report on first security bank_general banking

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  • 7/31/2019 Report on First Security Bank_General Banking


    Term paper on General Banking Performance of FSBL

    Chapter one-Introduction

    1.1 Introduction of the study

    In todays fast moving world, business is more complex and competitive.

    Banking is an essential industry. It is where we often wind up when were

    seeking a loan to purchase a new automobile, tuition for college or trade

    school, financial advice on how to invest our savings, credit to begin a new

    business, a safe deposit box to safeguard our valuable documents or even

    more commonly, a checking account or Credit card to keep track of when

    and where we spend our money. This industry, composed of thousands of

    firms worldwide, literally affects the welfare of every other industry and the

    economy as a whole.

    In fact, bank is the vitality of modern economy. Developed and organized

    banking system is a prerequisite of every kinds of economy- capitalistic,

    socialist, developed and underdeveloped countries whatever it may be.Todays banking is an industry in change. Rather than being something in

    particular, it is continually becoming new- offering new services, merging

    and consolidating into much larger and more complex business, adopting

    new technologies that seem to change faster than most of us can

    comprehend, and facing a new and changing set of rules as more and more

    nation cooperate to regulate and supervise the banks that serve their citizen.

    Bangladesh is not exception in this case. Marketing strategies for banking

    business is one of the most vital issues now in Bangladesh. Because, after

    liberation, the government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh formally

    took over the charge of administration of different banks. The banking

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    institutions are the custodians of private savings and a powerful instrument

    to provide credit. They mobilize resources of the country by accepting

    deposits and canalize them for industrial and national development by

    granting advances. Hence, in order to implement the above-mentioned state

    policy, the Government of Bangladesh decided to nationalize all the banks

    of the country. At that time all the existing 12 banks were nationalize and

    were converted into six new banks.

    From 1983, privatization and denationalization process started in the

    banking sector. As a result 2 (out of 6) nationalized commercial banks were

    completely denationalized (in 1983) and one partly denationalized and other

    three were kept under government ownership. In addition, 8 new private

    commercial banks were permitted to function in the banking sector. Over the

    time there are 31 private commercial banks and 14 foreign banks now

    operating their business in Bangladesh.

    During the last six years, many new banks have emerged to cater the needs

    of the customers. They are continuously trying to attract people towards

    them by offering new types of products and services to face competition and

    fresh challenges thrown by their rival. Efforts are made to satisfy customers

    needs by providing superior value than their competitors.

    FSBL, Agrabad Branch is a bank of 21 st century commenced their journey

    only 4 years ago. Within these 4 years, the bank has developed many

    attractive financial products and services at a pretty interest rate to help the

    people for saving their money and for meeting loan demand.

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    Ive tried to know about the general banking services offered by FSBL the

    problems faced by them and the prospects they will enjoy.

    1.2 Significance of the study

    The study carries much importance in view of the fact that the economic

    development of Bangladesh is closely linked with the strong and healthy

    financial organizations, which facilitate mobilization of domestic and

    foreign funds on a large scale. Banking organizations are doing their jobs

    more competitively now a day. Attracting the people to save their money by

    developing various products and schemes, investing the funds in different

    profitable sectors, helping in export and import business, providing services

    in case of inward and outward remittance etc. are the main focus of the

    banking institutions. As First Security Bank Limited is a new bank; no

    research work has been made to highlight the banking system, the problems

    and the prospects in this regard. This research gap induced me to undertake

    the study. It is hoped that the findings of the study will be useful for the

    readers and young learners to get knowledge about the topic.

    1.3 Scope and Objectives

    At FSBL, Agrabad Branch, Chittagong, Ive tried to acquire knowledge

    about the overall banking system. The bank has classified its total operation

    into three sections. These are:

    General Banking


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    Foreign Exchange

    Ive worked with two of those three sections to acquire knowledge about the

    operations, procedures of the work followed by the bank.

    Analyzing the variable, like different deposits, loans and advances, customer

    services, profitability of the bank is one of the objectives of the study.

    In addition of the principal objective, the following are some of the common

    but significant objectives of the study:

    1. To know about the general banking operation of FSBL Limited.

    2. To know about the scopes of Deposit collection of the bank.

    3. To know about the area of general Credit.

    4. To know about the procedure of settle Loan.

    5. To examine the loan collection process.

    6. To know about the documents of the Credit.

    7. To identify the problems of FSBL, Agrabad Branch, Chittagong is

    facing and the possible solutions of these problems.

    1.4 Methodology of the study

    Sample design: In this Project work, FSBL, Agrabad Branch, Chittagong is

    selected to conduct the study.

    Selection of variables: Deposits, Loans and Advances, Customer services,

    Profits etc. are selected as variables.

    Data collection: For conducting the study I used the following methods-

    Collection of primary data: Some study related data are collected from

    designing questionnaires, personal interview, and from related instruments.

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    Collection of secondary data: To prepare the report, I used many data and

    literary information for which I had to depend on secondary sources. This


    Annual reports of FSBL Limited.

    Different prospectors of FSBL,Agrabad Branch,

    FSBL Limited.

    Others related books.

