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7/30/2019 Researchverslag Engels ONVOLDOENDE 1/18  RESEARCHVERSLAG ENGELS Een hele domme onvoldoende. Analyse voldoende, maar te weinig bronnen gebruikt  

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Een hele domme onvoldoende. Analyse voldoende, maar te weinig bronnen gebruikt … 

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 Summatieve feedback researchproduct 2008-2009 Engelstalige bronnen

Code: RE

Naam student : Dave WensExpert / beoordelaar : Lieve Derache

Datum : 08-05-2009


Je kunt bij een gegeven onderwerp de relevante vragen stellen en deze beantwoorden met

 behulp van Engelstalige bronnen.

Indicatoren voor verzamelen bij het researchproduct Engelstalige bronnen :

( summatieve feedback )

•  Het verslag wordt in het Nederlands geschreven

  Het verslag behandelt twee actuele onderwerpen. De omvang is per onderwerp één A4(exclusief bronnen)

•  Het verslag is door de student zelf geschreven (knippen en plakken is niet toegestaan) en is

een kritische analyse van de gebruikte bronnen

•  Bij het verslag worden de gebruikte bronnen gevoegd en een bronnenoverzicht. De uitwerking

van de opdracht getuigt van een grondig begrip van de gebruikte bronnen

•  De twee gekozen onderwerpen vallen binnen één van de volgende domeinen:gezondheidszorg & welzijn, parlement & politiek, onderwijs & wetenschap, natuur & milieu,

multiculturele samenleving & integratie.

•   Naar deze twee onderwerpen is op voldoende niveau onderzoek gedaan, dat wil zeggen dat er voor elk onderwerp drie actuele Engelstalige bronnen zijn geselecteerd

•  Per onderwerp tellen de bronnen samen minimaal tweeduizend woorden

Competentie Verzamelen (researchproduct Engelstalige bronnen): 


Toelichting: je analyse is voldoende, maar je bronnen voor het eerste onderwerp zijn

te kort ; werkwoordspelling!!

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Onderwerp 1: Het drama in Apeldoorn (mislukte aanslag op de koningin),

valt onder politiek en parlement.

 Samenvatting van de 3 gebruikte bronnen: (bronnen zijn onderaan toegevoegd)

De nieuwsaanleiding bij alle 3 de bronnen is hetzelfde, namelijk: De mislukte aanslag op de koninginop Koninginnedag. Kort samengevat melden alle 3 de bronnen hetzelfde.

5 mensen zijn gedood en 12 mensen gewond geraakt nadat een 38-jarige man dwars door alle barricaden is gereden met als doel de bus met daarin de koningin te raken. Alle 3 de bronnen zeggen

dat de man op zichzelf handelde en dat het geen terroristische daad zou zijn.Daarna kiezen alle 3 de bronnen een andere weg.

De New York Times en de National Post quoten de koningin (Beatrix), de Guardian vertelt over deopvolging van de koningin en dat de aankondiging daarvoor snel word verwacht.

De Amerikaanse en Canadese bron vermelden aan het eind ook nog wat Koninginnedag inhoud.Waarschijnlijk omdat ze dat in Amerika en Canada niet kennen. De Engelse bron vermeld dit gegeven

niet, waarschijnlijk omdat Nederland dichtbij Engeland ligt en ze daar wel weten wat Koninginnedag

inhoud. De New York Times meld verder bijna alle activiteiten van de dag worden gecanceld. De

Guardian meld dat echt alle activiteiten zijn afgelast en de National Post meld hier helemaal niks over.

Daarnaast gaat de Amerikaanse krant ook nog in op het veiligheidsbeleid van Nederland, dat na een

aantal eerdere straatmoorden veel strikter is geworden. Waarbij je kan zien dat het vooroordeel over Amerikanen, dat ze altijd en overal kijken naar de veiligheid, weer is bevestigd.

