remove viruses from ur pen drive without using antivirus software

Remove Viruses From Ur Pen drive Protect Ur Pen drive Remove Virus manually 1 | Page

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Post on 27-Apr-2015




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Page 1: Remove Viruses from Ur Pen Drive without using Antivirus Software

Remove Viruses From Ur Pen drive

Protect Ur Pen drive

Remove Virus manually

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Page 2: Remove Viruses from Ur Pen Drive without using Antivirus Software

Remove Viruses From Ur Pen drive

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Page 3: Remove Viruses from Ur Pen Drive without using Antivirus Software

Remove Viruses From Ur Pen drive

Insert Ur Pen Drive in to USB Port.

Step 1: If U hav not disabled autorun, close Autoplay window that appears wen pen drive is detected.

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Page 4: Remove Viruses from Ur Pen Drive without using Antivirus Software

Remove Viruses From Ur Pen drive

Step 2: Open My Computer

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Page 5: Remove Viruses from Ur Pen Drive without using Antivirus Software

Remove Viruses From Ur Pen drive

Step 3: Do not Double Click the Pen Drive to open it.

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Page 6: Remove Viruses from Ur Pen Drive without using Antivirus Software

Remove Viruses From Ur Pen drive

Step 4: Click on the pen drive in Explorer found in left side of the window.

If U r using Windows XP Click on the address bar on the top of the window below menu bar and select ur pen drive.


Press window key + E to get explorer view, and click on the pen drive in Explorer found in left side of the window

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Page 7: Remove Viruses from Ur Pen Drive without using Antivirus Software

Remove Viruses From Ur Pen drive

Step 5: Do not open any files inside the pen drive, if it is found infected.

Right Click ->Group by->Type

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Page 8: Remove Viruses from Ur Pen Drive without using Antivirus Software

Remove Viruses From Ur Pen drive

Step 6: Now files in the pen drive will be grouped by file types.

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Page 9: Remove Viruses from Ur Pen Drive without using Antivirus Software

Remove Viruses From Ur Pen drive

Step 7: Selected Files are created by virus

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Page 10: Remove Viruses from Ur Pen Drive without using Antivirus Software

Remove Viruses From Ur Pen drive

Step 8: Start -> run -> cmd

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Page 11: Remove Viruses from Ur Pen Drive without using Antivirus Software

Remove Viruses From Ur Pen drive

Step 9: Command prompt opens

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Page 12: Remove Viruses from Ur Pen Drive without using Antivirus Software

Remove Viruses From Ur Pen drive

Step 10: Type ur pen drive's drive letter and press Enter (Eg:- I: ).

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Page 13: Remove Viruses from Ur Pen Drive without using Antivirus Software

Remove Viruses From Ur Pen drive

Step 11: Type attrib -a -r -s -h *.*

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Page 14: Remove Viruses from Ur Pen Drive without using Antivirus Software

Remove Viruses From Ur Pen drive

Step 12: Hidden Virus files will be shown in explorer. . .

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Page 15: Remove Viruses from Ur Pen Drive without using Antivirus Software

Remove Viruses From Ur Pen drive

Step 13: If U r not having any other .exe(Application) files -> Go to Command prompt type del *.exe and press Enter

It Will delete the Virus files.


Type del virus_file_name.exe and press Enter (Eg:- sywic.exe, sywicx.exe). Two Virus files will be deleted.

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Page 16: Remove Viruses from Ur Pen Drive without using Antivirus Software

Remove Viruses From Ur Pen drive

Step 14: Now Go To Pen Drive and Select the files that are created by the virus and delete them carefully.

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Page 17: Remove Viruses from Ur Pen Drive without using Antivirus Software

Remove Viruses From Ur Pen drive

Step 15: Now the Pen Drive is Virus Free, But the folders that you have Previously Saved were not shown.

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Page 18: Remove Viruses from Ur Pen Drive without using Antivirus Software

Remove Viruses From Ur Pen drive

Step 16: Goto Command prompt and type dir/ah

It will list the hiden folders.

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Remove Viruses From Ur Pen drive

Step 17: Now Type attrib -a -r -s -h folder_name (Eg. attrib -a -r -s -h HBCD)

It will unhide the hidden folders.

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Remove Viruses From Ur Pen drive

Step 18: Similarly do for Other Folder that were hidden.

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Page 21: Remove Viruses from Ur Pen Drive without using Antivirus Software

Remove Viruses From Ur Pen drive

Step 19: Folder names with space inbetween them will show Parameter format not correct - error.

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Remove Viruses From Ur Pen drive

Step 20: To recover such folders goto pen drive Tools -> Folder Options

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Remove Viruses From Ur Pen drive

Step 21: Folder Options dialog box will appear. In that click on the view tab

Check on Show hidden files, folders, and drives

Unchek Hide Protected operating system files (Recomended)

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Remove Viruses From Ur Pen drive

Step 22: Warning message box will appear. Click Yes and continue.

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Remove Viruses From Ur Pen drive

Step 23: In Folder Options dialog box click Ok.

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Remove Viruses From Ur Pen drive

Step 24: It will show the files hide by the virus. (Video Songs)

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Remove Viruses From Ur Pen drive

Step 25: Right click -> Rename (Note: File name should be a single word without space)

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Remove Viruses From Ur Pen drive

Step 26: (Video Songs renamed to Videos)

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Remove Viruses From Ur Pen drive

Step 27: Now Type attrib -a -r -s -h folder_name (Eg. attrib -a -r -s -h Videos)

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Remove Viruses From Ur Pen drive

Step 28: It will unhide the hidden folders. Check for hidden files and folders using dir/ah.

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Remove Viruses From Ur Pen drive

Step 29: Now Exit Command Prompt.

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Page 32: Remove Viruses from Ur Pen Drive without using Antivirus Software

Remove Viruses From Ur Pen drive

Step 30: Important note: We hav Uncheked Hide Protected operating system files (Recomended) in Folder Options.

It Will Show all the system files in the C: drive and other drives.

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Remove Viruses From Ur Pen drive

To Protect them, Goto Folder Options->View check Hide Protected operating system files (Recomended) and Click Ok.

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Page 34: Remove Viruses from Ur Pen Drive without using Antivirus Software

Remove Viruses From Ur Pen drive

Step 30: Eject ur Pen Drive and Insert Again.

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Remove Viruses From Ur Pen drive

Step 32: Now ur System Files are protected and Ur Pen Drive is Free From Virus.

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Remove Viruses From Ur Pen drive

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Page 37: Remove Viruses from Ur Pen Drive without using Antivirus Software

Remove Viruses From Ur Pen drive

Created By: T. Krishna Kumar, [email protected]

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