republic of macedonia


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Post on 03-Oct-2015




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Republic of Macedonia


  • -A country located in the central Balkan peninsula in Southeast Europe.

    Area: 25,713km2 People: 2 million

    -Republic of Macedonia is bordered by Kosovo to the northwest, Serbiato the north, Bulgariato the east, Greeceto the south, and Albaniato the west.

  • Government: Type: Parliamentary democracy

    Official language: Macedonian (belongs to the Eastern branch of the South Slaviclanguage group)

    Currency: Macedonian Denar (MKD)Independence: 8 September 1991 (from Yugoslavia).

    -The country's capital is Skopje.

  • Climate:Three overlapping climatic area types - Mediterranean; moderately continental; and mountainous, with hot, dry summers and cold, snowy winters.Terrain: Large and high mountain massifs giving way to extensive, flat valleys and plains.

  • Three national parksPelisterMavrovoGaliica

  • Three large lakesThe biggest island in the Great Prespa Lake, on Macedonia's side, is called Golem Grad("Large Town"), and Snake Island (Zmiski Ostrov). Lake Ohrid Lake Prespa

  • -Macedonia has a rich cultural heritage in art, architecture, poetry, and music. -It has many ancient, protected religious sites.

    -Poetry, cinema, and music festivals are held annually such as: -the OhridSummer festival of classical music and drama -the Struga Poetry Evenings -International Camera Festival in BitolaMacedonian cuisine -Representative of that of the Balkans with Mediterranean and Middle Eastern (Turkish) influences.

    -An appetizer and side dish which accompanies almost every meal - opska salad-Local alcoholic beverage - Rakija-Dishes - Tave Grave, Zelnik, Polneti piperki

  • The Macedonian TroutThe Balkan lynxMacedonian pineEndemic species

  • Herakleia LynkestisTheRobevi HouseTheMonastery of Saint NaumMatka Canyon