 Analyse van de 3 gebruikte bronnen: (bronnen zijn onderaan toegevoegd)Soort bericht:

Het zijn alle drie nieuwsberichten. Al kun je ze door de lengte bijna als nieuwsverhaal zien. Bij alle berichten is er de mogelijkheid op een follow-up. (Bij de meeste is dat ook gebeurt.)

 Betrouwbaarheid:Bij alle 3 de bronnen kan je niet vinden waar ze het nieuws vandaan hebben. (Wel dat bepaald nieuws

via de politie is verkregen, maar dit kan ook via, via zijn gebeurd.) Daardoor kan je niet zien of het

nieuws betrouwbaar is. En doordat er bijvoorbeeld verschil is tussen wel of niet afblazen vanactiviteiten kan je niet direct zien welke krant (bron) het beste research heeft gepleegd. Wel kun je

zien dat de Engelse krant veel dichter op het nieuws lijkt te staan dan de Amerikaanse en de Canadese.En dat de Engelse krant meer nieuws wil brengen dan het drama alleen, wat ik een kwalijke zaak vind

van de verslaggever. Dat hij wil laten zien hoe goed hij is omdat hij verwacht dat de koningin binnenkort haar aftreden bekent zal maken, past niet bij zo’n groot drama of een aanslag op het

koninklijk huis.


Alle 3 de bronnen lijken een dubbele invalshoek te hebben. Waarbij die van de Engelsen en

Amerikanen logischer is dan die van de Canadezen. Ja ze verslaan alle 3 het nieuws (de mislukte

aanslag) maar ze wijzen er ook alle drie op dat van terreur geen sprake zal zijn. Net alsof het zo

dichtbij is dat ze hun lezers gerust willen stellen. Iets dat je ook al in de Nederlandse media zag

gebeuren. Relevantie:

Het is duidelijk dat het onderwerp dusdanig groot is dat alle buitenlandse media er wereldwijd over 

hebben bericht. Daarom is het ook heel relevant dat 3 kranten erover schrijven. Een aanslag op eenstaatshoofd gebeurt niet zo vaak, (mislukt of gelukt) en is dus wereldnieuws.


De diversiteit tussen de 3 artikelen is klein, de diversiteit in de artikelen groot, ze blijven niet bij hetene onderwerp, maar proberen meer informatie te geven.

 De reden dat ik deze 3 bronnen heb gekozen:

Ik wilde 3 artikelen uit 3 verschillende landen, waarbij ik minimaal 1 artikel dicht bij huis wou hebbenen een Amerikaans artikel. Daarbij vond ik Apeldoorn groot nieuws waar wel wereldwijd bericht over 

moest worden.

Comment [L1]: dat

Comment [L2]: dit is me niethelemaal duidelijk 

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Onderwerp 2: De Mexicaanse griep (kans op pandemie), valt onder

gezondheidszorg en welzijn.

 Samenvatting van de 3 gebruikte bronnen: (bronnen zijn onderaan toegevoegd)

Bron 1: de New York TimesDe WHO (wereld gezondheidszorg organisatie) meld dat ondertussen 2371 mensen in 24 landen de

Mexicaanse griep hebben opgelopen. 46 mensen zijn er al aan overleden, waarvan 44 in Mexico (watwordt gezien als heel erg weinig, gezien het aantal geïnfecteerde mensen. Tevens melden ze dat een

aantal mensen al eerder (2005) een andere vorm van de Mexicaanse griep heeft opgelopen, een nogniet geëvolueerde vorm. Die mensen hadden een combinatie van verschillende griepvirussen. Het

nieuwe virus heet H1V1 en heeft naast deze virussen ook nog een Eurasian gen. (een mix tussenEuropa en Azie) Dit gen is nog nooit eerder in America geconstateerd. De mensen uit 2005 herstelden

allemaal waardoor er wordt gedacht nu met een agressievere vorm te maken te hebben. De WHOwaarschuwt voor een Pandemie waarbij 1/3 van de wereld binnen 2 jaar is besmet, maar de alert state

hoeft in europa nog niet omhoog. 5% van de mensen die de griep oplopen moeten worden opgenomen

in het ziekenhuis, dit is ongewoon veel voor een griepvirus. Daarbij worden vooral jonge mensen

getroffen waar het normaal juist ouderen betreft.

