re»pfio»» to majw^juclg^ h»wffeai»!jlloaer. • rti...

***'«, 'C'^JL, « *W*j *mi * Via. .*• All: N •*» <*" mat fc&Wlv J*l to*" '**» tit* rsat*. Tfc«a> -->Vif ! SSi C-41. -'SB ' f-Jd ••«** s. i. t%* »rd. ?&# -.HoO la. a"vl arty dal- » Sit th*' •' - - - * •••"" ^ - a --» ij ' * -rvnAVS pl«C*ltfWH* 0* till* S»hJ*c» rti* ttlffctjr M«atMr. M - } j , *w> * ait**** a«n*at k#*w* l*-l Ttf?" ti.* ^>r - tf ,..,. -uv !-.s»a«a# to * *«^L**! •"!** , ; *: .,..- t^f* SsstotftwJ w«b wtoatoaw** tt s *«r» «•««"' «*• i* *"***»*!*• i? *•** *«•«¥ d»ff«*« fw» acta* I"- 1 'irft,.-'*•—•* ""•"• 4M **" • * ' * • *•*•- J^t'iiwi'wiiiw ; >*** aa4lig*f»aa4 !-»Ji,*A*T»^ «** ***«l*ir» hit,!»r Ul. •» »k* l-" rt " ' "• , **' 6 , * , *" -SSSvVwi«^ aria*. »n* *»**•(*•• ^*^J£S5fo»** «** » *»*» »««t l > 4 W **"- "••' J* MM* kat«#f and fc™..r ffcfEf ft' f/«&* •* «'»•«» d*»«M»y th*** r& * t»ia# •* «n*e<sl I *oi timit kafeft * « . t ! « a < M M VlMM r*T"l C! r' If. »o*#«t j««^«*, Tafe* fwwttt *1JW. J»JIJ| th« «tow cl«»i' t*ci tortJ t*w o«*4 «!rtk«n •Ui« of tlw l*H,fe# *aajr* - JbplMi;ttVM««Mt(ilk««ktttr«! '«$4fft. a«] *«wh«rr JN>« »u* bo«W la BD*r*ri««t»J •*4 «ada«l«l |»i»«<*. *b* 4DMH lb> baat^ jfo thr-* «)«• fmtimytta ilM,1NaWN^*Mik fai«.<* ar «ww K>^«*ie j^** iw*. tJt« w»M» of fb* j»>»*r«Mai*iMftar3- II t# I|M> aoir *«v «, its. d«*V •**_ *fcf. ««4 fflM "•*•»*" ol^ !«• *T*0 #•**»* *fc* foPM*. rKW»fB*CS(lS|f«>lfT* bvntMM) ibtffw.« eoyoi* tMtlftc «!««#, «5- mm wKMiet Mwr» o' ta# tm»*~mmmtmm tiDtU vlttin ntie* of». }|« o»» eaM» far tW< «it wttnatM*. T5r» toot «•»« i. M4> 4m a»4l »wrt.»--l*i: IEJPW^ knm»r kaotn ta«l, •a, tsaaqr «* rtw-w^wttw w*<l Iw of »o«t _ - arwtiilaranM «a4 »f sa«* «»»«* to eh* -. *. --.J -~ *e J m«w«4«» ««wr ; «tuueh »ra «a«liH)*4. T**r AM «-W»» IS '*"' ""* fmrwmy, toa <rftt * » » « « » . » ( » • * * » i h * r •m ¥B»4M ta*f «- <te>w* Iteai w»ll«i-; v«nJ«r tJi*y • » *f. m T»«t « r r « t . f«r*»«r fruw r>* <h»or «' no? *ho ir*. ra* #x»p*i 4f- w * tk«* aot «*N» svnatoH at rtavn. Taa i««t «*t«h « **H»f*« «ltka«vaji» » « * w ftroaefc^ Ut*tt«e»«M« a n«i»««ui)' l ri«a( nf a t *«. ri4it«>^a r»»l*««k. Tlws tf»»W* to. .«•" art »•!*«•« tor «*• «»»* t<* naiaaji^ '**. W# »r* »o»_4r»:"J 3mai»r*. W# »f» nmdUut m»ma •wwrwrhtorti • ***»(«*«««# i%«i ik« rt*l4 ««(«(«i|ri« * i i l ««t«e uf, ««4 *«t ««t ',< oar fc*,c<i*. ««* #«p»«te« Ifcat ffc» p«lrt« l«Mri •*« itrfet var i*afei «*«t»**- It *J fvMk Re»pfio»» to Majw^JUclG^ H»Wffeai»!JlloAer. N0JI-PA8TJSAK DEMONSTRATION CarUrte rrtmldtmrt and r*tntlr»Maar- an «»<t »j»#sch»» «r ronmlataUm rr<M la* How* Valk fa* MailNnraakd Wiio..-\o M M AvdTaty r»HM»«baa. If »W <4rereii «iM>u 4 » » « !3,«*>.<M0 -.! r i*» !«*• ito* «wri4 tft^ej** »B *Sit MHHKiJ, win *«ft is «U«u TV **rt<t wfB a * «oaiw, Wkat tfe* rAarea <«*B!« B&W !«j-e Bfi Jl» Iwt tfm» .lmau**t. *r,t&>&&> »*4 pas tfc*» i* »fc* aUfrafa; W* «**» «»»*i}* <w wb«<*n. rnnfM UNrtfc-j-TafHuuM •»•!* »/>««... «»<»**( w»s*st>»* a* M «"«at* «*4':|i<^**#* a»4 arr. 1 *** W# *a*» *<«« fw»* «•*•*.<» i a a faa»sMJnJtefew* «IHI (trat «ef&*f fc9Mi»if*Mrr, W* S»*« b««* ft*k- iM«»*f(iaaj te t»« isfrvt.-.k* jisas ct»» utr4*r!fe* »1**4*/* of flw «*a«fl» t»«i t** 9*k ka** «#; <!i%t »&*» «r«a>f th* .'k «*4 **«rr4|» a* ««fts «• «f» «*sw («j tin* ?*sk. «*rt« v«4» t?p» fa*r m»*aa<*a»4 tfe* Itii*}**'* tak*4 *fe«r» lb* fl«j (a-taa -*f t*** s-ai*" 1 a*t *.*»s<J fewM M fcjttfe* tttiStilsA* 'iit,* S»fen», "ffs*p- « ««!•**• «wf* to J<c <twM>, WJ»*-J J# tftaf I am» lBtftrlaf*tftsiM Ji(*at«si, Tk*)i«Mvra ,,.. „, . . . .. „ii »ar*7 S».-a> •.' '>«t&'jfJ "ii" ifar-Sa <c ICiW* At! - ! 1, !i -4' ' •> nr Kt'*** ^iufe *»»• r, -•f !t*fc l^y f»«*!- TJMfir i,i«4 IcrrtH *s»*J s i r * * «» H f with *iti ft. sj^i^^n. Xi •*'kJj»a* »* «si!«f, •* t»;ii«tr! t^tsuw *r fo* tk<i> f m f c « " » *:*«? If • j i frttfStfiifs.* *«*;"lkf f%-m*. | *»«*• Ma 11>* 4«r%«a*» «»>«» kain *k* {ak* t>» J i»« {«*-|J* k««*•*•*» i«*?am'! J <Jrttk. !te»J b»»* tt n*te aawjf. | ( a MK« ! ii'tln*) »s is»» !•*•?!»»*tm f*irj' latk* axv.«a«iu. f**?- fetir «. S<sj.» (Vi urt-fe? t r - * s '.t,~&l»g **»•;«»( | «f« ltst*JK«« 1-0 «*.*{> oa« •»!*!*•»«* fS, Wo I j •%* t,»i f-,j*-fs*«5«''fr r«, ay* pajjiair ai« «s«* <n»re <•*» »h«« p«»i-f»5» »fcj> »S.i •.& *..•« tfc* ««n»»*> «««(i J evHsmti cr4kf 'ffcsjfw&#» Wfti! W» W* 4«ttg ;o ti.-* w;;jt«-ii^*» ara» «*•»*•( {<xr !fc« (*,»6««*-"i» *?•-«! ?S>*-.»»a»4# l i a s '. 1*- : «•. { ( s l i t S! W*0g<.~x1i j, brtt «»S6«4 K«**' «»*> f»" *r«a-6? Af* !*#f <-fjj -itffe »***•» MI4 iIs* | «B.i«« s&M S3sn b*«4 »»f*r*ir-Si? ik»»fb«iw (;» *-.3-i!!-r,-r..-sij'ls6j', C*rt#l, j a« 4«»4 ** tkvtf kosMi* ttsal fk#r sfwl aa r Irs IJM> t^-SB.s, MUM !'.> fk* * «n®ttcnj hr*- %%t«i <*«t lift *r«o W---4 «•> jfo ,«» .-.; »jw r^Mt o* -si sk* J«*» J f»tCT0«*4»jt!*—6i.; wwgtc: DM*/fk»ai. v> ibckt '(•«' *• **»*t»J a fmts»*» ': i». -rtjjwf ?,&!«*, an «*4ftsfas* rr«»* th**"? ^ : '• = « M*»*.''r ffcr* «ii ««. ^ tumr to«4«* »wr<i»« *f fr-.« Jfc* Kawr »..: !-••* f»« «t*fcrt*iSi*« f"»f-1 4*^Ks* *T» «fr fk*t «»«.*»« !!*rr«j?k ' «P J, ...r-!^'{w!*-«,.1 S » * l « *»•**« i'.f^fcfkMrktii aa»»f»tw»jf»» «t>4 fhr.-j-ajr* "vr • s,ii% r**ks%bP ** I** *'<-»i* < swwtsitfss i"ba*-fi«». *f. t n etra^» -.«t at) «kw j dwra*. Ofjio, Ja»* jr.—naa tkrainad ®i fka buttlfwd ifcoiuuml pM»pl» of 8tark« Caasij- «ra«ta4 « f l j * « r w r M«*KCjil#y. bt» wii* aaa »v*k*r sa a pi»Wi* r**»|slio« b)r tko »aa«o af Cuioa, 3si# )Mwu«da.* *ft««s*e«. Awl wf lb-**! ftwikwuMrtd fli*r»ara*Bot"» atak jH«*wBt-b«i»jiia» *k« <J*j»iaTn»r,ib» pa* frclaaatt «f ib« 4»oi«, »sl taro ae^ro twjwirt- ifa. - ft *»* * »<m»$nirtu*» a*alr. Tke J»»Wr» tra* &»rk*o*d MI4 -*k«r* »j«rt k»»d»am* fl^jral «3l wS*rtf>? Jisht- *ff«t«i Twa k«a> 4r*3 kn»l*>»s^jr AreaaMj «r^a»»» ajHi#iad in I.V nw*Ml»-ft. r k T ^ w*» rttt»w, aftd th# !-<*H«Ufai hw&* -'>T rS* !«fr> Jtt<v.>li Silfl*f, al^ It* iff-'.".! n»->-«f,» *#4 I'rfvuad laarti* *ss<J »h*4y «!*»»» |.-'»-"«?|»»i«tf * «N-JI«> lf«j »,j !;«• rWj}#BS- hwis. f.>r a b»M 4**«a 14'*fci. a»f fi antgrttoa «Stw#S» urorv i>»fi«!*(t*!-f_r«0 2 til! <" . <",M<->*k, Vta. Altw t*a«*0"* J'<ntB». ! » • ' ! <li-» aj'MW tow M-rStows. M* wif* a*i4 -i * twAh^t. wko Ss^aatitj'-wos^tk *»*«* t>;4, fr>:w fb« h»*!>nos IS¥KTl<'|-»ktWf 1H* Utk. aj|'*r M?S!»5«"t *.tt*nk»a tb*a<««a)i>tii|tj« fert",** «ii»i»i*s#«1 l«> kl» »tf<s»BA8k«4kW, «ii-J-e*'»'*<'»{*4 *«j' «t.v<«?_tk»" r.n a j ,\» «onl4 khf<> a klffkor a»k tlift Ik*a "«'> seftrtl tk* wjij-rn'*! «jflhP w»o*k*r» »S'l *i»'iff*«f kU' S . -WM t-.Vf," **»!«»» 1k*-t»n*»»* 'i»l» Jjs#.!US«a «r»«**l UJ tfc? *v.i»*tiiB>w-Tw>», ii(>-,'S wto«k TWK ttlLTlCrWM, CAME, TbaoddaaMa^tstavorof it. Lontow tit* kt<l-«B4«r. Tk« CJ**«iKi<U am aaaria*- tba raffotatfos «f hmHyctbtsam pogaaetoa* t«a» OK ttkt diamond. --Ctuk, & K*w fotfcj ptt<Aa» oaaaood to »«• bad fpkaiaa. «wrk to "« katutoty aboal kit wort. Too maaj & th« PUiaiMipitto ^ a r a n ar« p^ytwtlof teairtdtul Mwont*. Toaa work H Botlrwy iUsrf«a7d#4. Primates vo»tka Oral fan* «f baaahaJJ horn r«> (a Xaw tl»«a», Ooua.. It maklBg fc*rth»^l*«««kampioia*; P'affw <jf Cbimgoi to «te]>iat «rttk «B *to aW-tfaia brtlliaasy. 8<r«atoMly woat ka«» wad* a ntotalca akotrt Pfaffar - » aeadittoa. Wilkaakarrs wad Bockwt^r ttlsvai tk* iokmat proiaanwsaJjBiaw ao tar tkto yaar. »i>eb«*i*r woa to 14 lnoiac* by tb* aoora of *to*. PnaMMt rreadiMB. of Haw fork, madk a pnwtoa to Hire «*ok aankaf of ht» t«am Vko kattad.«»<» kattat tkto jwar a a«v •»« «f «l<s«k«a. -•"»»k »fct* i! -s'-a ,'rf »"r*« * |tf**t 5ii«4-»«. 'vt U-a> -tatlb «*•! Si* «l. i& ii4<4f 1 MS**I» , 1 **•*»{—-•• »'^*. 1 »-. r. 1 '"'*** 1 «J»« a '"*• 1 awM -a **• 1 Hkr> fl to.f •t. •1 1^ -• H Ti , t B 'o« tU t? m tu ',4 - : i •:• •- *»v I *'«'. ;, .- ^ ;". ? Sift.? lb* 1 ? * V-- fc **** . . -»~ «**• j,.'. w«>J»»S »» ?k» ; 1 '.''. ?'*j-R..iif*J afw **» t~ji»r : ' '.t« " r*«!{&•» **»i. "•$»•, 4-3 I TV* Tmtks t*»^.=«»* j - .j "..<• ftrviiln* a t t b«*ati j« i f. »J.-?wj !b!t! rstfc* -.a Ifa" j -!,. i >. . t.t»- »!&*»»;i » « r * si.- »k« j •- «'•?•&- H».!i*j,«H*ia«is f 1 *«* Sftt*-> fb* fi-<'S *'t*.f» —.j **«*. i'ip T-a»J (ffwrta* i** tt ait ft ti 4»ni> tf^vma 4i,fv^fvitt «.* 3-- y- T *i,..a*-t if" a*4 «* l..» Wfeaf «J J-* H* *sti*S p>t«t4 e»»--1 «»•) n#a>l 4tfw- ; jv:«s»r» ff rfe*»>* «?»*** t^rr»«ui» '-f llf* <Jr«9j»- j «.>«*rfUftl'>' \a4 »iMl. , rl-!«»»«*»'. ."as t»i» .f sk»it »--< «fe-*»a is** "so lfc# f-S'S .T.4f»ic.tuiJT '"'*- tat*'** i « MRS- Taanu « M #a eraoir mafekad tkto |««r tlMH tka awaasasMttt or ttandMay of a taam fount* mowckaa «»«r. Taatnaakooid ptoj tto* xaota np to data all fba Utaa. £a tk« law two rmm tto» Pfttctmrct hart I woo only two cam«a Jo BrookfyB. Sinew l«s»tfc*y jilaywi fifty-(<mt gawattiMr* asd won aaiy twaira of utaa. T&*y krat lorty- tm» aad Had ©»«. Wfaaa tb* Patudpljtkta taaat «*m» ti|MB tk*fc«ai«»ri»oB'J*afi«r^)o»to« throe g*m*# [ lnrUlUmorii,fiT«ik<:viuasd«{«c(*tonKr« n t<><l i ihrmMlth xmiafai ktoaaa. Tb« a«»k«M i a«« w*y 'katd IOMXK. j Loot,' o< tk« .ftwrt'ia*, a a d « a toarr«lot» ' fktek of a kick ttt»«> flyor in • estse wltk rk# SfawYork*. Hf cnurat tk* 1-AJI teo&alutud wtk<J tt'waaaotwift rkat ka w*» atrntokad at : fall tottftb <J» tka gt?aol i TriSwaV. wa«oi tb« BrokUyw Clok got \ ftrwtu J*a!tt*of« fa *«skaii«» for Jioow. was ) roJoaKad outrtfkt by Loaiiwlte peoeetJ.v. ( Oo tk«L-iNt!B*-i&ay Sn*!'r m<ulf a JSWUTJ*, a > wifila aad a kom» run at Paitoutojpkta. ' C*««k«f iJtma'aa*, of Ckiaaf«, to pwtfy ! badtv df«*W*l a* * WSMJII of tka eojltotoft at tbepUHUi wttk C*n>o«» 8»WE*a». of B«tl- I naftt, BJ**««*eaf> w«# dto){>e««d,'«iad ku •koald«f ,Kmtt He will tut t* «.t>i« to play ! f<w wweitifc j T*S*s*t», of Cl*f«4aai. aay*-. "It*» peculiar HEALTH W 0U) AGE AX' «wt> t*©T Irnrre* rax jam 90VKCK a#-Vt*A*£tt. jk Xapwfaf lattwaatto* Xwkarvlvw Wttk a Lady wf favaaty-tww Vaasa, Wto Xwila m Mtinmlmmt himrj. From, ui* f/awn, Pkrt 'jferito, JC r. Bw a abort am* «#«.*« a dtotaot jjart of the aorotry, we beard of aemra by tka u»* ' of Dr. WlUtoaM" Plak Pllto. wkioh• aaataad •bnoat m«rT«to«», «ad rcora raee&tJy aootb- ar tatwtaattoi erldakotof tkatr Mleaiwaekad onr atn. Batatr of aa iaqairiag- t o n of adsd, and wta&tng to kaaow Juat bow maeb tfe«a wta ta a>« «<«ry, * raportar «M aao* laWTTtowtka ipanoa aaid to ko fkti*k««W- fttad. mbanirratlreatrthad reackodour a a » araa tr*«V 1vw»* « i l y - atnapto j*«tl9« t-o M it 6a toown—ff It pro«d uotra*, tt woaid b« wall to know ft. , '^ Tb« pancM «U«d»d to abova aa btfttt/f be«a tkua «r«at2y JxaefMed toy tlw MM of Pink Plito to Mr*. S*M Botatoa^ of HaJka*- »ifl», S. *., a jrdaaaaM baatot fa Stfaasa; CtoaWy, about IMftara mite* toon tkto offlew. The rwportar bad no dlffleut'y la fte>dfa« MM- Butktoo. It wa» orarlyiooo wbaa wa twaebad h*r plMaaot borne, a 4ookt« kouaa, on* part ofwklcb to oc«ispi«d byk«r *ou. rJhetoa pto«a«nt-fac«d o)4 lady, lookliw to ka aiwnt aixty^itw, kattola reality aawnty- two y«ai* of iwe. Aft«sr a tew pr«a»l»My tacsark* im ^rjHaaatlon of ttie call, cbe w*» ajltad if ik* bad may ob>«cf toe to girtBK w tk« dnatto of tb« eakv s»d how aba c»m« to toy tkto &ow f«.mou» rwswdy. •*No« at ali," *ald ab*. '*W »y fticpertowso c«a be of any good to otbm, I am stu* tlwry mm wei<»iB© to «—M oao ao karta." "Wkeo were you iak«a miiik and w.hat wa* th* aatti»» of tke maiadyf wa* »ske4 "It wa# aboaf two yeaw a»ro. Tb* trwal>!# wa» rkasmAtfe is eb»r»iJter--»«iatt««, tlwf caJlod it—and It w*» v*fy patafol tedeed. Tk« (HfBeaky kscaa in my kip and «xt«s4N tk# whol*. i«a«th of tk» « » b . crtppiiftg m« oonsplflifly, I »uff««il lateBMiy from h and tb* tirdtsiary traatonnt gsw m« cot tb« #«g:kt«iiiS alloviattou. 1 ra uader itm t»«rt abost.* »0JB$b *»t.*us.tet1, bat «r*w vome io- #w»d of k«et«rt and tu far* WNr&aOfig dto- eoonuted." "What brottjrkt Pisk PitHtoy»a^noi^eei >, * VMt »oii <aUU4 my MsentiRa to an article a i>aper lo which a w*» «atsd that a 38>. '2i'-"'r"y ** Wewtr,-™^ *«wtortt: r*SL iiiiliiiitiiiilinMiiaiHMiktt mi )iiniiii«<»'wyi>iiiiiiiiiaffBr *lNa*|r**Sl*'«*4l Or wn»UI roo.t1adtr ktaoMWkraffir akaak. ** .M.atfMtku* ^iBa^f^ aje^pohwiai ' gwijawjslBTdr.toi pay ftff tkjayw kc yaau Tkto vatotakfta « k3rjtftyr«nt*ln»la<rwkrtk v Mi SUkkaawi kt»* 3»* j .. iruia not aUnpteocjt taks adruttas* of tkS areat «no» and at«r«;kto Wktowl artfA tb*' f*cw tmltofti l» tkto book. fiJFtfS atoppad torn WD*. Xun>Oaeat NtftrcfiaaTOiu*. Jcoktoafto?em6arr»aaa> Mr*. WlnalowH SaotkdB« Urfaptae ckUArea Mttkimr, *uft*Ji« the «-as«. ndaoes fanaminaw tloa.alSiy» paia.