renaissance - a level course prospectus

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  • 7/27/2019 Renaissance - A Level course prospectus







  • 7/27/2019 Renaissance - A Level course prospectus



    The Renaissance group is acollaboration between NorthHertfordshire College, The ThomasAlleyne Academy, The Da VinciStudio School of Science andEngineering, and The Da Vinci StudioSchool of Creative Enterprise.

    By combining the expertise ofthese four institutions, we are ableto provide an opportunity foryoung people to develop theskills, attributes and experiencenecessary for success in theirfuture careers.

    Uniting our resources means thatwe will offer a more varied

    curriculum which gives ourstudents access to a widerange of specialist facilities andlearning environments.

    We want to encourageour students to set goals,challenge views, debateand innovate.

    We will make sure that ourstudents are as preparedas possible for the future,whether it be to attenduniversity, secure anapprenticeship position, orstart their own business.


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    04 05

    The institutionsand leadership

    North Hertfordshire College01462 424242

    At North Hertfordshire College, we are changing the way that students are

    taught and education is delivered in order to prepare young people fully fortodays employment market.

    As a founding member of the Gazelle Colleges Group, our students learn

    by doing and gain not only technical and industry specic skills, but general

    business and enterprise knowledge as well.

    We believe that this extensive set of skills and experience will make our

    students sought after by potential employers and also prepare them to

    create their own employment. This year we have built on our existing

    commercial services and launched a number of learning companies where

    students will work on live projects and gain industry experience relevant to

    their course of study.

    The college annually celebrates exceptionally high A Level results; having

    achieved an overall pass rate of 99% in 2012.

    Signe SutherlandPrincipal

    Signe Sutherland has worked in both the private

    and public sector, starting her rst retail business

    in Spain at the age of 20.

    Signe was promoted to the position of Principal in

    September 2012 following her highly successful

    period as Deputy Principal. In this role, Signe

    began to develop a new curriculum paradigm with

    entrepreneurship at its strategic core and under

    her leadership the college has achieved national

    recognition for technology and innovation.

    North Hertfordshire College oers a wide range of courses from Entry toLevel, outside of the Renaissance group oer.

    Subjects include: Animal Care Art and Design Beauty and Holistic

    Therapy Business and Enterprise Catering and Hospitality Childhood

    Studies Computing and IT Construction Criminology Dance

    Engineering Fashion and Merchandising Hairdressing Health and

    Social Care Media Motor Vehicle Music Performing Arts Production

    Arts Public Services Sport Travel and Tourisim

    For more information about these course options, please visit

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    Julie LewisHead of Sixth Form Consortium for


    Julie took up her role as head

    of Sixth Form Consortium for

    Renassiance in August 2013

    following many happy years working

    for North Hertfordshire College

    within the A Level school. Although

    Julie has been a history teacherfor many years, she has been both

    the Advanced learning practioner

    and A Level coordinator in recent

    times. Her rst degree was in Early

    Modern History and her subsequent

    MA in War Studies have given her

    ample opportunity to teach a diverse

    historical curriculum.


    The Thomas Alleyne Academy01438 344344

    The Thomas Alleyne Academy is an increasingly popular mixedcomprehensive secondary school which was established in 1558.

    Throughout their proud history, The Thomas Alleyne Academy has been

    committed to achieving excellence in all that the academy does and prides

    itself on knowing students and their families extremely well. The academy

    provides excellent standards of care, guidance and support for all members

    of the community.

    Mark LewisPrincipal

    Mark Lewis has been Principal of The

    Thomas Alleyne Academy since April

    2012. Before his appointment, Mark

    was the Deputy Head Teacher of a

    school in Norfolk and successfullytransformed the leadership of

    teaching and learning across the


    Mark grew up and was educated in

    North Hertfordshire, and is passionately

    committed to the young people in our

    community. Mark achieved an honours

    degree in Modern History at Oxford

    University on his way to becoming

    a teacher. He went on to train as a

    teacher at Cambridge University and

    is now one of the youngest secondary

    school principals in the country.


