research paper finished

A. Introduction Teaching is a profession that can produce something amazing when the right ideas and beliefs are implemented in the classroom. The professional educator accepts personal responsibility for teaching students character qualities that will help them evaluate the consequences of and accept the responsibility for their actions and choices. Their jobs strongly affirm parents as the primary moral educators of their children. Nevertheless, all educators are obligated to help foster civic virtues such as integrity, diligence, responsibility, cooperation, loyalty, fidelity, and respect- for the law, for human life, for others, and for self. Educator is increasingly important role in the global era. Only through the guidance of a professional educator, every student can be a quality human resource, competitively and productively as a national asset in the face of increasingly tough competition in the future. The professional educator, in accepting his or her position of public trust, measures success not only by the progress of each student 1

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A. Introduction

Teaching is a profession that can produce something amazing when the right ideas

and beliefs are implemented in the classroom. The professional educator accepts personal

responsibility for teaching students character qualities that will help them evaluate the

consequences of and accept the responsibility for their actions and choices. Their jobs

strongly affirm parents as the primary moral educators of their children. Nevertheless, all

educators are obligated to help foster civic virtues such as integrity, diligence, responsibility,

cooperation, loyalty, fidelity, and respect-for the law, for human life, for others, and for self.

Educator is increasingly important role in the global era. Only through the guidance

of a professional educator, every student can be a quality human resource, competitively and

productively as a national asset in the face of increasingly tough competition in the future.

The professional educator, in accepting his or her position of public trust, measures success

not only by the progress of each student toward realization of his or her personal potential,

but also as a citizen of the greater community of the republic. The professional educator

should realize how important their activities and their attitude as the form of moral value and

ethics in the environment; therefore, the teacher should realize how important code of ethic

teacher’s profession.

In this case, the writer wants to focus on the code of ethics educators in SMP N 5

Cilegon, and the educators should realize how important the code ethics and apply them. This

tiny project try to discover information how much the educators know the result of teachers’

ethic code in PGRI congress 2008. It can be assumed if the teachers know and apply their

code ethic, the education will be success; on the contrary, if they do not apply it or even do


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not know what the code ethic is, the education will not be success because the teachers do not

understand well about their responsibilities.

Moreover, their responsibilities cover all the duties of the teachers to try to

understand what the good things to guide the students in the process of educating, so the

students become clever and a good person and citizen in their future life. Therefore, teacher’s

code ethics should be applied in SMP N 5 Cilegon because the teacher is ultimate element in

education. This tiny research tried to find the result of the teacher who applied code ethics in

the school, and it tried to find information how the teacher worked together with others like

they worked with the students, parents, citizen, school, teacher’s profession, other profession,

and the government.

B. Theoretical Discussion


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1. The understanding of teacher code ethics

a. The definition of teacher code ethics

Code ethics consists of two words; “code” and “ethics”. “Ethics” comes from

Greek language; “Ethics” means moral in the way of life; whereas “code“ is the

system of value which is usually used on the ethic.1 It can be interpreted that code

ethic is the value of life which connects to the moral in doing the jobs.

Moreover, the teacher as professional worker needs to have code ethics, and

the code ethics should become their guidelines to control their jobs as a teacher.

According to opening the speech in congress PGRI XIII, Basuni as a leader says,

“Kode etik guru Indonesia merupakan landasan moral dan pedoman tingkah laku

guru warga PGRI dalam melaksanakan panggilan pengabdiannya bekerja sebagai

guru.” It means that code ethics is as a moral basis of behavior guidelines for a

teacher in doing his or her obligations as a teacher; if the teacher does amoral, it

means the teacher violates the teacher code ethics because the teachers’ code ethics is

the one of the teacher characteristic, and it should be on the teachers’ profession.

According to UU number 28 1974 states, “Pegawai Negeri Sipil mempunyai

kode etik sebagai pedoman sikap, tigkah laku dan perbutan di dalam dan di luar

kedinasan.”2 It means that with the code ethics, civil servants have to give a good

example as guidelines on their attitude, behavior and activity in doing their duties in

the school or a good example outside the school like in their society in daily life.