    Along with these, observation is another method that was also given

    emphasis in the study.

    1.5 Limitations of the study

    In every program or activities, one has to face numerous constraints. During

    my 2 months internship program, I have also faced some problems. These


    1.Bank is a busy organization with comparison to others. There are

    rushes of people for about whole the day and the officers have to

    transact with them. So it is very much tough for them to allocate time

    for an internee.

    2. The allocated time this project work is not sufficient for us to gatherknowledge and to make the study a complete and fruitful one.

    3.The study is restricted only to FSBL, Agrabad Branch, Chittagong.

    4.The study also suffered from inadequacy of data provided by FSBL


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    5.Most of the employees are not familiar with internship program.

    Chapter Two-Profile of FSBL Limited

    2.1 Background of FSBL Limited

    FSBLis a bank of 21st century. It is a private commercial bank with head

    office at Dilkhusa, Dhaka, Bangladesh . The bank has 25 branches spread all

    over the country. The founders of FSBL Limited are committed to make it a

    little more different and a bit special qualitatively.

    This bank has a new vision to fulfill and a new goal to achieve. The bank has

    been manned with experienced executives equipped with modern technology

    so as to make it most efficient to meet the needs of 21st century. With assets

    of TK.722,74,49,242 and more than 120 employees, the bank has diversified

    activities in retail banking, corporate banking and international trade.

    The total amount of Deposits is Tk.523, 03,01,832 and the total Loans and

    Advances are Tk.410, 26,07,964 at the end of the year 2005 that shows a

    great performance of FSBL Limited. The Credit-Deposit ratio is 78.44%.

    Till 31st December 2005, the total amount of export is Tk.1988.40 million

    and the total amount of import is Tk.3750.60 million. The total profit at the

    end of the year 2005 is Tk.12.71 crore and the expected profit of year 2006is Tk.25 crore.

    The bank has 10-division namely Human Resource Division, Credit

    Division, International Division, Audit and Inspection Division,

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    Development and Marketing Division, Research and Planning Division,

    Information Technology Division, General Service Division, Treasury and

    Money Market Division. The bank selects its basic workforce from internal

    source mainly through directors recommendation.

    So, in general the employees are not highly qualified. But the executives

    were selected through interview and they had a long banking experience. So

    they are now the assets of the company.

    2.2 Management of FSBL Limited

    The decision making process of FSBL is democratic and decentralized. The

    upper level management hardly bothers about the operational task of the


    The sponsors Directors of the bank are well-established businessmen and

    professionals of the country having business in and out Bangladesh. A boardof Directors is formed taking 26 members out of the entrepreneurs and

    Mrs.Nasim Sikder has elected as a chairperson unanimously.

    Highly qualified and efficient professionals manage the bank. The Managing

    Director of the bank is Mr.Syed Ashraf Ali who has rich experience of

    managing both the nationalized and private sector banks as Chief Executive.

    Most of the cases pending at Head Office level solved with higher priority

    for smooth functioning of bank operation and quick disposal of the

    proposals. All the decisions made at Head Office level through different


    At branch level all the decision taken by the Branch manager complying

    rules and regulations set by the Head Office. Branch manager has the

    supreme authority to final disbursement of the facility to the customer. All

    credit facilities under branch delegation exercise through credit committee.

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    Deputy manager coordinates all the functions of the branch as Manager


    2.3 Organization structure of FSBL Limited

    a. FSBL of Bangladesh Ltd. (Head Office)


    Managing Director (M.D)

    Deputy Managing Director (D.M.D)

    Executive Vice President (E.V.P)

    Senior Vice President (S.V.P.)

    Vice President (V.P)

    Senior Assistant Vice President (S.A.V.P)

    Assistant Vice President (A.V.P)

    Senior Principal Officer (S.P.O.)

    Principal Officer (P.O.)

    Executive Officer (E.O.)


    Junior Officer (J.O)

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    b. FSBL of Bangladesh Ltd. (Agrabad Branch)

    Senior Assistant Vice President (S.A.V.P)

    Assistant Vice President (A.V.P.)

    Principal Officer (P.O.)

    Executive Officer (E.O.)


    Junior Officer (J.O)

    2.4 Sources of Fund

    FSBL uses various sources to raise its funds. Among the available sources,

    deposits occupy the lion share of the sources. FSBL has introduced various

    types of attractive saving schemes that motivate the saver to save their

    money at a pretty interest rate.

    The total amount of deposits, which was Tk.3080.20 million at the end of

    the year 2001 have increased to Tk.5230.30 million at the end of the year

    2005. It shows a greater improvement in creating funds.

    Besides deposits, paid up capital, provision and reserves and other liabilities

    are the main sources of fund.

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    2.5Capital Adequacy Ratio

    In terms of section 13(A) of Banking Companies Act 1991 and BRPD

    circular no. 01,14 and 10, required capital of the Bank at the close of

    business on 31st December 2004 was required to be Tk.337,724,216as

    against available core capital of Tk.253,660,186 and supplementary capital

    of Tk.38,863,488, that is, a total of Tk.292,523,674.