-«ir«a wind ooiic i&c a kottto E. aWattbaa ftCo., Dmajtota. Uorae Caws. Kjr-aay: "Hair*Calami Ottce etltl••!««» obansattake*tt." kotdbyi^ra»tto"ATkc tr» ham* not keen wtthaat Piko'a Car* *ap CoiwoKpttrm for » yi>«.r«.—l.iai« Feiciurx. C«mpbX.Harrl»kiir«,Pa..M»yt.l«3i b«w-«tt«eft*ia p««*j«r» ar^aaarula. fattrT;' fltrsk'tov ttf »r»ae!iTHi«. a vUi«fe la tki* a y<satut pH«k«r wttk «» arm el trrf «»d tmln fci» ap <ar«f«tty, and by tke tfa« you b*-n- knitt a eo*l k«ad oe kin »b'>ulders kto •r» to srott»." Q&im, #eooad kaaamaii for St. treat*, to a r »;>4-r..«i» aBd*rt*t« *oJ fuOMil dtrvctor j-iiv».l« Ilia. Hi» hosl»*ai afBlUtioo docbttotw «C*«J>«* VU. Union to f « l at b o W aswax tka saltosy of «tSX» witk wkon k« ft &o» nwlonatait- J>4lypi*l>wl OB tk« Brooklyn loam a f#w day* a^ for tk« firs: tiw« atko* kt> wa» la- ferad. wakfato o» tk» wriai by a pit«!>#d bail in StoMMeiya. Bto wrtot tu kr»k««. bat k<* Na) <bf a«rv« to rak kto ikouiJor. «,c J d*oU.™>S tit* t»Sl feu bJm ib«-n>. rbe b»»c ttrnfirsT^ woo tka jfaae aifatout LsuUfllla tot ik* Brooklyn*. - CYCUNC NOTES. <s»atity, bad keea ffroatly benefited by tbtar nm, a»d aaggm&aa <kai it would t»> a good ; pUa to try tkittu- B«t t was *k#j>&tt»} iti ra. f ard to tbato t»Sae—la fa«t, 1 had BO eo&S- coce is tkeir «ffl«a«y and rather l«iujtbed j at tk# muurmttton. Bat tk« trouble ln<re*se«i ! and I ww badly crtf»pl»d. A f*w day» ; later mj aon wa§ about to rtoit a eeigk- : horlag town aad sogjtwatod lursia that tt ! ttigkl be w*31 to try (bto o>ttck4&ll£ed-ot ', r*m«dy, aad I than ooaasofed. b'JOjtkt ' tsa a box of tbeta aad I bc$taa takias tb«a ] at oac*. At Ike «ftd of * w«wk 1 noted a '• iaark«9 lttpron>ia«at, and by tk« ttm« 1 had '• ttkttu tim&m box I *«* able to walk wftk- ! (»ut a eaoe. 1 c^atia-aed tb-lr it«^..t&kia« »«T*ral tosei^aait nn. a» you •$*, ia a very ; eotofanalsJe «at« of »aa^tk. , " i . "H.«.ir» you b*d aay rstora of tke tnju- ® kkr - • ' "Set w y«, tkoasa «t my tiwe of life. "it-,- SM» »it »V » -rJd f ffsun/t. *i**ys. if TI f^lajr -iu*'J> lb* Ct.*»«' K A'.&t '"--si-«umd, •*•-* IE,I» £•-«•*•: {•jf a it. 1 **» wa.JJki n'sintrr, "«•»/ ("M^k-Mr c! tb* StofekUraa «andldai»'(M fit to T. * f}-«i-rt**»» " ! ' ittitmi \-s,' a » i « e c fafta aa- •: ,t«* *' «*•(<**•«•*- M* Hn» * «fcfl •- Vr-f *4» '. *•*;-. a i d * * . • » ' ' <•« '*"> «*"wr «"t*-t '•< 1b« «-aff ( »r* I f J a g * JW''***** *a r J * f-ys*""-:"' WrJ». K*wry bi»*j«»fcirt*»srtSi,i*.» ;»s«- « • » * . \.'--.'Ss- *i-aid . e a fr.-ot « tiit-N ia *-****#» wf tk*{«ata* .-.f fctir«->»*-a---»E s (*sa-!**^ -o* Vi»<{~ ^ Whb kto tl% fc*J»>» «»<t tatr* •; »sw<|ijf» * « ! w * « f«w !r-"*4 ; se-* «xtta« ib*>T. \ it!# t « * to Ik* r*»4-S^>, wad tfeeai ! 11* in isa w«w>d*. ..At *<r»i*W»—•*,» «s»«ni f* ; i-Ssr^w S&tfttf* a*d t * » tfe»»»!> of fcl*!*4#r»*d wifk fk* {|wa*um <'f 5fe* fs**««s— I i:;ijh»rt»-,«M lay k->i4«fff&* IJTM»' \ iMa* ate3 4» aad *»n»>r. IS j o a *.-. .fst t o ' < i tt 8<i tk» «*ttc* -*w j-rw^«* w*t tk* j biaf f'<r lr*««?«*S i^i*. s»J ?-ai» k n a ^ ika^ra ' s* (OvSftr- )6«1 fei;:* ••."sswj J » » »r* j fclrs a«'J»-f !&* sfjuir -jf ».&<>' tfunj*!. *>-3l ' Vrt»» »a*«i s»'n*t>" (•*«»*fc . ( c# ..-t, *?;» <--s, i ^-s-isfTft"** k**» }!".-•?*•(«•-! :!)(« «.i-].-i f tS'w ! »ts*» r « * ' k iSnf-a; it. J»s emi .«t tfc*"w ss<» j ••at StUStf ij** 9<M 7"h*'j-tspprf ='•:;? i-rat-fr* i •ad tys-jpataJ** *ed holj.. T^i»t M t i t tfti«s» t sa*---! ik' *feswJs c? <i-.>^ w*;-^ <» j<" fcu&- '. t*n ftittk* Jx-rst. n/A rJBly k n s e d^wa tb« IfMufaridatM i»k««d 'h'JSrtfe* •« w*5i t » « | «-,•»• (u-r<«; mm h" nrri<t wrai laido^ra, wkaf i «ffc1StBH*n::JS •. Hfkt WO S-i fc-JH* Wk','. «t» kttat' i it.s t'-;t itr,r&---r.*"iv-iii*: If l>'>n>Htaamt |>rae> tintvj ar'-k^rv aasli ki !S#w»ki>y» la-L-aloa, Eagiatd, ar* t&Ulae to tk« kteycto. fittikara. P<saE.. r»;3'air«» *WT wk«*lnsaa a tak* oat a fleaaiMs. fl«ir«» SsftKTSsajs, a Jortty City fS. /.) -• - - - -— — ~ — | fwtWf carrier, fca» tiddea 5091 a l l w *ise« *a; Mr*. M-'Sis <rr »aJ tk« E«jf>r'» twoM- » J«jsa»ry I. - t*-*4 sa»tk*r. tkey ta*t"ly *«w*4 lr> tk< ! TsB g,,^ (BMCj(^ ivmaf xlaa?<s» Uas sn-aittt-sd*. Tk* »BJ-.r M<»»1 ap»a tb*JSw.! j b* eaA/. A» al 4 a fc e j b* j . w. Su«aSs, aa Eag- a a l *k(*'iSt ft**4* «t ki> o*a*t «t», tksrty- j y^ rycitot. a«>***tt w^'anwat^kiVaai'twiaaattlj ^ P * ™ ^f" C ^? R ? 5 ^ IZ^^ftZl Gladness Gomes W ith & better understanding of tb* transient nature of the njan.r pkya- ka.1 Ills,'which Ta»i*hbefore proper «*- tforto—jrentie effort*—^r^ea»antefft»l»^-' risrhtly directed. There is comfort in the knowledge, that ao maay forma o( a>ckrjcss are not due to any actual dia- •tt&eT bat simply t o a cohstipxted condi- tion of the evatem, which tiie pleasant famJJy laxative, Svmpof F5#s. pptaop*. ly retooTe*. That is why St is the oni* remedy with milliontiof faipUies. and& everv where esteemed so highly by all who""m!ae good health, it* beneficial ejects are <i»* to the fact, that it is ttos one ren»et*y which promotes internal .... _... ._ ,,_..._.. cleanliness without debilitating tha p**wai?-two. tt woaJd cot tw #an*rtejai? if 1 orjratts on which it acta- It is therefore akould bare. It « ootoes, I tamild at oao» all intportant,,ia order to get its bene- besria tfce a#« of tb« piib. 1 mppjsr I la- ficiat ette«t«, to note when yoa. ptir- h«^t t«sadeaey to Uioabtes of tkto ktad— my laotket dfej from thein." *T>td yoa *rrr ant* aay 111 effacta from the u*« of PSait FiHef" "Xoo* wk».^*yr. TJfpy a^fw dtiMartwd ^asy att»ta«cb t» «uy waj- of ^BUSIXI rat! any aaooyaao*. Neilbfr dtd I Sail tt aecessary H> taerease tk* dow. sbt? dire -ttftas *ay a.ay b# d«arat>ie. i am skie, a* you #ee, to att«ad to asy own work." chase, that yoa have t&e penuine arti- cle, which is manafactttred by the Caifc •foraia Fig Sp-ap Co. only aad sold bj ail rejwitiab!e-draj?#ists. U in the enjoyment of gow8 health, aad the system is regular, laxatives 6e other repiediea are then not needed. It afflicted with any actual disease, one mav be "comtaemieil to the most aki'ilfdl Tk« reporter ibaakftd Jdr*. H otaifE for ter l physiciauB, bat if in need of a lairative. r-'.--r W<»t-k» aad ?vkwi» «h« mwwat w*» SJ1«I wtui nr»ma* r*rrt.s*-.?». aad ta «k« yard * •BnPBif • • • of parrot* tftid f»f ttowstaa** of Wi?t»"a -of kigk aad low d*tBr«» tlSJWtSositl) •wattiaa i^-'jn.!t!S8»l^i- t-s J^IM !»Bfwis«a tb« »tt^*i.*t b^d <w a* ss toraj *a atola by tb> f»?>{ C*as<*. C0«NCU T«£ W1NNCH. *Bjrk- u j* v-ffi" tl rJtr/--:*.-' f l " « ' f: *<-T-o ts. -rr t&*Zi~ v ti ii> aad Ht- * "le-i, rel#*r{ i''»ra *aT fa-tj:i;* i|j«'i» aft-. : S ***•„>! Tisifir* w*« nv-»sn«s kiaa' r«'rj - -u! tk* «rrk«fT '"•• .'ii-4»-'8TT»ite. .-- !t-<» t,arf>w wbat tk»-y »»M w »ad arr..». Wftjr. tft-o i-ai*f i-y lb* Ea#<tf.S ri*a«»*ra»i»* ; i/ t»:-». Jk»y w.«!«t ?»t» •- 5i»-te»rf »»•-.). aa4 }*'«Vf H » •' a Mr.». *s ; ;ft^sJU^t«a 4 ,w Mnisg .--f jiiarT*; ««*. Tfc« *i.'(B.«»3rf 9i»4 «k.'ij«"»!' Mi.*« i«r rttta^f. X ' - a . ."5t"? 5 't"tfS*{|iic .».»-» * taijtfc!ii»f w-»#f<-n tt>«« ' »ff. •» '.>f Jfcn g »(<i. H i l B :i it * *S«!sji! arr..<w t fh«> «{a#t(>f ('*" 4t-T*.r,f 1V«J"4 :.*-- tr, 4 fcf-w !E*'i* J-.(st rf 'he "?*». A.t f*T h< I !««». •P*jr,-i«»m J,^ gy* i s , - Jk*' ii*'ht d-'WJJ «W.(K*.ai» ( a i j i , «-.-.r!4 w; »~ir»T In «fe» Qmtlttt 'Varatty }L*n> of t k * | T««r. 7*!»<p *T*«i! j- bc<at r»»* tr&t rc{w» J *t I*-- agfr- tw;ai>, S. V.. «»r lk# Haito«B csurae, tb* C^~« is tfcs world aad aad*r r*ricsi oasdf. tt--->&*. Tk<* niit>> rr»w, r*t5r«««nst.tog C-jraaU C»ir*««y; w ^ k n Barc«-'» by f i<Br w I ff^T* 1 ^'!^ 4 i % m * 1 *,Ki t ^ S ' t s i i h w«"uiad*. wktrdf t*«ik*''k* Jkasrtieau «»J!*. S to««ca»tiws»aM»attdatioft. «*»>* rw^r) torfaaraMloa. Tk« CanwMty 1 ai*wt»««Pof aa Jadlanajwito (lad.) PiaraiJ- rt-»a«f"»« T *s4" , « , 'i«T ' eI Pwtaiyitaafa »*J« l*pfw<d tisat «f Bar- ; «r»" Caf^'a—are act p<*rffli?t<*a to ride W- •^f-JiKfc^atwr w«fe » j *»"'• Coiaastrta wtw f w*lv* !<-ftsrtk* befclfiil. j <7<*to*, for tk* r«*»a that a maa Jciajr >ob c s ta« boaievardji of tko <sty Sor tk« «acin> atva aaa of bMryatar*. * 1 *«<«* r**eaa btcya>*arjwiaesiaL9t>daB ; war* a lady cyeltst c-arrftas"* Sarpj <>p-«a ; *aa»*k»de and aaottesr fcuownd at a r«i«s*. 1 faf dto«*»f»ky a *Wf>t» oa « wii*,-t £. kf. CkBPPO, !»f CkJeajro, ba» Va«a ar- rts«a4 f«>r ndiag kto fcar-year-oH ma b*. for* htoo *>a kl* ktlt*. It to he made a l«« cat* hy tk# c»yioN** v»uiw tk^ Baaaa ? So- ciety. SiKimr to ap^rfotlj* aat faateat with W- -rrrilM oa Assitrfoaa aatl. A party of SPW Torkart aSTHa«ij«rH*» of Bfo«klyaHe* r*- onotty <lr«part*l f<»r Earo;»e with their wkaeto. A aew M?ytto baedto bm iant mad* Its ap- wskraa<»# oa tha ta«rt*t It to *ali«d tb« coartwy aad b»A<s b»-j good day. Ittoaot ofi*n that ©»* eao iiitQm* naeb a complete j rwsovery from s.ack a {*>rtia*eHrt» trouble at aack aa ad-macced aee, aft<J f»u<* te»tR.o«!S ca&aot fat! to prodaee a {$rofound ttaprea. i tioa. B«td«sr»of the f"«to« may rely <mth« *l*j!a» accuracy of ail tb* utateoiPMt* h«re (TtT«a—cot bias ha» twea exagseratwl, uotk- It2f srllhiifldL f>r. WUUams' Pin* ' Pilto ooatafa*. Jn a eood*a»«4 form, ail lb* e'.esaeatt seecaaary to Kfw a»w ii/# aad rj<>ka«te to the blood aad reator* iskattewd nerve*. Tbey ar* aa aafailias spociSe for mtb dto*ase» a* iooo- &<it<3l »(iui», partial fiaralTSis, St. Vitas' d»a«!, wtallca, a«ura*gta, rh*um«tistn, cerv- vsa^Mdache, tke aft«r effect of ia griff*, pajj/ttstioa of tb* kt-art, pal* aad saliow c<c.aijJex*c)a. all forms of wsmkaens eltk^r ia tnal* or f^roale. a»d all diceanea resaHlBjr 'frcro _ ^rUi«iia - ^3mor»' ia \k* blooij. Pink Pitts are #o3d kr all deaiej*. or trill be neat p a t paid oa nsjrfpt of r>rtce, (50 oea:R a t<>x, or «lx baaaafartlSO), by addrtwdojf Dr. WilUatrut' Mediciae Co., Sckeoectady, S. T. oae should haw the test, and with the wen-infornje^ everywhere. Syrup of Fiff* stands hisrhest and is most larsrsly UM-4 aad g-i r e s ttto&t general satisfacticuk fs*i flfl'*»k<-'Sa^rt *k"^rbX«7ih*^7ba I ^ * r*w *'a*7?**l" aod woala tha"}*•»• j wVk aad rtdlaa; a wkwl <»a do ««Mb Hug roo'jf «b-'i? as «r"» *-*t<*p*a -tka » **'^ ^ sw*"* «*«T»1* tkaa *iw kafora wtt- | .wort aa thr« ordtaary pia»b*r» aa foot. tug^t* «.?*.«-.-.•! -w.-Ba-Htis (j^a-.. r-> vt.iu 1 aa»>«d a ra«*'ia f bto <w»aotry. Proi*4Ay90.- I A youos raaa of f*sl'»»artki«al tarttof aiiad •frill aad wkai t.r*~tv» »M.M w'! w* «»&. I ° ^ r*»pre »a^<jh»,43aflatU.*ad,.aav^iei.|0 WM^ *w-< fl-tf»*^-™ 4» '^-i« in i-~- as.- «s>;r.'faai S '"*ff» «aa** tk*Sr a»*?»t««sBf tftraesfa.. I 0 f tk«jrSrl cyeftw: "Stawty-alau oat of every ... . i^.^, ^4 -srtiT bant*r. •»~*«.r» tk* 1 Tk*m«WB s e a »«J far two aad a half i fcoadred of '•a." k* ««F». "(Srafet a #*s geologiraa hae that can possibly excel f.ivr" 1 ^ ,*i »r,o «*? r.-!3 wi;ii,i-vf..*ork I »''«•. wifk Oarwail aad P«aa*r!**aia *o 1 wbaa) aad a »IW sait to »frtO^ait aad lliw 'that kao'wa aa-^Tne Giaat'a iieaa. ik*.-- x-K ,,:»>. I** •--;.» •fi.-bTt ! f™^ .^Jf^L*^*^?*- . F '?.. ty<> ^" e ! i **»°*«^ - — ' Uatotnaa, or rather rec'jaea, against »cycli»^ca» t>e_carrie4 oa toe Brooklyn the face of" the cliff at I-oiat Pmos, in WoBoerfol Frfat of Katare. Among the^nany wonderful freaks in nature there can be none in the ikti: u): b3Ti rt.V. Wij '• kin l, thu, »''l(.f Ins ^. Ln-t h.i* I-. t>na£fk 1 • . U'.'..s t*.«r >:riag, *a-S it* «'.ff tlsri-sttfS fb* ft>niJr&iAa *^?. 'isrfe ffva ^-»a«t*»i5S. •••sa'.H j I'Wix kn->-k*d t*t<r*Thi«*. 1> BT«* I '•SJ tswi in t-j«8<-f* fcoaiii ! Jt ' ah, rej .»»*• Ok, s,r rr,K- a ISM J5 !fc* luriad. m kit'!* \ \', ;« »«:*.» arcar*EB tk* b**», i - *?«; . if *." urikf h-.m Ir. tb* i v> nf. ia* *i*j>if*. -'-'id ".h« • •- * •• 14 «h<-n w - t o d * * It. ih* ' ' >» fisdijfvui, Tfc"r't! ki* <y*»- : lb* flsrl f-t Pi-r3J*ir«-*f> ?.