Based on the explanation of experts, it can be summarized that the teacher

code ethic is the value of the teacher as a moral basis of behavior guidelines in doing

1Djamarah. Guru dan Anak Didik dalam Interaksi Edukatif. (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2000), p. 492 Pudjosumedi, at. all., Profesi Pendidikan. (Jakarta: Uhamka Press, 2013), p. 28


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his or her obligations; for example, as a teacher like giving a good example on his or

her attitude, behavior and activity in doing his or her duties in the school or a good

example outside the school like in his or her society in daily life.

b. The function of teacher code ethics

All the professions have the code ethics, and its function becomes important

in their professions. Code ethics profession helps the implementers’ person as

someone who is a professional in order not to damage the profession. For example, if

their profession as a teacher, they have to follow all of the ethics as the teacher

profession. If the teacher knows and applies the code ethics, they know exactly how

important their status in the society. Because the teacher code ethics cover three main

points of code ethic profession; for example, (1) teacher code ethics give a guidelines

for other profession on the principles of professionalism; (2) code ethics profession is

a means of social control communities for the profession; (3) code ethics profession

prevents outside interference relations professional organizations about ethics in

professional membership.3 It can be inferred by applying teacher code ethic, the

teacher is able to give a good example not only in school surrounding as their

profession, but also they give a good example outside the school influence other

professions to follow what they do in their society.

R. Hermawan S adds, “There are five purposes of code ethics, they are (1)

upholding the dignity of the profession; (2) keeping and maintain the welfare of its

members; (3) Increasing the devotion of the members of the profession; (4)

3Ibid., 24


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improving the quality of the profession; and, (5) improving the quality of professional


Based on the definition of the experts, the function of teacher code ethics are

really important because they give a good example not only in school surrounding as

their profession, but also they give a good example outside the school influence other

professions to follow what they do in their society to improve quality of the teacher


c. The relationship between teacher and others

The teacher not only gives a good example in his or her environment like in

the school, but also he or she is able to give a good example in his or her

surroundings. It can be analyzed the duty of teacher in the world as a whole and in

Indonesia as a part, their duties are separated into seven categories. For example, the

teacher must be good in his or her relationship between students, parents, citizen,

school, profession, other profession and government.

In this tiny research, the writer wanted to adapt the relationship between

teachers in SMP N 5 Cilegon in their interactions with others in applying teacher code

ethics. There were 69 points in the questioners, and it can be divided by seven

categories. For example, (1) the relationship between teacher and students are 16

points (2) the relationship between teacher and parents are 7 points (3) the

relationship between teacher and citizen are 8 points (4) the relationship between

teacher and school are 17 points (5) the relationship between teacher and profession

are 8 points (6) the relationship between teacher and other profession are 8 points (7)

the relationship between teacher and government are 5 points.

4Ibid., 32


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C. Methodology of the research

The writer went to SMP N 5 Cilegon because the teacher was interested to discover

her research there. Because the writer had an experience teaching there, and the writer

wanted to know all the teachers there in applying teachers’ code of ethics. The writer

conducted the research by using three instruments like observing, questioners, and


1. Observation

The writer went to SMP N 5 Cilegon on Monday, December 2nd 2013, and the

writer observed all the activities which were done by the teacher related to their code of

ethics as a teacher. The writer observed the teachers’ attitudes, personalities, behaviors,

and their relationship with others. In fact, at that school have a good socialization each

other. I saw some students feel enjoy to study and could make a good communication to

their teachers because in SMP N 5 Cilegon always teach the students to give a good

example to changed the students’ attitude, personalities, behaviors, and their relationship

with others. Unconsciously, I could get the result that if the teachers teach that rules, so I

believe they know well how to apply to be a good teacher.

2. Questioners

The writer distributed the questioners to all teachers in SMP N 5 Cilegon. This

questioner try to discover information how much the educators know the result of

teachers’ ethic code in PGRI congress 2008. Therefore, all of the points adopted from the

rule of teachers’ ethic code in PGRI congress 2008. The questioner was divided by seven

categories like the teacher was able to do his or her relationship between the students,


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parents, citizen, school, teacher’s profession, other profession, and the government. Also,

they had to complete 69 points in the questioners are divided by 7 categories. (Appendix)

3. Interviewing

The writer interviewed some teachers in the different position like leader

principle, vice and lesson teachers. The writer wanted to get the data by asking question

after they completed all the questioners because not all the questioners cover whole

information. For example, the writer wanted to know the information what the

punishment if the teacher violates the code ethics in that school, and what amoral

happened in that school. At that time, I was interesting with the headmaster statements.

