research report 2017 - fast track · 2017-06-10 · 2017 international track 200

Sponsored by Research report 2017 Britain's 200 mid-market private companies with the fastest-growing international sales

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Research report 2017Britain's 200 mid-market private companies with the fastest-growing international sales

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International Track 200 research report 2017 i


INTRODUCTION 1Top 10 International Track 200 companies 1

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2International sales 2 Key themes 2

KEY STATISTICS 3International sales 3 Overseas markets 4 Sector breakdown 5Industry breakdown 5Regional breakdown 6Job creation 7 Main ownership 7 Foundation dates 7 Brexit 8

KEY THEMES & SELECTED COMPANY PROFILES 9 Exports to Europe 9Post-Brexit investment 10Acquisitions and joint ventures 11Service exports 12 Creative industries 13Ecommerce 14 Brands 15


METHODOLOGY 24Qualification criteria 24Research approach 24

SPONSORS & MEDIA PARTNER 25Sponsors 25Media partner 26

ABOUT FAST TRACK 27Compiler and publisher 27 The authors 27Fast Track 28


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1 AerFinAircraft & spares services Caerphilly Dec 16 663.90% *52,762 *60,881 73 2010 Customers for its engines and plane components

include Lufthansa and Philippine Airlines

2 GreenTech DistributionMobile phone recycler & distributor High Wycombe Feb 17 298.39% *106,741 *160,168 28 2010 Operates more than 40 Samsung service desks

in Belgium and the Netherlands

3 SC Group All-terrain vehicle manufacturer Devon Aug 16 248.40% 31,363 43,086 207 1981 Manufacturing 89 military vehicles for the

Australian Department of Defence

4 Media iQDigital marketing agency Central London Dec 15 187.12% 16,228 41,164 171 2010 Develops its own analytical software in

Bangalore, India

5 GForces Automotive software services Kent Oct 16 185.26% *5,330 *25,603 219 1999 More than 70% of overseas revenue is

generated in the Middle East

6 NCMT Engineer

Southwest London Feb 16 163.04% 10,697 29,729 100 1964 Is the sole UK agent for the Japanese

machine tool firm, Makino

7 Carrs Foods International Baked product provider Manchester Dec 16 162.89% *10,764 *38,002 23 1986 Americans are big fans of its St Pierre brand

of brioche burger buns

8 Essex Services Group Engineering services provider Essex Dec 16 159.20% *14,187 *106,888 183 1975 Has worked on data centres in Finland, the

Netherlands and France

9 [11]

Millennium Group Food & drink distributor Essex May 16 147.72% 48,255 121,878 58 1999 Exports food and drink to Europe, Africa and

the United Arab Emirates

10 ITG Marketing technology provider Birmingham Aug 16 137.57% 9,400 84,296 456 2009 Manages marketing operations in more

than 120 countries

INTRODUCTIONThis is the 8th year of The Sunday Times HSBC International Track 200, the league table of Britain’s mid-market private companies with the fastest-growing international sales. HSBC is the title sponsor, and DHL Express is the main sponsor.

The International Track 200 ranks the 200 mid-market companies (£25m+ total sales) based on their growth in international sales over the last two years of available data; whereas our SME Export Track 100 ranks companies with sales of less than £25m. However, available data on international sales have limitations [page 24].

Despite the backdrop of volatile international markets and the prospect of the UK leaving the EU, this year's league table findings indicate the breadth of UK companies still making remarkable headway overseas.

The average international sales growth for the 200 companies was 47% a year, to a total of £7.6bn on combined total sales of £19.2bn. They export to all corners of the globe and employ 97,000 staff, having added 26,000 jobs over the same period.

Featured companies include: jewellery designer Monica Vinader (No 50); online retailer The Hut Group (No 150); cycling brand Rapha (No 128); cosmetics retailer Space.NK (No 140); sandwich shop operator Pret (No 150); appliance manufacturer Gtech (No 161); and brewer Brewdog (No 193).

Founder and chief executive Bob James of this year’s No 1 company, Aerfin, an aircraft engineering firm

Top 10 International Track 200 companies

* supplied by company


Latest int'l sales


Av. annual int'l sales

growthFYEHQ locationActivityCompany

Latest total sales

£000 Staff Founded Comment

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARYInternational sales• The International Track 200 companies increased their overseas

sales by an average of 47% a year over two years, from a total of £3.5bn to £7.6bn

• More than 80% of companies (167) sell to mainland Europe, making it the most popular market, followed by North America (112) and Asia (75)

• The top countries for overseas sales are the US (109 companies), Germany (88), France (64), Australia (54), the Netherlands (45), China (43) and Ireland (41)

• There are 92 manufacturers, and 66 of these make products in the UK

• Consumer goods is the largest industry (45 companies), followed by technology, media and telecoms (TMT) (43), business services (28) and food and drink (25)

Key themes1. Exports to Europe: Europe is a key trading partner for 85%

of the league table companies, with Germany and France featuring in both the top 5 current and top 5 future export markets [page 9]

2. Post-Brexit investment: Despite the uncertainty created by Brexit, companies on the league table are continuing to invest to drive their growth overseas. More than half the firms (57%) said the Brexit vote has had a neutral effect overall on their business [page 10]

3. Acquisitions and joint ventures: 46 companies have bought or partnered with businesses to expand internationally [page 11]

4. Service exports: Service exports are the top sector on the league table, with almost half the companies (97) in this category [page 12]

5. Creative industries: Britain has a reputation for creative excellence, and there are 62 companies operating in the creative industries, including architects, fashion designers and publishers [page 13]

6. Ecommerce: 25 companies, including 10 online fashion retailers, sell goods online to overseas customers [page 14]

7. Brands: Household names on the league table include brands in the food and drink, fashion and entertainment sectors, such as Pret, BrewDog, and Vue cinemas [page 15]

Growth in international sales*

Number of companies in each range



3 >200%









* two-year CAGR (compound annual growth rate)

Characteristics of a typical International Track 200 company

International sales Average growth over two years 47% paInternational sales in 2015-17 £37.8mInternational sales in 2013-15 £17.5m

Total sales Sales in 2015-17 £96.1mSales in 2013-15 £67.3m Staff Typical number of staff in 2015-2017 50–1,000Average increase in staff over two years 17% pa Company characteristics HQ Greater London (74 companies)Sector Services (97)

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International sales

• Companies on the league table are required to have total sales greater than £25m, to have international sales greater than £1m, and to be profitable

• The top-ranked company AerFin recycles aircraft components. The company grew international sales 664% a year, from £0.9m in 2014 to £52.8m in 2016

• International sales at the 200th ranked company, electronic device recycler Bamboo Distribution, grew an average of 16% a year, from £10.1m in 2014 to £13.6m in 2016

• 25 companies had triple-digit growth in international sales, including mobile phone recycler GreenTech Distribution (No 2), whose international sales rose an average of 298% a year, from £6.7m in 2015 to £106.7m in 2017; and Mountain Warehouse (No 24), which grew international sales an average of 102% a year, from £11.4m in 2015 to £46.1m in 2017

• Fleet services provider Radius Payment Solutions (No 65) had the highest international sales on the table, at £510.9m in 2016 (gross sales, including fuel duty). It also recorded the biggest absolute increase in international sales, which grew £313.1m between 2014 and 2016

• Combined international sales of the 200 companies were £7.6bn and total sales were £19.2bn

• Average operating profits are £6.7m. The company with the highest profit margin is dispute resolution consultancy Blackrock PM (No 36), which made an operating profit of £14.7m on total sales of £25.7m in 2016

Outdoor clothing firm Mountain Warehouse (No 24) generated international sales of £46.1m this year, boosted by new store openings and strong growth online

Latest international salesNumber of companies in each range

Latest total salesNumber of companies in each range





















Rank Company Activity FYE Int'l sales


65 Radius Payment Solutions Fleet services provider Mar 16 510.9†

141 Vue International Cinema operator Nov 16 443.1

75 Hyperion Insurance Group Insurance broker & underwriter Sep 16 352.5

61 Chiltern International Group Contract research provider Dec 16 331.3*

69 Westcoast Electronic product distributor Dec 16 321.2

Top 5 companies with the largest international sales

* Supplied by the company † gross fuel purchases, including duty

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Overseas markets• 85% of the companies (167) sell to mainland Europe, making it

the most popular market, followed by North America (112) and Asia (75)

• Half the companies (106) focus their sales on one or two continents. Twenty-three companies have key markets spread across four or more continents. For example, marketing services provider HH Global (No 135) trades in more than 40 countries across six continents

• The top countries for overseas sales are the US (109 companies), Germany (88), France (64), Australia (54), the Netherlands (45), China (43) and Ireland (41)

• 78 companies export to or operate in emerging markets†, including coffee house operator Caffè Nero (No 169), which first opened its first store in the UAE in 2009 and has since expanded into countries such as Poland and Turkey

• The top countries identified for future international expansion are the US (89 companies), Germany (58), China (52), Canada (26), France (26), India (24) and Australia (23)

† Emerging markets as defined by the FTSE list of emerging countries

Caffè Nero (No 169) has more than 770 outlets on three continents, including this coffee bar in Poland

Main markets of the International Track 200 companies*

* map shows the number of companies targeting each market









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Sector breakdown

The International Track 200 companies operate in a range of sectors, and, due to the breadth of their activities, 86 companies are considered to operate in two sectors. For example, The Hut Group (No 58) is both a manufacturer and retailer.

