cartilages.

• Higher tension = higher F0

• Lower tension = lower F0

• Q: How can we change longitudinal tension in the larynx?

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• A: We can rotate the thyroid cartilage up and down on its connection with the cricoid cartilage.

• the visor of a knight’s helmet.

• This either stretches or relaxes the vocal folds.

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Contradictory?• No, just complicated. Note:

• Lengthening (stretching) the folds results in higher tension

• ...which results in higher F0

• Shortening the folds results in less tension

• ...which results in lower F0

• “Higher” and “lower” F0 have to be understood relative to the speaker’s normal F0 range.

• still lower for men

• still higher for women

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For the Record• Contraction of the cricothyroid muscle pulls down the thyroid cartilage.

• Interestingly: researchers often study the activity of this muscle using EMG.

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Fun Stuff (= tracheotomy)Peter Ladefoged: “To record the pressure of the air associated with stressed as opposed to unstressed syllables we need to record the pressure below the vocal folds. A true recording of the subglottal pressure can be made only by making a tracheal puncture.This is a procedure that must be performed by a physician. A local anesthetic is applied both externally and inside the trachea by means of a fine needle. A larger needle with an internal diameter of 2 mm can then be inserted between the rings of the trachea as shown in figure 3.3”

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Figure 3.3

“As you can see from my face it is not at all painful. But it is not a procedure that can be carried out in fieldwork situations.”

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For the Record, part 2• Longitudinal tension can also be reduced by the thyroarytenoid muscles.

• Which connect the thyroid to the arytenoid cartilages.

vocal folds

• These muscles are inaccessible to EMG

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Check it out!• Let’s look at some pitch shifting laryngoscopy videos.

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Factor #3• Increasing longitudinal tension also makes the vocal folds thinner.

• Thinner vocal folds open and close more quickly.

• Average thickness of male vocal folds =

• 2-5 mm

• Female folds are somewhat thinner

low F0

mid F0

high F0

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Frequency and Vowels• In the mystery tone language exercise, you may have noticed that the fundamental frequency of [i] was slightly higher than that of [a], for the same tones

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“Intrinsic” Pitch• It’s been observed that F0 is usually higher for high vowels than for low vowels

[i] 183 Hz

[e] 169

[æ] 162

[a] 163

[o] 170

[u] 182

• Data from Lehiste & Peterson (1961) for American English

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• The “Tongue Pull” Hypothesis (Honda, 2004):

• Raising the tongue for high vowels also raises the larynx

• The cricoid cartilage rises up and around the spine…

• Thus stretching the vocal folds

• and increasing longitudinal tension.

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An Intrinsic Summary High Vowels Low Vowels

Intensity Less More

Duration Shorter Longer

F0 Higher Lower

• A word of caution:

• All of these factors (intensity, duration, F0) factor into perceived prominence and stress.

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Contact!• Interesting (and important) fact: the vocal folds do not open and close all at once.

• Their upper and lower parts open and close out of phase with each other.

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Implications• Glottal opening and closing forms a complex wave.

• The out-of-phase factor is reduced with thinner vocal folds.

• i.e., the glottal cycle becomes more sinusoidal

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Electroglottography• The degree of vocal fold separation during voicing can be measured with a method known as electroglottography (EGG)

• Electrodes are placed on either side of the larynx

• More contact between vocal folds greater conductivity between electrodes

• A caveat:

• tends to work better on men than women.

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EGG Readout

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EGG Output

“The north wind and the sun were disputing which was the stronger, when a traveler came along wrapped in a warm cloak.”

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An EGG Schematic1. Complete closure of vocal folds


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An EGG Schematic2. Lower half of folds begin to open


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An EGG Schematic3. Upper half of folds open


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An EGG Schematic4. Folds are completely apart


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An EGG Schematic5. Lower half of folds begin to close


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An EGG Schematic6. Upper half of folds close


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An EGG Schematic7. Folds are completely closed, again


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An Actual EGG Waveform• Modal voicing (by me):

• Note: completely closed and completely open phases are both actually quite short.

• Also: closure slope is greater than opening slope.

• Q: Why might there be differences in slope?

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Factor #5• There is another force at work: medial compression.

• i.e., how tightly the folds themselves are compressed against each other.

• Medial compression determines, to some extent, how quickly/slowly the folds will open.

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MC Forces, yo• Medial compression is caused by constriction of:

1. The lateral cricoarytenoids

• which adduct the vocal folds

2. The thyroarytenoids

• which pull the arytenoids towards the thyroid

• But not the interarytenoids

• ...which only squeeze the arytenoid cartilages together

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For the Record, part 3• It is not entirely clear what the role of the vocalis

muscle plays in all this.

• The vocalis muscle is inside the vocal folds

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The Vocalis Muscle1. It may also shorten the vocal folds through contraction

• thereby potentially lowering longitudinal tension

• and lowering F0

2. However, the same contraction would increase medial compression within the vocal fold

• thereby decreasing vocal fold thickness

• and increasing F0

• Researchers still need to figure out a way to get at this muscle while it’s in action…

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Vocal Fold Force Summary1. Adductive Tension

• between arytenoids + folds

2. Longitudinal Tension

• stretches vocal folds

3. Medial Compression

• squeezes vocal folds together

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1. Modal Voice Settings• At the low end of a speaker’s F0 range:

1. Adductive tension force is moderate

2. Medial compression force is moderate

3. Vocal folds are short and thick.

• = longitudinal tension is low

4. Moderate airflow

• F0 is increased by:

1. Increasing the longitudinal tension

activity of the cricothyroid muscle

2. Increasing airflow

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A Different Kind of Voicing• Tuvan throat singing (khoomei):

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A Different Kind of Voicing• The basic voice quality in khoomei is called xorekteer.

• Notice any differences in the EGG waveforms?

• This voice quality requires greater medial compression of the vocal folds.

• ...and also greater airflow

• Check out the tense voice video.

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Modal vs. Tense Voice• The language of Mpi contrasts modal voice vowels with tense voice vowels.

• Mpi is spoken in northern Thailand.