render me real? investigating the effect of render style ... · of participants to animation. they...

ACM Reference Format McDonnell, R., Breidt, M., Bülthoff, H. 2012. Render me Real? Investigating the Effect of Render Style on the Perception of Animated Virtual Humans. ACM Trans. Graph. 31 4, Article 91 (July 2012), 11 pages. DOI = 10.1145/2185520.2185587 Copyright Notice Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for prot or direct commercial advantage and that copies show this notice on the rst page or initial screen of a display along with the full citation. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, to redistribute to lists, or to use any component of this work in other works requires prior specic permission and/or a fee. Permissions may be requested from Publications Dept., ACM, Inc., 2 Penn Plaza, Suite 701, New York, NY 10121-0701, fax +1 (212) 869-0481, or [email protected]. © 2012 ACM 0730-0301/2012/08-ART91 $15.00 DOI 10.1145/2185520.2185587 Render me Real? Investigating the Effect of Render Style on the Perception of Animated Virtual Humans Rachel McDonnell * * Trinity College Dublin Martin Breidt Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics Heinrich H. B ¨ ulthoff †‡ Korea University Figure 1: Male avatar rendered in different visual styles, ranging from realistic to abstract, based on the results in Section 5. Abstract The realistic depiction of lifelike virtual humans has been the goal of many movie makers in the last decade. Recently, films such as Tron: Legacy and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button have produced highly realistic characters. In the real-time domain, there is also a need to deliver realistic virtual characters, with the in- crease in popularity of interactive drama video games (such as L.A. Noire TM or Heavy Rain TM ). There have been mixed reactions from audiences to lifelike characters used in movies and games, with some saying that the increased realism highlights subtle imperfec- tions, which can be disturbing. Some developers opt for a styl- ized rendering (such as cartoon-shading) to avoid a negative reac- tion [Thompson 2004]. In this paper, we investigate some of the consequences of choosing realistic or stylized rendering in order to provide guidelines for developers for creating appealing virtual characters. We conducted a series of psychophysical experiments to determine whether render style affects how virtual humans are perceived. Motion capture with synchronized eye-tracked data was used throughout to animate custom-made virtual model replicas of the captured actors. CR Categories: I.3.7 [Computer Graphics]: Three-Dimensional Graphics and Realism—[Rendering] Keywords: perception, uncanny valley, facial animation, motion capture Links: DL PDF * [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 1 Introduction Choosing an appropriate rendering style for virtual humans in movies, games, and other domains can be a challenging task. Us- ing near-human characters can be considered risky, as it is not only costly but can produce a negative audience reaction [Geller 2008; Levi 2004]. This effect may be one of the reasons why many stu- dios use cartoon stylizations rather than photorealistic humans to depict their characters. Knowing the correlation between how re- alistic and how appealing characters of different render styles are perceived to be could help studios in making their decisions. There are many other applications besides the movie and game industry who could benefit from this knowledge. For example, in advertis- ing it could be very advantageous to determine which human repre- sentations would best convince viewers to purchase their products. Furthermore, in virtual training applications, knowing which render style students would be more likely to trust could help with training success. In this paper, we investigate if using realistic rendering does in fact produce a more negative response than using lower quality or styl- ized rendering. More specifically, we consider: Are there differ- ences in how truthful we perceive real and virtual humans? Does rendering style influence trust? If we choose a stylized rendering, will this affect how appealing, friendly, or re-assuring the character appears? In order to do so, we perform a series of psychophysical experiments, where a range of 11 different render styles are applied to identical geometry and motion pairs. ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 31, No. 4, Article 91, Publication Date: July 2012

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Page 1: Render me Real? Investigating the Effect of Render Style ... · of participants to animation. They found that removing facial ani-mation and/or sound changed the emotional content

ACM Reference FormatMcDonnell, R., Breidt, M., Bülthoff, H. 2012. Render me Real? Investigating the Effect of Render Style on the Perception of Animated Virtual Humans. ACM Trans. Graph. 31 4, Article 91 (July 2012), 11 pages. DOI = 10.1145/2185520.2185587

Copyright NoticePermission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profi t or direct commercial advantage and that copies show this notice on the fi rst page or initial screen of a display along with the full citation. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, to redistribute to lists, or to use any component of this work in other works requires prior specifi c permission and/or a fee. Permissions may be requested from Publications Dept., ACM, Inc., 2 Penn Plaza, Suite 701, New York, NY 10121-0701, fax +1 (212) 869-0481, or [email protected].© 2012 ACM 0730-0301/2012/08-ART91 $15.00 DOI 10.1145/2185520.2185587

Render me Real? Investigating the Effect of Render Style on thePerception of Animated Virtual Humans

Rachel McDonnell∗∗Trinity College Dublin

Martin Breidt††Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics

Heinrich H. Bulthoff†‡‡Korea University

Figure 1: Male avatar rendered in different visual styles, ranging from realistic to abstract, based on the results in Section 5.


The realistic depiction of lifelike virtual humans has been the goalof many movie makers in the last decade. Recently, films suchas Tron: Legacy and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button haveproduced highly realistic characters. In the real-time domain, thereis also a need to deliver realistic virtual characters, with the in-crease in popularity of interactive drama video games (such as L.A.NoireTM or Heavy RainTM). There have been mixed reactions fromaudiences to lifelike characters used in movies and games, withsome saying that the increased realism highlights subtle imperfec-tions, which can be disturbing. Some developers opt for a styl-ized rendering (such as cartoon-shading) to avoid a negative reac-tion [Thompson 2004]. In this paper, we investigate some of theconsequences of choosing realistic or stylized rendering in orderto provide guidelines for developers for creating appealing virtualcharacters. We conducted a series of psychophysical experimentsto determine whether render style affects how virtual humans areperceived. Motion capture with synchronized eye-tracked data wasused throughout to animate custom-made virtual model replicas ofthe captured actors.

CR Categories: I.3.7 [Computer Graphics]: Three-DimensionalGraphics and Realism—[Rendering]

Keywords: perception, uncanny valley, facial animation, motioncapture

Links: DL PDF

[email protected][email protected][email protected]

1 Introduction

Choosing an appropriate rendering style for virtual humans inmovies, games, and other domains can be a challenging task. Us-ing near-human characters can be considered risky, as it is not onlycostly but can produce a negative audience reaction [Geller 2008;Levi 2004]. This effect may be one of the reasons why many stu-dios use cartoon stylizations rather than photorealistic humans todepict their characters. Knowing the correlation between how re-alistic and how appealing characters of different render styles areperceived to be could help studios in making their decisions. Thereare many other applications besides the movie and game industrywho could benefit from this knowledge. For example, in advertis-ing it could be very advantageous to determine which human repre-sentations would best convince viewers to purchase their products.Furthermore, in virtual training applications, knowing which renderstyle students would be more likely to trust could help with trainingsuccess.

