research mcqs

Choose your answers from a-d by clicking the radio button next to each choice and then press 'Submit' to get your score. Question 01  hat is a sampling frame! a" #he report of a pilot study. b" #he selection of specific indi$iduals to participate in the research. c" % summary of the research process. d) The listing of all units in the population from which the sample will be selected. It is important to identify a sampling frame so that a representative sample can then be taken from within a specified unit. Question 0&  ow will a researcher usually pre$ent a significant sampling error! a" (nter$iew all respondents in ad$ance. b" (ssue )uestionnaires to the entire sampling frame. c" *ut all the names in a hat. d) Use probability sampling . Probability sampling allows the researcher to apply tests of statistical significance which then allow inferences to be made about the overall sampling frame. Question 0+  (f an organisation has 1&,000 employees and the researcher is able to inter$iew &0 the probability of inclusion in the sample is! a" 1 in /.

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Research mcqs


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Choose your answers from a-d by clicking the radio button next to each choice and then press 'Submit' to get your


Question 01


hat is a sampling frame!

a" #he report of a pilot study.

b" #he selection of specific indi$iduals to participate in the research.

c" % summary of the research process.

d) The listing of all units in the population from which the sample will be selected.

It is important to identify a sampling frame so that a representative sample can then be taken from within a

specified unit.

Question 0&


ow will a researcher usually pre$ent a significant sampling error!

a" (nter$iew all respondents in ad$ance.

b" (ssue )uestionnaires to the entire sampling frame.

c" *ut all the names in a hat.

d) Use probability sampling.

Probability sampling allows the researcher to apply tests of statistical significance which then allow

inferences to be made about the overall sampling frame.

Question 0+


(f an organisation has 1&,000 employees and the researcher is able to inter$iew &0 the probability of inclusion in the

sample is!

a" 1 in /.

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b" 1 in &0.

c) 1 in 4.

d" 1 in &0.

!imple random sampling assumes that each member of the population has an e"ual probability of inclusion

in the sample. The probability is calculated via a sampling fraction with the total population being divided by

the sample si#e.

Question 0


(f a researcher wishes to obtain a nationally representati$e sample of trade union members but does not ha$e the

resources to tra$el long distances what method of sampling could they use!

a" Stratified random sampling.

b) $ulti%stage cluster sampling.

c" Simple random sampling.

d" Snowball sampling.

$ulti%stage cluster sampling allows interviewers to concentrate their research more than simple random or

stratified sampling.

Question 0


hich of the following is not something a researcher will ha$e to consider when thinking about their sample sie!

a" #ime and cost.

b" 2on-response.

c) &ength of "uestionnaire.

d" eterogeneity of population.

In general bigger is better when considering sample si#e however all researchers need to be aware of the

limitations of their resources.

Question 0/

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hich of the following is an example of con$enience sampling!

a" % stratified random sample of C34's drawn from the top 100 56 companies.

b" % random sample of employees who are absent from work through stress.

c) $anagers attending a seminar on corporate social responsibility organised by the researcher.

d" (llegal workers.

It is possible that the researcher could take the opportunity of issuing a "uestionnaire to these managers

whilst they are at the seminar. It is unlikely that the researcher will come across the other options in as

convenient a manner.

Question 07

hich of the following is not a benefit of snowball sampling!

a" (t can be used when there is difficulty in creating a sampling frame.

b) It is always representative of the population.

c" (t can be used within a )ualitati$e research strategy.

d" (t can be used to reflect relationships between people by tracing connections.

!nowball sampling is unlikely to be representative of the population because of the difficulty in establishing

a sampling frame. The sampling frames that apply when snowball sampling is relevant are usually fluid and

constantly shifting.

Question 08


Quota sampling is used intensi$ely in which type of research!

a) $arket research.

b" 3xperimental research.

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c" %ction research.

d" 3thnographic research.

'ommercial research and political opinion polling are other types of research that use "uota sampling.

Question 0


#he findings from a study of decision making processes within a 56 financial ser$ices company can be generalied


a" decision making processes in all financial ser$ices companies.

b" decision making processes in the all 56 companies.

c) decision making processes in the researched companies.

d" none of the abo$e.

(usiness and management researchers should be cautious of overgenerali#ing findings beyond the

researched organi#ation to alternative cultures.