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    The Da Vinci Studio Schools01462 424242

    Studio Schools allow students to learn through an enquiry-based curriculum

    with a greater emphasis on workplace learning and a cross curricular

    approach to ensure transferability of content and skills. The Da Vinci Studio

    Schools are able to utilise the human and capital resources of some major

    local employers, and students have access to some of the most progressive

    equipment and are able to see rst-hand genuine application of the subjects

    they study within real workplace contexts.

    A key component of the Studio School provision is to allow all students the

    opportunity to undertake genuine work within the specialist sector, which

    in most cases is remunerated. This takes place alongside the academic

    programme. In addition, there is an extensive enrichment provision which

    aords Studio School students a competitive advantage which lasts beyond

    course completion.

    The Da Vinci School of Science and EngineeringThe Da Vinci Studio School of Science and Engineering

    is an exciting oer for students who are passionate about

    ultimately pursuing careers in the science, technology and

    engineering sectors. The provision within the Studio School is

    destination driven, and has been closely developed with the

    needs of employers and Higher Educational institutions.

    The Da Vinci School of Creative EnterpriseThe Da Vinci Studio School of Creative Enterprise opened

    its doors in September 2013 to its rst cohort of students.

    The school provides students with the skills and expertise

    to access a range of pathways linked to the creative and

    production arts industry, and is already forging great

    relationships with employers within the local area.

    Donna LodgePrincipal

    Donna took up her role as Principal of The Da

    Vinci Studio School of Science and Engineering in

    April 2012 and became Executive Principal, with

    additional responsibility for The Da Vinci StudioSchool of Creative Enterprise, in December 2012.

    Donna studied Economics at Warwick University

    and has a Masters in Philosophy from Sheeld

    University. Donna established her own childrens

    nursery and adventure play-centre in Sheeld

    during the 1990s after undertaking accountancy

    training at KPMG. She subsequently joined the

    teaching profession, and with over 20 years of

    experience in a variety of schools and colleges,

    Donna brings a wealth of educational experience, as

    well as entrepreneurial ideas and business acumen

    to the post.

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    The curriculum

    Students will usually choose a combination of up to four A Level subjects or

    one Extended Diploma subject. Students may study a combination of the

    following subjects:


    A Levels Anthropology BiologyBusiness Studies Chemistry Communication and CultureComputer ScienceDrama and Theatre English Language and LiteratureEnglish Literature Film StudiesFrench

    GeographyHistory Law Mathematics and

    Further Mathematics

    Media Studies Physics Product Design Psychology Sociology

    Extended Diplomas Level 3 Art and Design

    (Design Crafts)

    Level 3 Creative Media (PrintBased Media)

    Level 3 Engineering Level 3 Production Arts Level 3 Science Level 3 Music and Music


    Course entryrequirements

    The typical grades required to study A Levels or a Level 3 Extended

    Diploma course are ve GCSEs, grades A* - C, including English and

    Mathematics. Applicants will also be required to attend a guidance meeting

    prior to enrolment.

    Level 2 courses require reduced entry requirements. No matter what

    previous grades you have achieved we will have a course of study at a level

    to suit you.

    Some subjects will require an additional B grade in English at GCSE, and

    some Science and Maths subjects may also require a B grade in Maths or

    Science. Applicants will be invited to discuss this at a guidance meeting

    prior to enrolment.

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    A LevelsAnthropology

    Anthropology is the study of what it is to be human, our evolutionary history,

    how we behave and adapt to dierent environments, and how we socialise

    and communicate with one another.

    You will be introduced to approaches which anthropologists have taken to

    understanding the processes of globalisation and its local impact.

    Students will study and explore:

    The migration patterns of ancestral humans The dissemination of music, food, people and ideas from around

    the world

    The impacts of economic integration

    Biology (Salters)This course studies Biology in context, and allows the use of motivating,

    up-to-date, contemporary topics.

    These include:

    Genes and health - the heart, circulatory system and the importance of

    lifestyle choices to health, carbohydrates and lipids, transport of

    materials, DNA, protein synthesis, enzymes, gene therapy, monohybrid

    inheritance, and social and ethical issues.

    Plants and the environment - structure and ultrastructure, cell division,

    fertilisation, stem cells, gene expression, cell dierentiation and tissueorganisation, biodiversity and the natural resources used by humans,

    adaptation and natural selection, uses of plants, and the role of zoos

    in conservation.