In this paper, we investigate if using realistic rendering does in factproduce a more negative response than using lower quality or styl-ized rendering. More specifically, we consider: Are there differ-ences in how truthful we perceive real and virtual humans? Doesrendering style influence trust? If we choose a stylized rendering,will this affect how appealing, friendly, or re-assuring the characterappears? In order to do so, we perform a series of psychophysicalexperiments, where a range of 11 different render styles are appliedto identical geometry and motion pairs.

ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 31, No. 4, Article 91, Publication Date: July 2012

Page 2: Render me Real? Investigating the Effect of Render Style ... · of participants to animation. They found that removing facial ani-mation and/or sound changed the emotional content

In our Explicit Experiments (Section 5), we allow participants torate the realism of characters rendered using 10 different styles. Wealso collected participants’ direct impressions of the characters, byasking them to rate how re-assuring, familiar, appealing, friendly,and trustworthy they found them to be. These ratings were col-lected separately on moving and still characters. This allowed us todetermine the relationship between realism and appeal for virtualcharacters, and whether motion had an effect on the ratings. Wefound that highly realistic and highly abstract styles were consid-ered appealing, whether still or moving. However, render styles thatwere in the middle of the range between abstract and realistic wereconsidered unappealing, and the most unappealing character wasconsidered even more so when motion was applied. Furthermore, alack of appeal occurred for characters that were considered unfamil-iar. We also determine whether or not animation artifacts are moreforgiving on less realistic or stylized characters. We found that char-acters that were textured using human photographs appeared moreunpleasant than stylized characters, when large motion anomalieswere present.

In our Implicit Experiments (Section 6), we perform a more indi-rect test of character appeal using a lie detection paradigm. Usingrecorded truths and lies from two human actors and their virtualreplicas, we determine if the style in which the characters are ren-dered has an effect on how truthful they are perceived to be. Also,if there are differences in ratings between real and virtual charac-ters. Overall, we found that the audio track contained the mostreliable cues for deception detection, and without this, participantswere performing at chance level. With audio and visual cues, par-ticipants relied on visual more than auditory cues for the appealingvirtual avatars. Furthermore, we found that rendering style did notbias ‘truth’ responses, and that lies and truths were perceived onreal and virtual characters in the same way. In Section 8, we pro-vide guidelines for developers, based on our results.

2 Related Work

The complex interaction between motion and appearance has beenexamined in previous work. Hodgins et al. [1998] found that view-ers’ perception of motion characteristics is affected by the geomet-ric model used for rendering. They observed higher sensitivity tochanges in motion when applied to a polygonal model, than a stickfigure. Chaminade et al. [2007] investigated how the appearance ofa range of characters influenced perception of their actions. Theyfound that anthropomorphism decreased the tendency to report theirmotion as biological. In [McDonnell et al. 2009], we investigatedthe effect of body shape on the perception of bodily emotion. Wefound that perception of emotion is highly robust and mostly inde-pendent on the character’s body appearance. More recently, Hod-gins et al. [2010] conducted perceptual experiments to determinehow degradation of human motion affects the emotional responseof participants to animation. They found that removing facial ani-mation and/or sound changed the emotional content that was com-municated to their participants. The effect of render style was notinvestigated in their experiment.

The Uncanny Valley (UV) has become a standard term for the hy-pothesis that near-photorealistic virtual humans often appear unin-tentionally eerie or creepy. This UV phenomenon was first hypoth-esized by robotics professor Masahiro Mori [1970]. Mori predictedthat as a robot looks more human it also looks more agreeable, untilit appears so human that we begin to find subtle imperfections un-settling. He also hypothesized a stronger effect for moving versusstill objects. This supposed negative response has been attributedto many causes such as motion artifacts or lack of familiarity. Morerecently, the UV hypothesis has been transfered to human avatarsin computer graphics, and has been explored directly in some stud-

ies [MacDorman et al. 2009; Bartneck et al. 2007]. Hanson etal. [2005] conducted a web-based survey showing a range of hu-manoid depictions, from cartoon-like to realistic. Users in theirstudy found each of the images to be positively acceptable, andtheir reaction never dipped into the negative region.

Previous work from the fields of psychology and neurosciencehas shown that different regions of the brain are activated whenpresented with real and virtual stimuli. For example, Perani etal. [2001] conducted a Positron Emission Tomography scan studywhere participants viewed sequences of a real hand, a realistic vir-tual reproduction, and a low quality virtual hand. They providedevidence of the difference in neural processing between real and vir-tual stimuli. However, they found only a limited effect of the levelof realism of the virtual hands. Han et al. [2005] measured brain ac-tivity using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) whileparticipants viewed cartoons or live action movies. The authorsconclude that their findings could suggest that the human brainfunctions in a different way when interacting with real people thanwith artificial or cartoon characters. Mar et al. [2007] conductedan fMRI study using footage derived from the film Waking Life asstimuli. Participants saw identical biological movement for the styl-ized and live-action footage. They found that brain activation washigher in live-action portrayals of social interaction, which impliedthat participants were more engaged when viewing the live-actionsequences.

More recently, Chen et al. [2010] found that adaptation to cartoonfaces with large eyes shifted participants’ preferences for humanfaces towards larger eyes. Also, Saygin et al. [2012] conductedan fMRI experiment where participants viewed a human and herrobotic replica with and without silicon skin performing recogniz-able tasks. They found that brain activity was higher for the human-like robot and attributed this higher activation to the incongruencebetween motion and appearance. Other studies have shown thatpeople can respond socially to human and nonhuman entities [Slaterand Steed 2002; Reeves and Naas 1996] and that they can engagewith virtual humans whether or not they look human [Nowak andBiocca 2003].

It has been shown that certain psychological responses, includingemotional arousal, are commonly generated by deceptive situa-tions [DePaulo et al. 2003]. Experimental literature indicates thatpeople can discriminate lies from truths with above-chance levelsof accuracy [DePaulo et al. 2003]. For virtual avatars, Steptoe etal. [2010] assessed the impact of the addition of realistic eye motionin avatar mediated communication. They found that the addition ofeye movement increases participant accuracy in detecting truth anddeception when interacting with virtual avatars.

Figure 2: Performance Capture with synchronized body, face, eyemotion, audio, and video reference.

