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Prepared by Hervé Lemonnier and Jean-Claude Bouchter (CEA) (Pittsburgh, PA, June 13, 2004)

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The purpose of this paper is to summarize the main steps of the organization of the Technical Program of Nureth-11 Conference. It is primarily an update of the previous document (A proposal for the technical organization of NURETH11 by Jean-Claude Bouchter and Hervé Lemonnier, distributed at the ANS/THD PC meeting of November 2003 in New Orleans, LA). Mains changes are indicated by italicised section headings. It details the following items:

Agenda Rationale

• List of the Conference Topics

• Technical Program Committee Constitution

• Paper Submission, Selection and Review Processes

• Communication

• Advertising, Call for Papers

Appendixes are provided which detail the following topics,

• List of Key Dates

• List of Topics

• Tentative List of Committees

1. Agenda rationale

The agenda spans roughly over two years. August and July are periods of very low activity in Europe; they have been removed from the effective preparation time. The agenda is built backwards, starting from the Deadline for Paper Final Form Ready, which has been fixed on June 1, 2005. This is 4 months before the conference and only 2 months if summer vacations period is not considered, which provides some elasticity in the planning to cope with possible organization delays.

The following actions where then considered with the corresponding duration,

• Notification of paper acceptance by the session chairs 1 month

• Manuscript revision by the authors according to the referees comments 2 months

• Review of the papers organized by the Session Chairs 2 months

• Manuscript production by the authors 3 months

• Selection of abstracts 3 months

• Abstract submission 3 months

One real-paper call for papers is planned. Mailing lists are under constitution from those of previous Nureth meetings and other organization mailing lists such as ANS/THD, EMSI, EU-funded projects database and other sources. This paper mailing is planned two months before the beginning of abstracts collection and reminders through E-Mail will be issued every two

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weeks. Therefore, the last call for papers must be issued on February 2004, and the first call for paper, 2 months before on December 2003. The corresponding overall planning is shown in Appendix 1.

Work done and difficulties encountered during the period 11/2003 and 06/2004

The paper version of the call for paper has been issued on March 2004. It has been subsidised to Package Organization which in charge of the practical organization of the Conference. More than 2000 entries in a list of contacts have been gathered from the following sources: ANS/THD membership list, Nureth9, Nureth10, IHTC12, attendees, Leaders of European contracts on nuclear thermal-hydraulics, and various other European personal sources such as members of EMSI. ASME members should have been reached via its web site.

Mailing has been erroneously stamped at low cost and 4 to 6 weeks have been necessary to reach the target. Abstract submission deadline extension to June 30, 2004 has been thought to correct satisfactorily this problem. General e-mailing has also been issued at the end of April 2004. Another one is planned one week before the deadline. The Technical Program Committee under constitution has been regularly solicited for assistance in promoting the conference.

2. List of topics of the Conference

A provisional list of topics has been elaborated from the Nureth-9 and Nureth-10 lists of sessions and some hot topics have also been considered. Owing to France commitment in waste management issues, the thermal-hydraulics problems related to these activities have been included. There is also a strong activity on microscale modeling and this topic has also been emphasized. A detailed list of topics is provided in Appendix 2. The main categories of subjects are as follows,

• Two-phase flow and heat transfer fundamentals

• Code developments

• Severe accidents

• Advanced code developments

• Operation and safety of existing reactors

• Experimental thermal-hydraulics

• Advanced reactors thermal-hydraulics (Gen. IV, Inpro and fusion)

• Waste management thermal-hydraulics

• Thermal-hydraulics of non electricity generating nuclear equipment

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Work done and difficulties encountered during the period 11/2003 and 06/2004

Various additions and corrections have been made on this list on the requests suggested by the members of the TPC. This list as it appears on the Conference web site is attached as Appendix 2

3. Technical Program Committee Constitution

The ensemble of the potential session organizers constitutes the Technical Program Committee. Hervé Lemonnier (CEA) who appointed two co-chairs to cover tightly all the nuclear thermal-hydraulics activity sectors chairs it: Luigi Catalani from Framatome-ANP will represent the industrial sector and Jean-Claude Micaelli (Institute for Research on Nuclear Safety) will cover safety. The three chairs together span all the aspects of thermal-hydraulics: research, safety and industry.

A list of potential Session Organizers is being elaborated from the Technical Program Committees of Nureth9 and Nureth10 and some other sources. Each of these potential Session Organizers will be soon contacted and will be asked to indicate their favored fields of activity according to the above-mentioned List of Topics. Session organizers will be formally appointed when the abstracts are received, approved and categorized by the TP Chairs. A Plenary Meeting of the TP Committee will be held in France on December 2004 where accepted abstracts will be distributed among the Session Organizers for review. 60 to 80 Session Organizers are needed so that each of them has an acceptable load of 4 to 6 papers to take care of.

Communication between the Session Organizers and the TP Chairs is direct. It has not been thought useful to appoint Lead Session Organizers to whom the timekeeping and the bookkeeping or the Reviewers activity would have been delegated. The TP Chair with no intermediate level will directly deal this process. It is believed that this organization will avoid any bottlenecking of the process since the TPC will be full time dedicated to their task during the final stage of the Conference preparation. However, in case of permanent of temporary inability of the TP Chair, Do-Lists and Check-Lists will be provided to keep the process going normally by a deputy TP Chair.

Work done and difficulties encountered during the period 11/2003 and 06/2004

Approximately 300 personal letters of invitation to the Technical Program Committee have been sent. The initial list was that of November 2003 and has been augmented according to the suggestions of various members of the TPC. Special thanks are due to Professor Karen Vierow (Purdue University), Professor Proskouriakov and Dr. Mukhin (NPEI Moscow, Russia) and Dr. Nian Cao (NPIC, China) for their dedication and their comprehensive listing of contacts in Japan, China and Russia. Today 110 persons have accepted the invitation, most of them volunteered to organize a session. A list is shown in Appendix 3 with the details of the replies.

