research,iranian ceramic tile works


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Page 2: Research,Iranian Ceramic Tile works

- Introduction to the art of tile work in ancient IRAN

گلازیرهیهت: رسلو

- Chapter 1: Tile and its application1. - Seven colored (Rainbow) tiles2. - Masonry calligraphy with decorative tiles

- Chapter 2: Tiles and construction Industry3. - Tile4. - Selection of row materials in the manufacture

of tiles5. – Mixing in a ball mill supplier6. – Primary baking by means of drier spray7. – Casting and pressing the tiles8. – secondary baking tiles9. – Glazing and germination of tiles10.– Print on tile11.– Final baking of the tile12. – Tile baking kilns13. – Tiles designing14. – Tiles packaging- Chapter 3: How to build border tiles15.– The difference between normal and Granit

tiles16.– Quality control portion in the factory17.– Laboratory portion in the factory- Tile works- References


Page 3: Research,Iranian Ceramic Tile works

Ceramic tile-making industry and the work of architectural decoration all over the land of Iran and specially religious monuments have been used, such as certain features pottery. This craft is very far from the past as a result of skill, taste and style of tile worker has been mirrored in the object position, so that the artist or mosaicmakers with the application of various colors and put the pieces together or in the thickness of colorful stones and in accordance with the map already has plans to different and even building is achieved from the combination. Simplegeometric designs, curved line, half a circle, triangle, and another that a vertical line lines on them are of images drawn on the findings of earlier courses have a place to browse a variety of roles, which are geometric shapes, flowers and leaves, plant and animals that inspired and influenced by nature have formed are visible, and all work in the industry and skill of the artist's role is to coordinate and plan to build them, It is one of the most consideration.This point should be noted that what the tiles and tile works of art ever created such a public and everyday needs, not knowing the artist of great beauty and satisfaction of human desires and religious motif was his. As the Pope writes when he was visiting Sheikh “Lotfollah” Mosque‟s Tile works in Isfahan,"creating such these art works could not be happened except through the religion and faith to the God”.art terrazzo and mosaic tiling, is a combination of abstract and individual characteristics of objects and their color, taste and authenticity that the viewer to admire the work of artists in a variety of makes and incorporated phenomenon.Al-Abid temple decorative tile is on the left in Mesopotamia since the second half of the second millennium the first indicator of first usage of Tiling art in Iranian Architecture.The decorative style that combines colored stones and put them together with special decorative order and also using colored objects such as shells, bones and organized, more like a way to make terrazzo tile The first enamelled bricks and painteddecorations on the walls of the palace was used by Assyria and Babylon.In Iran engage in cultural, social, military, economic, trade and industrial relations, except the neighboring countries, with the countries that had have historically distant had been usual as well. The interplay of cultural and artistic production in many aspects, especially the art of tiling and mosaic tiles have, the first manifestations of the art works of the late second millennium BC. Appears.

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The “Chaghazanbil” ziggurat excavated, and the rest of the ancient Susa city in Iran, in addition to the pottery glaze, glazed bricks have been found. The technics and industry of Tile work means the combination of small colored stones based on geometric designs with different beautiful designs has reached the peak of its prosperity that we can see in the obtained cup from the “Marlik” excavations could be consider as the greatest and most complete instance. This cup is the combination of stone mosaics made of colorful style double technical term for “Hezar Gol - thousand flowers" is known for the quality of work is inlaid in the row.Hanging to the left of the Achaemenid period suggests the use of colored glazed bricks and painted their composition, body building Susa and Persepolis are arranged in such a combination, two interesting examples of these types of tiling in Susa obtained the "lions and arrow shooters" is known.In addition, the proportion of rhythmic and designs used in the composition, role and status of the tale of the true identity of the soldiers. As the face of the white and the black to dark colors, decorative items such as earrings and bracelets of gold or remove shoes yellow leather legs. The decorative tile is also used to make scrolls.Text color, original tiles Achaemenid period, often yellow, green and brown glaze on baked bricks made of plaster.Other examples of this kind of glazed tiles pictures of imaginary animals like the "Phoenix" or "Griffin" cow horn, head, feet and claws of birds as well as milk obtained during recent excavations. Different parts of different pieces of tile work Achaemenid now in the collection of the Louvre and other museums around the world.“Ashakanyan (Parthian period) of significant progress in the glazing industry, and particularly the use of interior and exterior wall covering, honest glazed ceramics were common, as well as frequently thick stratum of the glaze on the coffin of the burial pulled.Gradually in the course of the colors green and turquoise blue glaze that will thrive. According to some researchers believe, the Parthian Glaze industry as a result of political and trade relations between Iran and the Far East, China and potters in Chinese Han Dynasty period (206 BC -220 AD) is the most common techniques of glaze in ceramics which were had been usual in Iran have been using for cover in china. Assyrian wall paintings and mountain palace “eunuch” in Sistan province and prosperity reminiscent of graffiti in this period.The decorative scheme of the role of plants, palm trees, small leaves like flower "Lotus" and human and animal decoration, also used in the above two monument „s arrangement.

