report for internship

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a brief report of 3-months internship at CFSIIUM PJ


  • 5/20/2018 Report for internship




    Industrial Training (BMMT8006) has been listed as one of the requirements for

    students of Bachelor in Human Resource Management (Hons), International

    Islamic University College Selangor to graduate. Carrying 6 credit hours, it is as

    important as all other subjects combined because it is the practical of all the

    theoretical knowledge students absorbed since they were enrolled.

    Industrial Training or famously known as internship is a course where

    student is sent to an organization of choice to take a peek on the real work

    environment and to experience it first hand before entering it as an employee.

    The extended objectives of this training are as follows:

    i. To prepare students physically, mentally and emotionally before entering

    the work environment and starting career after graduation.

    ii. To groom students personality and attitude to prepare them for real

    working environment.

    iii. To increase and develop their self-confidence, motivation, skills,

    knowledge, abilities and experience.

    iv. To familiarize students with the culture of the working environment and

    the different rules practiced at the particular organization so that they are

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    able to understand and ready to adapt to their new organization culture

    when they start their career.

    v. To provide the opportunities for students to put the tangible and intangible

    knowledge they learned in the university college into practice.

    Most of the students taking Bachelor of Human Resource Management

    (Hons) tend to choose organizations specialize in trading, banking, oil and gas

    industry etc. As for them, that will expose them more to the industry and provide

    them with the relevant experience they want. I, on the other hand, have chosen an

    education institute, Center for Foundation Studies of International Islamic

    University Malaysia (CFSIIUM), to be the place where I put my theoretical

    knowledge into practice. The reason for this choice is that I want to understand

    the process of where educators are selected and how they are compensated.

    During my three months training in the Centre, I have been placed in two

    different departments namely Human Resource Department Unit (HRDU) and

    Maintenance and Services Unit (MNSU), and being put under the supervision of

    two supervisors, Sr. Rohani binti Amat and Br. Mohd Salmee bin Mohd Sari.

    They are both the Senior Assistant Director of their respective unit. However, Br.

    Mohd Salmee bin Mohd Sari has been transferred to Admission and Records

    Department on his last day as my organization supervisor.

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    When I make the decision to do my training in the Centre, I knew exactly what I

    wanted from this training but I did not realize what I was about to get. Since

    CFSIIUM is a well-known international education institution, I expected the staffs

    to be serious and straight-faced, full of authority, everyone must be a Dato or

    Prof. or somebody else and everything must be according to the format and I

    expected a text-book organization.

    After I started training here, my expectation came to a slight change.

    CFSIIUM is really a text-book organization but they are also as flexible as the

    demand needs. To put it in a simple sentence, CFSIIUM is obviously higher than

    my expectation. Since CFSIIUM is not the headquarters, I expected to learn just

    few aspects in human resource management such as attendance and training.

    However, during my training at the Centre, I was exposed to almost all

    aspects of human resources management such as benefits management,

    promotion, staff transfer, performance management, recruitment and selection

    process, end of services management, training and attendance, occupational safety

    and health management, leaves application, legal unit and disciplinary actions,

    and conflict management. After I finished my training at the Centre, I realized

    that I have actually received more than I expected before the training started.

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    Geographically, CFSIIUM is located at Jalan Universiti, Seksyen 17, 46350

    Petaling Jaya. The headquarters is International Islamic University Malaysia

    (IIUM) which is located at Gombak, Selangor. Other than CFSIIUM Petaling

    Jaya and the main campus in Gombak, IIUM has another 2 campuses located in

    Gambang and Kuantan, Pahang. The head of CFSIIUM Petaling Jaya is Prof. Dr.

    Torla Hj. Hassan, Dean of CFSIIUM Petaling Jaya.

    CFSIIUM was officially established on May 20th

    1983 after granted by

    DYMM Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di Pertuan Agong, Tuanku Haji Ahmad Shah

    Al-Mustain Billah Ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Abu Bakar Riayatuddin Al-Muadzam

    Shah. CFSIIUM Petaling Jaya is the first IIUM main campus before IIUM

    Gombak campus was built. IIUM officially started their first academic session on

    July 18th

    1983 with 153 students.

