resilient enterprise messaging with wso2 esb

Resilient Enterprise Messaging with WSO2 ESB Isuru Udana Associate Technical Lead Ravindra Ranwala Software Engineer June 2015

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Page 1: Resilient Enterprise Messaging with WSO2 ESB

Resilient Enterprise Messaging with WSO2 ESB

Isuru UdanaAssociate Technical Lead

Ravindra RanwalaSoftware Engineer

June 2015

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About the Presenters

๏ Isuru Udana Associate Technical Lead WSO2

๏ Ravindra Ranwala Software Engineer WSO2

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Outline● Role of the ESB in enterprise service integration● Role of the message broker in enterprise service integration● Use cases

○ ESB as a JMS provider○ ESB as a JMS consumer○ Guaranteed delivery with store and forward○ Request rate matching○ In-order Delivery○ Store and forward in clustered environments

● Introduction to WSO2 ESB● Introduction to WSO2 Message Broker● Integrating WSO2 MB with WSO2 ESB● Implementing Use cases● New enhancements in ESB 4.9.0 for JMS messaging use cases ● Demo● Q & A

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Role of the ESB in Enterprise Service IntegrationModern Enterprises

● Comprised of so many systems and services

● Built based on open standards, custom built, acquired from a third party, part of a legacy system or any combination of these.


● Organizations are moving away from MONOLITHIC systems.

● Multiple systems connected with SOA as the blueprint.

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Role of the ESB

Service Integration

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Spaghetti IntegrationWhat about maintainability, scalability, troubleshooting and governance?

Role of the ESB

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Role of the ESB

ESB in Action

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What is an ESB?

●An ESB is a middleware solution that enables interoperability, among heterogeneous environments using a service oriented model. ●Stateless and Seamless Integration

●Standard protocols/formats like SOAP, REST, JSON

●Transports like HTTP/S, JMS, TCP, VFS (and many more)

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Role of the Message Broker in Enterprise Service Integration

●Messaging enables distributed communication that is loosely coupled ●Messaging agent / Message broker stay in the middle

●Senders send messages and the broker delivers them to recipients

●Message sender does not know about receiver neither receiver knows about sender

●Sender/Receiver should know :■Message format■Destination

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Role of the Message Broker

Messaging Models

● Point to Point (Queues)○ A message is delivered only

once to a single recipient

● Publish/Subscribe (Topics)○ Broadcast a message to all

the subscribers

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● A queue is a destination that contains messages sent from a producer that await delivery to one consumer.

● Messages are delivered in the sent order.● A message is removed from the queue once it has been acknowledged

as received by the consumer.

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● Topics are used to send messages to one or more consumers. Producers publish messages to a topic and each consumer subscribed to the topic receives a copy of message

● Brokers matches events (messages) and delivers to all interested parties

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Role of the Message Broker

● Enhance Reliability■ Persistence■ Transactions

● Decoupling■ Space■ Time■ Synchronization

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Integrating an ESB and a Message Broker

Java Message Service (JMS)

● A specification that define a standard API for java programmer to perform messaging by interacting with a message broker

● It does not define the message format or how java API interacts with the message broker

● Enables communication that is○ Loosely coupled○ Asynchronous - JMS provider can deliver messages as they

arrive, client does not have to request messages.○ Reliable - The JMS API ensures that a message is delivered

once and only once

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dest = (Destination) jndiContext.lookup(destName);

queue = (Queue) jndiContext.lookup(queueName);MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer(dest);TextMessage message = session.createTextMessage();message.setText(“Hello”);producer.send(message);

JMS Terminology

Message Producer, Consumer and Broker

Message Producer

Message Consumer

Message Broker

dest = (Destination) jndiContext.lookup(destName);

queue = (Queue) jndiContext.lookup(queueName);MessageConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer(dest);Message m = consumer.receive();

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Use cases

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Integrating Systems with ESB using a Message Broker

Important Feature: Protocol Switching in ESB

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Integrating Systems with ESB using a Message Broker

Case 01: ESB as a JMS Consumer

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Integrating Systems with ESB using a Message Broker

ESB as a JMS Producer

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Integrating Systems with ESB using a Message Broker

ESB as Both a JMS Producer and Consumer

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Integrating Systems with ESB using a Message Broker

JMS Synchronous Invocations

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Integrating Systems with ESB using a Message Broker

Store and Forward - Guaranteed Delivery

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Integrating Systems with ESB using a Message Broker

Store and Forward - Guaranteed Delivery

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Integrating Systems with ESB using a Message Broker

Store and Forward - Request Rate Matching

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Integrating Systems with ESB using a Message Broker

Store and Forward - In-order Delivery

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Introduction to WSO2 ESB

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• A lightweight, high performance ESB

• Feature rich and standards compliant

• SOAP and WS-* standards

• REST support

• Domain specific protocol support (eg: FIX, HL7)

• User friendly and highly extensible

• 100% free and open source with commercial support

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Key Features - Routing

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Key Features - Filtering

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Key Features - Transformation

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Key Features - Protocol Switch

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Key Features - Load Balancing

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Key Features - Quality of Service

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Introduction to WSO2 MB

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WSO2 Message Broker

Unique distributable, fault tolerant and scalable enterprise message broker to connect, persist and reliably distribute data, event

information generated from multiple systems, applications and IoT devices.