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Some letters seem to have been lost without any possibility to identify them. A call to the already appointed Members has been made to answer possible colleagues about the potential membership to the TPC. The list attached in Appendix 3 has also been posted to the TPC web page. A second wave of letters and reminders will be prepared in July.

Nominations. As decided at the THD/PC meeting of November 2003, Jong Kim has been appointed as a cochair of the Conference to represent the ANS, Yassin Hassan has been appointed as a cochair of the TPC to represent the ASME and Per Peterson has been appointed a cochair to the TPC to represent the ANS

4. Paper submission, selection and review

4.1 Abstract submission and selection

Authors are invited to submit an abstract proposal directly to the Technical Program Chairs at the meeting E-Mail address: [email protected]. In addition to the abstract, the authors are invited to provide a list of potential referees with affiliations, mailing address and E-Mail address in order to help the session organizers with the review process. This information will be requested through an Abstract Information File. The authors may also refer to the list of Topics to submit their paper. The TP Chairs immediately acknowledge receipt of the abstract, set a log number to the paper, check whether the abstract fits the conference topics, ask possibly missing information, and issue the Abstract Acceptance Notification. The TP Chair constitutes the List of Reviewers from the information sent by the authors.

4.2 Paper submission and review

The authors will be instructed to send their manuscript directly to the designated Session Chair with an updated version of the Abstract Information Form, which becomes the Paper Information Form. The web site will mirror this information to the authors. The Session Organizers send the papers for review to at least three different referees. They are responsible for getting at least two peer reviews and are advised by the referees on the Archival Value of the paper. The Session Organizers update the Paper Information Form according to their own selection of reviewers and copy it to the Technical Program Chair for bookkeeping and updating the List of Reviewers File. This file will indicate the load of individual reviewers and help the Session Organizers to prevent overloading individual referees and to select alternate referees. This file will be available from the TP Committee web page. Detailed instructions for the review process will be made available to the Session Organizers along with various communication help.

4.3 Paper acceptance

The Session Organizers collect the reports on reviewed papers, send them to the concerned corresponding authors and request a revised version of the manuscript when necessary. The revised manuscript is sent to the Session Chair with a Revised Paper Information File reporting on the modifications of the manuscript or possible rebuttal of some of the referees’

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comments. Templates of this file will also be provided. The Session Organizer states on the paper acceptance may ask for minor changes and issue the Paper Notification of Acceptance. Each Session Organizer sends the Final Form of the Paper to TP Chair as soon as it is ready with a notification to the Corresponding Author.

Work done and difficulties encountered during the period 11/2003 and 06/2004

The paper section is not yet active. It will be ready for October 1, 2004. Authors will be individually notified by e-mail when this section becomes ready. 185 Abstracts have been received today with quite a low French participation (less than 40). Specific e-mail reminders have been sent to the French chairs. Only 22 abstracts were fully processed and accepted as shown by the conference web site.

5. Communication

Abstract proposals are sent to the TP Chair at the Conference address: [email protected]. Accepted abstracts are next collected and sent to a dedicated web page of the Conference Web Site by the TP Chair. The TP Chair with the help of the TP Co-Chairs performs a preliminary sorting of the abstracts. Each accepted abstract is associated with a Main Category of Topic as defined in section 2.

A Plenary TP Committee meeting joining the Session Organizers will be organized in December 2004 where the association of papers with a dedicated Session Organizer is definitely approved. After this meeting, the Session Organizers will notify the authors to submit to them their manuscript.

The Conference web site ( provides the following forms and templates for the Authors among other practical information such as a link to the registration Web Site.

• Abstract Template showing the Guidelines for Abstract Submission

• Abstract Information Form

• Paper Template showing the Guidelines for Paper Submission

• Paper Information Form

• Copyright Forms when necessary

A Separate Web Page ( also shows the following information to the Session Organizers

• Abstract General Information File showing the association of each paper to the concerned Session Organizer, pointing towards the Accepted Abstract and corresponding properly filled out versions of Abstract Information Forms and Paper Information Forms.

• Reviewer List showing the papers being reviewed by each Referee

• Instructions for the review process

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• Various Communication Forms with the Authors and Referees to help the Session Organizers such as a request for review indicating the guidelines for review, review form template, etc.

Work done and difficulties encountered during the period 11/2003 and 06/2004

No technical difficulties were encountered within this phase. The conference web site is being functional since March 2004. The TPC Chair operates the web site only. Collection of abstracts and the automatic acknowledging of the submission mails are functional. Communication with the authors for the correctness of the submission is the responsibility of the TPC Chair who updates, the list of accepted abstracts, the list of corresponding authors, the list of the contacts for information requests (subscribe nureth11) and the list of the potential referees. Accepted abstracts are placed on the web site as they are accepted. Most of the authors comply with the submission requirements. Abstract submissions, which do not comply “bounce” off the site and are generally re-submitted in a correct form. There seems to be no particular difficulties with the organization of this phase.

The TPC web page is under construction and the protected access procedure is being checked, full scale now. A preliminary testing permitted to fix the major technical difficulties and it seems that there is no major problem to access this page with MS Internet Explorer, whereas Netscape seems more sensitive to local server security settings.

Special events.

Eric Royer (CEA, France) and Francesco d’Auria (Pisa Univ., Italy) proposed to organize a special session on the AIEA VVER-1000 transients benchmarks. A special page links the authors to the description of these international benchmarks and the session organizers took the responsibility to advertise this special session in addition to the regular mailing.

Didier Jamet (CEA/Grenoble, France) took the responsibility to organize the Open Forum on interface tracking methods. A selection of 35 test cases previously submitted for publication in Multiphase Science and Technology (286 pages) is placed on the web site and the authors are invited to register for participating. The forum organizer is internationally known and will organize the promotion of this event based on existing working groups activity in France and Europe. The final organization has been set up recently and the active phase should start in July. This is a deadline free activity. A special session in or off the Conference will be organized depending on the attendance. Posters/Oral presentations will be chosen depending on the attendance. It is not considered to include the results in the Proceedings of the Conference. A separate publication may be envisaged if the presented results are deemed of sufficient value.

