research paper in natural science ii


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Submitted By:Louienell P. Gonzales

Submitted To:Dr. Leyne Mislan

Page 2: Research Paper in Natural Science II


Your immune system needs to be strong enough to fight off germs and

viruses lurking, well, everywhere. Eating nutrient-rich food is a great way to keep

your family healthy. But with tight schedules, many of us eat on the run and

sacrifice good nutrition, which can undermine the health boost that a normally

nutritious diet offers. Colds and flu can sneak up on you and your loved ones.

More than 200 viruses can cause cold symptoms. That’s a lot of bugs to fend off.

Luckily, eating healthfully may be just the immune-system booster you need to

ward off illness (Mosing, 2007)

It's a known fact: 1/3 of Cancer virus deaths are classified as a lack of

proper diet. Eating processed food, take out, and boxed food in the center junk

isles at your local grocer won't provide the necessary nutrition to help fight

against Cancer. Organic food or food that comes from Earth naturally contains

compounds and nutrients that help the body immune system fight against

unwanted and potentially dangerous invaders (Brown, 2009).

As generation RX continues to thrive, many individuals are in search of

alternative healing practices. Medications may be helpful toward pain alleviation

and easing the sign and symptoms, but they usually won't join in unisons with

your body's cells to destroy infected cells.

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How those some vegetables can be used to fight virus and can be substitute

from chemicals and can be used as anti-oxidants?


To discover what are the common vegetables than can fight cancer virus.

To understand the effects of vegetables to our health in fighting some virus

To refine our current understanding for vegetables that we eaten in our everyday



The importance of this paper is to know what vegetables can cure cancer virus

and the benefit of the vegetable for fighting virus.

It is important not only for the students like us but also for all health

concern citizens who wanted to know the alternative way to fight or avoid virus in

natural way and cheaper price.

The benefits of this study are to give some ideas and knowledge about the

benefits of vegetables in fighting virus ba.

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This study limits its coverage on the vegetables that can cure cancer virus and

some other virus. Its main purpose is to identify what are the effects and what

can be cured by some vegetables.

This study only serves as information.

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The recent studies have shown these compounds are what help immune system

fight against free-radicals and potential cancer spreading cells. There has been

limited attention to the study of how the food can trigger cancer virus and how for

this phenomenon, however, once explained, it received very little attention. The

cancer virus can be triggered by lack of proper diet and eating innutritious food.

There is a fact; contained in PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND that contain

the effect of eating innutritious foods and lack of proper diet.

Here are some nutritious food that can fight cancer

Avocado - Listed first because this is not a vegetable but a fruit containing some

of the most powerful anti-oxidants to attack free radicals. Studies are performed

to show how avocados prevent oral cancer and restrict the growth of androgen

dependent and androgen independent prostate cells (type of Cancer). Avocados

are high in beta-carotene and carry more potassium than bananas. They also

carry an enormous amount of phytochemicals (phytonutrients). This amazing fruit

is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, and these acids contain a chemical called

oleic acid. Researchers provided a study showing oleic acids have properties to

protect against breast cancer. (Brown, 2008)

Collard Greens - Rich in vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B5, and B6 and has nutrients

such as manganese, foliate, fiber, calcium, potassium, magnesium, niacin,

protein, omega-3-fatty acids, zinc, iron, and phosphorus. This vegetable is mainly

eaten in southern parts of the United States or by people with deep southern ties,

but the benefits should be taken advantage of by all. This particular form of

greens helps detoxify the body and boost a healthy immune system. High in

phytonutrients collard greens help protect mental functions during the aging

process. And of course these phytonutrients help fight against Cancer.

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Mustard Greens - Another common vegetable eaten by those in southern parts

of the United States or with southern ties. The brown seeds of mustard greens

are used to make Dijon Mustard. It contains Vitamins A, C, and E, with nutrients

such as foliate and fiber. Mustard greens help protect the lungs and heart while

fighting against the damages of free-radicals. They are also known to help keep

a sharp mind.

Cabbage - Has cleansing properties and increases cells ability of detoxification.

Highly rich in vitamins K, C, A, B1, B6, and B2. Its nutrients include fiber,

manganese, foliate, indole-3-carbinol, omega-3-fatty acids, calcium, potassium,

magnesium, and protein. Cabbage is an excellent Cancer fighting vegetable

because it disarms free-radicals that may cause certain Cancers.