The largest sectors are services (97 companies) and manufacturing (92).

• Services (97) encompass a wide range of industries, including recruitment agencies such as Frank Recruitment Group (No 104); software developers, exemplified by vehicle tracking developer Microlise (No 47); and marketing agencies, such as The7Stars (No 49)

• Manufacturers (92) include polymer engineer and manufacturer Balmoral Group (No 113), safety barrier constructer A-Safe (No 82), and all-terrain vehicle manufacturer SC Group (No 3)

• Wholesalers (56) include food distributors, such as The Burden Group (No 182), and IT suppliers, including The Change Organisation (No 117)

• Retailers (35) include companies that trade online, such as luxury fashion website (No 67). The sector also features firms that have opened shops overseas, such as beauty store chain Space.NK (No 138) and jewellery designer Monica Vinader (No 50)

• Construction (5) comprises firms such as Northern Ireland construction contractor Mac (No 64), which works for US companies, including Oracle, Intel and IBM, opening offices in Dublin

Industry breakdown

• Consumer goods is the best represented industry, with 45 companies, down from 52 last year. This category includes hair products supplier Tangle Teezer (No 78), appliance manufacturer Gtech (No 159) and backpack distributor Osprey Europe (No 144)

• TMT is the second largest sector with 43 companies (up from 33 last year), including digital marketing agency AnalogFolk (No 12), and Teneo (No 131), which provides network infrastructure services to 1,500 firms worldwide

• Business services also features strongly, with 28 companies (two more than last year). They include 14 recruitment agencies, as well as consultancies such as procurement business Efficio (No 26) and economics specialist Frontier Economics (No 176)

Industry breakdown

Business services 28

Food and drink 25

Consumer goods 45

Building 14

Other 16

Healthcare 8

Engineering 15

TMT 43

Balmoral Group (No 113) makes flotation equipment for the oil and gas industry, and features for a record sixth time on the league table

Transport 6

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Regional breakdown

• The region with the highest number of companies is London, with 74 firms

• Other regions are also performing strongly, including the southeast (32 companies), northwest (27), Midlands (20) and southwest (16)

• Regions with export strength in particular sectors include:

– London, which accounts for 17 of the 20 media firms, such as financial publishing group Citywire (No 123), and TV producer Avalon (No 89), whose shows include HBO’s Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

– Southwest, where three of the four companies allied to the food and drink sector are cheesemakers. These include family firm Wyke Farms (No 120), which exports its award-winning cheddar to more than 160 countries

• The region with the lowest representation is Northern Ireland, with two companies: construction contractor mac (No 64), and CDE Global (No 171), which makes waste and materials processing equipment

Wyke Farms (No 120) is one of three southwest-based cheesemakers on the league table

Regional breakdown of headquarters

HQ locations of the International Track 200 companies

Region Number of companies %

London 74 37

Southeast 32 16

Northwest 27 14

Midlands 20 10

Southwest 16 8

Northeast 12 6

Scotland 9 4

East 4 2

Wales 4 2

Northern Ireland 2 1

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Job creation

• The 200 companies directly employ 97,000 people, with typical staff numbers ranging between 50-1,000. The largest employer, sandwich shop chain Pret (No 150), has more than 10,000 on the payroll

• The smallest employers are generally wholesalers, such as IT distributor M2M Direct (No 81). 18 companies employ fewer than 50 people

• The companies have increased total staff numbers by 26,000 over the past two years. New jobs have been created by companies such as Mountain Warehouse (No 24), which added 200 people to its payroll last year. Other companies, including cinema operator Vue International (No 141), have boosted staff numbers through acquisition

Main ownership

• Entrepreneurs and founders majority-own more than half the companies (105). Examples include appliance manufacturer Gtech (No 159), founded by inventor Nick Grey in 2001; and children’s book publisher Usborne Publishing (No 192), owned by its eponymous founder, Peter Usborne

• Management owns a majority stake in 39 companies, such as Carrs Food International (No 7), bought out by management in 2004

• 27 companies are family-owned, i.e. they remain owned by the founder’s offspring or other relatives. An example is Portsmouth Aviation (No 27), run by the founder’s grandson, Simon Escott

• 27 companies are majority owned by private-equity firms, including the No1 company, aircraft parts recycler AerFin, where founder Bob James sold an 80% stake to CarVal Investors in 2014. Scottish brewery BrewDog (No 193) is now valued at £1bn after selling a 22% stake to TSG Consumer Partners for £213m in April

Foundation dates

• The International Track 200 companies are of very diverse ages, with an average foundation date of 1986, although this is skewed by nine companies established pre-1900

• The company with the oldest foundation date is cheesemaker Barber’s (No 194). This fifth-generation family firm traces its roots to 1833 and calls itself the oldest surviving cheddar maker in the world

• Five companies were set up in 2010 or later, including mobile phone recycler and distributor GreenTech Distribution (No 2), whose sales reached £160m this year, only seven years after it was founded

Majority ownership typeNumber of companies in each range

EmployeesNumber of companies in each range



Entrepreneur and/or founder



PE and/or VC





Pret (No 150) is the largest employer on the league table, with more than 10,000 staff


7 >=2,000












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BREXITThe International Track 200 uses historical financial information, so the impact of last year’s vote to leave the European Union has yet to be reflected in the performance of many of the companies.

Fast Track conducted a survey during the research period (January 2017 – May 2017) asking the companies about the overall impact the Brexit vote has had on their business.

Of the 155 respondents (78% response rate):

• More than half (57%) said the vote has had no, or a neutral, impact on their business

• 26% said the vote has had a negative effect on their business, due to factors such as increased import costs for raw materials, and concerns over hiring and retaining European staff

• 17% said the vote has had a positive influence on their business. For example, the weak pound has boosted exports for many manufacturers

Survey on the impact Brexit has had on International Track 200 businesses




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On the following pages we profile examples of companies that demonstrate some of the key themes from this year’s league table.

Exports to EuropeNationak statistics show that almost half (44%) of British exports in goods and services went to EU countries in 2016. Europe is the No 1 market for companies on the league table, with 85% (167 firms) selling to the Continent, followed by North America (112) and Asia (75). By country, the top 5 export markets include three EU states – Germany (88 firms), France (64) and the Netherlands (45) – while Germany (58 firms) and France (26) feature in the top 5 for future international expansion.

Germany is a key market for GLD Group (No 20), which supplies footwear and clothing, such as the rainwear brand K-Way

* Supplied by the company

20 GLD GroupClothing and footwear supplier

Has strong sales in northwest Europe, especially the Benelux countries and Germany

Location Perthshire Latest financial year Jan 16 Two-year CAGR 112%Latest international sales £12.3mBase international sales £2.7mLatest sales £32.7mEmployees 83

This group licenses or owns the rights to design and distribute major fashion and sportswear brands, including Umbro, which sponsors football teams in the UK and Europe. GLD also supplies Italian shoe line Superga and French rain jacket brand K-Way. The company, founded in 2006 by Simon, 52, and Elizabeth Bamber, 57, and Ewan Scott, 45, and his sister Kirsten Ryan, 42, has opened Superga and K-Way shops in the UK, but mainly sells wholesale and online. Demand from Germany, Benelux and Switzerland boosted exports to £12.3m in 2016.

29 PaymentsensePayment processing services

Serves 57,000 businesses in the UK and Ireland and is targeting expansion in Europe

Location West London Latest financial year Mar 17 Two-year CAGR 92%Latest international sales *£4.9mBase international sales £1.3mLatest sales *£61.9mEmployees 235

Paymentsense enables businesses to process payments in-store, online, over the phone and on the move by providing ecommerce services and chip-and-pin machines. Serial entrepreneurs George Karibian, 52, and Jan Farrarons, 40, founded the London company in 2009 and have overseen its expansion into Ireland, which accounted for all of its £4.9m overseas sales in 2017.

30 ContechsDesign and engineering consultancy

In 2016, it opened its second German facility, in Munich, to provide services to the local automotive sector

Location Essex Latest financial year Dec 15 Two-year CAGR 87%Latest international sales £10.0mBase international sales £2.8mLatest sales £41.5mEmployees 101

Contechs provides design, engineering and recruitment services to the automotive sector for customers including Ford, Jaguar Land Rover and Bentley. The consultancy, founded in 1997, has been expanding its facilities in Warwick and Basildon in the UK. It acquired a Cologne-based engineering services firm in 2014, and last year it opened its second German facility, in Munich. Managing director Peter Jarvis, 52, heads the business.

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Post-Brexit investment

Companies on the league table are continuing to invest to drive their growth overseas, despite the uncertainty created by the vote to leave the EU. In fact, more than half the companies (57%) said the Brexit vote had had a neutral effect on their business overall, with 26% citing a negative and 17% a positive influence. Some companies have set up offices, factories or stores abroad, such as jewellery designer Monica Vinader (No 50), which launched its first US boutique in December. Others have bought businesses (see page 11), or invested in R&D to launch new products.

Co-founders Martin Dickie (left) and James Watt of craft brewer BrewDog (No 193), which has ambitious plans to expand in the US

24 Mountain WarehouseOutdoor clothing retailer

Opened 34 shops in the UK and overseas last year, bringing its total to more than 260

Location Central London Latest financial year Feb 17 Two-year CAGR 102%Latest international sales *£46.1mBase international sales £11.4mLatest sales *£184.8mEmployees 1,850

This outdoor clothing chain has more than 260 stores across the UK, Europe, and North America, while its online business ships to 100 countries. Mountain Warehouse more than doubled international sales to £46.1m in 2017, boosted by new store openings and strong growth online. The company is run by founder Mark Neale, 49, who took back control of the business in 2013 after he led an £85m buyout from private-equity firm LDC.