« whf'-:i »sj«-* tk»t tlw , uwd tft «-.• t a r - u « k t b * - tftv N»ilji .nf (h<t warrior fc;<i«t*. ' Wb*( aij!"* 1 "-' \* >%«.ff*!r tkaa » two- ig f> tb*> dirt.Sin^ **»»• '. arvl .?! iti* j '--l«t» aacl <}«.! w«- h* ? irmt* faith huas''"**! .tmn. If h«> l;.*<1 :. r,*Ttt,i rrine Mw*'iyl» v> •>'• Ja«l in f.ri-'»(H-rtii..B »* !*>:irv« ;<«* An.f !*«-* 4r. U. it m-.-rc it» TT Wha: »r» :•' «'v wtlt t'\ R/TPfi n."ir 'f ii"«" nr-'ihSnjt j'-'-p-wi"! suy:hiB*r Hii" 51ij»**«"*f*'. fUi;h Wsi",A |;m«r*<'.s iTsv* ' i'"^:»»; ik'-- rMHrt.-.n "f •s.-«i. a «iri.<v./ r,j tkf J*»-rt '.1 'ritfe <lt>-«8Bi|; l h " r»»- ^** the Ms'itfii"' •"•' S" 1 - th- r",ie1:«a Of If!" H'.i.t!"}* Wmly a tnr>4''*(itl <*fi wkl<'*.l » '•:•'' »Hi\<ir(Jic ir. thfnt»:ht ''•: uy !•-• !>-.* «t«ri«. <ifT»Tjas{ tidt. • >a« fSiat vT'«*h aril '«*-<•. Toll a»* wh*r«- '"•a whit hu r<-j«t<~l : r an^tker wh» I* ""•I .ID! h<-!tw^1 ao4 cflTi- 't •!»,!!. a»»'l i will tak" tb* '•I rl> 5W talliM. to w* *i|ia: ••' tii» B-.*r*t l\«» aot yvl a •.;.,r»v!T,,it5 1hr«tv» 'at- •f"* lin tiai! Rjiog throV**" »-;iy will «tji» p-wpcl »?t<T - r> -ir..l w«rM f l u n g fr->m itf ( ( nr-k<-bf-«r1 *>f Ckrltt. **•">: i it uriU j>nrilOD « , v*ry '''•'Jin!, ciirx fvtry Sf..t!M«>. •y «Jav<> a t i l vaii*w*srs «f»rj- f tj if -Wi» !:•<>*)(!* •t. «!«•»*•"( fB« i-ibttf oa^l, &&1 it <**• o liuif !h" s«w tk^atd t* j«« *h* *ir* *.*^hff. ;' ff ti»>r» fotj fcj» ».*«-» IJB*C no tro iit!^ tbtf h^^i> -«i?t-. i^-tij1.t»i'^.i^i*, ;sr p * 1 t-. ii--<,™-S f o o d fr*^f»i-Rif «*ii4"iiy !'-> y^>af tb*t» ttar** <f«ar» s-«r* cfo«e tagatbtw. TbTrw was 601 half a i*agth ketwewa aar two of tk**. T i" l *.f n; ^!5 fe *f** ,B ° e,rtMdl w 4 »«?'' u '• , •' ka* baaa traa*portiae btoycl^ far tke of »• tk*ffcfra_«ito w*._a» «raad a firtt « f 5£atta\**aoa a taeaal Suaday a«^ly C?n»»»J. «aln«1 > ^jr, ourl*.! O-I-*T that Ha*. Eiet-ated Kailf-JKT^trata* at:_a cost of tea <MratA. la .~t!>' Th ftaa »'--'.rttaa'- »t»t'ir«> fir?? ia»t>ff ici"-r*r«.*a.'s is j»?j-««"«al Miitin^Tr.'vtiuSi. j Oh, *«T it ~>. w*r •»*;*. ai?b T»i j. 1 . K »*i->. ^-j >-.'»j»'i*tiiy ?r»B.^, ! A lifibt t-'* •!•»»" Kj*-r, ih* re* i ' Tkat <«*d* sr." s« iSi* U»»'«. 1 I **n »»r* that tifKv a**'*-*asr» i i « v wki a.1 ( ar.a*i». »isui» h*^ e'l«m> }»<t ty th* «%»{•»! arrow. Y'-utoHib*- »«uaJ r.f .<»"»* -joafS-^foa. «ud r«o r.Iuas*d fata tk» w.--r;d (S*nr" ,, ^. ju»! *.» ! tk«- »taif. *!i=» !l»* kT-aadif *r« a'tpr it. j r.Jusiav** isj'. STV-I! i»tf. « , *r**»»aa ia tkst < ts»v t^ **#."Af^. 2<r*u* < ''ferial i^ ASJ y^ijr ; ira^li f.-w-lay, jm^*r.ti*e» taao" a-^t ta ararb, ! hat in fttr'y. t» w> <?ha«*»t *t>\ r*jititu; | t-.ak" i< e r* s* tke *.'.r.r4rn r.f »><»iS"» m >w anil j »*ir«ti«Ti, wh*n> ?>••,} ;JisT r>d y<-.;ir thir»1" | ?t i'*}- tfcat ifka** (i< *Ltti t<i-4ay. It<- ISi^ r*.i ffvuniaia *.k»s i»Tfsa~fri>r!". fb* JM»rt «•>< sit l,tr<t. I Hd yoti rt.'<r.. !• Ikur*- in ail tftto t?M5*» am"'»•* wis-- ~asi r^'utf (*>* •••ff«-- :k«t miBM frailp tte<* h"*rt c f t b " dviaA k%':j >if fj,.i*;- Wh». •'.• y i-i kD'-TT Ibal %h"t- .ir»\ la th* !T*S> »h«-l w-«r.1. « •ii!« tb*!. l>» Xt\.\\ nVr v.>D ic*f i>-"*i*y. w-iiild Ssn« tk* f>' tl!<> <safv*nn» a! r<-ar f«*t. If ft3«y x^ou****<I tt? Bat tb^y * ' a t •->]! '-a t^o laoaataiay. liw tN.rtti ti'A.k tfi"T.. and tfc*y dcsl. Th*T<* to l» * ifiwl in fl••rmany ^ ptoc«> ..lfcr*.sa4'n" "d-*r ;«»{<*•-two i»ra^. ai^m '* Iwt •".•'••i.rf. tWir»»io tti«B~. t\ f^arfai H l).t*r!J. * S>i* t» •»«»'!* "•'.""•r l^ap' l»c»»w .••«« » huiil>?r was (•« !';<<• tr-n W <>1 a ilt?cr. It «Aan« <.-< <•»« M t h * ^ oraa*.' Tfefr*•'*»*' a • )-*.-«'j« 1 . fnr It fr>ia sk* i>ur»iii! •! tn« Uual«*r. aail ia : Mtt*r d<"'f«Sir it spillj>?r*il lt««cll up and m Ih* tt«iUi dCi'&y «u»-(af»t«*if t" j«Tp acr«»* Of 1 f.-.ijr" It f*il. so.! wa« i1wi)*d Wn tkt' r.wk* l*r l*iv:ilh. ll*r>» it* f*th to 5i*av*n. It i* j>;ais. I" i' *af" Jwa* »ark* II out for (•Tt>rv n;«jn I wait la. But k»r* to a maa trln' tay« "I *-n't wait ia tkat j*ath. 1 w i n safe" ray u » c way." Jl* ««»« "n iiofii i c..'afr-mt* *li<- et>n,*tr< tkat dlridtw hto *r>al ffiir.i iie«*"n. Sow h^TVt koftt ka« eoniP, aud h" rv^itUi'f Unit ii* 1 will Iran that <*h**m, ; from th" hvielst' <-t i-nrth to the beisrhte of ': brawn, rkand ha* 1 !; now. aad iriTPklm fall 1 *wins. ' A f »f> ^vsi »v»r -Hd lh»t ^u»"e*<i«fiilly. ! L*t bim trv. 4«in[! Jutaji* Ho mtoww the 1 mark. *n.l"b* su** J.>wj.d«rjk Wn» •Ver>tk. •Mcwrivi^l «iibi->yt j*niB't*." M«u.-toit«to, dpvito, wknt itlia'l we '-sSl t h a t p t a c of awfni <*»!.*«(r"i-h<v Lpt it be ktiown tor«v*r a* t k e , *i»n*r , » dfatk isaj- Ml W.l fbn ftn r.ut fi« u ; kkn I,'.' mpa s 'linMlsii w<irk, a« yn« •tii-.ii». )h«i lay {.r.'Rck- i<4>att«aitflric!> HDil the •> ff*l Hint you l«>«r Irs T-jiipftr*! with which ____ . ..jry.-r Cnti|nr MO.HITV Htnnmest. Cb»c«»rt> I* .>>nl«>aij.tRtlnK iirtn« w a v>1- Jii>r>' n>.>E»rc>*HtUhe Mc MOU* pillar (jiinr- ricl in Wi*,'ou*irs f*>r fshthUinn ar the Oo- lurablnn Eaj-^i'lnn. Ittotb*"larft*t "a»ono. »i. 1 tk»iQunderMto ofhoaraa f ^ a j » li>e *rvtld. beiag 108 (e*t loajf. v»* «w **#* <m tk# water. I wk hy UJA aatU tbetr baat fnr«*J ahead, aad tb*a ffanrard, tb#ark apoa a£saat «r*a ienc». bad to drop back kaatoie. poaaayltWAla wa» threw l«k|Mk* bekiad fUrrard at ;hv tossiaeiag of tka foartk aiil«, hut her «*w pv»0i ap aatU tb«v 8ntok*4 )«» tkaa « i«-t(rtlj kekiadtk*CSaahrSdg*meo. CREATES NEW YORK COMMISSION. Tlip k n a k m M f c l aod Onrawlt*. » a t D»«- rtrrtr t»lT*rg*nt Vl«w». Tk* Oriaftt Sew Yore C^amtoatoa. after it had orsaato»d la Sew Tork City, found It- «If dlrided. OB lb* <}a**tf.»n a« to wketber it .»kso)d dwlarc Ua»H for a borooRk fona of (r:'"r©ratn*st «k<< S«w fork e*airj-,i*ssis«**r* ware array*! a««ic*t tbfflw* frons Brookiya. It wa* tb» fin«t «(rn of dift*r«ns» of opiatoo, aad wa# eaa*id«r«i.a*:aD ladicationot fatare .-wateatlna. Tk« .irgaaisation of the v^aiasSsaioa was pg*.-rte«t ID Mayor Slrooa » ">«3c*. Ctoaeral rtonjaaiia F. Tra?y WM eli"<<t*d Pr««»d«of, 0*oni* M. Pian»T. dr., of S;ar*a L«5and, 8eo- r^ary, and Sflis B. I>ate!jer, of Ktag* O.^aaty. Tr."*»urpr. Forrosr Slayer TTJOSJW F. Oilroy. who was »pr>.->ta!od by Ooreraor Morton to fili th* va- wavy «as»wS by tke rc'asal of C-.tnf>trollpr Titcb to «?rre at a consmltwloaw, wa« f*n?*«- *nt. Hto ap{*oiatto*at wa* raadp public by M*yf>r Stroag wbca tka comaiarioa aa«. CtoadkarM VTrrrkt Ifontet aad Cropi. A cloudbarM at Marietta. Okio, which corerod a aide area, I H the moat desrtruc- tfr*tk«t ever visited that territory, Hoa»w Wf«re swept away, stock of all kinds drowned aol maay pers<3a« narrowly easaped with their Ifv**. In K«n« ttwkat the water rose twacty feet ia tea mlnntea. Crops are raiaed «a tb« Llttif MutVIORum for twaaty uuics, Kew Mexlro F'opaliau. At the Sew Mexico Fopaltot Territoria) Coatfcnttoa held at Alho<ia.«roaa for tbea*- fertloa of delegate* to the National Ooarnn- tion r«olatlon*adiroeatiajioc-oi>eratlaB with the Demo<*iHe party for Ike purfxw 01 (.-aloittsfreecolnageOf silrer at the ratio ol 16 to I were adopted uoaattnously. _*—__ . North Caiwllaa tXmoerata. At Uaicigk Cyra« W. Watsoa was aomia- atcd by the North CaroJioa Democratic Con- reation for OoTeraor oa^be first ballot. Tiie ptBtform adopted iaMracto the delegatus lo Ckicago to vot« for free aiiver. I^fflSa^aJwwww^BS Monterey C<mnty California, and all who har« newed the wonder declare it to be the most colossal as well aa the most marvelous freak in natural scaip- tttte tn existence. All portions of the f «&**£" lexcept the back (which ap- pear* to be ''blocked" into the tneta- Beware of iti'riBe:way to a dtotreswd and 8x»d eatprewtiiia wboa "earaiaa to ride a bi- cyetok Sooia wosaea lone ifood looks atti« riding a cycle for »:>aj« tla>«. becaase of tke batat ot ma«a« ao aiaay urimaace* while ; morpbic tockk against which it eeems aad«*»tda«th«imoai«offeiiralas. ! to be so natoraTlv reclining), are aa Probably tb* Ens onraaiaation of wbeeU „«-•>,,. ». thonch fresh from the enfwpoSHtcilparpow«was!ora.»dwken 1 p*"f« " wonga 1^r»^ irmo «i« ™8*ewartPWagi.*^*wwo«aato*dat \ Unda ol Bome giant sculptor. The chio, month, nose, eye* and brow are all perfect, aa is also the hair. tha Stewart Flytag f-eaira* wa* organised Patarnaa, S. J. The body to cotapo*«d of wkewlatea, aad ia in first day, it is said, en- rolled akoat 1099 members. B«id*e par- tsotpatiair ia parade* t8»* wbealmea will have ran* to ooUymg towa» and kold ma»s meH- last*. WB«8 buyia«r a bicycle MfBeleat aare to not takea that aa *•**« St it secured. It to <jaite at> e»»eottRl to be eiae'.ly !>aited with a t'TCie *» with a bor.*e. Ao <*tp*n will 8r« akwrtaic not only the belsrbt aad weight of the parskasor. hat the pjas*! parp.ise for which tke tsorw? to ra>r«fr«d tutors <lectJias on the aoiosa! « suitaNHty. Aai ihe cyclist oecda atore carsfal Bfting tfcaa the borse- icaB. HE TWISTED A COWS TAIL. Some natnraliebs say that no insects except the ailk worm feed npon 1fae leaves of thejnalbeTry. A Man Seat ' a dail for f>lxty Day* (or an Art of Crartt.r. The tailing of acow"? tail, a WrubiDgtoa jadge kss dectCed, to cruelty to tmlmals. Ho aoaounced from the beach that he wouiJ floe or send to Jail every P W B *oanJ statlfv of the offense. A colored laan, who fBffered tke first pantohuan'at under this rulinjr, seat to }*ll bv the iud/?e for Kisty dam It was proved that he twisted a cow'* tail aatil tka bellowed witk paia. TJs^ »w had fallen i.loWD and wa« uaable fri»<; and tke colored man parfortned the twlstiag oiwratlon by rolltngkertall under kto feet. Betonowrc- aeotlag lx> jail. Carton* rataltty. " Two week* ago Pan Shea broagat to Hoaghtoa, Mich., tke body of bto brother-in- law. Con Prtoeoll, who was kilted In a arioe at Batte. Moataaa. A tew dap a»ter hia re- -*ara to Batte' 8hea was killed la the aame tola* and la tk« &ame manner a* Drtocoli AB Ea>*rr Wh-e*A rsnwtofc 31)00 R*A-0latf*a* per tarnt* ••:; a ^ Buffalo Foot Power Crfn tier will ertod «aj"HsiiiKfrt'Ei» sMile in is *ie.and »jn»4 >li» tMntigr tltf «*.ri}\f**juflrl:Sfcei;*n; }«<•»». Ak* yoor b»ra**r» .a**5«r iw.Trat •sou <•>[!» fc>r in>ii»fti<iii anj trial, t&ix-i* tjjjui, KAMfKl, R0«iEK» & VOn IMriTal*, S. Y. SESS yonf - ;.ca»ta _ wul ttu* raa b'.m u m»itrj8 • a«rj *b^wauflf «or»; we fori stub ute voric asa tewfe yt-o £rw yc* »»i* ta ti» !r<c«iiy -when jroc JWR tti« t?a«ifi«KtiaSy;ittHoacrvr frdtp> _. _*<.rk;fctwoiw-ly»arfi w»ftf « «% *. jr. Musu.1.*. muamir. »« tf, aata»r> aicaic-« irocnv w.M«ttra& 1 WaaMaqrtan. ».<\ . , , ol»»>"H:S Teaason Bur»»»i I tyraiklatl mar, W»uji«lic»mtgcJ»Jui», atty uuca ftDIIIU *3ii WH1SST habutcarcd. kotswai l l r l i l w »aw- ui-. a «. aaatuni, trurri. ta. CRIPfLE CREEK tiOt.t> STOCKtk, Vfri^. tti> t*iiri* bcit to a»k« M* iao»?y ta 0*14 6l~ti* c.» « t!,vevT»«3*.t.. Krlitbk UiformMyoa tsstl«d frf!». A<sdrw« Tb* <i<AS Sti.*k lnTtatnutet^ct'cta- rtdyfrproiys.Co!^ JP. HBniW. Ajgeato «anaa. When you come in hot and thirsty,—HIRES Root- beer. Money ta Chickens ForsfSe. iatwmpt we tend 1 UJ Faiit. JWOE struts ule*tperwiK!* uttpracuou t^natry RUte*—ac« ui unas«ut, oai a outa iv<»ictag •or aotiaM aad wow— o .<««». it ttacac* sow w WMsi usviost Dkcwa: Veea iorSzA ia«o lor i'wRc&lBg; *«irt i u«rJi u i»r« tor ifiwlla*; evcr*a»5-r» enitJM tor produmi* PoiMrry ndar __ ate. amin t'LBt.i>..iis.«j CO. I3t Leonara sirecU Sew Vera. Washing windows is another one of the things that Pearlinel^^V) do ? s best « With that, the glass is never cloudy—is always clear and bright Washing it is less trouble, of course—but that is the case -with everything that is washed with Pearline. And about the sashes and the frames; remember that Pearline, when it takes the dirt off, leaves the paint on. Haven't you noticed that certain imitations arw net so particular about this? tsa Lynched In Alabama Infuriated cltiecna lynch &l a colored man in Lcwn'lea Couaty, AtoMma Th* vk-t^tn. Bill Westmoreland, had -kUW a wct l."-do fsnner. J oka OilcbTtot, vbv ^ vi n«iu « ort PCfOSlt. , f " Brevity is the Sou! of Wit." Cood Wife, You Need SAPOLIO

