reply to bernard gaynor

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Post on 04-Apr-2018




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  • 7/29/2019 Reply to Bernard Gaynor


    While hiding behind the word tolerance, it is clear that those who took offence at my statements

    have no intention of being tolerant whatsoever.

    I dont believe this to me true. The vast majority of people who took offence ignored it and moved

    on. Others, such as myself, responded in a mature way.

    They believe that they have more right to raise my children than I; that their worldview of morality is

    infallible and to be taught to all children, while mine is to be destroyed.

    Its hard to make a comment when Im not exactly sure who They is.

    It is worth remembering at this point that I have never once said other people should be forced to live

    by my views. I am happy to debate and defend these views - that is something altogether different.

    I simply stated what most parents would agree with.

    Have you got a source?

    Parents should have the right to choose who teaches their children. If you accept the basic premise,

    you also accept a parents right to choose differently than you. I dont want homosexual teachers.

    Thats not okay. Youre allowed to want your children raised in a certain way. If you want to teach

    your children that homosexuals live in sin most people would call you an idiot and get over it. But

    because your are simply discriminating because of sexual orientation alone, it becomes a problem.

    You can teach your children Chrsitian values without needing to discriminate.

    You do. In a tolerant society, that would be the end of it. We would part our ways, probably offended

    at the opposing point of view, but each happy with the opportunity to live as we see fit.

    In a tolerant society one could easily argue your view would not exist.

    Obviously, the fact that the rage has now continued for almost a month shows that this is not the

    end of it.

    I guess thats true.

    Furthermore, the reason I highlighted my view in the first place remains. There is a concerted

    campaign underway to deny Catholic and Christian schools the right to hire Catholic and Christian


    Nobody ever said Catholic schools shouldnt be allowed to hire Catholic teachers. I think what you

    meant to say was deny Catholic schools the right to discriminate against non-Catholic teachers

    The Greens, who exert no little influence over the Australian government,(relevant much?) want this

    right abolished. Just four days ago, Sarrah Le Marquand wrote in The Punch that Catholic schools

    should not be able to refuse homosexual teachers.

    Good job, Sarrah!

    In other words, she believes parents should have no right to send their children to a school that

    teaches Catholic morality in word and example.

  • 7/29/2019 Reply to Bernard Gaynor


    Catholic morality says masturbation, sex before marriage and a whole range of things are not moral.

    Why arent these issues? Why is it so bad to have homosexual teachers but all these other Catholic

    morals are ignored? This is why your views are considered homophobic.

    Also, a school can have catholic morality and hire homosexual teachers.

    Considering that parental choice of teachers is primarily derived from the ability to choose a school,

    this is a direct attack on me, and any Catholic or Christian parent who wishes to have their children

    educated in a Catholic or Christian environment.

    Schools should not be able to refuse homosexual teachers This is definitely not a direct attack on

    you, nor is it any other form of attack. Believe it or not, homosexual teachers are capable of teaching

    Christian views. There are massive divisions in what is considered Christian.

    The Greens and Ms Le Marquand are not alone, as an examination of the vitriolic hate-mail sent my

    way shows.

    Emotionally charged hate mail sucks, I agree. But if you want to have this discussion, you have to

    realise that telling people they should be fired because of their sexuality is going to cause alot of

    commotion. I think the best thing you can do is ignore it and continue on with the debate. Just

    because people raise an issue in an immature way does not mean they are wrong.

    Suggestions have been made that Catholic schools should be abolished. That there should be no right

    to any religious instruction in Australia. That my children should be taken from me for my beliefs.

    Even that I should die for them.

    Suggestions have been made that cats should wear pants, but thats not going to happen either.

    The opposition to my statements is pure intolerance.

    But dont take my word for it. Have a quick read of a sample of twitter comments sent my way in

    recent days and make your own mind up:

    Yesterday, @fairmontghia87 made some polite comments about my children:

    @BibleReloaded @godlessnat @BernardGaynor but he will teach that vermin scum offspring of his

    the same s**t he sprouts

    This was followed by @godlessnat, who believes that I have no right to engage in political activity:

    Homophobes like @BernardGaynor have NO place in politics. Some people would rather die than bethemselves because of c***s like you.

  • 7/29/2019 Reply to Bernard Gaynor


    Then @BibleReloaded chipped in with:

    @godlessnat @BernardGaynor I don't want straight people teaching hatred. Also f**k you :)

    A day earlier, @riffriffington1 tweeted about those who support my views:

    @scoutsleftleg @gottahaveasay @bernardgaynor They all need muzzles.

    On 15 February, @LaurenxEstelle was actually honest about who does the hating:

    @BernardGaynor I don't know if you've realised this but everyone f***ing hates you. Isn't that a

    massive sign that you're wrong and sick?

    The same day @NeagleSean was polite enough to suggest a current Wallabies player should end my


    @BernardGaynor are you giving up being homophobic for lent ? @pocockdavid please clear him out

    of the human ruck we call life

    @LeftyScumbag lived up to his name on the same day with this comment:

    .@BernardGaynor is a disgusting piece of filth who belongs in the 16th century. You bigoted little

    f**kwit. #auspol

    @snerdish made a point of wishing me ill-health. I hope he never suffers from what he wishes for


    @BernardGaynor Hahaha, you are an enormous f**ker. I hope you get hemorrhoids.

  • 7/29/2019 Reply to Bernard Gaynor


    A few days earlier, @cutter78 made a comment that reflects much of the response I have received,

    and which highlights the desire to remove Christian schools:

    @BernardGaynor simple answer get rid of ALL faith schools

    @xNEXUZx thinks it is appropriate to wish the destruction of my family:

    @BernardGaynor your not catholic. God was being humours when u were born GAYnOR. I prey ya

    kids grow up 2b homosexuals & wife leaves you

    One side in this debate wishes death, ill-health, family break-down, the removal of religious freedom

    and admits to hatred. This side wishes to prevent their opponents from political activity and is not

    afraid to use language that is considered off-limits in civilised discourse and is the stock-in-trade of

    school-yard bullies.

    Youre generalising here. Just because all people who abuse who oppose your views doesnt mean

    all people who oppose your views abuse you.

    The other simply wishes the freedom to have their children educated according to their religious


    But homosexual teachers CAN educate your children according to their religious beliefs. If you want

    to not hire a teacher because he refuses to teach Catholicism, thats fine. But dont discriminate

    based on a single aspect of a person.

    You can be the judge of which side is tolerant.

    I will finish today with Article 18, section 4 of the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights,

    adopted by the Un General Assembly in 1966.

    4. The States Parties to the present Covenant undertake to have respect for the liberty of parents

    and, when applicable, legal guardians to ensure the religious and moral education of their children in

    conformity with their own convictions.

    Through Christ, our King,

  • 7/29/2019 Reply to Bernard Gaynor


    Bernard Gaynor

    Id like to suggest two things to you:

    1. Take a university class on critical thinking2. See a non religious affiliated counsellor. Preferably a registered psychologist and explain all

    your motives to them.



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