    On August 24th

    1993, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the Prime Minister of

    Malaysia at the time officiate the ceremony of groundbreaking and placement of

    foundation stone at the 272 hectares land of IIUM Gombak. Eight years later, Tun

    Dr Mahathir Mohamad once again officiate the opening ceremony of IIUM

    Gombak main campus on April 17th


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    The first rector of IIUM was Tan Sri Prof. Muhammad Abdul Rauf and

    the first president was Tun Hussein Onn. His Royal Highness Sultan Haji Ahmad

    Shah Al-Musta'in Billah Ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Abu Bakar Ri'ayatuddin Al-

    Mu'adzam Shah, the Sultan of Pahang state has been officially appointed as the

    first Constitutional Head and still in power.


    Since its establishment, IIUM aims to become a leading international

    centre of educational excellence which seeks to restore the dynamic and

    progressive role of the Muslim Ummah in all branches of knowledge and

    intellectual discourse. Its mission, on the other hand, is presented in the code

    Triple ICE which can be explained as follows:



    Internationalization; and

    Comprehensive Excellence

    The philosophy of the University was inspired by the recommendations of

    the first World Conference on Muslim Education held in Mecca in A.H. 1398/

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    A.D 1977. The spirit of this philosophy is based on the first five verses of Holy

    Qur'an which was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. almost 1500 Hijri

    years ago. The verses can be translated as below:

    Read! In the name of the thy Lord and Cherisher, Who created

    Created man, out of a leech-like clot :

    Read! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful

    He Who taught (the use of) the Pen

    Taught man that which he knew not

    According to this philosophy, knowledge shall be propagated in the spirit of

    Tawhid, leading towards the recognition of Allah as the Absolute Creator and

    Master of mankind. The spirit behind this recognition of Allah as the Lord of the

    World represents the apex in the hierarchy of knowledge. Thus, all disciplines of

    knowledge should lead towards subservience of this truth. This is because

    knowledge is a form of trust (amanah) from Allah to man, and hence man should

    utilize knowledge according to Allah's will in performing his role as the servant

    and vicegerent (khalifah) of Allah on earth. In this way, the seeking of knowledge

    is regarded as an act of worship.

    CFSIIUM also practice Islamic culture in their working environment.

    There are usrah or group discussion on religious and global issues every Friday

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    which is compulsory to all the employees. Attendance to such discussion will earn

    employees their Competency Talent Development (CTD) marks. Other than that,

    it has become official culture in CFSIIUM to address their employee with the title

    Brother for man and Sister for woman. This is as to claim that all of us are

    brothers and sisters in Islam and to avoid calling people with just their name to

    avoid disrespect. CFSIIUM also enforce on the Dress-Code Rules in the Centre.

    Such rule makes the employees more proper and presentable. This is also one of

    the examples CFSIIUM wanted to expose to the students so they may follow.

    2.2 SERVICES

    CFSIIUM provides tertiary education level which is at the same level of Diploma,

    Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM), Sijil Tinggi Agama Malaysia (STAM)

    and A-Level. At CFSIIUM, students will be prepared academically and mentally

    in order topursue their bachelors degree.If students passed and graduated from

    CFSIIUM, they will automatically offered place in IIUM Gombak or Kuantan

    according to their programs. In simple sentence, CFSIIUM provides Pre-

    University education same as those Matriculation Colleges owned by the

    government had to offer.

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    In CFSIIUM, there are three main departments namely Languages

    Department, Sciences Department and Arts Department, and 15 foundation

    programs offered. 10 of them are categorized under Sciences Department, 2 are

    under Languages Department and the other 3 are defined as programs under the

    Arts Department.

    Even though all this programs are still organized, monitored and managed

    by CFSIIUM Petaling Jaya, there are few programs have been relocated to the

    other campuses due to limited spaces and resources at CFSIIUM Petaling Jaya.

    Sciences programs are all at Gambang Campus except Engineering, ICT and

    Architecture meanwhile Arts programs are all in CFSIIUM Petaling Jaya except

    Economics in Gombak campus. Languages programs are all in CFSIIUM Petaling

    Jaya. The departments and programs are as shown in the table as follows.