    Business StudiesThis course introduces the challenges and issues of starting a business as

    well as those faced by existing businesses, including:

    Financial planning

    Tactical decisions at a functional level

    External factors aecting business

    Planning and managing change

    Chemistry (Salters)This exciting course includes topics which unfold as a series of chemical

    storylines. We look at how we came to be made up of elements - from the

    start of the universe in the Big Bang, to how chemists use their knowledge

    to develop the chemicals we use and need whilst understanding our

    environment and making the most of our resources.

    The storylines include:

    The elements of life

    Developing fuels

    Elements from the sea

    The atmosphere

    The polymer revolution

    In year two students will study: whats in medicine, the materials

    revolution, the thread of life, the steel story, agriculture and

    industry, colour by design, the oceans, and medicines

    by design.



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    Communication and Culture

    Communication and culture is a subject in which you take your experiences

    and match them to theories. You will work within teams to arrive at

    conclusions that are always informed through theory.

    Students will:

    Explore popular culture versus high culture

    Investigate practices, values and products of your own culture

    Consider factors that inuence identity

    Computer ScienceThe course has an emphasis on computational thinking, involving abstract

    thinking, general problem-solving, algorithmic and mathematical reasoning,and scientic and engineering-based thinking.

    Students will study:

    Programming through a problem-solving scenario

    Hardware and software aspects of computing

    Social and economic consequences

    Communication and networking

    Drama and TheatreThis course involves a mixture of both practical and theoretical work.

    Students are assessed through written coursework, performance work and

    written exam.

    Students will undertake:

    Practical warm up activities

    Acting and rehearsal exercises, and performances Research and note taking

    Discussions and presentations

    Directing and elements of theatre design

    English Language and LiteratureThis course allows students to study language and literature as

    interconnecting subjects in order to deepen your understanding and

    enjoyment of

    these areas.

    Students will:

    Develop as independent, condent and reective readers

    Practise skills in speaking and writing for dierent purposes

    and audiences

    Study a wide range of literary and non-literary texts

    English LiteratureThis course is designed to allow students to think critically and

    independently about a range of iconic texts as well as the opportunity to

    create some original, transformational writing.

    Students will:

    Analyse narrative in prose and poetry

    Explore ideas of genre

    Explore connections across texts

    Read a variety of inuential works of literature

    'The mix of practical and theory workmakes every Drama and Theatre

    lesson different, interesting, and fun.'

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    Film StudiesThis course studies cinema as a medium, an art form, and a social and

    economic institution. Students will engage with a wide variety of lms from

    dierent decades, nationalities and genres including:

    South American realism

    French surrealism

    Hollywood coming of age

    Spanish horror

    British drama

    FrenchThis course enables students to build on their GCSE studies and begin

    widening their language skills.

    Students will study:

    French culture and popular topics

    Language skills and critical thinking

    Topics that feature in national and international debate

    HistoryThis course enables students to learn about the past and discover issues

    and events that have inuenced the society we live in today.

    Students will study:

    Russian history under the last three Tsars (1855 1917)

    Post-war British society (1959 1975)

    The USSR from the Cold War to the fall of Communism (1941 1991) A 4000 word individual investigation project

    GeographyThis course provides students with an understanding of our planet and

    addresses key ideas and debates in our world today. A variety of eld trips

    will also be undertaken.

    Students will study:

    Natural global hazards, climate change and global warming

    Population change and migration issues

    Coastal environments, erosion and management

    Tectonic activity and hazards


    This course enables students to understand the role law plays in society bymaintaining social order and social control.

    Students will study:

    Ground breaking decisions of the Supreme Court

    Injustices of the law in relation to judicial review applications

    Miscarriages of justice cases

    Serial killers and the judicial process leading to their convictions



    'The best part about Geography isthat you're learning about currentevents, and looking at how they canimpact the future of the world we livein.'

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    MathematicsMathematics is the study of patterns abstracted from the world around

    us. It is clearly a very relevant subject with thousands of applications in

    almost all aspects of life. It is an intellectually challenging course where you

    will develop your deductive reasoning and logical problem-solving skills.

    Students must have performed well at GCSE level before studying

    at A Level.