Brussels Sprout - A vegetable that gained a bad reputation from its bitter taste

and weird shape, but when seasoned correctly Brussels sprouts can become a

hearty side dish. A part of the cabbage family Brussels sprouts contains many

cancer-fighting properties when eaten. They trigger a release of enzymes that

reduce the risk of Cancer and rid the body of toxic waste. Known to help prevent

prostate cancer, lower cholesterol levels, prevent constipation, and help fight the

spread of breast or colon cancer. These awesome sprouts contain phyto-

nutrients, indole-3-carbinol, vitamins A, K, A, B6, E, copper, calcium, iron,

phosphorus, protein, sulforphane (responsible for enzyme release), Magnesium,

riboflavin (B2), zeaxanthin, and lutein. An excellent vegetable to eat to prevent

and help fight against the deadly effects of Cancer.

Kale - Helps support a healthy immune system and lowers the risk of cataracts,

increases the cells ability to detoxify and maintain healthy brain functions. Most

importantly researchers have shown kale to fight many form of Cancer while also

stopping the transformation of lesions to cancerous cells in estrogen sensitive

cells (indole). Two compounds called isothiocyanates and phyto-chemicals are

found in kale. These compounds are believed to suppress tumor growth and

block Cancer causing properties from reaching certain places in the body.

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Vitamins and nutrients include; lutein, fiber, copper, calcium, potassium, protein,

omega-3-fatty acids, foliate, magnesium, zeaxanthin, vitamins B6, A, and C.

Cauliflower - Contains zeaxanthin and lutein; compounds that help decrease the

risk of prostate cancer.

Also holds omega-3-fatty acids and indole-3-carbinol which help combat against

breast cancer and converting cancer promoting estrogen into protective

properties for the body

Broccoli - Just as cauliflower, broccoli contains lutein and zeaxanthin, along with

indole-3-carbinol and phyto-chemical sulforaphane.Phytochemical sulforaphane

is a product of glucoraphanin. This compound and its by-product promote the

production of enzymes that can deactivate free-radicals and carcinogens. They

also help fight against cancers like colon cancer/rectal cancer.The bitter the

broccoli taste the more glucoraphanin it carries.

Carrots - Has the ability to reduce certain cancers such as; lung cancer, mouth

cancer, throat cancer, intestinal cancer, stomach cancer, bladder cancer,

prostate cancer and breast cancer. Carrots carry lots of beta-carotene and

falcarinol. Researchers are performing studies to prove falcarinol actually

reduces the risk of Cancer. At the Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences,

Kirsten Brandt (head of research department), states isolated cancer cells grow

slower when exposed to falcarinol. Cooking the carrots only rids it of this

amazing compound so it's better eaten raw.

Flax - Listed as the last cancer fighter, flax is actually a form of powder. It can be

found at any local grocer or health food store. It's proven to have the ability to

greatly reduce the risk of breast cancer and is one of the richest sources in the

world for omega-3-fatty acids and lignin's (anti-oxidants and pyto-estrogens) Flax

has an antioxidant effect that can help block or control cancerous changes. Not

only can this powder reduce the risk of breast cancer but it's also viewed to

greatly reduce the risk of colon cancer. Has the ability to slow the current growth

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of breast cancer and prevent the cells from spreading throughout the body. To

get this highly rich source and its benefits into your immune system simply use

flax as a spice, egg substitute, or topping. Cancer fighting vegetables can easily

be found at your convenience, but maintaining patience and proper research will

ensure the best results for your body.

Your body is the most important assets you own, so investing in a proper diet

regime will increase your chances of a healthy disease fighting body.

Garlic - The powerful antioxidant properties of garlic have been found to be

antiviral so can potentially help prevent colds as well as shorten their duration.

The oily compound allicin (that gives garlic its distinctive smell) works the cold-

fighting magic. And you don't have to eat garlic in its natural form to see the

benefits - garlic supplements such as powder, oil and extracts have the same

healing powers (Brown, 2008)

Green tea - The Chinese have been swearing by its healing properties for

hundreds of years, and now studies support their claims: green tea contains

antioxidants that can boost an ailing immune system. Not only do green tea

sippers experiences less colds and flu, but their immune systems also produce

more cells that fight the bacteria and viruses that cause sickness. Don't forget

though that green tea does contain caffeine, so if you are considering giving it to

your kids, go easy with the "green tea medicine" - one cup a day is plenty and

they will still feel the benefits.

Tomatoes - While experts still can't agree on whether taking high doses of

vitamin C will have any significant effects on cold and flu symptoms, some

studies show that taking vitamin C may actually help prevent the onset of colds

and flu. Studies do show, however, that there a health benefits to eating vitamin

C rich fruits and vegetables - three or more cups each day (as the body can't

store vitamin C, it is vital that you replenish your supplies every day) will act as a

general immune-booster. The trick is to receive the vitamin C via whole foods

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rather than as a supplement so fill your diet with vitamin C rich foods such as

strawberries, oranges, tomatoes and broccoli (Grieger, 2008).