    Amounts in


    At 31st Dec.2004

    Core Capital (Tier-1)

    Paid up capital 200,000,000Statutory reserve 18,026,557

    Other reserve 24,000,000

    Retained profit 11,633,629


    Supplementary capital (Tier-2)

    General provision on unclassified loans (1%) 37,444,410

    Exchange equalization account 1,419,078



    This shortfall of Tk.45, 200,542 (337,724,216-292,523,674) is yet required

    to be filled up.

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    2.6 Credit and Advance Policy

    FSBL invests both in public sector and private sector. Its credit portfolio is

    consisted of Financing in export and import.

    Financing in working capital.

    Financing in business transaction.

    Financing in purchasing consumer goods.

    Financing in projects etc.

    FSBL has been expediting financing in small and medium sized industries

    and business with the aim of creating enthusiasm among the entrepreneurs.

    2.7 Financial Products/Services of FSBL Limited

    Products and Services of FSBL can be described in 3 dichotomies:

    Depository Products:

    01.Current Account 04. FDR

    02. Saving Account 05. Deposit Schemes03. STD Account a) Monthly Saving Scheme

    b) Double Benefit Deposit Scheme

    c) Monthly Benefit Deposit Scheme

    Loan Products:

    1. Loan General

    2. Secured Overdraft

    3. Cash Credit (Hypo)

    4. Lease Finance

    5. Hire Purchase6. Consumer Credit Scheme

    7. Packing Loan

    8. Payment Against Document

    9. Loan Against Trust Receipt

    10.Loan Import Merchandise

    11.Export Cash Credit

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    Other Products and Services

    01.Ready Cash


    03.Collection of Utility Bills

    2.8 Special features of FSBL Limited

    01.Encashment of Cheque within 45 seconds

    02.Attractive interest rate

    03.Competitive L/C commission and other charges

    04.Emphasis on small loan disbursement

    05.Promoting saving tendency of mass people by introducing attractive new

    saving scheme.

    06.Expedite industrialization by providing long-term loan through lease


    07.Micro Credit facility for middle class people.

    08.Step taken for elevation of poverty by opening branch in rural areas and

    providing loan facility in income generating project of rural middle class and


    09.Reducing dependence on interest income by increasing fee based income.

    10.Decentralized delegation of authority, 75% decision is taken at branch

    level.11.Application of modern technology and producing quality service for the


    2.9 Performance of FSBL Limited

    As on Dec.31, 2004 As on Dec.31, 2005

    Paid up Capital Tk.21, 12,40,429 Tk. 25, 36,60,186

    Total asset Tk.4459529149 Tk.7227449242

    Deposit Tk.3080.20 million Tk.5230.30 million

    Loans and Advances Tk.2539.80 million Tk.4102.61 million

    Import Tk.2222.60 million Tk. 3750.60 million

    Export Tk.1514.50 million Tk.1988.40 million

    Profit Tk.7.59 crore Tk. 12.71 crore

    No of Branches 20 25

    Manpower 165 225

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    Chapter Three

    Operations of FSBL,Agrabad Branch, Chittagong.

    The importance of the mobilization of savings for the economic

    development of our country can hardly be over emphasized. We consider

    savings and deposits as lifeblood of the bank. More the deposit, greater is the

    strength of the bank. The bank intends to launch various new savings

    scheme with prospect of higher return duly supported by a well-orchestrated

    system of customer services. The bank would cater to the credit needs of

    individuals as well as corporate clients. Initially it will emphasize on trade

    finance, which would be short term and self-liquidating in nature.

    Considering the importance of foreign trade in our country, financing and

    handling of Export & Import business and also handling of foreign

    remittance would be given top most priority.

    3.1 Customer Service & Account Opening Department


    Account opening Cheque book issuing

    Signature scanning

    MSS opening

    MSS closing

    Account transfer

    Account closing

    Answering customers quarries

    Procedure of opens an Account in FSBL Limited:First of all, one has to fill up an Account opening form and a Cheque

    requisition form. An introducer who is an account holder of this bank, attest

    the customers photographs and the form. Then the banker will put an

    account number and give a Deposit slip to the customer. The customer must

    deposit minimum Tk.1000 to that account number of the bank. Then the

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    Relationship between the Banker and the Customer will establish. After

    that the bank will issue a Cheque Book on the customers name.

    Procedure of close an Account in FSBL Limited:

    At first the client will apply to close his account. The banker will verify the

    signature of the application and take his Cheque book. Then the bank will

    provide him the deposited amount after deduction of the closing charge(s).

    In case of current account at first the liability will be adjusted with his

    deposit and then make payment.

    Requirements for Opening an Account:

    SB (Savings)

    An introducer

    Photograph of the A/C holder (2 copies)

    Nationality certificate/First 7 pages of passport (Photocopy)

    Photograph and signature of nominee.

    CD (Individual/Joint)

    An introducer

    Photograph of the A/C holder (2 copies)

    Nationality certificate/First 7 pages of passport (Photocopy)

    Photograph and signature of nominee.

    CD (Proprietorship firm)

    An introducer

    Photograph of the A/C holder (2 copies)

    Nationality certificate/First 7 pages of passport (Photocopy)

    Photograph and signature of nominee.