    Table 2.1 Language, Sciences and Arts Programs










    Information and Communication

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    Architecture and Environmental Design

    Biological Science

    Physical Science




    Allied Health Sciences


    Economics and Management Sciences

    Islamic Revealed Knowledge Human


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    CFSIIUM is led by a Dean. The Dean of CFSIIUM is answerable to Deputy

    Rector of Academic and Planning in Gombak. The Dean of CFSIIUM Petaling

    Jaya is Prof. Dr. Torla Hj Hassan. He is assisted by a Director of Administration

    and Services. While the Dean administers academic aspects in the Centre, the

    Director is entrusted with leading the administration and services of CFSIIUM.

    All deputy deans and their subordinates report to the Dean meanwhile all

    the assistant directors and their subordinates report to the Director of CFSIIUM.

    Table 3.1 below explains the latest lineup for CFSIIUM.

    Table 3.1 Line up for CFSIIUM Petaling Jaya

    No. Position Name

    1 Dean Prof. Dr. Torla Hj Hassan

    2 Director Dato Abdul Rahim Hj Ahmad

    3 Deputy Dean, Admission and Records Mohamad Azmi Sulong

    4 Deputy Dean, Sciences Programmes Susilawati Hamzah

    5 Deputy Dean, Arts Programmes Murshid Kassim

    6 Deputy Dean, Languages Nita Fauzee Selamat

    7 Deputy Dean, Residential Management Hasanul Basri Abdullah

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    and Discipline

    8 Deputy Dean, Student Development Che Abdul Majid Che Omar

    9 Deputy Dean, Gambang Campus Izdihar Ishak

    10 Deputy Director, Information

    Technology Department

    Mohd Fahmi Nordin

    Department of Economics and Management Sciences

    11 Head Manizah Mazali

    12 Deputy Head Noredah Abdul Rahman

    Department of Laws

    13 Head Siti Humaiyah Bakri

    14 Deputy Head Serysyah Zamila Panot

    Department of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences

    15 Head Shapizan Johari

    16 Deputy Head Hamizah Koming

    Department of Language and Management

    17 Head Saiful Adli bin Shamsul Tajiri

    Department of Biology

    18 Head Zahala Ghazali

    19 Deputy Head Haliza binti Hamzah

    Department of Mathematics

    20 Head Faizah Jaafar

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    21 Deputy Head Dayana Ibrahim

    Department of Chemistry

    22 Head Siti Fathimah Putery Jemain

    23 Deputy Head Siti Ruziani Parmin

    Department of Physic

    24 Head Muzamir Azmi

    25 Deputy Head Mimi Syahida Abd Wahid

    Department of Architecture and Environment Design

    26 Head Zairila Juria Zainal Abidin

    27 Deputy Head Mohd Rifzal Shariff

    Department of Information and Communication Technology

    28 Head Mohd Norhaedir Idris

    29 Deputy Head Rashidah Anuar

    Gambang Campus

    30 Head Azyril Iskandar Abdullah

    English Language Department

    32 Head Hafizah Ahamad

    33 Deputy Head Nellia Lizrina Salleh

    Qur`anic Language Department

    34 Head Manisah Mohd Noor

    35 Deputy Head Marzidah Hashim

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    Figure 3.1 Organizational Chart of CFSIIUM

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    During my three months training, I was assigned to the Human Resource

    Development Unit (HRDU) under the supervision of a Senior Assistant Director,

    Sister Rohani binti Amat for 6 weeks. Another 6 weeks I spent at Maintenance

    and Services Unit (MNSU) under the supervision of Senior Assistant Director,

    Brother Mohd Salmee bin Mohd Sari.

    My first week was spent at HRDU doing basic administration duties such

    as filing, documenting and sorting files in the cabinets. During this week, I was

    taught how to use the photocopy machine, printer, facsimile, scanner and

    shredder. My supervisor helped me familiarize myself with the offices and

    departments in CFSIIUM. At the end of this week, I was able to use every

    machine in the office without any assistance and find any file needed without

    opening every cabinet and walk around without lost. I was also able to memorize

    all the files and the cabinets and that made my job lot easier and faster.

    The next week was more interesting since I have been given the

    opportunity to study many files concerning my field of study. I learned many

    cases of staff disciplines, leaves and absences, promotions, transfers, salary grades

    and staffing process. My supervisor also taught me how any procedures were

    done and the steps to be taken in most situations. I was also asked to draft

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    certification letters and memos. I was taught how to draft formal letters,

    circulations and memos. In this week, I was entrusted to compile the proposals for

    DG Scheme meetings. I was responsible to prepare 14 sets of tape-bound

    proposals to be distributed in the meeting. During this week, I also spent most of

    my time studying letters, documents and typing. At the end of this week, I was

    able to draft official letters and memos. I was also understood what to do if

    anything happen suddenly and who to refer different cases to.