A benchmark on two-phase water hammer has been proposed based on the experimental results of the Wahaload European Project. A short description of the physical situation of interest has been placed on the dedicated web page and there are already 5 spontaneous registrations for this event, which is also deadline free. This activity is still under the

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responsibility of the TPC Chair and Guillaume Serre of CEA/Grenoble may be asked to take over.

Invited lectures.

Dick Lahey confirmed he would prepare a Closing Invited Lecture on Sonofusion (cavitation induced fusion) with a full bunch of new results he promised to reserve for Nureth11.

Novak Zuber confirmed his commitment to the Introductory Invited Lecture. The main theme is the uncertainties management in safety codes.

New themes?

A Recent paper in Science co-authored by Orzag, claims real advances (Science, 301, Aug. 1, 2003, p. 633, in turbulence modelling by introducing the eddy viscosity concept in the Boltzmann equation rather than in the Navier-Stokes equations. Botltzmann equations are numerically solved by the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) and simulation of complex flows are presented at Re=106. We plan to attract also the LBM community through the Open Forum on test cases and the opportunity of an invited lecture on this subject may be considered.

6. Advertising, call for papers

Advertising the Conference is the responsibility of the TP Chairs as well as of every member of the Technical Program and Steering Committees. A copy of the Call for paper and the Conference announcement will be posted to the Conference Web Site for the purpose of properly advertising the Conference.

Work done and difficulties encountered during the period 11/2003 and 06/2004

No definite difficulties in addition to those mentioned in section 1. Using regular e-mailed reminders will exert constant pressure on TPC members and the general public.

7. Financial aspects and administrative matters

The preliminary budget of the Conference is shown in Appendix 5. The ANS/TM Information Questionnaire is shown in Appendix 4.

Work done and difficulties encountered during the period 11/2003 and 06/2004

The preliminary budget is unchanged since November 2003. 3 special requests from India and China for fees waiver or for travelling support has been received and issued from TPC members. No definite answer was made but this item will be put on the agenda of the next preparation meeting.

Topical Meeting Questionnaire updates

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Sponsorship of ASME has been included. Abstract submission extended deadline has been indicated. Approval of budget if necessary, has been updated to June 2004.

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Appendix 1: List of Key Dates

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Appendix 2: List of topics

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NURETH 11, OCTOBER 2-6, 2005, AVIGNON, FRANCE, [email protected]


Key dates

Abstract submission

Paper submission

Back to home page


A1 Multifield Two-Phase Flow Modeling A2 Computational and Mathematical Techniques (numerical schemes, LBM, BEM,

meshless, etc.) A3 Contact Angle and Wettability Phenomena A4 Experiments and Data Bases for Assessment and Verification of 3D Models A5 Flow Regime Identification and Modeling A6 Fluid Structure Interaction A7 Heat Transfer near Critical Pressure A8 Interfacial Area (data base, modeling, measurement techniques) A9 Instrumentation Techniques A10 Microscale Basic Phenomena, Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer A11 Scaling Methods A12 Counter current flow


B1 Containment Analysis B2 Core Thermal-Hydraulics and Subchannel Analysis B3 Aerosol transport, deposition and reentrainment B4 Steam Generators Thermal-Hydraulics


B5 System Codes Development and Assessment B6 Uncertainties Analysis B7 Diffuse Interface methods and Interface Tracking Methods


C1 Molten core natural convection and physico-chemical phenomena, Modeling and Experiments

C2 Natural Convection and Mixing phenomena, Modeling and Experiments C3 Fuel Coolant Interaction, Modeling and Experiments C4 Fission Products Transport, Modeling AND Experiments C5 Direct Containment Heating by Dispersed Molten Fuel C6 Debris Bed Cooling C7 Combustion and Fires, Modeling and Experiments C8 Molten Corium Concrete Interaction (MCCI)


D1 Fast Transient Modelling and Experiments D2 Multidimensional single-phase or two-phase Flow and Heat Transfer Modeling D3 Enhanced Near–wall flow and heat transfer modeling D4 Multi-Scale Coupling D5 Neutronics/Thermal-Hydraulics Coupling D6 Fluid and Structures Mechanical Interactions D7 Coupled Thermal-Hydraulics of fluids and Structures D8 Thermal-Hydraulic dependent corrosion and ablation


E1 Instabilities and Nonlinear Dynamics E2 NPP Transients and Accidents Analysis E3 RBMK and VVER Safety Analysis E4 Sodium cooled Reactors

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F1 Boiling Heat Transfer F2 CHF and Post CHF Heat Transfer F3 Condensation Heat Transfer F4 Flooding and CCFL F5 Integral Testing F6 Vibrations, Wear and Thermal Fatigue Phenomena ADVANCED REACTORS THERMAL-HYDRAULICS (THIRD GENERATION, GEN IV,


G1 Accelerator Driven Reactors G2 Advanced Pressurized Water Reactors Thermal-Hydraulics G3 Fusion Reactors and high flux components of fusion devices G4 Gas Cooled Fast Reactors G5 Gas Cooled High Temperature Reactors, including VHTR and peddle bed reactors G6 Brayton Cycle Based Power Conversion Systems G7 Lead and Lead-Bismuth Cooled Reactors G8 Sodium Cooled Reactors G9 Supercritical Water Reactors G10 Molten Salt Reactors G11 Advanced water reactors, AP-1000, EPR, ESB


H1 Long Term Storage Thermal Hydraulics H2 Subsurface Repository Thermal Hydraulics H3 Waste Management Processes Flow and Heat Transfer H4 Deep Geological Repository Thermal-Hydraulics and Mass-Transfer




I1 Sonofusion (Cavitation induced bubble fusion) I2 Nuclear Propulsion Systems for Space Applications I3 Naval Propulsion Reactors I4 Desalination I5 Hydrogen Producing Nuclear Reactors