گلازیرهیهت: رسلو

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It is hoped that in future excavations in different parts of the Ashakanyan (Parthian) period was more tiles that provide the opportunity to study and scrutiny in this area. In the Sassanid era, like other arts craft Achaemenid period continued, and making the same manner and with glazed tiles Achaemenid wasthicker than usual.Several examples of this type of glazed tiles with a thickness of one centimeter in diameter and is in search of “Firuz Abad” and “Behshapoor” obtained. In addition to art tile art mosaic art in the Sassanid era was also common.Specifically covered porch on the east and west Behshapoor‟s mosaic and ornamentations from different colors and designs of flowers and plants, birds and human figures on the covers.

Quality of mosaic motifs found in Behshapoor more expressive and artistic style of the period style of mosaic tiles and tile work is manifested. Painting and appropriate, coordinate, and the proportion of the characteristics of this period is tiled.After the spread of Islam, over art ornate tile work and cover the most important factor for the stability of the buildings, especially religious buildings were different. One of the best types of tile work in the most sacred religious monument in the history of the first century AD, the “Qods - Dome of the Rock” can be seen.Since the early Islamic period tiles and tile workers, like other Iranian filmmakers and artists to the forefront of different ways, according to historians, art tile work with her as far as Spain gets too have conquered territories. Iranian Artists with extraordinary and unbelievable skills created the “Tile type of Mosaic” wich is named “Moaraq” with different colors and styles in variety ofways. And turned the same colored and simple mud bricks of the pre – Islamic period to the extremely beautiful combination of the colors which is called “haft Rang – Rainbow”. And thus lower the fifth century AD onward Building can be seen that one of the above- mentioned methods or different colored tiles have been decorated.In this short article will try to check and examine the changes of tile art of early Islamic period to the present day, and also briefly describe how is the decoration of its application in different centuries.

گلازیرهیهت: رسلو

Page 6: Research,Iranian Ceramic Tile works

Tiling historically is the fifth basic and essential ways of decorating of common buildings.Using this method, was the maximum common in Islamic architecture and decorative materials and was interesting during this period that overwhelmed the other arts in this case such as brick works and plaster decorations so that they were covering all face of the walls with the tiles. Tile decoration for the first time in the 13th century in “Konya - Gounia” sites ( This city now a days is a part of Turkey) used. Tiling with decorative art reached its zenith in the Islamic countries wiki prominent features of Islamic architecture is used to specify tiles of three types of buildings used that will be explained in the next topics.A: (Moarragh tiles - mosaic tiles: By modulation of small pieces of cut is made on the basis of the principle of individual and installed in the appropriate place that is considered.

B: Building Tiles: geometric designs made from the combination of geometric shapes, the area of each square is 4 to 8 cm.

C: Mud brick type tile: glazed clay delicate that any of them are part of the schema is made and there is a five-century Ah with the development and progress of other branches of Islamic art was also a tiling business more viable.

In order not to avoid loose of time given the country's weak economy, they're in the restoration of historic new “abdat” instead of repairing tile mosaic tiles used to apply these seven colors of tile type white color is a little green.“Moarragh work” is a diaphoretic action of the cut pieces of different motifs from the tiles of different colors and shaved on the side of large fragments in the form of equation and encapsulation on and can be installed on a wall that be the ornamentation part of work. Sometimes the role of the motifs and sometimes different natural node such as scabies and an Arabesque that each plant can have a separate building ornament.Build or install tile to the mosaic through the above say is called “Moarragh tile work”.