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Page 1: Re»pfio»» to Majw^JUclG^ H»Wffeai»!JlloAer. • rti · mm wKMiet Mwr» o' ta# tm»*~mmmtmm ... ftrwtu J*a!tt*of«

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a«] *«wh«rr JN>« » u * bo«W la BD*r*ri««t»J •*4 «ada«l«l |»i»«<*. * b * 4DMH lb> baat^ jfo thr-* «)«• fmtimytta ilM,1NaWN^*Mik fai«.<* ar «ww K>^«*ie j ^ * * iw*. tJt« w»M» of fb* j»>»*r«Mai*iMftar3- II t# I|M> aoir *«v «, its. H » d«*V •**_ *fcf. ««4 fflM "•*•»*" o l ^ ! « • *T*0 #•**»* *fc* foPM*. rKW»fB*CS(lS|f«>lfT*

bvntMM) ibtffw.« eoyoi* tMtlftc «!««#, «5-mm wKMiet Mwr» o' ta# tm»*~mmmtmm tiDtU vltt in nt ie* of». }|« o»» eaM» far tW< « i t wttnatM*. T5r» toot « • » « i . M4> 4m a»4l »wrt.»--l*i: IEJPW^ knm»r kaotn ta«l, •a , tsaaqr «* rtw-w^wttw w*<l Iw of »o«t