Bron 2: de Guardian

United Nations (UN) wetenschappers die de Mexicaanse griepepidemie onderzoeken gaan naar LaGloria in Mexico om te onderzoeken of daar de bron van de ziekte is of slechts een “halteplaats” of 

“tussenstop”. De varkensgriep, ondertussen H1N1 genoemd en in de volksmond al de Mexicaanse

griep, kan ontstaan zijn op een varkensboerderij in La Gloria. Het kan ook in Azie zijn ontstaan en viaCalifornië in Mexico zijn beland (door rondtrekkende werkers). Als het in La Gloria is ontstaan is het

waarschijnlijk via de vogelgriep en mensen griep op een varken gekomen en geëvolueerd. De mensenvan de betreffende boerderij zeggen dat heel La Gloria en omstreken varkens houd en dat er ongewoon

veel kippen zijn gestorven, het afgelopen jaar. De minister van gezondheid in Mexico hoopt dat er  binnen 6 maanden een vaccin beschikbaar is om de ziekte tegen te gaan.

Bron 3: de National Post

Mexico zegt dat het de strijd tegen een nieuwe vorm van griep, H1N1, aan het winnen is door tal vangenomen maatregelen. Maar mensen van de WHO waarschuwen juist voor een wereldwijde pandemie.

Griepvirussen zijn onvoorspelbaar en verraderlijk zegt de WHO. We moeten daarom naar alert state 6.Dit betekend niet dat het einde van de wereld in zicht is. Dit moet duidelijk worden gemaakt omdat er 

anders onnodig paniek uitbreekt. De laatste week is de alert state al verhoogd van 3 naar 5 (op eenschaal van 6). Op 4 mei zijn 985 mensen in 20 landen geïnfecteerd waarvan 590 in Mexico. In Mexico

zijn er 25 mensen aan overleden, de enige doden wereldwijd. Mexico meld dat het einde van de griep

in zicht is. De WHO niet.

De ziekte raakt vooral jonge mensen, terwijl de griep normaal juist ouderen velt.

 Analyse van de 3 gebruikte bronnen: (bronnen zijn onderaan toegevoegd)


In alle 3 de artikel worden meerdere bronnen genoemd. Daarbij zijn de bronnen dusdanig bij naamgenoemd dat ze kunnen worden nagetrokken.


Door de goede bronvermelding zijn de bronnen na te trekken en doordat je de bronnen na kunt kijkenkun je zien of het artikel betrouwbaar is of niet. (deze artikelen blijken na research redelijk 

 betrouwbaar, al zijn de exacte getallen niet na te trekken omdat het aantal geïnfecteerde mensen en het

aantal doden met de dag toenemen en je niet kunt zien van welke dag wel onderzoek is dat per artikelis gebruikt waarbij de artikelen op verschillende dagen zijn uitgekomen.

 Diversiteit:De artikelen zijn heel divers geschreven. Het 1

eartikel is het meest actueel en zou bij wijze van

spreken een follow-up van het 3e

artikel kunnen zijn. Het 2e

artikel heeft een hele andere invalshoek,daar wordt gezocht naar de bron van de Mexicaanse griep. Maar hoe divers de artikelen ook zijn, in

alle artikelen wordt duidelijk dat het een ernstige zaak is.Soort bericht:

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 Net als bij het 1e

onderwerp zijn het weer 3 nieuwsberichten die je door de lengte ook alsnieuwsverhaal kan zou kunnen zien. Alle 3 de artikelen zijn ook weer geschikt voor een follow-up.


De artikelen zijn zeer relevant en hebben betrekking op wereldnieuws. Over de Mexicaanse griep iswereldwijd geschreven en bericht.