Red Bell Peppers - Red bell peppers contain even more vitamin C than citrus

fruits. They are also rich in vitamin A and E, essentials for a strong immune

system. Chop them up in a salad, add them to a stir fry or include them in a salsa

dish to experience their delicious health benefits. Take care to purchase organic

and don't overcook them. In order to receive the maximum benefits from red bell

peppers and all other fresh vegetables, it is important to either eat them raw,

steamed or fried for only a few minutes.

Mushrooms - There are a number of mushrooms that appear to help the body

fight cancer and build the immune system - Shiitake, maitake, reishi, Agaricus

blazei Murill, and Coriolus Versicolor.  These mushrooms contain

polysaccharides, especially  Lentinan, powerful compounds that help in building

immunity. They are a source of Beta Glucan. They also have a protein called

lectin, which attacks cancerous cells and prevents them from multiplying. They

also contain Thioproline. These mushrooms can stimulate the production of

interferon in the body. Extracts from mushrooms have been successfully tested

in recent years in Japan as an adjunct to chemotherapy. PSK is made from the

Coriolus Versicolor. Maitake mushroom extract is PCM4 (Mosing, 2006).

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Anti-Oxidants - Compounds that protect cells from damage.

Phyto-Nutrients - Protective compounds in plants that help our bodies

strengthen the immune system. Helps soak up diseased cells and fight damage

from radiation and ultraviolet light.

Omega-3-Fatty Acids - Reduces blood clots, inflammation, and swelling

Lignins - Anti-oxidants and phyto-estrogens

Phyto-estrogens - Weak plant estrogens that suck in the body's harmful

estrogen, protects breast cells from developing Cancer.

Free-Radicals - Organic molecules responsible for aging, tissue damage, and

diseases. Very unstable molecules looking to join other molecules in order to

stabilize themselves. They carry only one electron so these molecules search out

and take electrons from other molecules in order to become stable. Can cause

serious damage to the body.

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The study was conducted according to the design of Descriptive analytic

research. Attempted to describe and evaluate this study is the emphasis on

vegetables of the respondents. As a critical researcher, It is also determined here

the personal and natural variables of the respondents and reviewed and compare

the relationship of variations of the respondents in knowledge about fighting virus

in natural way.


The selected respondents in this study are the 1st year students of College

of Business Education and Administration in New Era University during 2nd

semester of Academic year 2010-2011.

Currently, there are five (5) groups of 1st year in mentioned college; The

groups were divided according to their courses which are BS Accountancy,

BSBA Management, BSBA Banking and Finance, BSBA Legal Management and

BSBA Marketing. Through the random sampling, the researcher took 20 students

each group in order for each individual to have a balance representation in the

study. Take a look at the table:

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Table 1 .0 Distribution of the Respondents in Different Courses Offered in College of Business Education and Administration














BOYS 3 3 3 3 3 15

GIRLS 2 2 2 2 2 10

TOTAL 5 5 5 5 5 25

But there is no attempt made in this study to know the correlation or the

relation of readiness and feelings of respondents in their courses that taken up.

The respondents are also grouped by their gender, experience in eating

such vegetables that sown on the chapter II,

The researchers choose the 1st year student in 2nd semester because they

have the same curriculum and almost the same teachers.


This study is done through the survey. The researcher prepared a survey

questionnaire that aims to gather data to assess the knowledge of respondents

about the benefits of vegetables in fighting bacteria of that in some personal and

natural variable.

The researchers gathered information from library like the books, existing

thesis, proposal and research paper and from internet.

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In this study the following data was discovered:

Aside from the separation of respondents by their gender and courses

they were taking that was shown in Table 1.0, they are grouped according to

school they have attended in high school. 57% are graduated from public

schools, and 43% are from private schools.

Look at the graph:

Graph 1.0Distribution of the Respondents According to High Schools Attended

A. Public 57%B.Private 43%

98% of the respondents are eating mentioned vegetables. 2% of the

respondents said they hate vegetables. Both are male, the first one graduated

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from private school and the other one is from public school, consequently (10 or

100%) female respondents and (13 or 96%) male respondents is eating those


Graph 2.0Students that are eating the mentioned vegetables.

Eating mentioned vegetables

Not eating or hate the mentioned









Male 48 %Male 2%Female 50%

98% of the respondents are answer this question. 2% of the respondents

skip this question because they said that they didn’t eat vegetables. (as

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explained in graph 2.0). The most edible vegetables are Garlic 20% of the

respondent’s eats garlic and followed by carrots which 16% of the respondents

eat this.

Graph 3.0Vegetables that are most eaten by the students.