    Attested photocopy of trade license.

    CD (Partnership firm)

    An introducer

    Photograph of the A/C holder (2 copies)

    Nationality certificate/First 7 pages of passport (Photocopy)

    Photograph and signature of nominee.

    Attested photocopy of trade license

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    Certified copy of Partnership Deed duly signed by all the partners.

    Partnership A/C agreement

    Resolution signed by all the partners to open A/C.

    CD (Limited Company) An introducer

    Photograph of the A/C holder (2 copies)

    Nationality certificate/First 7 pages of passport (Photocopy)

    Certified copy of the Memorandum & Articles of Association

    Certified copy of Certificate of Incorporation

    Certified copy of Certificate of Commencement (In case of Public

    Limited Co.)

    List of Directors

    Certified copy of Resolution of the Board of Directors for opening &operating of the A/C.

    Interest Rate of Different Deposits:

    Deposits Rate

    1. Short term deposit

    2. Savings deposit3. Fixed deposit

    For one month

    For three months

    For six months

    For one year & above







    Monthly Savings Scheme:Small savings can formulate large deposit. Savings increases mental power

    of a man, form capital and increases the confidence of a depositor.

    FSBLintroduce a saving scheme with high profit for the purpose of increases

    saving mentality. In this savings scheme one can deposit money in every

    month and will get a handsome amount of money at the end of certain

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    period. The amount of savings/deposits as per monthly installment and

    period is shown in below:

    Period Monthly











    Tk.50005 years Tk.19615 Tk.39230 Tk.78460 Tk.392300

    8 years Tk.37367 Tk.74735 Tk.149470 Tk.747350

    10 years Tk.52702 Tk.105405 Tk.210810 Tk.1054050

    3.2 Bills and Remittance Department

    Bank has branches throughout the country and therefore, they serve as best

    medium for remittance of funds from one place to another. This service is

    available to both customers and non-customers of the bank.


    Issuing TT, DD, PO, SDR

    Collection of outward Cheque

    Collection of inward Cheque

    Providing Accounts statement

    Settlement of MBSS, DBDS, FDR

    Solvency certificate issuing

    Payment Order / Pay Order (P.O)

    This is an instrument issued by the branch of a bank for enabling the

    Customer/Purchaser to pay certain amount of money to the order of a certain

    person/firm/organization/office within the same clearinghouse area of thepay order-issuing branch.

    Characteristics of P.O

    The issuing branch and paying branch are same.

    Application for payment within the clearinghouse area of the

    issuing branch.

    This may be open or can be crossed.

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    Demand Draft (D.D)

    This is an instrument through which customers money is remitted to another

    person/firm/organization in outside the clearinghouse area from a branch ofone bank to an outstation branch of the same bank or to a branch of another

    bank (with prior arrangement between that bank with the issuing branch).

    This is an order instrument in which the issuing branch gives instruction to

    the payee/drawer branch to pay certain amount of money to the order of

    certain person/firm/organization.

    Telegraphic/ Telephonic Transfer (T.T)

    This is a mode of transfer of customers money from a branch of one bank to

    another branch of the same bank through telegraphic/telephonic message.

    The issuing branch used to send the message of such remittance through

    telegraph/telephone adding certain code number or test number on the basis

    of test key apparatus developed by the concerned bank for its different


    Characteristics of T.T

    Issued by one branch to other branch and message is tale-


    Remittance/ transfer of money is done through tested tale-messages. Remittance is affected on the basis of tested message.

    Test key apparatus is required.

    Clearing house

    Clearing House is a place in the Central Bank where different banks come to

    settle their interrelated liabilities.

    Clearing House SystemThe mechanism of working at a Clearing House in general is as follows:

    Every Bank of the locality, which is a member of the clearinghouse,

    prepares a Bank-wish list of cheques after receive from customers and

    drawn on different Banks of the locality.

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    An officer, in charge of clearinghouse, goes to the clearinghouse in the

    morning with the cheques and their list. He delivers the cheques to the

    officials of the respective banks. Similarly, he also receives the cheques

    drawn on his Bank from the officials of the other banks.

    The official of each bank computerizes the final balance, payable or

    receivable by his Bank after taking into account the various amount of

    receipt and payment.

    The official return of their respective Bank to meet again in the afternoon

    to return any dishonored instruments to the officials of the respective


    The final settlement is effective by the supervisor of the clearinghouse by

    debiting or crediting, as the case may be, the accounts of the respective

    Banks as maintained with the clearinghouse.


    Foreign Exchange refers to the process or mechanism by which the currency

    of one country is converted into another country. Foreign exchange is the

    means and methods by which rights to wealth in a countrys currency are

    converted into rights to wealth in another countrys currency. The foreign

    exchange department of FSBL,Agrabad branch is playing an important role

    in enhancing exports earning. Which aids economic growth and will be

    helpful for economic boost. On the other hand, it also helps to meet those

    goods and services, which are more demanding and note adequate in our


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    Foreign Exchange Department in FSBL Agrabad Branch:

    Foreign exchange department of FSBLAgrabad Branch has been

    divided into two sections----

    1. Foreign Remittance.

    2. L/C Operation.

    L/C operation can be aging classified into two sections: Import Section.