58 The Hut GroupOnline retailer

Spent £252m on development projects last year, including £91m on its technology platform and £63m on acquisitions.

Location Northwich Latest financial year Dec 16 Two-year CAGR 67%Latest international sales £316.8mBase international sales £113.3mLatest sales £501.4mEmployees 1,833

This online retailer sells premium, fast-moving consumer goods in the health and beauty sector, via more than 140 group websites backed by its proprietary technology. The Hut Group has been expanding across North America and, in 2016, bought beauty brands Grow Gorgeous and Skinstore, and US-based dieting and sports nutrition company Ideal Shape. The acquisitions helped overseas sales to hit £316.8m the same year - nearly two thirds of total sales. The Cheshire-based group is led by co-founder and chief executive Matt Moulding, 45.

193 BrewDogBrewery

Opening a brewery, hotel and pubs in the US after securing a £213m private-equity investment in April

Location Aberdeenshire Latest financial year Dec 16 Two-year CAGR 17%Latest international sales *£13.4mBase international sales £9.7mLatest sales *£71.9mEmployees 650

After selling a 22% stake to American private-equity firm TSG Consumer Partners for £213m in April, Scotland’s largest independent brewery is now valued at £1bn. Founded by James Watt and Martin Dickie, both 34, just ten years ago, BrewDog already had 55,000 shareholders following crowdfunding campaigns. The company will use the investment to fuel expansion in America, where it is opening a brewery and hotel in Ohio as well as a network of brewpubs across the country. The craft beer company, famous for its Punk IPA, exports to more than 60 countries.

* Supplied by the company

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1 AerFinAircraft and spares services

Boosted exports when it acquired a Gatwick-based airframe components specialist in 2015

Location Caerphilly Latest financial year Dec 16 Two-year CAGR 664%Latest international sales *£52.8mBase international sales £0.9mLatest sales *£61.0mEmployees 73

This Caerphilly firm buys used aircraft frames and components, which it recycles and then sells or leases to customers including maintenance providers and carriers, such as Lufthansa, Thomson and Philippine Airlines. Aerfin was founded in 2010 by industry veteran Bob James, 53, who four years later sold an 80% stake to US group CarVal Investors. Since then, AerFin has spent more than £65m buying aircraft, engines and spares worldwide. The capital injection also enabled the company to acquire a Gatwick-based airframe components business in 2015.

61 Chiltern International GroupContract research provider

Four acquisitions since 2014 have helped strengthen its presence in the Americas and Asia

Location Slough Latest financial year Dec 16 Two-year CAGR 65%Latest international sales *£331.3mBase international sales † £121.2mLatest sales *£400.2mEmployees 4,500

In the past five years, Slough-based Chiltern has conducted almost 2,000 clinical trials in 47 countries for clients across the pharmaceutical and biotech sectors. It specialises in oncology, medical devices and diagnostics, and it also recruits research staff. Chief executive Jim Esinhart, 54, saw international turnover reach £331.3m last year, partly due to acquisitions, including that of US clinical research company Theorem for an undisclosed sum in 2015.

191 Nasmyth GroupPrecision component manufacturer

Has bought ten companies, including California-based Technical Metal Finishing, purchased in 2014

Location Coventry Latest financial year Jan 16 Two-year CAGR 18%Latest international sales £14.7mBase international sales £10.6mLatest sales £60.1mEmployees 779

Chairman and chief executive Peter Smith, 68, founded this group in 2003 when he bought Bulwell Precision Engineers. Nasymth makes complex components for the aerospace, defence and energy sectors and counts Boeing, GE and Rolls-Royce amongst its customers. The Coventry-based company has operations in France and India and bought a US metal finishing business in 2014 - its tenth acquisition.

Acquisitions and joint ventures

About a quarter of the league table (46 companies) have acquired or partnered with businesses to expand internationally. For example, IT services provider Claranet (No 170) has made 15 acquisitions across Europe since 2014 and now has 24 offices across the Continent. Others include network services firm Teneo (No 131), which doubled its headcount in America after buying a Nebraskan consultancy in February. It was Teneo’s third major US acquisition in the past 18 months.

Precision engineer Nasmyth Group (No 191) has expanded through 10 acquisitions, including in the US

* Supplied by the company † annualised figure

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Service exports

The UK is a global leader in the trade of services. It is the world’s second-largest exporter of services, behind the US, and accounts for 7% of global service trade. Services represent 44% of British exports, up from 30% in 2000, and are forecast to more than double from $345bn in 2015 to $895bn in 2030, according to HSBC. Service exports are the top sector in the International Track 200, with almost half the companies (97) in this category. These include 34 firms in TMT (technology, media and telecoms), and 28 offering business services, such as recruitment and legal advice.

Co-founders Lucky Anand and Richard Crawley of Greentech Distribution (No 2), whose services include mobile phone recycling

2 GreenTech DistributionMobile phone recycler and distributor

Operates more than 40 Samsung service desks in Belgium and the Netherlands

Location High Wycombe Latest financial year Feb 17 Two-year CAGR 298%Latest international sales *£106.7mBase international sales £6.7mLatest sales *£160.2mEmployees 28

Co-founder and chief executive Richard Crawley, 44, set up this High Wycombe business in 2010 when a telecoms distributor he owned started to receive requests to recycle mobile handsets. Besides recycling, GreenTech Distribution now offers other services such as repairing and reselling faulty and unwanted handsets, and wiping data. International sales hit £106.7m this year, boosted by a partnership with Samsung to operate its service desks in stores across Belgium and the Netherlands, as well as expansion into new markets, and a weak pound.

151 Mind GymCorporate learning provider

Offers 250 classes a week to global companies from its offices in New York, Dubai and Singapore

Location Central London Latest financial year Mar 16 Two-year CAGR 28%Latest international sales £15.2mBase international sales £9.3mLatest sales £25.0mEmployees 158

This London firm - founded in 2000 by Octavius Black, 49, and Sebastian Bailey, 42 - blends psychology with marketing to create bite-sized training courses for employees. The company says 61 of the FTSE 100 and 53 of the S&P 100 are customers, including Unilever, Goldman Sachs and Microsoft. Mind Gym works in more than 30 countries, with the US accounting for 61% of its £15.2m overseas sales in 2016.

183 IESASupply chain manager

Manages more than 200 stores for customers across Germany, Ireland and the UK

Location Warrington Latest financial year Mar 16 Two-year CAGR 20%Latest international sales £9.8mBase international sales £6.8mLatest sales £178.5mEmployees 368

This Warrington-based firm helps blue-chip customers, such as Astra Zeneca, Jaguar Land Rover and GE, manage procurement, process invoices and control stock. Using SAP-powered cloud technology, it claims to deliver an average saving of 11%. The company is owned by Gresham Private Equity and run by chief executive Glenn Timms, 56. In March this year, IESA acquired supply chain manager Active for an undisclosed sum.

* Supplied by the company

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Creative industries

Britain has an international reputation for creativity, culture and innovation. The UK’s creative industries exported services worth £19.8bn in 2014 - the latest official figures - representing 9% of UK services exports. These industries also feature prominently in the league table, with 62 companies operating in creative sectors such as architecture, fashion design, publishing and software development. Examples include fine jeweller George Pragnell (No 68), theatrical producer Cameron Mackintosh (No 73), and publisher Laurence King (No 32), which specialises in books on the creative arts.

Music producer Beggars Group (No 199) is home to globally successful artists such as Adele

89 AvalonEntertainment producer and manager

Produces the popular HBO show 'Last Week Tonight with John Oliver'

Location West London Latest financial year Jun 16 Two-year CAGR 45%Latest international sales *£49.9mBase international sales £23.7mLatest sales *£111.7mEmployees 122

Founded in 1989 by Jonathan Thoday, 56, and Richard Allen-Turner, 51, this London-based company manages talent, such as Lee Mack, Fiona Bruce and John Oliver, promotes live shows including Russell Howard’s world tour, and produces and distributes television shows. Its programmes include the HBO show Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, the globally successful comedy Catastrophe, and hit panel show Taskmaster, helping international sales grow to £49.9m in 2016.

143 Foster + PartnersArchitect

Has created 1.2 million workplaces in 32 countries on six continents in the last 50 years

Location Southwest London Latest financial year Apr 16 Two-year CAGR 29%Latest international sales £233.0mBase international sales £139.1mLatest sales £257.1mEmployees 1,480

In April, Apple opened its new 175-acre Apple Park in California, which will accommodate more than 12,000 staff. The campus is one of Foster + Partners’ latest designs, along with other landmark buildings such as France’s Millau viaduct, the world’s highest road bridge. Partners at the business, led by founder and chairman Lord Norman Foster, 82, bought back a 40% stake from private-equity firm 3i for £108m in 2014.