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ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 31, No. 4, Article 91, Publication Date: July 2012

Page 3: Render me Real? Investigating the Effect of Render Style ... · of participants to animation. They found that removing facial ani-mation and/or sound changed the emotional content

3 Performance Capture

We decided to use motion-capture technology to animate the facesof our virtual characters, since we wanted to precisely match thetiming and intensity of the real motion. Furthermore, we did notwant the interpretation of the action by an animator to be an extra-neous factor. The first step was to conduct a series of performancecapture sessions to collect motion and audio data from real people,and to create virtual models to apply the motion to. We opted torecord interview style sequences, where the person answering thequestions was recorded, while the interviewer was out of the cap-ture volume.

Two actors participated in each recording session. One took the roleof the “interviewer” whose voice alone was recorded. The secondwas the “interviewee” whose voice, face, body and eye movementswere captured (Figure 2). Even though we only intended to viewthe characters from the shoulders up, we included full body motion,as we felt the shifting of position in the pelvis and the arm, neck andhead motion would be important to realistically portray the perfor-mance of the actor. Furthermore, as in [Hodgins et al. 2010], wewanted to ensure that we had natural, ecologically valid stimuli thatwould be similar to those found in real applications. Eye-capturewas also included in our dataset as we felt it would increase thefidelity of the recorded performance.

All actors were non-professionals and accustomed to the motioncapture setup and environment. A series of questions were asked atrandom by the interviewer. The questions were selected such thata short answer response would occur, in order to get an immedi-ate reaction from the interviewee. We ensured that questions didnot relate to the physical appearance of the character (e.g., “whatcolor are your eyes?”), and could not have multiple answers (e.g.,“what is your favorite film?”). The interviewee was told in advancewhether to lie or tell the truth to the question. The answers were notrehearsed and the questions were not known in advance to ensure anatural reaction.

Motion capture was conducted using a 13 camera Vicon optical sys-tem, where 52 markers were placed on the body and 36 markers onthe face. Typical motion-capture artifacts were avoided by ensuringaccurate capture with minimal trajectory re-construction. A head-mounted eye-tracking device (SMI Eyelink II) was used to capturethe movements of the left eye relative to the head at 250Hz. Theeye-tracker is accurate to within 0.5 degrees of visual angle. Beforeevery capture take, calibration was performed using nine fixationtargets on a screen that was positioned in the capture area. Oncecalibration was complete, the actor was free to move away from thescreen as we recorded the rotation angle of the eye relative to thehead, not to the screen. Two studio condenser microphones wereplaced near the actors and recorded their voices on two separatetracks.

3.1 Motion Mapping

The body motion (captured at 120Hz) was mapped onto a skeleton,where joint angles were computed and used to drive the virtual char-acter in Autodesk 3ds Max 2012. The facial motion was directlyexported as 3D marker motion. In order to avoid any retargetingerrors due to slight differences in the head bone animation (as ap-proximated from the joint angles), the facial marker motion was notdirectly applied to the bones of the characters. The rigid head mo-tion was first removed, using three markers that were mounted onthe eye-tracking rig, and moved only with the actor’s head. Subse-quently, the markers were linked to the head bone in order to followthe motion of the character’s head exactly. A bone-based approachthat used linear blend skinning was used to drive the facial geom-

etry. We chose this type of deformation (over more sophisticatedmethods such as [Curio et al. 2006]) as it is the predominant ani-mation method used in computer games. Twenty of the characters’facial bones were then constrained to their corresponding opticalmarkers to produce the animation. Since motion was only mappedfrom the actor to his/her virtual replica, retargeting was not neces-sary, and the markers could drive the bones directly.

Finally, the eye rotations were computed and applied directly on tothe bones driving the eye balls in 3ds Max. Since we only trackedthe motion of the left eye, an additional rotational offset was addedto its motion before applying it to the right eye ball. The offset waschosen such that the eye convergence point was approximately atthe position of the interviewer’s face when the actor looked at her.This approximation worked successfully for our recordings, sincethe actors kept eye contact with the interviewer during the recordingand did not focus on nearby objects.

4 Models and Render Styles

Two virtual replicas were made of the motion captured actors (1male and 1 female). A 3D scan of each actor’s face was taken usinga structured light 3D scanner (ABW). This scan was used, alongwith a series of photographs taken from a series of different anglesby an artist to create virtual models of the actors. The virtual modelswere typical “next gen” game characters, with both facial and bodyrigs, and high quality diffuse, opacity and normal-map textures.

We created 11 rendering styles in total for use in our experiments.In order to ensure high quality rendering, we commissioned someof the styles from a professional artist working in the games indus-try. Other styles were created with the guidance of an artist and withplugins for 3ds Max. We differentiate in notation between charac-ters that used photographs of real humans for their diffuse textures(Human) and those that used more cartoon-like shaders and textures(Toon). Figure 3 depicts the first 10 styles, and Figure 9 shows anexample of the eleventh style under motion.

• ToonPencil: was included as a highly abstract style, in orderto determine if a large loss in visual information would affectperception. A high quality line-drawing plugin (Illustrate 5.6)for 3ds Max was used to create the style. There was no light-ing/shading information present for this style, just black lineswith a white background.

• ToonFlat: was a flat-shaded typical cartoon style, generatedusing Illustrate 5.6. Colors were chosen to match the humandiffuse texture maps as closely as possible. No light sourcewas used and no shading information was present.

• ToonShaded: a two-color shaded version of ToonFlat, to de-termine if the extra shading detail affected perception.

• ToonBare: this style was constructed using standard Phongshading on a character with diffuse color only and no texturemaps.

• ToonCG: This style was created using a two pass render byan artist working in the games industry. We asked the artistfor a highly appealing style, similar to that used in computergraphics cartoons in the industry, in order to examine partici-pant reactions to a highly appealing character. The style usedsubsurface scattering and painted textures to create a soft skin.A blue rim light was composited to add depth and appeal tothe character, a commonly used technique in the industry.

• HumanIll: Negative audience reaction to characters has oftenbeen attributed to the appearance of disease or death. There-fore, a character that we felt looked ill was included, in or-

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Figure 3: The ten render styles used in our experiments, ranging from abstract to realistic.

der to determine participant reactions to a highly unappealingcharacter. We desaturated and added a yellow hue to the dif-fuse map along with shading the skin of the character usinga waxy material. The eyes were glazed over using a semi-transparent glass shader on the cornea.

• HumanBasic: This style used only diffuse human textures,using Phong shading with default point light sources in 3dsMax. This style was a typical game-style which produced noshadows or reflections.

• HumanSSS: Sub surface scattering was used to shade the skinof the character with area lights to create reflections and shad-ows. The cornea of the eyes reflected light using a solid glassshader.