He said that not only the teacher, but also the leader principle do the abuse to the students

so she or he have to drop out from this school. In fact, in SMP N 5 Cilegon ever dropped

out one of the sport teacher because he did the abuse to the students. Therefore, I could

get the result that this school could apply the teachers’ rule in teaching learning activities



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D. Data Findings and Data Interpretation

After collecting the data, there were 35 teachers in SMP N 5 Cilegon fulfilled the

questioners from the writer. It could be seen on the table:

The Recapitulation of Teacher Code Ethics Application

(Rekapitulasi Penerapan Kode Etik Guru)

The Application of Code Ethics

(Penerapan Kode Etik)

Teacher Code Ethics (Kode Etik Guru) Unknown













The relationship between teacher and students

(Hubungan guru dengan peserta didik)1 0.18% 66 11.79% 493 88.03%

The relationship between teacher and parents)

(Hubungan guru dengan orangtua/wali)3 1.22% 51 20.82% 191 77.96%

The relationship between teacher and citizen

((Hubungan guru dengan masyarakat)7 2.50% 86 30.71% 187 66.79%

The relationship between teacher and school

(Hubungan guru dengan sekolah)4 0.67% 119 20.00% 472 79.33%

The relationship between teacher and profession1 0.36% 36 12.86% 243 86.79%


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(Hubungan guru dengan profesi)

The relationship between teacher and other profession

(Hubungan guru dengan organisasi profesinya)0 0.00% 84 30.00% 196 70.00%

The relationship between teacher and government

(Hubungan guru dengan pemerintah)0 0.00% 27 15.43% 148 84.57%


16 0.66% 469 19.42% 1930 79.92%

It could be interpreted that the teacher in SMP N 5 Cilegon was able to do

relationship with others.

1. The relationship between the teachers and students in applying code ethics in SMP N 5

Cilegon. It can be explained the teachers in SMP N 5 Cilegon, 0.18% did not know the

teacher code ethic, 11.79% just knew them, and the rest of them 88.03% applied them.

2. The relationship between the teachers and parents in applying code ethics in SMP N 5

Cilegon. It can be explained the teachers in SMP N 5 Cilegon, 1.22% did not know the

teacher code ethics, 20.82% just knew them, and the rest of them 77.96% applied them.

3. The relationship between the teachers and citizen in applying code ethics in SMP N 5

Cilegon. It can be explained the teachers in SMP N 5 Cilegon, 2.50% did not know the

teacher code ethics, 30.71% just knew them, and the rest of them 66.79% applied them.


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4. The relationship between the teachers and school in applying code ethics in SMP N 5

Cilegon. It can be explained the teachers in SMP N 5 Cilegon, 0.67% did not know the

teacher code ethics, 20.00% just knew them, and the rest of them 79.33 % applied them.

5. The relationship between the teachers and profession in applying code ethics in SMP N 5

Cilegon. It can be explained the teachers in SMP N 5 Cilegon, 0.36% did not know the

teacher code ethics, 12.86% just knew them, and the rest of them 86.79% applied them.

6. The relationship between the teachers and other profession in applying code ethics in

SMP N 5 Cilegon. It can be explained the teachers in SMP N 5 Cilegon, 0% did not know

the teacher code ethics, 30.00% just knew them, and the rest of them 70.00% applied


7. The relationship between the teachers and the government in applying code ethics in

SMP N 5 Cilegon. It can be explained the teachers in SMP N 5 Cilegon, 0% did not know

the teacher code ethics, 15.43% just knew it, and the rest of them 84.57% applied them.

The application of code ethics in SMP N 5 Cilegon were collected by 35 teachers and

69 points each questioner, the result of the research got the teachers applied them around

79.92%, just knew the code of ethics were 19.42%, and the rest of them were 0.66% did not

know the teacher code ethics.


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E. Conclusion

Based on the data findings, the application of code ethics in SMP N 5 Cilegon were

collected by 35 teachers and 69 points each questioner, the result of the research got the

teachers applied them around 79.92%, just knew the code of ethics around 19.42%, and the

rest of them 0.66% did not know the teacher code ethics.

Moreover, this result also indicates the teachers in SMP N 5 Cilegon still have not

applied yet all the teacher code ethics. Nevertheless, 79.92% is high enough to conclude that

most of the teachers in SMP N 5 Cilegon are competence teacher because they know what

their responsibilities.

F. Suggestion

Based on the result of the research findings, the writer intends to suggest in the


Teacher is one of a good profession because the teacher is able to give a good example not

only in school surrounding as their profession, but also they give a good example outside the school

influence other professions to follow what they do in their society. Therefore, the teacher must apply

the teacher code of ethic for

1. Upholding the dignity of the profession;

2. Keeping and maintaining the welfare of its members;

3. Increasing the devotion of the members of the profession;

4. Improving the quality of the profession; and


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5. Improving the quality of professional organizations.


Djamarah. Guru dan Anak Didik dalam Interaksi Edukatif. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2000.

Pudjosumedi, at. all., Profesi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Uhamka Press, 2013.

Teachers’ ethic rule in PGRI congress 2008