199 Beggars GroupMusic producer

Has released five number one albums in the US since 2010

Location Southwest London Latest financial year Dec 16 Two-year CAGR 16%Latest international sales *£21.4mBase international sales £15.8mLatest sales *£26.7mEmployees 149

Martin Mills, 68, the chairman of Beggars Group, began his career in the 1970s running a mobile disco in London called Giant Elf. Today, his record company is home to the 4AD label. It also has joint ventures such as XL Recordings, which has released records from the likes of Dizzee Rascal and Radiohead, as well as Adele’s most recent album, 25, which sold 3.4m copies in the US in its first week. The group's 20 worldwide offices helped overseas sales - excluding joint ventures - reach £21.4m in 2016.

* Supplied by the company

Credit: John Marshall / JM


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The internet can be an effective, low-cost route for British businesses to reach overseas customers. The league table features 25 ecommerce exporters, including 10 online fashion retailers, such as Childrensalon (No 85). This retailer has evolved from a single store in Tunbridge Wells to a global online shop stocking childrenswear from 270 luxury brands. Other examples of ecommerce exporters include B2B firms such as sports goods distributor Shiner (No 21). It sells to retailers in 35 countries and generates 52% of exports online.

Co-founders Tom and Ruth Chapman, with chief executive Ulric Jerome (left), of (No 67), which delivers luxury fashion to 176 countries

15 MissguidedFashion retailer

Its website sells more than 8,000 products and has 5.4m registered users

Location Manchester Latest financial year Mar 17 Two-year CAGR 116%Latest international sales *£88.7mBase international sales £19.1mLatest sales *£205.7mEmployees 650

Founded in 2009 by Nitin Passi, 34, this multi-channel retailer offers celebrity and trend-inspired fashion to women aged 16 to 35. Recent collaborations include collections with supermodel Jourdan Dunn, US social media star Carli Bybel and Australian blogger Natasha Oakley. Eight multi-currency international websites and concessions in US department store Nordstrom helped overseas sales hit £88.7m in 2017. Missguided’s first physical store opened in Westfield Stratford in November 2016 and a second store is due to open in Bluewater, Kent this month.

67 Matchesfashion.comLuxury fashion retailer

Its website received 55m visits in 2016 and average order values rose 14% to £511

Location Central London Latest financial year Jan 17 Two-year CAGR 60%Latest international sales £148.0mBase international sales £57.8mLatest sales £203.7mEmployees 527

Husband and wife Tom, 54, and Ruth Chapman, 55, started this business as a single boutique in Wimbledon in 1987. It now sells more than 400 brands of luxury men’s and women’s fashion online and in five London stores and a private shopping townhouse. International expansion across America, Asia and Europe has been driven by the success of its website, which receives 3m unique visitors every month. The retailer is led by chief executive Ulric Jerome, 39.

190 entertainment trader

Generates 100% of its exports through ecommerce

Location Cheshire Latest financial year May 16 Two-year CAGR 18%Latest international sales †£27.2mBase international sales †£19.6mLatest sales †£78.2mEmployees 811

Founded by Steve Oliver, 46, and Walter Gleeson, 51, this Cheshire company buys unwanted phones, CDs, DVDs, games, books and electronics from consumers via its website and mobile phone app. Customers get paid the same day for their goods, which the company resells in more than 150 countries and via its online store. Its US sister site,, runs the same operation and boosted exports to an annualised £27.2m last year. In 2015, LDC sold its minority stake to fellow private-equity firm, NVM, in a £6m deal.

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Household names on the league table include sandwich shop chain Pret (No 150), which features for a fifth time, as well as cinema chain Vue International (No 141), coffee house operator Caffè Nero (No 169), and craft brewer BrewDog (No 193), which all appear for the third consecutive year.

New entrants include Rapha (No 128), which sells cycling clothing; Gtech (No 159), which makes lightweight, cordless vacuum cleaners; Tangle Teezer (No 78), the detangling hairbrush brand; and jewellery designer Monica Vinader (No 50), as well as those profiled below.

Duerr’s (No 90), founded in 1881 is the oldest family-owned jam maker in England

90 Duerr'sFruit preserve manufacturer

Sells jams and condiments to 50 countries from Ireland to Australia

Location Manchester Latest financial year Mar 16 Two-year CAGR 45%Latest international sales £6.3mBase international sales £3.0mLatest sales £64.9mEmployees 239

Founded in 1881, this Manchester business is the oldest family-owned jam maker in England. It manufactures traditional products such as strawberry jam and Seville marmalade, along with more unusual items like smooth tangerine conserve and peanut butter for dogs. Duerr’s exports to 50 countries, with Australia, Germany and Poland its largest overseas markets. Mark Duerr, 53, is managing director.

127 Pukka HerbsHerbal tea maker

More than a million cups of Pukka tea are drunk around the world every day

Location Bristol Latest financial year Aug 16 Two-year CAGR 34%Latest international sales *£14.9mBase international sales £8.4mLatest sales *£28.3mEmployees 95

Tim Westwell, 56, joined forces with herbalist Sebastian Pole, 47, to start Pukka Herbs in 2002. Today, this Bristol firm works with suppliers and farmers in 30 countries to source ingredients for its organic herbal teas and herbal remedies. It exports to more than 40 markets, including Scandinavia, Japan and Australia. Its fastest-growing markets are the US, where it has a subsidiary, and Germany.

138 Space.NKBeauty product retailer

Concessions in US department store Bloomingdale's have helped boost overseas growth

Location Central London Latest financial year Mar 16 Two-year CAGR 31%Latest international sales £12.8mBase international sales £7.5mLatest sales £86.5mEmployees 442

From a single store in London’s Covent Garden, this cosmetics retailer has expanded to more than 60 locations, 27 of which are in North America, its largest overseas market. Through its website, it also ships its luxury beauty products to 56 countries. Space.NK was founded in 1993 by Nicky Kinnaird, 53, and acquired for an undisclosed sum in 2007 by US private-equity firm Manzanita Capital. Sales of British skincare brands such as Eve Lom helped overseas sales hit £12.8m in 2016, under chief executive Chris Garek, 60.

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* Supplied by the company

1 AerFinAircraft and spares services Caerphilly Dec 16 663.90% *52,762 *60,881 73 2010 Customers for its components include

Lufthansa and Philippine Airlines

2 GreenTech DistributionMobile phone recycler and distributor High Wycombe Feb 17 298.39% *106,741 *160,168 28 2010 Operates 40 Samsung service desks in

Belgium and the Netherlands

3 SC Group All-terrain vehicle manufacturer Devon Aug 16 248.40% 31,363 43,086 207 1981 Is manufacturing 89 military vehicles for

the Australian Department of Defence

4 Media iQDigital marketing agency Central London Dec 15 187.12% 16,228 41,164 171 2010 Develops its own analytical software

in Bangalore, India

5 GForcesAutomotive software services Kent Oct 16 185.26% *5,330 *25,603 219 1999 More than 70% of overseas revenue is

generated in the Middle East

6 NCMTEngineer

Southwest London Feb 16 163.04% 10,697 29,729 100 1964 Is the sole UK agent for the Japanese

machine tool firm, Makino

7 Carrs Foods InternationalBaked product provider Manchester Dec 16 162.89% *10,764 *38,002 23 1986 Americans are big fans of its St

Pierre brand of brioche burger buns

8 Essex Services Group Engineering services provider Essex Dec 16 159.20% *14,187 *106,888 183 1975 Has worked on data centres in

Finland, the Netherlands and France

9 11 Millennium GroupFood and drink distributor Essex May 16 147.72% 48,255 121,878 58 1999 Exports food and drink to Europe,

Africa and the UAE

10 ITG Marketing technology provider Birmingham Aug 16 137.57% 9,400 84,296 456 2009 Manages marketing operations in

more than 120 countries

11 7 World FirstInternational payment provider Central London Dec 16 135.65% *55,000 *89,000 590 2004 Recently announced plans to launch

in India

12 AnalogFolkDigital marketing agency Central London Dec 16 124.50% *13,832 *27,662 220 2008 Has expanded rapidly in Asia and the US thanks

to customers such as Pernod Ricard and Nike

13 William Lamb Group Footwear and handbag distributor Wakefield Dec 15 116.91% 3,424 65,948 130 1887 Manufactures shoes and accessories

in China, Vietnam, Laos and India

14 Austin FraserRecruitment consultancy Reading Feb 17 116.84% *10,960 *40,481 121 2007 Launched an office in Berlin, its

second in Germany, in March

15 13 MissguidedFashion retailer Manchester Mar 17 115.56% *88,700 *205,733 650 2009 88-year-old US internet star Baddie

Winkle fronted its latest campaign

16 SystemsAccountantsRecruitment consultancy Central London Jul 16 114.94% 3,856 29,163 42 1997 Supplies 900 accountancy professionals a

year to businesses in 11 countries

17 24 Priority FreightLogistics services provider Dover Dec 15 114.59% 26,727 48,753 127 1996 Strengthened its facilities in Spain and

Germany to serve the automotive sector locally

18 29 Reward Gateway Employee engagement services Central London Jun 16 114.06% *39,703 *224,971 334 2006 Runs employee engagement programmes

for 1,300 customers in 23 countries

19 Ceuta GroupSales and marketing agency Bournemouth Mar 16 113.39% 9,454 60,471 472 1994 Created an international network of distributors,

which is active in more than 100 markets

20 GLD GroupClothing and footwear supplier Perthshire Jan 16 111.70% 12,281 32,678 83 2006 Has strong sales in northwest Europe,

especially the Benelux countries and Germany

21 Shiner Sports goods distributor Bristol Apr 16 111.14% 16,828 38,226 76 1936 Exports sports equipment, such as

skateboards, to 35 countries

22 Solarcentury Solar technology provider Central London Mar 16 102.74% 22,644 168,306 228 1998 Teamed up with Ikea to offer solar energy in

