report of board of school commissioners

The disaster of Dec. 6t h last bas left the town with practically only two scbool buildings. 1'his state of affairs will compel the uew Board to provide Scbool accOlllodaliou for at least s ixteen new departments. The accolUodatipn Extracted from 101-1M-1917, Dartmouth Annual Report 1917, Report of Board of Commissioners, p.52, Halifax Municipal Archives

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Page 1: Report of Board of School Commissioners


Report of Board of School Commissioners.

LAD I &s AND GENTr.r::.rEN:-

I have the honor to SUbUllt the report of tbe Board of School Commissioners for the year ended Dec. 31St 1917.

During the year the School e nroll me nt steadily increased, making it imperative to open three new departments. To provide accomod ation the Board were obliged to use the Greenvale Assembly Hall and the room at Central School formerly occupied by tbe Mannal Training Department. The Asse mbly Hall Has couverted into two class rr>o~s by means of a temporary partition made in section!' which may be removed at any time. That the use of the hall should not bc denied the public, tbe seats are shod aud portable. The j\"[anual Training­bas been removed to . the old Stairs St. School, to whicb a small addition was built for a lumber stock rooUl.

The tbree new teachers added to the teac':ing staff 3re Miss Florence Corkulll , Miss Katherine Strachan and Mrs, C. A. Foster: all holding c.lass "81' licenses. )Iiss Corkum and Miss Strachan came to us highly reco1Ulucnded while :\Irs. Foster had previously taught 011 our staff wllcre her work was so f.worably known as to require no cOlUment .

The disaster of Dec. 6th last bas left the town with practically only two scbool buildings. 1'his state of affairs will compel the uew Board to provide Scbool accOlllodaliou for at least sixteen new departments. The accolUodatipn

Extracted from 101-1M-1917, Dartmouth Annual Report 1917, Report of Board of Commissioners, p.52, Halifax Municipal Archives

Page 2: Report of Board of School Commissioners



at Greenvale aod Hawthorne is fourteen departments. By usi ng the Assembly Ball as at prc5ent two wore departments are added. These sixteen rooms will have to house the pupils of thirty departments before the explosion; tell such time as lUorc accomodation cau be acquired.

The work of the various grades seems to be well and systematically performed. I personal1y~visited the different departments and was very favourabl y impressed by the work done.

I herewith sub mit the report of the Sup('tvisor Mr. Stapleton which will inform you as to the enrollment and other School statistics.

Yours faithfully,



Ch airman alSchool B oard: -


Sir-I herein slIbmit a report of the condition of the schools for th e year ended 1917.

As the school r ea r cnds in Jul y I shall report. on conditious lip to that date For comparison I am inserting the statistics of 1916 alon g-sid e those of 1917.

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Extracted from 101-1M-1917, Dartmouth Annual Report 1917, Report of Board of Commissioners, p.52, Halifax Municipal Archives