_ - arwt i i laranM «a4 »f sa«* «»»«* to eh* -. *. --.J -~ *e J m«w«4«» ««wr ; «tuueh »ra «a«liH)*4. T**r 4» AM «-W»» IS

'*"' ""* fmrwmy, t o a <rftt *»»««».»(»•**» ih* r • m ¥ B » 4 M ta*f « - <te>w* l« Iteai w»ll«i-; v«nJ«r tJi*y • » *f. m T»«t «rr«t. f«r*»«r fruw r>* <h»or «' no? *ho ir*. ra* #x»p*i 4f-w * tk«* aot «*N» svnatoH at rtavn. Taa i««t «*t«h « * *H»f *« « l t k a « v a j i » » « * w ftroaefc^ Ut * t t«e»«M« a n« i»««ui ) ' l r i«a( nf a t * « . r i4i t«>^a r»»l*««k. Tlws t f»»W* to. .« •" a r t » • ! *« •« tor « * • « » » * t<* naiaaji^ '**. W# » r * »o»_4r»:"J 3mai»r*. W# »f» nmdUut m » m a •wwrwrhtort i • * * * » ( « * « « « # i%«i ik« rt*l4 ««(«(«i|ri« * i i l ««t«e uf, ««4 *«t ««t ',< oar fc*,c<i*. W« ««* #«p»«te« Ifcat ffc» p « l r t « l«Mri • * « itrfet f » var i * a f e i «*«t»**- I t *J

fvMk Re»pfio»» to Majw^JUclG^ H»Wffeai»!JlloAer.


CarUrte rrtmldtmrt and r*tntlr»Maar-a n «»<t »j»#sch»» «r r o n m l a t a U m rr<M la* How* Valk fa* MailNnraakd Wiio . . - \o M M AvdTaty r»HM»«baa.

I f »W <4rereii «iM>u 4 » » « !3,«*>.<M0 -.!

ri*» !«*• ito* «wri4 t f t^e j * * »B *Sit b» MHHKiJ, win * « f t is «U«u T V **rt<t wfB a *

«oaiw, Wkat tfe* rAarea <«*B!« B&W !«j-e Bfi Jl» I w t tfm» .lmau**t. *r,t&>&&> »*4 pas tfc*» i * »fc* aUfrafa; W* « * *» «»»* i } * <w wb«<*n.

rnnfM UNr t fc - j -TafHuuM • » • ! * »/>««... «»<»**( w»s*st>»* a* M «"«at* «*4':|i<^**#* a»4 arr.1*** W# * a * » *<«« t» fw»* «•*•*.<» iaa f a a » s M J n J t e f e w * « I H I (trat «ef&*f fc9Mi»if*Mrr, W* S»*« b««* ft*k-iM«»*f(iaaj te t»« isfrvt.-.k* jisas ct»» utr4*r!fe* »1**4*/* of flw «*a«fl» t»«i t * * 9*k k a * * «#; <!i%t »&*» «r«a>f t h * k» .'k «*4 **«rr4|» a* ««fts «• «f» «*sw («j tin* ?*sk. «*r t« v « 4 » t» t?p» fa*r m»*aa<*a»4 tfe* I t i i * } * * ' * tak*4 *fe«r» l b * fl«j (a-taa -*f t*** s-ai*"1 a*t *.*»s<J fewM M fcjttfe* tttiStilsA* ' i i t , * S»fen», "ffs*p- « « « ! • * * • «wf* to J<c <twM>, WJ»*-J J# tftaf I am» l B t f t r l a f * t f t s i M J i ( * a t « s i , Tk* ) i«Mvra

, , . . „ , . . . .. „i i »ar*7 S».-a> •.' '>«t&'jfJ "ii" ifar-Sa <c ICiW* At! - ! 1, !i -4' ' •> nr K t ' * * * ^iufe *»»• r, - • f !t*fc l ^ y f»«*!- TJMfir i,i«4 IcrrtH *s»*J s i r * * «» H

f with *iti f t . sj^i^^n. Xi

•*'kJj»a* »* «si!«f, •* t»; i i«tr! t^tsuw *r fo* tk<i> f m f c « " » * : * « ? If • j i frttfStfiifs.* * « * ; " l k f f%-m*. | * » « * • Ma 11>* 4«r%«a*» «»>«» kain *k* {ak* t>» J i»« {«*-|J* k««*•*•*» i«*?am'! J <Jrttk. !te»J b»»* tt n * t e aawjf. | ( a M K « ! i i ' t l n * ) »s is»» !•*•?!»»*tm f*irj' l a t k * a x v . « a « i u . f**?- fetir « . S<sj.»

(Vi urt-fe? t r - *s '.t,~&l»g **»•;«»( | «f« ltst*JK«« 1-0 «*.*{> oa« • » ! * ! * • » « * fS, Wo I j •%* t ,» i f-,j*-fs*«5«''fr r«, • ay* pajjiair ai« «s«* <n»re <•*» »h«« p«»i-f»5» »fcj>

»S.i •.& *..•« tfc* ««n»»*> «««(i J evHsmti cr4kf 'ffcsjfw&#» Wfti! W» W* 4«ttg ;o ti.-* w;;jt«-ii *» ara» «*•»*•( {<xr !fc« (*,»6««*-"i» *?•-«! ?S>*-.»»a»4# lias 4«

'. 1*- : «•. { ( s l i t S! W*0g<.~x1i j, brtt «»S6«4 K«**' «»*> f»" *r«a-6? Af* !*#f <-fjj -itffe »***•» MI4 iIs* | «B.i«« s&M S3sn b*«4 »»f*r*ir-Si? ik»»fb«iw

(;» *-.3-i!!-r,-r..-sij'ls6j', C*rt#l, j a« 4«»4 ** tkvtf kosMi* ttsal fk#r sfwl aa r Irs IJM> t -SB.s, MUM !'.> fk* * «n®ttcnj hr*- %%t«i <*«t lift *r«o W---4 «•> jfo ,«» .-.; »jw r^Mt o* -si sk* J«*» J f»tCT0«*4»jt!*—6i.; wwgtc: DM*/fk»ai. v> ibckt ' ( • « ' *• **»*t»J a fmts»*» ': i». -rtjjwf ?,&!«*, an «*4ftsfas* i» rr«»* th**"? ^

: '• = « M*»*.''r ffcr* «ii ««. ^ tumr to«4«* »wr<i»« *f fr-.« Jfc* Kawr »..: !-••* f»« «t*fcrt*iSi*« f"»f-1 4*^Ks* • *T» «fr fk*t «»«.*»« !!*rr«j?k ' «P

J, ...r-! '{w!*-«,.1 S » * l « *»•**« i'.f fcfkMrktii aa»»f»tw»jf»» «t>4 fhr.-j-ajr* "vr • s,ii% r**ks%bP ** I** *'<-»i* < swwtsitfss i"ba*-fi«». *f. t n etra » -.«t at) «kw j

dwra*. Ofjio, Ja»* jr.—naa tkrainad ®i fka buttlfwd ifcoiuuml pM»pl» of 8tark« Caasij- «ra«ta4 « f l j * « r w r M«*KCjil#y. bt» wii* aaa »v*k*r sa a pi»Wi* r**»|slio« b)r tko » a a « o af Cuioa , 3si# )Mwu«da.* *ft««s*e«. Awl wf lb-**! ftwikwuMrtd fli*r»ara*Bot"» atak jH«*wBt-b«i»jiia» *k« <J*j»iaTn»r,ib» pa* frclaaatt «f ib« 4»oi«, » s l taro ae^ro twjwirt-ifa.

- ft *»* * »<m»$nirtu*» a*alr. Tke J»»Wr» tra* &»rk*o*d MI4 -*k«r* »j«rt k»»d»am* fl^jral «3 l wS*rtf>? Jisht- *ff«t«i Twa k«a> 4r*3 kn»l*>»s^jr AreaaMj «r a»»» ajHi#iad in I.V nw*Ml»-ft. rkT^ w*» rttt»w, aftd th# !-<*H«Ufai hw&* -'>T rS* !«fr> Jtt<v.>li Silfl*f, a l ^ It* iff-'.".! n»->-«f,» *#4 I'rfvuad laarti* *ss<J »h*4y «!*»»» |.-'»-"«?|»»i«tf * «N-JI«> l f«j »,j !;«• rWj}#BS-hwis . f.>r a b»M 4**«a 14'*fci. a»f fi antgrttoa «Stw#S» urorv i>»fi«!*(t*!-f_r«0 2 til! <". <",M<->*k,

Vta. Altw t*a«*0"* J'<ntB». ! » • ' ! <li-» aj'MW tow M-rStows. M* wif* a*i4 -i * twAh^t. wko Ss^aatitj'-wos tk *»*«* t>;4, fr>:w fb« h»*!>nos IS¥KTl<'|-»ktWf 1H* U t k .

aj|'*r M?S!»5«"t *.tt*nk»a tb*a<««a)i>tii|tj« fert",** «ii»i»i*s#«1 l«> kl» »tf<s»BA8k«4kW, «ii-J-e*'»'*<'»{*4 *«j' «t.v<«?_tk»" r.n aj,\» «onl4 khf<> a klffkor a»k tlift Ik*a "«'> seftrtl tk* wjij-rn'*! «jflhP w»o*k*r» »S'l *i»'iff*«f kU' S.-WM t-.Vf," **»!«»» 1k*-t»n*»»* 'i»l» Jjs#.!US«a «r»«**l UJ tfc? *v.i»*tiiB>w-Tw>», ii(>-,'S wto«k


T b a o d d a a M a ^ t s t a v o r o f i t . Lontow tit* kt<l-«B4«r.

Tk« CJ**«iKi<U am aaaria*- tba raffotatfos «fhmHyctbtsam pogaaetoa* t«a» OK ttkt diamond. --Ctuk, & K*w fotfcj ptt<Aa» oaaaood to

» « • bad fpkaiaa. «wrk to "« katutoty aboal kit wort.

Too maaj & th« PUiaiMipitto ^ a r a n ar« p^ytwtlof teairtdtul Mwont*. Toaa work H Botlrwy iUsrf«a7d#4.

Primates vo»tka Oral f a n * «f baaahaJJ horn r « > (a Xaw tl»«a», Ooua.. It maklBg fc*rth»^l*«««kampioia*;

P'affw <jf Cbimgoi to «te]>iat «rttk «B *to aW-tfaia brtlliaasy. 8<r«atoMly woat ka«» wad* a ntotalca akotrt Pfaffar-» aeadittoa.

Wilkaakarrs wad Bockwt^r ttlsvai tk* iokmat proiaanwsaJjBiaw ao tar tkto yaar. »i>eb«*i*r woa to 14 lnoiac* by tb* aoora of * t o * .

PnaMMt rreadiMB. of Haw fork, madk a pnwtoa to Hire «*ok aankaf of ht» t«am Vko kattad.«»<» kattat tkto jwar a a«v • » « «f «l<s«k«a.

-•"»»k »fct* i!-s'-a ,'rf »"r*« * |tf**t 5ii«4-»«. 'vt U-a> -tatlb «*•! Si* %« « l . i&

ii4<4f 1 MS**I» , 1 **•*»{—-••

»' *. 1 »-. r. 1 '"'*** 1 «J»« a

'"*• 1 a w M - a

• * * • 1 Hkr> fl

• to.f

•t . • 1 1^ -•

H Ti , t B • a» 'o« • tU t?

m tu ',4 -• : i •:• •-

• *»v I *'«'. •

;, .- ^ ;". ? Sift.? lb*1? * V--fc **** • . . -»~ « * * • j , . ' . w«>J»»S »» ?k» ; 1 '.''. ?'*j-R..iif*J afw **» t~ji»r : • ' '.t« " r*«!{&•» * * » i . "•$»•, 4-3 I

T V * T m t k s t*»^.=«»* j - .j "..<• ftrviiln* a t t b«*ati j« i

f. »J.-?wj !b!t! rstfc* -.a Ifa" j -!,. i >. . t.t»- »!&*»»;i » « r * si.- »k« j •- «'•?•&- H » . ! i * j , « H * i a « i s

f 1 * « * Sftt*-> fb* fi-<'S *'t*.f» —.j **«* .

i ' ip T-a»J (ffwrta* <« i * * tt ait ft t i 4»ni> tf^vma 4i,fv^fvitt «.* 3--y-T *i,..a*-t if" a *4 « * l..» Wfeaf a» «J J-* H * *sti*S p>t«t4 e»»--1 «»•)

n#a>l 4 t f w - ; jv:«s»r» f f rfe*»>* «?»*** t^rr»«ui» '-f llf* <Jr«9j»- j

«.>«*rfUftl'>' \ a 4 »iMl . ,rl-!«»»«*»'. ."as t» i»

.f sk»it »--< «fe-*»a

is** "so lfc# f-S'S .T.4f»ic.tuiJT '"'*-

tat*'** i « MRS-

Taanu « M #a eraoir mafekad tkto |««r tlMH tka awaasasMttt or ttandMay of a taam fount* mowckaa «»«r. Taatnaakooid ptoj tto* xaota np to data all fba Utaa.

£a tk« law two rmm tto» Pfttctmrct hart I woo only two cam«a Jo BrookfyB. Sinew l«s»tfc*y jilaywi fifty-(<mt gawattiMr* asd won aaiy twaira of utaa. T&*y krat lorty-tm» aad Had ©»«.