Holland and the UK through "solar shops"

23 Klash Clothing manufacturer Oldham Dec 15 101.92% 6,179 37,022 107 1990 Sponsored schools and set up parks and

drinking water initiatives in Pakistan

24 9 Mountain WarehouseOutdoor clothing retailer Central London Feb 17 101.53% *46,100 *184,756 1,850 1997 The only outside brand sold from its 260 stores

across seven countries, is Kendal Mint Cake

25 EndavaIT services provider Central London Jun 16 100.57% 41,137 115,432 2,533 2000 Opened a development centre in

Bogotá, Colombia last year



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26 22 EfficioProcurement consultancy Central London Jun 16 97.33% 23,483 44,023 178 2000 Plans to open two offices in the Middle East

this year: one in Dubai and one in Riyadh

27 Portsmouth AviationEngineering services provider Portsmouth Dec 15 97.04% 2,176 26,730 170 1929 Has established businesses in

Canada, Abu Dhabi and Saudi Arabia

28 18 CanburgLuxury furniture manufacturer Wiltshire Jun 16 95.50% 15,953 34,622 275 2009 Is one of the go-to luxury furniture suppliers

for super prime developments in New York

29 PaymentsensePayment processing services West London Mar 17 91.76% *4,850 *61,896 235 2009 Serves 57,000 businesses in the UK and

Ireland and is targeting expansion in Europe

30 ContechsDesign and engineering consultancy Essex Dec 15 87.35% 9,966 41,535 101 1997 Opened its second German facility, in

Munich, last year

31 40 Morley Waste TradersMetal recycler Leeds Jan 17 85.72% *12,883 *35,596 111 1959 Sells processed scrap metals from Yorkshire

to China, India, Pakistan and Europe

32 Laurence King PublishingPublisher Central London Dec 15 85.33% 26,085 35,061 49 1991 Published Johanna Basford's colouring book

Secret Garden, sold over 10m copies worldwide

33 MardixSwitchgear manufacturer Cumbria Mar 16 85.32% 7,651 56,072 378 1966 Exports power systems to Europe, the

Middle East and Asia

34 72 BaxtersFood producer Moray, Scotland Apr 16 83.55% †198,587 †293,847 1,539 1868 Manufactures in the UK, US, Canada, Australia

and Poland, sells to more than 30 countries

35 84 Optima ContractingGlass partitioning manufacturer High Wycombe Jan 16 80.41% 9,713 52,509 352 1986 Has offices in Dubai, Singapore and Australia

and manufactures in Malaysia and the UK

36 Blackrock PMDispute resolution consultancy Central London Oct 16 78.51% *22,780 *25,716 71 2009 Looking to open further offices in Singapore

and other global arbitration centres

37 28 Titan AirwaysAirline Stansted Airport Mar 17 78.04% *23,281 *89,469 277 1988 Provides aircraft to European carriers

such as Aer Lingus and Eurowings

38 56 Ability Matters Healthcare product developer Oxfordshire Oct 15 77.76% 9,378 39,679 532 1989 Has international offices in Ireland,

France and the Netherlands

39 HavwoodsHardwood flooring specialist Lancashire Dec 16 77.33% *2,416 *36,038 80 1975 Plans to open a showroom in New

York this year

40 PrincipleBrand implementation agency Huddersfield Dec 16 77.12% *104,186 *149,700 480 1987 Opened its 15th office last year, in Mumbai

41 51 LovehoneySex toy retailer Bath Mar 16 75.50% 15,796 58,076 214 2002 Has the exclusive rights to manufacture

Fifty Shades of Grey adult toys worldwide

42 65 Jellyfish Digital marketing agency Central London Mar 16 75.34% 22,922 53,054 329 1999 Global clients include Skype, Nestlé and

Under Armour

43 Dalepak Logistics services provider Northampton Mar 16 74.12% 10,942 34,136 223 1991 Sources and assembles after-sales clutch

kits for Ford in Germany and Canada

44 47 Whitemeadow FurnitureFurniture manufacturer Nottinghamshire Dec 15 73.59% 1,962 36,082 338 1994 Supplies Irish furniture retailers with

handcrafted upholstered furniture

45 Jacksons Fencing Fencing manufacturer Kent Sep 16 73.52% 8,591 31,962 255 1947 Provided 14,000m of security fencing

in under 12 months for the Eurotunnel

46 33 Mark Allen GroupPublisher and events organiser

Southeast London Mar 16 72.80% 3,134 31,843 282 1985 In 2015 it bought Airports Publishing Networks,

which runs events across four continents

47 MicroliseVehicle tracking developer Nottingham Jun 16 72.74% 4,303 41,224 347 1982 Is setting up operations in Dubai to

add to offices in India and Australia

48 54 John AdamsToy and leisure product wholesaler Huntingdon Dec 16 72.22% *3,138 *32,882 40 1967 Brands such as Fuzzy-Felt and Ideal Games

proved popular in Europe, Asia and Australia

49 The7starsMedia agency Central London Mar 16 71.83% 34,169 209,464 117 2005 Buys advertising for gaming client

Supercell across Europe

50 Monica VinaderJewellery designer Norfolk Jul 16 71.30% 9,703 26,438 173 2007 Has seven shops across Asia, the

Middle East and America

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51 Barron Wood Distribution Transport broker Preston Oct 16 70.66% *3,874 *57,106 125 1993 Provides freight logistics to western

European countries

52 3V Natural FoodsNatural food and drink producer Hampshire Sep 16 70.39% 3,409 25,715 112 2007 Sells its British-made products to 19

countries, including Norway and Japan

53 Peers Hardy Group Watch designer and distributor Solihull Dec 16 69.90% *13,909 *34,913 115 1978 Its Henry London brand launched in 2015,

now exported to 70 countries including Japan

54 46 Vision Support ServicesTextile distributor Blackburn Mar 17 69.87% *14,572 *46,700 125 2005 Some of the world's most famous hotels,

such as Raffles in Singapore, use its linens

55 2 APS GroupMarketing services provider Cheshire Jan 16 69.65% 33,563 114,783 748 1961 Its staff speak 19 languages in 25

offices globally

56 NMS International GroupConstruction contractor Leicestershire Apr 16 69.19% 30,560 30,621 27 2000 Is managing a £135m hospital

infrastructure project in Ghana

57 John Morley Dried fruit importer Cheshire Dec 15 67.52% †10,266 †34,841 132 1944 Its fruit topping preparations are

becoming popular in the Middle East

58 52 The Hut GroupOnline retailer Northwich Dec 16 67.22% 316,837 501,376 1,833 2004 Launched 60 international websites last

year, bringing its total to more than 140

59 Heatherwick StudioArchitect and designer Central London Mar 16 66.06% 23,473 27,843 180 1994 Is designing Google's new headquarters

in Mountain View, California

60 Sambro International Branded merchandise supplier Bury Dec 16 66.02% *38,519 *71,009 162 1996 Opening offices in Germany and Italy

this year

61 Chiltern International GroupContract research provider Slough Dec 16 65.32% *331,300 *400,178 4,500 2006 Four acquisitions since 2014 have strengthened

its presence in the Americas and Asia

62 32 Peninsula Employment law consultancy Manchester Mar 16 65.16% 35,889 134,620 1,690 1983 Its Australian subsidiary almost

doubled its sales last year

63 Whitehouse LeisureSoft toy distributor Essex Dec 15 64.00% †*23,513 †*58,140 40 1998 Holds the leisure licence to distribute Disney

soft toys across the UK, Middle East and Africa

64 macConstruction contractor County Down Dec 16 60.73% 56,553 56,553 52 2002 Upgrades commercial office buildings for

US firms seeking a presence in Ireland

65 Radius Payment Solutions Fleet services provider Crewe Mar 16 60.72% 510,900 1,475,000 687 1990 Has diversified into telematics and expanded

into Asia, with offices in Singapore and Malaysia

66 3 CennoxBanking automation services provider Surrey Dec 16 60.66% 30,070 43,701 526 2004 Supplies some of the largest global

banks with cash machines

67 Luxury fashion retailer Central London Jan 16 60.06% 148,013 203,742 527 1987 Delivers luxury fashion to 176 countries

68 67 George Pragnell Fine jeweller

Stratford-upon-Avon May 16 59.68% 15,257 31,587 68 1954 Its customers include European

royalty and Chinese entrepreneurs

69 WestcoastElectronic product distributor Reading Dec 16 59.33% 321,219 1,912,520 1,195 1984 Established operations in Lyon after buying

out a division of Spanish distributor Adveo

70 83 AG ThamesFruit importer and distributor Kent Sep 16 59.30% *37,282 *260,221 459 1970 Set up a Spanish subsidiary to work with local

growers and develop customers in the EU

71 ViadexIT reseller

Southwest London Jun 16 58.68% 16,431 32,711 47 2001 Has seen sales grow across Asia Pacific

since opening a Singapore office in 2015

72 Scott Brownrigg Architect Central London Jul 16 57.22% 2,703 27,086 279 1910 Lead designer of Istanbul New Airport,

the largest single terminal in the world

73 14 Cameron MackintoshTheatrical producer Central London Mar 16 56.97% 75,539 146,678 650 1980 140m people in 35 countries have seen