    Export Section.

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    Foreign CurrencyA/C



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    Foreign RemittanceL/C Operation



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    Some important terms of foreign exchange:

    Letter of Credit:

    Letter of credit can be defined as a Credit Contract whereby the buyersbank is committee (on behalf of the buyers) to place an agreed amount of

    money at the sellers disposal under some agreed conditions. Since the agreed

    conditions include amongst other things, the presentation of some specified

    documents, the letter of credit is called Documentary letter of credit. The

    uniform customs and practices for documentary (UCPDC) published by

    International Chamber of Commerce (1993) revision, publication no 500

    define Documentary Credit.

    Any arrangement however named or described whereby a bank (the issuing

    bank) acting at the request and on the instruction of customs (the Application)

    or on its own behalf,

    Is to make a payment to or to the order of a third party (the

    beneficiary) or is to accept and pay bills of exchange (Drafts) drawn

    by the beneficiary or

    Authorize another bank to effect such payment or to accept and pay

    such bills of exchange (Drafts)

    Authorize another bank to negotiate against stipulated documents

    provide that terms and conditions are complied with.


    1. Revocable Credit:

    A revocable credit is one where the issuing bank at liberty to revoke i.e.

    cancels the credit at any time. According to UCPDC a revocable credit may

    amend or cancelled by the issuing bank at any moment and without prior

    notice to the beneficiary before shipment of consignment against the L/C.

    2. Irrevocable Credit:

    An irrevocable L/C is one, which cannot be revoked, amended or modified

    by the bank with the concurrence of the interested parties.

    Parties involved in the process of Letter of Credit

    Importer (Buyer)/ Application.

    The Issuing Bank (Opening Bank)

    The Advising Bank/ Notifying Bank

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    Exporter/ Seller (Beneficiary)

    Confirming Bank

    Negotiating Bank

    The Paying/ Reimbursing/ Accepting/ Remitting Bank.

    a) Applicant:The person/ body (customer of the bank) that request the bank (opening

    bank) to issue letter of credit. As per instruction and on behalf of the

    applicant, bank open L/C in line with terms and condition of the sales

    contract between the buyer and seller.

    b) Opening bank/ issuing bank:

    The bank which open/ issue on behalf pf the applicant/import. Issuing

    banks obligation is to make payment against presentation of documents

    drawn strictly as per terms of the L/C.

    c) Advising/ notifying bank:The bank through which the L/C is advised/ forwarded to the beneficiary

    (exporter). The responsibility of advising bank is to communicate the L/C to

    the beneficiary after checking the authenticity of the credit. The advising

    bank acts only as agent of the issuing bank without having any engagement

    on their part.

    d) Beneficiary:

    Beneficiary of the L/C is the party in whose favor the letter of credit is

    issued. Usually they are the seller or exporter.

    e) Confirming bank:

    The bank, which under instruction in the under letter of credit, addconformation of making payment in addition to the issuing Bank. It is done

    at the request of the issuing Bank having arrangement with them. This

    conformation constitutes a definite undertaking on the part of the confirming

    Bank in addition to that of issuing Bank.

    f) Negotiating Bank:

    The Bank, which negotiate documents and pays the amount to the

    beneficiary when presented complying credit terms. If the negotiation ofdocuments is not restricted to a particular Bank is the Banker of the


    g) Reimbursing / Paying Bank:

    The Bank nominated in the credit by the issuing Bank to make payment

    stipulated in the document, complying with the reimbursement Bank.

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    Mechanism of L/C operation


    1. L/C opening

    2. Present document.

    3. Payment against document.

    4. Confirming L/C.

    5. Submit document.6. Makes document.

    7. Issue L/C.

    8. Forward Document.

    9. Makes document.


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    (Importer) Seller (Exporter)



    Reimbursement Bank

    Advising bank

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    Import section deals with L/C opening and post import financing i.e. LIM &

    LTR. Now the procedure from opening L/C to disbursement against L/C is

    given below:

    Application for opening L/C:At first, an importer will request banker to open L/C along with the

    following documents.

    An application.

    Indent or Proforma Invoice.

    Import Registration Certificate (IRC).

    Taxpayers Identification Certificate (TIN)

    Insurance cover note with money receipt.

    A bank account in First Security Bank, Agrabad Branch.

    Membership of chamber of commerce.

    Indent or Proforma invoice:

    Indent or proforma Invoice is the sale contract between seller and buyer in

    import- export business. There is slight difference between indent and

    proforma invoice. The sales contract, which is direct correspondence

    between importer and exporter, is called Proforma invoice. There is no

    intermediary between them. On the other hand, there may be an agent of

    exporter in importers country. In this regard, if the sale contract is occurred

    between the agent of exporter and importer then it is called indent.


    After scrutinizing above-mentioned documents carefully, officer delivers the

    following forms to be filled up by importer and banker should check:

    Whether the goods to be imported is permissible or not.