Question 10


 %s part of sur$ey research design the sample was selected by the : manager. hat sort of error could this lead to!

a) !ampling error.

b" Sampling related error.

c" ;ata collection error.

d" ;ata processing error.

The choices made by the * manager may have been non%random and could also have reflected a bias on

the part of the individual making the choices.


'hapter +

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Choose your answers from a-d by clicking the radio button next to each choice and then press 'Submit' to get your


Question 01


hat is the benefit of standardiing the asking of )uestions!

a" 3ach inter$iew will last for exactly the same length of time.

b" % sur$ey )uestionnaire can be deli$ered to a room full of people.

c) ,nswer variation will be -true- and not due to the interview contet.

d" #he inter$iewer can predict the answers that the inter$iewee will gi$e.

!tandardi#ation means that any variation between respondents cannot be put down to the way that the

"uestion was asked or the answers recorded in the course of the administration of the survey.

Question 0&


 % closed )uestion means9

a) the respondent is given a limited choice of possible answers.

b" the final )uestion of the inter$iew.

c" the inter$iewer can embellish the inter$iewee's answer.

d" the responses are difficult to codify.

(y limiting the number of possible answers that the interviewee can give/ their answers are easier to code

and it also reduces the potential for interviewer variability.

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Question 0+

hich of the following is not a disad$antage of telephone inter$iewing!

a" #he telephone inter$iewer cannot use $isual aids.

b" (t is difficult to ascertain if the correct person is replying.

c" *eople who do not ha$e access to a telephone cannot be inter$iewed.

d) Telephone interviews are cheap and "uick to administer.

This factor is more pronounced when the sample is geographically spread.

Question 0


hich of the following issues should not be mentioned in an introductory statement!

a" #he information will be kept confidential.

b) 0hat the findings of the research are.

c" ho is funding the research.

d" hy the respondent has been chosen.

It is not possible to indicate the findings of the research during the data collection period. It is very important

that the other issues are mentioned in an introductory statement.


Question 0

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hich of the following )uestions should come at the start of a )uestion section on corporate social responsibility!

a" ow strongly do you feel about corporate social responsibility!

b" %re you in fa$our of corporate social responsibility!

c) ave you heard of corporate social responsibility

d" hy are you in fa$our of corporate social responsibility!

0ithin each section general "uestions should precede specific ones. If the interviewee has not heard of

corporate social responsibility the additional "uestions will become irrelevant.

Question 0/


#he benefit of using a show card to prompt the inter$iewee is9

a" that the inter$iewee does not ha$e to speak.

b" the inter$iew can be conducted o$er the telephone.

c) the interviewer does not have to read the same thing out on numerous occasions.

d" the inter$iewer can demonstrate their artistic skills.

0hen using something like a &ikert scale having the possible answers written out will prevent the interviewer 

from having to repeat the scale for each "uestion.

Question 07


hich of the following is an example of critical incident method!

a" %sking respondents to describe their response to different ad$ertisements.

b" %sking respondents to talk aloud whilst they are completing a performance appraisal form.

c) ,sking respondents to tell a story of an interaction they had with senior management.

d" 2one of the abo$e.

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'ritical incident techni"ue can be used either as part of a "uantitative or "ualitative research strategy. It

involves interviewing respondents about particular events in order to understand their significance.

Question 08


#he repertory grid method is based on which theory!

a" *ersonal moti$ation theory.

b" *ersonal destruction theory.

c" *ersonal consumption theory.

d) Personal construct theory.

Personal construct theory 23elly1566) is an attempt to identify the interpretative processes whereby an

individual constructs meaning in relation to his or her social contet.


Question 0


hich of the following is an example of ac)uiescence!

a" #he inter$iewee answers in a way that they think is socially desirable.

b) The interviewee tends to agree or disagree with a set of "uestions.

c" #he inter$iewee draws on and creates meaning at the same time.

d" #he inter$iewee agrees to do anything that the inter$iewer asks them.

,c"uiescence can be overcome by ensuring that some "uestions within a particular set imply an opposite



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Question 10


hich of the following is not part of the feminist criti)ue of structured inter$iewing!

a) ,ll structured interviews are conducted with men.

b" hen women inter$iew women using this method it implies a hierarchical relationship.

c" (t gi$es the impression of exploitation.

d" (t pre$ents the feminist researcher from de$eloping genuine relationships with respondents.

