research dossier

Research Dossier Tutor: Cliford Phillip’s/ Jackie west Student: Georgia Wheeler UP661577 University of Portsmouth Unit: ct6EMPEP employment preparation Sections 1. Portfolio 2. CD Case 3. Business Card 4. Website 5. Interview 6. CV

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Research Dossier


  • Research Dossier

    Tutor: Cliford Phillips/ Jackie west

    Student: Georgia Wheeler UP661577

    University of Portsmouth

    Unit: ct6EMPEP employment preparation


    1. Portfolio

    2. CD Case

    3. Business Card

    4. Website

    5. Interview

    6. CV


    During life drawing we had a look at previous students portfolios, where we saw bad and good

    ones. I have not always had the best eye for presentation, so I did a lot of research online on how to

    make a good portfolio. I much prefer simplistic designs for layouts that dont overcomplicate things,

    and think that bright and simple is more likely to catch someones eye.

    I bought the portfolio case first, based on the ones that were good when we looked at other people

    portfolios. It was slightly more expensive than the others, but was more lightweight and had a nice

    window in the front.

    I googled animation portfolio for ideas but no good results came up as most were for digital

    portfolios. I then googled what to put in an animation portfolio. A few relevant results came up.

    The first one I found was the De Montfort University website. Although a portfolio applying for

    university is different than for a job, the basics are the same. On the website it said that portfolios

    need to show

    -Innovative thinking

    -Drawing skills with a range of techniques and styles

    -Idea generation

    -Development of ideas

    -Animation, character design and sequential imagery

    -Experience using computer and software

    -A professional approach to the presentation of the work

    -Make a visual journey

    DRAWING- analytical and observation drawing. Range of types, paint, pencil, chalk, markers.

    DIGITAL WORK- Photoshop, 3d or animation

    PERSONAL WORK- work not done as part of a project or a deadline

    I then went to the Cal Arts Website. It said similar things about portfolios to the De Montfort

    University website.

    Sketches from your everyday life.

    Drawings that illustrate film ideas and story concepts.

    Thumbnails of scenes that you plan to animate one day.

    Random jottings that interest you.

  • Character designs.

    Studies of images from films or other sources you like.

    Sequential image storytelling: Work that showcases your ability to tell a story and develop a


    For example: storyboards, graphic novels, comics, flipbooks, or short stories with thumbnails.

    Digital creative work (animated or still): Creative work that you produce, or manipulate, in one or

    more computer programs.






    Character designs


    I considered all these things, then found a website about the 5 Common Pitfalls Of Concept Art &

    Illustration Portfolios. They were,

    - Ambiguous Intent

    -Unprofessional Communication

    -Your Portfolio Doesnt Fit

    -Unprofessional Presentation

    -Too Much Art

    After considering all these things I started making my portfolio. I started with the design. I wanted to colours to match to colour of all my other things so they worked well together and looked like a set. As my other things were orange I went with that. I looked at websites that used orange and black in them. A lot of these websites used grey as well, so I decided to make the main background grey.


    I also considered doing a colour gradient through out to match the work I put in as not all my work will go with the colour orange, with it going from pinks to purples to reds then orange and yellow then green and blue, but I decided against that as the rainbow might look a bit childish. I also considered doing it in gradient order with dark to light but I dont think Id be able to pull that off to look professional.

    I started looking at pages of portfolios people had done. I wanted to look at interesting ways to arrange my pictures.

  • I thought the layout above might be good for putting a lot of characters on a page. I also liked the

    bar at the bottom, with the website address.

    I considered borders, but I didnt think borders would work with the printing.

    I liked the light orange colours of the one above, and the green on the one bellow. I briefly

    considered changing orange to lime green.

    I went with the font Broadway as its bold and stands out with the simple design. I didnt put too much writing in my portfolio, as having just the pictures and the titles makes it easier for me to talk

  • about the content itself with whoever is looking through the portfolio. Here are a few initial layout ideas I came up with. My favourite was the grey with the muted orange.

    I then put my best images onto the pages. I put the pages in an order that created a flow and a story. Here are a few. I changed the bottom bar so it had my website address on the left, and my name and email on the right.

  • For the front window, I wanted to keep the design simple, but match the inside. I stuck with the same font and left enough space that it would fit in the window without cutting of any of the words off.


    For my CD case I wanted to keep it simple. I made it to match the front cover of the portfolio, so

    they looked like a set.

    I made the front cover orange and the inside grey to match with the portfolio. I also used the same



    To begin with I searched for what size business cards should be. Online it said that the typical

    business card in the US is 3.5 inches by 2 inches so I went for something similar. Landscape is the

    most common orientation. I also found that you should use margins to avoid cutting off words or


    I made my first card in illustrator. Its was my first time using illustrator, and even though we had a

    lesson in it, I still had trouble with some of the features. However I completed by first draft in


    Once I had an idea of the practicalities of a business card I searched on google what makes a good

    business card. Online I found a website of 10 things not to do. These included

    -Having a Card that Blends in with All the Rest

    I tried to make my business card stand out with bright colours.

    - Presentation of a Poor-Quality Card

    Unfortunately I am low on money so I could not get a proper printing company to print my card. For

    the first card, as it was the first one, I simply printed it on plain paper. For the final one I used a thick

    card to print on to make it seem more professional.