Wfaaa tb* Patudpljtkta taaat «*m» ti|MB tk*fc«ai«»ri»oB'J*afi«r^)o»to« throe g*m*# [ lnrUlUmorii,fiT«ik<:viuasd«{«c(*tonKr«nt<><l i ihrmMlth xmiafai ktoaaa. Tb« a«»k«M i a«« w*y 'katd IOMXK. j

Loot,' o< tk« .ftwrt'ia*, aad« a toarr«lot» ' fktek of a kick ttt»«> flyor in • estse wltk rk# SfawYork*. Hf cnurat tk* 1-AJI teo&alutud wtk<J tt'waaaotwift rkat ka w*» atrntokad at : fall tottftb <J» tka gt?aol i

TriSwaV. wa«oi tb« BrokUyw Clok got \ ftrwtu J*a!tt*of« fa *«skaii«» for Jioow. was ) roJoaKad outrtfkt by Loaiiwlte peoeetJ.v. ( Oo tk«L-iNt!B*-i&ay Sn*!'r m<ulf a JSWUTJ*, a > wifila aad a kom» run at Paitoutojpkta. '

C*««k«f iJtma'aa*, of Ckiaaf«, to pwtfy !

badtv df«*W*l a* * WSMJII of tka eojltotoft at • tbepUHUi wttk C*n>o«» 8»WE*a». of B«tl- I naftt, BJ**««*eaf> w«# dto){>e««d,'«iad ku •koald«f ,Kmtt He will tut t * «.t>i« to play ! f<w wweitifc j

T*S*s*t», of Cl*f«4aai. aay*-. "It*» peculiar

HEALTH W 0U) AGE AX' «wt> t*©T Irnrre* rax j a m

90VKCK a#-Vt*A*£tt. jk X a p w f a f • la t twaat to* Xwkarvlvw W t t k

a Lady wf favaaty-tww Vaasa, W t o Xwila m Mtinmlmmt himrj.

From, ui* f/awn, Pkrt 'jferito, JC r . Bw a abort am* «#«.*« a dtotaot jjart of

the aorotry, we beard of aemra by tka u»* ' of Dr. WlUtoaM" Plak Pllto. wkioh• aaataad

•bnoat m«rT«to«», «ad rcora raee&tJy aootb-ar tatwtaattoi erldakotof tkatr Mleaiwaekad onr a t n . Batatr of aa iaqairiag- t o n of adsd, and wta&tng to kaaow Juat bow maeb tfe«a wta ta a>« «<«ry, * raportar « M aao* l» laWTTtowtka ipanoa aaid to ko fkti*k««W-fttad. mbanirrat lreatrthad reackodour aa» araa tr*«V 1 vw»* « i ly - atnapto j*«tl9« t-o M it 6a toown—ff It pro«d uotra*, tt woaid b« wall to know ft. , '^

Tb« pancM «U«d»d to abova aa btfttt/f be«a tkua «r«at2y JxaefMed toy tlw MM of Pink Plito to Mr*. S*M Botatoa^ of HaJka*-»ifl», S. *., a jrdaaaaM baatot fa Stfaasa; CtoaWy, about IMftara mite* toon tkto offlew. The rwportar bad no dlffleut'y la fte>dfa« MM- Butktoo. It wa» orarlyiooo wbaa wa twaebad h*r plMaaot borne, a 4ookt« kouaa, on* part ofwklcb to oc«ispi«d byk«r *ou. rJhe to a pto«a«nt-fac«d o)4 lady, lookliw to ka aiwnt aixty^itw, kat to la reality aawnty-two y«ai* of iwe. Aft«sr a tew pr«a»l»My tacsark* im ^rjHaaatlon of ttie call, cbe w*» ajltad if ik* bad may ob>«cf toe to girtBK w tk« dnatto of tb« eakv s»d how aba c»m« to toy tkto &ow f«.mou» rwswdy.

•*No« at ali," *ald ab*. '*W » y fticpertowso c«a be of any good to otbm, I am stu* tlwry mm wei<»iB© to «—M oao d» m« ao karta."

"Wkeo were you iak«a miiik and w.hat wa* th* aatti»» of tke maiadyf wa* »ske4

"It wa# aboaf two yeaw a»ro. Tb* trwal>!# wa» rkasmAtfe i s eb»r»iJter--»«iatt««, tlwf caJlod it—and It w*» v*fy patafol tedeed. Tk« (HfBeaky kscaa in my kip and «xt«s4N tk# whol*. i«a«th of tk» «»b . crtppiiftg m« oonsplflifly, I »uff««il lateBMiy from h and tb* tirdtsiary traatonnt gsw m« cot tb« #«g:kt«iiiS alloviattou. 1 ra uader itm t»«rt abost.* »0JB$b *»t.*us.tet1, bat «r*w vome io-#w»d of k«et«rt and t u far* WNr&aOfig dto-eoonuted."

"What brottjrkt Pisk PitHtoy»a^noi^eei>,* VMt »oii <aUU4 my MsentiRa to an article

t» a i>aper lo which a w*» «atsd that a 38>.

'2i'-"'r"y **

W e w t r , - ™ ^ *«wtortt:


i i i i l i i i i t i i i i l inMi ia iHMik t t mi )iiniiii«<»'wyi>iiiiiiiiiaffBr

* lNa* | r * *S l * '« *4 l

Or wn»UI roo.t1adtr ktaoMWkraffir akaak. ** . M . a t f M t k u * ^iBa^f^ aje^pohwiai '

gwijawjslBTdr.toi pay ftff t k j a y w

kc yaau Tkto vatotakfta «

k3rjtftyr«nt*ln»la<rwkrtk v Mi SUkkaawi kt»* 3»* j

.. iruia not aUnpteocjt taks adruttas* of tkS areat

«no» and at«r«;kto Wktowl artfA tb*' f*cw tmltofti l» tkto book. fiJFtfS atoppad torn WD*. X u n > O a e a t NtftrcfiaaTOiu*. Jcoktoafto?em6arr»aaa>

Mr*. WlnalowH SaotkdB« Urfaptae ckUArea Mttkimr, *uft*Ji« the «-as«. ndaoes fanaminaw tloa.alSiy» paia.-«ir«a wind ooiic i&c a kottto

E. aWattbaa ftCo., Dmajtota. Uorae Caws. Kjr-aay: "Hair*Calami Ottce etlt l••!««» obansattake*tt." kotdbyi^ra»tto"ATkc

tr» ham* not keen wtthaat Piko'a Car* *ap CoiwoKpttrm for » yi>«.r«.—l.iai« Feiciurx. C«mpbX.Harrl»kiir«,Pa..M»yt.l«3i

b«w-«tt«eft*ia p««*j«r» ar^aaarula. fattrT;' fltrsk'tov ttf »r»ae!iTHi«. a vUi«fe la tki* a y<satut pH«k«r wttk «» arm el trrf «»d tmln fci» ap <ar«f«tty, and by tke tfa« you b*-n- knitt a eo*l k«ad oe kin »b'>ulders kto • r » to srott»."

Q&im, #eooad kaaamaii for St. treat*, to a

r»;>4-r..«i» aBd*rt*t« *oJ fuOMil dtrvctor j-iiv».l« Ilia. Hi» hosl»*ai afBlUtioo

docbttotw «C*«J>«* VU. Union to f « l at b o W aswax tka saltosy of «tSX» witk wkon k« ft &o» nwlonatait-

J>4lypi*l>wl OB tk« Brooklyn loam a f#w day* a ^ for tk« firs: tiw« atko* kt> wa» la-ferad. S« wakfato o» tk» wriai by a pit«!>#d bail in StoMMeiya. Bto wrtot t u kr»k««. bat k<* Na) <bf a«rv« to rak kto ikouiJor. «,c J d*oU.™>S tit* t»Sl feu bJm ib«-n>. rbe b»»c ttrnfirsT^ woo tka jfaae aifatout LsuUfllla tot ik* Brooklyn*. -


<s»atity, bad keea ffroatly benefited by tbtar nm, a»d aaggm&aa <kai it would t»> a good

; pUa to try tkittu- B«t t was *k#j>&tt»} iti ra.

fard to tbato t»Sae—la fa«t, 1 had BO eo&S-coce is tkeir «ffl«a«y and rather l«iujtbed

j at tk# muurmttton. Bat tk« trouble ln<re*se«i ! and I ww badly crtf»pl»d. A f*w day» ; later mj aon wa§ about to rtoit a eeigk-: horlag town aad sogjtwatod lursia that tt ! ttigkl be w*31 to try (bto o>ttck4&ll£ed-ot ', r*m«dy, aad I than ooaasofed. K« b'JOjtkt ' tsa a box of tbeta aad I bc$taa takias tb«a ] at oac*. At Ike «ftd of * w«wk 1 noted a '• iaark«9 lttpron>ia«at, and by tk« ttm« 1 had

'• ttkttu tim&m box I *«* able to walk wftk-! (»ut a eaoe. 1 c^atia-aed tb-lr it«^..t&kia«

»«T*ral tosei^aait nn. a» you •$*, ia a very ; eotofanalsJe «at« of »aa^tk.," i . "H.«.ir» you b*d aay rstora of tke tnju-

® k k r - • ' • "Set w y« , tkoasa «t my tiwe of life.

"it-,- SM» »it »V » -rJd

f ffsun/t. *i**ys. if TI

f^lajr -iu*'J> lb* Ct.*»«'

KA'.&t '"--si-«umd, •*•-* IE,I» £•-«•*•:

{•jf a it. 1

**» wa.JJki n'sintrr, "«•»/ ("M k-Mr c! tb* StofekUraa «andldai»'(M

f i t

to T.

* f}-«i-rt**»» "!' ittitmi \-s,' a » i « e c fafta a a - •: ,t«* *' «*•(<**•«•*- M* Hn» * «fcfl •- Vr-f *4» '. *•*;-. aid**. • » ' ' <•« '*"> «*"wr «"t*-t '•< 1 b « «-aff ( »r* I f J a g * JW''***** *a rJ* f-ys*""-:"' WrJ». K*wry bi»*j«» fcirt*»srt Si,i*.» ;»s«- « • » * . \.'--.'Ss- * i -a id .

e a fr.-ot « tiit-N ia *-****#» wf t k * { « a t a * .-.f fctir«->»*-a---»E s (*sa-!**^ -o* Vi»<{~ ^ W h b kto tl% fc*J»>» b» « » < t tatr* •; »sw<|ijf» * « ! w * « f«w !r-"*4; se-* «x t ta« ib*>T. \

• it!# t « * to Ik* r*»4-S^>, wad tfeeai ! 11* in i s a w«w>d*. ..At *<r»i*W»—•*,» «s»«ni f* ; i-Ssr^w S&tfttf* a*d t*» tfe»»»!> of fcl*!*4#r»*d wifk fk* { | w a * u m <'f 5fe* fs**««s— I i:;ijh»rt»-,«M lay k->i4«fff&* I J T M » ' \ iMa* ate3 4 » a a d *»n»>r. IS j o a *.-. .fst t o '< i tt 8<i tk» «*ttc* -*w j-rw^«* w*t tk* j b i a f f'<r lr*««?«*S i ^ i * . s»J ?-ai» k n a ^ ika^ra ' s* (OvSftr- )6«1 fei;:* ••."sswj J » » »r* j fclrs a«'J»-f !&* s f ju ir -jf ».&<>' tfunj*!. *>-3l '

Vrt»» »a*«i s»'n*t>" (•*«»*fc . ( c# ..-t, *?;» <--s, i ^-s-isfTft"** * » k**» }!".-•?*•(«•-! :!)(« «.i-].-i f tS'w ! »ts*» r«* 'k iSnf-a; i t . J»s emi .«t tfc*"w ss<» j • ••at StUStf i j * * 9<M 7"h*'j-tspprf ='•:;? i-rat-fr* i • a d tys-jpataJ** * e d holj.. T^i»t M t i t tfti«s» t sa*---! i k ' *feswJs c? <i-.>^ w*;-^ <» j<" fcu&- '. t * n f t i t t k * Jx-rst. n/A rJBly k n s e d^wa tb«

IfMufaridatM i»k««d 'h'JSrtfe* •« w*5i t » « | «-,•»• (u-r<«; m m h" nrri<t wrai laido^ra, wkaf i «ffc1StBH*n::JS •. H f k t WO S-i fc-JH* Wk','. « t» k t t a t ' i it.s t'-;t itr,r&---r.*"iv-iii*: If l>'>n>Htaamt |>rae> tintvj ar'-k^rv aasli ki

!S#w»ki>y» la-L-aloa, Eagiatd, ar* t&Ulae to tk« kteycto.

fittikara. P<saE.. r»;3'air«» * W T wk«*lnsaa a tak* oat a fleaaiMs.

fl«ir«» SsftKTSsajs, a Jortty City fS. / . ) — -• - - - -— — ~ — | fwtWf carrier, fca» tiddea 5091 a l l w *ise« *a; Mr*. M-'Sis <rr »aJ tk« E«jf>r'» twoM- » J«jsa»ry I. -t*-*4 sa»tk*r. tkey ta*t"ly *«w*4 lr> tk< ! T s B g , , ^ (BMCj(i» ^ ivmaf xlaa?<s» Uas sn-aittt-sd*. Tk* »BJ-.r M<»»1 ap»a tb*JSw.! j b* e a A / . A » a l 4 a fc e j b* j . w. Su«aSs, aa Eag-aal *k(*'iSt ft**4* «t ki> o*a*t « t » , tksrty- j y^ rycitot. a«>***tt w^'anwat^kiVaai ' twiaaat t l j ^ P * ™ ^ f " C ^ ? R ? 5 ^ IZ^^ftZl

Gladness Gomes Wi th & better understanding of t b *

transient nature of the njan.r pkya-ka.1 Ills,'which Ta»i*hbefore proper «*-tforto—jrentie effort*—^r^ea»antefft»l»^-' risrhtly directed. There i s comfort i n the knowledge, that ao maay forma o ( a>ckrjcss are not due t o any actual dia-•tt&eT bat simply to a cohstipxted condi­tion of the evatem, which tiie pleasant famJJy laxative, S v m p o f F5#s. pptaop*. ly retooTe*. T h a t is why St is the on i* remedy with milliontiof faipUies. and& everv where esteemed so highly by a l l who""m!ae good health, i t* beneficial e j e c t s are <i»* to the fact, that it i s ttos one ren»et*y which promotes internal

. . . . _ . . . ._ , , _ . . . _ . . cleanliness without debil i tating tha p**wai?-two. tt woaJd cot tw #an*rtejai? if 1 orjratts on which it acta- It is therefore akould bare. It « ootoes, I tamild at oao» all intportant,,ia order t o get its bene-besria tfce a#« of tb« piib. 1 mppjsr I la- ficiat ette«t«, to note w h e n yoa. ptir-h«^t • t«sadeaey to Uioabtes of tkto ktad— my laotket dfej from thein."