De toon van deze berichten is veel zakelijker dan de toon van de berichten over Apeldoorn. Dit komtomdat bij Apeldoorn direct menselijk leed zichtbaar was wat de toon verzacht. Bij de artikelen over de

Mexicaanse griep is niet direct menselijk leek zichtbaar en daar kan dus bijna klinisch over worden


 Invalshoek:De invalshoek van de 3 artikelen is niet gelijk. Het 1e en laatste artikel wil de lezer informeren over de

Mexicaanse griep. Het 2e

artikel is meer een onderzoeksartikel waarvan later de onderzoeksresultaten

kunnen worden gepubliceerd.

 De reden dat ik deze 3 heb gekozen:

Ik wilde graag een research verslag schrijven over de Mexicaanse griep omdat die in Nederland al

dagenlang de voorpagina’s regeert. Ik vroeg me af hoe dat wereldwijd was en heb daarom voor Amerika, Engeland en Canada gekozen. Je merkt daar dat de griep ook wereldnieuws is maar dat de

 berichtgeving anders gekleurd is. Vooral in Amerika en Canada wordt de Mexicaanse kant van het valt

allemaal wel mee ook bericht terwijl dat bij het Engelse niet zo is, en hier in Nederland al helemaalniet. Wij slikken alles wat de WHO te zeggen heeft. (better safe then sorry, zou ik zeggen).

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 Bronnenlijst (krant, auteur, datum, website)

Onderwerp 1:

Bron 1

Krant: de New York Times (Amerikaans)Auteur: Marlise Simons

Datum: 30 april 2009


Bron 2Krant: de Guardian (Engels)

Auteur: Angelique ChrisafisDatum: 30 april 2009


Bron 3

Krant: de National Post (Canadees)Auteur: Bud Wichers

Datum: 30 april 2009Website:

Onderwerp 2:

Bron 1

Krant: de New York Times (Amerikaans)Auteur: Donald G. McNeil Jr.

Datum: 07 mei 2009Website: 

Bron 2

Krant: de Guardian (Engels)

Auteur: Rory Carroll and Jo Tuckman 

Datum: 01 mei 2009


Bron 3: Krant: de National Post (Canadees)

Auteur: Alistair Bell Datum: 04 mei 2009


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 De 3 gebruikte bronnen per onderwerp: (met aantal woorden per 

bron en totaal aantal woorden per onderwerp).

Onderwerp 1: parlement en politiek, het drama in Apeldoorn.

Bron 1:

Car Plows Into Crowd Celebrating Dutch Queen

Pool photograph by Robin Utrecht

People lay injured after a car careened into a holiday parade that included Queen Beatrix and the

royal family in the Dutch city of Apeldoorn on Thursday.

By MARLISE SIMONS Published: April 30, 2009 The New York Times

PARIS — Five people were killed and a dozen wounded Thursday when a

car sped into a crowd at a festival in the town of Apeldoorn, the

Netherlands, narrowly missing an open-topped bus carrying Queen

Beatrix and members of her family.

Dutch officials said that minutes later, the driver admitted that he had aimed his car

at the royal family, but they gave no details as to a possible motive.

The authorities declined to provide the driver’s name, but said he was a 38-year-old

Dutchman who appeared to have acted alone and carried no weapons or explosives.

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The man was severely injured, probably as his car crashed into a stone monument,

 but police officers spoke with him as they tried to free him from the wreck. They said

he was hospitalized in critical condition and could not be questioned further.

Television images of the festivities, traditionally held to celebrate Queen’s Day,

showed police officers rushing toward injured spectators lying on the ground.

Members of the royal household atop the open bus watched the scene, some clasping

their faces in horror. The police said that 4 of the 12 wounded people had serious


Queen Beatrix, looking tense and shaken, later appeared on national television to

offer her condolences to the families of the victims. “What began as a beautiful day 

has ended in a terrible drama which has shocked all of us,” she said. “We are

speechless that such a terrible event could have happened.”

The attack raised a host of questions about how the driver could have broken through

several police barricades, coming within about 15 yards of the bus carrying the royal


Security, which used to be lax in the Netherlands, has become stricter in recent years

since several public figures, including the filmmaker Theo van Gogh, were killed on

the streets. Numerous roads were blocked off before the parade, and about 700 police

officers, many in plainclothes, were in the area, Dutch officials said.