    During the third and fourth week at HRDU, the administrative assistant

    entrusted me to answer the incoming telephone calls and taking messages. I was

    taught the telephone manners and how to answer calls. Telephone line in

    CFSIIUM has internal and external lines. I was taught on how to transfer the calls

    from different line and how to use the directories in the telephone system. In this

    week, I was also entrusted with organizing staff personal files. I was given access

    to staff personal files and taught how to update the files. In CFSIIUM, they have

    two data keeping system which are in hard copies and in soft copies. I was asked

    to maintain the hard copies of staff personal files. When I finished my fourth

    week, I already mastered the telephone and front desk skills, and memorized most

    of the staffs file locations.

    From week 5 to week 10, I was transferred to MNSU and supervised by

    Brother Mohd Salmee Mohd Sari. My supervisor appointed me to be his secretary

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    in the weekly meeting with the outsource company and I was responsible to

    minute the meeting for the 6 weeks. He taught me how to minute meetings and

    the format CFSIIUM used to minute meetings. He also taught me how to deal

    with clients from outside CFSIIUM and I was entrusted to prepare a quotation for

    supply and install air conditioners in several buildings in CFSIIUM.

    At MNSU, I was taught on how to deal with different kind of clients.

    Since MNSU deals regularly with students and outsiders, I was taught how to

    answer to several different requests. I was taught to direct people to the relevant

    person and I was taught to be patient when dealing with persistent, last minute

    requests from the clients.

    One of my main tasks at MNSU is to collect fuel receipts and key in the

    details in the computer. I was also responsible to check the fuel reports and

    compare with the summary sent by the fuel company to make sure the reports are

    tally to the summary. My supervisor taught me how to know which report is fraud

    and how to deal with such thing. It was also my responsibility to record and

    update driver duties everyday besides recording transport and venue request

    forms. I also learned how to use the online booking system in CFSIIUM intranet


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    While working at HRDU kept me busy with employees businesses,

    working at MNSU kept me entertained with customers from students and

    outsiders. I was asked to help students in their venue booking requests, transport

    bookings, and program schedules. I still maintained the updated files in MNSU

    and occasionally helped sending files and documents to other departments. My

    supervisor had also entrusted me to create a new form to record vehicles

    maintenance and repairs. I was also taught on how to make procurement and ask

    for quotation or invoice from other companies. By the end of my period at

    MNSU, I learned many administrative and secretarial tasks such as prepared

    minutes, agendas, letters and invitations, procurement and quotations. I also

    learned how to deal with customers in pressure and how to solve last minute


    My final two weeks were spent at HRDU. I resumed my tasks of updating

    files and documents, prepare minute sheets for every file and I re-arranged the

    files and the cabinets to make access to them easier and faster. I also made the

    tagging for every file and cabinet so it would be more systematic and accessible.

    During my final weeks, I was involved in the preparation of Briefing on

    Proposed Transfer Retirement Benefits Fund to Employee Provident Fund (EPF).

    I was taught how to invite employees, confirm attendance and arrange venue and

    refreshments for the program. My final two weeks were spent learning how to

    organize program in CFSIIUM.

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    Generally I was exposed to administrative works in human resource. In all

    the filing, documenting, and even photocopying, I learned many things in

    practical human resource. My supervisors let me deal with the employees,

    entertain customers and learn practical human resource in a way that suited me. I

    was given full access to all the files, confidential or not, with the understanding

    that I need to know all those things to help me be a better leader in human

    resources management section. I believe that all these activities are necessary for

    me to understand how working environment is and why is it different from the in-

    class theoretical knowledge I have learned in 3 years before.

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    Doing industrial training in CFSIIUM made me realize that the real work

    environment is not as how it was described in the textbook. This training made

    me understand that it would have take more than 500 pages textbook to describe

    the real work environment. From my training, I realized that in order to

    understand the use of certain knowledge, we need to practice it. Like the Prophet

    Muhammad once said, Knowledge without practice is like a tree without fruits.