• HumanHQ1: An artist working in the games industry createdthis style using three area spotlights, and ray-traced shadows.

• HumanHQ2: Characters using this style were shaded usingray-traced area lights, indirect illumination, soft shadows, andphysically accurate reflections with a Fresnel-like falloff.

• HumanWrinkle: This style was the same as HumanHQ2 butwith additional normal maps for producing dynamic wrinkleeffects on the skin, driven automatically by the compressionof the geometry edges. Wrinkle normal maps were createdby an artist using photographs of the actors’ faces in posesthat created laughter lines, crows feet, and forehead wrinkles(Figure 9). This wrinkle style was included as this featurecould be used to identify facial deceit [Ekman and Friesen2003].

5 Explicit Experiments

There has been much speculation about whether or not it is prof-itable to invest large resources into trying to achieve photorealis-tic characters, as the audience reaction to these characters can of-ten be negative. For example in the movie Polar Express, charac-ters were realistically rendered yet were frequently considered off-putting when compared to the stylized characters used in moviessuch as The Incredibles [Levi 2004]. In this first set of experiments,we explicitly ask participants to rate different render styles appliedto the same character, in order to determine the direct effect of ren-der style on their impression of the character. The first block usedonly still images, while characters in the second block had motion

applied. A between-groups design was used for this experimentwhere participants in the first and second blocks differed. Basedon Mori’s theory [1970], we hypothesized that participants wouldgive abstract characters more positive ratings than characters thatthey considered to have almost photo-realistic appearance. Also,that this effect would be amplified when motion was present.

5.1 Exp 1: Still vs. Moving

In psychology, rating scales are commonly used to gather infor-mation on subjective conditions such as attitudes and emotions ofparticipants, which could not be collected directly. We chose thistechnique in order to collect the subjective judgments of partici-pants on a range of scales. In order to avoid ambiguity in the termsused in the scales, we presented participants with a full list of def-initions before the experiment. This list was visible on a monitornext to the experiment, so that participants could refer to it whennecessary.

• Extremely abstract - Extremely realistic: This scale was usedto determine if participants found the image to be photoreal-istic or abstract.

• Extremely unappealing - Extremely appealing: This scale toldus if participants would be captivated by a movie with thecharacter as a lead actor, or if they would not find the characterappealing in any way.

• Extremely unfamiliar - Extremely familiar: We wished to de-termine if participants had seen something like the images be-fore, or if they were totally unfamiliar with them. This scalewas included as negative reactions to characters are often at-tributed to lack of familiarity.

• Extremely eerie - Extremely re-assuring: We based this scaleon MacDorman et al. [2009] in their study on uncanny facialimages. The scale was included to compare our results withprevious studies.

• Very unfriendly - Very friendly: We wished to determine ifrender style could make a character appear more friendly.

• Very untrustworthy - Very trustworthy: When asked directly,we wanted to know if participants would rate the different ren-der styles with different levels of trust.

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Page 5: Render me Real? Investigating the Effect of Render Style ... · of participants to animation. They found that removing facial ani-mation and/or sound changed the emotional content

5.1.1 Block 1 – Still Images

For this block, we used the male model rendered in 10 styles, as de-scribed in Section 4. The eleventh style with animated wrinkles wasnot included since the wrinkles would not be visible for a neutralexpression without motion. A still image of each of the 10 renderstyles in three different neutral poses was rendered at a resolutionof 720×576 pixels. We chose neutral poses in order to avoid anyemotional bias due to the facial expression. In total, 30 still imageswere used as stimuli in this experiment, and the poses served asrepetitions of the styles.

Seventeen volunteers (7F, 10M) took part in this experiment. Aswith all subsequent experiments, participants were naıve to the pur-pose of the experiment and from different educational backgrounds.Also, University ethical approval was granted for all experiments,and participants received a book voucher to compensate for theirtime. Participants were presented with a questionnaire where theyrated each image from 1–7 on each of the 6 rating scales. Each stim-ulus remained on the screen until participants completed the 6 ques-tions and pressed the space-bar to move to the next image. In or-der to avoid participants seeing the same image one after the other,stimuli were presented in pseudo-random order. This meant thatparticipants viewed a full sequence of all 10 styles in random orderbefore being presented with the next repetition of the 10 styles, etc.

5.1.2 Block 2 – Movies

In this block, motion was applied to the character, in order to deter-mine if motion affected participant ratings. We chose three motionclips from the male actor recorded in the motion capture session de-scribed in Section 3. The clips ranged in length from 6–10 seconds.Clips were selected such that the motion looked natural and con-tained some visible eye, eyelid, and lip motion. The motion wasapplied to the corresponding character model and rendered in thefull 11 styles described in Section 4.

Seventeen (7F, 10M) new volunteers that did not take part in Block1 were recruited for this experiment. Participants were told thatthe characters would be speaking in the motion clips, but that theywould not hear the audio, to ensure that they based their decisionson visual information alone. As before, they were presented with aquestionnaire where they rated each movie from 1–7 on each of the6 rating scales. The movie looped on the screen until participantscompleted the 6 questions and pressed the space-bar to move tothe next clip. As before, stimuli were presented in pseudo-randomorder.

5.1.3 Results

The ratings for each participant were averaged repetitions (imageor movie clip). We first tested if there was a difference betweenHumanWrinkle and HumanHQ2 in Block 2, and found no signif-icant difference for any of the rating scales. We did not includeHumanWrinkle in the subsequent analysis since there was no cor-responding style in Block 1. For each of the rating scales, a two-way repeated measures ANalysis Of VAriance (ANOVA) was con-ducted on the data from both blocks with within-subjects factorrender style (10) and between-subjects factor movement (2 - stillor moving).


We first analyzed the data for the Realism ratings to determine ifour stimuli covered a large range. A main effect of render style wasfound (F9,288 = 170.94, p ≈ 0). Post-hoc analysis on this and allsubsequent experiments was conducted using Newman-Keuls testsfor comparison of means, and only significant results at the 95%

level are reported. Figure 4 shows that the ToonPencil style wasrated as the most abstract (1.5 on the scale), and HumanHQ2 wasconsidered very realistic (6 on the scale). Posthoc analysis showedthat six distinct levels of realism were found: 1. ToonPencil; 2.ToonFlat, ToonBare, ToonShaded; 3. ToonCG; 4. HumanIll; 5.HumanBasic, HumanSSS; 6. HumanHQ1, HumanHQ2. No maineffect of the presence or absence of motion was found, indicatingthat the appearance dominated and adding motion did not increasethe realism ratings of the characters. Finally, no interaction oc-curred, implying that each of the render styles were rated in thesame manner whether moving or still.