Top of this page

Back to home page

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Appendix 3: Committees

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11/06/2004 09:53

110 Name Affiliation Country Invitation Reply Topics Session Review

Abe, Y. Univ. of Tsukuba Japan 24/03/2004Akiyama, M. Institute of Applied Energy Japan 24/03/2004Aksan, N. PSI Switzerland 24/03/2004

77 Almenas, K. Lithuanian Energy Institute Lithuania 24/03/2004 01/05/2004 Transport theory declined yesAndersen, J.G.M. GE Nuclear Energy USA 24/03/2004Aritomi, M. Titech Japan 25/05/2004Astegiano, J.C. CEA/Cadarache France 24/03/2004Azzopardi, B. Univ. Nottingham UK 24/03/2004Ba, C. RINPO China 25/03/2004

31 Bae, Y.Y. KAERI Korea 24/03/2004 16/04/2004 G9, A7, B5 G9, A7 yesBaek, W.P. KAERI Korea 24/03/2004Banerjee, S. UCSB USA 24/03/2004

27 Bang, K.H. Korea Maritime Univ. Korea 24/03/2004 14/04/2004 C3, C6 C3, C6 yesBasu, S. NRC USA 24/03/2004Bellet, S. EDF/Septen France 24/03/2004

2 Berthoud, G. CEA/Grenoble France 24/03/2004 31/03/2004 C3, C6, C5, A1 yes yes38 Bertodano, M. Purdue Univ. USA 24/03/2004 19/04/2004 C2, two-phase CFD yes yes

Bessette, D. NRC USA 24/03/2004Bestion, D. CEA/Grenoble France 24/03/2004

55 Blinkov, V. EREC Russia 24/03/2004 26/04/2004 B4, B5, B6, C3, E3, F1, F2, F5 ? ?Bourteele, J. P. Framatome-ANP France 24/03/2004Boyack, B.E. LANL USA 24/03/2004

96 Boyadjiev, C. Bulgarian Academy of Science Bulgaria 24/03/2004 11/05/2004 ? ? ?Breitung, W. IKET Germany 24/03/2004

45 Cacuci D.G. FZK/IRS Gremany 30/03/2004 21/04/2004 A2, B6, D4, D5, E1 ? yesCahalan, J.E. ANL USA 30/03/2004Camelo, E.S. CEPEL Brazil 30/03/2004

55 Catton, I UCLA USA 30/03/2004 24/04/2004 A6, A7, A10, A11 ? yes30 Celata, G.P. ENEA Italy 30/03/2004 14/04/2004 A10, F1, F2, F3, F4 yes yes57 Chai, G Nuc. Safety Center Beijing China 30/03/2004 26/04/2004 E2, E3, G2, G5, G11 did not answere yes

Chang, S.H. KAIST Korea 30/03/20044 Chauliac, C. CEA/Saclay France 30/03/2004 02/04/2004 D*, B* D* yes

86 Chellapandy, P. IGCAR India 30/03/2004 06/05/2004 ? ? yesChen, B. NPIC Chengdu China 30/03/2004Chen, L. Wuhan Naval Engn. Univ. China 30/03/2004Chen, S. CIAE Beijing China 30/03/2004Chen, X. CNNC China 30/03/2004

NURETH11 Potential Members of the Technical Program Committee

11/06/2004 09:53

110 Name Affiliation Country Invitation Reply Topics Session Review

NURETH11 Potential Members of the Technical Program Committee

Chen, X.J. Xian Jiaotong University China 30/03/2004Chen, X.M. GENE USA 30/03/2004Chen, Y. CIAE Beijing China 30/03/2004Chen, Y.Z. CIAE China 30/03/2004Cheng, H. RIPNO Wuhan China 30/03/2004

3 Cheng, X. FZK IKET Germany 30/03/2004 02/04/2004 B2, B5, G1, G9 and CFD B2, G1, G7, G9 yes17 Cheung, F.B. Penn. State Univ. USA 30/03/2004 08/04/2004 C1, C2, C6, F1, F2, G2 declined yes

Chexal, B. EPRI USA 30/03/2004Cho, C.S. KNFC Korea 30/03/2004

19 Cho, D. H. ANL USA 30/03/2004 12/04/2004 C3, C6, G6, G9 yes yesCho, S.J. KHNP Korea 30/03/2004

10 Choe, W.G. TXU Energy USA 30/03/2004 06/04/2004 B2, E2 yes yesChongmiao, S. NPIC Chengdu China 14/05/2004Chu, T.Y. SNL USA 30/03/2004Chung, B.D. KAERI Korea 30/03/2004Chung, M.K. KAERI Korea 30/03/2004Clapisson, G. A. NNR South Africa 25/05/2004Corradini, M. Univ. of Wisconsin Madison USA 30/03/2004Coutris, N. INPG France 30/03/2004

70 Cumo, M. Univ. Sapienza Rome Italy 30/03/2004 30/04/2004 fmoha declined yes5 d’Auria, F.S. Univ. of Pisa Italy 30/03/2004 03/04/2004 System thy, uncertainty, 3D neutron k Special session yes

48 de Cachard, F. PSI Switerland 30/03/2004 22/04/2004 A9, B1, D2 A4 yes11 de Langre, E. Laghyx France 30/03/2004 07/04/2004 declined declined

Delhaye, J.M. Clemson University USA 30/03/2004Dhir, V.K. UCLA USA 30/03/2004Di Marzo, M. Univ. of Maryland USA 30/03/2004

73 Dong, Y. INET Beijing Chine 26/04/2004 30/04/2004 G5, G2, E2, B2, B5, G6, I4, I5, B6, D yes yesDorning, J.J. University of Virginia USA 30/03/2004Dorofeev, S. IKET Germany 30/03/2004

98 Dostov, A.I. Kurchatov Institute Russia 30/03/2004 14/05/2004 A6, A10, A11, B2, B5, B6, D1, D2, D? yesDownar, T. Purdue Univ. USA 30/03/2004Dragunov, Y.G. OKB Gidopress Russia 30/03/2004Drahos, J. Institute of Chemical Fundamentals Czech Republic 30/03/2004Dremin, G.I. Elektrogorsk Res. Center Russia 30/03/2004Duffey, R.B. AECL Canada 30/03/2004