    The past three months has been very constructive to me. I learned more

    intangible knowledge. I felt developed. My supervisors have used the period

    creatively to expose me to as many areas of work as possible. They let me do and

    experience many things by myself. They brought me with them in the important

    peoples meetings; they introduced me to the top management as well as the

    support staff groups and they taught me everything possible so I will be ready to

    face real work environment should I be accepted to any organization after I


    Working in two departments with totally different functions and

    environment has been the most challenging yet interesting to me. The silence and

    full of formal aura in HRDU office and the noisy, always crowded MNSU office

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    are very helpful in creating the more flexible me. I learned when to be a follower

    and when to be a leader. I learned to accept and question whenever necessary. My

    supervisors tried their best to ensure I was prepped enough with the pain and gain

    in climbing the career ladder. They exposed, explained and showed me how to

    deal with many office and management matters. They made me understand that

    not all textbook solutions are applicable at certain situations. In real situation, we

    need to decide something without the textbook interference. They stressed on how

    a leader should rely on his mind and heart, not on textbook or the scroll.

    My supervisors are both the Senior Assistant Director of CFSIIUM. They

    are answerable to the Director of CFSIIUM, Dato Abdul Rahim bin Ahmad.

    Both of my supervisors have been in service with IIUM for more than 15 years

    and they have been working at many different departments. My last day of

    training, my supervisor at MNSU, Br. Mohd Salmee bin Mohd Sari, received a

    letter of transfer to Admission and Records Department. He was happy with

    MNSU but he happily accepted the transfer because he said that will give him

    more exposure and he can learn lots of new things. He also taught me that not all

    situations at work are wanted but all of the situations are needed in order to build

    our career. Both my supervisors had spent time with me sharing their experience

    in working and career building and that was very inspiring. They inspired me to

    achieve higher than I targeted when I was in campus.

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    Long story made short, the experience I got from training at CFSIIUM

    was greatly influential and I managed to reach the objectives. I have had fun

    learning there and I will be more than happy if I get the chance to work there in

    the future. CFSIIUM had made my industrial training worth the three months

    learning period.



    Walking out from CFSIIUM on my last day of training, I felt full. I was different

    from me on the first day. I understood things I did not understand when I was in

    campus. I felt more developed in term of knowledge and personal experience.


    When I was in campus, I love to talk in front of people but I did not have the

    skills. During my training, I watched how my supervisor interacts with her

    subordinates and how she speaks in public. I also noticed the manner used by the

    officers in dealing with employees from various backgrounds. Therefore, when I

    was asked to answer phone calls or attend the counter, I imitated my supervisor. I

    was also involved in meetings and they asked for my opinion. Of course I

    stuttered at first. But second and next, I was good. I could let the other party hear

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    my smile and I can entertain customers well. I know what to say at what moment.

    I feel very confident to speak well in front of others now.


    My writing skill has also sharpened during the training. I learned the way to

    nicely write rejection letter and the well-mannered way in expressing

    condolences. I learned to use certain words which are jargons to me before and I

    know how to properly use words which I have always misused before. Other than

    that, I also learned how to write business proposals and procurement. I can also

    write memos, formal letters and prepare minutes for official meetings in shorter

    time than before.


    In term of technical and IT skills, I can proudly claim now that the photocopy

    machine is no longer an alien to me. I learned my way around it and I know how

    to photocopy, print, scan and fax from the big photocopy machine. I also know

    how to connect my laptop to the photocopy machine and use it from my laptop.

    I also learned how to use Oracle data system and IIUM staff webmail

    system. I learned the other functions of computer application such as Microsoft

    Office that I was never aware of before training. I also understood a lot of intranet

    and computer tricks used in working environment.

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    As I went through my training, I noticed a few things about CFSIIUM. First good

    thing about them is the way they value seniority but never ignore authority. There

    are many support staffs aged more than the management. The administrative

    assistants mostly are older than their bosses. While they are obedient and friendly

    to their bosses, the bosses are also showed their politeness to the support staffs.

    The bosses really respect the support staffs. Sometimes they do some clerical

    works by themselves even when they can ask the support staffs to do that. Their

    respect to each other disregard of authority or power is one of the strength of this


    The other strength of CFSIIUM that I found out is in their recruitment

    style. Due to my observation, it is obvious that CFSIIUM prefers internal

    recruitment than external recruitment. If there is any vacancy in CFSIIUM, they

    will announce it in the staff webmail. They prefer someone from their employees

    circulation. This is good for their organizational culture sustenance. While they

    still values new talent from outside the circle, they will ensure the culture

    sustained by ensuring the new employee guided by a senior employee in term of

    organizational culture, rules and regulations and standard operation procedures.