Figure 4: Main effect of render style on Realism ratings. Errorbars show standard error of the mean (as in all other graphs).


The ratings for Appeal were then analyzed using a two-wayANOVA, as before. A main effect of render style was found(F9,288 = 26.54, p ≈ 0). Post-hoc analysis showed that four ofthe most abstract and the two most realistic styles were rated asthe most appealing (ToonPencil, ToonFlat, ToonShaded, ToonCG,HumanHQ1, HumanHQ2) and significantly more appealing thanall other styles p < 0.05 in all cases). Characters that were ratedhalfway between abstract and realistic in the Realism ratings, wereconsidered the least appealing, with HumanIll being rated as signif-icantly less appealing than all other styles (p < 0.0005 in all cases).HumanBasic and ToonBare were the next least appealing (p < 0.04in all cases), followed by HumanSSS (p < 0.05 in all cases). Thesefindings imply that characters that appear highly abstract or highlyrealistic are considered equally appealing. Furthermore, that a dropin appeal occurs for characters that are neither abstract nor real-istic, and therefore may be difficult to categorize.

No main effect of movement was found as before, however therewas an interaction between movement and render style (F9,288 =2.4, p < 0.02). Post-hoc analysis showed that this was due to thefact that HumanIll was rated as significantly less appealing whenmoving than when still (p < 0.009). This implies that extremelyunappealing characters appear even less appealing when movingthan when still. This effect did not occur for any of the other char-acters, as there was no significant difference between their ratingswhen still or moving (Figure 5, left). On observing the average rat-ings in Figure 5, the appealing styles appear to be rated as moreappealing with motion applied, but these differences were not sig-nificant in our study.


Our statistical analysis showed a main effect of render style(F9,288 = 38.2, p ≈ 0). As with the Appeal ratings, the most real-istic and most abstract styles were considered the most re-assuring(ToonPencil, ToonFlat, ToonShaded, ToonCG, HumanHQ1, Hu-

Render me Real? Investigating the Effect of Render Style on the Perception of Animated Virtual Humans • 91:5

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Figure 5: Interaction between render style and movement on (left) Appeal and (right) Familiarity ratings. Graphs are ordered from the mostabstract to the most realistic, as rated in the Realism ratings.

manHQ2) and equally re-assuring except for ToonFlat and Toon-Shaded which were considered more re-assuring than HumanHQ2(p < 0.05 in both cases). HumanIll was rated as the most eerie,and significantly more so than all other styles (p < 0.00004 in allcases). Finally, HumanBasic, ToonBare, and HumanSSS were ratedas the next most eerie (p < 0.00004 in all cases). No significantmain effect of movement, and no interaction was found.


Participants found it difficult to rate the stimuli on the familiarityscale, as evidenced by the narrow range of average ratings in thegraph (Figure 5, right). However, an overall main effect of renderstyle was found (F9,288 = 18.9, p ≈ 0). Post-hoc analysis re-vealed that the most realistic styles (HumanHQ1 and HumanHQ2)were rated as the most familiar to participants (p < 0.002 in allcases). HumanIll and ToonBare were rated equally as the least fa-miliar (p < 0.003 in all cases). All other styles were rated as justabove halfway between familiar and unfamiliar. Unlike the otherscales, a main effect of movement was found for familiarly ratings(F1,32 = 4.72, p < 0.04), where moving stimuli were rated over-all as significantly more familiar to participants than still images(Figure 5, right). No interaction occurred between movement andrender style.


A main effect of render style was observed (F9,288 = 30.45, p ≈0). Post-hoc analysis showed that HumanIll and HumanBasic wererated as equally unfriendly and more unfriendly than any of theother render styles (p < 0.00005 in all cases). HumanSSS andToonBare were rated as the next least friendly (p < 0.009 in allcases). The most realistic render styles were rated as more friendlythan HumanSSS and ToonBare almost as friendly as the rest ofthe Toons. Finally, the majority of the Toons (ToonPencil, Toon-Flat, ToonShaded, and ToonCG) were rated as the most friendly(p < 0.009 in all cases). No main effect of movement was found,which shows that the motion did not increase how friendly the char-acter appeared. No interaction was found which implied that partic-ipants found the characters equally friendly regardless of whetherthey were moving or still.


For the Trustworthy ratings, a main effect of style was also observed(F9,288 = 35.53, p ≈ 0). HumanIll was considered significantlyless trustworthy than all other styles (p < 0.004 in all cases). Hu-manBasic was the next least trustworthy (p < 0.004 in all cases).ToonBare and HumanSSS were next (p < 0.002 in all cases). Fi-

Figure 6: Main effect of style for Friendly ratings.

nally, the most realistic Humans, and all other Toons were ratedas equally trustworthy, and more trustworthy than all other styles(p < 0.004 in all cases). There was no main effect of motion, andno interaction.

Figure 7: Main effect of style for Trustworthy ratings.

5.2 Exp 2: Motion Anomalies

It has often been speculated that the more realistic a character ap-pears, the more likely people are to notice subtle problems in itsanimation. In this experiment, we aim to test how unpleasant an-imation artifacts are perceived to be, and if they appear more un-

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pleasant on realistically rendered characters.

Hodgins et al. [2010] investigated the effect of animation artifactson the ability of a character to convincingly act out a scene. Theytested a range of artifacts and found that when the facial animationfrom one half of the face was removed, participants found this ex-tremely noticeable. They also found that removing all eye motionwas not considered a disturbing artifact. We chose these two arti-facts in our experiment in order to determine if the effect of renderstyle changed the ratings for a very severe (half face) and a barelynoticeable (static eyes) artifact. We hypothesized that the half facecondition would be the most unpleasant, and that motion alterationswould be perceived as more unpleasant on the realistically renderedmodel.

The motion alterations were applied to the character in 3ds Max andrendered out in five styles: HumanWrinkle, HumanIll, HumanBa-sic, ToonCG, and ToonPencil. The styles were chosen as a sampleof styles of different appeal, based on the ratings in Exp 1. Thesame three clips as in Section 5.1.2 were selected, which ranged inlength from 6–10 seconds.

Twelve volunteers (6F, 6M) took part in this experiment. Partic-ipants were asked to view each motion and then to rate it usingthe keyboard as input, on a scale from 1–7, where 1 indicated “ex-tremely unpleasant” and 7 “extremely pleasant”. They viewed 45movies in pseudo random order (5 render styles × 3 motion alter-ations (no alteration, half face, static eyes) × 3 motion clips).

Figure 8: Interaction between render style and motion alteration.

