research ethics: avoiding harm

Avoiding harm in Research

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Post on 05-Jul-2015




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Researchers are normally expected to adopt risk minimization strategies. Basic ethical principles stress the need to do well and to do no harm because just one research study may cause a range of harm.


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Avoiding harm inResearch

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We might all expect that all researchers would be very

careful to protect participants from at least physical harm caused by

their research programmes. (the principle

of non-maleficence)

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Because as a researcher it is

our duty

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Basic ethical principles stress the need to do well

and to do no harm because just one research study

may cause a range of harm.

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In short:

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Avoidance of harm is a paramount to all research

since the ethical codes were put into place.

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Researchers are normally expected to

adopt risk minimization strategies.

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Okay? Okay.

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To avoid harm, some researchers used


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What is Debriefing?

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“to carefully review upon completion”

-Merriam Webster Dictionary

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Another way of responding to the possibility of

harming participants, is by incorporating in the

planning and running of the research members of those communities who

form the focus of the work.

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Participants should not be worse of as a result of their involvement in the


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Research should also be designed in order to

maximize its utility and relevance for the benefit of

the society.

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Ensure that research participants are protected

from undue intrusion, distress, indignity,

physical discomfort, personal embarrassment or

psychological or other harm.

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These are thetypes of Harm that may occur in doing Reseach:

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#1 Psychological Harm

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Research studies, particularly psychology

studies, can put participants in situations that may make them feel uncomfortable in

order to learn about their reaction to a situation.

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It is important that you develop an appropriate consent process

which involves not only informing the participant at the

beginning of the study but continuing to monitor their

progress, allowing for withdrawal at any point, and an informative

debriefing period after the study.

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#2 Physical Harm

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While this risk tends to be less frequent with a social and

behavioral science study, there are studies where

considering a physical risk is still relevant.

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For some studies it may be necessary to exclude

participants whose health conditions increase the

likelihood of injury.

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#3 Legal Harm

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Unlike doctors and lawyers, researchers cannot protect their

participants’ confidences in a court of law.

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If you are likely to gather information about an

individual's illegal behavior (an ethnographic

study of teens that are using illegal drugs) you should take care of their


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#4 Social Harm

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When you are studying an individual, it is important

to consider their social situation and how they

function in it.

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It is important that you keep that individual’s

participation confidential and private, even to the level that your meeting

together is done privately.

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Thank you !