    Whether the goods to be imported is demanding or not.

    The forms are:L/C Application Form:

    L/C Application Form is a sort of an agreement between customer and bank

    on the basis of which letter of credit is opened. First Security Bank, Agrabad

    Branch provides a printed form for opening of L/C to the importer. A special

    adhesive stamp of value Tk. 150 is affixed on the form in accordance with

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    Stamp Act in force. While opening, the stamp is cancelled. Usually the

    importer gives the following information.

    Full name and address of the importer.

    Full name and address of the beneficiary.

    Draft amount.A availability of the credit by the sight

    payment/acceptance/negotiation/deferred payment.

    Time bar within which the documents should be presented.

    Sales type (CIF/FOB/C&F).

    Brief specification of commodities, price, quantity, indent no.

    Country of origin.

    Bangladesh Bank registration no.

    Import License/LACF no.

    IRC no. Account on.

    Documents no.

    Insurance Cover Note/Policy no. date, amount.

    Name and address of Insurance Company.

    Whether the partial shipment is allowed or not.

    Whether the transshipment is allowed or not.

    last date of shipment.

    Last date of negotiation.

    Other terms and conditions (if any).

    Whether the confirmation of the credit is requested by thebeneficiary or not.

    The L/C application must be completed/filled in properly a

    signed by the authorized person of the importer before it is

    submitted to the issuing bank.

    L/C Authorization Form (L/CAF):

    The Letter of Credit Authorization Form (LCAF) is the form prescribed for

    the authorization of opening letter of credit/payment against import and usedin lieu of import license. The authorized dealers are empowered to issue

    LCA forms to the importers as per basis of licensing of the Import Policy

    order in force to allow import in Bangladesh. If foreigner exchange is

    intended to be bought from the Bangladesh Bank against an LCAF, it has to

    be registered with Bangladesh Banks Registration unit located in the

    concerned area office of the CCI&E. The LCA Forma available with

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    authorized dealers is issued in set of five (05) copies each. First Copy is

    exchange control area of CCI&E office by authorized dealer/Registration

    Unit of Bangladesh Bank. Quadruplicate Copy is kept as office copy by

    authorized dealer/ Registration Unit. The Letter of Credit Authorization

    Form (LCAF) contains the following- Name and address of the importer.

    IRC no. and year of renewal.

    Amount of L/C applied for (both in figure and word).

    Description of item(s) to be imported.

    ITC Number/ HS code no.

    Signature of the importer with seal.

    List of goods to be imported.

    Imports permit form (IMP): L/C authorization form no.


    Value of taka

    Registration of LCAF.

    Quantity of goods.

    Invoice value.

    Country of origin.

    Port of shipment.

    Name of the vessel. Indenters address.

    Preparation of L/C by Banker:

    Banks officer prepares L/C when above-mentioned forms are to be

    submitted by customer of importer. Before preparing L/C DBL

    officer scrutinizes the application in the following manner.

    1. The terms and conditions of the L/C must be complied with

    UCPDC 500 and Exchange Control & Import Trade Regulation

    2. Eligibility of the goods to be imported.3. The L/C must not be opened in favor of the importer.

    4. Radioactivity report in case of food item.

    Survey reports or certificate in case of old machinery is required.

    Bank of the importer is called L/C Issuing Bank. Then issuing bank

    inform its corresponding bank, called Advising Bank or

    Confirming Bank located in exporters country to advise and the

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    credit forward to the exporter and simultaneously officer makes L/C

    opening vouchers.


    One debit voucher to be passed. Corresponding credit vouchers to be

    passed (margin, commission, postage, stamp, F.F.C/ and othersLiability voucher to be passed.

    Some inevitable notion in foreign exchange:

    Bill of exchange:

    According to the Section 05, Negotiable instrument (NI) Act- 1881 A

    Bill of exchange is an instrument in writing containing an unconditional

    order signed by the maker, directing a certain person to pay (on demand or

    at fixed or a determinable future rate) a certain some of money only to or

    to the order of a certain person or to the bearer of the instrument.

    It may be either at sight or day sight. At sight means making payment

    whenever the document will reach in the issuing Bank.

    Commercial Invoice:

    Commercial invoice issued by Exporter in the accounting document bywhich the seller charges the goods to buyer.


    Performance of FSBL AgrabadBranch

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    4.1 Deposits of FSBL Agrabad Branch

    Since this is a branch of FSBLso its main source of deposit is public deposit.

    The various deposited amount of 30th September 2006 and 31st December

    2006 is shown in the following table:

    Deposits 30th Sep. 2006 31st Dec. 2006

    C.D Tk.1, 65, 45,765.10 Tk.1, 88, 41, 884.15

    S.D Tk.2, 99,38,149.55 Tk.3, 07, 33, 972.13

    S.T.D Tk.3, 56,72,183.12 Tk.3, 41,67,222.80

    F.D Tk.51, 79,27,390.00 Tk.51, 93,47,860.00




    Tk.4, 45,32,575.85

    Tk.9, 58,47,500.00

    Tk.4, 55,11,578.32

    Tk.4, 98,82,507.70

    Tk.9, 79,22,500.00


    Total Tk.78, 59,75,141.90 Tk.79, 68,89,540.90

    So from the above table it is clear that the maximum deposit is Fixed

    Deposit. And the total amount is increasing. So as per deposit the

    performance is satisfactory.