The feminist criti"ue of structured interviewing has much in common with wider criticisms of "uantitative

research and has led to many feminist researchers adopting a "ualitative research strategy.


'hapter +5




Choose your answers from a-d by clicking the radio button next to each choice and then press 'Submit' to get your


Question 01


hich of the following is not an ad$antage of the self-completion )uestionnaire o$er the structured inter$iew!

a" (t is cheaper to administer.

b" (t is )uicker to administer.

c) It is easier to prompt the interviewee.

d" (t is easier to remo$e inter$iewer effects.

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(ecause the self%completion "uestionnaire is completed without the researcher present it is not possible for

them to assist respondents who are struggling to understand a specific "uestion.

Question 0&


hich of the following are disad$antages of the self-completed )uestionnaire!

a" (nability to confirm who completed the )uestionnaire.

b" (ts unsuitability for some kinds of respondents.

c" (nability to ask many )uestions that are not directly rele$ant to the respondent.

d) ,ll of the above.

, number of the disadvantages of self%completed "uestionnaires stem from the absence of the interviewer.

Question 0+


hich of the following statements might assist response rates!

a" *lease photocopy the )uestionnaire fi$e times and pass on to your work colleagues.

b" *lease make sure that the )uestionnaire is completed with a fountain pen.

c" *lease read the attached <ournal article on the ontological foundations of positi$ism prior to completing the


d) Please put the completed "uestionnaire in the enclosed stamped addressed envelope and place in the

mail out tray.

7nclosing a stamped addressed envelope is very important if the researcher wishes to achieve an acceptable

response rate.

Question 0

hat should the researcher do if they ha$e achie$ed a low response rate!

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a" =ill in some more )uestionnaires themsel$es.

b" %bandon the research pro<ect entirely.

c) *ecogni#e and accept the possible limitations of a low response rate.

d" 2one of the abo$e.

, substantial amount of published material is based on research that has a low response rate. The

researcher in this situation should include a discussion of what the implications of a low response rate are

for their research.

Question 0


4ne of the following statements is correct.

a" % )uestionnaire should run to at least twenty pages.

b" #he )uestions should ha$e no spaces between them so that the whole )uestionnaire looks small.

c" 4nly )uestionnaires that are %+ sie achie$e high response rates.

d) 'lear presentation is more important than overall si#e.

If "uestions are cramped together so that they are difficult to differentiate from each other this is more likely

to reduce the completion rate than if the "uestionnaire is a little bit longer.

Question 0/


Should closed answers be arranged9

a" horiontally.

b" $ertically.

c" diagonally.

d" circuitously.

Question 07


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hich of the following is likely to happen if clear instructions are not gi$en as how the respondent should answer the


a" :espondents may delete inappropriate answers rather than select appropriate ones.

b" :espondents may choose only one answer when they need to choose as many as apply.

c" :espondents may complete )uestions that are not rele$ant to them.

d) ,ll of the above.

'lear instructions are vital as they allow for the respondent to move "uickly and efficiently through the

"uestionnaire which may in turn aid response rate.

Question 08


hich of the following is not a ma<or use of diaries in business research!

a" #he diary as a method of data collection.

b" #he diary as a document.

c) The diary as a log of researcher-s literature search.

d" #he diary as a log of the researcher's acti$ities.

, diary can be an effective way of gaining an accurate record of respondent-s daily routine.

Question 0


hich of the following is not a suitable topic for research using a diary!

a" #he amount of time managers spend on particular acti$ities.

b" #he fre)uency with which managers undertake particular tasks.

c" #he locations in which a trade union representati$e has discussions with indi$idual members.

d) The volume of female managers in the retail industry.

!tewart 21589) used the diary method to look at managerial time.

Question 10

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hich of the following comments demonstrates a process of attrition on the part of a diary respondent!

a" 'the researcher ne$er checks that ( am completing my diary correctly'.

b) -I can-t be bothered to complete this diary anymore-.

c" '( keep forgetting to include the number of phone calls ( make each day'.

d" '( ha$e decided to use the diary to record all of my personal thoughts and feelings'.