Queen’s Day , held on the birth date of the queen’s late mother, Queen Juliana, is anational holiday in the Netherlands and is widely celebrated with street markets,

concerts and parades.

 After the deadly episode, some cities canceled events, but in Amsterdam, the capital,

squares and canals were still filled with thousands of revelers.

Police officers spent hours combing through the home of the driver, who lived in a

small town not far from Apeldoorn. They said the man had no police record.

Neighbors said he lived alone and had recently lost his job. 

 Bijna 500 woorden.

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Bron 2:

Speeding car ploughs down onlookers

watching Queen Beatrix of Netherlands Five people killed and 12 injured after car crashes into royal wellwishers in Dutch town of  Apeldoorn

•  Angelique Chrisafis 

• , Thursday 30 April 2009

Five people were killed and 12 injured during Dutch national holiday celebrations today

when a car deliberately ploughed through a crowd, narrowly missing an open-top bus

carrying Queen Beatrix and the royal family.

Prosecutors said the incident had deliberately targeted the royal parade but was not an act of 

terrorism. Police did not indicate why the popular queen might have been the target of anattack.

A Dutch male, aged 38, driving a small black Suzuki appeared to deliberately try to ram the

royal family's bus at high speed as they celebrated the queen's day national holiday with a

 parade through the city of Apeldoorn, 55 miles (90km) east of Amsterdam. The car ploughed

through police cordons metres away from the royal bus before crashing into a stone

monument to the late Queen Wilhelmina.

Police declined to identify the injured driver saying he had no police record or history of 

mental illness. He had been arrested but could not be questioned immediately as he was being

treated in hospital. Twelve people were injured in the attack; four were in a serious condition.

Dutch media reported people flying through the air after the car swerved through railings anda large flag-waving crowd who had lined up to watch the popular royals parade past, wavingto their subjects en route to the Het Loo palace.

Members of the royal family watched from their bus in shock as the car careered past them.

Television footage showed Crown Prince Willem-Alexander and his wife, Princess Maxima,

standing at their seats. Maxima held her hand over her mouth in apparent horror.

This year's Dutch national holiday celebrations had been marred by rumours that Queen

Beatrix was about to abdicate to make way for her son. Dutch monarchs have a tradition of 

stepping down to favour their offspring. When Crown prince Willem-Alexander, an expert inwater management, celebrated his 42nd birthday earlier this week, media speculated his time

had come. His mother Queen Beatrix was 42 when her mother stepped down to let her take

the throne.

"No one doubts that Willem-Alexander is ready to take over. He has been steadily groomed

for his position as monarch," said NRC Handelsblaad this week, noting that the prince had

lived down his young bachelor days as "Prins Pils" (the beer prince). He and his photogenic

wife and three young daughters regularly appear in European society magazines.

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The queen has 85% approval ratings and is more powerful than other European monarchs,

 playing a role in the running of government and overseeing legislation.

The Dutch government called off any remaining official activities for the annual holiday,

when people in the Netherlands traditionally flood into city streets to drink, eat and set upstalls to sell bric-a-brac from their attics.

 Bijna 500 woorden

Bron 3 Car driven into Dutch royal parade kills five spectators 

Bud Wichers, Reuters Published: Thursday, April 30, 2009 national post

 APELDOORN, Netherlands -- A Dutchman deliberately drove his car toward an open

 bus carrying Queen Beatrix and her family Thursday, killing five people and injuring12 in a crowd watching the parade.

Television footage showed a small black Suzuki with a crumpled front driving at high

speed after ploughing through a crowd of spectators.

The black car driven by the 38-year-old missed the bus by four or five metres before

slamming into a stone monument in central Apeldoorn, about 90 kilometres east of 


Members of the royal family looked on in horror as the small Suzuki hurtled past and

the popular Queen appeared visibly shaken when she appeared later on television on

the Queen's Day national holiday.