    4.2 Loans & Advances Portfolio

    Now we show the credit portfolio of FSBLAgrabadBranch,in 31st December2006

    Types of Loan 31st Dec.2006

    Loan General Tk.1, 91,24,632.77

    Loans against imported merchandise Tk.1, 89,71,801.52

    LTR Tk.82, 62,362.52

    Packing Credit Tk.15, 04,118.37

    House Building Loan Tk.25, 29,194.43

    P.A.D Tk.33, 69,943.13

    Cash Credit (Hypo) Tk.3, 62,74,847.48SOD Tk.22, 17,39,491.87

    CFS Tk.42, 85,489.89

    Hire purchase Tk.36, 91,032.17

    Car loan Tk.5, 44,993.00

    FDBP Tk.36, 63,74,361.64

    SOD: Export Tk.2, 66,24,455.85

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    Total Tk.71, 32,96,724.64

    From the above table we see the position of different types of loans

    sanctioned by FSBL AgrabadBranch,4.3 Deposits and Loans & Advances

    The total amount of Deposits and Loans & Advances made by FSBL,

    Agrabad Branch from the year 2002 to 2003 are shown in the

    following table:

    2005 2006

    Deposits Tk.58, 91,32,572.18 Tk.79, 68,89,540.90

    Loans & Advances Tk.51, 16,97,445.56 Tk.71, 32,96,724.64

    From the above table it is clear that Loans & Advances made by the branch

    are less than its Deposits. Both Deposits and Loans & Advances are

    increasing from year 2002 to tear 2003 that is good for the bank. The Credit-

    Deposit ratio is 89.51% for the year 2003 that is good for the bank.

    4.4 Income, Expenditure & Profit

    The total amount of Income, Expenditure & Profit made by FSBLAgrabad

    Branch, from the year 2002 to 2003 are shown in the following


    Year 2002 Year 2003

    Income Tk.7, 85,92,954.57 Tk.11, 51,37,642.28

    Expenditure Tk. 5,46,11,917.91 Tk. 7,40,31,287.84

    Profit Tk.2, 39,81,036.66 Tk. 4,11,06,354.44

    From the above table, it is clear that the profit of FSBLAgrabad Branch isincreases significantly in year 2003 from year 2002. So it is a satisfactory

    performance of FSBLAgrabadBranch.

    4.5 Customers Satisfaction Level

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    By assessing the customers satisfaction, we find that around 85% customer

    are satisfied with the services provided by FSBL AgrabadBranch. So, it isclear that FSBL AgrabadBranch provides a reasonably satisfactory serviceto the customer. But they have to improve their services to compete with

    other Private Banks of our country.Reasons of Satisfaction

    Well-furnish and air condition room.

    Officers are cordial and well mannered.

    Reasonably quick service.

    Various types of saving deposit schemes and interest rate on these

    schemes is competitively high.

    Various types of Loans & Advance opportunities and Bank take very

    little time to sanction Loan.

    Transactions continue at launch period in the Bank.

    Customer friendly terms & conditions.

    Competitive interest rate.

    Reasons of dissatisfaction

    Junior officers & Assistant officers are not well qualified.

    Some customer hopes more entertainment from the Bank.

    Some customer think long-term credit facility is not available.

    Absence of on-line Banking facility.

    Very much profit oriented.


    1. The promotional measures for marketing of existing services are not

    taken aggressively to reach every initiatives and special facilities at

    the door of the customers.

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    2. Schemes for poor are not available.

    3. The branch network is limited to some area. In Chittagong city there

    are only two branches.

    4. Maximum officers are working in a specific desk for a long period of

    time. As a result, they may feel monotony, their skills do not increase,they do not know about the overall banking.

    5. Absence of long-term credit.

    6. Number of employees is more than required.

    7. Officers in the junior level are not highly qualified.

    8. Lack of modern business methods.

    9. Training facility is not available, especially for lower level officers.

    10.Necessary Documents like Prospectus, Annual Report, Bulletin,

    Brochure etc. are not available in the Bank.

    4.6 SOWT Analysis

    By analyzing the performance of the bank, we get the following Strengths,

    Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT).


    1. It has well reputation in the market.

    2. Not engaged in unfair business practice.

    3. Executives are highly educated and experienced.

    4. Bank has many attractive deposit schemes.

    5. Well-furnished and Air-conditioned Bank.

    6. Efficient management practice in the Bank.

    7. Located in important commercial area.


    1. Officers in the junior level are not highly qualified.

    2. Short time experience of the Bank.

    3. Absence of long-term credit.

    4. Small market shares in banking business.

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    5. Lack of training facility.

    6. Lack of promotional activities.

    Opportunities:1. Can increase the credit scheme.

    2. Private Banks becomes more reliable to local public.

    3. Have opportunity to increase market share.

    4. Private Banks can contribute more in the economic

    development of our country.