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Supported Protocols & Specification

● Implements and supports JMS API using AMQP

● JMS(Java Message Service)● Standard Java API for programmers to handle messaging by

interacting with a message

● AMQP(Advanced Message Queue Protocol)

● Open Standard for passing business messages between applications or organizations

● MQTT(Message Queue Telemetry Transport)● Lightweight pub-sub protocol designed for IoT.

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● Integrate easily with existing IT Infrastructure .

● Select storage based on messaging demands .

● Provides option between strict and best effort message delivery.

● Low maintenance through minimum deployment effort.

● Highly interoperable with AMQP clients.

● Effortlessly handle large message transfer.● Seamless feature integration with WSO2 ESB.

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AMQP, JMS and WSO2 MB● JMS (Java Message Service)

○ A specification that define a standard API for java programmer to perform messaging by interacting with a message broker

○ It does not define the message format or how java API interacts with the message broker

● AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol)○ Open standard for passing business messages between

applications or organizations.○ AMQP let different systems (e.g. .NET and Java) to interact with

each other by agreeing on the message format at the wire level just like Web Services.

● WSO2 MB (Broker)○ Implements and supports JMS API using AMQP protocol

for messaging (All the same, we are not limited to JMS)

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Clustered Message Broker

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How WSO2 MB is Different● Pluggable Message storage

○ RDBMS as the storage - (Tested for MySQL, Oracle, MSSQL, H2)○ Apache Cassandra as the storage

■ NoSQL Highly scalable data model with Very high write throughput and good read throughput

● Scaling – WSO2 MB can be clustered adding nodes to meet business requirements.○ Nodes can be dynamically added and removed

● Distributed coordination middleware○ HazelCast - Scalable, fault tolerant distributed coordination


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Why WSO2 MB is Different● Failover with no message lost – Clustering + Failover capability

brings this feature● Ability to handle large message transfers in real time

○ As Cassandra is one of our storage, messages are written fast to store and we create only one copy of message while delivery

● High Availability and Fault Tolerance○ No single point of failure with MB cluster + Cassandra cluster.

All nodes are vertically and horizontally scalable. Cassandra keep replicates of messages.

● Interoperability with many languages / platforms via AMQP/MQTT clients for Java, .Net, C, C++, PHP, Ruby, Erlang and more

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Integrating WSO2 ESB with WSO2 MB● Setting up WSO2 Message Broker

○ Download and install WSO2 MB○ Apply port offset in <MB_HOME>/repository/conf/carbon.xml file○ Start the Message Broker

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Integrating WSO2 ESB with WSO2 MB● Setting up WSO2 ESB

○ Download and install WSO2 ESB binary distribution○ Enable the JMS transport of WSO2 ESB to communicate with the

Message Broker by editing $ESB_HOME/repository/conf/axis2/axis2.xml file

○ Copy the following jar files from <MB_HOME>/clent-lib folder to <ESB_HOME>/repository/components/lib folder. andes-client-0.13.wso2v4, geronimo-jms_1.1_spec-1.1.0.wso2v1

○ Open <ESB_HOME>/repository/conf/ JNDI.proerties file and point to the running Message Broker.

○ Start WSO2 ESB by running <ESB_HOME>/bin/

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Implementing Use Cases with WSO2 ESB and WSO2 MB

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Implementing Use cases

ESB as a JMS Consumer

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ESB as a JMS Consumer

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Implementing Use cases

ESB as a JMS Producer

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ESB as a JMS Producer

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Implementing Use cases ESB as Both a JMS Producer and Consumer

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ESB as Both a JMS Producer and Consumer

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Implementing Use cases Store and Forward

● Asynchronous/One-way Messaging, JMS

● Guaranteed Delivery and Rate matching

● JMS Message broker as the persistence store – WSO2 MB, Apache

Active MQ etc.

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Implementing Use cases Store and forward in clustered environments

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New Enhancements in ESB 4.9.0 for JMS messaging use cases ● Message Store/Processor coordination support

○ Message Processor is backed by one or more Task(s)○ Message Processor executes only in worker nodes○ Message Processor never gets executed in manager node○ One Message Processor can be represented by multiple tasks

running on multiple worker nodes given the member count value○ Message Processor states are synchronized across the nodes in

the cluster● JMS Inbound Endpoints

○ Create JMS Listeners dynamically without changing axis2.xml and server restart

○ Support JMS protocol in tenants○ Distributed coordination

■Run in all/one node

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Where to begin..

● ESB Documentation

● MB Documentation

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