There is a danger that the respondent will lose interest in completing the diary and so will fail to record

accurate data.

'hapter 1+




Choose your answers from a-d by clicking the radio button next to each choice and then press 'Submit' to get your


Question 01


hich of the following is an ad$antage of open )uestions!

a) They allow respondents to answer in their own terms.

b" #hey pre$ent respondents from gi$ing unusual answers.

c" #hey allow respondents to put less effort into their answer.

d" #hey allow respondents to code their answers in ad$ance.

,n open "uestion means that the respondent is not forced to use terminology that is decided by the

researcher in advance.

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Question 0&


hat is the difference between a closed )uestion and an open )uestion!

a" % closed )uestion means that the chances of unreliable post-coding is small, whereas an open )uestion means

that there is a possibility of data processing error.

b" % closed )uestion allows for the researchers terminology to be used, whereas an open )uestion allows the

respondent to use terms they are familiar with.

c" % closed )uestion allows for easy processing, whereas coding an open )uestion can be $ery time consuming.

d) ,ll of the above.

(oth closed and open "uestions have a range of advantages and disadvantages and their use depends upon

the research strategy and research design that have been selected.

Question 0+


hich of the following is an example of a )uestion about normati$e standards and $alues!

a" ow many workers are employed at this plant!

b" hat is your attitude towards the management at this plant!

c) :o you always cast your vote in trade union elections

d" %re you aware of the main features of the 3uropean 5nion ;irecti$e for informing and consulting employees!

,nswer 2c) is asking for the respondent to reveal a behavioural norm. These types of "uestions are closely

related to "uestion about attitudes and beliefs.

Question 0


(f one of your research )uestions is 'what role do : ;epartments play in manufacturing companies!' which of the

following )uestions should you include in your )uestionnaire!

a" ;oes your organisation manufacture red cars or blue cars!

b" ow much corporation tax did your organisation pay in the last financial year!

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c) :oes your organisation employ a :irector of *

d" ;oes the : ;epartment ha$e an annual Christmas party!

It is important to keep in mind your overall research "uestions so that you ask "uestions that will contribute

to your answering of these "uestions.

Question 0

hy is it important to a$oid ambiguous terms when designing )uestions!

a" :espondents may not understand the )uestion.

b) *espondents may operate with a different frame of reference.

c" :espondents may think the )uestion is less important.

d" :espondents may ha$e to ask for help when completing the )uestionnaire.

,n ambiguous term such as -often- or -management- may mean different things to different respondents.

Question 0/


hich of the following is a double-barrelled )uestion!

a" ow satisfied are you with the performance appraisal system!

b) ow satisfied are you with investment levels in new and eisting software packages

c" ow satisfied are you with the organisations marketing strategy!

d" ow satisfied are you with the le$els of customer satisfaction!

:ouble%barrelled "uestions are ones that ask about two things. This "uestion should in fact be split into two/

one about eisting software and one about new software.

Question 07


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Questions that include negati$es should be a$oided because9

a" #he respondent may miss out the negati$e word.

b" #he respondent may be unsure how to answer if the )uestion includes a double negati$e.

c" #he respondent may be led by the )uestion.

d) ,ll of the above.

0hen using a &ikert scale it can be difficult to avoid asking a "uestion with a negative/ however the

researcher should attempt to avoid them if possible.

Question 08


hy is asking a $ignette )uestion about ethical beha$ior beneficial!

a" >ecause it allows for an abstract discussion of ethical $alues.

b" >ecause it ensures that the respondent does not ha$e to reflect on their own ethicality.

c) (ecause it anchors the choice in a situation and prevents an unreflective reply.

d" >ecause it pre$ents the researcher from discussing sensiti$e issues.

(y discussing a specific situation it is more likely that the respondent will reflect on their actual behaviour

rather than simply give a reply that matches normative values.

Question 0


*iloting )uestions is important because9

a) it enables the researcher to clear up any confusion.

b" it enables the researcher to collect additional data.

c" it enables the researcher to get an idea of likely response rate.

d" it enables the researcher to see if their )uestions can fly.

Piloting can be crucial in seeing not ;ust that the survey "uestions work well/ but also that the research

instrument is suitable.