"What started as a beautiful day has ended in terrible drama, which has shocked us

deeply," Queen Beatrix, 71, said in a brief address. She cancelled further official


Public prosecutor Ludo Goossens told a news conference the attacker, who was taken

into custody and was in a critical condition in hospital, told police his actions were

directed against the royal family.

He is being charged with an attempted assault on the royal family. Police said they 

 believed the man, whose name was not disclosed, acted alone. No explosives were

found in the vehicle.

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Four of the injured spectators are in a serious condition. Three men and two women


Princess Maxima, wife of heir to the throne Willem-Alexander, and Queen Beatrix'sother children were also in the specially designed blue and white, open-top bus which

 was heading to a palace in Apeldoorn.

The royal family usually visits a community on Queen's Day, an annual holiday when

citizens wearing the national colour of orange flood on to city streets.

Dutch flags, which were flying from the facades of city homes, were later at half-mast

to commemorate the victims.

"The Netherlands is shaken by this terrible event," Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter

Balkenende said.

The popular monarch had met well-wishers on the streets before boarding the bus for

the parade.

"All of a sudden I heard a bang," one spectator said on television. "At first I thought it

 was a runaway horse ... I saw shoes flying into the air and there was this black car,

 with a broken window."

Live television footage showed the car with a crumpled front careening past the bus.

Queen's Day, a celebration of the monarch's birthday, is actually the birth date of 

Queen Beatrix's mother, Juliana. Queen Beatrix was born in January.

 Bijna 500 woorden

 In totaal 1416 woorden voor onderwerp 1

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Onderwerp 2: gezondheidszorg en welzijn, de Mexicaanse griep.

Bron 1:

Swine Flu Cases Worldwide Exceed 2,300

Gregory Bull/Associated Press

Mexicans, quarantined in China with no flu symptoms, landed Wednesday in Mexico City.By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr.

Published: May 7, 2009

The World Health Organization said Thursday that 2,371 people in 24 countries now 

had confirmed cases of swine flu.

Only 46 people are known to have died of the virus, all but 2 of them in Mexico. 

Scientists on Thursday described 11 cases of Americans who were infected before the

current outbreak with swine flus that partly matched the new epidemic strain that

emerged in Mexico in March. The first case was in December 2005.

In articles published online in The New England Journal of Medicine, virologists

from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention described those cases, most of 

them in young people in the Midwest who touched or were near pigs. All had a “triple

reassortant” virus that combined human, swine and avian flu genes.

The H1N1 flu now spreading out from Mexico also has those genes, as well as genes

from Eurasian swine.

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The Eurasian genes “have never been seen in the Americas before, in humans or

swine,” Michael W. Shaw, a member of the C.D.C.’s virus investigation team, said in a

news conference on Thursday. “There is a gap in the surveillance.”

But, he added, “a lot of researchers are digging through their freezers” for stored

samples that might contain the Eurasian genes.

The 11 patients all recovered, though 4 had to be hospitalized.

In Mexico, university and high school students returned to classes on Thursday.

Fearing that bringing people back together could cause a resurgence of the virus, the

Mexican authorities continued to recommend face masks on public transit.

Restaurants reopened, but all staff members had to wear masks, too.

Dr. Keiji Fukuda, a W.H.O. assistant director general, noted that, in previous

pandemics, up to a third of the world was eventually infected with each new virus

over the course of one to two years.

The total number of swine flu cases in Europe increased to about 150. But there is not

enough evidence of sustained community transmission there to justify raising the

 W.H.O. pandemic alert level, Dr. Fukuda said.

In the United States, state health authorities are not testing every possible case of the

 virus because backlogs have developed and 100 different viruses can cause flu

symptoms. In New York, for example, the authorities test only people with flusymptoms serious enough to warrant hospitalization.

On Thursday evening, the C.D.C. case tally stood at 896 cases in 41 states.

