research and planning

Research and Planning Analysis of music magazines

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Post on 14-Apr-2017



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Page 1: Research and planning

Research and Planning

Analysis of music magazines

Page 2: Research and planning

Setting up a tumblr blog

• Shaunna• Mirza • Open Chrome ( not internet explorer)• Open Tumblr • Sign up with email address• USERNAME – your nameasmedia• Choose password • EXAMPLE: shaunnacollinsasmedia • Type KOBORNE into search, then follow my blog

Page 3: Research and planning

Label the magazine cover with the list of keywords

Explain how the magazine cover appeals to its target audience

Write a description of the ideal reader using all the resources you have been given.

Page 4: Research and planning

Research and planning

• Log on to the computer• Go to the student drive• CURRICULUM- MEDIA- AS- RESEARCH AND

PLANNING• Open and complete tasks• At the end of the lesson, save your personal


Page 5: Research and planning

Masthead – it is bold and stands out on the page because of the contrasting colours of red and white.

Main Cover Line – bold and capitals so that readers can clearly see it and get idea as to what is inside.

Cover Price – bottom of page so it can be located quickly and seen easily.

Lure – engages audience. Stands out on the page due to the blue and white circle contrasting with the red and white.

Strapline – the strapline below is used to attract more readers as it says. This allows readers reading to discover ‘great music’

Cover Image – close up of Florence. Image has been Photoshop to make her look like the perfect girl. Direct address which engages people to read and look a t the magazine.

Cover Line – comical, informal, gives off an honest opinion.

Pull Quote – allows readers to feel for her as many people have experience the feeling of being alone. Creates rapport.

Cover Line – allows readers to aspire to this old life style.

Page 6: Research and planning


Masthead: The title of the magazine. The meaning and style of the masthead help to create a brand identity

Strapline: A slogan for the magazine which describes the brand

Main cover line: The main feature story in the magazine

Cover line: Stories contained inside the magazine

Lure: An offer or competition that encourages the reader to buy.

Cover price: How much the magazine costs

Pull quote: A quote taken from an article inside the magazine

Cover image: A mid-shot taken in the studio

Direct address: The cover model looks directly at the reader

Page 7: Research and planning

From the Q magazine media pack- all magazines have these

Page 8: Research and planning

Target Audience• Clifford is a 21 year old young man whom is interested in a variety of

different music genres. Music is something that is close to him as when ever he is feeling down, he plays music to make him feel better.

• Clifford goes to many different concerts around the world and love the live aspect of music. He aims to go to at least 7 music concerts every year.

• Clifford has just finished university where he studies sports science. He is recently single and using music to help him feel upbeat about the situation.

• He download music most as and is always keeping up with the latest tracks that have been released. He also has a subscription to Spotify where he listens to his music.

Page 9: Research and planning

The socio-economic scale• A- Higher managerial, administrative or professional

Company director• B-intermediate managerial, administrative or

professional Middle manager• C1-supervisory, clerical, junior administrative or

professional Bank clerk• C2-skilled manual workers Plumber• D-semi- and unskilled manual workers Labourer• E-state pensioners with no other income, widows, casual

and lowest grade earners/ Unemployed

Page 10: Research and planning

• Resigned Rigid, strict, authoritarian and chauvinist values, oriented to the past and to Resigned roles. Brand choice stresses safety, familiarity and economy. (Older)

• Struggler Alienated, Struggler, disorganised - with few resources apart from physical/mechanical skills (e.g. car repair). Heavy consumers of alcohol, junk food and lotteries, also trainers. Brand choice involves impact and sensation.

• Mainstreamer Domestic, conformist, conventional, sentimental, passive, habitual. Part of the mass, favouring big and well-known value for money 'family' brands. Almost invariably the largest group.

• Aspirer Materialistic, acquisitive, affiliative, oriented to extrinsics ... image, appearance, charisma, persona and fashion. Attractive packaging more important than quality of contents. (Younger, clerical/sales type occupation)

• Succeeder Strong goal orientation, confidence, work ethic, organisation ... support status quo, stability. Brand choice based on reward, prestige - the very best . Also attracted to 'caring' and protective brands ... stress relief. (Top management)

• Explorer Energy - autonomy, experience, challenge, new frontiers. Brand choice highlights difference, sensation, adventure, indulgence and instant effect - the first to try new brands. (Younger - student)

• Reformer Freedom from restriction, personal growth, social awareness, value for time, independent judgement, tolerance of complexity, anti-materialistic but intolerant of bad taste. Curious and enquiring, support growth of new product categories. Select brands for intrinsic quality, favouring natural simplicity, small is beautiful.(Higher Education)


Page 11: Research and planning

Music Magazine

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Analysis• The image shows Katy Perry wearing a limited number of clothes and shows Katy looking straight at the reader.

By Katy only wearing a limited number of clothes, this will allow her to appeal not only to girl but will also catch the attention of men who are interested in music. Similarly, by Katy looking straight down the camera lens into the readers eye, this shows the readers that Katy is a very direct person as is trying to creating a connection between hear and the readers in order to promote her new single.

• The text used on the front cover of this magazine is in all capitals. This shows use that she is a serious person and is serious about making her music o well as writing it all in capital letters, allows each word on the magazine to be seen and read by the audience. At the top of the magazine, it says free download, 10 hot new tracks. This shows us that the main genre of this magazine is music based. Also, this magazine is not just music based, but it also gives us an insider as to what these music stars get up to and allows the audience to find out new things about them. I can tell this from the quote kiss ‘n’ tell with pop bi-curious babe. There are quotes on the front cover from stories that are in the magazine which allow the people reading to be intrigued and want to buy it and read more about this story.

• The size of the font used for the title of the magazine is the largest on the front cover. This is so it stands out on the page a people reading know what the magazine is called. Despite this, on this occasion, the title of the magazine is behind the main photo of Katy. This shows us that the magazine company are using a well-known celebrity to boost the sales of their magazine which will in theory get more people reading it. The colour of this title is in all black. This allows it to stand out even more due to it contrasting to the white background allowing for it to be clearer to read. Similarly, the quotes that are one the cover of the magazine are also in pink. This allows it to appeal to the female audience as this colour give the magazine a more female based feeling. It also suggests that maybe this magazine will mainly appeal to females and people who are interested in Katy Perry and her music.