102 Dumaz, P. CEA/Cadarche France 30/03/2004 19/05/2004 ? ? yes32 Durin, M. IRSN France 30/03/2004 16/04/2004 B1, B5, B6, C2, C3 ? yes

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11/06/2004 09:53

110 Name Affiliation Country Invitation Reply Topics Session Review

NURETH11 Potential Members of the Technical Program Committee

82 Efanov, A.D. Inst. for Physics and Power Engng. Russia 30/03/2004 05/05/2004 ? G7 yes9 EL-Genk, M.S. Univ. New Mexico Albuquerque USA 30/03/2004 06/04/2004 A3, A10, C2, C3, F1, G4, G5, G6 yes yes

Elias, E. Technion Israel 30/03/2004100 Elkin, I.V. Kurchatov Institute Russia 30/03/2004 17/05/2004 ? ? yes

Eltawila, F. NRC USA 30/03/20041 Fabre, J. IMFT France 30/03/2004 01/04/2004 A*, F* yes yes

Fil, N.S. OKB Gidopress Russia 30/03/2004França, F.M. Univ. Rio de Janeiro Brazil 30/03/2004

92 Fu, X. Guandong Nuc. Pow. Joint Vent. China 30/03/2004 09/05/2004 B2, E1, E2, F1, F2 E* yesFukuda, T. TOPEC Japan 30/03/2004 19/04/2004 declined

37 Gao, Z. Tsinghua Univ. China 30/03/2004Garnier, J. CEA/Grenoble France 30/03/2004

110 Giot, M. Univ. Louvain Belgium 30/03/2004 10/06/2004 ? ? yesGobin, D. FAST France 30/03/2004Gorbunov, V. Kurchatov Institute Russia 30/03/2004Grandotto, M. CEA/Cadarache France 30/03/2004

43 Groenveld, D. C. AECL Canada 30/03/2004 21/04/2004 F2, F1, B1 F2 yesGuelfi, A. EDF France 30/03/2004Guo, L. Xi’an Jiao Tong Univ. China 30/03/2004

95 Gupta, S.K. BARC India 30/03/2004 11/05/2004 ? ? yesHahn, D.H. KAERI Korea 30/03/2004Han, X. BINE China 30/03/2004Hassan, Y. Texas A&M Univ. USA 30/03/2004Hazuku, T. Tokyo Univ. Mercantile Marine Japan 30/03/2004Heazler, J. South Levy Inc. CA USA 30/03/2004

42 Henry, R.E. Fauske & Assocates Inc USA 30/03/2004 20/04/2004 B5, C3, C1 yes yesHervieu, E. CEA/Grenoble France 30/03/2004Hestroni, G. Technion Israel 30/03/2004Hewitt, G.F. Imperial College London UK 30/03/2004

28 Hibiki, T. Kyoto Univ. Japan 30/03/2004 14/04/2004 A8 declined yesHochreiter, L.E. Penn. State Univ. USA 30/03/2004

6 Holcblat, A. Framatome-ANP France 30/03/2004 05/04/2004 B4 and F1, F3, F4, F6, E1, D2, A1, A4declined yesHongyun, L. RINPO Wuhan China 14/05/2004Hopwood, J.M. AECL Canada 30/03/2004Hori, K. Mitsubishi Japan 30/03/2004

99 Hristov, J. Sofia Univ. Bulgaria 14/05/2004 14/05/2004 ? ? yesHuang, Y. NPIC Chengdu China 14/05/2004

11/06/2004 09:53

110 Name Affiliation Country Invitation Reply Topics Session Review

NURETH11 Potential Members of the Technical Program Committee

53 Hwang, D.H. KAERI Korea 31/03/2004 23/04/2004 B2, F2 declined yesIchimiya, M. JNC Japan 31/03/2004

47 Ignatiev, V. Kurchatov Institute. Russia 30/03/2004 22/04/2204 G10Ishii, M. Purdue University USA 30/03/2004

36 Iyer, K. IIT Bombay India 30/03/2004 17/04/2004 C2, C7, A10, 1AA yes yesJacobs, H. INET Gremany 31/03/2004Jaecki, P. CEA/Valrho France 31/03/2004

59 Jamet, D. CEA/Grenoble France 31/03/2004 26/04/2004 B7, A2, A7, A10, D4 yes yesJanssens-Maenhout, G. IKET Germany 31/03/2004Jeun, G.D. Hanyang Univ. Korea 31/03/2004

44 Jia, B. Tsinghua Univ. China 31/03/2004 21/04/2004 ?54 Jia, D. Xi’an Jiao Tong Univ. China 31/03/2004 23/04/2004 F* yes yes

Jiang S. Tsinghua Univ. China 31/03/2004Jilong, P. CGNPC Shenzen China 14/05/2004

65 Jo, Jong Chull. KINS Korea 31/03/2004 27/04/2004 D6, D7 yes yesJones, A.V. EC JRC Italy 31/03/2004Juric, D. Georgia Tech USA 31/03/2004Karwat, H. Germany 31/03/2004

14 Kataoka, I. Osaka Univ. Japan 31/03/2004 08/04/2004 A*, A4 A4 yesKawaji, M. Univ. of Toronto Canada 31/03/2004Kazimi, M.S. MIT USA 31/03/2004Kelly, J.M. NRC USA 31/03/2004Khabensky, V.B. Alexendrov Inst. Russia 31/03/2004Kim, D.S. KINS Korea 01/04/2004Kim, H.D. KAERI Korea 31/03/2004Kim, J. EPRI USA 31/03/2004Kim, M.H. POSTECH Korea 31/03/2004

21 Kim, S. Univ. Missouri Rolla USA 31/03/2004 12/04/2004 A8, A9, A5, G9, F1 yes yesKim, S.N. Kyung Hee Univ. Korea 01/04/2004