“We are not seeing any signs of this petering out,” said Dr. Richard E. Besser, the

C.D.C.’s acting director. “We are still on the upswing of the epidemic curve.”

Only about 10 percent of those infected had a travel history to Mexico, he said.

 About 5 percent of the people with confirmed cases have been hospitalized. That is a

much higher proportion than normal for seasonal flu, and the median age is 15, whichis unusually young. But because some states are now testing only seriously ill patients

for the novel virus, such skewing of the data is to be expected, Dr. Besser said.

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 While schools do not need to close because of a case of swine flu, he said, children

 who have it should stay home for seven days, including a day after their symptoms


Holding “swine flu parties” or otherwise deliberately trying to get infected with the

 virus on the theory that it will provide immunity if the disease returns in the fall “is a

 big mistake,” Dr. Besser said.

“How an individual person will be impacted by the infection is something we do not

know,” he added. “We do not recommend that people follow that course.”

 Sharon Otterman contributed reporting.

Ongeveer 650 woorden

Bron 2:

UN team seeks swine flu's ground zero

Scientists from UN Food and Agriculture Organisation attempt to determine whether virus

originated in Mexican village of La Gloria

•  Rory Carroll and Jo Tuckman in Mexico City

• , Friday 1 May 2009 07.41 BST

•  Article history 

United Nations scientists investigating the swine flu epidemic are checking conflicting

evidence from the village of La Gloria in Mexico to determine whether it was the source or 

merely a staging post of the outbreak.

A team from the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) is joining UN and Mexican

government experts in tracing the chain of transmission from the site on the edge of a valley

155 miles east of Mexico City.

Fresh but inconclusive clues have emerged in recent days over whether swine flue, which the

World Health Organisation has renamed the A(H1N1) virus, came from a pig farm near La


The Mexican government's chief epidemiologist, Miguel Angel Lezana, said the virus may

have originated in Asia, jumped to California and travelled south with migrant workers

returning home to the village for Easter holidays. "I would not dare to say exactly where it


La Gloria is suspected because samples taken on 3 April from a five-year-old boy, Edgar Hernandez, are the earliest confirmed case of the disease. Edgar recovered last month but

hundreds of other villagers said they had earlier suffered similar illnesses.

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The village is five miles from a pig farm run by Granjas Carroll, a subsidiary of the Virginia-

 based company Smithfield Foods. Residents have long complained about sewage and bad


"What is happening now with the flu proves what we have always said," one activist said,asking that his name not be used for fear of reprisal.

He said many people from La Gloria worked in Mexico City and returned to the village

around Easter. He said migration to other parts of the country or to the US was rare.

If La Gloria is indeed the start of the chain of human transmission, the most probable original

source for the virus is thought to be a pig infected by bird flu and human flu. The pig would

then have had to transfer the new virus to a human who infected other people. The FAO team

will try to find out if the virus entered humans directly from pigs.

Smithfield Food executives said the company's pigs were healthy and released a letter dated 1

April from federal authorities saying the farm had passed an environmental audit.

There were no reports of employees falling sick. "Our pigs are not contributing to this and we

are certainly not the source of this," Mike Hawn, a company director, told the Guardian.

The company's case seems to be bolstered by Quechulac, a village bigger than La Gloria and

closer to the Granjas Carroll farm yet apparently free of flu-like illness.

Many families in La Gloria and other villages keep pigs and poultry in their yards, and there

are reports an unusually high number of chickens died this year in Quechulac. They could notswallow and had white excrement.

Amid such conflicting information the authorities are exploring a separate theory that migrant

workers brought the virus to Mexico from California, where there are two confirmed early

cases. The disease could have jumped to California from Asia, said Lezana, theepidemiologist. "We are looking into that."

A third theory sources the virus to a 39-year-old woman in the southern Mexican state of 

Oaxaca. María Gutiérrez, a census taker, fell ill with swine flu on 4 April and died on 13


There are unconfirmed reports she caught the disease from a colleague with an apparently

heavy cold who arrived from Veracruz, the state that contains La Gloria.