The Phantom of the Opera

74 20 Dairy Partners Cheesemaker Gloucestershire Dec 16 56.83% *14,062 *57,709 142 2007 Sends container loads of frozen cheese

to countries such as Japan and Dubai

75 92 Hyperion Insurance Group Insurance broker and underwriter Central London Sep 16 53.82% 352,545 423,932 3,587 1994 Its employees are spread across

offices in 39 countries


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76 78 Oakfield Meat importer and wholesaler North London Dec 15 53.75% 17,313 124,790 47 1987 Has been growing its meat exports to

China and Africa

77 Composite Floor Deck GroupSteel decking supplier South Wales Mar 16 52.70% 8,082 33,705 166 2004 Provided steel decking for Kings Avenue

Mall in Cyprus and BNZ Tower in Auckland

78 Tangle Teezer Hair product supplier South London Mar 16 50.11% 23,178 28,597 28 2005 Sells 15 hairbrushes overseas per minute

79 149 KMF Precision sheet metal engineer Staffordshire Mar 16 49.78% 4,908 33,131 463 1971 Manufactures sheet metal for customers in

Europe and North America

80 Tourstan GroupRecruitment consultancy Central London Dec 15 49.56% 6,710 49,820 70 2005 Supplies staff to more than 150

global corporations

81 27 M2M DirectPC memory and storage distributor Kent Dec 15 49.16% 16,415 49,162 17 1998 Joined Dell's European Partner

Programme in 2016

82 A-Safe Safety barrier manufacturer Halifax Dec 16 48.54% *22,244 *29,292 225 1984 Heineken's brewery in the Netherlands

has installed its barrier system

83 55 Greencroft BottlingContract wine bottler Durham Jun 16 48.50% 6,363 35,778 179 2003 Provides bottling for wineries in Australia,

New Zealand, US, Chile and South Africa

84 38 ProsealSealing equipment manufacturer Cheshire Jan 16 48.27% 15,959 32,305 256 1998 Appointed new sales agents last year in Spain,

the Middle East, South Africa and Thailand

85 66 ChildrensalonChildrenswear retailer Tunbridge Wells Dec 16 47.93% *52,480 *62,015 211 1952 Its customer service staff speak more

than 30 languages

86 17 Alfa Technical IndustriesChemicals distributor Berkshire Dec 15 47.80% 9,005 28,579 60 1976 Supplies speciality chemicals across

Ireland and the Nordic countries

87 70 Comline Auto PartsAutomotive parts supplier Luton Mar 16 46.57% 24,752 42,573 130 1988 Supplies car parts to more than 40 countries and

has subsidiaries in Spain and Greece

88 155 XexecReward programme administrator

Northwest London Nov 16 45.93% *4,168 *26,527 35 2000 Partners with global brands such as

Amazon and Zara

89 95 AvalonEntertainment producer and manager West London Jun 16 45.21% *49,919 *111,660 122 1989 Produces the popular HBO show

'Last Week Tonight with John Oliver'

90 Duerr'sFruit preserve manufacturer Manchester Mar 16 44.91% 6,284 64,907 239 1881 Sells jams and condiments to 50

countries from Ireland to Australia

91 143 Sahara Presentation SystemsAudio-visual product supplier Kent Dec 16 44.82% *13,084 *48,135 73 1924 Its interactive touchscreens are sold throughout

the US and Europe to the education sector

92 Matchroom SportSporting events promoter Essex Jun 16 44.64% 15,293 70,493 73 1982 Its snooker tournaments have proved

popular in mainland Europe and China

93 DOMU Brands Homeware manufacturer Manchester Jun 16 44.12% 14,962 39,111 84 2009 Exports boosted by growth in the US,

which accounts for a third of total turnover

94 61 Cambridge CommoditiesNutritional supplement wholesaler Cambridgeshire Nov 16 43.21% *8,558 *29,722 110 1998 Stocks more than 2,000 products,

including New Zealand mussel powder

95 116 Flashtalking Advertising technology developer Central London Dec 16 42.52% *33,674 *39,893 284 2001 Has five offices across the US, as well as in

Germany, Australia and the Netherlands

96 Grayson Thermal SystemsAutomotive technology provider Birmingham Mar 16 42.18% 4,412 25,540 258 1978 Has a manufacturing facility in

Indiana to serve customers in the US

97 History & HeraldryGift product designer Rotherham Dec 16 42.08% *20,582 *29,829 191 1992 Sells to 70 countries from distribution bases

in Estonia, the US and China

98 Gama Healthcare Antimicrobial product distributor Watford Mar 17 41.91% *5,000 *25,000 61 2005 Australia and New Zealand are the biggest

markets for its infection control wet wipes

99 76 ApricotFashion retailer Central London Feb 17 41.90% *15,200 *42,000 240 2007 Has more than 200 overseas concessions

concentrated in Germany and Italy

100 10 CloserStill Exhibition organiser Central London Dec 16 41.56% *8,998 *36,500 178 2008 Acquired a French events organiser in

January for an undisclosed sum


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101 OptionsOutsourced financial technology provider Central London Dec 16 41.30% 23,517 36,470 127 1993 Has a network of 13 support centres

globally, from New York to Hong Kong

102 Reach Active GroupSpecialist engineering contractor Hertford Apr 16 41.03% 8,033 25,645 144 2005 Customers in Ireland include the Electricity

Supply Board, IDA Ireland and Fitbit

103 35 Phaidon International Recruitment consultancy Central London Oct 16 40.55% *44,391 *49,585 364 2004 Has customers in more than 60 countries

104 Frank Recruitment GroupIT recruitment consultancy

Newcastle upon Tyne Nov 16 40.48% *76,680 *127,457 810 2006 US private-equity firm TPG acquired

a majority stake in April last year

105 105 SSQLegal recruitment consultancy Central London Dec 16 40.46% *10,600 *26,200 123 2003 Has 20 overseas offices, including

three in Germany

106 Solent Group Consumer product supplier Christchurch Dec 15 38.78% 5,163 42,124 132 1994 Factories in China, Vietnam and the UK produce

branded and private-label goods for retailers

107 DR WakefieldCoffee merchant Central London Jan 16 38.52% 10,374 27,682 17 1970 Distributes more than 360 different coffees

to 41 countries around the world

108 142 DurbinPharmaceuticals supplier

Northwest London Dec 16 38.36% *58,913 *70,626 146 1963 Supplies developing communities with low

cost, inflatable solar lights

109 188 Leo GroupRecycler Halifax Apr 16 38.05% 45,408 71,226 458 1970 Has three renewable energy sites in Belgium

110 36 Silverline ToolsTool distributor Yeovil Jul 16 37.93% 13,383 45,317 165 1979 Supplies hand and power tools to

eight European countries

111 109 Compello Staffing GroupRecruitment consultancy Glasgow May 16 37.19% *20,195 *64,472 165 1998 Has offices across America and the

Middle East

112 198 First Point GroupTechnology recruitment consultancy Central London Apr 16 37.16% 55,373 63,677 114 2004 Its staff speak more than 20 languages

113 81 Balmoral GroupPolymer engineer and manufacturer Aberdeen Mar 16 37.01% 103,746 134,450 576 1980 Demand from offshore oilfields in Brazil and

West Africa are sustaining overseas sales

114 89 Ralawise.comClothing distributor Flintshire Dec 15 36.56% 18,771 104,785 456 1978 Supplies branded clothing to more than

15,000 resellers across Europe

115 Evolution Foods Health foods retailer Shropshire Jun 16 36.31% 2,741 41,847 116 2006 Exports its packs of dried fruits, nuts

and healthy snacks to Europe

116 The SR Group Recruitment consultancy Central London Dec 16 36.23% *21,761 *49,004 304 1987 Acquired New York recruitment firm

Maximum Management Corporation last year

117 The Change OrganisationIT distributor Kent Mar 16 36.19% 5,052 33,181 39 1992 Its warehouse in Kent supplies IT hardware

to resellers across Britain and Europe

118 117 Charles FaramHop merchant Worcestershire Jun 16 35.73% 13,197 34,136 43 1865 Exports hops to brewers in 47 countries

119 123 MVF Digital marketing agency North London Mar 16 35.72% 18,929 39,009 268 2009 Sales in the US almost doubled following the

launch of its first overseas office in Texas

120 Wyke FarmsCheesemaker Somerset Mar 16 35.50% 8,431 67,537 247 1963 Its award-winning cheddars are sold around

the world, from Sierra Leone to Seoul

121 Econ EngineeringCommercial vehicle manufacturer North Yorkshire Mar 16 34.88% 2,754 25,341 188 1959 Exports its snow ploughs and gritters to

countries such as Bulgaria, Romania and Ukraine

122 Green Park Recruitment consultancy Central London Jan 16 34.88% 1,442 25,911 32 2006 Has placed interim senior executives in

more than 55 countries

123 128 CitywireFinancial publisher Central London Dec 15 34.85% 12,874 31,894 191 1999 Publishes 11 magazines, runs 42 websites and

holds more than 100 events a year in 18 countries

124 63 Connect Distribution ServicesAppliance parts distributor Birmingham Apr 16 34.76% 6,162 97,646 585 1969 Operates multiple spare parts

ordering websites in Europe

125 58 Dragonfly Venture GroupBranded footwear manufacturer St Albans Mar 16 34.32% 55,102 74,825 15 2003 Set up a US subsidiary last year to sell its

branded footwear directly to retailers


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126 JDM Food GroupFood producer Lincolnshire Dec 16 34.04% *2,949 *40,438 296 1999 Won business in Australia after

attending trade shows in Amsterdam

127 Pukka HerbsHerbal tea maker Bristol Aug 16 33.60% *14,948 *28,310 95 2002 More than a million cups of Pukka tea

are drunk around the world every day

128 103 Rapha Cycling apparel maker and retailer North London Jan 17 33.47% *48,100 *63,200 400 2004 Plans to have 20 stores on four

continents by the end of the year

129 eBECS Business software developer Chesterfield Mar 16 32.76% 7,278 33,129 297 2000 International clients include Marc