87 Kirillov, P.L. Institute of Physics and Power Engineerin Russia 31/03/2004 06/05/2004 A7, G9Kobzar, L.L. Kurchatov Institute Russia 31/03/2004

46 Kojasoy, G. Univ. of Wisconsin Milwaukee USA 31/03/2004 21/04/2004 A8, A5 ? ?12 Kolev, N.I. Framatome ANP Germany 31/03/2004 07/04/2004 A1, A2, C3, D1, G2 A1, A2 yes

Kondoh, S. Univ. of Tokio Japan 31/03/2004Kong, D. Qinshnan Nuc. Plant China 31/03/2004

22 Koshizuka, S. Univ. Tokyo Japan 31/03/2004 13/04/2004 A2, A10, C3, G9 ? yesKroshilin, A.E. VNIIAES Russia 31/03/2004

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110 Name Affiliation Country Invitation Reply Topics Session Review

NURETH11 Potential Members of the Technical Program Committee

Park, G.C. Seoul Nat. Univ. KoreaPasamehmetoglu, K. LANL USAPascal, S. CEA/Cadarche France 02/04/2004Peiro, D.G. Universidad Politecnica de Valencia SpainPeng, S. NPIC Chengdu China 02/04/2004Peterson, P.F. University of California Berkeley USA 02/04/2004Pettigrew, M. Chalk River Laboratories Ontarion Canada 02/04/2004Pilch, M. SNL USA 02/04/2004Pliustch, A.O. OKB Gidopress Russia 05/04/2004Podowski, M.Z. RPI USA 05/04/2004

85 Poletaev, G.F. Kurchatov Institute Russia 05/04/2004 05/05/2004 ? ? yesPoplavsky, V.M. Inst. for Physics and Power Engng. Russia 05/04/2004Prasser, H.M. ForshungZentrum Rossendorf Germany 05/04/2004Proklov, V.B. Kurchatov Institute Russia 05/04/2004Pugatcheva, O.Y. Res. Inst. Energomash Russia 05/04/2004Qiu, H. Xi’an Jiao Tong Univ. China 05/04/2004

79 Raymond, P. CEA/Cadarche France 05/04/2004 03/05/2004 ? ? yesRehme, K. FZK Germany

23 Rempe, J. INEEL USA 05/04/2004 13/04/2004 C6, severe accident research and react C6 yesRenault, C. CEA/Cadarche France 05/04/2004Réocreux, M. IRSN France

25 Revankar, S. Purdue Univ. USA 05/04/2004 13/04/2004 F*, G* Hydrogen Produ yesReyes, J.N. Oregon State Univ. USA Riznic, J.R. CNSC Canada

91 Royer, E. CEA/Saclay France volunteered 07/05/2004 D5 D5 yesRyu, Y.H. KINS Korea Saha, S.D. BARC India 05/04/2004

66 Sakurai, A. Kyoto Univ. Japan 05/04/2004 27/04/2004 F2 Declined yesSato, Y. Yatsusihiro Nat. Col. of Tech. Japan 05/04/2004

90 Sauvage, J.Y. Framatome-ANP France 05/04/2004 07/05/2004 B6, B5 Declined yes94 Sawada, T. Mistubishi Heavy Industries Japan 28/04/2004 11/05/2004 ? ? ?

Schrock, V.E. University of California Berkeley USA51 Schulenberg, T. FZK Germany 05/04/2004 22/04/2004 E*, G*, H*, G9 ? yes

Sehgal, B.R. KTH - Royal Institute of Technology Sweden 05/04/2004Seleghim, P. Sao Paolo Univ Brazil 05/04/2004

68 Sen, S. SNERDI Shangai China 05/04/2004 28/04/2004 B1, B2, B6, E2, H1, H2 yesSeo, J.T. KOPEC Korea

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110 Name Affiliation Country Invitation Reply Topics Session Review

NURETH11 Potential Members of the Technical Program Committee

101 Serizawa, S. Kyoto Univ. Japan 05/04/2004 18/05/2004 A5, A6, A8, A9, A10, F1, F2, F4Shengdi, P. CIAE Beijing China 14/05/2004Shi, J. BINE China 05/04/2004Shi, S.M. NPIC Chengdu ChinaShiotsu, M. Kyoto University Japan 09/06/2004Shiralkar, B.S. GE Nuclear Energy USA

106 Siikonen, T. Helsinki Univ. Finland 14/05/2004 28/05/2004 A1, A2, A4, A5, A6, A8, B2, B4, B5, Declined yesSims, G. E. Univ. Manitoba Canada 05/04/2004

76 Smirnov, A. V. VNIIAES Russia 05/04/2004 30/04/2004 ? ? yesSoda, K. JAERI Japan

81 Soliman, H.M. Univ. Manitoba Canada 05/04/2004 03/05/2004 ? ? yesSong, C.H. KAERI KoreaSong, J.H. KAERI KoreaSong, X. NPIC Chengdu China 05/04/2004Sousa, A. Aveiro Univ. Portugal 05/04/2004Spasskov, V.P. OKB Gidopress Russia 05/04/2004Spencer, B.W. ANL USA 05/04/2004 Deceased Deceased Deceased DeceasedStosic, Z. Framatome-ANP Germany 05/04/2004Strijov, V.F. Nuclear Safety Inst. Russia 05/04/2004Struwe, D. IKET Germany 05/04/2004Su, G. Xi’an Jiao Tong Univ. China 05/04/2004Sugawara, S. PNC JapanSugiyama, K. Hokkaido University Japan 05/04/2004Suh, K.Y. Seoul Nat. Univ. Korea

8 Sun, P.H. RTI-KTH Sweden 02/04/2004 06/04/2004 C3, C2, C6, F1, F2, F3, F4, A2, A9, Ayes yesSydorenko, V.A. Kurchatov Institute Russia 05/04/2004Tadrist L., IUSTI France 05/04/2004Takamasa, T. Tokyo Univ. Mercantile Marine Japan 05/04/2004Takeda, T. JAERI Japan 05/04/2004Taleyarkhan, R. Purdue Univ. USA 05/04/2004Tauveron, N. CEA/Grenoble France 05/04/2004Tchernov, A.V. Res. Inst. Energomash Russia 05/04/2004

104 Teyssedou, A. Polytech. Montreal Canada 05/04/2004 18/05/2004 A9, A12, F1, F2, B2 ? yesTheofanous, T.G. UCSB USA 05/04/2004Thomas, G.R. Polestar Applied Technology USATodreas, N.E. MIT USATomiyama, A. Kobe Univ. Japan 05/04/2004

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110 Name Affiliation Country Invitation Reply Topics Session Review

NURETH11 Potential Members of the Technical Program Committee

Tong, M. Chongqing Univ. China 05/04/200471 Trela, M. Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery Gdansk Poland 05/04/2004 28/04/2004 F1, F3 declined yes69 Trunov, N. OKB Gidopress Russia 30/03/2004 28/04/2004 B4, F6 yes ?