Tile work in the “Seljukian” Sultanate period i.e. diaphoretic in 4 Ah to the perfection and was very popular.The mosaic artists who lived in the eighth century working far from the Seljuk Covenant artists they were ahead. Succeeded in this century who forms part of the mosaic is composed of smaller and softest and most beautiful building forms in a variety of colors and geometric shapes and also beautiful glossy display that can be seen only in the art of the East, especially Iran.

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Specially the more cheapness caused more currency of this style. “Moarragh work” Between the centuries 9 and 10 reached its eastern waysand styles.In this period the special and important central workshops of “Moarragh work” established in the cities of Isfahan,Yazd,Kerman,Herat and Samarghand.Mosaic tile has the advantage that can be installed in the non-planar surfaces, such as domes and finial towers and even small and delicate “Mogharnas” If you're in need of repair will be less intact incompatible with the remains of tiles.

A tile that is used in most of the mosques, tombs worship Stays and used as private homes, which has an excellent reputation.These tiles are the clay tiles of size of 10 x 10 cm square meters and comes with the encapsulation put the question on the role of the painting taken and heating in the oven to be baked enamel then removed from the furnace and install in seven color and promote the common colors are black, white, blue, turquoise Yi, yellow and red fawn Historical sites Yu holy places where a lot of this type of tiles used.

The building line which is inspired by the Islamic “Koufi” calligraphy in tile work has a special stage in Islamic Architecture.This calligraphy is used as an ornamentation in inscriptions and in the top of minarets And also in the back and side of the arches.This great calligraphy abundantly is used in tiles and propagated tiling because it is easier to cut and like the other corner line and side line has not too much warp and that‟s why it called masonry calligraphy which were using mostly in historical “Abdat” Using letter “ آ-A” .In tiling work however there are other ornamentation styles like: “Eslimi”, “Gereh kar”, “Masonry line type”, “Mogharnas works”, “Moarragh works” “Design sheets” and so on.If we focus on the stages of the preparation of a piece of tile either small or big we could get this point that each of these styles has its own special extreme value in their choices and we can feel the creativity, initiative, and art power of the specialist tile Workers on them.

Today, with frequent use of the tiles in the construction industry, it is considered as one of the most used building materials.

گلازیرهیهت: رسلو


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In Iran some of the great diversity in terms of quality which has produced is competitive and even higher than foreign products.A group of the Azad university students in Iran prepared a complete and useful report from the tile preparation steps from the beginning like: soil and dough preparation, Casting, baking and the important points of final cooking and resulted that in spite of Long term tile work antiquity in Iran but still the quality of the tiles is under level of Standards and that‟s why the factories did not get success to export their productions To the other countries and most of the factories and companies have been forced to work internally and by this way they stand lots of losses.After this research they prepared a solution program based on increasing material quality factors and Offered their program to the main producers.

Clay minerals relative to their intrinsic, kaolin group ALO2, 2SO2,2H2O and Halvzytha Al2O, 2SO2,4H2O mount morphit made.Tiles, are consist of materials that are cheap and are in favor of the ceramic and the strength and elegance that is stored. Tile, has a variety of simple to start andend of the chest wall and curved cornice corners speciatype of tile with a beautiful, ceramic or stone floor mosaics and kills them.Tile are in the shapes of colorful paintings and mosaicsand outstanding trumpet or a project or in the form of boards and posts, etc. are made. Tiles in tile producing factories, in the forms of glaze and handling and cooking procedures in place, with different strength and size can be made.Enamels usually made of kaolin, quartz, feldspars and by adding gypsum and iron oxide that are using as sewage pipes, etc. and use in the colors of metal oxides.These collections will be in the form of iron powder and extract in the surface of the tile then will be dried and baked in the factory and this operations make the tile waterproof. For making the tile adhesive with mortar, it will projected 5.1 to 2 mm.The tiles with the sizes of 10x10 mm and 40x40 mm are wall tiles.Besides, the other items can be pointed such as health applications like bath top, toilet sink and so on which after glazing some operations will be done to make them light and clean. Wall tiles at least have the thick of 6mm and at most 10 mm not to have contraction. Tiles in 100 degree heat and immediately put into the water 20-18 degrees in this part of the experiment is likely to crack.Tiles baked at 1250- 1200 ° C and after the glaze, they re temperature 260 – 1100 ° C Based on the quality and the number of moles (small holes) tiles classify as 1, 2 and 3.