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Question 10


hich of the following is not an ad$antage of using existing )uestions!

a" #hey will ha$e already been piloted for you.

b" ?ou will be able to in$estigate any reliability and $alidity testing that has taken place.

c) <ou will be able to claim your work is entirely original.

d" ?ou will be able to make comparisons with other research.

 <ou are advised to contact the researchers concerned in order to seek permission to use "uestions that they

have devised.


'hapter 11




Choose your answers from a-d by clicking the radio button next to each choice and then press 'Submit' to get your


Question 01


hich of the following is not an example of a problem with using social sur$ey research to in$estigate beha$iour!

a" :espondents tend to answer by gi$ing the most socially desirable answer.

b" :espondents may inad$ertently omit key terms in the )uestion.

c" :espondents may not gi$e an honest reply to what they see as a threatening )uestion.

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d) *espondents may be unwilling to reveal information as they believe they are likely to be identified.

,n advantage of social survey research is that the researcher can ensure that the anonymity of the

respondent is maintained by administering the same "uestions to each individual.

Question 0&


hat is structured obser$ation!

a" #he analysis of tall buildings.

b" % techni)ue in which the researcher obser$es beha$iour from one position in the workplace.

c) , techni"ue in which the researcher uses specific rules for behavior observation.

d" % techni)ue in which the researcher obser$es beha$ior from a co$ert location.

!tructured observation involves the researcher formulating in advance the rules of an observation. These

rules inform observers about what behaviors they should look for and how they should record them.

Question 0+


(n @intberg's A17+" study of managerial work, structured data were collected by which method!

a) , mail record which described each piece of mail and the action taken to respond to it.

b" % tra$el record which described the number of times a manager tra$elled between regional offices.

c" % lunch record which described the time managers took for lunch breaks.

d" % banter record which described all of the informal humorous con$ersations managers had with subordinates.

$int#berg also used a chronology record and a contact record during his study of managers. These

described that activity patterns and the verbal contact of managers.


Question 0

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hen de$ising an obser$ation schedule it is important that the obser$er9

a" has a clear focus about who or what they are obser$ing.

b" uses a recording system that is easy to operate.

c" uses mutually exclusi$e and inclusi$e categories.

d) all of the above.

7ven if the observer is able to achieve each of these things there will still be an element of interpretation on

their part when completing the schedule.

Question 0


hich of the following is a strategy for obser$ing the beha$iour of a bank manager in a structured fashion!

a" % daily obser$ation of their morning briefing to the branch.

b" 4bser$ations of their interactions with customers.

c) =our observations during the day lasting twenty%five minutes each.

d" 4bser$ation of all filing conducted by the manager each day.

(y spacing observations throughout the day it is more likely that the observer will be able to ensure the

generali#ability of the research into bank managers.

Question 0/


=ollowing @artin B >ateson A18/" an obser$ation of a specific indi$idual for a set period of time is an example of9

a" scan sampling.

b) focal sampling.

c" ad libitum sampling.

d" beha$iour sampling.

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=ocal sampling involves the observer recording all eamples of whatever forms of behaviour are under


Question 07


#he difference between inter-obser$er consistency and intra-obser$er consistency is9

a) inter%observer consistency refers to the degree to which different observers agree/ whereas intra%observer 

consistency refers to the degree one observer remains consistent over time.

b" inter-obser$er consistency refers to the need for all obser$ations to be conducted at identical times, whereas intra-

obser$er consistency refers to the need for one obser$er to obser$e only one beha$iour.

c" inter-obser$er consistency refers to the practice of obser$ers obser$ing each other, whereas intra-obser$er

consistency refers to the practice of obser$er self-assessment.

d" inter-obser$er consistency refers to the degree the sub<ects demonstrate the same beha$iours, whereas intra-

obser$er consistency refers to the degree that the sub<ects demonstrate different beha$iours.

(oth inter%observer consistency and intra%observer consistency are important tests for the reliability of

structured observations.

Question 08


hat is the benefit of a conducting a structured obser$ation using a field stimulation!

a" (t is an o$ertly ethical form of research.

b" (t ensures that the sub<ects are fully informed of the research.

c) It reduces the problem of sub;ect reactivity.

d" (t is usually conducted outdoors.

, researcher using a field stimulation such as mystery shopping is more likely to observe natural behavior

because the sub;ect does not know they are being observed> something which can lead to ethical concerns.