    5. By doing social welfare activities it can create a good impact on

    public mind.


    1. There are many competitors in the market.

    2. Govt. pressures to reduce interest rate.

    3. Banking technologies are changed.

    4. Govt. imposes tax & VAT on profit.

    5. Govt. restricted Banking activities.

    Chapter Five- Recommendations & Conclusion

    5.1 Areas Of Improvements

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    From the driven findings, the following recommendations can be formulated

    for FSBL:

    Reduce the rate interest of loans & advances so that the borrowers havethe ability to conduct business as usual.

    FSBL is running the risk of lending more than what they are provisioned

    for. Albeit the negative relationship between banks credit risk and return

    on equity is not significant in context of Bangladesh, FSBL can manage

    to reduce their credit risk by increasing their amount of deposits.

    FSBL can use its total assets so that it can increase the profit.

    Increasing the individual banks deposit can also enhance the market size

    of FSBL as a sequel they can improve their return on equity. This can be

    concluded from the significant relationship existing between market size

    and return on equity in context of Bangladesh.

    FSBL can improve their distribution channel so that they can give

    customers a sense of availability of their desired products.

    To reduce cost of information.

    FSBL considering the concentration factor can think of creating more

    brand awareness as the reputed ones are enjoying the advantage.

    FSBL can introduce new products so that customer can determine the

    right product offering for their portfolio.

    FSBL can bring in flexible loan offers to make them more attractive in

    the core level.

    FSBL will have to adopt standards in capital adequacy, income

    recognition and provisioning norms.

    Risk management setup in FSBL will need to be strengthened.

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    Benchmark standards could be evolved.

    Payment and settlement system will have to be strengthened to ensure

    transfer of funds on real time basis eliminating risks associated with

    transactions and settlement process.

    Regulatory set-up will have to be strengthened, in line with the

    requirements of a market-led integrated financial system.

    Banks may have to evaluate on an ongoing basis, internally, the need to

    effect structural changes in the organization. This will include capital

    restructuring through mergers / acquisitions and other measures in the

    best business interests.

    There should be constant and continual up gradation of technology in the

    Banks, benefiting both the customer and the bank. Banks may enter into

    partnership among themselves for reaping maximum benefits, through

    consultations and coordination with reputed IT companies.

    The skills of bank staff should be upgraded continuously through

    training. In this regard, the banks may have to re-look at the existing

    training modules and effect necessary changes, wherever required.

    Seminars and conferences on all relevant and emerging issues should be


    Banks will have to set up Research and Market Intelligence units within

    the organization, so as to remain innovative, to ensure customer

    satisfaction and to keep abreast of market developments. Banks will

    have to interact constantly with the industry bodies, trade associations,

    farming community, academic / research institutions and initiate studies,

    pilot projects, etc. for evolving better financial models.

    5.2 Conclusion

    FSBL have introduced a new dimension in the field of innovative and

    benevolent banking in our country. The bank has successfully made a

    positive contribution to the economy of Bangladesh with in very short period

    of time. Its profit is gradually increasing.

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    It plays a great role in collecting scattered Deposit, Loan settlement and

    International Trade etc. The Bank ensures quality services to the customers.

    For better growth and healthy economic position, it should introduce new

    and lucrative long-term credit schemes especially for new investors andschemes for poverty alleviation like micro credit.

    We hope FSBL do more work for socio-economic development besides

    there banking business. To keep pace with ever-changing uncertain domestic

    business environment and face the challenges of revised global economic

    scenario, the bank should be more pro-active and responsive to introduce

    new marketing strategy to hold the strong position in home and abroad.

    I wish continuous success and healthy business portfolio of FSBL Agrabad

    Branch, Chittagong.



    1. Principles Of Managerial Finance By

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    Lawrence J. Gitman

    2. Financial Management By

    Brigham & Ehrhardt

    3. Strategic Management By

    Pearce & Robinson


    4. First Security Bank Limited Manual.

    5. Annual Report Of First Security Bank Limited.

    6. The website of First Security Bank Limited (www. first

    7.Various leaflets of the Bank.

    8.Daily affairs of FSBL AgrabadBranch.9.Previous years internship report.

    10. Iqbal Kabir Mohon- Modern Banking.


    EXIM Export Import Bank of Bangladesh LimitedCD Current DepositSB Savings BankSTD Short Term DepositPO Pay-Order

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    TT Telegraphic TransferMT Mail TransferDD Demand DraftIBC Inward Bills for CollectionOBC Outward Bills for CollectionSOD Secured OverdraftCC(H) Cash Credit (Hypo)CC(P) Cash Credit (Pledge)ECC Export Cash CreditDA Documents Against AcceptanceDP Demand Promissory NotePAD Payment Against DocumentLIM Loan Against Imported MerchandiseLTR Loan Against Trust ReceiptsLBP(D) Local Bill Purchase by Documents

    LBP(C) Local Bill Purchase by CleanLBP(F) Local Bill Purchase by ForeignPC Packing CreditMC Micro CreditLG Letter of GuaranteeIRC Import Registration CertificateERC Export Registration CertificateSTA Special Trading Arrangement