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Material that is used in manufacturing each tile is 6 soil types were as follows:

1) Kaolin is imported from Tabriz mine.2) Feldspar that has two types itself ( fortune and steel) that each of them

imported from “Ardekan” mines.3) Silica which imported from “Meybod” mine.4) “Balcony” which imported from “Ardekan” mine.5) Pirondit soil which imported from “Yazd” mine.6) Elite soils which prepared from “Zard Kouh -Yazd” mines.

Before mixing the ingredients together each of them crush by means of crusher machine and among the process larger particles becomes finer particles.In order to the above notations and importance of accessibility to the mines there are so many tile producing factories are established in the “Meybod” industrial town, so that Tens of tile producing factories established in the area.

Ball mill supplier is a supplier with a Steel body and with a source of manufacturing co has been a source of local coverage of the emerging “lanyari” brick or tire because to prevent being eaten by the internal surface of ceramic balls and the source is, which is the source of this capacity of alluvial and 30,000 liters, respectively.Raw materials with the following percentage of the source will be in the mix with each other:1) 45% of the ceramic balls and alluvial2) 38% water3) 7% soil and raw materials

The explanation that they import the ceramic balls and alluvial materials to the ball mill supplier to crush the basic materials to the small particles.In order to make the diagnosis of the source material in the mixing time after time during the initial manufacturing co spin, the material inside the device by the quality control laboratory and field test are taken.The diagnosis of this case it is a quality of 100 grams of the material removed from the mesh No.3 and then weigh the residual material on mesh's measurement.If this is the equivalent of 6 to 7 g weight of swirling and mix the adequate material and if this is more than the weight of the rotation of the device has to continue to reach the standard of material weight.

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The materials inside the ball mill supplier be taken via under goround tubes to the ball mill ponds and then pump and mesh by the mesh No.60.And after this stage enter the pond drier spray and drier spray device is then.The main task of this device is heating the previous materials and deliver the material‟s moisture content to 6%, respectively.The top part of the device indicate the temperature Viewer which consists of three control device has a high temperature in each row the Viewer now shows each part, And the lower part represents the maximum possible heating power for each part.The first part indicates the temperature of the drier spray torch, the second part indicates the temperature of the enclosure drier spray, and the third part represents the output temperature.Output soil of drier spray pond is taken by special pumps to the top of the furnace has of drier and spray the soil by 6 nozzles at the source.These nozzles spray the soil in the form of a fountain to the top of the kiln. As temperatures inside the kiln, furnace by drier spray out from the output that comes with additional soil within some of the exit temperature of kiln is also exit.In order to prevent this matter some soil filters which called silicon are used. The quality of the soil of this part is not good because the material is not the necessary grit and this would cause the query in a timely manner to the soil, the air, and leave may suck.At the end of this section this soil reverted back to the source but in some utilization of factories because of the economic cost of soil along with others sent to the query area and furthermore are used. It should be considered an advanced developing countries such as in Italy and Spain soil preparation stages for the production of “Kashi – tile” are done by other factories.The out put soil of drier spray transfer to the silo by lifting device (in the form of cup). Soil silo capacity is 50 tons and each factory use 4 soil silo in the production line.To select the action to control part of the soil from the soil silos the estimated mean soil moisture content reaches 6% .

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At this stage the soil enter to the pressing hopper by conveyor belts and after passing through the accurate meshes enter to the casts.The thickness of the soil layer in the pressing casts is 2 cm but after pressing process It becomes 9 mm. The amount of force that presses the mold is between 200 to 220 Kg / pas that its value is determined by the soil laboratory.At each stage of the two mold presses and presses its speed to 11 pairs of tiles per minute.

