research analysis

I asked what age there were to see which answers are from the target audience. This is important because the adverts are aimed at them. Knowing what they like and dislike can help to target them. If the advert doesn’t appeal to them then they will ignore the advert. Having this question allowed me to filter the answers to view what the target audience had responded. The age rage is 16-24 that is why I have used those different options. I didn’t

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Page 1: Research analysis

I asked what age there were to see which answers are from the target audience. This is important because the adverts are aimed at them. Knowing what they like and dislike can help to target them. If the advert doesn’t appeal to them then they will ignore the advert.

Having this question allowed me to filter the answers to view what the target audience had responded. The age rage is 16-24 that is why I have used those different options. I didn’t want to confuse and complicate the question by having loads of different options or the filter wouldn’t have worked efficiently.

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All 22 responses

Responses from the 16-24 year olds

Over half of the people asked donate to charities. I asked this question to see how many people actually donate to charities. This would tell me how effective current adverts are. If no one donated I would know that there is something wrong with current adverts. I was surprised by the result, I was expecting a higher percentage. Saying that, the target audience are young and students so they may not have enough money to donate. This means they need more persuading but the main object of the advert is just to get the charity out there.

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16-24 year olds

The most well known charity will have the best adverts. Adverts are the way companies get known so the most well known charities will have the best adverts. Once I knew which were more effective I looked at them ones most to try and take inspiration from them and learn what people expect and like too see.I should have specified the question by adding homeless charities but all the options are those types of charities.

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Responses from the 16-24 year olds

The other responses

I decided to use this poster because it was the only advert I could find with a lot of text on it.I wanted to compare two adverts, one with loads of text on to see if the public liked it. The responses I got told me that they liked the information and colour scheme. They thought it was capturing because of the black and white, red contrast.

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Responses from the 16-24 year olds

The other responses

This question contradicted the previous one. People said that they didn’t like the information. I think it was the amount of copy that was on the poster. It made people lose interest. So information is a good thing to include but not a lot of it.

They also didn’t like the fact that the advert was so serious. The black and white made it look depressing and they didn’t like that. This means I will have to have an upbeat feel to my advert and make sure to use loads of colour to appeal more to the target audience.

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Responses from the 16-24 year olds

11 out of the 16 16-24 years olds asked said that they did prefer this advert. This is because it has less copy on it. They like that it is simple yet gets the point across. Yet they think that the face can be a bit distracting.

This has told me that I need to use an image that isn’t taking all the attention from the message of the advert.

I also need to not but the writing over the top of the image as it makes it harder to read. If an advert includes effort for the consumer then they are likely to not bother reading it properly.

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Responses from the 16-24 year olds

I asked this question because I was unsure on what advertisement to do for my campaign. I knew that one advert would not take the full time allocated so I wanted to know which other types effect the public most. I will try to produce one poster, a billboard and a bus stop advert. Websites are more popular than bus adverts but a website will take too long to produce. This and bus adverts are in more places and people see them without the effort of having to go online. To just spread the word bus stop ads will be more effective and cheaper than a website.

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Responses from the 16-24 year olds