As scientists tried to piece the jigsaw together, the number of new cases in Mexico City,

which has borne the brunt of casualties, appeared to have stabilised. Hospital records suggest

deaths and new cases have levelled off and that the outbreak may have peaked last week.

Mexico has 260 confirmed swine flu cases including 12 deaths.

José Angel Cordova, the health minister, said he hoped the trend would continue and that a

vaccine would be available in six months.

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Bron 3:

WHO to declare full flu pandemic

Alistair Bell, Reuters Published: Monday, May 04, 2009

Joe Raedle/Getty ImagesPeople pray

together as some wear surgical masks, to help prevent catching the swine flu, during a church service in Mexico City.

Cases have been confirmed in 18 countries.

MEXICO CITY -- Mexico said it was winning the battle against a deadly new strain of 

flu as it stayed largely shut for business and cases dropped, but global health officials

hinted a pandemic was still likely.

 World Health Organization chief Margaret Chan, paving the way for a rise in theagency's flu alert to the top of a six-point scale, warned against complacency over the

good news from Mexico where the new H1N1 strain was first seen.

"Flu viruses are very unpredictable, very deceptive... We should not be over-

confident. One must not give H1N1 the opportunity to mix with other viruses," she


 A hike to level 6 would declare a pandemic -- a disease spreading rapidly in more

than one area - but this would only reflect views on how the virus was spreading, not

how bad its effects were. Chan said calm should prevail.

"Level 6 does not mean, in any way, that we are facing the end of the world. It is

important to make this clear because [otherwise] when we announce level 6 it will

cause an unnecessary panic," the director-general said.

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Last week the U.N. agency raised its alert level twice, from 3 to 5 on a six-point scale,

in response to the sustained transmission of H1N1 in Mexico and the United States.

Before issuing a level 6 alert, the WHO would need to see the virus spreading withincommunities in Europe or Asia.

The WHO said on Monday its laboratories had identified 985 H1N1 flu infections in

20 countries. Its toll lags national reports but is considered more scientifically secure.

Laboratory tests have shown 590 cases of the virus in Mexico, of which 25 people

died -- the only deaths worldwide, bar a Mexican toddler visiting the United States.

In Mexico, offices and businesses stayed closed on Monday to try to prevent the

spread of what has commonly been called swine flu, even though humans cannot

catch it from pigs.

The health ministry announced on Sunday the epidemic had passed the worst and

experts said the virus might be no more severe than normal flu.

"The virus has entered into a stabilization phase. The cases are starting to decrease,"

President Felipe Calderon said on Sunday, adding that Mexico would begin to get

 back on its feet again this week after shutting restaurants, offices, cinemas and even

churches for days.

"Our objective is to return to normality as soon as possible but what I want is to dothat in secure conditions."

 After days of alarm that had kept streets eerily quiet, Mexico City appeared more

relaxed, with some people venturing out on bikes or running. Many no longer wore

the surgical masks that have been almost obligatory in the city in the last week.

In the United States, the flu has spread to 30 states and infected 226 people, the U.S.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said. It seems to hit mostly younger

people, with very few cases among those over 50 years old.

CDC acting director Richard Besser said there were "encouraging signs" the new 

strain was not more severe than what would be seen during normal seasonal flu, but

he still expected the new virus to have a significant impact on health.

"We're not out of the woods," he said.

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The U.S. government said it hoped to have a vaccine ready for the new flu strain by 

the autumn.

The WHO said flu surveillance should be increased in humans and animals now thatthe latest H1N1 strain was found to have infected pigs in Canada.

Few countries are ready to take chances with the new virus.

 Action by China to hold Mexicans in hotels and other places, ill or not, sparked a

diplomatic dispute with Mexico, which said it was sending a plane to bring its citizens


 A Mexican Embassy official in China said Chinese authorities were quarantining

more than 70 Mexican business people and tourists after some showed flu symptoms.

China denied Mexican complaints that discrimination lay behind the measures.

In Turkey, a hospital denied a media report that one of its patients had been killed by 

the new strain.

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