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    Other than that, CFSIIUMs organizational strength is its Islamic values.

    CFSIIUM prioritizes Islam in its employees daily works. It is compulsory for

    every employee to attend an annual Ibadah Camp in order to train them to practice

    Islam in daily lives. CFSIIUM also has their workers attend a liqa every Friday

    morning. They believe that if the employee is well educated about Islam, they will

    be able to practice Islam in their daily lives hence be a trustworthy and

    responsible worker who can contribute a lot to the organization.

    Every organization has their own Achilles heel. That is normal and

    unavoidable since organization is managed by human. From my perspective,

    CFSIIUM weak spot is their poor data keeping system. All letters, documents and

    important files are in hard copies and stored in a file. They have over hundreds

    thick files and stuffed in the cabinets. They do not keep soft copies of those

    documents which can make it easier to be accessed, monitored and kept. I cannot

    imagine what if fire burns the whole campus and how they would save the files.

    From my perspectives, this data keeping system is outdated and irrelevant to

    CFSIIUM updated technology in campus. They can change the data keeping

    system and that action can save a lot of trees from being used to make papers.

    They can save the mother earth by changing their data keeping system.

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    CFSIIUM is already a big name in education industry. Their products are proven

    in quality and excellence. However, this good reputation can be tarnished if

    CFSIIUM do not improve their data keeping system. Hard copies are hard to

    manage, consume lots of space and time and wasting resources. In order to remain

    efficient and productive, CFSIIUM need to change its data keeping system. Staff

    personal files, confidential files, and office files should be kept in soft copies.

    This can ensure the safety of the data and save a lot of time, spaces and resources.

    Besides, it can provide the administrative assistant the time to do more productive

    tasks than filing and preparing minute sheets.

    Good relationship between bosses and subordinates are good. However, at

    certain point, it may lead to disrespect among subordinates. In CFSIIUM, all the

    bosses are considerate and thoughtful, which is good. However, from my

    perspective, that goodness need to be toned down a little. This is due to increasing

    disrespect behavior from new employees who do not understand the subtle respect

    practiced by the employees. Some of the new employees thought that their bosses

    are okay with friendly and outspoken behavior so they overacted. This made the

    bosses offended and the other employees scared. I believe that if the bosses show

    more authority in term of giving orders and addressing subordinates, the

    disrespect behavior can be avoided.

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    In term of my training, I would recommend CFSIIUM to be more

    prepared in giving training to undergraduates seeking internship like I was.

    Maybe HRDU can come out with a syllabus of training or schedule of training for

    undergraduates who wish to do their training there. This can avoid the situation

    where supervisors do not know what works to give to the trainee, what suits them,

    what can and they should and need to do. This will make things easier for both

    parties. This will also make training objectives more specific and reachable.

    My training period with CFSIIUM has ended after three months. I am

    proud to say that I have been given training at CFSIIUM after 3 years in-campus

    studying at IIUCS. The opportunity, the experience, the knowledge and

    everything I have earned from the training will not be forgotten and will be kept

    in practice should I be working in this field in the future, Inshaa Allah.

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    1. Rohani binti Amat. Senior Assistant Director. Human Resource

    Development Unit, International Islamic University Malaysia. April 15th


    2. Zainab Ab Rani. Senior Administrative Assistant. Human Resource

    Development Unit, International Islamic University Malaysia. April 15th


    3. Mohd Salmee bin Mohd Sari. Senior Assistant Director. Academic and

    Records Department, International Islamic University Malaysia. March 31st2014.

    4. Rosinawani binti Mustafa. Administrative Assistant. Maintenance and

    Services Unit, International Islamic University Malaysia. March 31st2014.

    5. Jalilah binti Abdul Ghani. Senior Administrative Assistant. Maintenance

    and Services Unit, International Islamic University Malaysia. March 31st2014.

    6. Suzila binti Alias. Assistant Director. Human Resource Development

    Unit. International Islamic University Malaysia. April 15th


    7. April 16th

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