Jacobs, Amec and Britax

130 97 Total Media GroupMedia agency Central London Dec 16 32.74% *29,000 *65,000 114 1982 Helped launch Lenovo's Moto mobile phones

in Europe, the Middle East and Africa

131 TeneoNetwork infrastructure services provider Reading Jun 16 32.70% 15,372 29,163 75 2000 Bought a consultancy in Nebraska this

year, which doubles its US headcount

132 PreqinData services provider Central London Dec 16 32.53% *24,000 *27,900 284 2003 Its data is used by investors in more

than 90 countries

133 60 MobicaSoftware engineer and tester Cheshire Dec 16 31.91% *41,700 *47,500 1,000 2004 Eighty percent of its 1,000-strong staff work

in offices in Poland, the US and Mexico

134 The Michael's Pitta GroupFlatbread bakery North London May 16 31.90% 7,193 42,313 412 1997 Much of its bread sold in Europe

gets baked in Amsterdam

135 101 HH GlobalMarketing services provider South London Mar 17 31.19% *206,364 *267,340 805 1991 Opened eight offices in Latin

America last year

136 Winning MovesGames maker Central London Mar 16 30.78% 13,586 27,909 115 1997 Has opened offices across Europe, India

and Australia to sell its games to retailers

137 183 MPM ProductsPet food producer Macclesfield Dec 16 30.75% *27,862 *47,382 56 2002 Exports premium pet food to 46 countries

138 Space.NK Beauty product retailer Central London Mar 16 30.69% 12,782 86,549 442 1993 Concessions in US department store

Bloomingdale's have helped boost growth

139 132 Amoria BondRecruitment consultancy Manchester Nov 16 30.15% *23,259 *38,065 120 2007 Overseas clients include Honda,

Alstom and Bosch

140 113 AMG Vango Camping outdoor supplier Port Glasgow Dec 15 30.13% 3,707 35,189 92 1966 Its Vango range is popular in Germany,

Benelux, the Czech Republic and South Korea

141 114 Vue InternationalCinema operator West London Nov 16 29.92% 443,111 772,525 9,453 2003 Operates 211 sites and 1,875 cinema

screens across 10 countries

142 45 BPD Building product manufacturer Cheshire Mar 16 29.88% 4,887 29,414 279 2002 Its protective membranes are sold

throughout Europe

143 Foster + PartnersArchitect

Southwest London Apr 16 29.41% 232,952 257,127 1,480 1967 Designed Apple Park, a ring-shaped office

complex in California, which opened in April

144 Osprey EuropeBackpack distributor Poole Jul 16 29.23% 18,264 25,879 40 2003 Opened a showroom in Munich last year and its

main distribution centre is in the Netherlands

145 SupremiaMarketing services provider

Northwest London Mar 16 29.07% 40,693 43,352 98 1981 Produces 32m bags a year for Diageo's Crown

Royal whisky across North America

146 30 Advanced InsulationInsulation product manufacturer Gloucester Sep 16 29.06% *52,647 *58,830 422 2008 Has subsidiaries around the world

including in Brazil, the US and South Korea

147 77 Jon Richard Jewellery retailer Manchester Feb 16 28.98% 3,428 32,894 566 1985 Operates concessions in Debenhams

stores across the Middle East

148 CVP Audio-visual equipment supplier Warwickshire May 16 28.95% 12,502 71,198 113 1986 Sells broadcast equipment to Europe,

America, the Far East and Africa

149 FIRST Events organiser Central London Sep 16 28.90% *26,900 *34,600 150 1996 Created event in New York for AOL, with

performances by Snoop Dogg and Demi Lovato

150 159 Pret Sandwich shop operator Central London Dec 16 28.10% 202,163 776,195 10,426 1986 Has opened its first outlet in

Singapore this year


* Supplied by the company † annualised figure



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151 Mind GymCorporate learning provider Central London Mar 16 28.04% 15,248 25,033 158 2000 Offers 250 classes a week from its offices

in New York, Dubai and Singapore

152 Sapphire SystemsSystems integrator Central London Mar 16 27.93% 7,088 27,140 193 1993 Its software is used by small and medium

businesses in 50 countries

153 193 Les Caves de PyreneWine distributor Surrey Mar 16 27.58% 4,541 28,836 128 2010 Has expanded to Spain, Australia and Italy,

where it is a distributor of artisan wines

154 Boss Design Group Office furniture manufacturer Dudley Mar 16 27.07% 11,170 41,975 252 1983 Manufactures on four continents

and supplies more than 30 countries

155 104 Specialist People Services Paper product manufacturer Bradford Mar 16 26.99% 4,910 46,134 199 2011 Its Driver Hire Australia business has

offices in four cities in the country

156 87 Preston Board & Packaging Paper product manufacturer Preston Dec 15 26.73% 1,953 26,461 156 1981 Its mill exports cardboard to Europe

and the Middle East

157 MSI GroupRecruitment consultancy Central London Dec 16 26.58% *3,746 *61,900 165 2002 Recruits staff for the healthcare industry

across 15 countries

158 Inside Ideas GroupMarketing services provider Central London Jun 16 26.54% *8,753 *68,661 700 2003 Has more than 70 marketing teams

across 32 countries

159 GtechAppliance manufacturer Worcester Nov 16 26.49% *4,966 *91,236 138 2001 Has sold more than 22m domestic

appliances in 19 countries

160 WozairVentilation equipment maker Kent Dec 15 26.24% 36,261 39,469 182 1986 Has factories in the UK, Singapore,

Malaysia, the US and South Korea

161 Bullitt GroupConsumer electronics designer Reading Dec 16 26.18% *92,052 *99,673 98 2009 Has offices in the US and China and

sells to more than 70 countries

162 16 Arena GroupEvent services provider

Southwest London Dec 15 25.93% 47,758 85,811 778 2000 Bought a Hong Kong marquee company

last year, anticipating 2020 Tokyo Olympics

163 FishawackHealthcare communications agency Cheshire Mar 16 25.55% 24,784 25,345 216 2001 Works with 15 of the world’s top 20 pharmaceutical

firms, including GSK, Sanofi and Novartis

164 170 Travel CounsellorsTravel services provider Manchester Oct 16 24.52% *37,862 *188,343 284 1994 Has more than 1,600 home-based

"travel counsellors" in seven countries

165 160 The Little GroupBook, film and music wholesaler Eastbourne Feb 16 24.39% 83,510 236,107 956 1996 Supplies retailers internationally

from more than 500,000 products

166 Morris & CompanyConglomerate Shrewsbury Mar 16 24.19% 3,552 47,886 693 1869 Exports lighting towers, operating at temperatures

from 30°C to -40°C, to 20 countries

167 79 RedeemElectronic device recycler West Lothian Mar 16 24.06% 55,440 80,161 289 1999 Its Macclesfield facility processes 200,000

handsets a month for European customers

168 LigentiaSupply chain manager Leeds Dec 16 23.96% 24,853 85,740 333 1996 Helps move more than 10,000 tonnes of

goods around the world each year

169 165 Caffè Nero Coffee house operator Central London May 16 23.62% *42,332 *298,951 4,500 1997 Has 11 coffee shops in the US, situated in and

around Boston

170 ClaranetIT services provider Central London Jun 16 23.48% 58,400 152,500 980 1996 Expanded out of Europe with the purchase

of Brazil-based CredibiliT in December 2016

171 CDE GlobalProcessing equipment manufacturer County Tyrone Dec 16 23.26% *31,000 *53,427 186 1992 Its custom-built equipment is sold to

more than 70 countries

172 147 AktrionOutsourcing provider Hertfordshire Apr 16 22.85% 13,326 103,494 3,027 2000 Counts many of Europe's major car

manufacturers among its customers

173 141 Grey MatterBusiness software reseller Devon Jun 16 22.69% 5,243 35,911 88 1983 Is the only authorised Microsoft Bing Maps

distributor for Europe and Asia Pacific

174 KinapsePharmaceutical regulations consultancy

Southwest London Mar 16 22.32% 20,583 26,926 494 2005 Works with nine of the world’s top 10

pharmaceutical companies

175 Practicus Management consultancy Henley Dec 16 22.30% *10,034 *51,165 138 2004 Opened an office in Hong Kong in 2013,

which generated £3m overseas sales last year


* Supplied by the company



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176 Frontier Economics Economics consultancy Central London Apr 16 22.17% 16,646 33,740 184 1999 Opening offices in Paris and Berlin this year