Question 0


hich issues can be obser$ed more effecti$ely during an organisational simulation than in a 'real' organiational


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a" #ime managers spend on customer complaints.

b" ;istance managers walk each day.

c) :ecision making and problem solving.

d" %ttitudes towards health and safety.

(y contriving a situation the researcher can not only look in more detail at issues such as problem solving

and decision making but they also have the ability to collect a large amount of data in a relatively short

period of time.

Question 10


 % criticism of structured obser$ation is that it9

a) neglects the contet within which behaviour occurs.

b" neglects the links between beha$iour and personality.

c" neglects the role of the structures of capitalism that influence beha$iour.

d" neglects the importance of language in organiational settings.

(y ignoring the wider contet within which sub;ects operate there is a tendency for structured observation to

aim at universal eplanations for behaviour which may play down differences between/ for eample/ different


'hapter 1?




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Question 01

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hich of the following )uestions can be answered using content analysis!

a" ow do managers beha$e in the face of employment insecurity!

b) ow do the media report corporate re%branding eercises

c" hat effect does organiational sie ha$e on marketing strategy!

d" hat are the most popular leisure acti$ities amongst the o$er-0s!

'ontent analysis is often used to eamine the mass media and the manner in which it covers certain issues.

Question 0&


hich of the following is not a main characteristic of content analysis!

a" Quantification of the content of selected texts.

b" Systematic analysis.

c) :iscursive deconstruction.

d" 4b<ecti$ity.

'ontent analysis can either focus on the apparent content of a tet or its latent content/ however either way

its focus remains very much on the "uantification of the data.

Question 0+


hat is the first stage of sampling when conducting a content analysis on media reports!

a" :ecord all tele$ision news programmes for a week.

b" ;efine which part of the media is going to be analysed.

c" %ssess the timescales within which you are going to select texts.

d) Identify how each variable will be coded.

It is important when undertaking a content analysis of the mass media that the first task undertaken/ when

identifying a sample/ is which type of media will the research focus upon.

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Question 0


hat is the benefit of focussing a content analysis on specific words!

a" (t enables the researcher to assess a text's grammatical sophistication.

b" (t enables the researcher to measure the time taken to construct the text.

c) It enables the researcher to show which interpretative frameworks are used in the tet.

d" (t enables the researcher to <udge the future use of specific words in specific contexts.

*esearchers who use content analysis to count the fre"uency of certain words/ sentences or phrases are

then able to infer from this which interpretative frameworks different authors are drawing from.

Question 0


hat is a coding schedule!

a) , form into which all the data relating to an item is entered.

b" % form ensuring that all of the different categories are mutually exclusi$e.

c" % form which sets out the interpretati$e framework of the researcher.

d" % form which measures the relationship between different categories.

, coding schedule is the item that the coder will use to record all of the information relevant in a specific

tet. , new schedule is re"uired for each tet.

Question 0/


hat does a coding manual contain!

a" (nformation about the research )uestions.

b" (nformation about the research sub<ects.

c) Information about how the different coding categories are to be defined.

d" (nformation about how many times the different coding categories are used in a text.

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The coding manual is sometimes referred to as the content analysis dictionary. It is a statement of

instructions to coders that specifies the categories that will be used to classify the tet.

Question 07


hat must a researcher be aware of when using a term such as management in a coding scheme!

a) Potential confusion because the term management can have different meanings.

b" *otential confusion because management does not form one single unit of analysis.

c" *otential confusion because management has different meaning in different languages.

d" %ll of the abo$e.

(ecause a term such as management can have different meanings it is vital that a coding scheme is clear

about the manner in which it is to be used.

Question 08


hich of the following is an ad$antage of content analysis!

a" (t is a $ery transparent form of research.

b" (t is able to easily incorporate a longitudinal element.

c" (t minimises the impact of the researcher on the sub<ect of study.

d) ,ll of the above.

'ontent analysis is a fleible method that allows for information about a wide range of issues to be


Question 0


hich of the following is true!

a" (t is impossible to issue the same instructions to all coders.

b) It is impossible to devise coding manuals that do not re"uire coders to undertake some interpretation.

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c" (t is impossible to understand the social world by studying the mass media.

d" (t is impossible to use content analysis to look at elite groups.