    In year one, topics include:

    Core mathematics including algebra, co-ordinate geometry,

    dierentiation and integration, algebra and functions, sequences and

    series, trigonometry, exponentials, logarithms, further dierentiation and


    Statistics including numerical measures, binomial and normaldistribution, estimation, correlation and regression.

    In year two, further core principles are studied with another applied unit.

    Further MathematicsThis is only available to students with very high ability in mathematics. It

    develops a deeper understanding of mathematical principles.

    It includes:

    Further pure mathematics including roots of polynomials, complex

    numbers, proof by induction, dierential equations, matrix algebra.

    Dierent options in the applied areas, which may include further

    statistics, further mechanics or decision mathematics. Examinations are

    equally weighted.

    Media StudiesThis course will enable students to gain a comprehensive understanding of

    media theory and practice. You will look at how new technologies are being

    used alongside existing ones to entertain, inform and educate the public.

    Students will study:

    How magazines are put together

    How a television programme is made

    How lm companies get audiences to come along to their latest releases

    The creation of your own media text

    The making of a short lm, the front cover of a magazine, a piece of

    photojournalism, a website, or something else of your choice

    PhysicsThe A Level Physics course will develop students understanding of the

    physical concepts which apply to everything from subatomic particles tothe largest galaxies and will demonstrate their relevance in an increasingly

    technological society.

    Experimental and investigative activities are carried out in order to

    develop practical skills. These activities allow the use of knowledge and

    understanding in planning, carrying out, analysing and evaluating.

    'If you can speakFrench as well as

    English you cancommunicate in 78different countries

    around the world!'

    Product DesignProduct Design gives students the opportunity to spend time creating

    interesting and original designs and making prototypes. The subject

    covers the skills needed in the real world of design, supporting the quest

    for innovative products that would be marketable worldwide. The Design

    Centre facilities located at the Stevenage Skills Centre site are fully

    equipped to support a wide range of design activities.

    In year one students will complete:

    An advanced innovative challenge - design and model an innovative

    response to a design situation.

    Product study - a coursework project begins with the analysis of an

    existing product and then developing the design by creating a better


    PsychologyPsychology is the study of knowing what makes us tick. Students will gain

    a valuable insight into what makes us human.

    Students will study:

    Human memory

    Stress, mental illness and social inuence

    Relationships, aggression and eating behaviour

    The psychopathology of schizophrenia

    SociologyThis course involves the study of society, people and their behaviour.

    Students will learn to discuss social issues in a more informed and

    systematic way.

    Topics studied include:


    Marriage and divorce

    Race and ethnicity

    Social inequality

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    ExtendedDiplomasLevel 3 Extended Diploma courses are equivalent to studying three A

    Levels; achieving three distinctions on completion of a Level 3 Extended

    Diploma course is equivalent to achieving three A* grades at A Level.

    All of the below courses are available to study at Level 2 for students who

    do not meet the entry requirements for a Level 3 course.

    Level 3 Art and Design (Design Crafts)This pathway is designed to teach students all about working within the

    backstage art and crafts side of the creative industries. Students will

    develop practical skills such as drawing and painting and will learn how to

    design and make objects. Students will be introduced to the main aspects

    of 2D and 3D art which includes the use of design technology.

    Students will complete ve core units:

    Visual recording

    Materials, techniques and processes

    Ideas and concepts


    Contextual inuence

    Level 3 Creative Media (Print Based Media)This pathway will provide students with the opportunity to gain anunderstanding of employment opportunities, job requirements and working

    practices in the broadcast, digital and print-based creative media sectors.

    The course is practical and project-based, which will enable students to

    develop a broad range of technical skills and knowledge.

    Students will complete eight core units as follows:

    Pre-production techniques

    Communication skills

    Research techniques

    A creative media production management project

    Working to a brief

    Critical approaches to creative media products

    Understanding the creative media sector

    Producing print-based media

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    Level 3 EngineeringEngineers are fascinated by questions of how and why things work in the

    world around them and have a desire to design products and systems, to

    solve problems, and to benet society. This course will prepare you for the

    exciting and diverse world of engineering. You will develop new knowledge

    and skills in areas such as:

    Engineering materials



    Computer Aided Design and drafting

    Design and project management

    Mechanical science

    This course is delivered at the Stevenage Skills Centre where a fullyequipped engineering facility containing a superb engineering workshop is


    Level 3 Production ArtsThis pathway is suitable for students with a keen interest in the backstage

    processes that underpin modern theatre and concert production as well

    as performing arts events and exhibitions. Working with local and national

    employers, you will develop skills in event production, including technical

    and design skills in stage, lighting and sound, as well as organisational and

    practical skills in the production and stage management business.