    - Having a "Mystery" Business Card

    I made sure that traditional animator was the most obvious thing on the card.

    -Using an Oversized Card

    I made sure the size was normal for a business card earlier.

    -Print that is too Small

    I tried to make sure the writing was visible to the eye,

    -A Cluttered Card

    I left some negative space on the card so it was not too cluttered on all versions.

    -Inadequate or Poor Use of Color

    I was careful to avoid too much grey, or overload the card with too many bright colours.

    -Including email address and website on your business card.

    I included my email address on the card.

    I also looked on moodle at the sections on business cards. Cliff said there should be some white

    space on the card for people to write things down on it, so I took that into consideration. I looked up

    others ways to say 2d animator, and I thought traditional animator worked best.

  • While looking at business cards online I found this one which I liked. I wasnt keen on the colours but

    the shape and composition appealed to me. I made vaguely similar layout for my first design.

    I then looked at animation business cards online, as I want to go into animation. I found these 3

    which I liked. I chose to add in a picture onto my business card based on these.

  • Next I wanted to think about colours I could use. I googled business card colour schemes and was

    lead to a website describing what different colours mean on cards. I found that,

    Red Energy, attracts attention, creates urgency; the first color we see; often used in clearance sales.

    Orange Aggressive; creates a call to action; subscribe, buy, or sell. Yellow Optimistic and youthful; often used to grab attention of window shoppers. Green Associated with wealth; easiest color for the eyes to process; used to relax. Blue Creates sensation of trust and security; often seen with banks and businesses. Purple Soothing and calming; often seen in beauty or anti-aging products. Pink Romantic and feminine; used to market products to women and young girls. Black Powerful and sleek like me; used to market luxury products.

    I went with orange, as I find it an eye-catching but happy colour. I also added bits of blue as its

    oranges complimentary colour. For the picture on the card I went through pictures I had already

    drawn that fit the orange scheme I had decided on.

    This is the Original Business card I made.

    The orange came of as a bit too aggressive, so decided on my next version I would mute the orange.

    I also thought of replacing the white with grey to match to grey on my portfolio.


  • I tried a variety of different pictures to see what would work best. I decided in the end I didnt like

    the grey and would go back to white as I liked the negative space. The business card would still

    match to portfolio with the orange, so there was no need for the grey.

    I muted the oranage even further so It was less aggressive and more pleasant. I asked Peoples

    opinion on what pictures was best and they like the scenary one for the front cover.

    This is the Final Business card I made.

    Im not 100% happy with it, as it doesnt have my website on it as it was printed before I made the

    website. The picture of the women could also be mistaken for me, so I may make another picture to

    put on it when I get it printed professionally. I am happy with it for now.


    I looked at various internships online, using a website called

    You can serch for the type of internship you want, including animation.

    I found an internship at nickelodeon where they have various internships in

    Animation Development

    Live Action Development

    Animation Current Series

    2D Animation Productions

    CG Animation Productions

    Post Production

    Talent Outreach & Development

    Talent & Casting

    Original Movies

    Digital Operations

    Media Tech Services (IS&T)

    Archive & Resource Library

    Office Services/Facilities

    Special Events

    Community Relations

    Business & Legal Affairs

    Human Resources


    Communications & Publicity

    Digital Development & Community (Website & Social Media)

    Content Relations

    TV Production & Technology

    Business Operations

    I applied for their 2d animation productions.

    I also applied for an internship with this company.


    I decided to use weebly to create my website. I do not have the money currently to buy my own

    domain name, but when I do have the money its easy to turn your weebly site into a real site, it will

    keep the domain name just delete the word weebly from it, and get rid of advertisements. On

    weebly, you can chose from different themes for your website, and also edit what it will look like on

    mobile phones. I only know minimal coding so this is useful to me. Unfortunately without buying a

    site you cant post videos, but I would post my show reel on there when I do buy the domain name.

    I looked online at other artists digital portfolios for inspiration. I also looked up things that you

    should not have for an online portfolio and found

    - No haphazard collection of JPG or PSD files. - No pixellated, low-res images. - No huge PDFs (manageable file sizes only).

    Seen as my portfolio was orange and grey/black themed I wanted my website to look the same. I

    looked at designs on this website



    I used the Name GeorgiaWheelerArt as Im more likely to remember it, and it can be traced back to me.

    Here are a few screenshots from my website.

  • -



    For the interview we had to do, I picked concept artist. On the brief on Moodle, as well as the email,

    it said it wanted concept art for the idea petrol age. We had a week to make it, so I made some

    character designs, along with some vehicle ideas and a background.


    For the interview I dressed formally. Before I arrived I looked at commonly asked questions at

    interviews and wrote down possible answers to them, which I studied before I went into the

    interview. Some of the questions were there, some were not and I had to improvise. Overall the

    interview went okay. I tried to be confident but it was still apparent I was a bit nervous. I rushed the

    answers to the interviewers questions a bit, but didnt come across as too awkward. If I was to redo

    the interview, I would talk more when asked questions. I showed my designs during the interview,

    after the questions, as well as my show reel.

  • CV

    I used my CV that I had made to search for jobs in the summer and edited it to fit the animation brief for the

    fake job.

    I wanted to keep my CV simple and not too confusing to look at, so I stuck with the simple back and white

    design. I picked Arial as a font as it is easy to read but also formal.

    Here is the final CV