This is one of the disadvantages of content analysis because coders act as knowledge participants whose

interpretations may not necessarily correspond.

Question 10


Content analysis can be criticised because9

a" it is an obscure and opa)ue method.

b" it focuses solely on )uestions of why in business research.

c" rele$ant documents are hard to obtain.

d) it is atheoretical as it focuses on what can be measured not what is theoretically important.

(y focusing on what can be measured content analysis can be accused of diminishing the importance of

theoretically significant information. This is not necessarily true of all content analyses.

:esearch @ethodology @ultiple Choice Questions A@CQ"Q1 hich of the following is not an essential element of report writing!

a. :esearch @ethodology

b. :eference

c. Conclusion

d. 2one of these

Q& #esting hypothesis is a  

a. (nferential statistics

b. ;escripti$e statistics

c. ;ata preparation

d. ;ata analysis

Q+ (s it possible to apply pro<ecti$e techni)ues for exploratory in$estigation!

a. ?es

b. 2o

Q hat is the purpose of doing research!

a. #o identify problem

b. #o find the solution

c. >oth a and b

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d. 2one of these

Q hich method can be applicable for collecting )ualitati$e data!

a. %rtifacts ADisual"

b. *eople

c. @edia products A #extual, Disual and sensory"d. %ll of these

Q/ hich of the following is non-probability sampling!

a. Snowball

b. :andom

c. Cluster 

d. Stratified

Q7 (n group inter$iew their are  

a. 4ne inter$iewer and one inter$iewee

b. @ore than one inter$iewer and one inter$iewee

c. 4ne inter$iewer and more than one inter$iewee

d. @ore than 4ne inter$iewer and more than one inter$iewee

Q8 hich of the following are associated with beha$ioral obser$ation!

a. 2on-$erbal analysis

b. Einguistic analysis

c. Spatial analysis

d. %ll of these

Q 5niting $arious )ualitati$e methods with )uantitati$e methods can be called as........

a. Coalesce

b. #riangulation

c. >ipartite

d. (mpassi$e

Q10 @ultistage sampling is a  

a. *robability sampling

b. 2on-*robability sampling

?our $aluable $iews are welcome whole hardheartedly.

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,nswer 3ey










1. A good qualitative problem statement: a. Defnes the independent anddependent variables b. Conveys a sense o emerging design c. Specifes a researchhypothesis to be tested d. Specifes the relationship between variables that theresearcher epects to fnd

!. "he #tool$ unction o theory is to: a. Summari%e eisting &nowledge b.Summari%e eisting hypotheses c. Suggest new relationships and ma&e newpredictions d. Suggest new theories '. "he statement o purpose in a research studyshould: a. (dentiy the design o the study b. (dentiy the intent or ob)ective o thestudy c. Speciy the type o people to be used in the study d. Describe the study *.+hy is the statement #+hat are the e,ects o etracurricular activities on cognitivedevelopment o school age children$ not a good statement o a quantitativeresearch question- a. ecause there is no connection between etracurricularactivities and cognitive development b. ecause there are not enough school agechildren engaged in etracurricular activities to conduct the study c. ecause thestudy would be too di/cult to do given all the di,erent etracurricular activities d.ecause the statement was not specifc enough to provide an understanding o thevariables being investigated 0. A qualitative research question: a. As&s a questionabout some process or phenomenon to be eplored b. (s generally an open2endedquestion c. both a and b are correct d. 3one o the above 4. According to the tetwhich o the ollowing orders is the recommended in the 5owchart o thedevelopment o a research idea- a. 6esearch topic research problem researchpurpose research question hypothesis b. 6esearch topic research purpose

research problem research question hypothesis c. 6esearch topic researchproblem research purpose research question hypothesis d. 6esearch topichypothesis research problem research question research purpose 7. (t is essentialthat you evaluate the quality o internet resources because inormation obtained viathe internet ranges rom very poor to very good. a. "rue b. 8alse 9. ne step that isnot included in planning a research study is: a. (dentiying a researchable problemb. A review o current research c. Statement o the research question d. Conductinga meta2analysis o the research e. Developing a research plan ;. Sources o