5.2.1 Results

The ratings for each motion alteration, for each render style wereaveraged per participant over repetitions. A 2-way repeated mea-sures ANOVA was conducted on the results, with factors motion al-teration (3 - no alteration, static eyes, half face) and render style (5).A main effect of motion alteration was found (F2,22 = 37.28, p ≈0), and post-hoc analysis revealed that this was due to the half facealteration being rated as significantly more unpleasant than either ofthe other two (p < 0.0002 in both cases). There was no significantdifference between ratings for movies with static eyes or no alter-ation, implying that participants did not find this artifact disturbing(as in Hodgins et al. [2010]). The character’s head did not move onthe horizontal plane very much in our movies, which may accountfor the fact that static eyes were not perceived as unpleasant. Amain effect of render style was also found (F4,44 = 29.96, p ≈ 0).Post-hoc analysis showed that HumanIll was rated as the leastpleasant (p < 0.005 in all cases), HumanBasic was the next leastpleasant (p < 0.005 in all cases). HumanWrinkle and ToonPen-cil were rated as equally pleasant (p < 0.05 when compared to all

other styles). Finally, ToonCG was rated as the most pleasant, andsignificantly more so than all others (p < 0.05 in all cases).

An interaction also occurred (F8,88 = 4.06, p < 0.0004). Fig-ure 8 shows that with no alteration and with half face alteration,ToonCG was perceived as more pleasant than ToonPencil, but withstatic eyes, there was no difference. For the half face condition,pleasantness ratings were significantly lower for the Human thanfor the Toon characters. This implies that large motion anomaliesare much more acceptable on Toon characters, than on characterswith human textures applied. The Toon characters with the extremehalf face alteration were in fact rated as more pleasant than the Hu-manIll character with no alteration, and equally pleasant to the Hu-manBasic character with no alteration. Contrary to popular belief,the artifacts applied to the most realistic model were not consideredas the most disturbing overall.

Relative differences

Analyzing the absolute difference in ratings gives us an overall pic-ture of how pleasant participants found the various styles, with dif-ferent anomalies applied. However, it does not tell us which ofthe styles was most affected by the anomalies. Therefore, we cal-culated the differences in rating between the no alteration condi-tion and the anomaly conditions, per render style, per participant.We then conducted an ANOVA on the values and found no maineffect of style, but a main effect of motion alteration (F1,11 =47.64, p < 0.00004) which showed that render styles with the halfface anomaly applied had a greater drop in appeal than when theywere displayed with static eyes. An interaction between alterationand render style also occurred (F4,44 = 5.94, p < 0.0007). For thestatic eyes condition, the differences were very low and hoveredaround zero, implying that there was very little difference betweenratings for the no alteration and static eyes conditions. For the halfface condition, there was less of a drop in pleasantness ratings forcharacter’s that were already considered unpleasant with no alter-ation (HumanIll and HumanBasic) than those that were consideredpleasant with no alteration (ToonPencil, ToonCG and HumanWrin-kles).

6 Implicit Experiments

Social interaction with virtual humans is becoming popular in in-teractive drama video games, where players decisions and actionsduring the game affect the narrative. For example, in the videogame L.A. Noire, gamers are asked to interact on a higher level withcharacters than ever before, by trying to determine if a virtual char-acter is lying to them or not. So far, these types of games have cho-sen human-like characters, presumably to allow for more believableperformances and interaction. In this experiment, we investigate ifthe choice of rendering style is important for the display of subtlecues such as those that occur when lying, and if different renderingstyles will evoke different reactions to the same performance.

We chose a deception task for this experiment, where participantswere asked to detect if a virtual character was telling the truth orlying. Previous work using videos of real people has shown thatdeception detection is difficult, with participants usually being ableto detect a lie at just above chance level. We postulated that ren-dering style would unconsciously influence their decisions, wherea negative reaction towards a character could increase the ‘lie’ re-sponses. In the Audio/Visual Experiment, we tested the ability ofparticipants to detect lies on three virtual styles along with twocontrol cases. The first control was audio only, where participantsmade judgments based on the audio track alone. The second controlcondition was the digital video recorded during the capture session(real). Finally, the Visual Only Experiment tested participants abil-ity to detect lies using only visual cues (i.e., no audio).

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6.1 Exp 1: Audio/Visual

In this experiment, we tested participants between-groups in orderto avoid them seeing the same truth and lie sequences on differ-ent render styles. Furthermore, we recorded controlled video dataduring the capture session, so that we could compare our virtualcharacters to their real counterparts. In this experiment, we test theability of participants to detect lies using different visual and au-ditory cues. The five cases that we tested were: real, audio only,HumanIll, HumanWrinkle, and ToonCG. HumanWrinkle was cho-sen as the most realistic style that also had animated wrinkles whichwe felt would aid lie detection (Figure 9). ToonCG was chosen asan appealing style that we postulated might evoke positive reac-tions. Finally, HumanIll was included to determine the effect of ahighly unappealing style. We hypothesized that lie detection wouldbe best when viewing the real video, and worst with the audio alone.Also, that appealing characters would bias participants into believ-ing more of their answers than unappealing syles.

Figure 9: Female character rendered in HumanWrinkle style. (left)character without wrinkle maps, (right) character during eye-browlift, displaying blended wrinkle maps.

In order to create variation in the stimuli, we recruited two actorsfor this experiment - one male and one female. Two new capturesessions were conducted, as described in Section 3. Since we wererecording video that would be used as stimuli in the experiment,we used the smallest possible markers that our system would allow(2mm). Furthermore, we placed the eye-tracker camera as far fromthe face as possible without affecting the tracking accuracy, in orderto prevent occlusion of the face in the video stimuli (Figure 10, left).A blue backdrop was placed behind the actor, outside the capturevolume of the motion capture system. This was to ensure that wecould maintain a consistent background in all videos, and replicateit in the virtual environment.

Figure 10: Corresponding frames from the real video and the vir-tual character rendered in HumanWrinkle style, for the female ac-tor.

The video stimuli were recorded during the motion capture session,to ensure that identical video and virtual stimuli could be achieved.

In order to match the camera in the virtual environment, the cameraposition and orientation relative to the actor was recovered usingmanually labeled marker locations in the image and their recon-structed 3D positions.

Seven truth and seven lie sequences were chosen from each actor’sperformance capture session. Clips were chosen such that the mo-tion had minimal artifacts. The sequences ranged in length from 2to 7 seconds. The eye, body, and face motions of the actors were ap-plied to their custom-made virtual replicas. These sequences werethen rendered in the three render styles (HumanIll, ToonCG, andHumanWrinkle).