Tsoukalas, L.H. Purdue Univ. USA 05/04/2004Tuomisto, H.J. IVO Power Engineering Ltd. FinlandTzanos, C. ANL USA Umminger, K. Framatome-ANP GermanyUnal, C. LANL USA

63 Vaidyanathan, S.G. IGCAG India 05/04/2004 27/04/2004 B4, B5, E4, F6 B4, B5, E4, F6 yes34 Van der Hagen, T.H.J.J. Delft U. Tech. Netherlands 23/04/2004 23/04/2004 B2, D5, E1 yes yes49 Van Goethem, G. EU Belgium 05/04/2004 22/04/2004 D*, E* no yes

108 Venkat Raj, V. BARC India 05/04/2004 08/06/2004 ? ? yes20 Vierow, K. Purdue University USA 05/04/2004 12/04/2004 F3, B5, A1, C3 F3, B5, A1, C3 yes

Vijayan, P.K. BARC India Wachs, D. ANL USA 05/04/2004Wallis , G. Dartmouth College USA 05/04/2004Wang, B. X. Tsinghua University ChinaWang, D. Tsinghua University China

83 Wang, J. Jiangsu Lianyungan Nuc. Plant China 05/04/2004 05/05/2004 declined declined declinedWang, S. BINE China

64 Wang, X. Nuc. Safety Center Beijing China 05/04/2004 27/04/2004 A*, F* ? yesWilson, G.E. INEEL USA 05/04/2004

40 Wu, Q. Oregon State Univ. USA 05/04/2004 19/04/2004 A8, A5, A1, A11, G7 ? yesWulff, W. BNL USA 05/04/2004Xiao, Z. NPIC Chengdu China 05/04/2004Xiong, C. RIPNO Wuhan China 05/04/2004Xu, S. NEI Shangai China 05/04/2004

78 Yadigaroglu, G. ETH Zentrum Switzerland 05/04/2004 02/05/2004 A4, A5, A8, A10, A11, B1, B2, B7, D? yesYamaguchi, A. JNCDI Japan 05/04/2004Yan, C. Power and Nuc. Engng. Coll. Ha’erbin China 05/04/2004Yan, J NEI Shangai China 05/04/2004Yang, B. W. Columbia University USA

58 Yang, H. CIAE Beijing China 05/04/2004 26/04/2004 B5, D1, G8 yes yesYang, R. Tsinghua Univ. China 05/04/2004

89 Yang, Y. Shangai Jiaotong Univ. China 05/04/2004 07/05/2004 C3, E2, A1, B2, B5, B7, C1, D1, D2, F? yesYin, S. T. AECL Research USAYokobori, S. Toshiba Japan 05/04/2004

11/06/2004 09:53

110 Name Affiliation Country Invitation Reply Topics Session Review

NURETH11 Potential Members of the Technical Program Committee

Yonomoto, T. JAERI Japan 05/04/2004Zakirov, R. Kurchatov Institute Russia 05/04/2004

88 Zeigarnik, Y.A. Inst. for High Temperatures Russia 05/04/2004 06/05/2004 F1, F2, F4, C6, B4, C3 ? yesZevenhoven, R. Energy Engineering & Environmental Pro Finland 05/04/2004Zhang, D. CIAE Beijing China 05/04/2004

93 Zhang, H. NPIC Chengdu China 05/04/2004 09/05/2004 E*, D* ? yesZhang, S. R. NPIC Chengdu China 14/05/2004Zhang, Y. Qinshnan Nuc. Plant China 05/04/2004Zhao, R.K. China National Nuclear Corporation ChinaZhengming, Z. INET Tsinghua China 14/05/2004

84 Zhou, Z. Tsinghua Univ. China 05/04/2004 04/05/2004 ? ? ?103 Zipper, R. GRS Germany 31/03/2004 30/04/2004 B*, F* yes ?

Zuber, N. Rockville USA 05/04/2004Zun, I. Ljubljana Univ. Slovenia 05/04/2004Zvonarev, Y.A. Kurchatov Institute Russia 05/04/2004

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Appendix 4: Topical Meeting Questionnaire

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Topical Meeting Information Questionnaire Page 1 of 4


TOPICAL MEETING INFORMATION QUESTIONNAIRE This form must be completed and (one copy) in the hands of the ANS National Program Committee Chair three (3) weeks prior to the Screening Subcommittee meeting that is scheduled 12 to 18 months in advance of the dates of the proposed topical meeting. Thirty (30) copies of this form are to be distributed at the Screening Subcommittee meeting. The Screening Subcommittee normally meets in February, June, July and November. A copy of this completed form, and appropriate attachments including a preliminary budget must also be sent to the ANS Director of Meetings. The form must be updated for final approval and resubmitted to the NPC Screening Subcommittee approximately eight (8) months before the meeting.