*T>td yoa *rrr ant* aay 111 effacta from the u*« of PSait FiHef"

"Xoo* wk».^*yr. TJfpy a^fw dtiMartwd asy att»ta«cb t» «uy waj- of ^BUSIXI rat! any

aaooyaao*. Neilbfr dtd I Sail tt aecessary H> taerease tk* dow. a» sbt? dire -ttftas *ay a.ay b# d«arat>ie. i am skie, a* you #ee, to att«ad to asy own work."

chase, that yoa have t&e penuine arti­cle, which is manafactttred by the Caifc •foraia F ig Sp-ap Co. only aad sold b j ail rejwitiab!e-draj?#ists.

U in the enjoyment of gow8 health, aad the system is regular, laxatives 6e other repiediea are then not needed. It afflicted with any actual disease, one mav be "comtaemieil t o the most aki'ilfdl

Tk« reporter ibaakftd Jdr*. H otaifE for ter l physiciauB, ba t if in need of a lairative.

r-'.--r W<»t-k» aad ?vkwi» «h« mwwat w*» SJ1«I wtui nr»ma* r*rrt.s*-.?». aad ta «k« yard * •BnPBif • • • of parrot* tftid f»f ttowstaa** of Wi?t»"a -of kigk aad low d*tBr«» tlSJWtSositl) •wattiaa i -'jn.!t!S8»l i- t-s J^IM !»Bfwis«a tb« »tt^*i.*t b^d <w a* ss toraj *a atola by tb> f .-ABjftr» ?>{ C*as<*.

C 0 « N C U T«£ W1NNCH.

*Bjrk-uj* v - f f i " tl rJtr/--:*.-' f l " « ' f:

*<-T-o ts. -rr t&*Zi~ v ti i i > aad Ht-

* "le-i, rel#*r{ i''»ra *aT fa-tj:i;* i | j « ' i » a f t - .

: S * * * • „ > !

Tisifir* w*« nv-»sn«s kiaa' r«'rj-

- u ! tk* «rrk«fT '"•• .'ii-4»-'8TT»ite. .-- !t-<» t,arf>w wbat tk»-y » » M w »ad arr. .». Wftjr. tft-o i-ai*f i-y l b * Ea#<tf.S ri*a«»*ra»i»*

; i / t»:-». Jk»y w.«!«t ?»t» •- 5i»-te»rf »»•- . ) . a a 4 } * ' « V f H » • •' a Mr.». *s ; ; ft^s J U ^ t « a 4 ,w Mnisg .--f jiiarT*; ««*. Tfc«

*i.'(B.«»3rf 9i»4 «k.'ij«"»!' Mi.*«

i«r rttta^f. X' -a . ."5t"?5't"tfS*{|iic .».»-» * taijtfc!ii»f w-»#f<-n tt>«« ' »ff. •» '.>f Jfcn g » (< i . H i l B :i it * *S«!s j i ! arr..<w 5» t«

t fh«> «{a#t(>f ('*" 4t-T*.r,f 1V«J"4 :.*-- tr, 4 fcf-w !E*'i* J-.(st rf 'he "?*». A.t f*T h< I !««». •P*jr,-i«»m J , ^ gy* i s , - Jk*'

ii*'ht d-'WJJ «W.(K*.ai» ( a i j i , «-.-.r!4 w;

»~ir»T In «fe» Q m t l t t t 'Varatty }L*n> of t k * | T««r.

7*!»<p *T*«i! j- bc<at r»»* tr&t rc{w» J *t I*-- agfr-tw;ai>, S. V.. « » r lk# Haito«B csurae, tb* C^~« is tfcs world aad aad*r r*ricsi oasdf. tt--->&*. Tk<* niit>> rr»w, r*t5r«««nst.tog C-jraaU C»ir*««y; w ^ k n Barc«-'» by fi<Br w I f f ^ T * 1 ^ ' ! ^ 4 i%m*1*,Ki t ^ S ' t s i i h

w«"uiad*. wktrdf t*«ik*''k* Jkasrtieau «»J!*. S to««ca»tiws»aM»attdatioft. «*»>* rw^r) torfaaraMloa. Tk« CanwMty 1 ai*wt»««Pof aa Jadlanajwito (lad.) PiaraiJ-

rt-»a«f"»«T*s4",«,'i«T ' e I Pwtaiyitaafa »*J« l*pfw<d tisat «f Bar- ; «r»" Caf 'a—are act p<*rffli?t<*a to ride W-• f-JiKfc atwr w«fe » j *»"'• Coiaastrta wtw f w*lv* !<-ftsrtk* befclfiil. j <7<*to*, for tk* r«*»a that a maa Jciajr >ob

cs ta« boaievardji of tko <sty Sor tk« «acin> atva aaa of bMryatar*. *

1 * « < « * r**eaa btcya>*arjwiaesiaL9t>daB ; war* a lady cyeltst c-arrftas"* Sarpj <>p-«a ; *aa»*k»de and aaottesr fcuownd at a r « i « s * . 1 faf dto«*»f»ky a *Wf>t» oa « wii*,-t

£ . kf. CkBPPO, !»f CkJeajro, ba» Va«a ar-rts«a4 f«>r ndiag kto fcar-year-oH ma b*. for* htoo *>a kl* ktlt*. It t» to he made a l«« cat* hy tk# c»yioN** v»uiw tk^ Baaaa ? So­ciety.

SiKimr to ap^rfotlj* aat faateat with W--rrrilM oa Assitrfoaa aatl. A party of SPW Torkart aSTHa«ij«rH*» of Bfo«klyaHe* r*-onotty <lr«part*l f<»r Earo;»e with their wkaeto.

A aew M?ytto baedto bm iant mad* Its ap-wskraa<»# oa tha ta«rt*t It to *ali«d tb«

coartwy aad b»A<s b»-j good day. It to aot ofi*n that ©»* eao iiitQm* naeb a complete j rwsovery from s.ack a {*>rtia*eHrt» trouble at aack aa ad-macced aee, aft<J f»u<* te»tR.o«!S ca&aot fat! to prodaee a {$rofound ttaprea. i tioa. B«td«sr»of the f"«to« may rely <mth« * l*j !a» accuracy of ail tb* utateoiPMt* h«re (TtT«a—cot bias ha» twea exagseratwl, uotk-It2f srllhiifldL

f>r. WUUams' Pin* ' Pilto ooatafa*. Jn a eood*a»«4 form, ail lb* e'.esaeatt seecaaary to Kfw a»w ii/# aad rj<>ka«te to the blood aad reator* iskattewd nerve*. Tbey ar* aa aafailias spociSe for mtb dto*ase» a* iooo-&<it<3l »(iui», partial fiaralTSis, St. Vitas' d»a«!, wtallca, a«ura*gta, rh*um«tistn, cerv-vsa^Mdache, tke aft«r effect of ia griff*, pajj/ttstioa of tb* kt-art, pal* aad saliow c<c.aijJex*c)a. all forms of wsmkaens eltk^r ia tnal* or f^roale. a»d all diceanea resaHlBjr

'frcro_^rUi«iia-^3mor»' ia \k* blooij. Pink Pitts are #o3d kr all deaiej*. or trill be neat p a t paid oa nsjrfpt of r>rtce, (50 oea:R a t<>x, or «lx baaaafartlSO), by addrtwdojf Dr. WilUatrut' Mediciae Co., Sckeoectady, S. T.

oae should h a w the t e s t , and with the wen-infornje^ everywhere. Syrup of Fiff* stands hisrhest and is most larsrsly UM-4 aad g-i res ttto&t general satisfacticuk

f s * i flfl'*»k<-'Sa^rt *k"^rbX«7ih*^7ba I ^ * r*w *'a*7?**l" aod woala tha"}*•»• j wVk aad rtdlaa; a wkwl <»a do « « M b Hug roo'jf «b-'i? as « r " » *-*t<*p*a -tka » **'^ sw*"* «*«T»1* tkaa * iw kafora wtt- | .wort aa thr« ordtaary pia»b*r» aa foot. tug^t* «.?*.«-.-.•! -w.-Ba-Htis (j^a-.. r-> vt.iu 1 aa»>«d a ra«*'ia f bto <w»aotry. Proi*4Ay90.- I A youos raaa of f*sl'»»artki«al tarttof aiiad •frill aad wkai t.r*~tv» »M.M w'! w* «»&. I ° ^ r*»pre »a^<jh»,43aflatU.*ad,.aav^iei . |0W M^ *w-< fl-tf»*^-™ 4» '^-i« in i-~- as.- «s>;r.'faai S '"*ff» «aa** tk*Sr a»*?»t««sBf tftraesfa.. I 0 f tk«jrSrl cyeftw: "Stawty-alau oat of every . . . . i ^ . ^ , ^ 4 - s r t i T bant*r. •»~*«.r» tk* 1 Tk*m«WB s e a »«J far two aad a half i fcoadred of ' •a ." k* ««F». "(Srafet a #*s geologiraa h a e that can possibly excel f . ivr" 1 ^ ,*i »r,o «*? r.-!3 wi;ii,i-vf..*ork I »''«•. wifk Oarwail aad P«aa*r!**aia *o 1 wbaa) aad a »IW sait to » frtO ait aad l l iw ' that kao'wa aa-^Tne Giaat'a i i e a a .

ik*.-- x-K ,,:»>. I** •--;.» •fi.-bTt ! f ™ ^ . ^ J f ^ L * ^ * ^ ? * - . F ' ? . . t y < > ^ " e ! i **»°*«^ - — ' Uatotnaa, or rather rec'jaea, against »cycli»^ca» t>e_carrie4 oa toe Brooklyn the face of" the cliff at I-oiat Pmos , in

WoBoerfol F r f a t of Katare.

Among t h e ^ n a n y wonderful freaks in nature there can be none in the

ikti: u ) : b3Ti

rt.V. Wij '• kin l,

t h u , »''l(.f Ins ^.

Ln-t h.i* I-. t>na£fk 1 • . U'.'..s t*.«r >:riag, *a-S it* «'.ff tlsri-sttfS fb* ft>niJr&iAa *^?. 'isrfe ffva ^-»a«t*»i5S. •••sa'.H j

I'Wix kn->-k*d t*t<r*Thi«*.— 1> BT«* I '•SJ tswi in t-j«8<-f* fcoaiii ! • Jt ' ah, rej .»»*• Ok, s,r rr,K- a ISM J5 !fc* luriad. m kit'!* \

\', ;« »«:*.» a rcar* EB tk* b**», i - *?«; . if *." urikf h-.m Ir. tb* i v> nf. ia* *i*j>if*. *» -'-'id ".h«

• •- * •• 14 «h<-n w - t o d * * It. i h * ' • ' >» fisdijfvui, Tfc"r't! k i * <y*»- :

l b * flsrl f-t Pi-r3J*ir«-*f> ?.« whf'-:i »sj«-* tk»t t lw , u w d tft «-.• t a r - u « k t b * -tftv N»ilji .nf (h<t warrior •

fc;<i«t*. ' Wb*( a i j !"* 1 "- ' \* >%«.ff*!r tkaa » two-

ig f> tb*> dirt.Sin^ **»»• '. arvl .?! iti* j '--l«t» aacl • <}«.! w«- h* ? irmt* faith huas''"**! .tmn. If h«> l;.*<1

:. r,*Ttt,i rr ine Mw*'iyl» v> •>''• Ja«l in f.ri-'»(H-rtii..B »* !*>:irv« ;<«* An.f !*«-* 4r. U.

i t m-.-rc it» TT Wha: »r» :•' «'v wtlt t'\ R/TPfi n."ir

'f ii"«" (« nr-'ihSnjt j'-'-p-wi"! suy:hiB*r Hii" 51ij»**«"*f*'.

f U i ; h Wsi",A |;m«r*<'.s iTsv* ' i'"^:»»; ik'-- rMHrt.-.n "f

•s.-«i. a «iri.<v./ r,j tkf J*»-rt '.1 'ritfe <lt>-«8Bi|; l h " r»»-^ * * the Ms ' i t f i i " ' •"•' S"1-

th - r",ie1:«a Of If!" H'.i.t!"}* W m l y a tnr>4''*(itl <*fi wkl<'*.l » '•:•'' »Hi\<ir(Jic ir. thfnt»:ht ''•: uy !•-• !>-.* «t«ri«. <ifT»Tjas{

tidt. • >a« fSiat vT'«*h ari l '«*-<•. Toll a»* wh*r«-

'"•a whit h u r<-j«t<~l : r an^tker wh» I*

""•I . I D ! h<-!tw^1 ao4 cflTi-'t •!»,!!. a»»'l i wi l l tak" t b *

'•I r l > 5W talliM. to w * *i|ia: ••' tii» B-.*r*t l\«» aot yvl

t« a •.;.,r»v!T,,it5 1hr«tv» 'at-•f"* lin tiai! R j i o g throV**" »-;iy will «tji» p-wpcl »?t<T - r> -ir..l w«rM f l u n g fr->m itf ( ( nr-k<-bf-«r1 *>f Ckrltt. **•">: i it uriU j>nrilOD « ,v*ry '''•'Jin!, ciirx f v t r y Sf..t!M«>. •y «Jav<> at i l vaii*w*srs «f»rj-

f tj if -Wi» !:•<>*)(!* •t. «!«•»*•"( fB« i-ibttf oa^l, &&1 it <**• o liuif !h" s « w tk^atd t * j « « *h* *ir* *.*^hff. ;' ff ti»>r» fotj fcj» ».*«-» IJB*C no tro i i t ! ^ tbtf h^^ i> -«i?t-. i^-tij1.t»i'^.i^i*,

;sr p * 1 t-. ii--<,™-S food fr*^f»i-Rif «*ii4"iiy !'-> y^>af

tb*t» ttar** <f«ar» s-«r* cfo«e tagatbtw. TbTrw was 601 half a i*agth ketwewa aar two of t k * * .

Ti" l*.fn ;^!5 f e*f** , B ° e , r t M d l w 4 »«?''u'• , •' ka* baaa traa*portiae btoycl^ far tke of »• tk*ffcfra_«ito w*._a» «raad a firtt « f 5£atta\**aoa a taeaal Suaday a«^ly

C?n»»»J. «aln«1 > ^ j r , ourl*.! O-I-*T that Ha*.

Eiet-ated Kailf-JKT^trata* at:_a cost of tea <MratA.

la .~t!>'


ftaa »'--'.rttaa'- »t»t'ir«> fir?? ia»t>ff ici"-r*r«.*a.'s is j»?j-««"«al Miitin Tr.'vtiuSi. j

Oh, *«T it ~>. w*r •»*;*. ai?b T»i j . 1 .K »*i->. ^- j >-.'»j»'i*tiiy ?r»B. , !