Tiles that come out of the press device transfer to the drier device by press rollers. Tiles posed around inside the drier for an hour and a half. The dryer temperature is contain by quality control section but the specified temperature range is between 85 to 120 c that this temperature depends on the type of soil and type of the tile glaze.The out put tiles of drier device is called biscuit!.In some cases out put biscuits of drier device become two shelled that air is the reason And that is because of:1 The out put soil from the air filter (Silicon) is not desirable2 creation of air bulbs through the soil particles in the press sectionThese airy biscuits isolated from the other biscuits and reverted back to the raw materials section.

Isolated biscuits transfer to the glazing line by conveyor belt. Before spraying glazes on tiles, another work is done on it as well, which include:1- sweeping the surface of the tiles by means of a special machine. 2- sand blasting and aeration of the tiles3- Splashing some water on the tiles to decrease their temperatureAfter doing the above steps we have two steps on the glazed tile and germination: First step:In this stage biscuit will enter to the Ingoup glazing cabinIngoup glazing has a formula consists of the body and the tile glazing materials which uses as a cover or filler between the surface of the tile and the secondary glazing part. The weight of used Ingoup glazing material for the tiles with size of 20x20 is about15 – 17 grams.

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- The weight applied on the other dimensions of the tile with the other and with the fit between the dimensions of the tile with the tile 20 x 20 is a particular.

Second Step:In this stage the bag along with the glaze color on the tile will be struck. Therefore, if the secondary stage in glazed color printing shablone printing along with tile and struck by is on.

-Three cab types to establish ingoup and enamel glaze on the surface there is biscuit:1) Jet in which a second glaze is added to by the nozzle shall be biscuit.2) included in the disc, in which the glaze is added to the per form is biscuit.3) type Bell that to add the glaze of the tile are used for sacrifice.

Method of glazing:In some parts of the glaze with a capacity of 3,000 to 10,000 manufacturing co/l is used in these cases, the only porcelain balmin bullet is used and cannot be used in alluvial bullet.In the industry of tile depending on the type of use and the glazed tile used four types of: 1- Opaque glaze 2- mate glaze 3- trans glaze 4- loumster glaze

-The glazed tile Organizer materials include: frit, silicate, zinc oxide, zirkunium, feldspar, silica, calcium carbonate, Aluminium oxide-glazes for water in the oil, glycol instead of printing is used and instead of an extension of the powder format is used

-Glazed tile at the stage of germination may be experiencing the disadvantages and defects to be ashkalati that this so-called pin hole in the tile and, now, and the disadvantages can be decreased through the following methods:

1) add water to the outside of the dryer biscuit2) time interval between the birth of the glazed tile and ingoup glaze stage, which

must not be more than 8 seconds long..

If the tiles depending on the type they need to have it be printed on them, glazed tile and after step into the device by the sticking device may be fixed and in the name of experienced designers on the glazed tile adhesive in order to prevent the shablone sticking when print on the tile.

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It is a remarkable point of the material of shablones is a kind of special fabric. For printing on tile there are two types of device are: 1) the equipment for quick printing device, in which the machine must be after 1 day of use shablone is changed.Called, Router 2) print device that is used in this device be shablone approximately a few months use.In the factory due to the diverse nature of the projects and its economical saving printing (printing machinery is expensive router called) of equipment for quick printing device is used.

After the printing process in order to prevent the roller sticking furnace to the tile below level, use the formula that the name ingoup glazei hope it is included in most of the magnesit, is used.Then enter the rollermathic device manufactured by tile reserve capacity that each tile will be manufactured in the reserve, from 70 to 8 square meters is tile.

The technical specifications of these kilns, that have longitudinal length of 86m and transverse length of 2.5m and have 120 torches which 60 of them located in the top of kilns and other 60 ones in the bottom, will come in the next part.The tile kilns between cooking time 50-60 minutes, and furnace temperature of about 1150 to 1200 ° c, that is, if a given temperature to tile to be high oblique shape tile is broken.After finishing out of the firing of the tile kilns, a small Jack of the pass if they are thick,i.e. belonging tiles too is common to this Jack tiles broken and they are out of the production line.