Calendar Placement Preliminary Approval Final Approval GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Name of meeting: Eleventh International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-

Hydraulics (NURETH-11) 2. Location and headquarters of meeting: Popes' Palace Conference Center, Avignon, France 3. Date of meeting (complete dates) dates): October 2-6, 2005 4. MAJOR SPONSOR(S):

ANS Local Section: French Section of the American Nuclear Society (SFANS) ANS Division(s): Thermal Hydraulics Division (THD)


United States: American Nuclear Society, American Society of Mechanical Engineers International: Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique, France (CEA), Electricité de

France (EDF), Framatome-ANP, France, Technicatome (TA), France, Institut de Recherche et de Sûreté Nucléaire, France (IRSN), Cogema, France, Société Française de l'énergie Nucléaire, France (SFEN), Association Française de Mécanique, France (AFM), Société Française de Thermique, France (SFT), Euratom

5. Name, address, title, phone number, facsimile number and email of:

General Chair: Dr. Jean-Claude Bouchter, CEA-Saclay, [email protected]

Program Chair: Dr. Hervé Lemonnier, CEA-Grenoble, [email protected] 6. Who will make presentation to Program Committee: Prof. M. Bertodano

6(a) Attach list of Technical Program Members

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Topical Meeting Information Questionnaire Page 2 of 4

TECHNICAL CONTENT 7. General description of meeting: The meeting will cover every aspects of single- and two-

phase flow thermal-hydraulics: experiments (small scale, analytical, integral scale), modelling (1D to 3D), numerical techniques and instrumentation developments with emphasis on microscale modelling, fundamentals, Gen IV related projects and fuel cycle related thermal-hydraulics (Long term storage, subsurface storage etc.)

7(a) Attach separate sheet detailing topics of proposed sessions.

(Note special rules that apply to section-sponsored meeting.) 8. Approximate number of papers to be presented: 300

There will be: 1 half days with one (1) session half days with two (2) simultaneous sessions 7 half days with 4 to 5 simultaneous sessions and half days with simultaneous sessions

(The NPC discourages meetings with more than three simultaneous sessions per each half day meeting.) ATTENDANCE 9. Estimated attendance at meeting: 350 10. Restrictions, if any, on attendance: none (It is a Society policy to discourage restrictions that will limit attendance by ANS members.) PAPER SOLICITATION 11. Will contributed papers be considered? (Please choose one) Both 12. If invited, who selects the authors to be invited? Technical Program Committee 13. Will a Call for Papers be issued? (Please choose one) Yes 14. If a Call for Papers will be issued, please indicated how, when and where: Direct mailing

and reminders through e-mail, starting on Dec 2003 15. Who may contribute papers? (Please choose one) Anyone 16. What is the deadline for summaries? May 1, 2004 extended to June 30, 2004 17. What is the deadline for complete papers? January, 2005

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18. Who is responsible for review and selection of contributed papers? Technical Program Committe and Session Organizers

PUBLICATION OF SUMMARIES AND PAPERS 19. Will summaries (ANS TRANSACTIONS) be available? No 20. Will full papers (PROCEEDINGS) be available? Yes 21. If so, in what form? Bound Volume

Other (Please describe) Book of Abstract (real-paper) and contributed papers on CD-ROM 22. When will the PROCEEDINGS be available? October, 2005

(Society policy requires publication within 6 months after meeting) 23. Where can they be obtained? At the meeting

What will they cost? $100 approx.

(a) Have publication plans been discussed with MPTC? No

(b) Have publication plans been approved by MPTC? No EXHIBIT INFORMATION 24. Is an exhibit planned in conjunction with the meeting? Yes 25. How many exhibitors do you expect? 26. Include a brief statement on why the proposed location for the meeting was chosen.

Exibitors 10 to 20. The two previous Nureth were held in Asia and in the USA. France is in the Heart of Europe and Avignon is a famed place renown for its climate as well for its historical and cultural value. France is very active in the Nuclear Energy development as a sustainable, clean and non CO2 emitting way of producing electricity. Communications towards Avignon are easy and the Popes' Palace Conference Center is an outstanding venue charged with both History and Architectural value. 2 CEA research centers are within one hour and 2 other located at less than 1.5 hours that which provides a wide range of possible technical tours.

FINANCES 27. Has financial structure of the meeting been discussed with the ANS Director of Meetings?

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Topical Meeting Information Questionnaire Page 4 of 4

No (This should be done prior to the request for preliminary approval.) 28. Has budget been approved? No

If no, when will it be presented for approval? June 2004 NOTES: 1. Final approval for the meeting comes from the President of the society. His approval is

dependent on a program approval by the ANS Program Committee. Budget approval by the ANS Director of Meetings and approval of publication plans by the ANS Manager of Scientific Publications.

2. The "Topical Meetings Information Questionnaire" was constructed to assist both the

organizing group and the NPC in collecting the necessary information for both the preliminary and final review and approval. It is a general questionnaire devised to assist in a wide range of potential proposals and must be supplemented by the information outlines on page 26.

3. Your meeting will be added to a preliminary list of ANS meetings after Calendar Placement

has been received. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the General Chair or his/her designated appointee to inform the NPC Chair and the ANS Director of Meetings of any/all changes relating to the meeting (i.e., meeting, names/dates/chairs/ sponsors, etc).

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Appendix 5: Nureth11 Preliminary Budget

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(Update of June 10, 2004)

Budget estimation (in Euros and All Taxes Included)

Estimated attendees (max. capacity 500) 350

Average registration fees (including Banquet) 700

Estimated Income 297500

• - Registration Fees 245000

• - Exhibition Fees 37500

• - Corporate/Government Support 15000

Estimated Expense 262000

• - Promotion, Website, Proceedings & CDROM 39000

• - Administration 47000

• - Meeting facility (Pope’s Palace & material) 76000

• - Receptive (Lunches, Coffe Breaks and Banquet) 100000

Estimated Net Benefit 35500

Repartition of Benefits (if any)

Net Benefit distribution (tentative)

• - ANS/THD (34%) 12070

• -SFANS& SFEN (66%) 23430

Registration Fee Waiver :

for Developing Countries and upon Request and Evaluation

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Registration Fee (Euros)

Registration Mode Advanced On-site

Members of Sponsoring Organizations 650 750

Members of Co- sponsoring Organizations 700 800

Other Participants 750 850