A lifibt t-'* •!•»»" Kj*-r, ih* re* i ' Tkat <«*d* sr." s« iSi* U»»'«. 1

I **n »»r* that tifKv a**'*-*asr» i i«v wki a.1 ( ar.a*i». »isui» h*^ e'l«m> }»<t ty th* «%»{•»! arrow. Y'-u toH ib*- »«uaJ r.f .<»"»* -joafS-^foa. «ud r«o r.Iuas*d fata tk» w.--r;d (S*nr",, . ju»! *.» ! tk«- »taif. *!i=» !l»* kT-aadif *r« a'tpr it. j r.Jusiav** isj'. S T V - I ! i»tf. «,*r**»»aa ia tkst < ts»v t^ **#."Af . 2<r*u* < ''ferial i ASJ y^ijr ; ira^li f.-w-lay, jm^*r.ti*e» taao" a- t ta ararb, ! hat in fttr'y. t» w> <?ha«*»t *t>\ r*jititu; | t-.ak" i<er* s* tke *.'.r.r4rn r.f »><»iS"» m > w anil j »*ir«ti«Ti, wh*n> ?>••,} ;JisT r>d y<-.;ir thir»1" | ?t i'*}- tfcat ifka** (i< *Ltti t<i-4ay. It<- ISi r*.i ffvuniaia *.k»s i»Tfsa~fri>r!". fb* JM»rt «•>< sit l,tr<t. I Hd yoti rt.'<r.. !• Ikur*- in ail tftto t?M5*» am"'»•* wis-- ~asi r^'utf (*>* •••ff«-- :k«t miBM frailp tte<* h"*rt cftb" dviaA k%':j >if fj,.i*;- Wh». •'.• y i-i kD'-TT Ibal %h"t- .ir»\ la th* !T*S> »h«-l w-«r.1. « •ii!« tb*!. l>» Xt\.\\ nVr v.>D ic*f i>-"*i*y. w-iiild Ssn« tk* • f>' tl!<> <safv*nn» a! r<-ar f«*t. If ft3«y x^ou****<I tt? Bat tb^y *'at •->]! '-a t^o laoaataiay. liw tN.rtti ti'A.k tfi"T.. and tfc*y dcsl.

Th*T<* to l» * ifiwl in fl••rmany ^ ptoc«> ..lfcr*.sa4'n" "d-*r ;«»{<*•-two i»ra . ai^m

'* Iwt •".•'••i.rf. tWir»»io tti«B~. t\ f^arfai Hl).t*r!J. * S>i* t» •»«»'!* "•'.""•r l^ap' l»c»»w .••«« » huiil>?r was (•« !'';<<• tr-n • W <>1 a ilt?cr. It «Aan« <.-< <•»« M th*^ oraa*.' Tfefr*•'*»*' a • )-*.-«'j«1. fnr It fr>ia sk* i>ur»iii! •! tn« Uual«*r. aail ia

: Mtt*r d<"'f«Sir it spillj>?r*il lt««cll up and m Ih* tt«iUi dCi'&y «u»-(af»t«*if t" j«Tp acr«»* Of

1 f.-.ijr" It f*il. s o . ! wa« i1wi)*d Wn tkt' r.wk* l*r l * i v : i l h . ll*r>» i t * f* th to 5i*av*n. It i* j>;ais. I" i' *af" J w a * » a r k * II out for (•Tt>rv n;«jn I w a i t la. But k»r* to a maa tr ln ' tay« "I * - n ' t w a i t ia tkat j*ath. 1 win safe" ray u » c way ." Jl* « « » « "n iiofii

i h» c..'afr-mt* *li<- et>n,*tr< tkat dlridtw hto *r>al ffiir.i iie«*"n. S o w h ^ T V t koftt ka« eoniP, aud h" rv^itUi'f Unit ii*1 will Iran that <*h**m,

; from th" hvielst' <-t i-nrth to the beisrhte of ': b r a w n , rkand ha*1!; now. aad iriTPklm fall 1 * w i n s . ' A f »f> vsi »v»r -Hd lh»t ^u»"e*<i«fiilly. ! L*t b im trv. 4 « i n [ ! Jutaji* Ho mtoww the 1 mark. *n.l"b* su** J .>wj .d«rjk W n » •Ver>tk.

•Mcwrivi^l «iibi->yt j*niB't*." M«u.-toit«to, dpvito, wknt itlia'l we '-sSl that p t a c of awfn i <*»!.*«(r"i-h<v Lpt it be ktiown tor«v*r a* t k e

, *i»n*r ,» dfatk isaj-

Ml W.l fbn ftn r.ut

f i « u ;

kkn I,'.'

mpa s 'linMlsii w<irk, a« yn« •tii-.ii». )h«i lay {.r.'Rck-i<4>att«aitflric!> HDil the •> ff*l Hint you l«>«r Irs T-jiipftr*! with which

____ . ..jry.-r Cnti|nr MO.HITV Htnnmest.

Cb»c«»rt> I* .>>nl«>aij.tRtlnK iirtn« w a v>1-Jii>r>' n>.>E»rc>*HtUhe Mc MOU* pillar (jiinr-ricl in Wi*,'ou*irs f*>r fshthUinn ar the Oo-lurablnn Eaj-^i'lnn. It totb*" larft*t "a»ono. »i. 1 tk»iQunderMto ofhoaraa f a j» l i > e *rvtld. beiag 108 (e*t loajf.

v»* « w **#* <m tk# water. I wk hy U J A aatU tbetr baat fnr«*J ahead, aad tb*a ffanrard, tb#ark apoa a£saat «r*a ienc». bad to drop back kaatoie.

poaaayltWAla wa» threw l«k|Mk* bekiad fUrrard at ;hv tossiaeiag of tka foartk aiil«, hut her «*w pv»0i ap aatU tb«v 8ntok*4 )«» tkaa « i«-t(rtlj kekiadtk*CSaahrSdg*meo.


Tlip k n a k m M f c l aod Onrawlt*. »at D»«-rtrrtr t»lT*rg*nt Vl«w».

Tk* Oriaftt Sew Yore C^amtoatoa. after it had orsaato»d la Sew Tork City, found It-«If dlrided. OB lb* <}a**tf.»n a« to wketber it .»kso)d dwlarc Ua»H for a borooRk fona of (r:'"r©ratn*st «k<< S«w fork e*airj-,i*ssis«**r* ware array*! a««ic*t tbfflw* frons Brookiya. It wa* tb» fin«t «(rn of dift*r«ns» of opiatoo, aad wa# eaa*id«r«i.a*:aD ladicationot fatare .-wateatlna.

Tk« .irgaaisation of the v^aiasSsaioa was pg*.-rte«t ID Mayor Slrooa » ">«3c*. Ctoaeral rtonjaaiia F. Tra?y WM eli"<<t*d Pr««»d«of, 0*oni* M. Pian»T. dr., of S;ar*a L«5and, 8eo-r^ary, and Sflis B. I>ate!jer, of Ktag* O.^aaty. Tr."*»urpr.

Forrosr Slayer TTJOSJW F. Oilroy. who was »pr>.->ta!od by Ooreraor Morton to fili th* va-wavy «as»wS by tke rc'asal of C-.tnf>trollpr Titcb to «?rre at a consmltwloaw, wa« f*n?*«-*nt. Hto ap{*oiatto*at wa* raadp public by M*yf>r Stroag wbca tka comaiarioa aa«.

CtoadkarM VTrrrkt Ifontet aad Cropi.

A cloudbarM at Marietta. Okio, which corerod a aide area, I H the moat desrtruc-tfr*tk«t ever visited that territory, Hoa»w Wf«re swept away, stock of all kinds drowned aol maay pers<3a« narrowly easaped with their Ifv**. In K«n« t twkat the water rose twacty feet ia tea mlnntea. Crops are raiaed «a tb« Llttif MutVIORum for twaaty uuics,

Kew Mexlro F'opaliau. At the Sew Mexico Fopaltot Territoria)

Coatfcnttoa held at Alho<ia.«roaa for tbea*-fertloa of delegate* to the National Ooarnn-tion r«olatlon*adiroeatiajioc-oi>eratlaB with the Demo<*iHe party for Ike purfxw 01 (.-aloittsfreecolnageOf silrer at the ratio ol 16 to I were adopted uoaattnously.

_*—__ . North Caiwllaa tXmoerata.

At Uaicigk Cyra« W. Watsoa was aomia-atcd by the North CaroJioa Democratic Con-reation for OoTeraor oa^be first ballot. Tiie ptBtform adopted iaMracto the delegatus lo Ckicago to vot« for free aiiver.

I ^ f f l S a ^ a J w w w w ^ B S Monterey C<mnty California, and all who har« n e w e d the wonder declare it to be the most colossal as well aa the most marvelous freak in natural scaip-tttte tn existence. All portions of the f«&**£" lexcept the back (which ap-pear* to be ' 'blocked" in to the tneta-

Beware of iti'riBe:way to a dtotreswd and 8x»d eatprewtiiia wboa "earaiaa to ride a bi-cyetok Sooia wosaea lone ifood looks atti« riding a cycle for »:>aj« tla>«. becaase of tke batat ot ma«a« ao aiaay urimaace* while ; morpbic tockk against which i t eeems aad«*»tda«th«imoai«offeiiralas. ! to be so natoraTlv recl ining) , are aa

Probably tb* Ens onraaiaation of wbeeU „«-•>,,. » . thonch fresh from the enfwpoSHtcilparpow«was!ora.»dwken 1 p * " f « " w o n g a 1^r»^ irmo «i« ™ 8 * e w a r t P W a g i . * ^ * w w o « a a t o * d a t \ U n d a ol Bome giant sculptor. The

chio , month, nose, eye* and brow are all perfect, aa is also the hair.

tha Stewart Flytag f-eaira* wa* organised Patarnaa, S. J. The body to cotapo*«d of wkewlatea, aad ia in first day, it is said, en­rolled akoat 1099 members. B«id*e par-tsotpatiair ia parade* t8»* wbealmea will have ran* to ooUymg towa» and kold ma»s meH-last*.

W B « 8 buyia«r a bicycle MfBeleat aare to not takea that aa *•**« St it secured. It to <jaite at> e»»eottRl to be eiae'.ly !>aited with a t'TCie *» with a bor.*e. Ao <*tp*n will 8r« akwrtaic not only the belsrbt aad weight of the parskasor. hat the pjas*! parp.ise for which tke tsorw? to ra>r«fr«d tutors <lectJias on the aoiosa! « suitaNHty. Aai ihe cyclist oecda atore carsfal Bfting tfcaa the borse-icaB.


Some natnraliebs say that no insects except the ailk worm feed npon 1fae leaves of thejnalbeTry.

A Man Seat ' a dail for f>lxty Day* (or an Art of Crartt.r.

The t a i l i n g of acow"? tail, a WrubiDgtoa jadge kss dectCed, to cruelty to tmlmals. Ho aoaounced from the beach that he wouiJ floe or send to Jail every P W B *oanJ statlfv of the offense. A colored laan, who fBffered tke first pantohuan'at under this rulinjr, w « seat to }*ll bv the iud/?e for Kisty dam It was proved that he twisted a cow'* tail aatil tka bellowed witk paia. TJs » w had fallen i.loWD and wa« uaable fri»<; and tke colored man parfortned the twlstiag oiwratlon by rolltngkertall under kto feet. Betonowrc-aeotlag lx> jail.

Carton* rataltty. " Two week* ago Pan Shea broagat to

Hoaghtoa, Mich., tke body of bto brother-in-law. Con Prtoeoll, who was kilted In a arioe at Batte. Moataaa. A tew d a p a»ter hia re-

-*ara to Batte' 8hea was killed la the aame tola* and la tk« &ame manner a* Drtocoli

AB Ea>*rr Wh-e*A rsnwtofc 31)00 R*A-0latf*a* per tarnt* ••:; a ^ Buffalo Foot Power Crfn tier will ertod «aj"HsiiiKfrt'Ei» sMile in i s *ie.and »jn»4 >li» tMntigr tltf «*.ri}\f**juflrl:Sfcei;*n; }«<•»». Ak* yoor b»ra**r» .a**5«r iw.Trat •sou <•>[!» fc>r in>ii»fti<iii anj trial,

t&ix-i* t j j j u i , KAMfKl, R0«iEK» & VOn

IMriTal*, S. Y. SESS

n» yonf - ;.ca»ta

_ *» wul ttu* raa b'.m u m»itrj8 • a«rj *b wauflf «or»; we fori stub ute voric asa tewfe yt-o £rw yc* »»i* ta ti» !r<c«iiy -when jroc JWR tti« t?a«ifi«K tiaSy; ittHoacrvr frdtp>

_. _*<.rk; fctwoiw-ly »arfi w»ftf « «% *. jr. Musu.1.*. muamir. »« tf, aata»r> aicaic-«

irocnv w.M«ttra& 1 WaaMaqrtan. » . < \

. , , ol»»>"H:S Teaason Bur»»»i I tyraiklatl mar, W»uji«lic»mtgcJ»Jui», atty uuca f t D I I I U *3ii WH1SST habutcarcd. kotswai

l l r l i l w »aw- ui-. a «. aaatuni, trurri. ta.

CRIPfLE CREEK tiOt.t> STOCKtk, Vfri^. tti> t*iiri* bcit to a»k« M* iao»?y ta 0*14 6l~ti* c.» « t!,vevT»«3*.t.. Krlitbk UiformMyoa tsstl«d frf!». A<sdrw« Tb* <i<AS Sti.*k lnTtatnutet^ct'cta-rtdy frproiys. Co!^ JP. HBniW. Ajgeato «anaa.

When you come in hot and thirsty,—HIRES Root-beer.

Money ta Chickens ForsfSe. iatwmpt we tend 1 UJ Faiit. JWOE struts ule*tperwiK!* uttpracuou t natry RUte*—ac« ui unas«ut, oai a outa iv<»ictag •or aotiaM aad wow— o .<««». it ttacac* sow w WMsi usviost Dkcwa: Veea iorSzA ia«o lor i'wRc&lBg; *«irt i u«rJi u i»r« tor ifiwlla*; evcr*a»5-r» enitJM tor produmi* PoiMrry ndar

_ _ ate. a m i n t'LBt.i>..iis.«j CO. I 3 t Leonara sirecU Sew Vera.

Washing windows

is another one of the things that P e a r l i n e l ^ ^ V ) d o ? s be s t«

With that, the glass is never cloudy—is always clear and

bright Washing it is less trouble, of course—but that is

the case -with everything that is washed with Pearline.

And about the sashes and the frames; remember that Pearline, when it takes the dirt off, leaves

the paint on. Haven't you noticed that certain imitations arw net so particular about this? tsa

Lynched In Alabama Infuriated cltiecna lynch &l a colored man

in Lcwn'lea Couaty, AtoMma Th* vk-t^tn. Bill Westmoreland, had -kUW a wctl."-do fsnner. J oka OilcbTtot, vbv ^ vi n«iu « ort PCfOSlt. , f

" Brevity is the Sou! of Wit." Cood Wife, You Need