republic act 7722


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Page 1: Republic Act 7722


Page 2: Republic Act 7722

An Act Creating the Commission on Higher Education,

Appropriating Funds Therefor and for Other Purposes

(21 Sections)

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Section 1: Title• This act shall be known as

the “Higher Education Act of 1994.” •Approved on August 25,

1994 by Pres. Fidel V. Ramos.

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Section 2: Declaration of PolicyThe state shall:Promote the right of citizens

to affordable quality education in all levels

Academic freedom for the continuing intellectual growth

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Section 3: Creation of the Commission on Higher EducationThe commission shall be

independent and separate from (DECS).

Its coverage shall be both public and private institutions of higher education.

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Section 4: Composition of the Commission5 Full-Time Members:1 Chairman4 CommissionersQualifications:Holders of earned doctoratesActively engaged in higher

education for at least 10 years

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Chairman, CHED

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Section 5: Term of OfficeThe president shall appoint the ff: Full-time chairman- 4 yearsNext 2 commissioners- for 3 yearsLast 2 commissioners- for 2 years

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Section 6: Rank and Emoluments

The chairman and thecommissioners shall have the rank of a Department Secretaryand Undersecretary, respectively. Same compensationSame emolumentSubject to same disqualification

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Section 7: Board of AdvisersThey meet with the Commission at least once a year• assist it in aligning its policies

and plans with the cultural, political and socioeconomic development needs of the nation and with the demands of world-class scholarship.

a. the Secretary of DepEd, aschairman;

b. the Director-General of NEDA, as co chairman;c. the Secretary of DOST;d. the Secretary of DTI;e. the Secretary of DOLE;f. the President of FAAP; andg. the President of FAPE.

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Section 8: Powers and Functions of the Commission

world-class scholarship,nation building and national development.

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Section 9: The SecretariatIt shall be headed by an Executive Officer who will:

fix the secretariat’s staffing pattern,

determine the duties, qualifications,responsibilities and functions, compensation scheme

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Section 10: The Higher Education Department Fund

Seed Capital

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Section 11: Management and Administration of the Higher Education Development Fund

GUIDELINES:a. Fund will not be used to

underwrite overhead expenses for administration;

b. Unless otherwise stipulated by the private donor, only earnings of private contributions shall be used for administrative expenses;

c. The Commission shall appoint and organize a separateStaff separate from the Commission Secretariat; and

d. The Fund shall be utilized equitably according to regions and programs.

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Section 12: The Technical PanelsThey assist the commission in: setting standards and in program and institution

monitoring and evaluation

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Section 13: Guarantee of Academic Freedom

Nothing in this Act shall be construed as limiting the academic freedom of universities and colleges.

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Section 14: AccreditationThe Commission shall provide

incentives to institutions of higher learning, public and private, whose programs are accredited or whose needs are for accreditation purposes.

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Section 15: Tax ExemptionsDonation, contribution, bequest, and grant which may be made to the Commission

=DEDUCTION from the income of the donor

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Section 16: AuthorityThe Commission shall exercise such authority as may be deemed necessary within its premises or areas of operation to effectively carry out its powers and functions and to attain its objectives.

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Section 17: Appropriations

The additional amount of Fifty million pesos (P50,000,000) is hereby authorized to be appropriated out of the funds in the National Treasury.

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Section 18: Transitory ProvisionsThe Commission shall have the authority to appoint its own personnel.

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Section 19: Repealing Clause

All orders which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are repealed/ annulled.

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Section20: Separability Clause

In the event that one or more provisions are declared void, the remaining provisions shall still be in effect.

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Section 21: Effectivity

This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

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1. R.A. 7722 was implemented on the year of _______.

A. 1992B. 1993C. 1994D. 1995

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2. During the creation of CHED, the Philippine president was ______.

A. Carlos GarciaB. Diosdado MacapagalC. Elpidio QuirinoD. Fidel Ramos

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3. Who is the current CHED Chairman?A. Corazon dela PazB. Nona RicaforteC. Patricia LicuananD. Romulo Neri

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4. All are CHED Commissioners EXCEPT one:A. Maria Cynthia Rose BautistaB. Minella AlarconC. Romulo NeriD. Ruperto Sangalang

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5. The CHED Chairman has ____ initial years for the position.

A. 3B. 4C. 6D. 7

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6. The Board of Advisers is composed of the following EXCEPT

one:A. Secretary of EducationB. Secretary of FinanceC. Secretary of Science and TechnologyD. Secretary of Trade and Industry

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7. CHED is tasked to do the following EXCEPT one:

A. Assistance for Secondary EducationB. Nation BuildingC. National DevelopmentD. World-class scholarship

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8. CHED was given _______ as a seed capital. A. 250 Million PesosB. 350 Million PesosC. 400 Million PesosD. 500 Million Pesos

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9. They assist the commission in setting standards and in program and institution monitoring and

evaluation:A. Board of AdvisersB. CommissionersC. SecretariatD. Technical Panels

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10. To be a qualified CHED Chairman, you need an earned doctorate and at least ____ years of engagement with higher education.A. 10B. 15C. 20D. 25

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Answer:1. C. 19942. D. Fidel Ramos3. C. Patricia Licuanan4. C. Romulo Neri5. B. 46. B. Secretary of Finance7. A. Assistance for Secondary Education8. D. 500 Million Pesos9. D. Technical Panels10. A. 10