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Tile classification is done by the operator and the operator's action is the basis for this is the tile surface is seen if its surface is smooth and no apparent fractures form in the corners of Venice, it is healthy that the tile as a degree will be considered in the tile. And after that, on the basis of morphological forms in other destructions of them to grade 2,3,4 and 5 and in some cases classification that nowadays any type of tile factory in grade 5 are not packed.The grading work of the tiles is the classification of tile with a SQL script on the tile lines are oil and put them on the tile place for supporting the. type and degree is carried out, it is a type of linear on any degree of tile could not be shared.

The tile which were ranked in the previous step, create a log that the machine depending on the location, there were lines, tiles and separation from each other they are categories so that each group of 10 tiles supplies for the tile be import categories, packaging machines and devices made of cardboard and plastic base to protect tile on it now.Packed tiles are separated by operators of tile packaging and ready to be shipped to the warehouse.After the explanation of the overall production process of tiles we are going to talk about the types of tiles in the next topic.

For making this type of tiles usually they used white tiles which have been exited from the third baking kiln.These tiles that have more decorative aspects have a very low latitude, but also on the longitudinal size of the other tiles.

The difference between the floor tile and wall tile:

- The glaze of wall tiles are more glassy than floor tiles and the baking temperature of them is higher.

- The percentage of water absorption for wall tiles in comparison with the floor tiles is higher.

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Page 15: Research,Iranian Ceramic Tile works

3.1In the process of Granit tile production, in the portion of soil pressing device, the pressure amount of these devices are more and instead of glazing of the surface of the tile they pulverized and so that the pigments on the tiles themselves use instead of printing as their designing layout.

3.This part of the task of control, tile factory, raw materials, glazes and other parts of the factory is responsible for the control of all the above items daily to make sure that the tile, being healthy and desirable products in the factory and increase the quality of production.

Some of the tests which operate on tiles to make their quality under control:

1- Accurate dimension sizing of the tiles and comparing it with the sample 2- The color comparing of the tiles with the sample3Tile wear testing4Pilot Convex arc test 5- Color absorption test 6- Blob test7- Heat shock test

3.In this part of the factory by means of a couple of different tests try to produce the tiles with the higher quality in terms of material, resistance, color, design, the kind of glaze and nobility.The production of the shablones with the new designs done in the laboratory as well.

When you start installing the tile in this case will be the first action of clay dough preparation and modernizing it and this dough must be located near to the dough worker in a special container, then by using of cement or sand or gypsum or well grained clay prepare the mortar layer for the first layout of the tiles.They put two tiles in both sides of the wall with the distance of 1cm from the wall then connect a tiny rope from the top of it and fill the front part of the tiles with mortar, after that put a steel flat bar on the tile and locate the other tiles in the back of element respectively and control them by means of the rope.Then fill the small empty boundaries between the tiles by cement slurry.

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Page 16: Research,Iranian Ceramic Tile works

- Naderi, Hippocrates. "A brief about cooking and types of tile, tile factory". Volume 16, no. 188 (may 57)

- Iranian Unic Arts, Arash Soha- Iranian Tile design and preparation Bulletin - Volume IX- The role of Iran in the art of ornamental tiling – Akbar Pour Shirazi- Iranian Tile Art – Reza Ispahani-

Seven Color Tile - TURKEY

Hejri Tile - IRAN

Moarraque Tile - IRAN

Zarrin Faam Tile - IRANگلازیر

هیهت: رسلو11

Page 17: Research,Iranian Ceramic Tile works

Fig01-The tile preparation process in the factory (infogram)

Fig03-tile production factory - IRAN

Fig02-tile production factory - IRAN

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Fig06- Quality control portion

Fig04-Raw materials preparation – Ispahan,IRAN

Fig05- Tile preparation process (infogram)

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Fig07-tile printing shablone – Ispahan - IRAN

Fig08-Rollers – Ispahan - IRAN

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Fig09-Pressing Hopper – Ispahan,IRAN

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Fig10,11- Traditional artistic design workshop – Ispahan,IRAN

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Fig12,13- Traditional artistic design workshop – Ispahan,IRAN

Border tiling

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Fig14,15- Traditional artistic design workshop – Ispahan,IRAN

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Fig16- Packaging portion of factory– Ispahan,IRAN

Fig17- Factory productions – Ispahan,IRAN

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Fig1 - A sample of the usage of tiling in the façade of a building – Tehran,IRAN

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