Avocados 12%Collard Greens 0% Mustard Green 4%Cabbage 4%Brussels Sprout 0%Kale 0%Cauliflower 8%Broccoli 4%Carrots 16%Flax 0%Garlic 20%Green tea 8%Tomatoes 8%Red Bell Peppers 4%Mushrooms 4%

Page 16: Research Paper in Natural Science II

100% are using vegetables in fighting virus bacterium. The most vegetables that

the respondents used are the garlic which is 60% the 6 respondents are from

BSBA-legal management and 7 are from the different courses. The 2nd is the

carrots which got 16% of the respondents.

Graph 4.0Vegetables that are used by the respondents when they have a virus

bacterium in their body

Vegetables Avocados 8%Collard Greens 0%

Mustard Green 4%Cabbage 4%Brussels Sprout 0%

Kale 0%Cauliflower 8%

Broccoli 4%

Carrots 16%Flax 0%

Garlic 60%Green tea 12%Tomatoes 12%

Red Bell Peppers 4%Mushrooms 12%

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100% of the respondent said that they receive a benefit from vegetables

and 15 or 100% of the male answered yes and 10 or 100% female also

answered yes

Graph 5.0Respondents said that they have a benefit from vegetables

Male 60%Female 40%

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SummaryThis study is an attempt to know the importance and emphasis in the

benefits of vegetables against virus of the 1st year students in College of

Business Education and Administration in school year 2010-2011.

Using the descriptive-analytic design the researchers designed a survey

questionnaire that answered by the 100 respondents that taking up courses

offered in CBEA of NEU.

In this study the researchers found out that the respondents are eating the

mentioned vegetables so that they fighting a virus even if they don’t do anything

and not concern about it.

CONCLUCSIONBased on the presented data, the researchers lead to the following


A. The level of importance and emphasis of the students on vegetables is

enough to benefit the effects of the vegetables in fighting the virus.

B. The feeling of the respondents is positive about the benefits of

vegetables mentioned.

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RECOMMENDATION This research study suggests that you should eat a lot of vegetables

if you have a virus. First, some people don’t know what are the benefits of

vegetables in fighting virus is; they don’t know what are the advantages of eating

vegetables and the effect of this it their immune system. But they are using it in

everyday of their lives. Some people using vegetables as medicine and some

are just eating it.

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To our beloved respondents

Earnest Greetings!

We are the students of Nat Sci II that currently writing a research paper about The vegetables that can fight virus bacteria.

Related to this, we prepared this questionnaire to gather data that we need in our research.

Then, please answer the questions honestly. We will assure that this information and your answers will be kept confidential.

Thank you!


DIRECTION: Fill the appropriate information or data in the next space. If there is a choice, put only a check in line that matches your answer.

1. Name(optional) _______________________________________________

2. Gender __Male __Female

3. Currently taking course__ BSBA – Accountancy __ BSBA – Management __ BSBA – Marketing

__ BSBA – Banking and finance __ BSBA – Legal Management

4. Kind of school that you graduate in high school

__ Private __ Public

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5. Do you eat vegetables like Avocado, Collard Greens, Mustard Greens, Cabbage, Brussels Sprout, Kale, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Carrots, Flax, Garlic, Green tea, Tomatoes, Red Bell Peppers, and Mushrooms?

__ Yes __ No

6. Which of the following vegetables you eat most.

__Avocado __Collard Greens __ Mustard Green __Cabbage __Brussels Sprout __Kale __Cauliflower __Broccoli __Carrots __Flax __Garlic __Green tea __Tomatoes __Red Bell Peppers __Mushrooms.

7. Which of the following vegetables you used when there is a virus bacterium in your body?

__ Avocado __ Collard Greens __ Mustard Green __ Cabbage __ Brussels Sprout __ Kale __ Cauliflower __Broccoli __ Carrots __Flax __ Garlic __ Green tea __ Tomatoes __ Red Bell Peppers __ Mushrooms.

8. Do you feel that you are getting a benefit from the given vegetables?

__ Yes __ No

Thank You for the time that you spent in answering this questions!

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The benefits of vegetables in fighting virus


Chapter I - Introductionproblem and its background

statement of the prob.

importance of the study

significance of the study

scope and delimitation

Chapter II – Backgroundreview of related lit.


Chapter III - MethodologyResearch design

Sampling procedure

Instrument used


Review of data

Chapter IV - ResultsPresentation,


Analysis on data

Chapter VSummary and conclusion

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References:Brown, C.K. 7 Foods That Fight Back. Montogermy AL: BrooksPublisher Corp,2008.

Grieger, A.L. The best cancer-fighting vegetables . KS - Topeka: Golden Bergh Ltd., 2008.

Mosing, K A. Healing Foods. MD - Annapolis: Bricks Golden State Publishng, 2006.

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