Audio recordings from the interviewer and interviewee micro-phones were merged to a mono audio stream. The video stimuliwere divided to precisely match the virtual sequences. One hun-dred and twelve movies were created in total (2 actors × 14 se-quences (7 truths, 7 lies) × 4 representations (3 virtual, 1 real)). Afurther matching 28 audio tracks were also created (2 actors × 14sequences). The character was displayed from the shoulders up andfacing the participant, with a blue cloth background to match thevideo backdrop (Figure 10).

Sixty volunteers took part in this experiment (36M, 24F). The vol-unteers were split into five groups of 12, where each group was pre-sented with one of the five representations (audio, real, HumanIll,HumanWrinkle, ToonCG). Stimuli were displayed on a 24” LCDmonitor at a distance of 60cm and participants used closed-backheadphones to listen to the audio. Movies were displayed at 720× 576 uncompressed (to avoid compression artifacts). Participantsviewed the entire clip and were then asked to decide whether theactor in the clip was telling a “lie” or the “truth”, and indicatedtheir response using a left or right mouse button click. Participantswere instructed to try not to use special strategies for detecting liesand to follow their intuition each time. Participants viewed fourrepetitions of each block in pseudo-random order, to avoid exactrepetitions being played in sequence. No feedback was given toindicate if their answers were correct.

6.1.1 Results

Lie Detection: Sensitivity

We first analyzed the ability of our participants to detect lies. Wewanted to determine if this was affected by the representation(whether real or virtual), or the style used for rendering on the vir-tual models. Also, if participants were better at detecting the liesof either of the two actors. Treating the experiment as a signal de-tection task, we calculated sensitivity (d′) for each actor, for eachcharacter representation using Equation 1 where HR is Hit Rate,FAR is False Alarm Rate and z(p) ∈ [0, 1] is the z-score of p. Highd′ values indicate that participants are accurate at the task of detect-ing lies.

d′ = z(HR)− z(FAR) (1)

A two-way ANOVA was conducted with between groups fac-tor representation (5 - real, audio, HumanIll, HumanWrinkle,ToonCG) and within factor actor (2 - male and female). We foundthat signal detection was low overall, but above chance (which isconsistent with previous work [DePaulo et al. 2003]). We found amain effect of actor (F1,55 = 17.78, p < 0.0001) which showedthat participants were much better at the task when viewing thefemale actor. Participants were performing close to chance levelfor the male actor. A main effect of representation was also found(F4,55 = 2.66, p < 0.05). Figure 11 shows the average d′ scores

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for each of the representations. Contrary to our hypothesis, the au-dio track alone appeared to be the best representation for detectinglies, and was significantly better than audio/visual pairs rendered inHumanWrinkle and ToonCG (p < 0.05 in both cases) and close tosignificantly better than the Real videos (p = 0.08).

These results imply that the visual information was being used byparticipants, but was less reliable than the audio signal. A pos-sible interpretation for the low ratings of the HumanWrinkle andToonCG could be the fact that participants found these styles ap-pealing (as rated in Section 5) and focused more on the visual ratherthan the auditory information, when viewing these styles. It is un-likely to be due to the motion capture accuracy, as ratings for all ofthe virtual styles were not significantly different from the real videostimuli. No interaction was found between representation and actor.

Figure 11: Average d′ sensitivity showing a main effect of charac-ter representation. Higher d′ scores indicate that participants arebetter at the task of detecting lies.

Lie Detection: Bias

We wished to determine if appealing render styles would implic-itly bias participants towards rating the sequences as “truth”, andvice versa for unappealing styles. Informed by Signal DetectionTheory, we calculated the response bias c for each participant, peractor and representation using Equation 2. As before, a two-wayANOVA was conducted with between groups factor representationand within factor actor. No main effects and no interaction wasfound. This implied that using appealing render styles does not biasparticipants towards believing that the character was telling thetruth. An overall truth bias was observed, however. This truth biasis consistent with literature [Buller and Burgoon 1996; Kohnkenet al. 1989] and has been attributed to the fact that people are con-fronted with truthful statements more often than deceptive ones indaily life, and therefore expect statements to be truthful in an ex-perimental situation.

c = −1

2(z(HR) + z(FAR)) (2)

Sequence Responses

The ability of participants to detect lies (d′) was not the only mea-sure that our experiment allowed us to test. Regardless of accu-racy, we were also interested in the whether the question/answersequence responses were consistent across render style (e.g., if alie sequence was consistently responded to as ‘truth’ on one renderstyle and ‘lie’ on another). In order to get a clearer picture of the re-sponses for each of the 28 question/answer sequences over the fourrepetitions, we first calculated the average responses per sequence,

per character representation. Using this data, we conducted a two-way ANOVA with within groups factor question/answer sequence(28 – 7 truths, 7 lies per actor) and between-groups factor represen-tation (5 – real, audio, HumanWrinkle, HumanIll, ToonCG). Nomain effect of character representation was found, but a main ef-fect of question/answer sequence was (F27,1431 = 15.406, p ≈ 0).As can be seen by the spread of responses in Figure 12, partic-ipants were not performing homogeneously, despite the underly-ing “truth bias”. Participants were not very accurate at determin-ing which clips contained lies (low d′), but they were consistentin their responses for each sequence across render style (and bothcontrol cases), which provides evidence towards the fact that theperformance dominated and therefore the render style did not in-fluence their decisions. Finally, a significant interaction was notfound, which implies that responses for each of the 28 clips wereconsistent across representation.

Figure 12: Main effect of question/answer sequence. This graphshows the average ratings for the 7 truth and 7 lie sequences foreach actor. Some lie sequences received high ‘truth’ ratings, but notruths had high ‘lie’ ratings. An overall ‘truth’ bias is also present.

6.2 Exp 2: Visual Only

Auditory information strongly influenced the ratings of participantin the previous experiment. In this experiment, we tested partici-pants ability to detect lies while using only visual information. Thisallowed us to determine if a difference in bias occurs for differentrender styles, when focusing solely on the appearance and motionof the character.

Since there was no audio to guide participants in this experiment,we used a within-subjects design. Three render styles were tested:the most realistic (HumanWrinkle), one of the most appealing(ToonCG), and the least appealing style (HumanIll). Seventeen par-ticipants who had not taken part in any of the audio/visual experi-ments took part in this experiment (12M, 5F). Eighty four movieswere shown in random order (3 render styles × 2 actors (male andfemale) × 14 sequences (7 truth, 7 lies)). Using only visual cues,participants were asked to indicate for each movie whether theythought that the character was telling a lie or the truth.