    Students will complete ve core units which provide a basic introduction to

    design and technical production. These will include:

    Production arts workshop

    Performing arts business The historical context of performance

    Production arts planning

    Production for theatre performance

    Level 3 ScienceThis two year course will give students the knowledge and specic skills

    needed to meet the needs of modern science industries. There is a strong

    emphasis on how similar procedures are carried out in industry, but also on

    how to communicate science to others, both in formal reports and projects,

    and in attractive poster and visual displays.

    The course includes:

    Fundamentals of science, using science in the workplace, scientic

    practical techniques, using mathematical tools in science, physiology,

    biochemistry, microbiology, electrical circuits and their applications, and

    biomedical science.

    Perceptions of science, working in the science industry, genetics and

    genetic engineering, chemical analysis, medical physics techniques,

    chemical laboratory techniques, astronomy, diseases and infections and a

    scientic project.



    Level 3 Music and Music TechnologyThis is a new course, starting in September 2014. The course enables

    student to discover the range of opportunities within the music technology

    industries and to focus their attention on a range of specialist units. As with

    all our courses, students will support the events staged at The Da Vinci

    Hall, through planning and creating music for performances, and linking DJ

    performances and technology to other areas, such as lighting.

    Skills may also be developed in:

    Audio engineering

    Computer music systems

    Operating live sound

    Level 3 Theatrical, Special Effects, Hair andMedia MakeupThis course will provide students with a comprehensive coverage of various

    make-up techniques, airbrushing, special eects, basic prosthetics, hair

    and wigs. Students will have the opportunity to study:

    Fashion photographic make-up

    Media make-up

    Camouage make-up

    Prosthetic pieces and bald caps

    Design and apply face and body art

    Creative hair design

    'Engineering andtechnology has come

    so far from the old stylemelting of steel through to

    high end CAD and CAMmachines, 3D printing

    machinery, laser cutting,and plastic recycling and



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    bjects Level 2 courses

    Level 2 Creative ApprenticeshipsAs an apprentice, students will be employed by a business or organisation

    for a minimum of 30 hours per week. They will earn a wage and will work

    alongside experienced sta to gain job-specic skills. O the job, usually on

    a day-release basis, apprentices receive training to work towards nationally

    recognised qualications which, in this instance, will be delivered by The Da

    Vinci Studio School.

    Apprentices will need to complete a framework of qualications which

    relates to the occupation they have selected. Currently, there areapprenticeship frameworks relating to the creative and cultural industries in:

    Community Arts

    Costume and Wardrobe

    Cultural and Heritage Venue Operations


    Live Events and Promotions

    Music Business

    Technical Theatre


    'We went to the National Museumof Science and Industry and sawthe Hubble 3D film at the IMAX, thescreen is as tall as three doubledecker buses.'


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    The Da Vinci Studio School,

    Stevenage Centre, Monkswood

    Way, Stevenage, Hertfordshire,

    SG1 1LA

    The Thomas Alleyne Academy,

    High Street, Stevenage,

    Hertfordshire, SG1 3BE














    The Da Vinci Studio School,

    Broadway, Letchworth

    Garden City, Hertfordshire,

    SG6 3NX

    How to applyStudents currently studying in Year 11 are welcome to apply for courses at

    the Renaissance group as early as possible.

    Please complete a Renaissance group application form, available from

    reception at all of the Renaissance group locations, or you can download


    Please post your completed application form back to:

    Renaissance ApplicationsCentral Enquiries

    North Hertfordshire College

    FREEPOST (SG145)


    SG4 0YJ

    Or hand the completed aplication form into The Thomas Alleyne Academy,

    North Hertfordshire College or The Da Vinci Studio Schools.

    For information on careers advice and guidance or help with applications

    please call 01462 424242 or email [email protected].

    North Hertfordshire College,

    Stevenage Centre, Monkswood Way,

    Stevenage, Hertfordshire, SG1 1LA

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