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researchable problems can include: a. 6esearchers< own eperiences as educatorsb. =ractical issues that require solutions c. "heory and past research d. All o theabove 1>. A &ey characteristic o past research that guides researchers in newresearch questions is that: a. ?tensive research conclusively and defnitivelyanswers research questions b. Studies typically generate more research questions

than they answer 11. +hich o the ollowing is a unction o theory- a. (ntegratingand summari%ing current &nowledge b. @a&ing predictions c. ?plaining phenomenad. All o the above are important unctions o theory 1!. A review o the literatureprior to ormulating research questions allows the researcher to do which o theollowing- a. "o become amiliar with prior research on the phenomenon o interestb. "o identiy potential methodological problems in the research area c. "o develop alist o pertinent problems relative to the phenomenon o interest d. All o the above1'. Sometimes a comprehensive review o the literature prior to data collection isnot recommended by grounded theorists. a. "rue b. 8alse 1*. +hat &ind o ideascan<t be empirically researched- a. ?,ectiveness o di,erent methods o instructionb. Description o educational practices c. (ssues o values and morality such as thecorrectness o having prayer in schools d. 8actors helpul in predicting uture druguse 10. +hich o the ollowing is not a database containing inormation to be usedduring the literature review- a. ?6(C b. =sych(38 c. Socio8(? d. all o the aboveare potentially useul data bases 14. Computer database searches can be done: a.+ith a computer with CD26@ drive b. At the library c. nline d. All o the above 17.

 "he easibility o a research study should be considered in light o: a. Cost and timerequired to conduct the study b. S&ills required o the researcher c. =otential ethicalconcerns d. All o the above 19. A ormal statement o the research question or#purpose o research study$ generally BBBBBB. a. (s made prior to the literaturereview b. (s made ater the literature review c. +ill help guide the research processd. All o the above e. b and c 1;. (s the ollowing qualitative research purposestatement #well stated$ or #poorly stated$- #"he ocus o the present study was to

eplore distressing and nurturing encounters o patients with caregivers and toascertain the meanings that are engendered by such encounters. "he study wasconducted on one o the surgical units and the obstetricalgynecological unit o a'7*2bed community hospital.$ a. (t is a well stated b. (t is poorly stated !>. +hich o the ollowing quantitative research questions is superior- a. #+hat is the e,ect oparticipation in various etracurricular activities on academic perormance-$ b.#+hat e,ect does playing high school ootball have on students< overall grade pointaverage during the ootball season-$ !1. A statement o the quantitative researchquestion should: a. ?tend the statement o purpose by speciying eactly thequestionsE the researcher will address b. Felp the research in selecting appropriateparticipants research methods measures and materials c. Speciy the variables o

interest d. All o the above !!. "he research participants are described in detail inwhich section o the research plan- a. (ntroduction b. @ethod c. Data analysis d.Discussion !'. 6esearch hypotheses are BBBBBB. a. 8ormulated prior to a review othe literature b. Statements o predicted relationships between variables c. Statedsuch that they can be confrmed or reuted d. b and c !*. Fypotheses in qualitativeresearch studies usually BBBBB. a. Are very specifc and stated prior to beginning thestudy b. Are oten generated as the data are collected interpreted and analy%ed c.Are never used d. Are always stated ater the research study has been completed

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!0. A research plan BBBBB. a. Should be detailed b. Should be given to others orreview and comments c. Sets out the rationale or a research study d. All o theabove !4. "he @ethod section o the research plan typically specifes a. "heresearch participants b. "he results o prior studies that address the phenomena ointerest c. "he apparatus instruments and materials or the research study d. "he

planned research procedures e. a c and d !7. "he (ntroduction section o theresearch plan a. Gives an overview o prior relevant studies b. Contains a statemento the purpose o the study c. Concludes with a statement o the research questionsand or quantitative research it includes the research hypothesis d. All o the above!9. According to your tet which o the ollowing is not a source o research ideas-a. ?veryday lie b. =ractical issues c. =ast research d. "heory e. All o the above A6?sources o research ideas Answers: 1. b !. c '. b *. d 0. c 4. a 7. a 9. d ;. d 1>. b 11.d 1!. d 1'. a 1*. c 10. d 14. d 17. d 19. e 1;. a !>. b !1. d !!. b !'. d !*. b !0. d !4.e !7. d !9. e