177 AKAMarketing communications network Central London Dec 15 21.87% 38,907 78,712 323 1995 Worked with the San Francisco Ballet

to promote its 2017 season

178 Severn Glocon Industrial valve manufacturer Gloucester Dec 15 21.45% 100,098 115,917 908 1961 Has a manufacturing site in India and

a testing centre in Canada

179 Swan Mill HoldingsPaper tableware manufacturer Kent Mar 16 21.34% 9,089 54,439 288 1892 Manufactures paper tableware and

crackers in the UK and Hong Kong

180 Supreme ImportsBattery and lighting wholesaler Manchester Mar 16 20.47% 12,212 59,028 79 1975 Manufactures batteries and lighting

via joint ventures in China

181 IESASupply chain manager Warrington Mar 16 20.30% 9,782 178,467 368 2001 Manages 200 stores for customers

across Germany, Ireland and the UK

182 The Burden GroupFood wholesaler Central London Jan 16 19.73% 15,940 142,920 131 1978 Supplies ferries and cruise lines with

more than 3,000 food and drink products

183 162 The Swift GroupCaravan and motorhome East Yorkshire Aug 16 19.60% 17,943 252,040 1,088 1964 A new £8m factory will help meet both

international and domestic demand

184 150 NylacastPlastics engineer Leicester Dec 16 19.52% *29,339 *34,957 460 1967 This British manufacturer exports to 49

countries, with China a key market

185 151 Peak ScientificFacilities services provider Renfrewshire Sep 16 19.48% *40,310 *46,137 360 1997 Makes a range of gas generators for

labs on every continent

186 43 EntierArchitect Aberdeen Sep 16 18.89% 16,568 44,866 411 2008 Provides catering services to clients

in 26 countries

187 153 Odgers Berndtson Recruitment consultancy Central London Apr 16 18.80% 20,077 103,356 532 1969 Bought out its Hong Kong, Shanghai and

Vietnam operations in 2015

188 Bob MartinPet care product manufacturer Somerset Dec 15 18.75% 9,182 48,071 240 1892 Expanded in Europe by acquiring

Nestlé Purina's PetCare in 2016

189 Cultech Dietary supplement manufacturer Port Talbot Dec 16 17.97% *13,500 *26,300 249 1994 Sells its dietary supplements across

four continents

190 Online entertainment trader Cheshire May 16 17.87% †27,203 †78,171 811 2007 Trades in the US through its sister site,

191 Nasmyth GroupPrecision component manufacturer Coventry Jan 16 17.66% 14,724 60,089 779 2003 Has operations in France, the US and India

to supply the local aerospace industries

192 Usborne PublishingChildren's book publisher Central London Jan 16 17.19% 38,964 59,969 231 1973 Publishes children's books in more

than 100 languages

193 118 BrewDogBrewery Aberdeenshire Dec 16 17.18% *13,353 *71,850 650 2007 Plans to open The DogHouse hotel in

Columbia, Ohio, featuring beer spa treatments

194 194 Barber'sCheesemaker Somerset Mar 16 17.07% 14,710 84,003 280 1833 Says it is the No 1 exporter of English

cheddar into the US

195 Knights of Old Logistics services provider Northamptonshire May 16 16.77% 9,901 52,307 467 1865 Is a partner in a 500-strong network

of European logistics companies

196 111 Lewis CommunicationsCommunications agency Central London Jul 16 16.70% 45,034 51,990 547 1995 In November it opened a New York

office, its fifth in the US

197 NPWGift maker

Southwest London Feb 16 16.68% 13,927 25,225 91 1992 Supplies American retailers such as

Old Navy and Urban Outfitters

198 182 Fox International GroupFishing tackle supplier Essex Dec 16 16.59% *24,654 *35,297 116 1964 Snapped up Salmo, a Polish fishing bait

company, in 2016

199 Beggars GroupMusic producer

Southwest London Dec 16 16.31% *21,370 *26,712 149 1979 Has released five number one albums in

the US since 2010

200 Bamboo DistributionElectronic device recycler Hertfordshire Jun 16 16.30% 13,606 28,359 69 2009 Taiwanese iPhone manufacturer Foxconn

owns a 20% stake in the business


* Supplied by the company † annualised figure



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Qualification criteria

Companies were ranked on their compound annual growth rate (CAGR) in international sales over their latest two years of available accounts, predominantly from 2013 to 2015, or 2014 to 2016. International sales were defined as declared non-UK revenue.

Of the 200 companies in the league table, 25 had financial years ending in 2015, 162 had financial years ending in 2016 and 13 had financial years ending in 2017.

Limitations: The research is based on the limited available data on international sales. Companies filing abbreviated accounts are not required to disclose any geographical breakdown of sales, and many companies filing full accounts do not make this disclosure on the grounds that it may be prejudicial to their interests.

Qualification criteria:

• UK-registered, unquoted, independent and making an operating profit

• Base year international sales greater than £500,000

• Latest year international sales greater than £1m

• Latest year total sales greater than £25m. Any sales from joint ventures were excluded (companies with sales less than £25m are eligible for the SME Export Track 100)

• International sales greater than 5% of total sales in latest year

• No drop in international sales from penultimate to latest year

• Latest year staff numbers greater than 10

• Recruitment agencies must show gross profits of at least £5m in the latest year

• At least 25 trading weeks in latest and base year (trading periods different from 52 weeks were annualised on a simple straight pro-rata basis)

Research approach

The main research was conducted by Fast Track primarily between January 2017 and May 2017. Companies were selected from a database of 2m private limited UK companies after extensive desk, telephone and case study research. The majority of the companies in the league table have been interviewed by Fast Track.

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SPONSORS & MEDIA PARTNERFast Track would particularly like to thank the title sponsor of International Track 200, HSBC, for sponsoring the league table for all eight years, and DHL Express, which is supporting the table for the first year.

The sponsors do not endorse, guarantee or recommend investment in any of the companies.


HSBC has been the title sponsor for all eight years.

Founded in 1865 to finance trade between Asia and the West, today HSBC is one of the world’s largest banking and financial services organisations serving more than 37 million customers worldwide. Our aim is to be acknowledged as the world’s leading international bank.

In the UK, we support over 1 million businesses from small enterprises focused primarily on the domestic market through to global corporates. Whether it is working capital, term loans, trade finance or payments and cash management solutions, we provide the tools and expertise that businesses need to thrive.

Amanda MurphyHead of Commercial Banking, UK

DHL Express is a main sponsor for the first year.

DHL Express is the global market leader in the international express delivery market, specialising in time and day critical shipping to all corners of the world. With a network spanning over 220 countries and territories, DHL ensures your products are quickly and reliably delivered to destinations all over the world, providing tailored delivery options and returns. Whether you are a new or experienced international shipper, DHL is here to help. From improving your website’s international appeal, to the intricacies of customs duties and taxes, DHL Express offers support at every stage of the export journey.

Ian WilsonChief executive, DHL Express UK & Ireland

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Media partner

The Sunday Times has published the International Track 200 for all eight years.

The Sunday Times has been Fast Track's media partner for all 20 years. The Sunday Times is Britain’s No 1 newspaper for business, and the leading broadsheet newspaper attracting over three million readers every week. More than half (54%) of the business elite read The Sunday Times, a greater market share than any other publication, according to the latest Ipsos survey.

Iain Dey Business editor

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Compiler & publisher

Hamish Stevenson owns and runs Fast Track, which he founded in 1997 after securing cornerstone sponsorship from Richard Branson. He works closely with leading entrepreneurs, sponsors and media partners to try to ensure their expectations are exceeded, and that they remain engaged with the alumni network.

He is an associate fellow at Green Templeton College, Oxford University, where he completed his masters and doctorate in management studies and subsequently set-up and held the Virgin research fellowship in entrepreneurship.

The authors

Richard Tyler leads Fast Track’s research and editorial, working closely with sponsors and companies within our network.

He was the enterprise editor of The Daily and Sunday Telegraph for nine years, covering private companies and government policy towards business. He trained in journalism at Euromoney, part of The Daily Mail & General Trust, after completing his degree at Manchester University.

Lindsay Uppadine manages the research for the International Track 200 league table. She joined the company in 2006, having previously worked as a research associate at Library House in Cambridge. She spent three years as a post-doctoral research chemist at the Université Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg, France; and has a doctorate and masters in chemistry from Oxford University.

Research support was provided by Fast Track researchers Ying Chen, Michael Cook, Malcolm Gilmour, Kaye Johnson and Campbell Martin; Claire Wheeler and freelancers Ashley Cavers, Claire Harrington and Suzie Pilkington.

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CONTACT DETAILSFast Track Angel Court 81 St Clements Street Oxford OX4 1AW

Tel: 01865 297100

Email: [email protected]



The Sunday Times Fast Track

Fast Track

International Track 200 is compiled by Fast Track, the UK's leading face-to-face networking events and research company, which ranks top-performing private companies and entrepreneurs.

Fast Track has compiled league tables on private companies in partnership with The Sunday Times for the last 20 years. It publishes six other annual league table awards programmes:

SME Export Track 100 ranks Britain's SMEs with the fastest-growing international sales (total sales less than £25m)

Tech Track 100 ranks Britain's private TMT companies with the fastest-growing sales

Fast Track 100 ranks Britain’s private companies with the fastest-growing sales (excluding tech companies)

Profit Track 100 ranks Britain's private companies with the fastest-growing profits

Top Track 250 ranks Britain’s leading mid-market private growth companies with the biggest sales (£115m to £630m, and minimum 5% growth in sales or profits)

Top Track 100 ranks Britain’s private companies with the biggest sales (£630m to £20bn)

Fast Track is based in Oxford with 24 staff, and a network of freelance researchers.