6.2.1 Results

For each participant, d′ and bias values were calculated per actorper render style. A two-way repeated measures ANOVA was con-ducted on the d′ values and we found no main effect of style, actor

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and no interaction. An independent samples t-test was conducted onthe sensitivity scores, comparing it to chance level (d′ = 0) and therewas no significant difference. This implied that participants wereunable to do the task and were guessing their answers. A two-wayrepeated measures ANOVA was conducted on the bias scores andno main effects and no interaction was found. This shows that evenwhen presented with only visual cues, this still did not bias par-ticipants towards believing appealing characters over unappealingones.

7 Discussion

In this paper, we have investigated the effect of render style on theperception of virtual humans. A series of psychophysical exper-iments were conducted which explored both explicit and implicitmeasures on perception over a range of render styles, while keep-ing all other conditions constant. Eleven different render styleswere rated by the participants for realism and this scale was sub-sequently used to compare against all other effects. We found thatmuch of the information that we use to rate virtual characters isavailable in a still image. Movement changes only how familiarwe find the characters, and also how appealing or pleasant they areconsidered. Highly unappealing characters are considered more sowhen movement is applied, and motion anomalies are consideredmore unpleasant on human than on cartoon render styles. We be-lieve that this was due to the fact that humans are inherently condi-tioned to analyze human faces, and are therefore less forgiving ofanomalies when a human photograph is applied to the model.

These results are very much in line with the Uncanny Valley theory.Contrary to the theory, however, was the fact that our most realisticcharacter was often rated as appealing or pleasant as our cartooncharacters. The drop in appeal for our stimuli came from charactersthat were rated as unfamiliar or those that were in the middle of our‘abstract to realistic’ scale. We feel this could be attributed to thefact that these characters were difficult for the brain to categorizedue to their uncommon appearance, as suggested in [Saygin et al.2012].

In our implicit lie-detection experiments, we tested if the style ofthe character could go as far as to change our ability to perform atask, or bias us towards believing what they say. We found no dif-ference in ratings or bias between any of our virtual characters orthe corresponding real video sequences. This suggests that peoplecan interact with virtual characters in the same way as real humans,primarily due to the content of the audio track. When asked directly,participants rated some characters as more trustworthy than others.However, the trustworthy characters did not bias participants un-consciously into believing more of their lies.

Our result is interesting since it shows that participants were so fo-cused on the task, that the appearance of the character did not swaythem. We found that the audio and animation contributed to the in-terpretation of the characters’ intention rather than the render style.A similar result occurred in a previous study [McDonnell et al.2009] where we found that realistic, motion-captured animationswere enough to convince participants of the emotion of a character,regardless of the body that displayed that emotion. In the enter-tainment industry, one could speculate, based on our results, thatblaming the render style for the box-office failure of photorealisticCG movies is not a valid argument. One could argue that it wasthe content (animation, audio, modeling) and not the render stylethat contributed towards the failure, as we found that render styledoes not alter the interpretation of content in a positive or negativemanner.

To our knowledge, our lie detection experiment represents the firstattempt in the literature at analyzing the effect of the “uncanny val-

ley” implicitly. The fact that the render style did not bias partic-ipants into saying “lie” was not the answer that we had hypothe-sized, but is nonetheless an interesting finding which helps improveour understanding of the perception of virtual characters. We be-lieve that implicit testing could prove very useful and practical toinvestigate the much discussed issue of the “uncanny valley”.

Based on the results of our experiments, we can reassure develop-ers that selecting realistic virtual characters is not as risky as of-ten discussed (provided that the motion does not contain artifacts).Negative reactions occurred mainly for characters that used humantexture maps, but that were not rendered with realistic eye and skinshaders. Cartoon characters were considered highly appealing, andwere rated as more pleasant than characters with human appear-ance, when large motion artifacts were present. They were rated asmore friendly than realistic styles and therefore might be more ap-propriate for certain virtual interactions (e.g., in rehabilitation simu-lations). However, we cannot say that all abstract cartoon charactersare considered appealing. One of our render styles (ToonBare) wasconsidered quite unappealing and evoked negative reactions fromparticipants across most of the scales tested. We believe that this isrelated to the lack of familiarity of this style, as participants gave ita low rating on the familiarity scale.

8 Limitations and Future Work

In this paper, our aim was to investigate the effect of the typicalrender styles used in CG productions on the perception of avatars.One limitation is that we did not fully control for the effect of light-ing and allowed the artist to have creative freedom. Future experi-ments using controlled lighting would be interesting in order to in-vestigate the specific effects of the rendering parameters. Anotherlimitation was that our animation clips did not contain emotionalcontent. Testing the effect of emotion could be very interesting, todetermine if performances with higher emotions elicit different re-sponses. Furthermore, the actors’ answers to the truth and lie ques-tions were very short and to the point. Perhaps with longer exposuretimes per sequence, this could sway the participants’ answers in adifferent direction. Future studies will investigate the implicit ef-fect of render style on longer sequences or vignettes, such as thoseused in Hodgins et al. [2010]. One implicit effect that we did findwas that participants were worse at the task of lie detection whenviewing appealing virtual characters than when they were presentedwith audio alone. This could be due to the fact that they used morevisual than auditory cues in making their decisions in these cases.Future experiments will probe further into the effects of auditoryand visual cues using different render styles, and attempt to qualifythe importance of each of the cues.

The video stimuli in our experiments showed actors with a rangeof motion capture markers on their faces, along with an eye track-ing device on their head. We cannot be sure if ratings would havediffered if the actors were shown without these. Using marker-lessface and eye tracking could prove useful for future studies, to avoidthis issue.

Eye-tracking to determine which parts of the faces were being at-tended to while performing the tasks might help us to further under-stand the difference in perception between different render styles. Abone-based deformation system was used to drive the faces of ourcharacters. This computationally efficient method (which is stan-dard practice in most video games) produced animation that wasrated in the same way as real video, for lie detection. However, infuture work, we would like to investigate the effect of higher qual-ity deformation (e.g., including physically accurate wrinkles andmuscles) on the perception of render style.

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The authors would like to thank Cristobal Curio for valuable dis-cussions, artists Peter Lozsek and Pete McNally, and actor SimonDobbyn. This work was sponsored by Science Foundation Irelandas part of the Captavatar and Natural Movers projects. This re-search was also supported by DFG grant Perceptual Graphics PAK38 CU 149/1-2, EU Project “Tango” (ICT-2009-C 249858), andWCU (World Class University) program funded by the Ministry ofEducation, Science and Technology through the National ResearchFoundation of Korea (R31-10008).


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ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 31, No. 4, Article 91, Publication Date: July 2012